PSY 210 - Exam 3

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30. What are signs for children with depression

-sadness, poor appetite, and insomnia -locks of energy and inactivity -loess of self-esteem -feelingly hopelessness and thoughts of suicide -difficulty concentrating -lows of interest in people and activities the child usually enjoys

19. Define crowds

A larger, loosely organized group of people who may or may not spend time together and who are identified by the activities of the group

42. What is human papilloma virus

A sexually transmitted infection that causes genital warts and is associated with cervical cancer.

27. What age should a mother have a test to check for Down's syndrome and chromosomal abnormalities

After 35

28. Define lesbian

Females with a homossexual orientation

3. What is the focuses of Social cognitive theory in middle childhood

Focuses on the importance of rewards and modeling

6. What is tentative choice stage

From age 11 to high school, choices are based on interests, abilities, limitations, and glamour

41. What is coregulation

Gradual transfer of control from parents to child, beginning in middle school

38. Define clique

Group of 5 to 10 individuals who hang around together and who share activities and confidences

22. What was the finding in the research by Green in 1978

He observed 37 children and young adults, age three to 20, who were being reared—or had been reared—by lesbians or transgendered parents. All but one of the children reported or recalled preferences for toys, clothing, and friends (male or female) that were typical for their gender and age.

16. Understand the different sexual orientations

Heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, transgender

34. Define foreclosure

Individuals make commitments without considering alternatives.

21. In what context of James Marcia's identity statuses is exploration

Involves active questioning and searching among alternatives to stabling goals, values, or beliefs

45. Define phobia

Irrational, excessive fear that interferes with one's functionning

40. What are symptoms of chlamydia

It may be symptom free; patients experience frequent and painful urination and a discharge

5. Know the symptoms of genital herpes

Painful, reddish bumps around the genitals, thighs, or buttocks; fevers aches, and pains possible.

43. What is an extrinsic motive for working

Paycheck and financial security

2. What is psychological moratorium

Period when adolescents experiment with different roles, values, beliefs, and relationships; they undergo identity crisis

36. What behavior does children with conduct disorder exhibit

Persistent breaking of rules and violation of the rights of others; low tolerance to frustration

46. Know what is used by adolescence to show affection


7. Know what relativistic thinking is

Recognizes that judgments made are not absolute, but they have religious or cultural context

18. Understand and identify ego identity

Sense of who they're and what they stand for

15. Understand and Identify school phobia

Separation anxiety; the kid refuses to go to school

1. Know how syphilis is transmitted

Sexual relations

33. Define masturbation

Sexual self-stimulation

29. Know what Gonorrhea is

Sexually transmitted infection

13. Define commitment according to James Marcia's identity statuses

Stable investment in one's goals, values, or beliefs

37. What kind of offense is running away from home

Status offense

47. What describes attributional style

Tendency to place blame of responsibility on oneself or on external factors

31. What hormones is associated with sexual behavior in adolescent


25. What does intimate and mutual sharing mean in the stages of in children's concepts of friendship

The focus is on the relationship rather than on the individuals separately. Friendship is viewed as providing mutual support over a long period of time.

14. What is identity diffusion

The least advanced status and includes adolescent who neither have commitments nor are trying to form them

44. What do you get HIV/AIDs

The primary mode of transmission worldwide is male-female intercourse, but anal intercourse is the primary mode of HIV transmission in the United State

23. Know the finding of in 2010 and Underwood and Rosen in 2011 regarding boys

They tend to have more positive self-concepts in math, physical ability, and physical appearance

24. Know the finding of in 2010 and Underwood and Rosen in 2011 regarding girls

They tend to have more positive self-concepts regarding reading, general academics, and helping others than boys.

11. What is sexual harassment

Unwelcome verbal or physical conduct of sexual nature

9. Understand the intrinsic reason for people pursuing careers and employment

Work ethic, self-identity, self-fulfillment, self- worth, socialization, and public roles

20. What is epistemic cognition

concerns people's ideas about how they arrive at their beliefs, facts, and ideas.

26. What is the first in Donald Super's theory of career development

fantasy stage, which involves the child's unrealistic conception of self-potential and of the world of work, which dominates from early childhood until about age 11.

35. What does children with conduct disorders get involved in

lying, stealing, fire setting, truancy, cruelty to animals, and fighting

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