PSC 1100 Final

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What is a hierarchy?

...A hierarchy is an organizational structure in which items are ranked according to levels of importance.

What are two social issues that liberals (Dems) care about

1) larger govt 2) more govt spending 3) pro-choice 4) pro-gun control

Name one progressive era reform

1) replace spoils system with civil service system 2) australian ballot 3) primary elections 4) tougher registration

what are two social issues that conservatives (Reps) care about

1) smaller govt 2) less govt spending 3) pro-life 4) pro- 2nd amendment

How many Supreme Court justices must vote in favor in order for a case to be granted certiorari.


Describe a voter

African Am., elderly, higher education, part of a political party, not from the south

Who received the right to vote first in the United States? (After white men)

African American Men

Who is the only impeached Supreme Ct. judge

Alsy Hastings

In Ch. 9 of the reader, Jolly discusses algorithms in the internet and social media. What is the filter bubble?

An algorithm which controls what we encounter on the internet

Where do the rules for funding campaigns come from


who was Hagedorn excited to meet


Who is Hagedorn's GOT couple

Catlyn and Ned Stark

Triangle of courts, who is in the middle?

Court of appeals/Circuit courts- error correctors

Triangle of courts, who is on the bottom?

District Courts- where the real/most work is done

In Ch. 12 of the reader, according to the Campaign Legal Center, who created the disclosure loophole, which only requires disclosure if the contribution is specifically designated for electioneering communications by the donor?


What is hard v soft money

Hard money: regulated Soft: unregulated

What ethnicity has the lowest voter turnout rate


(From additional readings) In her op-ed, Prof. Hagedorn argues the effects of negatively and incivility in politics is what?

Increased polarization

Who has an easier time raising money, incumbents or challengers?

Incumbents, but the more they raise, the more scared they look The more challengers raise, the better they do

When a lobbyist for a healthcare interest group has a meeting with a member of Congress to discuss insurance costs it is considered:

Inside Lobbying

Who was the lobbyist who caused everything to change in GMO and Organic labeling

Jack Abernoff

Which form PBR champion is Hagedorn's old neighbor

Jess Lockwood

Who is the current Chief Justice

John Roberts

Which term is the authority of courts to decide whether a law or government action is constitutional or unconstitutional?

Judicial Review

Which Supreme Court case established the Court's authority to conduct judicial review?

Marbury v Madison

Which court case established Judicial Review

Marbury v Madison

What is Hagedorn's beer of choice

Miller Lite

Graphs- what should you be drinking and why

Miller Lite- Republican middle voter

Professor Joshua Dunn presented a TedXTalk in Denver recently. He advocates for viewpoint diversity, instead of furthering confirmation bias. What is confirmation bias?

Our tendency to accept evidence that supports our pre-existing beliefs

The Sierra Club, an interest group which focuses on the environment, sends out an email to its members and encourages them to write letters and call their members of Congress to urge them to pass a resolution against commercial whaling. This is an example of:

Outside lobbying

Which of the following is the best predictor of an individual's vote choice in a given election?

Party ID

Writing letters to a member of Congress, attending a political rally, and donating money to a political campaign are examples of _______________.

Political Participation

In statistical research, a/an ____ is the entire group in which a researcher is interested, such as all adults living in the United States.


AAA, which is an interest group which lobbies on behalf of automobile owners and advocates for things like highway spending, provides maps and roadside assistance to its dues paying members. This is an example of:

Selective Incentives

The civil rights movement of the 1950s and 1960s, the Tea Party, and Occupy Wall Street are all examples of:

Social Movements

what region has the lowest voter turnout levels

South (poor and rural areas)

According to Article I, Section IV, of the U.S. Constitution "the Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives" may be directly regulated by:

State Legislatures

what are the forms of soft money

Super PACs

Triangle of courts, who is on the top?

Supreme Court- court of last resort: resolves political conflicts b/w the states and natl gov., different branches, and parties/candidates

Justice Breyer argues for the Living Constitution in Chapter 8 of your reader. He argues the literalist, or originalist, is also subjective, due to relying on their own version of history, tradition, and rules.


Which institution must give "advice and consent" to presidential appointments to the federal judiciary under the terms of the U.S. Constitution?

US Senate

When we measure ideology in surveys, typically the respondents are asked to place themselves on a seven-point scale ranging from:

Very liberal to very conservative

According to Lorraine Minnite and a political historian, which is the most important fraud prevention legislation ever passed?

Voting Rights Act

what is dissenting opinion

an opinion issued by a member of the Supreme Ct. in opposition to the majority, offering legal reasoning for the decision to oppose

what is concurring opinion

an opinion issued by a member of the majority of the Supreme Ct. that agrees with the decision of the majority but offers alternative legal reasoning

what is writ of certiorari

an order by the Supreme Ct. directing an inferior court to deliver the records of a case to be reviewed which effectively means the justices of the court have decided to hear the case

A _______________ sample does not accurately represent the overall population from which it is drawn.


what is Amicus curiae

briefs (letters to the courts) in which those who are not parties in a case provide their opinions on how the case should be decided

In a/an ________________primary election, only voters registered with that party may participate.


In Ch. 9 of the reader, John Sides looks at a difference research on the effects of viewing partisan news. Arceneaux and Johnson claim in the real world, partisan news does what?

does not polarize

what is the number 1 predictor of voter turnout

education (highest is 2x more likely than lowest)

Who votes more, women or men?


An open seat election is one where the challenger candidate is sure to win.


Lobbying is always defined as a group of likeminded people banding together to attempt to negatively influence public officials and government action.


Peter Beinart, quoting an academic study, says "registered voters with low levels of educational attainment or lower levels of income are MORE likely to vote the more restrictive the voter identification regime.


The Progressive Era saw a shift from candidate centered electoral politics to party-centered elections


In Ch. 10 of the reader, John Fund outlines numerous examples of voter fraud. One example was the son of a congressman doing what?

forging utility bills on a computer

Campaign contributions given directly to a specific candidate like Sen. Michael Bennet (D-CO) and which are highly regulated by the Federal Election Commission are called:

hard money

what is majority opinion

in law, a majority opinion is a judicial opinion agreed to by more than half of the members of a ct. Majority opinions sets forth the decision of the ct. and an explanation of the rationale behind the courts decision

The ____________is the person who currently holds the office which is up for re-election, and usually has a great advantage in the election.


what are the forms of hard money

individual contributions, PACS (political action committees), self-financing

According to the Campaign Legal Center, why is disclosure important?

it advances the public's right to information

what is writ of mandamus

judicial remedy in the form of an order from a ct. to any govt., subordinate ct., corporation, or public authority to do some specific act which that body is obliged under the law to do, and which is the nature of public duty, and in certain cases on of statutory duty

By the 1860s, the United States had the most expansive franchise in the world, meaning that :

larger percentages of the male population were allowed to vote than anywhere else

In Ch. 12 of the reader, Jon Riches argues all of the following except which one are true of mandatory disclosure:

muddles regulations so no one knows what is right and not

Super Pacs are independent

not regulated by the FEC

where is the funding from Super Pacs spent

not spent by candidate, but spent on the behalf of the candidate

A person's personal attachment and identification with a party can be understood as:

party in electorate

what are PACs

political action committees- groups that work to elect candidates; pass/defeat legislations, or advance political agendas -can only give $5000 per election to candidate- must make contribution to 5 or more candidates with 50 or more contributors to qualify as a PAC, you must be registered with the FEC (hard money)

Which is a local organization that controls a city or county government to an extent that enables it to reward large numbers of political supporters with tangible benefits such as government jobs?

political machine

Chapter 11 in your reader discusses the debate on third parties. Diamond makes his argument surrounding allowing a third party candidate for president being included in which process?

presidential debates

Which is an election held prior to a general election to allow voters to select which candidates will appear on the ballot as the nominees of a particular political party?


Jason is a registered Republican who hears President Trump, a Republican president, give a speech in favor of additional tax cuts. Jason, after listening to this speech, decides that he is also in favor of tax cuts. This new opinion is evidence of a/an _______________.

psychological attachment

What are individual contributions

regulated by BRCA (bi-partisan campaign reform act- McCain v. Feingold) Can only receive $2800 per campaign (primary and general- $5600) must report name and occupation if donation is over $200

coordinated expenditures

regulated by the FEC

where do democratic votes tend to come from

residents from large cities of east, upper midwest, and west coast Af. Am., Latinos, lower income members, Libs, moderately paid professionals, LGBT, environmentalists

what is an australian ballot

secret ballot prepared by govt, not parties split ticket voting possible

what era are we in

sixth party system

Who votes?

socioeconomic status (income, edu., profession) is strongly correlated with voting and participation African am. turnout higher than whites

Which of the following is another term for the right to vote?


What is judicial review

the authority of the judiciary to decide whether a law or any other govt action is constitutional

What is pluralism?

the idea that groups are free to form and influence public policy

What is the solicitor general

the law officer directly below the attorney general in the US Department of Justice, responsible for arguing cases before the US Supreme Court.

what is a solicitor general

the law officer directly below the attorney general in the US dept of justice, responsible for arguing cases before the US Supreme Ct.

what is stare decisis

the legal principle that requires judges to respect the decision of past court judges

Ezra Klein argues against the concept of third parties in Washington. He makes all of the claims except which one

the new issues do not get co-opted by the main 2 parties

What is standing

the official status of a litigant who is entitled to have his/her case decided by the court

Chapter 8 of your reader focuses on the originalist vs. living Constitution debate. Justice Scalia, in his humorous way, argues what governs the Living Constitutionalist judge:

they do not have a criterion

what are hawks

those who advocate an aggressive foreign policy based on strong military power

According to Levendusky in Ch. 9 of the reader, who is most affected by partisan media?

those who are already extreme

According to Jon Riches, the Constitution would have never been ratified if it wasn't for anonymous political speech in the Federalist Papers.


The idea of pluralism started with Madison in Federalist 10 when he argued that we cannot keep factions from forming; instead we must foster the formation of competing interests.


The process of developing attitudes, opinions, and preferences through contact with family and friends is called socialization.


What are Doves

try to resolve intl conflicts without the threat of force

What is a Super PAC

type of independent political action committee which may raise unlimited sums of money from corporations, unions, and individuals but is not permitted to contribute to or coordinate directly with parties or candidates

Who are the people in Super PACS

usually former staff or people involved in the campaign in some way, but if you are only supported by Super Pacs, real people may not actually like you

what did the progressive era do to elections

went from party-centric electoral politics to candidate-centric elections

The so-called Motor Voter Law, enacted in 1994, required states to permit an individual to register to vote _______________.

when he or she applies for a driver's license

Where do republican votes tend to come from

white suburban residents, white rural residents, whites in the South, resident of mountain west and high plains, business owners and executives, wealthy retirees, conservatives, religious christians, and well paid professionals

how many democrats voted for the 2017 tax bill


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