Proximal and Distal Attachments of Foot, Ankle and Lower leg

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Deltoid Ligament

Proximal Attachment: Anterior, inferior, posterior aspect of medial malleolus Distal Attachment: Medial talus, talar neck, calcaneus

Abductor Hallucis

Proximal Attachment: Calcaneal tuberosity Distal Attachment: Medial sesamoid & great toe

Extensor Digitorm Brevis

Proximal Attachment: Dorsal surface of calcaneus Distal Attachment: Dorsal surface of phalanges 2-5

Achilles Tendon

Proximal Attachment: Gastroc/soleus complex Distal Attachment: Posterior calcaneus

Tibialis Posterior muscle & tendon

Proximal Attachment: Lateral & posterior surface of tibia; posterior surface of fibula Distal Attachment: Plantar surface of navicular, cuneiforms, metatarsals 2-5

Flexor Hallucis Longus muscle & tendon

Proximal Attachment: Lateral 2/3 of posterior fibula Distal Attachment: Plantar surface of great toe (distal phalanx)

Hallucis Longus

Proximal Attachment: Lateral 2/3 of posterior fibula Distal Attachment: Plantar surface of the great toe (distal phalanx)

Peroneus Longus

Proximal Attachment: Lateral aspect of fibular head Distal Attachment: Plantar aspect of cuneiforms & 1st metatarsal head

Extensor Digitorm Longus

Proximal Attachment: Lateral condyle of tibia and fibula Distal Attachment: Plantar surface of distal phalanges 2-5

Peroneus Brevis

Proximal Attachment: Lower 2/3 of lateral fibula Distal Attachment: Base of 5th metatarsal (styloid process)

Peroneus Tertius

Proximal Attachment: Lower 2/3 of lateral fibula Distal Attachment: Dorsal aspect of base of 5th metatarsal

Spring Ligament (Calcaneonavicular Ligament)

Proximal Attachment: Medial & plantar aspects of calcaneus Distal Attachment: Medial & plantar aspects of navicular

Plantar Fascia

Proximal Attachment: Medial calcaneal tubercle Distal Attachment: Extensor expansions of met heads

Extensor Hallucis Longus

Proximal Attachment: Middle 2/3 of anterior fibula Distal Attachment:

Soleus Muscle

Proximal Attachment: Posterior fibula & tibia Distal Attachment: Achilles tendon to calcaneus

Gastrocnemius Muscle

Proximal Attachment: Posterior medial and lateral femoral condyles Distal Attachment: Achilles tendon to calcaneus

Flexor Digitorum Longus

Proximal Attachment: Posterior middle 2/3 of tibia Distal Attachment: Dorsal surface of great toe (distal phalanx)

Tibialis Anterior

Proximal Attachment: Upper 2/3 of lateral tibia Distal Attachment: Fused with EDL tendons to 2-5 phalanges

Tibialis Anterior

Proximal Attachment: Upper 2/3 of lateral tibia Distal Attachment: Medial cuneiform and 1st metatarsal

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