psy 110

Pataasin ang iyong marka sa homework at exams ngayon gamit ang Quizwiz!

one thing that can be done to help combat depression is to

(NOT) reduce cognitive dissonance

the percentage of those individuals with an iq score below 70 is __ percent


regarding to the distribution of adult iq scores on the wais-iv, average intelligence is defined as any score from


Gender bias in judging abnormality manifests itself in which of the following way(s)?

In diagnoses, women tend to be penalized both for conforming to and ignoring stereotypes

regarding intellectual disabilities, which of the following statements is false

NOT a persons ability to perform adaptive behaviors is more important in evaluating an intellectual disability than iq

the results of the experiments on long term potentiation have demonstrated that

NOT all of these are true

dr searman compares the scores on a new intelligence test to the students grades in school in order to establish the tests

NOT content-construct validity

regarding short term memory (STM) which of the following statements is false

NOT in memory experiments, information in short term memory is gone in 12 to 18 seconds without rehearsal

regarding televised aggression, which of the following statements is false

NOT in recent years, the violent crime rate among youth has declined even as sales of violent video games have risen

At the beginning of Chapter 6, Larry's story about how he learned to fear rats was presented. Although Larry tried to use abstract "book learning" to conquer his fear of rats, he eventually went to a therapist who used a method based on which of the following types of learning to help Larry overcome his irrational fear of rats?

NOT operant conditioning

it is important to use retrieval practice right before the exam in order to cut down on the time during which you must remember details that may be important for the test. this retrieval practice is called

NOT priming

A list of personality traits or aspects of behavior that are utilized when conducting direct observations is known as a

NOT situational profile

Jon is in the office of a potential employer. The conversation with his potential boss is informal with topics being taken up freely as they arise. Jon is undergoing a(n)

NOT situational test

if a response is extinguished and comes back, the second operant extinction process usually

NOT takes a longer time

which of the following determines whether a new response learned through modeling will be repeated

NOT whether the model praised the learner for observing the behavior and whether the learner reciprocated the reinforcement

lana was the witness to a robbery. in order to help her remember details of the crime, she is asked to remember the crime in a different order and from different viewpoints. lana is undergoing

a cognitive interview

deja vu experiences feel familiar by yet strange because

a past memory was retrieved but was too weak to yield adequate details

if the correlations between ones self concept and academic performance are positive, we could say that

a self concept and academic performance are related but no casual relationship has been established

the relationship (correlation) between iq scores and school grades is

about .50

Poisoning by lead or mercury can damage the brain, causing

all of these

When April is stressed and wants to relax, she has always reached for a glass of wine. However, she wants to break this use of alcohol as a means of relaxation, so she learns stress management techniques and now uses them when she feels stressed. April is using which strategy for breaking a bad habit?

alternate responses

teaching primates to communicate in sign language in order to develop better methods for teaching language to aphasic children would be an example of

animal model

Helena is taking a test to determine her capacity for learning musical abilities. Helena is most likely taking a __ test


people with intellectual disabilities

are characterized by all of these

psychiatrists differ from psychologists because pyschiatrists

are physicians with a specialization in abnormal behavior and psychotherapy

you come home from work and find that you dog has dug up the tree you just planted. to reduce this digging, you would be best advised to punish the dog

as the dog begins to dig

reinforcement typically exerts its effect through

associative learning

which of the following occurs whenever a person or animal forms a simple connection among various stimuli and or responses

associative learning

Dr. Elmo is studying individuals' learned dispositions to respond to people, objects, or institutions in a positive or negative way. Dr. Elmo is studying


a driver consistently drives well beyond the interstate speed limit until a highway patrolman stops her and gives her a speeding ticket. from that time on, this driver never exceeds the speed limit on the interstate. in this example, the highway patrolman has successfully stopped this driver from speeding by using


if you are having trouble remembering the slides of famous paintings in art history class, the most effective way to remember this information is to

make each artists name into an object or image and then picture the object in the paintings done by the artist

Steven Hawkings is a theoretical physicist who is confined to a wheelchair due to Lou Gehrig's disease and must "speak" by controlling a speech synthesizer through cheek movements. Even with this disability, Dr. Hawkings is able to continue to advance our understanding of the universe, which illustrates how human intelligence

makes us adaptable to different situations

memory is often characterized as being similar to a computer because

memories are encoded, stored, and later retrieved

Having a good memory results from finding or creating meaningful chunks while you study. When these meaningful organizations become hard to form, then one should use artificial ones, such as


which of the following involves any process in which information is imparted by example and allows the observer to skip the tedious trial and error stage of learning


in north america, edward thorndike discovered what is today called __ conditioning


a behavior may be followed by a positive consequence, or reinforcer, such as food; or by a negative consequence, or punisher, such as a slap; or by nothing with these results determining whether a response is likely to be made again. the type of learning just described is

operant conditioning

a child calls his dog spot but does not call other dogs this name even if they look like his dog. the child is demonstrating

operant stimulus discrimination

once a student learns to solve one type of math equation, she can utilize this same formula with similar problems. this student is demonstrating

operant stimulus generalization

If a person is fixated early during the first psychosexual stage, he or she will develop an __________ personality.


when robert realized his company was on the verge of folding, he began sending out his resume to various companies in an attempt to remain gainfully employed. this example illustrates __ coping

problem focused coping

each evening before going to bed, rachel tightens all the muscles in her feet, then voluntarily relaxes them. then she tightens all the muscles in her legs, then voluntarily relaxes them. she does this all the way to her head. rachel is practicing the technique of

progressive relaxation

Maria is under a great deal of stress due to added responsibilities at work and the stress of balancing her work with the demands of being a single parent to two children. Maria's stress falls under which risk factor for mental disorders?

psychological factors

which of the following usually has a doctorate and is highly trained in the methods, factual knowledge, and theories of psychology


Lonely persons with unsatisfying relationships tend to have which of the following?

lower comparison levels

short term memories can be prolonged by

maintenance rehearsal

sydney has wanted to be a teacher all of her life. for the first five years of teaching, she spent every summer, holiday, and weekend trying to come up with new activities for her students. however, she now feels that all of her efforts were in vain and that students do not want to learn and do not appreciate anything she tries to do to help them learn. sydney feels used up, apathetic, and detached from her students. sydney is experiencing


amy holds a doctorate in psychology. she has recently been hired by a prominent teaching hospital to conduct research into finding the best therapeutic techniques for patients suffering from acute psychotic disorders, such as schizophrenia. amy is most likely a

clinical psychologist

while reinforcement typically exerts its influence through associative learning, feedback is key component of

cognitive learning

One of the most common mistakes people make with pets (especially dogs) is hitting them if they do not come when called. Thus, "calling" the animal becomes associated with fear and withdrawal as a(n)

conditioned stimulus

José studies, stays awake for eight hours, then sleeps for eight hours. Santos studies, then sleeps eight hours, and is then awake for eight hours. Santos will remember more than José because Santos experienced more of which of the following before the interference began?


elaine is reinforced with a gold star for every math problem on her worksheet that she correctly completes. this is an example of

continuous reinforcement

which type of intelligence involves solving problems by using already acquired knowledge with this type of intelligence actually increasing or, at least, declining very little until advanced age

crystallized intelligence

if retrieval stimuli are missing when you are trying to remember an event, you will most likely experience

cue-dependent forgetting

when punishing children for misbehavior, its is important to remember to

do all of these

regarding how your study schedule, sleeping, and eating affect memory, which of the following statements is false

eating before a test tends to lower ones performance on memory tests

a child is shown a picture, the picture is taken away, and the child is asked questions about minute details within the picture. the child is able to answer these questions because he tell you the he can look down at the white table and still see the picture. this child is probably using

eidetic images

as new long term memories are stored, older memories are often updated, changed, lost, or revised through

elaborative processing

you are able to remember your two computer passwords because they are the names of the city and state where you went on your honeymoon. this illustrates the use of which of the following

elaborative processing

Finding something attractive or unattractive, desirable or undesirable is the basis for which component of an attitude?


a healthy lifestyle may include a fair amount of "good stress" which is referred to as


if someone asks you to name the teachers you had in elementary school and you are able to remember their names, you have just exhibited __ memory


a witness to a crime remembers the face of another person that he actually saw somewhere other than the crime scene. not remembering the source of his or her info explains the formation of __ memories


Abe has an IQ of 60 with both his older brother and sister also being diagnosed with a mild intellectual disability. Abe and his sibling come from a very poor household where nutrition, intellectual stimulation, medical care, and emotional support are inadequate. Abe and his siblings most likely have intellectual disabilities that have a(n) __________ cause.


information returned to a person about the effects of a particular response is called


lasting images that are frozen in memory at times of personal tragedy, accident, or other significant events are called __ memories


lisa is taking the stanford-binet (SB5) and is presented with the question, "an apprentice is to a master as a novice is to what?" this question measures lisas

fluid reasoning

aaron is seven years old, is larger than average for his age, and has a long, thin face and big ears. he has an intellectual disability, is hyperactive, and has a peculiar tendency to avoid eye contact with others. aaron most likely has

fragile x syndrome

as the degree of genetic similarity declines, the correlation between iq scores

grows smaller

​Jason has always maintained that he holds no prejudice towards women working outside the home. However, after taking a test in which he was asked to classify words into categories, such as "Female or Family" and "Female or Career," Jason realized that he does appear to have some prejudice toward women having careers. On this test, Jason exhibited

implicit prejudice

a familial intellectual disability occurs due to

impoverished environments

which of the following changes would you expect to occur in someone whose parietal lobes were damaged in an accident

inability to sense hot and cold

according to economist jesse shapiro, the intent of much advertising is to

jam the consumers memory with positive impressions of a product

what part of the brain is most effective at breaking information into parts and processing this information in order, one item after the next

left hemisphere

the SRRS was designed to measure

life changes and susceptibility to illness or accident

homeless people tend to be

low in both social status and social power.

Both Tasha and Eric made a "D" on their first psychology test. Tasha plans to study harder and do as much extra credit as she can in order to pull this grade up to an "A" before the end of the semester. However, Eric feels sure that he can pull a "C" out of the course, which is good enough for his program of study. Tasha and Eric appear to place different __________ on grades.

reinforcement values

which of the following would be considered a semantic memory

remembering the name of the 16th president of the US

learning by simple repetition is known as

rote learning or rote rehearsal

bobby hits his little brother every time he is punished by his parents. bobbys little brother is serving as


For humanistic theorists, the principal motive involves


you are a very good skater, but you did not start out that way. your mother reinforced you for each small improvement you made over several months. this process is now as


Juan has hypersomnolence, while Miguel has narcolepsy. Both men have __________ disorders.


Intense, irrational fears of particular objects or activities that a person cannot shake off, even when there is no real danger, are called

specific phobias

associative learning occurs whenever a person or an animal forms a simple connection among various

stimuli and responses

whether we drive our car across intersection depends on if the traffic light is red or green. this illustrates the principle of

stimulus control

Many stores carry imitations of nationally-known products in the hopes that the positive attitudes already conditioned to the real products will also occur with these cheaper knockoffs. If these positive attitudes also occur with the cheaper knockoffs, then which of the following has occurred?

stimulus generalization

in a classic experiment, little albert, a very young boy, was conditioned to be afraid of a white rat. he also became fearful of white furry rabbits and bearded men. this is an example of

stimulus generalization

Tamara is deathly afraid of coming in contact with germs. So, her therapist gradually exposes Tamara to "unclean" things, such as touching dirt or taking a bite of an unwashed piece of fruit, while in a calm, relaxed, and supportive environment. This technique is known as

systematic desensitization

to observe conditioning one could ring a bell and squirt lemon juice into johnnys mouth. by repeating this procedure several times you could condition johnny to salivate to the bell. conditioning would be most rapid if the us follows immediately after the cs. in this example the cs would be

the bell

operant conditioning is based on

the consequences of making a response

juan likes to play video games but he also needs to increase his exercise time. so he decides to only play a video game after he has exercised for 30 minutes. using video game playing as a reward for exercising illustrates the use of

the premack principle

by observing a model, a person may learn all of the following except

the temperamental preferences in the performance of the skill

ideally, children should want to behave well because

they want your praise

which of the following are tangible secondary reinforcers, such as money, gold stars, and poker chips that can be exchanged for food, lodgings, and other necessities

token reinforcers

in higher order conditioning, a well learned CS serves as which type of stimulus in a new pairing situation

unconditioned stimulus

a child who gets rewarded with candy on the average of every third time she asks her grandmother for a treat is being rewarded on which schedule of reinforcement

variable ratio

acquiring a fear of thunder by watching your parents react to it in a fearful way illustrates

vicarious classical conditioning

the learning of an emotional response to stimuli or situations portrayed in a movie would have to take place through

vicarious classical conditioning

when the speech therapist shows Jess a a spoon, he calls it a cup. the stroke most likely damaged which part of jess' brain?

wernickes area

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