PSY 2012 - Chapter 5 Quiz, Psych exam 4, PSYCH Final, Psychology Chapter 7 Quiz, exam 1

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never really forgotten (tip-of-the-tongue-phenomenon)

According to retrieval failure theory, memories stored in LTM are _____.

This is a step-by-step procedure that, if followed, will eventually solve a problem. Problem-solving set Heuristic Brainstorming Algorithm


Which of the following is TRUE of health psychology?

All of these options

Which of the following is associated with the use of cocaine? Physical damage All of these options Psychological dependence Severe addiction

All of these options

Which type of twins can be helpful to researchers studying the contribution of genetics and environmental for behavior?

All of these options

working memory

Alternate term for short-term memory (STM), which emphasizes the active processing of information

A progressive mental deterioration by severe memory loss that occurs most commonly in the elderly is called _________.

Alzheimer's disease

Loss of memory as a result of a brain injury or traum is called _______.


In a computer model of memory, _______ would happen at the keyboard, ________ on the monitor, and _______ on the hard drive.

Encoding, retrieval, storage

The three steps in memory processing are _________.

Encoding, storage, and retrieval

__________ help explain why soldiers and athletes continue to fight, despite horrific injuries.


Research on humans and lab animals suggests that injections of _______ or stimulation of _________ increases the encoding and storage of new information.

Epinephrine and cortisol; the amygdala

According to Selye, pleasant, desirable stress is called _____.


Which of the following are ways that people can improve their elaborative rehearsal skills?

Expand on information; question the new information; and find meaning in the information

The two major systems of long-term memory are ________.

Explicit and implicit

This is the subsytem within long-term memory that consciously stores facts, information, and personal life experiences.

Explicit/declarative memory

tip-of-the-tongue (TOT) phenomenon

Feeling that specific information is stored in long-term memory but being temporarily unable to retrieve it

sensory memory

First memory stage that holds sensory information; relatively large capacity, but duration is only a few seconds

The trait theory that explains personality in terms of openness, conscientiousness, extroversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism is called the _____. factor analysis theory Cattell and Eysenck model BEACH theory Five-Factor model

Five-Factor model

source amnesia

Forgetting the true source of a memory (also called source confusion or source misattribution)

_____ is an unpleasant state of tension, anxiety, and heightened sympathetic activity that results from a blocked goal.


_____ are suspected causes in disorders such as Down syndrome, Alzheimer's disease, and schizophrenia.

Genetic abnormalities

This is the first stage of prenatal development (from conception to implantation), characterized by rapid cell division. Germinal period Embryonic Zygote stage Critical period

Germinal period

Emotional intelligence was popularized by



Grouping separate pieces of information into a single unit (or chunk)

This memory stage stores an almost limitless amount of information for a nearly permanent duration of time.


This is a term for the specialization of the left and right hemisphere of the brain for particular operations.


This is an interconnected group of lower-level brain structures that are responsible for the arousal and regulation of emotion, motivation, memory, and other mental processes.

Limbic system

Nanette highlights the margin-definition of terms in her psychology textbook; Nathan thinks about how each term applies to his own life or to other concepts in the chapter. Nathan is more likely to recall and use the terms better on an essay because _________.

He processed the terms at a deeper level than Nannette did

_____ is a legal term for people with a mental disorder that implies a lack of responsibility for their behavior and an inability to manage their affairs. Neurosis Incompetence Psychosis Insanity


_________ theory suggests that we forget things because other information is blocking storage or retrieval.


Studying information even after you think you already know it ___________.

Is an effective strategy called overlearning

Research on exercise and stress has found which of the following to be TRUE?

It increases strength and stamina for coping with future stress.

Which of the following does NOT happen to information in short-term memory? a. it is retrieved b. it passes into more permanent storage c. it is lost d. it is used

a. it is retrieved

How long is information held in short-term memory storage? a. less than a minute b. one moment c. a lifetime d. about 5-9 days

a. less than a minute

At Peter's high school reunion, he saw fellow classmates whom he had not seen in many years. Several of them brought up memories that they had of Peter in high school. The most embarrassing stories were basically factual and made Peter cringe. Until being reminded by his old schoolmates, Peter had long forgotten these incidents. This is an example of which type of forgetting? a. motivated forgetting theory b. retroactive interference c. anterograde amnesia d. encoding failure

a. motivated forgetting theory

Cognition includes the processes of _____. all of these options thinking and problem solving sensation and perception learning and memory

all of these options

Ethnic group differences in IQ scores can be due to _____. negative stereotypes about minorities socioeconomic differences all of these options cultural biases in IQ tests

all of these options

Opiates are used to achieve _____. euphoria pain relief feelings of relaxation all of these options

all of these options

People with cynical hostility are more prone to heart disease because _____.

all of these options

Rewards for smoking come from ______.

all of these options

The effects of nicotine are related to the release of _____ in the brain.

all of these options

The frontal lobes are responsible for _____.

all of these options

This is a (These are) disease(s) of adaptation that may occur after the resistance phase of the GAS.

all of these options

Ulcers are associated with _____.

all of these options

Which of the following has been implicated in the origin or progression of cancer-related diseases?

all of these options

Which of the following is NOT a stressor?

all of these options ARE stressors

Which of the following persons is NOT adversely affecting his immune system functioning?

all of these people are adversely affecting their immune systems

Research indicated that meditation has been somewhat successful in reducing stress because of its effects on what part of the brain


Stimulating the _____ increases aggressive behavior.


Moya really wants to study so she can pass her psychology exam tomorrow, but she also wants to go out with her new boyfriend tonight. This is an example of _____ conflict.

an approach-approach

Holmes is running for congress and has to decide whether to tell the truth about his use of drugs in high school. This is an example of _____.

an approach-avoidance conflict

Three-year-old Cory wants to stay up, but has to decide whether he will go to bed now or in five minutes. This is an example of _____ conflict.

an avoidance-avoidance

elaborative rehearsal

Linking new information to previously stored material (also known as deeper levels of processing)

This term refers to the fact that various parts of the brain are specialized for particular functions.

Localization of function

Memory tends to be __________.

Localized, and distributed throughout the brain

Which of the following persons is EFFECTIVELY using emotion-focused coping?

Logan rationalized that not making the basketball team would give him more time to focus on his studies and finish college sooner.

long-term potentiation (LTP)

Long-lasting increase in neural excitability, which may be a biological mechanism for learning and memory

retrograde amnesia

Loss of memory for events before a brain injury; backward-acting amnesia

Injury to the thalamus can cause all except which of the following?

Loss of smell

The most widely researched and clinically used self-report, personality test is the _____. Rorschach inkblot test SVII TAT MMPI-2


The process of repeating information over and over to maintain it in short-term memory is called ________.

Maintainence rehearsal

Cramming is another term for _________, which is an inefficient form of studying.

Massed practice

People who think of their professions as a calling, such as nurses, _________.

May burnout due to loss of idealism.

This is an internal record or representation of some prior event or experience.


misinformation effect

Memory distortion resulting from misleading post-event information

encoding storage, retrieval (ESR) model

Memory is formed through three processes: encoding (getting information in), storage (retaining information for future use), and retrieval (recovering information)

parallel distributed processing (PDP)

Memory results from weblike connections among interacting processing units operating simultaneously, rather than sequentially (also known as the connectionist model)

three-stage memory model

Memory storage requires passage of information through three stages (sensory, short-term, and long-term)

mnemonic (nih-MON-ik) device

Memory-improvement technique based on encoding items in a special way

The method of loci, peg-word system, and substitute word system are all examples of __________.

Mnemonic devices

Which of the following situations is the BEST example of eustress?

Mose is performing his standard, moderate workout at the gym.

Tests make you anxious. You forgot there was a test today. Freud might suggest that his theory of __________ applies in this situation.

Motivated forgetting

This is an outdated term for disorders characterized by unrealistic anxiety and other associated problems. Psychosis Psychasthenia Neurosis Hysteria


retroactive interference

New information interferes with remembering old information; backward-acting interference

With regard to behavior, when adopted children resemble their adopted family, this is evidence for the _____.

Predominance of "nurture"


Prior exposure to a stimulus (or prime) facilitates or inhibits the processing of new information, even when one has no conscious memory of the initial learning and storage

With regard to memory, tying shoes requires the use of your _______.

Procedural memory


Process by which neural changes associated with recent learning become durable and stable


Processing information into the memory system

Alzheimer's (ALTS-high-merz) disease (AD)

Progressive mental deterioration characterized by severe memory loss

_____ is the field that studies the effects of psychological factors on the immune system.


Which of the following is TRUE about the relationship between chronic pain and psychological factors?

Psychological factors can encourage or intensify chronic pain.

This is the current term for serious mental disorders characterized by a loss of contact with reality and extreme mental disruptions. Insanity Neurosis Hysteria Psychosis


This is NOT a behavioral strategy for quitting smoking: _____ when the urge to smoke strikes.

Putting on a nicotine patch

An essay requires the use of __________ because you must use very general retrieval cues to search the contents of your LTM.



Recovering information from memory storage

Reserchers have demonstrated that it is _________ to create false memories.

Relatively easy

maintenance rehearsal

Repeating information over and over to maintain it in short-term memory (STM)

________ memories are related to anxiety-provoking thoughts or events that are prevented from reaching consciouness.



Retaining information for future use

_________ theory suggests that forgetting is due to momentary inability to recall permanently stored information due to interference, faulty cues, or emotional states.

Retrieval failure


Retrieving a memory using a general cue


Retrieving a memory using a specific cue

Kelsey suffers from _________ amnesia because he cannot remember the events that led up to the motorcycle accident that injured his brain.


Loss of memory for events before an injury is called __________ amnesia.


The body's immediate fight-or-flight response is facilitated by the _______ system(s).


People have historically believed that emotions and thoughts affect health. However, this popular belief declined in the late 1800s. Why?

Scientist discovered biological causes for infectious disease.

short-term memory (STM)

Second memory stage that temporarily stores sensory information and decides whether to send it on to long-term memory (LTM); capacity is limited to five to nine items and duration is about 30 seconds

General Adaption System

Selye's three stage (alarm, resistance, exhaustion) reaction to chronic stress

_________ refers to the stage of memory in which a relatively exact image of a sensory experience is held briefly until it can be further processed.

Sensory memory

_______________ is characterized by information that lasts for a few seconds or less, a large but no unlimited storage capacity, and transmission of an accurate but not perfect "image"

Sensory memory

According to the three-stage memory model, information must first enter _________ memory, and transfer to _____ memory, and then to _______ memory to be retained in our memory systems.

Sensory, short-term, and long-term

Which of the following is NOT associated with the endocrine system?


The memory system that stores sensory information while it "decides"whether to send it on to LTM is called _________ memory in the traditional memory model.


Which of the following is NOT characteristic of Stage 2 sleep? More relaxation Sleep spindles Less responsive to external stimuli Sleep apnea

Sleep apnea

Anna hears her teacher ask a question she knows the answer to, so she raises her hand so she can speak. Which division of the nervous system was responsible for her hand going up?

Somatic nervous system

_____ are the immature, precursors that give birth to new, specialized cells.

Stem cells

With regard to memory, the process of retaining neurally coded information over time is known as __________.


semantic memory

Subsystem of explicit/declarative memory that stores general knowledge; a mental encyclopedia or dictionary

episodic memory

Subsystem of explicit/declarative memory that stores memories of personally experienced events; a mental diary of a person's life

implicit (nondeclarative) memory

Subsystem within long-term memory consisting of unconscious procedural skills and simple classically conditioned responses

explicit (declarative) memory

Subsystem within long-term memory that consciously stores facts, information, and personal life experiences

"Split-brain" is the term used to describe which of the following conditions?

Surgical separation of the brain hemispheres

What is the major sensory relay area for the brain? Hindbrain Cortex Thalamus Hypothalamus


The central nervous system (CNS) is divided into two main divisions. What are they?

The brain and spinal cord

This is an example of episodic memory or (personally experienced events).

The event leading up to your high school graduation

In a class activity, you learned a list of eight animals. This is an example of _________.

The method of loci mnemonic device

beginning and end; middle

The serial position effect suggests that people will remember _____ items better than _____ items on a list.

encoding, storage, retrieval

The three steps in memory processing are _____.

A retrieval failure that involves a sensation of knowing something, but being temporarily unable to retrieve it is called ___________.

The tip-of-the-tongue phenomenon

explicit and implicit

The two major systems of long-term memory are _____.

This is a TRUE statement about SRRS scores.

They are correlated with illness.

According to Maslow, what did Albert Einstein, Mahatma Ghandi, and Eleanor Roosevelt have in common? They were all humanists They were all fully self-actualized Each was a phenomenological success in his or her own field They all engaged in unconditional positive regard toward others

They were all fully self-actualized

Rosa has multiple sclerosis, a degenerative disorder that causes myelin to disintegrate. What effect is this going to have on Rosa's nerve impulses?

They will slow down.

long-term memory (LTM)

Third stage of memory that stores information for long periods of time; its capacity is virtually limitless, and its duration is relatively permanent


This is a measure of the consistency and stability of test scores when re-administered at different times.

Elaborative rehearsal

This is an encoding technique linking new information to previously stored material in LTM.


This is an internal record or representation of some prior event or experience.

massed practice

Time spent learning is grouped (or massed) into long, unbroken intervals (also known as cramming)

What is the purpose stated in your text of long-term memory?

To store information for long periods of time

What is the basic function of a neuron?

To transmit information to and from the brain and spinal cord

Intense ambition, competition, exaggerated time urgency, and a cynical, hostile outlook on life are associated with _____.

Type A personalities

The immediate goal of elaborative rehearsal is to __________ new information.



Using information and acting on that information is evidence of _____.

A flashbulb memory is one in which _________.

Vivid images are associated with a surprising or strongly emotional event

Sleep is important for memory because __________.

We process and store information new memories

_____ area is found in the temporal lobe, and is involved with language comprehension.


Selective attention

Which of the following will improve encoding?

_____ is one of the largest sources of chronic stress for adults.


Which of the following is NOT an effective use of social support during a stressful situation?

You can divert responsibility away from yourself and onto others.

Which of the following situations would be MORE effectively handled with emotion-focused rather than problem-focused coping?

Your best friend is being treated for testicular cancer.

A calm, patient, relaxed attitude toward life is associated with _____.

a Type B personality

Which of the following may be the MOST effective method of quitting smoking?

a combination of all these options

In an approach-approach conflict, a person must choose between two or more goals that will lead to _____.

a desirable result

Your vivid memory of what you were doing when you learned about the attack on the World Trade Center is an example of _____. the encoding specificity principle a flashbulb memory long-term potentiation

a flashbulb memory

Credit card numbers, social security identification numbers, and telephone numbers are all grouped into three or four units separated by hyphens. The numbers are easier to remember when they are grouped into units. Grouping separate pieces of information into a single unit is called _____________. a. chunking b. central executive c. maintenance rehearsal d. visuospatial sketchpad

a. chunking

Enhancing transfer of information to long-term memory by building in additional cues is called: a. elaborative rehearsal b. maintenance rehearsal c. motivational learning d. sensory encoding

a. elaborative rehearsal

The method of loci mnemonic system uses _____ to organize information to be learned. a. images of physical locations b. numbers c. images of objects to represent numbers d. substitute words

a. images of physical locations

Hans Selye defined a stressor as

an environmental trigger that prompts a stressful reaction

The belief that an adolescent is constantly being watched and evaluated by others is characteristic of

an imaginary audience

One factor that may lead to long-term potentiation is

an increase in the release of hormones

In your text, the analogy was presented that neurotransmission at the synapse is like _____ whereas hormonal communication is like _____.

an individual message; a global email

Your body has designed a traffic signal for action potentials traveling from one neuron to another. In this system, a red light represents _____.

an inhibitory neurotransmitter

In an avoidance-avoidance conflict, a person must choose between two or more goals that will lead to _____.

an undesirable result

In most adults, the left hemisphere of the brain is specialized for

analytical functions

A split-brain patient is presented with the word "TENANT," with "TEN" presented to her right visual field, and "ANT" presented to her left visual field. How does she respond when asked what word she sees?


Ralph fell through the floor of his tree house and found himself in the hospital. He has no memory of his hospital stay, which suggests he has developed _____ amnesia. retrograde proactive anterograde retroactive



anxiety arousing dreams generally occurring near the end of the sleep cycle, during REM sleep

In a _____ conflict, a person must choose between two or more alternatives that each have both desirable and undesirable results.


Desmond sees an attractive woman whom he would like to meet. As he approaches her, his heart starts racing and his pupils dilate. In this situation, _____ is the stressor, and _____ is the stress.

approaching the attractive woman; Desmond's racing heart

If you frequently drink 4 or 5 alcoholic drinks at a sitting, this means you _____.

are a binge drinker

Secondary reinforcers increase the probability of a response, and

are based on prior learning of their reinforcing properties

Psychologists who emphasize stability believe that personal characteristics

are nearly all stable over a person's lifespan


area of the brain that houses parts of the hindbrain, midbrain, and forebrain, and helps regulate reflex activities critical for survival (such as heartbeat and respiration)

fluid intelligence

aspects of innate intelligence, including reasoning abilities, memory, and speed of information processing, that are relatively independent of education and tend to decline as people age

secondary appraisal

assessing ones resources and choosing a coping method

Tongue-curling is a dominant trait. If you can curl your tongue, this means that _____.

at least one of your parents can

Deficits in how mirror neurons work may explain problems associated with


The sympathetic and parasympathetic systems are branches of the _____ nervous system.


The _____ nervous system is responsible for involuntary tasks, whereas the _____ nervous system is responsible for voluntary tasks.

autonomic; somatic

Judging the likelihood or probability of events based on how easily other such events can be recalled is known as the _____ heuristic. functional prototype availability representative


The most difficult conflict to resolve is usually the _____ conflict.


According to the research, women are better at recalling details about men, while men are better at recalling details about women. a. True b. False

b. False

An eyewitness in the courtroom typically gives an impartial, detailed, and accurate recollection of events. a. True b. False

b. False

Which of the following statements about short-term memory (STM) is FALSE? a. The capacity of STM is about five to nine items. b. STM stores exact duplicates of sensory memory. c. Information in STM is either transferred quickly into the next stage (LTM) or it is lost. d. The duration of STM is about 30 seconds unless the information is being maintained by rehearsal or another type of processing.

b. STM stores exact duplicates of sensory memory.

Miguel has an average memory capacity. Which of the following lists is the MOST likely to forget? a. Karen, Kathy, Katie, Keith, Kevin, Kim b. IBM, CBS, FBI, CIA, NBC, ABC, ESP b. ZKQ, LMP, TSC, XRJ c. 123, 456, 789, 987, 654, 321 28


Janie has vivid emotional images of the World Trade Center collapse , this is known as ________. a. long-term potentiation (LTP) b. a flashbulb memory c. reintegration d. all of the above

b. a flashbulb memory

Valerie uses the word "JAMBO" to help remember the names of her cousins; James, Adam, Matthew, Bryon and Orville; that she typically only sees at family reunions This mnemonic memory device is called. a. method of loci b. acronym method c. substitute word method d. peg-word method

b. acronym method

To remember the names of the Great Lakes (Huron, Ontario, Michigan, Erie, and Superior), it helps to remember the word "HOMES" which provides the first letter for each lake's name. This mnemonic device is called: a. substitute word method b. acronyms c. method of loci d. peg-word method

b. acronyms

Cross-cultural studies suggest where formal schooling as a rule people _____________. a. learn information presented last (recency effect) b. learn memory strategies that help them remember lists c. learn nonverbal information d. learn spatial tasks 91

b. learn memory strategies that help them remember lists

How long is information held in sensory memory storage? a. minutes b. moments c. a lifetime d. days

b. moments

What are two processes that can help us strengthen long-term memory? a. sensory memory and maintenance rehearsal b. organization and elaborative rehearsal c. maintenance rehearsal and organization d. stimulus retrieval and sensory memory

b. organization and elaborative rehearsal

To measure Anita's retention of the poems she learned 15 years ago, the time it took her to review, recall and recite the poetry was recorded. This is an example of _____. a. a recall ratio b. relearning c. reintegration d. none of these options 68

b. relearning

Being able to name the capitals of all 50 states is an example of what type of memory? a. implicit b. semantic c. classically conditioned d. episodic e. procedural

b. semantic


basic classical conditioning when a neutral stimulus is consistently paired with an unconditioned stimulus so that the NS comes to elicit a conditioned response

When learning a new concept, children are most likely to learn the _________ first

basic-level concept

frequency theory

basillar membrane hairs bend and fire neural messages at the same rate as the sound characteristic

Stress increases the risk of heart disease because unused fat cells released during the stress response may _____.

be deposited on and block coronary arteries

Why has the focus shifted back from biological (germ) causes of disease to exploring psychological factors in illness?

because major causes of death are due to lifestyle rather than infectious causes

One threat to well being occurs in people who _____.

believe they have no control over their circumstances

This is an encoding technique linking new information to previously stored material in LTM. a. Maintenance rehearsal b. Shallow processing c. Elaborative rehearsal d. Hierarchical encoding 47

c. Elaborative rehearsal

This is an internal record or representation of some prior event or experience. a. Cognition b. Intellect c. Memory d. Perception 1

c. Memory

Which of the following will improve encoding? a. Shallow processing and divided attention b. Selective attention and shallow processing c. Selective attention and effortful processing d. Divided attention and effortful processing 7

c. Selective attention and effortful processing

Which of the following statements about the parallel distributed processing (PDP) model is FALSE? a. The brain is capable of instantaneous information processing. b. Human memory occurs simultaneously through the action of multiple networks. c. When it comes to memory, the human brain operates like a computer. d. Memory results from connections among interacting processing units that are distributed in a vast network.

c. When it comes to memory, the human brain operates like a computer.

James uses the _____ mnemonic device for remembering that the names of the Great lakes start with the letters in HOMES. a. method of loci b. word association c. acronym d. peg word 128

c. acronym

The serial position effect suggests that people will remember _____ items better than _____ items on a list. a. end; middle or beginning b. middle and end; beginning c. beginning and end; middle d. beginning; middle or end 52

c. beginning and end; middle

Memory research suggests that, in comparison to literate cultures, preliterate cultures _____. a. are not affected by the recency effect b. are better at face-recognition memory tasks c. demonstrate better recall for orally presented stories d. have better short-term, but worse long-term memory abilities

c. demonstrate better recall for orally presented stories

Your textbook author summarizes specific study tips compiled from memory research. These tips include all the following EXCEPT _____. a. reduce interference b. review information by sometimes starting in the middle sections of a chapter c. employ massed practice d. use mnemonics 121

c. employ massed practice

Mona's sister called to tell her the new cell phone number, and on her way to write it down her son asked what was for dinner. When she started to write down the number she realized that she couldn't remember it. This is an example of forgetting due to _____________________. a. memory bias b. proactive interference c. encoding failure d. retroactive interference

c. encoding failure

If information is not quickly transferred from sensory to ____ it is lost. a. maintenance rehearsal b. long-term memory c. short-term memory d. perceptual

c. short-term memory

The second stage of the traditional three-stage memory model is: a. retrieval memory b. encoded memory c. short-term memory d. sensory memory

c. short-term memory

Hearing a movie star discuss problems with global warming and later believing you read it in your college biology text is an example of the ______. a. information overload b. misinformation effect c. sleeper effect d. Zeigarnik effect

c. sleeper effect

According to research, eyewitnesses generally report _____ confidence in the accuracy of their inaccurate memories. a. moderate b. very little c. strong d. little 117

c. strong

motor neurons

carry messages AWAY from the CNS

sensory neurons

carry messages TO the CNS

glial cells

cells that provide structural, nutritional, and other support for the neurons, as well as communication within the nervous system

The two major divisions of the nervous system are the _____.

central and peripheral

The next time you see someone at a party who is having trouble walking properly, you might say, "He has had too much alcohol to drink, and it went right to his _____."



chemical messengers that are released by axons and stimulate dendrites on another neuron

Neurotransmitters are _____.

chemicals that cross the synaptic gap and bind to receptors on another neuron excitatory chemicals that make it more likely that a neuron will fire inhibitory chemicals that make it less likely that a neuron will fire

_____ are threadlike strands of DNA molecules that carry genetic information.


Any pain that continues or recurs for six months or more is considered to be _____.


Poor working conditions or a bad marriage are classified in your text as:

chronic stressors

The tools the STM "worker" uses during active processing include

chunking, maintenance rehearsal, and encoding

Most phobias are explained by _____. classical conditioning latent learning personality defects operant conditioning

classical conditioning


classical conditioning

libby bell

co pres

The branches of the neuron that receive neural impulses from other neurons are called _____, and the tube-like structure that conveys impulses toward other neurons is called the _____. axons; dendrite somas; axon dendrites; axon dendrites; soma

dendrites; axon

A collection of glands found throughout the body that manufacture and secrete hormones into the bloodstream in order to effect behavioral change or maintain normal bodily functions is called the _____.

endocrine system

A collection of glands found throughout the body that manufacture and secrete hormones into the bloodstream in order to effect behavioral change or maintain normal bodily functions is called the _____. endocrine system alimentary system hypothalamus nervous system

endocrine system

An increase in activity and exercise levels can be beneficial to pain patients because exercise increases the release of _____.


According to your textbook, motivation _____ behavior and emotion _____. follows; precedes it precedes; directs it energizes; is the feeling response directs; energizes it

energizes; is the feeling response

The anti-smoking laws have had unintended effects that may make quitting more difficult for some people including

enhancing the formation of a strong social bond

Teratogens are ________ that can cause birth defects

environmental agents

representative heuristic

estimating the probability of something based on how well the circumstances match your prototype for that event or object

cognitive psychology

examines higher mental processes, including thought, memory, intelligence, creativity, and language

Developmental psychology

examines maturation, early experience, and various stages of development

After exposure to a severe and prolonged stressor, illness and death may occur in the _____ phase of the general adaptation syndrome.


People who experience flashbacks, nightmares, and impaired functioning following a life-threatening or other horrifying event are _____.

experiencing posttraumatic stress disorder

When diagnosed with diabetes, Derek placed his fate in God's hands. Derek's method of coping suggests that he has an _____ locus of control.


In a Duchenne smile, the cheek muscles are pulled back, and the muscles around the _____ also contract. eyes mouth nose ears



false of misleading perception

The BEST definition of the myelin sheath is a _____.

fatty insulation wrapped around some axons that increases the rate at which impulse travel along the axon

Cognitive therapists assume that problem behaviors and emotions are caused by ___________. faulty or distorted thought processes and/or irrational beliefs lack of self-motivation poor time management daily hassles

faulty or distorted thought processes and/or irrational beliefs

Emotion-focused forms of coping are based on changing your _____ when faced with stressful situations.


selective attention

filtering out and attending only to important sensory messages

Creative thinking is related to

fluency, flexibility, and originality

3 abilities commonly associated with creativity

fluency, flexibility, originality

Cattel proposed that there were two subtypes of general intelligence, which are

fluid and crystallized

evolutionary perspective

focuses on natural selection, adaption, and evolution of behavior and mental processes

psychoanalytic approach

focuses on the unconscious processes and unresolved conflicts

cognitive perspective

focuses on thinking, perceiving, and information processing

psycho-dynamic perspective

focuses on unconscious dynamics, internal motives, conflicts, and childhood experiences


forced choice between two options both of which have equally desirable characteristics


forced choice between two options both of which have equally undesirable characteristics


forced choice within one option, which has equally desirable and undesirable characteristics

The largest and most prominent part of the human brain is the _____.



forebrain structure at the top of the brainstem; serves as the brain's switchboard relaying sensory messages to the cerebral cortex

Anterograde amnesia is the inability to _________ after an injury

form new memories

The H. pylori bacterium that is associated with ulcer formation is _____.

found in 75% of people who do not have ulcers

Problem-solving is the act of moving _____. from a given state to a goal state from here to there from sensation to perception from emotion to motivation

from a given state to a goal state

The case of Phineas Gage suggests that the _____ lobes regulate our personality. These lobes are largely responsible for much of what makes us uniquely human.


Motor control, speech production, thinking, personality, emotion, and memory are all governed by your _____.

frontal lobe

The motor cortex in the _____ is responsible for your ability to place your foot on the brake pedal and stop at a red light.

frontal lobe

The cerebral cortex consists of the hypothalamus, hippocampus, and cerebellum hindbrain, midbrain, forebrain reticular formation, pons, and medulla frontal, temporal, parietal, and occipital lobes

frontal, temporal, parietal, and occipital lobes

Tanner wants to make his mother's favorite dish but has no cardamom, an essential ingredient. He tries, unsuccessfully, to borrow some from three of his neighbors. He drives to several stores-none of them have it. The negative emotion Tanner begins to experience is called _____.


Chronic, uncontrollable, excessive worrying about nothing in particular is associated with _____. panic attack obsessive-compulsive disorder generalized anxiety disorder hysteria

generalized anxiety disorder

Mark and Wendi deal with the hassles of life differently. As the literature expects he might, Mark

gets more colds and flus than Wendi due to a more impaired immune system


global capacity to think rationally, act purposefully, and deal effectively with the environment


gradual disappearance of a conditioned response; occurs when unconditioned stimulus is withheld whenever the conditioned stimulus is presented

experimental group

group that receives a treatment in an experiment

control group

group that receives no treatment in an experiment

People who interpret stress as challenging and interesting rather than threatening or frustrating are exhibiting _____.


Small problems of daily living that accumulate and sometimes become a major source of stress are called _____.


Simon is experiencing chest pain due to an insufficient blood supply to the heart. Saul's coronary arteries are nearly blocked, which is slowing blood flow to his heart, and Sean has just experienced the death of some of his heart muscle tissue. What do these men have in common?

heart disease

Diane got very angry at Chris, and they argued over dinner. Afterward, Diane had a stomach ache. This was probably because:

her sympathetic nervous system activated and shut down digestion during the argument

This is a measure of the degree to which a characteristic is related to genetic, inherited factors.


latent learning

hidden learning that exists without behavioral signs

Just as chunking is a form of STM organization, __________ are a form of LTM



hindbrain structure involves in respiration, movement, waking, sleep, and dreaming


hindbrain structure responsible for coordinating fine muscle movement, balance, and some perception and cognition


hindbrain structure responsible for vital, automatic functions, such as respiration and heatbeat

51. The body's state of equilibrium is called ______.


Evolutionary psychology studies:

how natural selection and adaptation can explain behavior and mental processes

lily montano

hr - asst

linda brown

hr director

The most common coping strategy in students post-Katrina was ______.


The _____ state occurs at the beginning of sleep when you may experience visual, auditory, and kinesthetic sensations.


Which of the following is the CORRECT sequence of sleep stages?

hypnogogic → Stages 1-2-3-4-3-2 - REM

In Erikson's stages of psychosocial development, the establishment of a sense of self and a role in society is dependent upon successfully resolving which of the following

identity vs role confusion

Sociobiologists emphasized that _____ are in born, genetic factors in motivation. instincts aggression cooperation competition


Hardiness is _____.


An example of __________ would be if you repeatedly fail your attempt to control your environment and were likely to make no further attempts to escape tor make your environment better

learned helplessness

conditioned response

learned reactions to a conditioned stimulus that occurs because of previous repeated pairings with an unconditioned stimulus

A relatively permanent change in behavior or mental processes as a result of practice or experience is called _____. knowledge intuition training learning



learning material the second time, which usually takes less time than original learning

observational learning

learning new behaviors or information by watching and imitating others

classical conditioning

learning through involuntarily paired associations; it occurs when a previously neutral stimulus is paired with an unconditioned stimulus to elicit a conditioned response

operant conditioning

learning through voluntary behavior and its subsequent consequences; reinforcement increases behavioral tendencies, whereas punishment decreases them

Beverly had a stroke that has left her with Broca's aphasia, even though she can read and write. This suggests her _____ was damaged.

left frontal lobe

"Insanity" is a _____ term that is used in _____% of cases that reach trial. legal; 3% psychological; 1% psychological; 3% legal; 1%

legal; 1%

According to Ebbinghaus, relearning of information takes __________ than initial learning

less time

The Social Readjustment Rating Scale constructed by Holmes and Rahe measures the stress in a person's life on the basis of _____.

life changes

The hippocampus, amygdala, thalamus, and hypothalamus are all parts of the _____.

limbic system


limbic system structure linked to the production and regulation of emotions (e.g. aggression and fear)

This term refers to a person's belief that life's circumstances are under their internal, personal control or outside, external factors.

locus of control


long, tubelike structure that conveys impulses AWAY from the neuron's cell body toward other neurons or to muscles or glands

Of the three memory stages, _____ has the greatest capacity, and _____ has the longest duration. long-term memory; LTM STM; LTM LTM; sensory memory sensory memory; LTM

long-term memory; LTM

Exposure to stress during prenatal development can increase the risk for

low birth weight

The two main types of mood disorders are _____. learned helplessness and suicide happy and sad major depression and bipolar disorder SAD and MAD

major depression and bipolar disorder

emotion focused coping

managing ones emotional reactions to a stressful situation

In simple terms, coping is defined in your text as _____.

managing stress in an effective way

A man who was viciously beaten three months ago and is suffering from PTSD. Which of the following symptoms is he LEAST likely to develop?

manic and depressive episodes

The ______ content of a dream contains the surface symbols that disguise the underlying meaning of the dream. latent repressed transference manifest


If you want to apply a problem-focused form of coping to answering difficult questions on this exam, your BEST strategy would be to _____.

mark and return to answer them after checking other questions for clues

Anti-smoking laws _____.

may make it harder for smokers to quit

Cataclysmic events

may not be as stressful as we think


measure the consistency and reproducibility of test scores when the test is re-administered

Three structures included in the hindbrain are the:

medulla, pons, and cerebellum

__________ is the onset of menstruation in females; __________ is the first ejaculation in males

menarche; spermarche

alternate states of consciousness

mental states, other than ordinary waking consciousness, found during sleep, dreaming, psychoactive drug use, hypnosis and so on

agonist drug

mimics and enhances a neurotransmitters effect

Hunger, arousal, and achievement are three basic _____. responses motives feelings emotions


The reason you can wiggle your fingers "better" than you can wiggle your toes is because your _____ for your fingers than for your toes.

motor cortex is larger

The term _____ refers to the evolutionary concept that those with adaptive genetic traits will live and reproduce.

natural selection


nerve cell that processes and transmits information; basic building block of the nervous system responsible for receiving and transmitting electrochemical information

The somatic nervous system is made up of _____.

nerves that connect to sensory receptors and control skeletal muscles

The basic units of the brain, spinal cord, and nerves that process, store, and transmit information are the _____.


The endocrine system is composed of all the following, EXCEPT the _____ gland.


higher order conditioning

neutral stimulus becomes a conditioned stimulus through repeated pairings with a previously conditioned stimulus

After being shocked for the last ten days when kissing your wife, you now feel mildly anxious whenever you approach to give her a kiss. In classical conditioning, you wife is a ___________ stimulus ten days ago and has now become a ___________ stimulus

neutral; conditioned

According to retrieval failure theory, memories stored in LTM are

never really forgotten

confounding variables

nuisance variables that may affect the outcome of the study and lead to erroneous conclusions

Vision and visual perception occur in the _____ lobes.


Vision and visual perception occur in the _____ lobes. parietal temporal occipital frontal


While roller blading without a helmet, Irena fell and hit the back of her head. She was taken to the hospital because she injured her _____.

occipital lobe, and had visual problems

stimulus discrimination

only the conditioned stimulus elicits the conditioned response

Which of the following is NOT a risk factor for heart disease?



organisms awareness of its own self and surroundings

constructive process

organizing and shaping of information during processing, storage, and retrieval of memories

Although repression, as a defense mechanism, is widely accepted as possible in psychology, the concept of repressed memories of __________, and their storage in the unconscious mind, is widely questioned

painful experiences

REM sleep is also called

paradoxical sleep

REM sleep is also called _____ because the brain is aroused and active while the person remains nonresponsive and asleep.

paradoxical sleep

The _____ nervous system is responsible for fight or flight, whereas the _____ nervous system is responsible for maintaining calm.

parasympathetic; sympathetic


part of the limbic system involved in forming and retrieving memories

cell body

part of the neuron containing the nucleus, as well as other structures that help the neuron carry our its functions; also known as the soma

Which of the following is NOT among the characteristics associated with Type-A personality?


While reading your newspaper in the morning, you notice a crash in the street outside. The part of your brain that refocuses your attention from the paper to the crash is the _____.

reticular formation

Accessing stored memories and bringing them into short-term memory is called


When one is forced to choose between two or more different and incompatible functions, one is experiencing ______.

role conflict

Vygotsky's term for providing support during the learning process that is tailored to the needs of the student is instructional


A program that designates the rate or interval at which a response is reinforced is called a

schedule of reinforcement

Cognitive structures that consist of a number of organized ideas that grow and differentiate with experience are called


positive psychology

scientific study of optimal human functioning, emphasizing positive emotions, positive traits, and positive institutions

This person is LEAST likely to experience burnout.


Knowledge of facts and the relationships between them is called _________ memory, whereas knowledge of events is called _________ memory

semantic; episodic

The process of detecting, converting, and transmitting sensory information to your brain is called the _______________, and the process of interpreting and giving that information meaning is called ________________. sensation; perception organization; selection selection; organization perception; sensation

sensation; perception

vestibular sense

sense of body movement and position; also called the sense of balance

Short-term memory receives information from _____ memory. sensory and long-term sensory and working long-term sensory

sensory and long-term


sensory system for detecting body posture, orientation, and movement of individual body parts

sensory adaption

sensory systems reduced responsiveness to the unchanging stimuli

You have a close friend who has undergone surgery to separate her brain hemispheres. It is MOST likely that, prior to surgery, she suffered from _____.

severe epilepsy

If you are mounting a campaign to prevent young people from taking up smoking, you are likely to get the BEST results if you emphasize the _____.

short-term detrimental effects of tobacco use

Melatonin influences _____.



small brain structure beneath the thalamus that helps govern drives (hunger, thirst, sex, aggression, hormones)


smallest basic unit of speech or sound


smallest meaningful unit of language, formed from a combination of phonemes

temporal lobe is responsible for


All of the following are effective strategies for stress management EXCEPT: seek social support from family friends engage in relaxation techniques such as meditation exercise smoke a cigarette

smoke a cigarette

King James I said that _____ was "loathsome to the eye, hateful to the nose, harmful to the brain, [and] dangerous to the lungs."


According to your text, a primary reason young people begin smoking is _____.

social pressure from peers

Which two factors make it hard to quit smoking?

social rewards and physical addiction to nicotine

The _____ is another name for the cell body.


The peripheral nervous system is made up of the______ nervous systems.

somatic and autonomic

feature detectors

specialized neurons that respond only to certain sensory information

clinical psychology

specializes in the evaluation, diagnoses, and treatment of psychological disorders

The Broca's area in the frontal lobe is responsible for

speech generation

You have just touched a hot mug of coffee. Your hand immediately and reflexively pulls away. This action was controlled by your _____.

spinal cord

A mental state other than an ordinary waking state, in which there are distinct changes in perception, emotion, memory, thinking, etc. is called alternate _____.

states of consciousness

A mental state, other than an ordinary waking state, that occurs during sleep, dreaming, psychoactive drug use, or hypnosis is called altered

states of consciousness


statistical procedure for combining and analyzing data from many studies

In the future, _____ may be used to treat injury, disease, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, diabetes, epilepsy, stress, and strokes.

stem cells

MDMA belongs to which category of drugs


stimulus generalization

stimuli similar to the original conditioned stimulus elicit a conditioned response

primary reinforcers

stimuli that increase the probability of a response because they satisfy an unlearned biological need

The phenomenon in the Little Albert experiment, in which Little Albert learned to fear not only the rat(the CS) but the other objects as well, such as the rabbit, is an example of

stimulus generalization

neutral stimulus

stimulus that before conditioning does not naturally bring about the response of interest

unconditioned stimulus

stimulus that elicits an unconditioned response without previous conditioning


strengthens a response and makes it more likely to recur

In your text, the physical and mental arousal to situations that we perceive as threatening or challenging is called _____.


Cancer can result from

stress, which releases hormones that suppresses immune functioning

Moving to a new city is considered a _____, whereas filling out change of address cards for all of your subscriptions and creditors is considered a _____.

stressor; hassle

According to your text, no program to quit smoking can work without _____.

strong personal motivation

comparative psychology

studies the behavior and mental processes of nonhuman animals

A health psychologist is LEAST likely to _____.

study interpersonal relationships among nurses and doctors

spontaneous recovery

sudden, temporary reappearance of a previously extinguished conditioned response

levels of processing approach

suggest that a deeper analysis of meaning enables you to improve long term memory

The hypothalamus's role in the brain is MOST similar to the role of a(n) _____. pianist supervisor employee educator


The fight or flight response is triggered by the _____ nervous system.


The autonomic nervous system is subdivided into two branches, called the _____ and _____ systems.

sympathetic; parasympathetic

Most poisons and drugs act at the _________ by replacing, decreasing or enhancing the amount of neurotransmitter.


drugs act on the

synapse, by replacing, decreasing, or enhancing the amount of neurotransmitter


systematic, interrelated set of concepts that explain a body of data

A small plane just crashed in your neighborhood. You take a fire extinguisher and blankets to the scene, then stand back and pray when you realize there is nothing you can do to help. Which behavior is an example of problem-focused forms of coping?

taking the extinguisher and blankets to the scene

The _____ lobes are involved with hearing, language comprehension, memory, and some emotional control.


perceptual constancy

tendency for the environment to be perceived as remaining the same even with changes in sensory input

Biofeedback with the EMG has been effective in treating _____.

tension headaches and lower back pain

Many symptoms of schizophrenia - like hearing voices, misunderstanding social cues, and misinterpreting sensory information - could be due to abnormalities in the _____.


Many symptoms of schizophrenia - like hearing voices, misunderstanding social cues, and misinterpreting sensory information - could be due to abnormalities in the _____. hypothalamus thalamus all of these options reticular formation


Which of the following is NOT an important social skill that can help you cope with stress?

the ability to control a conversation

depth perception

the ability to perceive three dimensional space and to accurately judge distance

You have a minor car accident after which you experience sweaty palms, rapid breathing, and a racing heart. In this situation, _____ is the stressor, and _____ is the stress.

the accident; your physical reaction

extrasensory perception

the alleged ability to perceive things that cannot be perceived without the usual sensory channels

stem cell

immature cells that have the potential to develop into almost any type of cell depending on the chemical signals they receive

Darius is sleeping right through the sounds of fire engine and police car sirens right outside his window. It is MOST likely that Darius is _____.

in Stage 4 sleep

For best retrieval, according to the encoding specificity hypothesis, it would be best to study for your psychology final exam

in the same room that the exam is being held

The peripheral nervous system _____.

includes all the nerves and neurons outside the brain and spinal cord

Encouraging someone with chronic pain to talk about the pain is a(n) _____ strategy because her anxiety and pain are likely to _____.

ineffective; increase

Sociocultural psychology is the study of the _____ . thinking of people as individuals superiority of some cultures over others none of these options influence of culture and social interactions on people's behavior

influence of culture and social interactions on people's behavior

bottom up processing

information processing beginning "at the bottom" with raw sensory data that are sen up to the brain for higher level analysis; data driven processing that moves from the parts to the whole

top down processing

information processing starting "at the top" with higher-level cognitive processes (such as, expectations and knowledge), and then working down; conceptually driven processing that moves from the whole to the parts

encoding specificity principle

information retrieval is improved when conditions of recovery are similar to encoding conditions

sensory, short-term, long-term

According to the three-stage memory model, information must first enter _____ memory, and transfer to _____ memory, and then to _____ memory to be retained in our memory systems.

The tips of the branches of the axon are called _____. mitochondria terminal buttons soma dendrites

terminal buttons

When an axon is not stimulated, it is in a polarized state called _____. steady state super polarized homeostasis the resting potential

the resting potential

serial-position effect

Information at the beginning and end of a list is remembered better than material in the middle

peripheral nervous system

all nerves and neurons connecting the central nervous system to the rest of the body

behavioral perspective

emphasizes objective, observable environmental influences on overt behavior

sociocultural perspective

emphasizes social interaction and cultural determinants of behavior and mental processes

As you read this text, you will likely do best if you _____.

employ controlled processing

elaborate rehersal

encoding technique linking new information to previously stored information in the long term memory

The three steps in memory processing are

encoding, storage, retrieval

Drug abuse requires that the drug user

use a substance that causes emotional or physical harm to self or to others

independent variable

variable that is manipulated to determine its casual effect on the dependent variable

dependent variable

variable that is measured; it is affected by (or dependent on) the independent variable

About what percentage of Americans will have PTSD at some time in their lives?


In a study of eyewitness testimony, _______ of the participants who observed a "crime in progress" identified innocent people from a group of mugshots an hour later, and _________ identified innocent people from a lineup a week later.

20%; 8%

chip smith

3 pm - vp of hr

Your vivid memory of what you were doing when you learned about the attack of the World Trade Center is an example of _________.

A flashbulb memory

Which of the following is NOT part of your textbook author's directions for progressive relaxation?

Begin and end the session with muscles slightly tensed.

The serial position effect suggests that people will remember _______ items better than _______ items on a list.

Beginning and end; middle

This part of the brain is responsible for survival functions such as heart beat and respiration.

Brain stem

This structure at the base of the brain, behind the brain stem, is responsible for maintaining smooth movements, balance, and some aspects of perception and cognition.


Which of the following is a list of personality traits? All of these options Hunger, arousal, sensation-seeking, achievement Cheerful, honest, friendly, optimistic Tall, thin, dark-skinned

Cheerful, honest, friendly, optimistic

sleeper effect

Information from an unreliable source, which was initially discounted, later gains credibility because the source is forgotten

Based on observational learning research, which of the following is TRUE

Children will imitate an aggressive model who appears to receive a reinforcer as a result of the behavior

Which of the following is an approach-avoidant conflict?

Choice A or B positive and negative result

_____ conditioning occurs when a neutral stimulus becomes associated with an unconditioned stimulus to elicit a conditioned response. Instinctive Reflex Classical Basic


retrieval cue

Clue or prompt that helps stimulate recall or retrieval of a stored piece of information from long-term memory

sensation and perception, thinking and problem solving , learning and memory

Cognition includes the processes of _____.

_____ is (are) BEST defined as our awareness of our environments and ourselves.


Which of the following is NOT a function of the endocrine system identified in your text?

Control the fight-or-flight response

This is the name of the bundle of nerve fibers that carries information between the brain's right and left hemispheres.

Corpus callosum

_____ plays a critical role in the long-term effects of stress, and is the most common measure of stress.


This is involved in the operation of circadian rhythms. A) hypothalamus B) pineal gland C) suprachiasmic nucleus D) all of these options

D) all of these options

_________ theory suggests that memory is like any other biological process that deteriates over time.


Encoding failure is likely due to ________.

Deciding the information wasn't important enough to transfer to LTM

levels of processing model

Degree or depth of mental processing occurring when material is initially encountered; determines how well material is later remembered

What part(s) of the cell receive incoming messages?

Dendrites and cell body

Too much of this neurotransmitter may be related to schizophrenia, whereas too little of this neurotransmitter may be related to Parkinson's disease.


Scientists study sleep in sleep labs using _____.

EEG recordings

The _____ measures muscle tension and provides feedback regarding a patient's level of relaxation.


This explains why you can recall what someone said several seconds ago, even if you were absorbed in another task when they first said it.

Echoic memory

_______ coping can allow people to step back from an especially overwhelming problem, which they can reassess later.


Your textbook author summarizes specific study tips complied from memory research. These tips include all of the following EXCEPT ________.

Emply massed practice

The process of translating information into neural language that will be retained in memory is called _______.


_____ is the general term for all disorders that affect the heart muscle that can ultimately result in heart failure.

Heart disease

One difference identified between human processes and computer memory processes is ____________.

Human processes occur simultaneously whereas computer processes occur sequentially

This is a small structure that maintains homeostasis. It also regulates emotions and drives, such as hunger, thirst, sex, and aggression.


This is a small structure that maintains homeostasis. It also regulates emotions and drives, such as hunger, thirst, sex, and aggression. Hippocampus Pituitary gland Thalamus Hypothalamus


The release of cortisol during the fight or flight response occurs at the end of the _____ pathway.

Hypothalamus, Pituitary, Adrenal cortex

Which of the following is NOT an anxiety disorder? Obsessive-compulsive disorder Social phobia Panic disorder Hysteria


The memory subsytem that stores unconscious procedural skills, simple classically conditioned responses, and priming is called _________ memory.


Sensory memory - STM - LTM

In the three-stage memory model, which of the following is the CORRECT memory pathway?

anterograde amnesia

Inability to form new memories after a brain injury; forward-acting amnesia

This lobe is involved in the perception of shape, color, and motion.


proactive interference

Old information interferes with remembering new information; forward-acting interference

_____ theory suggests that organisms are motivated to achieve and maintain an ideal or optimal level of stimulation that maximizes their performance. Optimal arousal Incentive Instinct Drive reduction

Optimal arousal

This is the seat of body sensations.

Parietal lobe

Which of the following persons is MOST likely to experience chronic stress?

Paulette is shy and attending a new high school.

This structure at the top of the brain stem is involved in respiration, movement, waking, sleep, and dreaming.


distributed practice

Practice (or study) sessions are interspersed with rest periods

If you wanted to help someone you know with their chronic pain symptoms, which of the following should you do?

Praise him for following doctor's orders.

A major depressive disorder is BEST characterized by _____. any depression of mood that also includes suicidal thoughts frequent melancholia, prolonged blues, or prolonged grief recurring or persistent episodes of depressed mood and mania, with or without psychotic thinking and suicidality a long-lasting depressed mood that interferes with functioning, pleasure, and life interests

a long-lasting depressed mood that interferes with functioning, pleasure, and life interests

In John Watson's demonstration of classical conditioning with Little Albert, the unconditioned stimulus was

a loud noise

If wartime propaganda depicts the enemy as ugly, cruel, and somewhat less than human, then this type of propaganda would create _________ toward the enemy

a negative conditioned emotional response

A "Freudian Slip" is said to reveal: a person who isn't very aware of his or her physical presence in the world too much of a woman's leg under her dress a person who needs to change his or her personality a person's true, unconscious desires and conflicts

a person's true, unconscious desires and conflicts

The sound for /ng/ is called ____________, whereas the suffix "ing" is called ____________

a phoneme; a morpheme

A multiphasic personality test measures _____. personalities that emerge during different phases of the moon multiple personalities a range of personality traits personalities that emerge during different developmental phases

a range of personality traits

The repair/restoration theory of sleep says that sleep serves

a recuperative function, following depletion of key brain and body resources

John was planning to ask Susan to marry him. When he saw Susan kissing another man at a party, he was quite upset. In this situation, John's seeing Susan kissing another man is _____, and it illustrates _____.

a stressor; distress

Emotion is BEST defined as _____. affective feelings physical or psychological responses to the fulfillment or frustration of our goals a subjective feeling that includes arousal, cognitions, and behavioral expressions affective responses that are the result of external or internal stimuli

a subjective feeling that includes arousal, cognitions, and behavioral expressions

This is a vivid memory of circumstances associated with strongly emotional or surprise events that triggers hormone release. a. Flashbulb memory b. Eidetic memory c. The Zeigarnik effect d. Photographic memory 98

a. Flashbulb memory

Jackie studied her notes for her engineering exam in the same order each night. What is likely to happen during the exam? a. She is likely to remember the material at the beginning and end of her notes better than the material in the middle. b. The order of presentation makes no difference in learning. c. She will remember the material in the middle most accurately. d. Studying the notes in the same order will help her remember all the material equally well.

a. She is likely to remember the material at the beginning and end of her notes better than the material in the middle.

Long-term memory is believed to have an unlimited capacity. a. True b. False

a. True

What is a prion? a. a protein that can change its shape b. a virus that can become active years later c. a chemical messenger d. a hormone found in the brain

a. a protein that can change its shape

As a college student, Elaine is taking French, but she is having a difficult time with the class. She took Spanish as a high school student and believes that the Spanish that she learned is interfering with her ability to learn French. This is an example of: a. proactive interference b. encoding failure c. retrograde amnesia d. retroactive interference

a. proactive interference

In the video, which type of animal was studied for much of the research on memory? a. sea slug b. dolphin c. star fish d. pigeon

a. sea slug

The following descriptions are characteristic of _____: information lasts for a few seconds or less, a large but not unlimited storage capacity, and transmission of an accurate but not perfect "image." a. sensory memory b. working memory c. perceptual processes d. short-term storage 17

a. sensory memory

When you swallow the last bite of a divine piece of chocolate and continue to experience the delightful taste for a bit longer, you are utilizing your _____. a. sensory memory system b. mnemonic devices c. imaginary sensory system d. hedonistic nature 22

a. sensory memory system

How does the brain store long term memories? a. when nerve cells make new connections in the brain b. when new neurons are created within the brain tissue c. in chemical pathways within the hippocampus d. in electrical pathways within the cerebral cortex

a. when nerve cells make new connections in the brain

June-bug has Alzheimer's disease. Which of the following is she MOST likely to forget? a. why her sisters added the "bug" to her name when they were kids b. how to tie her shoes c. how to shift gears in her Mercedes d. all of these options 113

a. why her sisters added the "bug" to her name when they were kids


ability of a test to measure what it was designed to measure

night terrors

abrupt awakenings from NREM sleep accompanied by intense physiological arousal and feelings of panic

manifest content

accord to freud, a dreams "surface" remembered story line which contains dream symbols that disguise the hidden, latent content of the dream

latent content

according to freud, a dream's unconscious, hidden meaning, which is transformed into symbols within the story line or manifest content of the dream

Intellectual disability applies to an individual with significant deficits in __________ and a score significantly below average IQ test

adaptive functioning

As Michael watches his instructor pass out papers, he suddenly realizes this is the first major exam and he is totally unprepared. Which phase of the GAS is the he most likely experiencing?


In Selye's general adaptation syndrome theory of stress, the initial response of the autonomic nervous system to a stressor occurs in the _____ phase.

alarm reaction

The General Adaptation Syndrome indicates that we experience a biological reaction to stress, which occurs in three phases. The first phase is our initial response to a stressor. In the second phase we expend considerable energy to adapt to the stressor. And lastly, if the stressor is prolonged, it will likely result in us feeling depleted of energy and increase our risk of becoming susceptible to serious illnesses. Identify below the correct order of the three phases: resistance; exhaustion; alarm reaction resistance; alarm reaction; exhaustion alarm reaction; resistance; exhaustion exhaustion; resistance; alarm reaction

alarm reaction; resistance; exhaustion

The hypothalamus is involved with which of the following functions?


In Pavlov's original classical conditioning experiments, the _____ was the neutral stimulus, the _____ was the stimulus that would elicit a reflex, and _____ was the reflexive response. meat powder; bell; salivation salivation; meat powder; ringing the bell meat powder; salivation; ringing the bell bell; meat powder; salivation

bell; meat powder; salivation

Just before sleep, brain waves move from _____ waves, indicating normal wakefulness, to _____ waves associated with drowsy relaxation.

beta; alpha

In _____, information about physiological functioning, such as heart rate or blood pressure, is monitored and displayed to help an individual to learn to control these functions.


Circadian rhythms are

biological changes that occur on a 24-hour cycle

The scientific study of the biology of behavior and mental processes is called _______.


antagonist drug

block normal transmitter functioning

At a party, Arash consumed 5 drinks in a row and his girlfriend consumed 4 drinks in a row. This means that _____ met the definition for binge drinking.

both Arash and his girlfriend

As a result of Hurricane Katrina, many people experienced life-changing psychological and physical events. In measuring optimism versus pessimism in regular versus displaced students __________.

both groups were the same

Which of the following would be an example of a gender schema

boys should play with trucks and girls should play with dolls

central nervous system

brain and spinal cord


brains ability to reorganize and change its structure and function throughout the life span


branching neuron structures that receive neural impulses from other neurons and convey impulses toward the cell body

Which of the following would NOT be researched by health psychologists?

broken bones

A state of physical, emotional, and mental exhaustion attributable to long-term involvement in emotionally demanding situations is called _____.


Samsara is an idealistic person who is exposed to chronic stress in her emotionally draining job as an air traffic controller. The BEST term to describe what Samsara is likely to experience as a result of this situation is _____.


Simone is asked for the name of her current psychology instructor. This information can be found within ______________. a. procedural memory b. implicit/nondeclarative memory c. explicit/declarative memory d. semantic memory

c. explicit/declarative memory

Anterograde amnesia is the inability to _____ after an injury. a. recall your grade point average b. remember where you live c. form new memories d. recall old memories 109

c. form new memories

Which of the following is not a memory improvement technique cited in the text? a. rehearsal techniques b. time management c. humorous imagery d. mnemonic devices

c. humorous imagery

We have learned through research that when "fight-or-flight" neurotransmitters increase typically there is a/an _______________ of new information and then with prolonged stress that the increase can ________________. a. increase in storage; continue indefinitely b. confusion; improve the clarity of memories recalled c. increase in storage; interfere with memory d. decrease in memory storage; accentuate memory loss

c. increase in storage; interfere with memory

The third stage of the traditional three-stage memory model is: a. picture memory b. sensory memory c. long-term memory d. retrieval memory

c. long-term memory

A relatively permanent change in the strength of synaptic responsiveness believed to be a biological mechanism for learning and memory is called _____. a. the process of neuron transformation b. reverberating circuits c. long-term potentiation (LTP) d. an excitatory post-synaptic potential

c. long-term potentiation (LTP)

Which of the following are subsystems of implicit/non-declarative memory? a. semantic and episodic memory b. semantic and procedural memory c. procedural and classically conditioned memory d. classically conditioned and episodic memory e. semantic, procedural, and episodic memory

c. procedural and classically conditioned memory

The human memory ___________. a. is like a video recorder b. is an exact storehouse of all information we encounter c. processes, stores, and retrieves information d. is like a small replica of the environment

c. processes, stores, and retrieves information

Marilynn's doctor believes that she may have Alzheimer's disease (AD) because her family has been reporting signs of________________. a. gradual episodic memory loss and severe semantic memory loss b. gradual memory loss for recent events c. progressive mental deterioration with severe memory loss d. sudden memory loss

c. progressive mental deterioration with severe memory loss

Knowledge of facts and the relationships between them is called _____ memory, whereas knowledge of events is called _____ memory. a. informative; autobiographical b. factual; landmark c. semantic; episodic d. acquired; innate 38

c. semantic; episodic

The first stage of the traditional three-stage memory model is: a. retrieval memory b. encoded memory c. sensory memory d. picture memory

c. sensory memory

Every time you use information and engage in mental activity such as forming ideas, reasoning, solving problems, drawing conclusions, expressing thoughts, or comprehending the thoughts of others, you are thinking. Mental activity or thinking is also known as: confirmation bias means-end analysis representative heuristic cognition


The mental activities involved in acquiring, storing, retrieving, and using knowledge are collectively known as _____. awareness perception consciousness cognition


The belief that children actively create internal rules about appropriate gender behavior is consistent with

cognitive developmental theory

To study moral development, Kohlberg

collected data by asking subjects of various ages to respond to stories that depict moral dilemmas


collection of brain structures in the middle of the brain responsible for coordinating movement patterns, sleep, and arousal


collection of the brain structures includes the medulla, pons, and cerebellum


collection of upper level brain structures including the thalamus, hypothalamus, limbic system, and cerebral cortex

Which of the following is NOT one of the characteristics associated with hardiness?


savant syndrome

condition in which a person with limited mental abilities exhibits exceptional skill of brilliance in some limited field

A _____________ is a reaction to a previously neutral stimulus due to repeated pairings

conditioned response

During naturalistic observation research, you focused only on information that supported your hypothesis; later research proved that your hypothesis was incorrect. What type of bias did you exhibit?


A negative emotional state caused by having to choose between two or more incompatible goals or impulses is called _____.


According to Freud, the thoughts and information that you are currently aware of, or remembering, is called your _____. psyche ego conscious id


A main function of the medulla is to _____.

control automatic bodily functions such as respiration and heart rate

Although the left and right hemispheres of the brain are specialized, they are normally in close communication through the _____.

corpus callosum

Your left brain doesn't know what your right brain is doing. It is MOST likely that your _____ has severed.

corpus callosum

According to your text, the chemical that saves to feedback information to the brain about the body's response to stress is _______.


The two chemicals released during the fight or flight stress response that are associated with the development of heart disease are _____.

cortisol and epinephrine

Needing higher amounts of Drug B as a result of developing a tolerance to Drag A is called


Research suggests that this Type A characteristic is MOST associated with heart disease.

cynical hostility

Which of the following statements about cultural differences in memory is TRUE? a. Children living in cultures rich in oral tradition have better memories for information related through stories than do other children. b. Formal schooling helps develop memory strategies for things like lists of words, which pre-literate subjects may see as unrelated and meaningless. c. People tend to develop memory skills to match the demands of their environments. d. All of the above are true statements.

d. All of the above are true statements.

John studied for his psychology exam for approximately 90 minutes every night for five nights in a row. Bill crammed for nearly eight hours the day before the exam. Which person is likely to perform better on the exam? a. Bill is more likely to perform better because he studied closer to the actual test time. b. It is impossible to say who is likely to do better. c. The two men will perform equally well because they invested roughly the same amount of time preparing. d. John is more likely to perform better because he spread his study time out and took rest breaks.

d. John is more likely to perform better because he spread his study time out and took rest breaks.

How much information can be held in short-term memory at once? a. any novel or important stimuli b. up to 40 items c. every sight, sound, taste, and smell d. about 5-9 items

d. about 5-9 items

The patient H. M. was unable to remember information from the last few years before his operation and has difficulty forming new memories. This is because of _____. a. anterograde amnesia b. probable damage to his temporal lobes c. retrograde amnesia d. all of the above

d. all of the above

Jonathan is an alcoholic and was in a terrible automobile crash. He can't remember events that occurred after the accident. This memory loss from brain trauma is known as _____ amnesia. a. retrograde b. retroactive c. proactive d. anterograde

d. anterograde

The lobe(s) that take(s) the heaviest hit in a TBI is/are the _______ lobe(s). a. frontal b. temporal c. occipital d. both frontal and temporal e. all of these 104

d. both frontal and temporal

The thought that our brains perform multiple parallel operations at one time is called the ______ model of memory. a. information processing b. parallel distributed processing c. connectionist d. both parallel distributed processing and connectionist 12

d. both parallel distributed processing and connectionist

Since Mandy wanted successfully store information in LTM what technique would you recommend? a. elaborative rehearsal b. maintenance rehearsal c. interference reduction d. hierarchy creation

d. hierarchy creation

What process can help us retain information in short-term memory? a. encoding b. sensory memorization c. selective forgetting d. maintenance rehearsal

d. maintenance rehearsal

When he gives a speech in class, Greg uses a mnemonic device developed by early Greek and Roman orators. He imagines that parts of his speech are attached to places inside a familiar building. During the speech, he mentally "walks around" the building and visualizes each point in order. This mnemonic device is called: a. peg-word method b. substitute word method c. method of word association d. method of loci

d. method of loci

Maintenance rehearsal is: a. not useful for information you need to use immediately b. better than sensory encoding because it includes more stimuli c. an important part of long-term memory d. precarious, because if repetition is interrupted the information is lost

d. precarious, because if repetition is interrupted the information is lost

With regard to memory, tying shoes requires the use of your _____. a. episodic memory b. explicit memory c. semantic memory d. procedural memory 43

d. procedural memory

What are the stages of memory in the traditional three-stage model? a. passive sensory stage, active sensory stage, long-term memory stage b. perceptual rehearsal, elaborative rehearsal, maintenance rehearsal c. encoding, entering, enshrining d. sensory memory, short-term memory, long-term memory

d. sensory memory, short-term memory, long-term memory

When Jane first heard about the latest weight loss scheme on a late night "infomercial," she discounted the information as unreliable. Later, she began to think about the information as being credible because she thought that she had heard it while watching a documentary on obesity. This is an example of __________. a. tip-of-the-tongue phenomenon b. repression c. encoding failure d. the sleeper effect

d. the sleeper effect

A retrieval failure that involves a sensation of knowing something, but being temporarily unable to retrieve it is called _____. a. reintegration b. state-dependent forgetting c. regressed repression d. the tip-of-the-tongue phenomenon 76

d. the tip-of-the-tongue phenomenon

problem solving coping

dealing directly with a stressor to decrease or eliminate it

The end result of a total absence of stress is _____.


"Karoshi" means _______.

death from overworking

15. Which of the following is NOT one of the major causes of stress identified in your text?

death of a child

primary appraisal

deciding if a situation is harmful, threatening, or challenging

Problem-focused forms of coping strategies focus on _____.

decreasing or eliminating the source of stress

The branching neuron structures that receive neural impulses from other neurons and convey them toward the cell body are called _____.


An impulse travels through the structures of the neuron in the following order:

dendrites, cell body, axon

The branches of the neuron that receive neural impulses from other neurons are called _____, and the tube-like structure that conveys impulses toward other neurons is called the _____.

dendrites; axon

biological perspective

emphasizes genetics and biological processes in the brain and other parts of the nervous system

According to your textbook, the goals of psychology are to _____. understand, compare, control, and analyze human behavior improve psychological well-being in all individuals from conception to death explore the conscious and unconscious functions of the human mind describe, explain, predict, and change behavior

describe, explain, predict, and change behavior

four main goals of psychology

description, explanation, prediction, change

The purpose of the DSM-IV-TR is to provide ____. treatment recommendations for disorders explanations of the causes of disorders all of these options descriptions of disorders

descriptions of disorders

three key functions of perception

detection, conversion, transmission

reticular formation

diffuse set of neurons that helps screen incoming information and controls arousal

louis king

dir of investor relations...since founded

bobby waters

dir of labor relations - summer internship in nj

le chen

director of as his oldest son

Although our memory of a frightening event may be strong... a. we may focus on key elements, such as weapons, while ignoring other details. b. we may be caught off-guard by a surprising incident, and be too confused to remember details. c. we can be affected by schemas or suggestions others ask us after the incident d. we may experience information overload, which exceeds our short-term memory capacity e. all of the above

e. all of the above

_______ memories are not as easily forgotten as _______ memories. a. episodic; semantic b. procedural; classically conditioned c. semantic; implicit d. explicit; procedural e. implicit; explicit

e. implicit; explicit

Using _____________ to achieve deeper levels of processing enables you to improve long-term memory

elaborative rehearsal

Communication within a cell is _________.


Communication within a cell is _________. both electrical and chemical caused by hardening of the cell membrane chemical electrical


communication within a cell


Communication within neurons is _____ ,whereas communication between neurons is _____.

electrical; chemical

EMG stands for _____.


The major body organs and systems develop during this period of pregnancy, from implantation through the eighth week


A small plane just crashed in your neighborhood. You take a fire extinguisher and blankets to the scene, then stand back and pray when you realize there is nothing you can do to help. In this situation, praying is an example of _____ coping.


Fantasy is a _____ form of coping.


Positive beliefs are considered a resource for coping. Such beliefs are most closely related to the concept of _____.

emotion-focused coping

humanistic perspective

emphasizes free will, self-actualization, and human nature as naturally positive and growth seeking

Amelia, who is 72, is looking back at the last few decades of her life and feeling deep regret at the opportunities she passed up, knowing she does not have enough time left to start over. Amelia is in which of Erik Erikson's stages of psychosocial development? intimacy vs. isolation generativity vs. stagnation integrity vs. despair industry vs. remorse

integrity vs. despair

______________is measured by the capacity to think rationally, act purposefully, and deal effectively with the environment. language functional fixedness intelligence mental set


According to the facial feedback hypothesis, expressing an emotion should ______. intensify it have no impact on it change it diminish it

intensify it

limbic system

interconnected group of forebrain structures incolved with emotions, drive, and memory

When diagnosed with diabetes, Evelyn searched the Internet for information about the causes, symptoms, and treatment options for this disease. Evelyn's method of coping suggests that she has an _____ locus of control.


Research suggests that people with higher _____ have less psychological stress than those with higher _____.

internal locus of control; external locus of control


internal record or representation of some prior event or experience


investigates the relationship between biology, behavior, and mental processes, including how physical and chemical processes affect the structure and function of the brain and nervous system


is a gradual disappearance of a conditioned response

Charles is eager to start a new career, committed to solve any problems that come his way, and believes he has control over what happens in his life. This suggests that Charles _____.

is psychologically hardy

Hypercortisolism can lead to all EXCEPT which of the following choices?

it can lead to all of these choices

Money is an important coping resource because _____.

it increases your options for eliminating stressors or reducing stress

The stressor that includes role conflict and burnout is stress.

job stress

The relationship between job stress and overworking and dying from heart disease or stroke is ______.

job stress and overworking greatly increase the risk of dying from heart disease or a stroke

crystallized intelligence

knowledge and skills gained through experience and education that tend to increase over the life span

The Wernicke's area in the temporal lobe is responsible for

language comprehension


law of effect

myelin sheath

layer of fatty insulation wrapped around the axon of some neurons which increases the rate at which nerve impulses travel along the axon

According to Maslow's view of motivation, if you haven't eaten all day, your thoughts will be MOST focused on your _____. physical safety self-esteem physiological needs sense of belonging

physiological needs

high and low tones, depending on the frequency of sound waves


This is NOT a major cause of death in the United States today.


Three structures associated with the brain stem are the _____.

pons, medulla, and the midbrain

Unconditional positive regard is a Rogerian term for _____. accepting any and all behavior as a positive manifestation of self-actualization positive behavior toward a person without attaching any contingencies nonjudgmental listening phenomenological congruence

positive behavior toward a person without attaching any contingencies

Your dog is begging for food while you eat dinner. Your mother gives him a morsel from her plate, and he stops barking. In this situation, your dog has been _____, and your mother has been _____. negatively reinforced; punished classically conditioned; punished operantly conditioned; positively reinforced positively reinforced; negatively reinforced

positively reinforced; negatively reinforced

During the production stage of problem solving, you should generate

possible solutions

According to Freud, the thoughts and information that you can easily bring to awareness is called your _____. subconscious preconscious conscious psyche


This brain area plays a major role in associating complex ideas, making plans, and allocating attention

prefrontal cortex

When you are identifying facts, distinguishing relevant from irrelevant facts, and defining a goal, you are in the _____ stage of problem-solving attribution preparation initial production


conditioned stimulus

previously neutral stimulus, that, through repeated pairings with an unconditioned stimulus, now elicits a conditioned response

If you are having a hard time designing an experiment that will help to control for extraneous variables, you are engaging in the process of ______________

problem solving

If the circumstances that are creating your stress can be changed, _____ forms of coping are likely to be MOST effective.



process by which new neurons are generated


process of converting environmental stimuli into neural impulses


process of detecting, converting, and transmitting raw sensory information from the external and internal environments to the brain


process of learning associations between stimuli and behavioral responses


process of selecting, organizing, and interpreting sensory information into meaningful patterns

Which of the following did Robert Sternberg emphasize in his triarchic theory of intelligence

process underlying thinking rather than product

The Rorschach inkblot test and the Thematic Apperception Test are examples of _____ tests. aptitude and achievement projective personality culturally biased personality the most reliable and valid personality

projective personality

After having Valium prescribed to help you cope with job-related anxiety, you find a less stressful job and are anxiety-free, but you keep taking Valium because you like its effects. If you haven't increases the dosage and haven't experienced withdrawal symptoms when you have forgotten to take the Valium, then it is most likely that you are

psychologically dependent on Valium

Irving's doctor prescribed Valium to help him cope with job-related anxiety. He found a less stressful job, and is anxiety-free. However, Irving keeps taking Valium because he likes its effects. He hasn't had to increase the dosage, and he did not have withdrawal symptoms when he forgot to take his pills. It is MOST likely that Irving is _____. a drug addict developing a cross-tolerance for other drugs psychologically dependent on Valium physically dependent on Valium

psychologically dependent on Valium

perceptual set

readiness to perceive in a particular manner based on expectations

Which of the paired-words below shows the same relationship as the paired words in the following analogy? Algorithm:problem solving


Low levels of arousal lead to _____ and high levels of arousal lead to _____. increased behavior efficiency; reduced behavior efficiency reduced behavior efficiency; increased behavior efficiency reduced behavior efficiency; reduced behavior efficiency increased behavior efficiency; increased behavior efficiency

reduced behavior efficiency; reduced behavior efficiency

Movements that are initiated by an external stimulus, and bypass input from your brain, are called _____.


Neurotransmitters perform different functions such as: regulate the actions of glands and muscles all of the above promote digestion of food inhibit repressed memories from being formed

regulate the actions of glands and muscles



Researchers have demonstrated that it is _______ to create false memories

relatively easy

Neurotransmitters are __________.

released from the terminal button of a cell

Which of the following is NOT among the coping resources listed in your text?

religious commitment


repeating a research study, using different procedures or participants in varied settings, to check the confidence in prior findings

basic research

research conducted t advance scientific knowledge

applied research

research designed to solve practical problems

During the _____ phase of Selye's theory of stress, considerable energy is expended to adapt to the stressor.


In terms of Selye's general adaptation syndrome, coping occurs in the _____ stage.


Than was recently laid off. His bills are piling up, he hasn't found a new job yet, and his wife is pregnant. Which phase of the general adaptation syndrome is he MOST likely experiencing?


HPA axis

the bodys delayed stress response, involving the hypothalamus, pituitary, and adrenal cortex

SAM system

the bodys initial, rapid-acting stress response, involving the sympathetic nervous system and the adrenal medulla


the brains reduced responsiveness to unchanging stimuli

According to Thorndike's law of effect,

the frequency of an action is increased when following by pleasant consequences

composition of the cerebral cortex

the frontal, parietal, temporal, and occipital lobes

A physiological alarm reaction, followed by resistance, and ending with exhaustion is known as _____.

the general adaptation syndrome

According to your text, most people do NOT have cancer because _____.

the immune system keeps cancer cells in check

long term potentiaton

the long lasting increase in neural excitability during learning


the major sensory relay area for the brain

Hans Selye defined stress as

the nonspecific response of the body to any demand made on it

Behavioral genetics is the study of:

the relative effects of heredity and environment on behavior and mental processes

When an axon is not stimulated, it is in a polarized state called _____.

the resting potential

Motivation is BEST defined as _____. the set of factors that activate, direct, and maintain behavior toward a goal what makes you do what you do the conscious and unconscious thoughts that focus a person's behaviors and emotions in the same direction toward a goal the physiological and psychological arousal that occurs when a person really wants to achieve a goal

the set of factors that activate, direct, and maintain behavior toward a goal

Dr. Sidney is treating a client with Type A personality by teaching him behavioral strategies for changing at least one characteristic per week. Dr. Sidney is practicing _____.

the shotgun apporach

Dr. Friedman is treating a Type A client by modifying only the cynical hostility that is associated with heart disease. Dr. Friedman is practicing _____.

the target behavior approach

With regard to gender and the brain, research has shown:

variations between the sexes are smaller than variations within each sex

What are two major subsets of the WAIS

verbal and performance

Experimenter bias refers to _____. the tendency of experimenters to unintentionally report their results in a manner which always supports their hypotheses the experimenter's belief that his or her study results are more accurate than any other study's results the tendency of experimenters to influence the results of a study in the expected direction intentional subtle cues given by a researcher that lead a subject to guess what the correct response should be

the tendency of experimenters to influence the results of a study in the expected direction

terminal buttons

the tips of branches on the axon

An elevator got stuck between floors and kept its occupants trapped for hours. Which of the occupants was likely to experience the MOST frustration?

the woman who was late for her job interview

gate control theory

theory that pain sensations are processed and altered by mechanisms within the spinal cord

cerebral cortex

thin surface layer on the cerebral hemisphere that regulated most complex behavior, including sensations, motor control, and higher mental processes

prejudice is learned

through classical conditioning

Sensory neurons carry messages _____ the central nervous system; motor neurons carry messages _____ the central nervous system.

to; away from

A relatively stable and consistent characteristic that can be used to describe someone is known as a(n) _____. character temperament trait personality


The physical senses include all of the following EXCEPT: olfaction audition transduction gustation


In early therapy of abnormal behavior, _____ was used to allow evil spirits to escape, while _____ was designed to make the body so uncomfortable it would be uninhabitable to the devil. demonology; hydrotherapy purging; fasting the medical model; dunking trephining; exorcism

trephining; exorcism

occipital lobes

two lobes at the back of the brain responsible for vision and visual perception

frontal lobes

two lobes at the front of the brain governing motor control, speech production, and higher functions such as thinking, personality, emotion, and memory

parietal lobes

two lobes at the top of the brain where bodily sensations are received and interpreted

temporal lobes

two lobes on each side of the brain above the ears involved in audition, language comprehension, memory, and some emotional control

All _________ stimuli and responses are unlearned, such as salivating at the sight of food


unconditioned repsonse

unlearned reaction to an unconditioned stimulus that occurs without previous conditioning

According to Selye, distress is _____.


monocular clues

visual input from a single eye alone that contributes to perception of depth or distance

binocular clues

visual input from two eyes that allows perception of depth or distance


weakens a response and makes it less likely to recur

serial position effect

when students do better on the first and last chapters that they studied when taking an exam

According to your text, the degree of frustration you feel is related to _____.

your level of motivation to achieve a blocked goal

Mental activities that require minimal attention are called _____ processes.


Mental activities that require minimal attention are called _____ processes. automobile autonomic automatic unconscious


If you run a marathon, your body will release _____ to elevate your mood and reduce your pain. endorphins epinephrine norepinephrine lactic acid


Due to the cerebral hemispheres, we have a total of _____ lobes in our brain. 8 10 4 16


a concept

A mental representation of a group or category that shares similar characteristics is called _____.

Motivated forgetting

. _____ theory suggests that people block memories that could cause pain, threat, or embarrassment.

The cerebral cortex, with its estimated 30 billion neurons, is about ____ inch thick. 1/8 1/2 1 1/4


How many cycles of distinct sleep stages do we typically experience during a normal night's sleep?


How many stages of distinct sleep stages do we typically experience during a normal night's sleep? 5-6 4-5 3-4 6-8


_____ theory states that dreams are by-products of random stimulation of brain cells, whereas the _____ view suggests dreams serve an information processing function and help us sift through our everyday experiences and thoughts. Activation-synthesis; cognitive Psychodynamic; infodynamic Cognitive; wish-fulfillment Biological; learning

Activation-synthesis; cognitive

In mid-sentence, your friend suddenly slumps over on the couch and appears to have entered the REM-stage of sleep. Which of the following is the BEST explanation for your friend's behavior? A) Your friend suffers from epilepsy, and just had a seizure. B) Your friend suffers from narcolepsy and should seek medical attention. C) You are boring, and should take a class in social speaking skills. D) Your friend did not get enough sleep last night, and should go to bed.

B) Your friend suffers from narcolepsy and should seek medical attention.

Just before sleep, brain waves move from _____ waves, indicating normal wakefulness, to _____ waves associated with drowsy relaxation. Theta; delta Beta; alpha Alpha; beta Sigma; chi

Beta; alpha

Armand is daydreaming, Adele is dreaming while asleep. Which statement is TRUE? A) Armand is semi-conscious, Adele is unconscious. B) Armand is semi-conscious, Adele is in an alternate state of consciousness. C) Both Armand and Adele are in alternate states of consciousness. D) Armand is in an alternate state of consciousness, Adele is unconscious.

C) Both Armand and Adele are in alternate states of consciousness.

Which of the following persons is clearly experiencing chronic insomnia? A) Kipp frequemtly cannot fall asleep the night before a final exam. B) Kaula regularly sleeps around 7 hours per night. C) Consuela persistently has difficulty falling or staying asleep. D) George wakes up throughout the night because his neighbors make so much noise.

C) Consuela persistently has difficulty falling or staying asleep.

Scientists study sleep in sleep labs using _____. functional MRI scans EKG recordings EEG recordings PET scans

EEG recordings

Injury to the thalamus can cause all except which of the following? Blindness Loss of smell Loss of taste Deafness

Loss of smell

Cognitive psychology focuses on ____. Complex biochemical events involved in information processing. The positive, creative, growth-seeking potential of human nature. Mental processes, language, and perception. Conflict within the conscious mind.

Mental processes, language, and perception.

Sleepwalking is MOST likely to occur in _____.

NREM sleep

Irvings's doctor prescribed Valium to help him cope with job-related anxiety. He found a less stressful job, and is anxiety-free. However, Irving keeps taking Valium because he likes its effects. He hasn't had to increase the dosage, and he did not have withdrawal symptoms when he forgot to take his pills. It is MOST likely that Irving is _________________.

Psychologically dependent on Valium

_____ act on the nervous system to increase its overall activity and general responsiveness. Psychoactive drugs Alcoholic beverages Hallucinogens Stimulants


retrieval cues

When asked to recall the date of John Kennedy's assassination, Peter draws a blank; however, when asked whether it was October 24, 1962, November 22, 1963, or February 1, 1965, he correctly answers with the second of the choices. This example most clearly demonstrates the value of ______.

The idea that dreams are the by-product of random stimulation of brain cells, and that the brain attempts to combine this spontaneous activity into coherent patterns, is known as the _____ hypothesis of dreaming.


The term basic research is BEST defined as research that _____. advances general scientific understanding solves basic problems encountered by humans and animals in a complex world is done to get a grade or a tenured teaching position is basic to one field only

advances general scientific understanding

Researchers gave participants varying amounts of a new "memory" drug. Then they gave them a story to read, and measured their scores on a quiz. The _____ would be the independent variable (IV), and the _____ would be the dependent variable (DV). experimental group; control group amount of exposure to the drug; quiz scores researcher variables; extraneous variables response to the drug; amount of the drug

amount of exposure to the drug; quiz scores

Consciousness is defined in your text as _____. an awareness of one's self and one's surroundings any mental state that requires thinking and processing of sensory stimuli mental representations of the world in the here and now ordinary and extraordinary wakefulness

an awareness of one's self and one's surroundings

If you prepared a study to determine which areas of the brain are used for working memory, you would be conducting _____ research. basic application dependent independent


The psychological perspective that emphasizes objective, observable environmental influences of overt behavior is called the __________________________. overt perspective. psychodynamic perspective behavioral perspective. functionalist perspective.

behavioral perspective.

Circadian rhythms are _____. physical and mental changes associated with the cycle of the moon rhythmical processes in your brain biological changes that occur on a 24-hour cycle patterns that repeat themselves on a twice daily schedule

biological changes that occur on a 24-hour cycle

The scientific study of the biology of behavior and mental processes is called _______. behavioral biology biopsychocognition biopsychology biobehaviorism


You are in a sleep lab and have just been hooked up to an EEG, an EMG (for muscle activity), and an EOG (for eye movements). This means the sleep researcher is interested in your _____.

brain waves, facial muscle movements, and eye movements

The frontal, parietal, temporal, and occipital lobes make up the _____. association areas of the brain cerebral cortex subcortical area of the brain reticular formation

cerebral cortex

Nicotine activates the same brain areas as _____. cocaine all of these options marijuana serotonin


The evolutionary/circadian theory of sleep says that sleep _____.

conserves energy and protects us from predators

In your textbook, the process of objectively evaluating, comparing, analyzing, and synthesizing information is called _____. empiricism science mental processing critical thinking

critical thinking

Negative punishment _____ and negative reinforcement _____ the likelihood the response will continue. decreases; decreases increases; decreases increases; increases decreases; increases

decreases; increases

An impulse travels through the structures of the neuron in the following order: axon, cell body, dendrites cell body, axon, dendrites dendrites, cell body, axon cell body, dendrites, axon

dendrites, cell body, axon

Consciousness _____.

exists on a continuum

The two major systems of long-term memory are _____. semantic and episodic implicit and nondeclarative explicit and declarative explicit and implicit

explicit and implicit

Anterograde amnesia is the inability to _____ after an injury. form new memories recall old memories remember where you live recall your grade point average

form new memories

Eli's grandma gives him a Tootsie roll every time she visits. When Eli sees his grandma arriving, his mouth begins to water. In this example, the conditioned stimulus (CS) is _____. grandma the Tootsie roll hunger the watering mouth


The psychological perspective that emerged in the 1950s that stressed free will, self-actualization, and human nature as naturally positive and growth seeking was the __________ perspective. humanistic behavioral cognitive psychodynamic


The _____ content of a dream is the true, unconscious meaning of the dream. repressed countertransference latent expressed


The basic units of the brain, spinal cord, and nerves that process, store, and transmit information are the _____. neurons synapses myelin neurotransmitters


The interdisciplinary field that studies how biological processes relate to behavioral and mental processes is called ____. biobehaviorism neuroscience behavioral biology biopsychocognition


REM sleep is also called _____ because the brain is aroused and active while the person remains nonresponsive and asleep. paradoxical sleep hypnagogic sleep pseudo-sleep transitional sleep

paradoxical sleep

Phrenology refers to the study of _____. character, based on nonverbal behaviors and physical features animal personality, based on an animal's social interactions personality, based on the location of bumps on a person's head mental illness, based on the size of a person's head

personality, based on the location of bumps on a person's head

Salary and years of education are typically _____ correlated, and grade point average and the number of hours of television watched per day are typically _____ correlated. not; positively positively, negatively negatively; positively positively; not

positively, negatively

Neurotransmitters are __________. all of the above part of the "power house" of a cell released from the terminal button of a cell responsible for electrical communication within a cell

released from the terminal button of a cell

The first step in the scientific method is ________ . forming a testable hypothesis reviewing the literature of existing theories developing a theory designing a study

reviewing the literature of existing theories

The four stages of Piaget's cognitive development model are _____. sensorimotor, precognitive, operational, and abstract operational sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational, and formal operational assimilation, accommodation, adaptation, and association sensorimotor, concrete operational, preoperational, and formal

sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational, and formal operational

This is NOT a parasomnia.

sleep apnea

A mental state other than an ordinary waking state, in which there are distinct changes in perception, emotion, memory, thinking, etc. is called alternate _____. alertness sentience states of consciousness states of mental awareness

states of consciousness

Ethnocentrism in research refers to _____. a researcher's inflated sense of his or her own research abilities an attitude among researchers that their field of study is more important than any other field the belief that a typical behavior in one's culture is typical of all cultures a central need to include people from all races and cultures in an experiment

the belief that a typical behavior in one's culture is typical of all cultures

Which of the following is a circadian rhythm?

the sleep-wake cycle

Used medically, narcotics are _____ habit forming. almost always often usually very seldom

very seldom

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