Programmable logic controllers chapter 10

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The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) 1010 standard classifies the applications in which test instruments can be used into five overvoltage installation categories (CAT I- CAT V)


A continuity test is used to check input switches to ensure their proper operation before they are connected to the input section or module of a PLC


A good fuse should have continuity, whereas a bad fuse will not.


A malfunction is the failure of a system, equipment, or part to operate properly


The disadvantage of of using solenoid voltage testers is that their high impedance affects electronic equipment and circuit operation


Troubleshooting using ________ is a method of finding malfunctioning equipment using the procedures recommended by company personnel

Manufacturer flowcharts

A(n) ______ is a test instrument that measures the resistance of a device or circuit


Troubleshooting using _______ is a method of finding a malfunction in a machine or process by applying information acquired from past malfunctions

Knowledge and experience

_______ is/ are the work performed to keep machines, assembly lines, production operations, and plant operations running with little or no downtime

Preventative maintenance

A(n) ______ is a sequence of operations that accomplish desired results


PLCs are a logical place to begin troubleshooting an electrical system


When the type of voltage (AC or DC) is unknown, a measurement should be taken with the meter set to measure DC voltage


Voltage measurements provide more information about the condition of a load than current measurements


A(n) _________ is a diagram that shows logical sequence of steps for a given set of conditions


A meter can be set to measure AC voltage and be connected to a DC voltage without damaging the meter, circuit, or circuit components


All PLCs produce heat and all PLCs can be damaged by excessive heat


An infrared temperature meter is a meter that measures heat energy by measuring the infrared energy emitted by a material, and displays the temperature as a numerical value


A(n) ______ is a letter or combination of letters to represent a word


A(n) ______ is a test instrument that measures the amount of current in an electrical circuit

Continuity tester

A(n) _______ is a test instrument that tests for a complete path for current flow

Continuity tester

A(n) ______ is a portable test instrument that uses electrical components to display measured values

Digital multimeter

All electrical measurements should be taken with the power ON.


An ellipse symbol in a flowchart that contains a question, worded so that the answer can be a "yes" or "no"


In general, any voltage 50V or higher and any current 6mA or higher is dangerous


PLC systems very rarely include any DC voltages


A(n) _______ symbol is a symbol in a flow chart that contains a set of instructions


A(n) ______ is a graphic element that represents a quantity, unit, or component


A(n) ______ is a combination of components, units, or modules that are connected to perform work or meet a specific need


A(n) ________ is a test instrument with a bulb that is connected to two test leads to provide a visual indication of when voltage is present

Test light

A(n) _______ is a meter that measures heat energy by measuring the infrared energy emitted by a material and displays the temperature as a color-coded thermal picture

Thermal imaging camera

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