Sociology Exam 3 TEST BANK

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The idea that the choices we make to live in a modern society—one with technological advances and the changes in social relationships that make them possible—create dangers for us is central to

Risk Society by Ulrich Beck

The HIV/AIDS crisis occurred in the U.S. during the tenure of which president?

Ronald Reagan

During their lifetimes, Muslims are supposed, if they are able, to travel to Mecca on a pilgrimage called hajj. Where is Mecca located?

Saudi Arabia

Which nation was NOT an early adopter of democracy?

Saudi Arabia

Which of the following is not considered one of the major world religions?


What is the thesis of Corey Abramson's The End Game: How Inequality Shapes Our Final Years (2017)?

Social factors such as poverty and exposure to stress and violence shorten the lives of poor people.

_________________ is the feeling of social connection and belonging we have, which gives rise to ______________.

Social solidarity, social capital

In what kind of economy are goods produced according to social need and economic production controlled and owned collectively by the workers themselves?


What is the hidden curriculum?

Socialization among students that reinforces privilege and inequality

Which social movement seeks to convince business leaders to adopt sustainable and environmentally responsible practices?

Socially responsible investing

An immigrant is someone who

crosses a national border to seek a new home either temporarily or permanently

When wealthy students are able to signal that they are interested in learning and understand the unspoken rules of school success to their teachers because of their wealth, they are demonstrating

cultural capital

In the U.S., voter rates have been

declining since the late 1800s


defines a variety of mental disorders

Most democratic nations today are

democratic republics without a constitutional monarchy

What kind of power relies on an appeal to a leader's adherence to custom, heritage, or the way things have always been?

Traditional authority

In the Harry Potter series, Charlie Weasley, older brother of Ron, lives in Romania training dragons. The rest of his family remains in England, working and attending school. What term best describes this family type?

Transnational family

According to Ulrich Beck, the increasing number of environmental crises

diminishes trust in government as people see that their political leaders are incapable of or unwilling to address the root problems of environmental degradation

Health demography is the study of the

distribution of disease in a population

Currently, college students enrolled in fully online degree programs

graduate at lower rates than students in traditional programs

Societies today face ______________________ than previous generations.

greater risks of great negative impact

In recent years, globally, anti-immigration backlash has been


Over time, the number of nations that are democracies has


Three important trends in marriage today include: the rise of divorce, the decision by many to delay marriage, and the

growth of transnational families

Because workers in a feudal system did not have the right to leave the land (and, even if they could have, they were surrounded by other feudal lands owned by other feudal lords), they

had little incentive to work hard, innovate, or try to change their circumstances, which meant that society as a whole did not progress much during this time

Most discussions of politics today

happen via mass media or social media

Globally, the term "city"

has no standard definition

People who consistently report high levels of happiness and satisfaction with life tend to

have close relationships with friends, family, and members of the community

Contractual connections between medical organizations create

healthcare systems

A form of power where dominant groups are able to make their worldview seem like "common sense" to the rest of the population is termed


For much of human history, population growth was hindered by

high infant mortality rates

California is the U.S. state with the highest number of immigrants. It also has

high levels of support for humane immigration policies and immigrant rights

Rates of infection of diseases that could be prevented with vaccinations are

higher in counties and school districts with lower vaccination rates.

Demand for organ donation is

higher than the availability of donated organs

In Pedigree: How Elite Students Get Elite Jobs (2015), the sociologist Lauren Rivera argues that

hiring process at these top-tier firms are designed in a way that favors elite students from elite universities

The movement of people from one nation to another is called


Students face an inherent tension around their behavior in school because

impressing their peers often involves behavior that hurts them academically

After the Kyoto Protocol was signed in 1997, global greenhouse gas emissions


Over the last decades, the number of facilities and services caring for the elderly in the U.S. has

increased by one-third

Since the 1970s, homeschooling has

increased in popularity

The importance that children place on being popular

increases throughout elementary school, peaking in early high school.

In the U.S., the average age of people is

increasing as people live longer

Industrialization placed pressure on the extended family in several ways, including

increasing residential mobility in search of jobs

The free-rider problem occurs when

individuals do not act in a way that benefits the group unless it also advances their personal interests

The struggle for ____________ defines modern politics.


"Suburban sprawl" is characterized by

low-density, single-family housing in areas that were formerly rural, leading to traffic congestion on roads not designed for significant population growth

Research shows that it is becoming more common for households in the United States to consist of

one adult

Childhood poverty is strongly associated with families with

one parent

Though it holds elections, China only permits members of its national Communist party to run. For this reason, China is not a democracy but a

one-party state

Among people who hold management positions, white men are

overrepresented at about the same rates as they were in the 1960s

Early anti-littering campaigns were often engineered by

packaging companies because this put responsibility for garbage on individual people rather than on the companies who make trash

In the world of elite jobs, "polish" is vaguely defined but tracks with a job candidate's

parents' socioeconomic status

In the United Kingdom, members of the national body of lawmakers are directly elected by voters, and then these federal legislators choose a leader from the dominant party. This system is an example of

parliamentary democracy

Many scientific articles about climate change have been published in scholarly journals. What percent of these deny that climate change is real or say that it is real but not caused by humans?


Currently, more than two-thirds of people in the United States believe that same-sex couples should have the same legal rights as heterosexual couples. What age group shows the most support for this?

30 years of age and younger

Currently, approximately what percentage of children in the United States live in a single-parent household?


Why, according to research by ethnographer Corey Abramson, do many older people fear and dislike the physical deterioration that often accompanies aging?

A functioning body allows a person to be independent and thus have more opportunities.

Which of the following is NOT a medical institution?

A hair salon

Who is most likely to have a high allostatic load?

A man who enjoys his low-stress job as a dog walker

Long-term data shows what trend in divorce rates in the U.S.?

An increase from 1960 to 1980, gradual decline since 1980, with today's divorce rate still higher than in 1960

Who developed the theory of the multiverse?

Andrei Linde in the 1980s

Which of the following answers includes all (and only) the religions that teach reincarnation as a tenet of the faith?

Buddhism and Hinduism

When politicians do not hold businesses accountable for their pollution, which of the following does NOT happen?

Businesses generate regulations within their own industries in order to make themselves accountable.

Students may take specific classes focused on history and laws, but they also learn about the rules of society, national history, and the major institutions of society as part of their

Citizenship education

Pit latrines (also called pit toilets) are a common kind of toilet in poorer nations. They collect human waste in a hole about 10 feet deep and 3 feet wide. While pit latrines can contribute to pollution of groundwater, they are much safer than open defecation. You are a sanitation engineer from a non-profit agency from a wealthy nation trying to convince people in a small town in a poor nation to replace open defecation with pit toilets. What strategy would work best?

Convincing local community leaders to install pit toilets around their own homes and businesses so that other members of the community can see these high-prestige people using them

Who, according to Allan Schnaiberg, bears most responsibility for the mass consumption that occurs in wealthy nations?

Corporations, which seek profit regardless of environmental damage

Which of the following does NOT, by definition, characterize the modern state?

Respect for the socially vulnerable

Which politician is known for bringing the "push poll" into public use?

Richard Nixon

What is the central argument of Abigail C. Saguy's 2013 book What's Wrong with Fat?

Fat in the U.S. is framed in a way that pathologizes fat bodies—which is to say, people who weigh more than is deemed appropriate by the medical industry.

Which field of study studies the aging process and the social implications of it?


Climate change is a huge threat to human existence, and yet most people cannot see that because they are busy living their lives. This is termed

Gidden's Paradox

Which of the following statements about the distribution of environmental risk is accurate?

Globally, people in rich and poor nations face the same environmental risk.

Which of the following is an example of a medical risk?

Having a parent who died of breast cancer

Which factor has been associated with a reduced likelihood of cohabitation?

Having extreme religious beliefs

What was the source of Galileo's conflict with the Catholic Church?

His teachings about the relationship between the sun and Earth

What is one reason why religious believers may be less lightly than people who are not religious to be concerned about climate change?

Historic attacks on religion from science have soured relationships between religion and science for some religious believers.

The most racially and ethnically diverse major city in the United States is


Efforts to keep the entire population healthy are termed

public health

Efforts to prevent disease, promote healthy behaviors, and pre-empt unhealthy ones through teaching are called

public health education

While visiting your favorite restaurant, you notice a sign in the restroom that says, "Handwashing prevents the spread of disease." It then illustrates the steps of careful handwashing, including using soap and hot water, washing between fingers and under rings, and rinsing thoroughly and drying hands on a disposable paper towel. This sign is an example of

public health education

PISA measures

reading, math, and science knowledge from students in more than 70 countries for comparison

Energy production from ______ is now the fastest-growing form of energy globally.


Because newspapers can charge more for ads that target wealthy consumers, they

start to write stories that interest wealthy readers

The replacement rate is

the number of children that need to be born to each woman in order to sustain current population levels

Popular sovereignty is the idea that

the people should rule themselves through their government

According to sociologist Charles Tilly, social movements make standing claims when they state publicly that

the people the social group represents deserve to be included in society

A Day Without Immigrants actions seek to draw attention to

the positive social and economic impact of immigrants to the U.S.

In capitalism,

the production of goods and services are controlled by private companies and individuals, who use them to maximize profit

According to sociologist Charles Tilly, social movements make program claims when they state publicly that

the public should support or oppose specific policy changes that align with the social movement's goals

The infant mortality rate is a measure of

the rate of death of children under age 1 who die in a year

Epidemiology studies

the social dimensions of disease patterns to discover how diseases spread

According to sociologist Charles Tilly, social movements make identity claims when they state publicly that

the social movement and the people it represents are a unified force

In most political conflicts, ______________ the most power.

the state has

Demography is

the study of human populations

Corporations produce more than people need, and people consume more than they need, which leads to more production of things they don't need. This is Allan Schnaiberg's concept of

the treadmill of production

For most Americans who retire to a foreign country,

their privilege increases.

Recent research on birth order effects shows that

there is a modest relationship between birth order and social outcomes, such as educational attainment


there is more immigration than ever before.

Research consistently suggests that anti-immigrant movements are motivated by all of the following EXCEPT

worry about competition for highly skilled jobs requiring significant education

In the U.S., as compared to the non-voters, voters are more likely to be each of the following EXCEPT


Urban planning includes

zoning laws to control growth

In his 1912 book Elementary Forms of Religious Life, which sociologist defined religion as a unified system of beliefs and practices related to sacred things, which unite adherents into a moral community?

Émile Durkheim

Married couples in the United States are afforded several key rights that are not available to other couples, including all of the following EXCEPT

paying only federal, not state or local, taxes as a married couple

In defining power, Max Weber argued that

people who have power should be prepared to defend it from those who want it if they want to keep it

Most power is exercised through


In the medical model, a disability is

physical or mental defects located in the individual

According to the theory of ______________, the political opportunities available for successful social movement action occurs when there are changes in political alliances, political conflicts among elites, or when there are clear alliances that can be made with specific political groups.

political opportunity structure

Ancient Greeks worshipped a variety of gods, each associated with one or more domains of life, such as childbearing, agriculture, and warfare. This religion was


To overcome the demographic divide, immigrants may move from

poor countries to rich countries

Research clearly shows that parental conflict is associated with

poorer academic achievement and increased likelihood of substance abuse for children

Even in cases where marriage does not end in divorce, there is clear evidence that parental conflict is associated with

poorer academic achievement and increased likelihood of substance abuse for the children

A senator up for re-election talks about bringing down the cost of gasoline so that American drivers are not paying as much at the pump and so that shipping companies can save money—savings, he says, that will be passed on to the consumer. By focusing his concern on the financial cost of gas rather that the high environmental costs of gasoline use, the senator is

prioritizing short-term gains over long-term dangers

The first schools were

private, charging tuition from parents

In sociological terms, the opposite of something sacred is something


Today, more than 80% of Americans are employed in

professional, technical, and service occupations

Organized, professional police departments arose to address crime in the


Which amendment to the U.S. Constitution recognized women's right to vote?


Today, approximately what percentage of married couples get divorced each year in the United States?


On average, about what percentage of a working mother's income is spent on childcare if she has children who are too young for public school?


Previously in U.S. history, in order to vote, you had to pay a tax at the poll. Such poll taxes prevented poor people from voting. They were eliminated with what amendment to the U.S. Constitution?


In the United States today, approximately what percentage of all the children under the age of 18 live in immigrant families?


Today, approximately what percentage of young adults in their 20s and 30s live with their parents?


What type of custody involves the parents moving in and out of the house during their time of visitation, instead of the children moving?

"Bird's nest" custody

What question might a doctor ask an elderly patient during a medical exam that would help them understand how social factors might impact that person's health?

"Do you feel safe going outside for a walk in your neighborhood?"

Which 2006 documentary featuring Al Gore won an Academy Award for its argument that people must act to prevent climate disaster?

An Inconvenient Truth

________________ is ____________ spread over a large geographic area.

An epidemic, a pandemic

Which amendment to the U.S. Constitution prohibits bans on voting due to race?


About one out of ____ students in U.S. schools reports daily instances of bullying.


Approximately what percentage of all children born in the United States today have parents who come from different racial groups?


Today, approximately what percentage of the adult population is currently divorced at any given time?


In the United States, approximately what percentage of adults live alone?


Today, about _______ of people live in cities worldwide.


Of the approximately 9 million people killed in the Holocaust, how many were Jewish?

6 million

In Israel, Jewish people make up ____ of the population.


About what percentage of America's schoolchildren today attend a public school?


Which of these factors did NOT contribute to economic acceleration during the Industrial Revolution?

A better educated workforce that was able to do the highly technical jobs required of industrialization

Which of the following is not an example of complementary and alternative medicine?

A bypass surgery to allow blood to flow to the heart

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, which of the following is considered a non-family household?

A cohabitating opposite-sex couple

What is one example of the power of physicians in the social sphere?

A doctor's note can excuse an ill child from school.

Whether measuring climate change in crop yields, loss of land due to rising sea levels, economic damage from floods and hurricanes, or changes in healthcare expenditures, the worst impacts will be felt in

Africa, Latin America, and South Asia

Which group is most likely to develop cancer?

African American men

What does ADA stand for?

Americans with Disabilities Act

How does credentialism reproduce inequality?

As less wealthy people finally achieve a college education, those who are more wealthy are earning graduate degrees, which are now required by jobs that previously required lower levels of education.

The world's first cities of more than 200,000 people included

Babylon in present-day Iran, Patna in present-day India, and Rome in present-day Italy

The 1970s television shows The Brady Bunch was one of the first to show this type of family, where Mike Brady marries Carol Martin. Mike's children, Greg, Peter, and Bobby become stepbrothers to Carol's children, Marcia, Jan, and Cindy. What term best describes this family type?

Blended family

In Hinduism, the Supreme Being, which is beyond human comprehension in its original essence, is


What kind of power relies on the personal qualities of a leader in order to convince others to act in a particular way?

Charismatic authority

Despite its long history of religious persecution, this nation is home to almost half of the world's Buddhists.


Which nation currently produces more greenhouse gasses than any other?


Which nation is now the global leader in renewable energy production and manufacturing?


Which kind of power uses rewards and punishments to motivate desired behavior?

Coercive power

In Christianity, which ritual re-enacts, commemorates, honors, or symbolizes the last meal that Jesus ate before his execution?


Most of the decline in the divorce rate since 1980 has occurred within which group?

Couples with more education

______________ focuses on ending a disease in a person's life and supporting their recovery to their pre-disease state, while ________________ seeks to stop a disease from occurring in the first place and _______ provides pain relief and psychological and social support for a person suffering from a disease.

Curative medical care, preventative medical care, palliative medical care

The policy that permitted people brought to the U.S. without documentation by their parents to remain in the U.S. rather than to be deported to a nation where they may have had few or no connections and did not understand the language or culture was called


In sociological terms, what is the difference between disease and the illness experience?

Disease happens within the physical body, but the illness experience is the way that physical reality is understood and managed by the people experiencing it.

What was the decision of the U.S. Supreme Court in Brown v. the Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas?

Dividing students by race in public schools inherently treated them as if they were not equal.

What holiday was first organized in 1970 as an environmental teach-in?

Earth Day (April 22)

By the end of the 16th century, there were three major branches of Christianity. They were:

Eastern Orthodoxy, Roman Catholicism, and Protestantism

What explains the higher rate of HIV infection among educated women in Kenya as compared to uneducated women, according to Sanyu Mojola's book Love, Money, and HIV (2014)?

Educated women have few well-paying job prospects and so turn to sex work to support their consumer habits.

Which of the following is an example of a push factor in immigration?

Ethnic cleansing of people of your ethnic group in the nation you are leaving

In the Harry Potter series, Harry goes to live with his maternal aunt, Petunia, her husband, and their child (Harry's cousin). What term best describes this family type?

Extended family

This field of study's main goal is to document how family members are related to each other.


Which 2017 hurricane destroyed more than 100,000 homes in Houston, Texas?

Hurricane Harvey

Which perspective on health, illness, and medicine focuses on the need for policy and medical interventions that address the interlocking systems of power at the structural and cultural level as well as at the level of individual patients?

Intersectional approach

You are a member of your city's disaster preparedness team preparing for a hurricane to make landfall. While you will be thinking about each of the questions below, which one reflects risk management thinking?

Is it safer to release low-level offenders from prison so that they can evacuate themselves or to keep them in the city jail with few guards, increasing the chance of violence within the jail, including against guards?

Which religion's sacred objects include the mosque and the crescent and star?


Which nation was formed as a homeland for Jewish people worldwide?


Worldwide, there are just under 15 million Jews, with the largest population in ___________ and the second largest in ______________.

Israel, the United States

Why was Charles Darwin's On the Origin of Species so controversial when it was published in 1859?

It argued that humans were subject to evolution.

What world event helped Christianity spread rapidly after a few centuries of being a minor and persecuted religion?

Its adoption as the official religion of the Roman Empire

Which of the following groups would meet Talcott Parsons' definition of "family of origin" for Jessica?

Jessica, her mother, her father, and her two older brothers

Some religious texts are shared by

Jews and Christians and Muslims

In 1968, physicist Anthony Hewish won the Nobel Prize, but the work he was credited for was performed by

Jocelyn Bell

The first modern research university in the U.S. was

Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore

How can journalism's effort to report without bias contribute to climate change denialism?

Journalists often try to present "both sides of a story," but claims that climate change is not real or has no human causes is not credible, so including that "side" of this story suggests that there is scientific debate when there is, in reality, strong consensus.

Which of the Abrahamic religions is oldest?


Which religion's sacred objects include the Star of David and the tallit?


Which of the following is not a major branch of Hinduism?


The work of which sociologist inspired movements against capitalism around the world?

Karl Marx

Liberation theology, which has a focus on human rights and criticizes global capitalism, developed within Christianity during the 1950s, especially in what region of the world?

Latin America

What was the name of the suburb built outside of New York City after World War II that is often seen as the model suburb?


Which state consistently performs very well on measures of K-12 student performance?


The only African nation in which the most popular religion is Hinduism is


_______________ occurs when a small number of companies control a disproportionately large share of the media audience.

Media consolidation

How did the rise of an urban business class in the early days of capitalism contribute to violence?

Merchants seeking new markets encouraged their governments to take territories overseas.

Which of the following groups of people would meet Talcott Parson's definition of a "family of procreation"?

Michelle and Barack Obama and their daughters Malia and Sasha

In what part of the world did Judaism originate?

Middle East

Why did capitalism begin to replace feudalism?

More crops were being produced than could be consumed locally, turning farming from a subsistence activity that one did to survive into a for-profit business.

Which statement about school demographics is accurate?

More than 90% of the children of the world now go to school.

The religion of Islam is organized around the teachings of a prophet named


Alice recently passed away and left her estate to her children, Jim and Pam, and asked for it to be split equally among them. This is an example of what type of kindship system?


Which of the following values is NOT one of the four basic values that Robert Merton discovered among scientists?

National interest, which says that scientific discoveries should first benefit the people of the nation the scientist is a member of

Thomas Malthus was the first demographer to argue that

Nations should implement policies to prevent population growth from overwhelming agricultural production.

You live in a nation where the birth rate is above the replacement rate but is slowing. At the same time, people are living longer, but the nation has no public pension plan, so many people who are old are very poor. Many younger workers emigrate, leaving the nation in pursuit of better economic opportunity elsewhere. Where do you live?


Introduced by President George W. Bush in 2001, _____________ is the name of federal legislation that requires yearly standardized testing of public school students in a variety of disciplines. Feedback: No Child Left Behind is the name of the unpopular legislation, which remains in place.

No Child Left Behind

Can you ever escape a risk society?

No, because new risks emerge with new technologies, business practices, and political policies.

In the Harry Potter series, Hermione Granger is an only child, born to a mother and father who are dentists. What term best describes this family type?

Nuclear family

Dominic and Patrick are building a house together. They tell their architect that they want to use clean energy to provide power to their house. Which of the following would the architect NOT suggest?

Oil, which is burned in a furnace to heat the house

All of the following are examples of global cities EXCEPT

Texarkana (which spans the Texas and Arkansas border)

Is it harder to dismiss an executive leader in a presidential or parliamentary system?

Parliamentary, because the legislature can vote for removal.

In December 2014, Prince Albert and Princess Charlene of Monaco had twins, Princess Gabrielle and Prince Jacques. Princess Gabriella was born two minutes before Prince Jacques, but the laws of succession state that Prince Jacques will one day inherit the throne. What term best describes this type of kinship system?


Which of these statements about the distribution of environmental risk is accurate?

People of color in the U.S. face greater environmental risk than do white people.

Who, from the list below, is most likely to get married?

People who are high-status students and attend college

Which of the following statements about the place of physicians in U.S. society is NOT accurate?

Physicians have always been among the most respected professionals in American society.

What is one reason why Lyndon B. Johnson, the incumbent president, did not seek re-election in 1968?

Polls showed that the Vietnam War was very unpopular and, as a consequence, Americans did not support his leadership and would not vote for him again.

According to research on religious violence, fundamentalists from what kind of nation are most likely to engage in violence to dramatize their cause, announce their presence, or strike at the symbols of the societies they are trying to dominate?

Poor nations with few social services

Which of the following statements about the distribution of environmental risk is accurate?

Poor people face greater environmental risk than rich people.

Pope Francis is Argentinian. This makes him the first leader of the Catholic Church who is not European since

Pope Gregory III in 731

Which U.S. island saw nearly one-third of its homes destroyed in 2017's Hurricane Maria?

Puerto Rico

During which month are Muslims to fast—that is, not to eat or drink between sunrise and sunset?


What kind of power relies on an appeal to clearly defined rules?

Rational-legal authority

During the Holocaust, Nazis required Jewish people to identify themselves by wearing a particular religious symbol on their clothing and marking their passports this way. What symbol was it?

Star of David

Which theory of social movement explains events like the 1965 Watts riots in Los Angeles?

Structural strain

_____________ theory connects structural inequalities, grievances, and social movements.

Structural strain

Most of the world's Muslims are


________ is a type of political activity in which the meanings associated with a political action are just as important as the policies or the social changes being proposed.

Symbolic politics

Steve Jobs, the now deceased former leader of Apple, credited what for inspiring some of his design choices in the Mac computer?

Taking a course in calligraphy

What is the most important underlying principle of custody agreements?

That the children are spending enough time with each parent to maintain close bonds with each parent

Which organization monitors the immediate healthy and safety of the U.S. population?


Which of the following is not a Protestant denomination?

The Catholic Church

Which book argues that argues that the continuous quest for economic growth encourages businesses to pursue strategies that cause environmental damage?

The Environment: From Surplus to Scarcity

Which political party's platform focuses on environmental issues?

The Green Party

What major world event accelerated urbanization in the U.S. and Europe during the 1800s?

The Industrial Revolution

Which world event led to the first international trial for crimes against humanity?

The Nazi genocide of Jews and the murders of millions of others in concentration camps during World War II

We struggle to act on climate change because we are preoccupied with the urgent but less important work of everyday life and cannot easily see how the abstract but looming problem of environmental disaster is a major concern, is the argument made in

The Politics of Climate Change by Anthony Giddens

Which of the following is a source of religious authority and teaching for Muslims?

The Quran

In 1968, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled unconstitutional an Arkansas law that prohibited the teaching of evolution, saying in Epperson v. Arkansas that the state could not allow teaching to be "tailored to the principles or prohibitions of any religious sect." This decision invalidated any state law that prohibited the teaching of evolution, such as the law at the center of

The State of Tennessee v. John Thomas Scopes

Which of the following is a source of religious authority and teaching for Buddhists?

The Sutras

Which sacred texts do believers say recorded the words and teachings of Siddhartha Gautama?

The Sutras

Which of the following is a source of religious authority and teaching for Jewish believers?

The Torah

Which nations must address the challenges of a population that includes a high ratio of old to young people?

The U.S., Japan, and Germany

Which nation currently accepts more immigrants than any other in the world?

The United States

Why have environmental movements typically been more successful in Europe, North America, and Asia?

The affluence of nations in those places allows people to engage in a post-material politics.

Which statement about the relationship between birth and date rates globally is accurate?

The death rate has declined faster than the birth rate.

Which of the following is a source of religious authority and teaching for Christians?

The gospels

Which religious text is seen by believers as a record of the life of Jesus?

The gospels

How were the interests of white slave owners protected through the Electoral College?

The law allowed states with slavery to count enslaved people as three-fifths of a person for purposes of the U.S. Census, which determines how many electors a state is awarded, without giving enslaved people the right to vote.

Which statement accurately describes trends in religion in the U.S. today?

The number of people who claim no religious identity, even if they are not hostile to religion, continues to rise.

Why were the physicians who were treating Lia Lee in Anne Fadiman's The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down (1997) frustrated with her parents?

The parents did not view their daughter's condition as something that should be treated with Western medicine.

Which of the following is a pull factor in immigration?

The presence of a family member in the nation you want to move to

What did Émile Durkheim mean by a "moral education"?

The role of the school in encouraging discipline, embedding students in social groups, and reinforcing self-determination and autonomy

Which of the following statements is accurate?

The world's older population is increasing faster than its young one.

Why are African American households more likely than white households to have exposure to lead from their environment

They are often poorer, which means they are less able to move into places where lead exposure is lessened.

Which of the following is NOT a reason why poor nations may resist global policies to address environmental damage?

They have less to fear from climate change and so less motivation to address it.

Which of the following is NOT a common reason why people reject the sick role?

They wish to remain ill or see their condition worsen.

In general, what kind of environmental movement has been most successful?

Those asking ordinary people to make changes to their everyday habits

Why might a physician choose to achieve cultural competence?

To serve patients with respect

AIPAC is a lobby that promotes

US support for Jewish people and Israel

At the start of the Great Recession in 2008, many students in graduate programs who were near the completion of their degree decided to slow their progress to graduation in order to avoid entering a job market that had few jobs available. This trend supports which theory of education?


Which part of the world listed here has seen the largest decline in engagement with Christianity?

Western Europe

Which of the following statements about disease is accurate?

What is considered a disease varies from culture to culture.

At what point in the illness experience do you become a patient?

When you seek healthcare

Which of the following statements about the place of complementary and alternative medicine in the U.S. health system is accurate?

While Americans spend significant amounts of money on complementary and alternative medicine, this is just a small percentage of the total amount of money spent on healthcare each year.

Regarding heterosexual couples who get divorced, which statement is true?

Wives tend to experience significantly larger declines in economic well-being than their husbands.

Who is most likely to be a single parent in the United States today?


WHO is an acronym that stands for

World Health Organization

Which environmental organization's focus is on wildlife protection?

World Wildlife Fund

Who out of the following is most likely to delay marriage?

Yolanda, a single female who is a Harvard professor, has a Ph.D. in chemistry, and makes $180,000 per year.

The HI-B is

a category of temporary visas for immigrant workers to enter the U.S. if they are highly-educated in a specialized occupation

All of the following are rituals EXCEPT

a child rushing home from school to watch his favorite cartoon show every afternoon

The term "demographic divide" describes

a general pattern of global population growth, in which poor countries have higher birth rates and shorter life expectancies, while wealthy countries have lower birth rates and longer life expectancies

In Western approaches to science, there is

a hierarchy of sciences, with physics and other natural sciences at the top and the social sciences at the bottom

Recent research shows that conflicts over parenting styles impacts all members of the family and is associated with

a higher probability of marital dissolution

A citizen is someone who is

a legal member of a nation-state

Between 50% and 75% of sources for news stories are

government sources

According to Paul Starr's analysis in The Transformation of American Medicine ([1987] 2017), the American Medical Association is

a lobbying group that seeks to restrict the practice of medicine to its stakeholders and prevent potential competitors from encroaching on its markets

A cosmology is

a model for understanding how the world is organized and how it works

The neurodiversity movement argues that

a range of neurological conditions are a normal part of human variation

"Bird's nest" custody is best suited for

a short time period

An imaginary, perfect world in which there is no conflict, hunger, or unhappiness—whether achieved through the perfection of science, morality, religion, or some other system—is called

a utopia

The environmental group Greenpeace began with a protest that successful persuaded the U.S. to

abandon nuclear testing in Alaska

In a nation where a monarch has total authority over the government, the monarchy is


Prior to 1983, when no-fault divorce laws became common among most states in the U.S., a person needed to prove that their spouse was at fault in order to divorce. The kinds of behaviors that could result in divorce included

adultery, mental illness, and substance abuse

The birth rate in the United States has increased the fastest among women

aged 35 and older

The stories that the major news organizations emphasize influence the topics that people discuss with each other, in their face-to-face conversations as well as on social media platforms. This is evidence of


"At-will" employment laws

allow employers to fire employees without cause

The Paris Agreement

allows each nation to set its own targets for reducing pollution

In 2011, Japan faced a major environmental crisis when

an earthquake and the tsunami it created overwhelmed a nuclear power plant leading to three nuclear meltdowns and the release of nuclear contaminants

A straw poll is

an informal test of public opinion, not seen as predictive of a final result of an election but serving as a kind of picture of current levels of support for candidates in that moment

Families encourage us to distinguish between our private family life and the public world that exists outside of our home, providing us with a set of rules that help us to think about how we are related to each other and how we should act in a given social situation. In this way, family is an example of

an institution

An organization that brings people together on the basis of a common issue, which attempts to influence political decision-makers on topics that are related to that issue is called

an interest group

In 1989, Alaska faced a major environmental crisis when

an oil tanker rammed a reef, spilling 10.8 million gallons of oil into environmentally important and fragile waterways

Most nations of the world

are majority Christian

The global elite

are more connected to other global cities than to the region where they primarily live

According to research, married women are more likely to keep their last names if they

are single mothers and have an advanced degree.

While the medical model of disability sees certain bodies as defective, a sociological model

argues that social, economic, and environmental factors—like whether a society makes it possible for people who use wheelchairs to be mobile in the public sphere—are part of the creation of a disability

In 1959, C. P. Snow, who was both a novelist and a physicist, delivered a famous speech at Cambridge University. Titled "The Two Cultures," it argued that

artificial divisions between the sciences and humanities was preventing people from solving some of the world's most important problems

Genetic testing is

available through private companies

In 2019, the U.S. Department of Energy, under the presidency of Donald Trump, began to revise rules about dishwasher design. Previously, dishwashers were required to use less water and energy, which required them to use more time in order to clean dishes effectively. The new rule would allow dishwashers to consume more water and energy in order to operate faster. The argument about dishwasher energy use became a symbolic fight for many Trump supporters in the fight against environmental regulation. Their support for a measure that uses water and energy unnecessarily is an example of


For people to act on climate change, they need to

believe that their actions matter

According to sociologist Immanuel Wallerstein, when did the modern economy emerge?

between 1450 and 1640 in Europe

In most public pension systems around the world, people are eligible to begin receiving full benefits

between the ages of 65 and 67

Internships for college students emerged from the

business schools

In a presidential system, unlike a parliamentary system,


Living in a risk society means that people

cannot protect themselves from risk-produced crisis

A nuclear family, defined as a traditional image of a family, pictures a heterosexual couple living together with their


Trends in cohabitation and marriage show that

cohabitation is less likely now, than in the past, to end in marriage

According to Philip Smith and Nicholas Howe, former vice-president Al Gore has been a successful spokesperson for addressing climate change because he

compellingly communicates his own story of developing an environmental consciousness

One advantage that a parliamentary democracy has over a presidential one is that

compromise is typically easier to reach

The National Institute of Health

conducts biomedical research

When urban and suburban areas grow together to create a single, geographically large metropolitan area, this is called


The goal of persuasive power is to

convince others that a request for a particular action is legitimate

Max Weber noted in his research that college degrees had become a requirement for employment as a manager in a bureaucracy—even to the exclusion of people without a college degree being excluded from these jobs, even if they could perform the duties well. Weber was observing

credential inflation

When Donna started her work as a telephone operator in 1960, she did not have a high school diploma. Now, her granddaughter hopes to apply for the same job, but the ad for the job says that a "four-year college degree" is a preferred job qualification. Though the work of the job is slightly different than it was in 1960, what a student studies in college is fairly irrelevant to what the job duties actually are. This is an example of

credential inflation

When your favorite soft drink includes a statement on its plastic bottle saying that it is made of 100% recycled materials, the soft drink company is

encouraging brand loyalty through the advertising of its environmental friendliness

The study of how genes interact with wider natural and social environments is called


If you are trying to gain insight into why you believe what you believe, you are studying your own


Ecological modernization theory says that people will develop sustainable practices to lower environmental risk as

expert knowledge becomes more available and people's consciousness is raised

A group of people related by biological, legal, or emotional ties is called a


Industrialization changed how people work by demanding

fewer skills of them

The difference between migration flow and migration stock, in terms of measuring and observing immigration as a social phenomenon, is

flow describes the number of people coming and leaving another country given period of time, while stock describes the total number of immigrants in a nation in a particular moment

In most schools, the prestige hierarchy among students

follows the patterns of prestige in the broader society

Which of the following people has not been an outspoken critic of religion?

former Apple executive Steve Jobs

The election of Pope Francis in 2013 marked the first time that a pope was

from North or South America

Compared to the average America, members of Congress are more likely to be all of the following EXCEPT

from a low-status occupation

Young children learn about ___________ by watching the different clothes their parents wear, who does the cooking, who does the cleaning, and the different expectations for sons and daughters in the family.Young children learn about ___________ by watching the different clothes their parents wear, who does the cooking, who does the cleaning, and the different expectations for sons and daughters in the family.


In the largest and fastest-growing scientific fields,

gender-based job disparity is even worse than it is in other scientific fields

The study of how genes function in the biological system is called


A poor neighborhood in an urban area includes several buildings that are in disrepair. Though many people living there are older adults who have owned their homes for decades, rising costs of living make it difficult for them to feel financially secure. Even though the neighborhood lacks resources like sidewalks, the cost of real estate is high enough to make buying a house affordable for young adults, and so many people who grew up there have moved out of the area. Real estate investors have begun to purchase decrepit buildings and tear them down, then replace them with commercial buildings that they think will appeal to wealthier people, including people willing to commute to a tech company in a different part of the city. This, in turn, causes property values—and, subsequently, taxes—to rise in the neighborhood. More people are considering selling their houses in order to take advantage of the higher property values, but they would be unable to purchase a new home in the area if they do so. The neighborhood is undergoing


From the 12th century onward, Jews in Europe and Russia were often forced to live in segregated sections of cities in poor, crowded neighborhoods called


A doctor who adopts an intersectional health perspective will

give attention to the concrete, historical contexts and actual lived experiences of the kinds of people they serve

All of the following are examples of the "experience economy" EXCEPT

going to Disney World as an adult because you feel slighted that you were never taken there as a child

On almost every continent, population growth

is below replacement rate

A green roof like those mandated by law on new buildings with slopes of less than 30 degrees in Copenhagen, Denmark

is covered in plants to absorb rainwater and reduce stormwater runoff and help lower the temperature of a city

People are most likely to follow the medical advice given in a pamphlet if

it focuses on one specific, one-time thing they can do, like get a mammogram or a flu shot d. it introduces them to a new procedure or behavioral change that they had never heard about before

While there is no question that genetic inheritance shapes the demography of health,

it is also true that social context always matters

Internal migration is different from immigration in that

it is within a nation

In the U.S., some states now require public school districts to monitor and report on the success of their high school graduates in the job market for years after graduation. The hope is that this will pressure high schools to give more attention to

job training

A form of a transnational family in Korea, where the mother lives with the children in a foreign country while the father stays behind to work, is called

kirogi, or "wild geese" families

According to research on why people resist acting to protect the environment, people are more likely to change their habits if they

learn about the environment in ways that are connected to their other socialization and cultural experiences

Research shows that women who marry ________ are more likely to be criticized and punished for their desire to keep their unmarried name.

less educated and less wealthy men

Fictional media families, when compared to families in the real world, tend to be

less likely to be chronically ill

In wealthier nations, people over the age of 65 are

less likely to be working than are elderly people in poorer nations

When compared to families in the real world, fictional media families are

less likely to have single parents

Children of divorced parents tend to have higher

likelihood of their own marriages ending in divorce

The ability to read, write, and communicate is called


Worldwide, since the implementation of mandatory schooling in more nations,

literacy has rapidly increased

The "Keep America Beautiful Campaign" is aimed at stopping


People hired to meet with lawmakers to convince them to vote for legislation that supports the goal of the interest group that hired them are, by profession,


Precarious employment is characterized by

low wages, the elimination of benefits such as health insurance or retirement funds, and virtually no long-term security

People often move from cities to suburban areas to live in a place with

lower population density

The overall trend in global demographics is

lowered birth rates and lowered death rates

Mass production

lowered wages for workers but increased wealth for those who owned factories

The goal of patients with chronic disease is typically

management, not cure

Most work during the Industrial Revolution required

manual strength and tolerance for boredom

Actors Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt have several children together: Maddox (who was adopted by Jolie in Cambodia), Zahara (who was adopted by Jolie in Ethiopia), Shiloh (their first child together), Pax (who Jolie adopted from Vietnam), and their biological twins Knox and Vivienne, who were born in France. Pitt legally adopted Maddox and Zahara after being with Jolie for a year. However, when Pitt wanted to co-adopt Pax with Jolie after being together for almost three years, he was denied as Vietnam adoption law does not allow for unmarried couples to co-adopt. This is an example of bias in favor of


Kinship systems include the words to describe relatives, the attitudes about different kinds of relatives, and the rules about


Sharon and Tabitha are cohabitating partners who have been together for nine years. Sharon has a spinal cord disability due to a car accident 12 years ago. They have decided to continue cohabitating, instead of getting married, because Sharon receives Social Security Disability benefits and would see a decrease or loss of benefits once she and Tabitha marry. This is an example of bias in favor of


From the perspectives of poor nations, environmental regulation at the global level

may be seen as a way for wealthy nations to force poor ones to import expensive green technologies and thus increase dependency on wealthy nations

When what was previously considered an inconvenience, a normal variation of human biology, an individual quirk, or a social problem is redefined as a medical problem, it has undergone the process of


The social response to illness that attempts to identify, prevent, and cure disease is termed


A lobbyist for the coal industry might

meet with politicians to convince them of the safety of the coal industry

Death by suicide is four times more likely among _________ than among _________.

men, women

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is a collection of kingdoms, each ruled by a single ruler, a sheikh, with the position of rule being handed down through family lines. Each of the seven kingdoms has autonomy, but they also work together, with their seven leaders forming the Federal Supreme Council. In this way, the UAE is a federation of


Compared to a sect, a denomination is typically

more established

Recent research shows that highly educated, professionally successful, and high-earning people are __________ than ever to marry one another.

more likely

Over time, globally,

more of the cost of schooling children has fallen to the government

Historically, there have been

more stable and successful parliamentary systems of government than presidential ones.

Most of the work of homeschooling falls to


All of the following are ways that employers increase profits EXCEPT

moving factories to areas of the world with strong traditions of laborers' rights

In a parliamentary system, extended gridlock (failure of the federal legislature to act on issues of public concern) often leads to

new elections

The modern environmental movement was first inspired by concerns about

nuclear power and nuclear weapons

Recent research shows that women living in poor communities often want to get married, but feel they should wait to do so until they have financial stability. However, they are often stuck in low-paying jobs with little room for advancement that leads to this financial stability. In addition, they tend to view being a mother as the most meaningful thing they can do and the most important source of identity in their lives. Thus, according to research, women living in poor communities tend to

realize they have a low likelihood of financial stability and finding a suitable partner to marry, thus having children without a suitable partner to marry.

Credentialism enables employers to hire people more efficiently because it

reduces the number of job applications they have to seriously consider

To be secular means to be

relatively uninfluenced by religion

The use of student evaluations of courses in college is flawed in each of the following ways EXCEPT that they

reliably measure whether a student was engaged in the course

In a post-secular society,

religious ideas and scientific ideas learn from each other

If you wanted to follow Philip Smith and Nicholas Howe's advice for convincing people to act on climate change, you could

remind people of the times the world has defeated other evils, like Nazis

Katerina and Josef immigrated to the United States from Poland, settling in western Pennsylvania. Katerina opened a bakery out of their home and Josef worked in the coal mines. Every few months, Katerina would send money to her younger brother, Ernst, who still lived in Poland. As Katerina and Josef's children were born and became old enough to work, they entered the coal mines and worked in the local grocery store, continuing to send money back to Uncle Ernst until he had saved enough to immigrate to the United States, as well. The money that Katerina, Josef, and their children sent to Ernst is termed


Because it pushes most students into tracks that led to either a vocation or higher education starting at age 10, the German educational system has been criticized for

reproducing inequality by pushing students into tracks before their talents and abilities are clear

The theory of __________ links social movement success to theory resources of money, legitimacy, facilities and labor.

resource mobilization

People in ___________ nations live, on average, more than 30 years longer than people in ___________ nations.

rich, poor

The gender revolution in the 1970s in the United States

saw an awareness raised around women's traditional roles as caregivers and contemporary roles as workers

One perhaps unintentional consequence of the linking funding for schools to the performance of students on standardized tests is that

school subjects that are not subject to standardized testing receive less attention from teachers

The higher levels of consumption in wealthy societies is associated with

significantly higher levels of per-capita waste

When ordinary people collaborate to create social change using channels outside of traditional politics, such as voting, they are part of a

social movement

Sociology provides a good background for people wanting to become marriage and family therapists because of the emphasis on

social relationships and social institutions

Members of a family can share the daily tasks that are necessary for survival, including cooking, cleaning, and caring for infants. These are a few examples of how a family can provide

social support

A mammogram (a scan of the breasts) recently revealed that Lorraine has a small breast lump. She will have to return for further testing to determine if it is benign (harmless) or malignant (cancerous and dangerous). When she calls to tell her elderly mother the news, her mother responds by saying, "I told you that you eat too much sugar and refined carbohydrates!" In attempting to blame Lorraine's diet for her possible disease, Lorraine's mother is trying to

stigmatize her daughter

Each of the following is a demographic challenge for wealthy nations EXCEPT

stress on the agricultural system's ability to feed the national population

Paradise Valley, Arizona is about 25 minutes away from Phoenix by car, so many people choose to live in this town of just under 13,000 people and commute to Phoenix, which has 1.6 million residents, for work. Paradise Valley is more than 95% white. Most residents are married, with about one-third having children in the home. The average household income is more than double that of residents of Phoenix. Paradise Valley is a

suburb of Phoenix

Higher levels of cultural capital are associated with

success in school

Hazing in medicine might look like

supervising physicians forcing medical students to stay awake for long hours unnecessarily in order to prove their "toughness"

Many anti-smoking campaigns are funded by

taxes on tobacco products

Today, the majority of the world's Christians live in places

that were colonized by European nations

The use of standardized tests in U.S. public education can be traced to

the 1840s

In 2010, the states of Louisiana, Alabama, Mississippi, and Florida faced a major environmental crisis when

the Deepwater Horizon oil rig exploded, spilling oil into the water for 6 months before being sealed

The Muslim Tawrat is the same as

the Jewish Torah

All of the following are examples of monotheistic religions EXCEPT

the Serer religion of Senegal, Gambia, and Mauritania, which has a supreme deity (Roog) and many minor deities

The first five books of the Hebrew Bible are called

the Torah

Between 1864 and 1924, more than half of immigrants leaving Europe came to

the U.S.

Today, most of the Jewish people in the world live in Israel and

the U.S.

Concentrated disadvantage describes the way that

the already-disadvantaged suffer the most from environmental risk

The public sphere is

the collection of places where private individuals and elected officials gather together to discuss matters of common concern

The Industrial Revolution contributed to all of the following EXCEPT

the development of the farm-to-table movement, which stresses eating local foods

A diaspora is

the dispersion of a people group from an ancestral land

Brexit refers to

the effort of some people in England to dissolve England's relationship with the European Union

In the U.S., full-time work is typically defined as year-round work of 40 hours per week, not including mandatory but unpaid lunch breaks, with two weeks of vacation. However, this is a relatively recent development in American history, going back only to the 1940s with the creation of social welfare programs such as Social Security; for most of world history, people worked far fewer hours than Americans do today, and globally, contemporary Americans work far more hours than their peers in other nations. The fact that most Americans consider non-disabled people 23-65 who do not work these hours to be lazy is a sign of

the hegemonic power of capitalism to convince us that paid employment is normal and should be expected of every adult of a certain age

For people who experience hardship early in life but who overcome it,

the impact of early hardships have a negative impact on health in old age

The Labor Movement's successes include all of the following EXCEPT

the international outlawing of dangerous working conditions

According to many educators, learning a broad range of information and skills is more useful to students because

the jobs of the future do not yet exist, and the skills we are teaching today to children for the jobs that are available today will be useless by the time children enter the workforce

Conservation movements, which led to the development of the U.S.'s National Parks Service, began in

the late 1800s

In a parliamentary system, as compared to a presidential one,

the leader of the nation is a member of the legislature

From the early 20th century until the 1960s, immigration to the U.S. was restricted by a quota based on

the nation of origin of an immigrant

Public health policy consists of

the norms, rules, and laws that shape public health behavior

Presidents, in contrast to leaders in parliamentary systems, may be more likely to be seen as leaders for all the people of their nation, not just some of them, because

they are elected by the people, even if indirectly, not by a political party

One reason why hurricanes have been increasingly dangerous is because more people live in areas where they hit. Another is that

they are more powerful

Americans and Canadians who retire to Central America commonly cite all of the following reasons for going there EXCEPT

they are returning to places where they have ancestral roots

Multinational corporations are able to prevent the implementation of policies to address pollution because

they threaten to shift production to nations with more lax regulations—so the air pollution will occur somewhere regardless of a single nation's laws against it

The Matthew effect says that, in general,

those who have early advantages in their career in science are more likely than those who do not to have further advantages over the course of their career

The increasing rate of boomerang kids can be attributed to many factors, including carrying increased student loan debt, the decision to marry later in life than in previous generations, and being

unemployed or under-employed

When participation in schooling is mandatory for people in a certain age range, we say that it is


Today, most of the world's population increase is in

urban areas in developing nations

The WHO considers the likelihood of future epidemics and pandemics to be

very high

In a constitutional monarchy, the power of the king or queen is

very limited

The majority of potential buyers in London's wealthiest neighborhoods are

very wealthy people from other nations

In general, people in nations marked by ___________ have shorter life expectancies.

violent conflict

Medieval cities remained relatively small because

walls around the city designed to protect them from attack also preventing them from growing

Typically, doctors have more epistemic privilege than patients. This is because they

went to medical school

In a parliamentary system, members of the national legislature vote on a new national leader

whenever they want, with notice

Most Christians, Muslims, and Hindus live in a place

where they are in the majority religion

Research on the "second shift" of housework reveals that, in heterosexual couples,

women take on more of the second shift work

In every society, ____________, on average, live longer than ___________.

women..., men

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