Psy 230 Learning curve chapter 4

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In your observation of two-year-old Kyo, you notice that he is clingy, nervous, and too frightened by your presence to explore his toys. When his mother leaves the room momentarily, Kyo is terribly distressed by his mother's departure. When she returns, he at first clings to her, but then strikes out at her in anger. John Bowlby would suggest that Kyo probably has a(n) _____ attachment style. a. anxious-ambivalent b. disorganized c. secure d. avoidant

anxious ambivalent

In your observation of two-year-old Kyo, you notice that he is clingy, nervous, and too frightened by your presence to explore his toys. When his mother leaves the room momentarily, Kyo is terribly distressed by his mother's departure. When she returns, he at first clings to her, but then strikes out at her in anger. John Bowlby would suggest that Kyo probably has a(n) _____ attachment style. a. disorganized b. anxious-ambivalent c. avoidant d. secure


An insecure attachment style characterized by a child's intense distress when reunited with a primary caregiver after separation.

anxious-ambivalent attachment

Justin, a toddler, and his mother have a pattern of attachment in which anxiety and uncertainty are evident: he becomes very upset at separation from her and cannot be comforted when he is reunited with her. This could be characterized as: a. anxious-ambivalent attachment. b. secure attachment. c. avoidant attachment. d. disorganized attachment.

anxious-ambivalent attachment

Most babies who attend day care: a. have superior preschool skills. b. have superior mental health later in life. c. are securely attached to their parents. d. are insecurely attached to their parents

are securely attached to their parents

Long hours spent in day care: a, have no effects on later development. b. promote superior socialization skills. c. promote greater independence. d. may have slightly negative effects on later development.

may have slightly negative effects on later development

Erikson's autonomy stage occurs during the second and third years of life. At this age children: a. become self-aware. b. have a sense of identity. c. become more dependent. d. become industrious.

become self-aware

Marek is 2 years old. He will be MOST concerned with: a, being productive and eating healthfully. b. eating healthfully. c. being productive. d being independent and feeling connected

being independent and feeling connected

What are the two main tasks of being human that first emerge in toddlerhood? a. eating healthfully and being independent. b. being productive and eating healthfully. c. being independent and feeling connected. d. feeling connected and being productive.

being independent and feeling connected

When Romanian orphans were first discovered by Western European they were found to have: a. secure attachment responses. b. insecure attachment responses. c. no attachment response. d. avoidant attachment responses.

no attachment response

Which is NOT one way in which poverty can negatively impact a child? a. by limiting the child's exposure to academically enriching environments in the preschool years b. by limiting the amount of space the child has in which to learn c. by genetically predisposing the child to problems d. by impairing attachment

by genetically predisposing the child to problems

An insecure attachment style characterized by responses such as freezing or fear when a child is reunited with the primary caregiver in the Strange Situation.

disorganized attachment

Putting a child in day care: a. affects the attachment of ambivalently attached children only. b. affects the attachment of insecurely attached children only. c. affects the attachment of securely attached children only. d. does not weaken attachment.

does not weaken attachment.

Term referring to the fact that the amount (dose) of a substance, in this case the depth and length of deprivation, determines its probable effect or impact on the person. (In the orphanage studies, the "response" is subsequent emotional and/or cognitive problems.)

dose-response effect

"The attachment response is biologically built-in to promote human survival." This statement would be made by a(n): a. information processing theorist. b. psychoanalyst. c. behaviorist. d. ethologist.


Konrad Lorenz, a(n) _____, became the attachment-eliciting stimulus for goslings. ethologist psychoanalyst behaviorist evolutionary psychologist


A federal program that provides counseling and other services to low-income parents and children under age 3.

Early Head Start

_____ separated baby monkeys from their mothers at birth and raised them in a cage with a wire-mesh mother and a cloth mother. Harlow Watson Lorenz Freud


A day-care arrangement in which a neighbor or relative cares for a small number of children in her home for a fee.

family day care

A gene related to _____ production may make humans and other mammals more responsive or less responsive to the attachment environment.


The hormone whose production is centrally involved in bonding, nurturing, and caregiving behaviors in our species and other mammals.


Who cares for most U.S. infants and toddlers during the day? day-care centers nannies and babysitters parents and other relatives neighbors

parents and other relatives

A federal program offering high-quality day care at a center and other services to help preschoolers aged 3 to 5 from low-income families prepare for school.

Head Start

The first phase of John Bowlby's developmental attachment sequence, during the first three months of life, when infants show no visible signs of attachment.

preattachment phase

During the first three months of life, babies are in what Bowlby called the _____ phase. nonattachment preattachment attachment clear-cut attachment


A teaching-oriented group setting for children aged 3 to 5.


An affectional tie that an infant forms with a caregiver, a tie that binds them together in space and endures over time, is known as a(n): . a. proximity. b. synchrony. c. expression. d. attachment.


The powerful bond of love between a caregiver and child (or between any two individuals).


Second phase of Bowlby's attachment sequence, when, from 4 to 7 months of age, babies slightly prefer the primary caregiver.

attachment in the making

Deviation from the normally joyful response of being united with a primary caregiver, signaling problems in the caregiver-child relationship.

insecure attachment

A very poor child living in a large city is _____ to encounter preschool problems than a poor child living in a rural setting. a/ less likely b. just as likely c. 100 times more likely d. more likely

more likely

When does proximity-seeking behavior in stressful situations go away? at five years of age when a baby turns one at ten years of age never


An ineffective socialization strategy that involves yelling, screaming, or hitting out in frustration at a child.

power assertion

Mark and Clara are the parents of two-year-old Annette and four-year-old Gabriel. Both parents are very strict when the children disobey. They both yell loudly and hit Annette and Gabriel in anger. Mark and Clara are employing _____ to socialize the children to their rules. a. power assertion b. social referencing c. object permanence d. synchrony

power assertion

A baby's checking back and monitoring a caregiver for cues as to how to behave while exploring; linked to clear-cut attachment.

social referencing

The first real smile, occurring at about 2 months of age.

social smile

An ideal parenting strategy that involves arranging children's environments to suit their temperaments, minimizing their vulnerabilities and accentuating their strengths.

goodness of fit

In 1969, nearly 25 percent of Americans over age 65 lived in poverty. At that time, less than 20 percent of U.S. children under the age of 6 lived in poverty. In the 2009 statistics, the poverty ratio between the elderly and the very young: a. had changed little. b. had reversed. c. had remained the same. d. was about equal.

had reversed

The children who were adopted from Romanian orphanages after 18 months of age were NOT likely to: a. be overly friendly to strangers throughout childhood. b. have a below average IQ. c.have a secure attachment. d. become impulsive and angry teenagers.

have a secure attachment

Patrick is receiving early intervention. According to research, the intervention will: a. probably not help if he is a low-income child. b. definitely help if he is a low-income child. c. help if he is low income and the intervention begins before 2 years of age. d. help if he is low income and the intervention is of high quality.

help if he is low income and the intervention is of high quality

Research seems to indicate that early intervention: a. helps low-income children if the intervention begins before 2 years of age. b. helps low-income children if the intervention is of high quality. c. rarely helps low-income children. d. always helps low-income children.

helps low-income children if the intervention is of high quality

The closest person in a child's or adult's life.

primary attachment figure

Acting to maintain physical contact or to be close to an attachment figure.

proximity seeking behavior

Albert crawls after his father when his father leaves the room. In doing so, Albert is exhibiting: a. goodness of fit. b. anxious behavior. c. proximity-seeking behavior. d. synchrony.

proximity-seeking behavior

When frightened by a neighbor's large dog, 4-year-old Amy cried and ran to her mother. Amy was displaying: a. pre-attachment behavior. b. proximity-seeking behavior. c. separation anxiety. d. attachment to a secondary attachment figure.

proximity-seeking behavior

The ______ of the mother seems to be the MOST important factor in promoting compliance during toddlerhood. a. responsiveness b. discipline c. age d. socioeconomic status


Autonomy versus shame and doubt is the name of Erikson's _____ stage of development. oral first anal Correct: second second


Larissa's friend is overly clingy and easily ashamed. Larissa knows that in early infant development, self-awareness emerges at 18 months and without reaching autonomy, a child feels ashamed and doubtful. In Erikson's framework, Larissa's friend did not successfully resolve the task of: a. the oral stage. b. second stage of life, autonomy versus shame and doubt. c. the anal stage. d. trust versus mistrust.

second stage of life, autonomy versus shame and doubt

Hazel joyfully runs to her primary caregiver after being separated. Hazel is showing a(n) _____ attachment. a. secure b. avoidant c. anxious-ambivalent d. disorganized


Ideal attachment response when a child responds with joy at being united with a primary caregiver; or, in adulthood, the genuine intimacy that is ideal in love relationships.

secure attachment

Feelings of pride, shame, or guilt, which first emerge around age 2 and show the capacity to reflect on the self.

self-conscious emotions

Three-year-old Melissa pulled two-year-old Isabel's hair and made Isabel cry. Melissa put her hands over her face and began to cry when Isabel cried. Melissa is demonstrating: a, that she is becoming more industrious. b. socialization. c. a sense of identity. d. self-conscious emotions.

self-conscious emotions

The Strange Situation involves repeatedly: making a child cry. introducing different strangers to a child. presenting new and unusual objects to a child. separating and reuniting the child with the primary caregiver.

separating and reuniting the child with the primary caregiver

Signal of clear-cut attachment when a baby gets upset as a primary caregiver departs.

separation anxiety

Two-year-old Jimmy is a very shy, cautious child. According to research, Jimmy's parents should look for a _____ day-care setting with _____ caregivers. small; strict Correct: small; supportive small; supportive large; strict large; supportive

small; supportive

At his birthday party 8-year-old David is standing next to his 2-year-old sister Tina when suddenly a lively clown appears with balloons for everyone. Many people laugh and show surprise at the clown's sudden entry, but Tina looks to David for the appropriate social response. This is an example of: a. fear. b. stranger wariness. c. social referencing. d. social learning behavior.

social referencing

At his birthday party 8-year-old David is standing next to his 2-year-old sister Tina when suddenly a lively clown appears with balloons for everyone. Many people laugh and show surprise at the clown's sudden entry, but Tina looks to David for the appropriate social response. This is an example of: a. social learning behavior. b. stranger wariness. c. social referencing. d. fear.

social referencing

Baby Lydia is going to the pediatrician for her one-year check-up. As the pediatrician puts the stethoscope on Lydia's chest, Lydia looks to her mother to see if the situation is safe. Lydia is displaying: a. separation anxiety. b. insecure attachment. c. stranger anxiety. referencing.

social referencing

Baby Lydia is going to the pediatrician for her one-year check-up. As the pediatrician puts the stethoscope on Lydia's chest, Lydia looks to her mother to see if the situation is safe. Lydia is displaying: a. social referencing. b. separation anxiety. c. stranger anxiety. d. insecure attachment.

social referencing

Michelle is going to the pediatrician for her one-year-old well-baby check. As the pediatrician puts the stethoscope up to Michelle's chest, she looks to her mother, as if to check if the situation is safe. Michelle is demonstrating: a. stranger anxiety. b. separation anxiety. c. social referencing. d. insecure attachment.

social referencing

When 12-month-old Nicholas looked at his mother to check her expression as a stranger entered the room, he demonstrated: a. social referencing. b. stranger wariness. c. social learning behavior. d. fear.

social referencing

The process by which children are taught to obey the norms of society and to behave in socially appropriate ways is called: a, self-awareness. b. socialization. c, self-conscious emotions. d, inferiority.


The process by which children are taught to obey the norms of society and to behave in socially appropriate ways.


Mary Ainsworth's procedure to measure attachment at age 1, involving planned separations and reunions with a caregiver.

strange situation

Beginning at about 7 months of age, when a baby grows wary of people other than a primary caregiver.

stranger anxiety

If parents mistreat a child, or if a parent is mentally ill, or if the parents are highly stressed about their income, their other children, or their marriage, it more likely the child will have a(n) _____ attachment. a. secure b. insecure c. strong d. mental


The average cost of child care each year ranged from $_____ to $_____. 4000; 12,000 3000; 6000 5000; 20,000 5000; 15,000

5000; 15,000

Mrs. Rossi was the principal of a public school in the United States in 2009. There were 200 students at the school. If the school's rates of poverty were representative for the United States, approximately how many of its students were living in poverty? 20 52 100 150


Baby Jamey has recently become visibly upset when her mother leaves the room. Jamey is approximately _____ old and experiencing _____. a. 2 months; separation anxiety b. 3 months; stranger anxiety c. 7 months; separation anxiety d. 9 months; preattachment

7 months; separation anxiety

Baby Jamey has recently become visibly upset when her mother leaves the room. Jamey is approximately _____ months old and experiencing _____. 2; separation anxiety 7; separation anxiety 9; preattachment 3; stranger anxiety

7; separation anxiety

Which statement about attachment is false? a. Most babies around the world are securely attached. b. A baby's attachment status cannot be changed after age one. c. Attachment status can change. d. Babies around the world get attached to a primary caregiver at around the same age.

A baby's attachment status cannot be changed after age one

What is the MOST important advantage of attending a high-quality preschool? It improves the parent-child attachment bond. It gives children a cognitive boost. It promotes independence. It improves social skills

It gives children a cognitive boost

Six-month-old Marissa lives in a home in which her parents neglect her often because they are stressed about finances and their marriage. The parents frequently fight about who will care for Marissa. This situation may lead to Marissa developing a(n) _____ attachment. a. secure b. dominant c. insecure d. self-centered


The idea that attachment relationships in infancy determine how people relate to other people and feel about themselves is associated with: a. Carol Gilligan. b. Melanie Klein. c. John Bowlby. d. Anna Freud.

John Bowlby

The idea that attachment relationships in infancy determine how people relate to other people and feel about themselves is associated with: a, Anna Freud. b. Melanie Klein. c. John Bowlby. d. Carol Gilligan.

John Bowlby

Julia and Thomas live in an economically impoverished area of the city. Their children are 6 months and 2 years of age. According to research, if they move to a middle-class neighborhood, it may improve their children's ______. academic performance walking skills eating behaviors athletic skills

academic performance

While many children prefer their mother as their primary attachment figure, the most important factor in determining the primary attachment figure is: a. who feeds the baby. b. who spends quality time with the child. c. who is less attentive to the child's needs. d. who changes the baby's diapers.

who spends quality time with the child

In Bowlby's theory, the mental representation of a caregiver allowing children over age 3 to be physically apart from that primary attachment figure.

working model

Parents who use power assertion: a. yell, scream, or hit. b. reason with their children. c. have securely attached children. d. have well-behaved children.

yell, scream, or hit

In the United States, poverty is currently MOST prevalent among: people over age 65. young children. teenagers. emerging adults.

young children

Early Head Start: a. supports low-income pregnant women, infants, and toddlers. b. provides a high-quality preschool experience for low-income children. c. is available to all children under age 3. d. is ineffective and being phased out.

supports low-income pregnant women, infants, and toddlers

Early Head Start: is available to all children under age 3 no matter what their income. is ineffective and being phased out. supports low-income pregnant women, their infants, and their toddlers. provides a high-quality preschool experience to get children ready for school.

supports low-income pregnant women, their infants, and their toddlers.

Malika and her 7-month-old son are totally in tune with one another, alert and sensitive to each other's signals. This joyful attachment is called: social behavior. separation anxiety. temperamental behavior. synchrony.


The reciprocal aspect of the attachment relationship, with a caregiver and infant responding emotionally to each other in a sensitive, exquisitely attuned way.


Yolanda and her seven-month-old son are totally in tune and engrossed with one another. They are sensitive to each other's signals as they relate. This joyful attunement is called: a. separation anxiety. b. synchrony. c. a working model. d. temperament.


A person's characteristic, inborn style of dealing with the world is called: personality. attachment style. genetics. temperament.


A person's characteristic, inborn style of dealing with the world.


A person's characteristic, inborn style of dealing with the world is called: temperament. genetics. attachment style. personality.


Children consider their primary caregiver to be: a. the caregiver who dresses them. b. their mother. c. the caregiver with whom they spend the most time. d. the caregiver that feeds them breakfast.

the caregiver with whom they spend the most time

Since the 1970s, young children have been more likely to live in poverty than other age group in the United States. Which factor is NOT associated with the rise of child poverty in the United States over the last 40 years? a. the increase in single motherhood b. fee-for-service childcare, especially for single mother c. the decline in the number of college graduates in the United States d. people cannot support a family on a minimum wage job

the decline in the number of college graduates in the United States

An experiment conducted with children who had been living in Romanian orphanages revealed that _____ could develop a secure attachment. the majority of children who had spent 30 months or less in the orphanage most children the majority of children who had spent 20 months or less in the orphanage very few childr

the majority of children who had spent 20 months or less in the orphanage

Which is NOT a factor that affects attachment security at age one? a. the child's temperament b. the primary caregiver's sensitivity to the child c. the quality of the primary caregiver's other relationships d. whether the primary caregiver is a male or female

whether the primary caregiver is a male or female

Jenessa is choosing a child care setting for her 1-year-old daughter. Which is NOT a factor that she needs to be concerned about? a. the physical setting b. how nurturing the caregivers are c. whether their caregiver is between 25 and 35 d. the baby-to-caregiver ratio

whether their caregiver is between 25 and 35

Clara feels ashamed of herself for the first time. Clara is probably a _____ girl. 6-month-old 1-year-old Correct: 3-year-old 3-year-old 4-year-old


Among low income children in the United States, about _____ must constantly move. 1 in 5 1 in 4 1 in 3 1 in 2

1 in 3

Being impoverished during the first _____ years of life makes it less likely for a child to graduate from high school. 2 3 5 4


In the United States about _____ of children in their first year of life are cared for by a parent. 1 percent 5 percent 25 percent 95 percent

25 percent

is a day-care arrangement in which a large number of children are cared for at a licensed facility by paid providers. a. Preschool b. A day-care center c. Family day care d. A babysitter

A day-care center

Gerry is exceedingly proud of the United States and declares that it is the greatest and richest country in the world. You suggest that child poverty is alarmingly prevalent in the United States. Gerry denies this. Which is NOT a fact you can tell him? a. More than one in four children under age 6 was living under the poverty line in 2009. b. More than two in five children are living in "low-income" families. c. Child poverty figures are misleading because the cut off income for the "poverty line" is too high. d. Since the 1970s, young children have been more likely to live in poverty than other age groups in the United States.

Child poverty figures are misleading because the cut off income for the "poverty line" is too high.

What is the best child-rearing strategy to adopt with a temperamentally fearful toddler? a, Insulate the child from socially stressful situations. b. Gently expose the child to new social situations. c. Act as you would with any child. d. Force the child into as many stressful situations as possible.

Gently expose the child to new social situations

_____ is a parenting strategy that involves arranging children's environments to suit their temperaments, minimize their vulnerabilities, and accentuate their strengths. a, Power assertion b. Social referencing c. Goodness of fit d. Synchrony

Goodness of fit

The federal program that provides free high-quality preschool specifically to low-income children in the United States is called: Early Head Start. welfare. social services. Head Start.

Head start

Todd is a U.S. senator from Colorado. Congress is debating the reauthorization of the federally-funded Head Start program. In an era of large government debt, Congress is looking to cut unnecessary programs. In making his decision, Todd should consider the following information: a.Head Start helps all children do better throughout school kindergarten as their middle-class peers. b. Head start programs can help children become school ready if they are high quality. c. Head Start began in 1965; it is out of date today. d, Head Start is no longer needed since the number of children under age 6 living in poverty has been dramatically reduced.

Head start programs can help children become school ready if they are high quality

Gina is a professor at a local college and a single mother. She lives in a stable, middle-income section of the city. Recently, Gina has read that there is a correlation between the socioeconomic status of a neighborhood and school performance. As a result, she is thinking of moving to an extremely exclusive neighborhood. Which is NOT a factor she should consider? a. A child's neighborhood makes its greatest impact at the low to medium end of the income spectrum, and then levels off. b. Having more middle-class professionals, relates to a child's scoring higher on academic tests. c. Growing up on a block blighted by poverty is associated with lower performance on school readiness tests. d. If a child under the age of 6 lives in a middle-income area, it makes sense for the family to move to the suburbs for the child's sake.

If a child under the age of 6 lives in a middle-income area, it makes sense for the family to move to the suburbs for the child's sake.

Dr. Robertski is a psychologist working with Lisa, a very low-income 4-year-old girl living in an impoverished rural area in Mississippi. He has been trying to convince her parents that she has the same chance of academic and financial success as a wealthy child. However, he knows the odds are stacked against her. Which is NOT a reason that early-childhood poverty makes a difference in later academic and work success? a. It will be difficult to make up for what Lisa has lost because low-income students often enter school "behind" more financially-secure students. b. Low-income children are less likely to go to museums, and to have enriching toys, or books. c. Poverty can impair parent-child attachment. d. Living in the country is far worse for VERY POOR children academically than living in the city.

Living in the country is far worse for VERY POOR children academically than living in the city

In 1989, developmentalists selected more than 1,000 newborns in 10 regions of the United States and tracked the progress of these children, measuring qualities such as attachment, academic abilities, and mental health. They looked at the hours each child spent in day care and assessed the quality of the settings in which the children were placed. These newborns were followed into their teens. The group that organized this extremely influential study was the: . a. National Organization for Excellence in Early Childhood. b. Mayo Clinic. c. National Institute of Child Health and Human Development. d. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

National Institute of Child Health and Human Development.

Which statement about day care is false? a, Day-care workers are poorly paid. b. Putting a child in day care will damage the parent-child relationship. c, Day care varies dramatically in quality. d. Children with vulnerable temperaments are at greatest risk emotionally when placed in low-quality care.

Putting a child in day care will damage the parent child relationship

Annette and Brendan, parents of two young children under the age of 4, are thinking of moving from a low-income neighborhood to a middle-income neighborhood. However, they are worried that they will not be able to afford the rent in the middle-income neighborhood. Which is NOT a fact they should consider? a. Having more middle-class professionals on a street, in and of itself, correlates with a child's scoring higher on academic tests. b. Growing up on a block blighted by poverty is associated with lower performance on school readiness tests. c. The neighborhood is not important in predicting a child's academic life. d. It is hard to focus on academics if a child lives in crowded, substandard housing.

The neighborhood is not important in predicting a child's academic life.

What is NOT a potential problem associated with exuberant toddlers? a. They are at higher risk for later "acting-out" behavior problems. b. They may retain this temperament into adulthood, making social encounters painful. c. They may have problems with conscience development. d. They are less compliant.

They may retain this temperament into adulthood, making social encounters painful.

Nancy is a young single mom who needs to work two jobs in order to pay her bills. Since she doesn't have a lot of money, what child care option is she most likely to use? a. a babysitter b. a nanny c. a licensed child-care facility d. a family member

a family member

You want to measure attachment via the Strange Situation laboratory procedure, but there are simply too many children involved in the study. Instead, you will be using _____ and interviewing parents. a. a detailed protocol b. a survey c. three-minute episodes d. fewer participants

a survey

Who is the most compliant and easy to socialize? a. a fearless child b. an active boy c. an active girl d. a temperamentally fearful child

a temperamentally fearful child

A lasting bond between an infant and a caregiver is called a(n): a. dependency. b. social reference. c. attachment. d. synchrony.


A lasting bond between an infant and a caregiver is called a(n): a. dependency. b. synchrony. c. attachment. d. social reference.


Erikson's second psychosocial task, when toddlers confront the challenge of understanding that they are separate individuals.


What did Erikson say was the challenge faced by children leaving babyhood? autonomy versus shame and doubt independence anal trust versus mistrust

autonomy versus shame and doubt

After being separated, children who do not seem to care when their primary caregiver re-enters a room have a(n) _____ attachment style. a. anxious-ambivalent b. secure c. avoidant d. disorganized


Two-year-old Leila acts aloof and detached from her mother. John Bowlby would predict that in the future Leila may be unresponsive to her teachers' demands and be very needy in other love relationships. According to Bowlby, Leila probably has a(n) _____ attachment style. a. disorganized c. anxious-ambivalent d. avoidant


You are learning about the different styles of attachment in children and observe a daycare center to see if you can distinguish the different types. You know that almost two-thirds of all infants are securely attached, but you notice one or two children who are dropped off and begin to play right away. They do not seem to mind that their mothers have left them for the day. In fact, one little boy seems to ignore his mother as she waves goodbye and doesn't care when she returns. He is displaying which style? a. avoidant b. secure c. disorganized d. anxious-ambivalent


An insecure attachment style characterized by a child's indifference to a primary caregiver at being reunited after separation.

avoidant attachment

Critical human attachment phase, from 7 months through toddlerhood, defined by separation anxiety, stranger anxiety, and needing a primary caregiver close.

clear cut attachment

Stranger anxiety in babies shows the onset of: insecure attachment. clear-cut attachment. social referencing. preattachment.

clear-cut attachment

. Stranger anxiety in babies shows the onset of: social referencing. clear-cut attachment. preattachment. insecure attachment.

clear-cut attachment.

Three-year-old Angela was told by her mother not to take the ornaments off the Christmas tree. The babysitter reported that Angela did not bother the ornaments. Angela is demonstrating the early development of a: a. temperament. b. working model. c. social referencing. d. conscience.


Juanita works in a large day-care facility that more than 100 children attend each day. Juanita cares for six 2- to 3-year-old children each day. She has been trained to provide a stimulating environment with specific activities. Her facility is subject to surprise visits from state inspectors. Juanita works for a: nanny service. preschool. family day care. Correct: day-care center. day-care center.

day care center

The longitudinal study conducted by the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) on Early Child Care found that: a. high-quality day care did not provide cognitive benefits to children. b. the number of hours spent in daycare had no impact on development. c. girls benefited more from day care than boys. d, day care did not weaken the attachment bond to caregivers.

day care did not weaken the attachment bond to caregivers

A day-care arrangement in which a large number of children are cared for at a licensed facility by paid providers.

day-care center

In a classic study, babies were classified into three temperamental styles. Pick the category that did NOT appear in this classification scheme. a. easy b. slow to warm up c. difficult d. depressed


Studies suggest that what happens _____ matters the most in nurturing and stimulating young children. a. in the home b. in the classroom c. in the neighborhood in which the child lives d. on the playground

in the home

The Strange Situation is a research procedure used to assess: sibling relationships. contact comfort. infant attachment. adolescent coping behavior

infant attachment

In the United States, poverty is MOST prevalent among: a. emerging adults. b. teenagers. c. people over age 65. d. infants and toddlers.

infants and toddlers

All of the following are true regarding the universality of attachment in human development EXCEPT that: a. the percentages of infants who are classified as having an "anxious-ambivalent" attachment style is relatively the same in all countries. b. the percentage of infants who are classified as "securely attached" is relatively stable regardless of country. c. in western Europe, "avoidant attachment" is the most common form of insecure attachment. d . here are large differences in the percentage of babies in different countries who fall into the different insecure categories.

the percentages of infants who are classified as having an "anxious-ambivalent" attachment style is relatively the same in all countries

All of the following are true regarding the universality of attachment in human development EXCEPT that: the percentage of infants who are classified as "securely attached" is relatively stable regardless of country. the percentages of infants who are classified as having an "anxious-ambivalent" attachment style is relatively the same in all countries. in western Europe, "avoidant attachment" is the most common form of insecure attachment. there are large differences in the percentage of babies in different countries who fall into the different insecure categories.

the percentages of infants who are classified as having an "anxious-ambivalent" attachment style is relatively the same in all countries.

Which force is MOST important in predicting children's cognitive and emotional development during the first five years of life? a. whether they attend day care or not b. their relationship with their teachers c, their relationship with their peers d. their relationship with their parents

their relationship with their parents

Statistically, which statement about children living in poverty is false? a. They are more apt to have stressed-out caregivers. b, They are likely to attend inadequate elementary schools. c. They are more apt to be born prematurely or with other health-impairing conditions. d. They have no government-funded preschools to attend

they have no government-funded preschools to attend

The important transitional stage after babyhood, from roughly 1 year to 2 1/2 years of age; defined by an intense attachment to caregivers and by an urgent need to become independent.


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