PSY 120 Final

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In the United States, about ______ percent of all babies are walking by age 11 months.


From age ______, the most rapid brain growth is in the frontal lobes.

3 to 6

_____ instruments mirror the results of a person's own efforts, enabling the person to learn which techniques do (or do not) control a particular physiological response.


Mental health reform came about through the efforts of Philippe Pinel and ____________.

Dorothea Dix

_____________ occurs when one object partially blocks our view of another, and we perceive the former as closer.


__________ revealed that the reports of memory flashbacks in patients whose brains were stimulated during surgery appear to have been invented, not relived.


________________ to psychology as the microscope is to biology.

Modern brain imaging techniques are

______________ refers to our tendency to recall experiences that are consistent with our current emotional state. In other words, if you aren't feeling well, you will be more likely to have negative associations.

Mood-congruent memory

___________________ are those aspects of the body that make sexual reproduction possible.

Primary sex characteristics

Given what you know about neural networks, what would you expect to happen when young children take ballet lessons several times a week?

The neurons involved in complex ballet moves will connect with each other to form networks

People who are competitive, super-motivated, impatient, and verbally aggressive are likely to be classified as:

Type A personalities.

Psychologists who focus on the adaptive function of behaviors and emotions (that is, those who study behaviors and emotions that appear to have allowed our ancestors to survive) would likely consider __________________ an early representative of their approach to psychology.

William James

A neutral facial expression may be perceived as sadder at a funeral than at a circus. This best illustrates:

a context effect

On a clear, dark night, researchers estimate that people can see a candle flame from about 30 miles away about 50 percent of the time. This represents the ______________________ for vision.

absolute threshold

One reason that people who engage in extreme sports often do them is to feel the rush of hormones. The rush they get from the hormones epinephrine and norepinephrine comes from the:

adrenal glands

The opponent-process theory is most useful for explaining the characteristics of:


The perception that one can strongly influence the outcome and destiny of one's own life exemplifies:

an internal locus of control.

A drug that inhibits a neurotransmitter's release is called a(n):


Both classical and operant conditioning:

are forms of associative learning.

If a sea slug repeatedly receives an electric shock just after being squirted with water, its protective withdrawal response to a squirt of water grows stronger. This best illustrates:

associative learning.

The ______________ indicates that, although we often cannot directly control all of our feelings, we can influence our feelings by changing our actions.

attitudes-follow-behavior principle

The primary goal of psychodynamic therapies is to:

bring unconscious conflicts to conscious awareness to help the person gain insight into conflicts and resolve them.

Older adults are more susceptible to _____________ than when they were younger.


Aaron Beck's therapy, which teaches people new and more adaptive ways of thinking, is based on the assumption that thoughts intervene between events and our emotional reactions. This type of therapy is called:

cognitive therapy.

A sincere word of apology often helps to reduce the tension between two conflicting parties. This best illustrates the value of:


Sensory adaptation can be defined as:

diminished sensitivity as a result of unchanging stimulation.

The catharsis hypothesis suggests that people feel better if they vent their emotions by "blowing off steam." However, playing violent video games increases aggressive thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. These findings:

disconfirm the catharsis hypothesis.

As opposed to automatic processing, ______________ refers to encoding that requires attention and conscious exertion.

effortful processing

Professor Jamison is a scientist who maintains an awareness of her own vulnerability to error and openness to surprises and new perspectives. She is exemplifying which scientific attitude?


When exposed to a scent derived from men's sweat, gay and straight men responded differently in the area of the ________ that governs sexual arousal.


The ring of muscle tissue that controls the pupil's size is called the:


Ivan Pavlov pioneered the study of:


According to Jonathan Haidt, the mind makes moral judgments the way it makes aesthetic judgments: quickly and automatically. This is known as the:

moral intuitionist view

The empirical approach relies on:

observation and experimentation.

Without fail, when you are talking to your best friend about something important, she continues to check her phone and watch for people she knows. Nevertheless, she seems able to listen attentively and respond appropriately to what you are saying. This type of behavior is evidence of:

parallel processing

In terms of vision, _____________ is the ability to adjust to an artificially displaced or inverted visual field.

perceptual adaptation

The localization of function was first proposed by:


When prior learning disrupts recall of new information, it is called:

proactive interference.

If hindsight bias and overconfidence often lead us to overestimate our intuition, what can help sift reality from illusions?

scientific inquiry

Drivers are slower to detect traffic signals if they are also conversing on a cell phone. This best illustrates the impact of:

selective attention.

Cognitive neuroscientists believe that consciousness generally arises from:

strong synchronized activity throughout the brain

Edward Titchener is to _________________ as Sigmund Freud is to __________.

structuralism; personality theory

We feel happier in the presence of happy people than in the presence of depressed people. This is known as:

the chameleon effect.

It has been suggested that a coherent worldview may contribute to the stress protection associated with:

the faith factor.

People's tendency to be helpful when they are already in a positive mood is known as:

the feel-good, do-good phenomenon.

An automatic reflex such as a knee jerk or withdrawing a hand from a flame involves:

the spinal cord

Research has shown that among European, Canadian, and American couples who live together before marriage:

there are higher rates of divorce.

The risk of suicide is greatest for those diagnosed with depression when:

they begin to rebound and become capable of following through.

Information processing is guided by higher-level mental processes, such as when we construct perceptions that draw on our experience and expectations. This process is called:

top-down processing.

When sensory receptors convert different forms of energy into neural signals, the process is known as:


You open your eyes in the morning and see flowers by your bedside. At that point, your eyes are receiving light energy, which they change into neural messages for the brain to process. This conversion of one form of energy into another is called:


Most learning involves the process of association. With classical conditioning, an organism comes to associate:

two or more stimuli and anticipate events.

The difference threshold is the minimum difference that a person can detect between two stimuli:

50% of the time

One can think of Alzheimer's disease as the deterioration and breakdown of __________ neurons.


____ motivation is a desire for significant accomplishment, for mastery of skills or ideas, for control, and for attaining a high standard.


_____ use advanced technologies to study the links between biological and psychological processes.

Biological psychologists

The most common scheme for classifying psychological disorders is the:


_____ recordings provide evidence for the fact that the brain responds to sound stimuli during sleep.


_____ is the study of environmental influences on gene expression that occur without a change in DNA.


The rules we use for organizing stimuli into coherent groups were first identified by:

Gestalt psychologists.

Selby is 15 years old and has been devastatingly neglected her entire life. She has never been exposed to spoken language. What is the likelihood that she will learn language now?

She will never learn language as the critical period for language development has passed.

Which of the following statements about B. F. Skinner is TRUE?

Skinner believed that human behavior is determined by environmental consequences, not by individual choice or free will.

The law of effect laid the foundation for:

Skinner's experiments on reinforcement.

_______________ refers to people's ideas about their own and others' mental states; that is, how feelings, perceptions, or thoughts might predict behavior.

Theory of mind

The principle that two stimuli must differ by a constant minimum percentage, rather than a constant amount, in order to be perceived as different is called:

Weber's law

If different parts of the brain could talk, this brain structure would say, "Brain, encode this moment for future reference!"


Peter is a concert pianist who practices a great deal, which will have had an effect on his brain. Which area of his brain is likely to be larger than it is in a person who does not play the piano?

auditory cortex

Deficient social interaction and an impaired understanding of another person's state of mind are most characteristic of:

autism spectrum disorder

Which form of treatment associates an unpleasant state (such as nausea) with an unwanted behavior (such as drinking alcohol)?

aversive conditioning

A focus on how much nature and nurture influence our individual differences is most relevant to the ____________ perspective.

behavior genetics

Which psychological perspective defines psychology as "the scientific study of observable behavior"?


Severe depression is likely to be treated with:

biomedical therapy.

The ____________ is the point at which the optic nerve leaves the eye.

blind spot

Those in this stage of Lawrence Kohlberg's theory of moral thinking believe that laws are needed to maintain social order.

conventional morality

One important goal of the therapist in client-centered therapy is to:

create conditions that allow the client to direct the focus of therapy.

Many popular myths, such as the idea that sleepwalkers are acting out their dreams, have been debunked using:

critical inquiry

When a physiological need, such as hunger, creates an aroused motivated state, this:

drives the organism to satisfy the need.

The limbic system is a group of structures involved in:

emotions and drives.

Systematic desensitization is a form of ___________ .

exposure therapy

Women's sexual orientation can be described as more _____ than men's.


When adolescents achieve the intellectual summit that Jean Piaget called _____, they apply their new abstract reasoning tools to the world around them.

formal operations

The signals for voluntary muscle movements originate in a band of tissue called the motor cortex, which is located at the rear of the _____ lobes.


Which lobe of the cerebral cortex is most directly involved in speaking?


If Dr. Carpentier is interested in measuring both the structure and function of the brain, which of the following techniques would you recommend he use?

functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI)

B. F. Skinner believed that future "machines and textbooks" could promote effective learning because they would allow for both:

individualized learning and immediate reinforcement.

This memory model compares human memory to computer operations.

information-processing model

At the beginning of a research study, Allen is given information that explains what he will be asked to do during the experiment. Obtaining his approval in this step of the study is called:

informed consent

According to Erik Erikson, the two fundamental themes that dominate adult development are:

intimacy and generativity.

Ten-year-old Daniella loves to read and enjoys looking up the meanings of words she does not know. Her teacher promises a gold star to students each time they learn a new word. The teacher's behavior is most likely to undermine Daniella's:

intrinsic motivation.

The transparent structure behind the pupil that changes shape to help focus images on the retina is called the:


Aerobic exercise is an effective way to:

lower the blood pressure reaction to stress.

Dianne remembers a dream in which a car was parked in front of her house and a man with a baseball bat kept getting in and out of the car. According to Sigmund Freud's theory, the specific dream details that Dianne remembers are called the _____ content.


Which of the following is an example of an altered state of consciousness that is psychologically induced?


The ____________ is responsible for heartbeat and breathing.


Cognitive neuroscience is best described as the interdisciplinary study of brain activity linked with:

mental processes

What type of research design combines the results of many studies in order to avoid the problems of small samples and determine an overall effect?


Cognitive-behavioral therapies are designed to:

modify clients' self-defeating thoughts and their maladaptive behaviors.

Scientists hope that by using master stem cells they will someday be able to help the body create new neurons for damaged areas of the brain through the process of:


Which of the following chemical messengers is both a neurotransmitter and a hormone?


While you disagree with your boss, you laugh at the joke anyway to gain her approval. Your behavior illustrates:

normative social influence.

After one chimpanzee sees a second chimp open a box that contains a food reward, the first animal opens a similar box with great speed. This best illustrates:

observational learning.

A 65-year-old retina receives only about _________ as much light as its former 20-year-old self.


Voluntary behaviors that produce rewarding or punishing consequences are called:

operant behaviors.

A learned association between a behavior and its consequences is central to:

operant conditioning.

Children often learn to associate pushing a vending machine button with the delivery of a candy bar. This best illustrates the process underlying:

operant conditioning.

In a series of experiments, participants were more likely to act in aggressive ways, such as blasting people with noise, following an experience of:


What is NOT a factor in people's acceptance of misinformation as fact?

outgroup identity

A woman's estrogen levels peak during:


This part of the endocrine system regulates the level of sugar in the blood.


Mr. Gander has long been distressed by frequently recurring unusual sexual desires that could harm others if he acted on them. His experience is most indicative of:


When people look at a photograph of an adult-child pair and are told that the two individuals are parent and child, they tend to say the pair looks more alike than people who are told the pair is unrelated. This is most likely due to:

perceptual sets

Which field of study examined the bumps on the skull and believed that they could reveal a person's mental abilities and character traits?


Those in this stage of Kohlberg's theory of moral thinking would be likely to say something like, "People have a right to live."

postconventional morality

Jill and Thomas, who have been happily married for 5 years, both experience feelings of satisfaction and contentment after sex. Studies have found that unlike couples who hook up for one night, Jill and Thomas experience a surge of the hormone _____, which accounts for this feeling of satisfaction and contentment.


A therapist who is interested in the way(s) unconscious forces in childhood influence later adult behavior would most likely follow which perspective?


The adjustable opening in the center of the eye through which light enters is called the:


Perceived loss of control is associated with _____ stressed hormone levels and _____ blood pressure levels.

raised; raised

Visual illusions are to _____________ as false memories are to actual memories.

real perceptions

From sensory memory, individuals process information into short-term memory, where they encode it through:


Performance on tasks depends on arousal level as well as the type of task. For optimal performance on an easy task:

relatively high arousal is best.

During her weekly therapy sessions, Clarissa will often abruptly shift the focus of her attention and lose her train of thought. A traditional psychoanalyst might suggest that this illustrates:


Client-centered therapists are most likely to:

restate and clarify what clients say during the course of therapy.

Humanistic therapists aimed to boost people's self-fulfillment by helping them to grow in:


Which of the following is BEST for solving new problems?

sequential processing

A number of antidepressant medications work to increase this neurotransmitter since low levels of it are linked to depression.


Two TSA officers are scanning bags at the airport. One of the officers lets a bag go through when the other officer yells, "Wait, didn't you see that? Its hidden under something in the bag." Why one officer saw a weapon and the other did not is best explained by:

signal detection theory.

Which sleep disorder is MOST strongly associated with obesity?

sleep apnea

The rapid, rhythmic electrical patterns of the brain during NREM-2 sleep are called:

sleep spindles

Which nervous system stimulates ejaculation in males?


When does the zygote attach to the uterine wall?

ten days after conception

The prenatal development of the external male sex organs is stimulated by:


The ______________ is to sensory input as a major city airport is to a country's airplanes, a hub through which all air traffic passes en route to the various destinations.


Dr. Sauer is a neurosurgeon who works with patients who have major epileptic seizures. What part of the brain might Dr. Sauer sever to help reduce his patients' seizures?

the corpus callosum

An evidence-based method that draws on observation and experimentation is known as:

the empirical approach

Larry was in an automobile accident in which he suffered serious head trauma. When he regained consciousness, he could not remember any new information and experiences that occurred since the accident. Larry likely had damage to which area of the limbic system?

the hippocampus

What is a major contribution to the stage theory of development?

the idea that people of one age think and act differently when they arrive at a later age

At one time, psychologically disordered people were simply warehoused in asylums. Asylums have been replaced with psychiatric hospitals, where attempts are made to diagnose and cure people suffering from psychological disorders. This change reflects one of the beneficial consequences of:

the medical model.

When buying groceries, many shoppers prefer certain products simply because the products have a familiar brand name. This preference best illustrates the importance of:

the mere exposure effect.

Lee fell off of his bike and hit the back of his head on the sidewalk. For a few minutes afterward, his vision was distorted. His friend, Jackson, says that the fall couldn't have affected his vision because he hit the back of his head, not the front. You know that Jackson is wrong because:

the occipital lobe is located in the back of the head.

Which lobes of the cerebral cortex are most directly involved in vision?

the occipital lobes

Claudia meets nine new neighbors at a block party. Moments later, she can only remember the names of the first three and last two neighbors she met. Her experience illustrates:

the serial position effect.

What situation occurs when we each rationally pursue our own self-interests but become caught in mutually destructive behavior?

the social trap

The specialized area of the brain at the front of the parietal lobes that registers and processes body touch and movement sensations is:

the somatosensory cortex

Melissa is under an extreme amount of stress. She is fighting with her ex-husband about money and their children. During this stressful time, she turns to her friends for support and spends as much time with her children as possible. Taylor and colleagues would say that she is responding to stress according to which of the following models?

the tend and befriend stress response

In classical conditioning, a stimulus that naturally and automatically triggers a response is called a(n):

unconditioned stimulus (US).

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