Progressive Era Notes/Review

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Laws that granted payments to workers who were injured in industrial accidents were called? A. Workmen's Compensation Laws B. Suffrage Laws C. Social Reforms Laws D. Compulsory Education Laws

A. Workmen's Compensation Laws

What was a significant impact of the Progressive movement on American life? A. increased government regulation of business B. increased restrictions on presidential powers C. decreased influence of the media on public policy D. reduced government spending for social programs

A. increased government regulation of business

A main purpose of President Theodore Roosevelt's trust-busting policies was to... A. promote competition amongst large and small businesses B. reduce corruption in government C. bail out the banking industry D. end strikes by labor unions

A. promote competition amongst large and small businesses

The purpose of the the Sherman Antitrust Act (1890), and the Clayton Antitrust was to.... A. eliminate unfair business practices and promote competition B. reduce imports from foreign nations C. reduce the power of the unions D. increase the power of local governments

A. utilized a variety of methods to achieve many goals

Federal Reserve Act

1913 law that set up a system of federal banks and gave government the power to control the money supply. this made a Federal reserve board with 12 districts each having there one federal bank, this brought federal reserve notes which is the paper currency we have today.

16th Amendment

1913. Legalized federal income tax, Amendment to the United States Constitution (1913) gave Congress the power to tax income. The money goes to military, bridges and roads.

Clayton Antitrust Act

1914 law that strengthened the Sherman Antitrust Act

Jane Addams

Activist and co-founder of one of the best known settlement houses, Hull House in Chicago (1889), and recipient of the 1931 Nobel Peace Prize for her work in the peace movement.

19th Amendment

Amendment granted women right to vote. 1920., Amendment to the U.S. Constitution (1920) extended the right to vote to women in federal or state elections.

Square Deal

Progressive concept by Roosevelt that would help capital, labor, and the public. It called for control of corporations, consumer protection, and conservation of natural resources. It denounced special treatment for the large capitalists and is the essential element to his trust-busting attitude. This deal embodied the belief that all corporations must serve the general public good.

18th Amendment

Prohibited the manufacture, sale, and distribution of alcoholic beverages.

Which U.S. President was known as a "trustbuster?" George Washington William Howard Taft Theodore Roosevelt William McKinley

Theodore Roosevelt

Susan B. Anthony

social reformer who campaigned for womens rights, the temperance, and was an abolitionist, helped form the National Woman Suffrage Assosiation

Four main goals of Progressive Era

1. Reduce the power of the wealthy class 2. Promote social reform 3. Reduce the power of big business 4. Make the government more accountable to the people

"United States Senate Criticized as Millionaire's Club" Which action addressed the problem suggested above? A. The passage of the 17th Amendment allowed for the direct election of U.S. Senators B. The passage of the 18th Amendment increased the number of U.S. Senators to four C. The passage of the 19th Amendment decreased the length of a Senator's term to 2 yrs. D. The passage of the 20th Amendment gave eighteen years old the right to vote

A The passage of the 17th Amendment allowed for the direct election of U.S. Senators

settlement house

A center in an underprivileged area that provides community services, A house where immigrants came to live upon entering the U.S. At Settlement Houses, instruction was given in English and how to get a job, among other things.

One idea that both Booker T. Washington and W. E. B. Du Bois supported is that... A. immigration was responsible for racial segregation B. African Americans should have increased civil rights C. vocational training was the best approach to education D. Jim Crow laws were needed to help African Americans

B. African Americans should have increased civil rights

Taft reforms

Business~ Mann Elkins act of 1910- extended the authority of the ICC (Interstate commerce commission), Restricted tariffs, 2% net income taxes on all corporations Labor~ Personal income taxes, Department of Commerce and Labor Divided into 2 parts under his approval Conservation~ Devoted resources to the protection of the environment, opened thousands of acres for irrigation including many rivers(Snake,Colombia)

Progressive reformers sought to reduce corruption in government by adopting a constitutional amendment that .. A. a maximum of two terms for presidents B. term limits on members of Congress C. voting rights for African Americans D. direct election of United States Senators

D. direct election of United States senators

President Theodore Roosevelt's Square Deal ..... A. returned control of social welfare programs to the states B. relied on individual initiative to improve the economy C. was supported by Congress over the objections of the majority of state governments D. increased the role of the Federal Govt in dealing with social and economic problems

D. increased the role of the Federal Govt in dealing with social and economic problems

Which event is evidence that Upton Sinclair's novel The Jungle had an important impact on the U.S.? A. adoption of reforms in public education B. passage of legislation limiting immigration C. adoption of the 18th amendment establishing Prohibition D. passage of legislation requiring Federal inspection of meat

D. passage of legislation requiring Federal inspection of meat

Federal Trade Commission

Established to preserve competition by preventing unfair business practices and investigates complaints against companies

direct primary power to the people

Gave power to the people bc they could pick and vote for the candidates/representatives

Ida M. Tarbell

Ida M. Tarbell criticized companies' cutthroat competition, exposed the Standard Oil Company and its ruthlessness, called the company the "mother of all trusts" and American teacher, author, exposed the unfair practices of the standard oil company, and wrote the book history of the standard oil company

Election of 1912 significant to the progressive era

It showcase the debate about future politics and future goal as well as new ideas

Lincoln Steffens

New York reporter, wrote a series of books and reports (The Shame of the cities) which showed his support of the Soviet union

Gifford Pinchot

Pinchot head of the U.S. Forest Service under Roosevelt, who believed that it was possible to make use of natural resources while conserving them

Roosevelt's reforms

Regulating Business~ Meat inspection act, Pure food and drug act, wanted the gov to interact with corrupt business Labor~ Department of commerce and labor, Changing labor laws in coal mines raised pay by 10% and refused hours to 9hrs Conservation~tripled the amount of protected forests(125 million acres) , made the USFS and many other protections of wildlife and land

New Nationalism

Roosevelt's progressive political policy that favored heavy government intervention in order to assure social justice

Roosevelt and the United Workers Mine Strike

Sent arbitrators to settle the dispute, Then had a meeting with the workers and mine management, after that he decided to send the workers back but he sided with the workers so the got what they wanted


The legal right to vote, extended to African Americans by the Fifteenth Amendment, to women by the Nineteenth Amendment.


the exclusive possession or control of the supply or trade in a commodity or service

Progressive Party

Also known as the "Bull Moose Party", formed by Theodore Roosevelt to advance progressive ideas Roosevelt ran on the Progressive party ticket.

direct primary

A primary where voters directly select the candidates who will run for office.


A procedure by which voters can propose a law or a constitutional amendment.


A procedure for submitting to popular vote measures passed by the legislature or proposed amendments to a state constitution.


A procedure for submitting to popular vote the removal of officials from office before the end of their term.

Which long-awaited goal of the women's rights movement was achieved during the Progressive Era? A. right to vote in Presidential Elections B. right to own property C. equal pay for equal work D. equal access to employment and education

A. right to vote in Presidential Elections

How did industrialization and urbanization contribute to the conditions that caused Americans to call for reform?

After the Industrial revaluation the US was becoming urbanized the farm land arose to cities which opened low paying jobs, which led to pollution from the factories.

Which law was passed as a result of muckraking literature? A. Interstate Commerce Act B. Meat Inspection Act C. Federal Reserve Act D. Sherman Anti-trust Act

B. Meat Inspection Act

Which of the following would not have been caused by the have been caused by the other three? A. The Senate was controlled by corrupt "millionaires". B. The 17th Amendment called for the "Direct Election" of U.S. Senators by the people from each state C. Political Machines picked U.S. Senators that they could control. D. The people had little "voice" in their government

B. The 17th Amendment called for the "Direct Election" of U.S. Senators by the people from each state

Since 1913, the U.S. banking, interest rates and the amount of money in circulation been largely controlled by? A.The U.S. Supreme Court B. The Federal Reserve System C. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation D. President's Council of Economic Advisers

B. The Federal Reserve System

The purpose of legislative acts such as the U.S. Forest Service, the Meat Inspection Act, the Pure Food and Drug Act and the Department of Labor was to do which of the following? A. To protect the nation's natural resources. B. To promote the general well being of American citizens. C. To improve conditions for recent immigrants to the US. D. To advance the growth of big business.

B. To promote the general well being of American citizens.

A major goal of reformers during the Progressive Era was to... A.end segregation in the South B. correct the abuses of big business C. limit immigration from Latin America D. enact high tariffs to help domestic industry grow

B. correct the abuses of big business

Muckrakers contributed to the rise of Progressivism in the early years of the 20th century by... A. challenging big government and urging a return to past conditions B. exposing widespread corruption in business and government C. writing favorable biographies about wealthy Americans D. aligning themselves with the women's suffrage movement

B. exposing widespread corruption in business and government

Prior to the 16th Amendment, people were taxed according to what method? A. number of family members B. income tax C. property D. industrial production

B. income tax

Supporters of a graduated income tax argued that it was the fairest type of tax because the ... a. rate of taxation was the same for all persons B. rate of taxation increased as incomes rose C. income tax provided the most revenue for the government D. income tax replaced state and local government taxes

B. rate of taxation increased as incomes rose

Pres. Theodore Roosevelt, William Taft, and Woodrow Wilson all believed that the Federal Govt. should? A. allow the free-enterprise system to work without regulation B. use its power to regulate unfair business practices C. provide jobs for unemployed workers D. support unions in labor-management disputes

B. use its power to regulate unfair business practices

Wilson Reforms

Business~ Reduced tariffs( Underwood Tariff Bill), Federal reserve board and paper money, changing banking,income taxes Labor~ Established labor rights against big businesses, 8 hour work days Conservation~ National Parks service, Smith Lever Act- established cooperative extension services through land grant universities

Information in the graphic most clearly represents what ideas about women's suffrage by 1914? A States along the East Coast had granted women full voting rights B Women could vote only in state elections C Most states had approved at least some voting rights for women D Complete national suffrage for women had been achieved

C. Most states had approved at least some voting rights for women

When the United Mine Workers called a strike in 1902, President Roosevelt ...... A. Ignored the situation to protect his political career B. Sided on the side of the mine owners C. Threatened to send in troops to mine the coal. D. Roosevelt brought coal from Canada into the U.S.

C. Threatened to send in troops to mine the coal.

Which statement best summarizes President Theodore Roosevelt's views about conservation? A. Environmental issues are best decided by the private sector. B. Unlimited access to natural resources is the key to business growth. C. Wilderness areas and their resources should be protected for the public good. D. Decisions about the use of natural resources should be left to the states.

C. Wilderness areas and their resources should be protected for the public good.

Which of the following was Not an aim of the Progressives? A. government of business practices to protect the welfare of the public B. support reforms such as initiative and referendum to give the people a voice in their government C. guarantee jobs for the unemployed D. reduce the power of the wealthy industrialists

C. guarantee jobs for the unemployed

The cartoon illustrates President Theodore Roosevelt's attempt to... A ignore antitrust laws B conserve natural resources C limit the power of monopolies D eliminate foreign ownership of United States corporations

C. limit the power of monopolies

In the early 20th century, muckrakers were able to influence American society mainly through their? A. frequent acts of civil disobedience B. activities as government officials C. publication of articles and books D. control over factories

C. publication of articles and books

The majority of Progressive Reformers were .... A. rural wealthy industrialists B. urban factory workers C. urban middle class professionals D. uneducated immigrants

C. urban middle class professionals

What has been their impact books such as, How the Other Half Lives, Jacob Riis (1890) and The Jungle, Upton Sinclair (1906)? A. Most Americans have developed a preference for escapist and romantic literature. B. Most American authors have adopted a con-conservative viewpoint C. American business has corrected poor conditions quickly. D. These works have had significant influence on social, political, and economic reforms.

D. These works have had significant influence on social, political, and economic reforms.

The United States Federal Reserve System was established to ... A. provide loans to the wealthy industrialists B. end the Great Depression C. Balance the federal budget D. regulate interest rates and the nation's money supply

D. regulate interest rates and the nation's money supply

The National Bank proposed by Alexander Hamilton (1790) and the Federal Reserve System are similar because they .... A. provided low-interest loans to farmers B. were declared unconstitutional by the United States Supreme Court C. had as their primary responsibility the regulation of the stock market D. sought to provide a sound currency for the nation

D. sought to provide a sound currency for the nation

New Freedom

Democrat Woodrow Wilson's political slogan in the presidential campaign of 1912; Wilson wanted to improve the banking system, lower tariffs, and, by breaking up monopolies, give small businesses freedom to compete.


Journalists who attempted to find corruption or wrongdoing in industries and expose it to the public

Meat Inspection Act

Law that authorized the Secretary of Agriculture to order meat inspections and condemn any meat product found unfit for human consumption.

17th Amendment

Passed in 1913, this amendment to the Constitution calls for the direct election of senators by the voters instead of their election by state legislatures.

Speaker A: The best way to prevent corruption in government is to allow citizens to have a direct role in the legislative (lawmaking) process by proposing laws, voting on laws, and removing corrupt elected officials. Speaker B: Breaking up trusts and monopolies will increase business competition. Speaker C: An important goal of the national government should be the conservation of our natural resources. Speaker D: Government will only improve when women are granted full suffrage. *****Which speaker's statement is most directly related to the political concepts of initiative, referendum, and recall? A. Speaker A B. Speaker B C. Speaker C D. Speaker D

Speaker A: The best way to prevent corruption in government is to allow citizens to have a direct role in the legislative (lawmaking) process by proposing laws, voting on laws, and removing corrupt elected officials.


a person advocating or implementing social reform or new liberal ideas(people who believed the gov. was a tool to make change)

Upton Sinclair

born in Maryland, involved with socialism which lead to him writing about the workers in the meat factories and led him to write The Jungle

In the period from 1890 to 1920, which development was the result of the other three? A. labor union fought management in response to unemployment B. Progressive Party plea for compulsory education C. passage of child labor laws by individual states D. public outcry following numerous industrial accidents

c. passage of child labor laws by individual states

The initiative, referendum, recall, and direct primary are all reforms that were intended to... A. make the President more responsive to the wishes of Congress B. reduce the influence of the media on elections C. give political parties more control of the electoral process D. increase participation in government by citizens

d. increase participation in government by citizens

Jacob Riis

photographer and writer, was a police reporter which lead him to discover the poverty in NYC and the slum neighborhoods published How The Other Half Lives

Sherman Anti trust Act

price fixing price discrimination & unfair businesses, Allowed strikes and peaceful protests

Progressive Movement

reform effort, generally centered in urban areas and begun in the early 1900s, whose aims included returning control of the government to the people, restoring economic opportunities, and correcting injustices in American life.

Pure Food and Drug Act

the act that prohibited the manufacture, sale, or shipment of impure of falsely labeled food and drugs

Why did Wilson win

the split of votes in the republican party

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