Programming Languages

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languages used today

- FORTRAN - COBOL - BASIC - Pascal - C - C++ -LISP: FOR AI programs

Examples of high level languages


natural languages

- used mainly for artificial intelligence (AI) and neural networks - use regular human languages.

three types of very high level:

1. Report generators (RPGIII) 2. Query language (SQL) 3. Application generators (NOMAD, FOCUS) are used to create parts for other programs.

5 generations of programming languages

1. machine language 2. assembly language 3. high-level language 4. very-high-level language 5. natural languages.

which of these is NOT a fourth- general (very high level) programming language?


Types of markup languages


high-level languages are converted into machine language and executed immediately using**


markup languages

Is a kind of coding ("tags" inserted into text that embeds details about the instructure and appearance of the text.

object-oriented (oop) languages

data and processing instructions are combined into a self-succicient object that can be reused.

Very-high level

easier to program in the third-generation language

Visual programming

is a method of creating programs in which the programmer makes connections by clicking on objects, diagrams, and icons and by interacting with flowcharts

Assembly language

low-level mnemonic version of machine language; uses abbreviations and simple words. --> also machine dependent


not the same language as java

Java is a _____?

object-oriented program language.

high-level languages

resemble human language (like english) and are portable (not machine depended). - the program writes the source code, then uses a translator program to interpret or compile the code into machine language.


short lis of self- executing commands embedded in a web page that perform a specified function or routine

Machine language

the basic language of the computer, just 0s and 1s --> machine language is machine dependent --> not easy for us to use


translates and executes immediately


translates and saves the code as an entire unit to be executed later


•Browser add-on that uses Adobe Flash to support animation, streaming audio and video, and games on the Internet


•Designed to be a language to teach programming •Structured, compiled language •Not used in business or commercial companies


•Designed to be an easy language to use and learn programming with •Usually run from an interpreter, but can be compiled •Procedural language •Supplanted by Microsoft's Visual Basic for commercial/business use


•Enhanced object-oriented version of C; used for Microsoft system software and many web applications


•General-purpose machine-independent compiled language developed for mid-range computers •Used for portability, operating systems, and scientific use •Used to write the Unix operating system •Widely used for writing common software applications and is necessary for programmers to know

HTML: for internet use

•Has codes for indicating layout and styling (such as boldface, italics, paragraphs, insertion of graphics, etc.) •Used to create 2-D web pages •Also lets you insert hypertext links in web pages

SGML: improved markup language

•Specifies a syntax for including the markup in documents •Allows users to create and use any markup they wish


•The language of mathematics •The first high-level language written •A machine-independent procedural language


•The most-frequently used language for business legacy applications on large computers •A machine-independent procedural language

LISP: for AI applications

•Third-generation language •Used to write expert systems and natural language programs


•eXtensible Markup Language is a metalanguage written in SGML that allows one to facilitate easy document interchange on the Internet •XML lets you create your own tags ("extensible") •XML statements define data content

VRML (Virtual Reality Modeling (Markup) Language)

•is used to create 3-D web pages, including interactive animation •Requires special VRML browser to view VRML pages •Used by web designers, along with HTML

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