PSY 249 Chapter 11-12

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Symptoms of postpartum psychosis appear to be triggered by:

a large shift in hormones occurring just after childbirth.

Which piece of evidence, if found, would weaken the dopamine hypothesis the most?

a study showing that drugs that bind to receptors other than dopamine reduce or eliminate the symptoms of schizophrenia

A modern psychodynamic theorist is MOST likely to say:

"Biological abnormalities predispose people to develop a fragmented sense of self."

If a person receives L-dopa, a precursor of dopamine, it reduces the symptoms of Parkinson's disease. However, L-dopa may increase symptoms of schizophrenia. What can reasonably be concluded from this?

Excessive dopamine produces schizophrenia-like symptoms.

Which statement provides the WEAKEST evidence linking schizophrenia to early viral exposure?

People who were born in the late winter months have higher rates of schizophrenia than people born during other times of the year.

MOST contemporary psychodynamic theorists would agree with which statement?

Schizophrenogenic mothers, if they do exist, don't create children with schizophrenia.

Which thought would likely be MOST arousing to a voyeur in the act of secretly watching a couple have sex?

The people would be humiliated if they knew I was watching.

Why are people who go to strip clubs generally NOT considered to be voyeurs?

The performers are consenting to being seen by the audience.

Which does NOT belong with the others?

aversion therapy

Sigmund Freud believed that schizophrenia could result from:

cold and unnurturing parents.

Somatic hallucinations are:

feelings that something is happening inside the body.

Which does NOT belong with the others?

graduated dilators

The typical person with transvestism is almost always:


Which of these is NOT a symptom of female sexual interest/arousal disorder?

inadequate lubrication during sexual activity

What accurately describes the term psychosis?

loss of contact with reality

Delayed ejaculation appears MOST likely to be caused by disruptions in the _____ system.


Compared with researchers of past generations, modern researchers believe that clitoral orgasms are:

normal and healthy.

Trent is at home, watching a movie with his partner and children. Suddenly, he smells smoke from a campfire. However, no one else can smell the smoke and there is no fire. What is Trent experiencing?

olfactory hallucinations

According to the diathesis-stress model of schizophrenia:

people with a biological predisposition for schizophrenia will develop it if certain psychosocial stressors are also present.

Which is NOT related to a fuller recovery from schizophrenia?

schizophrenia developing during late adolescence

Yosef is repeatedly stimulated to erection by Nora, but each time an erection occurs, it is allowed to subside without Yosef experiencing an ejaculation. This is known as the _____ technique.


What age group is the largest group of sexters?

young adults

The viral explanation for schizophrenia suggests that brain abnormalities, and therefore schizophrenia, result from viral exposure:

before birth.

A recently married, physically healthy man expresses great love for his new spouse, yet he feels almost no sexual desire for her. One likely cause of his condition is:

belief in a cultural double standard about women.

Priscilla is twenty-three years old and usually has a fairly high sex drive. Recently, she has experienced an unexpected drop in sex drive, although she doesn't have any new medical problems. What would be an important question to ask her before recommending psychotherapy?

"Have you recently started taking birth control pills?"

The chances that a woman who has recently given birth will develop postpartum psychosis are:

1 to 2 out of 1,000.

What percentage of 17-year-old boys have had heterosexual intercourse?

44 percent

In Tennessee's state hospitals, African Americans comprise approximately _____ percent of those diagnosed with schizophrenia, even though African Americans represent 16 percent of the state's population.


According to surveys, how many transgender people in the United States have reported that they have been harassed or attacked at school, at work, or in their communities as a result of being transgender?

80 to 90 percent

Which finding would argue AGAINST the idea that low sexual desire in women is caused by societal treatment of women?

A sexually restrictive history is equally common among women with and without low sexual desire.

Which BEST supports the dopamine hypothesis for schizophrenia?

Antipsychotic drugs often produce Parkinsonian symptoms.

_____ is defined as apathy, coupled with an inability to start or complete a course of action.


When using milieu therapy, what is the primary goal?

Create a social environment that promotes productive activity, self-respect, and responsibility

Which statement about hallucinations is FALSE?

Hallucinations have historically been a sign of a psychological disorder.

Which is a correct statement about Viagra and/or oral contraceptives?

Insurance providers were, in general, much quicker to cover the cost of Viagra than they were to cover the cost of oral contraceptives.

Akshay has been experiencing erectile disorder. His therapist thinks the disorder has a sociocultural cause. What could be the cause of Akshay's erectile disorder?

Loss of a job

Which finding BEST argues against the idea that female orgasmic problems are due to society's message to women that they should deny their sexuality?

Many women with arousal and orgasmic difficulties have a history of rape or child sexual molestation.

Nicola has obsessive-compulsive disorder. Recently, she's been dating someone new, but finds that she has low sexual desire. Why might this be?

Nicola finds contact with body fluids and odors unpleasant.

If a study showed that reinforced behavior produces a significant increase in dopamine activation compared to non-reinforced behavior, then this would lend some support for which claim?

Reinforcement is a potential cause of schizophrenic symptoms.

Bailey is sexually assertive and comfortable with masturbation. Which is TRUE about Bailey?

She will likely have orgasms more regularly.

In a person who has an unusually long resolution phase of the sexual response cycle, which of these is MOST likely?

The person did not have an orgasm.

Why do people object to Viagra and similar drugs being voluntarily covered by health insurance companies but why do they fail to object to birth control pills not being covered unless mandated by law?

The reason may be the sexual double standard; sex is considered okay for men but not for women.

Which statement is true of state mental hospitals in the United States in the mid-twentieth century?

They were overcrowded and understaffed.

If one receives a good deal of attention for unusual behaviors, is it any surprise those behaviors are strengthened? This question would MOST likely be asked by what type of theorist?

a cognitive-behavioral theorist

Xavier has erectile disorder and asks his physician why this is happening to him. His physician is likely to tell him that most cases of erectile disorder are caused by:

a combination of psychosocial and physical causes.

In general, the closer that people are genetically related to someone with schizophrenia, the more likely they are to be diagnosed with schizophrenia as well. This is evidence of _____ between a schizophrenia diagnosis and the degree of closeness of relationship.

a positive correlation

In the past, Shonda always experienced normal to above-normal levels of sexual desire. However, recently she feels that her sexual desire is much lower than normal. This would be considered a _____ sexual dysfunction.


Although Arlene had experienced normal sexual functioning for years, she began experiencing problems with arousal when she was with her long-term partner. This type of dysfunction would be called:

acquired and situational.

During which period of life does frotteurism typically develop?


According to Masters and Johnson, performance anxiety may result in a man:

adopting a spectator role during sexual activity.

Brandon spent a few weeks in the psychiatric ward of a hospital; once he improved he was released. After his release, a therapist makes sure that he takes his medication and monitors how well he is adjusting to living back in the community. This example illustrates the features of:


In 2001, Andrea Yates, showing symptoms of postpartum psychosis, drowned her five children. Assuming she was suffering from postpartum psychosis, her actions were:

atypical; less than 5 percent of women with postpartum psychosis harm or attempt to harm their offspring.

The MOST common type of hallucination in schizophrenia is:


A person with schizophrenia who hears all the animals around her making plans to get her ready for the ball, and comes to think of herself as Cinderella, is experiencing a(n) _____ hallucination and a delusion of _____.

auditory; grandeur

Which type of therapy has clients interact with computer-generated on-screen virtual human figures in an attempt to help them overcome their psychological problems?

avatar therapy

Wanda is a student who has been diagnosed with schizophrenia. Often, she sits, staring at the blank page where she should be completing homework assignments, unable to make herself write anything; she just doesn't seem to care. What symptom is she displaying?


Which set of pairs MOST closely represents opposites in terms of the behavior you would observe in people with schizophrenia?

catatonic stupor and catatonic excitement

According to DSM-5, all excitement disorders have in common the diagnostic requirement that the difficulty:

causes significant distress or impairment.

While inflicting pain, perhaps unintentionally, on an animal or a person, a teenager may become sexually aroused and later turn out to be a sadist. The theory that BEST describes this example of the development of sadism is:


If psychological and sociocultural explanations are to make the same kind of progress in understanding schizophrenia that biological explanations have, then they must:

come up with more precise theories that explain how psychological and sociocultural factors contribute to schizophrenia.

A person is labeled by the community as having schizophrenia. Based on available evidence, it is MOST likely that:

community members, and the person, will have a more negative view of the person.

What is thought to be the cause of vaginismus, the involuntary contraction of vaginal muscles?

conditioning of a fear response

Eduardo has a troublesome foot fetish. In therapy, he imagines a shoe and then immediately imagines an aversive stimulus. The behavioral approach being used is:

covert sensitization.

Since 1950, interest in psychological explanations for schizophrenia, as opposed to genetic and biological explanations, have:

decreased, then increased.

A man has been taught to masturbate almost to orgasm, and then to insert his penis for intercourse. He is being treated for:

delayed ejaculation.

Lucian always feels like he's been overlooked for all his achievements and that everything anyone says to him is a personal attack. He is extremely jealous of everyone around him and complains whenever other people appear to be getting more attention. This has been going on for a couple of months; he shows no other substantial symptoms. The BEST diagnosis, assuming the feelings of persecution and extreme jealousy has no basis in fact, is:

delusional disorder.

What symptom of schizophrenia is most likely to be relieved by antipsychotic drugs?


A person with schizophrenia says to you, "Jewels are the reason. They stole shoes you know. But now cooking is the best hobby. That's why my favorite color is blue." This example illustrates which symptom of schizophrenia?


The _____ states that a person with a biological predisposition for schizophrenia will develop it if he or she subsequently experiences significant life stressors or other negative events.

diathesis-stress model

Xavier has schizophrenia and is often conflicted on how to feel about most issues. He feels drained of energy and interest for his usual activities and is rarely able to complete a course of action. He certainly cannot make decisions. He is MOST likely suffering from:

disturbances in volition.

Antipsychotic drugs reduce psychotic symptoms, at least in part, because they block excessive activity of neurotransmitters at the brain's _____ receptors.

dopamine D-2

Peacocking is a way to attract sexual partners and is done by:

dressing with flair.

Lucian is a 22-year-old who has entered into his first sexual relationship. He is seeing a sex therapist because he is experiencing sexual dysfunction. What is Lucian MOST likely suffering from?

early ejaculation

The practice in which a patient is taught to visualize sexual scenes and uncover any negative emotions that occur is:

effectual awareness.

A normal healthy man experiences:

erections during REM sleep.

Stalkers sometimes have _____, which is/are defined as false belief(s) that they are loved by and are in a relationship with the object of their attention.

erotomanic delusions

Which of these would provide the strongest evidence to support the theory that schizophrenia is due to socioeconomic factors?

evidence showing that the rate of schizophrenia changes after people have moved from a higher to a lower, or from a lower to a higher socioeconomic status

Erectile dysfunction occurs during the _____ phase of sexual arousal.


People experiencing dyspareunia

experience pain during sex.

People experiencing dyspareunia:

experience pain during sex.

According to DSM-5, someone who initiates sexual contact with children is:

experiencing a paraphilia regardless of how troubled the individual may be.

Evidence suggests that restricted affect among those with schizophrenia may reflect the inability to _____ emotions, not the inability to _____ them.

express; feel

When people with gender dysphoria take hormones, it is in an attempt to:

facilitate their living as the other gender.

Martina has vivid sexual fantasies, but she is unable to experience either clitoral or labial swelling. She also cannot experience vaginal lubrication. What would be the MOST likely diagnosis?

female sexual interest/arousal disorder

What is the term for the use of and attraction to inanimate objects as a preferred method of achieving sexual excitement?


The campus bra bandit steals women's underwear from the campus laundry and then masturbates into the underwear. The MOST accurate diagnosis of this behavior would be:


Based on family pedigree studies, which relative of an individual with a diagnosis of schizophrenia would be MOST at risk for developing the disorder?

fraternal twin

Transgender people who experience extreme distress over the in-congruence of their gender identity and/or find themselves impaired by it in their social relationships, at work, or at school have:

gender dysphoria.

A particular country has a nearly 3 percent prevalence for schizophrenia. That country:

has a higher-than-average schizophrenia prevalence.

During the young adult years, which experience is LEAST common among women?

having had sexual contact with a same-sex partner

Milieu therapy is based primarily on the principles of _____ psychology.


In one form of sexual masochism, known as _____, people strangle or smother themselves (or ask their partner to strangle them) to enhance their sexual pleasure.


An exhibitionist exposes himself to another person. Which response from the victim would be LEAST satisfying to the exhibitionist?

ignoring the exhibitionist

Attitudes about women's sexuality are more liberal now, yet the rates of female orgasmic disorders have remained the same. This trend:

implies there may be stressful events or issues in relationships related to the difficulty.

A person with schizophrenia who laughs when told sad news and screams in situations that most people see as warm and tender is experiencing:

inappropriate affect.

In the middle of a calm conversation, a person with Tourette's syndrome might suddenly begin shouting and follow that with a string of obscenities. This is similar to the symptom of schizophrenia called:

inappropriate affect.

When first-generation antipsychotic drugs are used today, clinicians typically do all of the following EXCEPT:

increase the dosage of a drug when patients do not improve.

Antonio begins to hear voices. After some research, his family realizes that he is exhibiting early symptoms of schizophrenia. Antonio's family tells him the voices aren't real to try to help him. This action by family members should:

increase the likelihood of future symptoms.

In the United States, over the past several decades, the typical duration of sexual intercourse has:

increased, as has the distress of those suffering from early ejaculation.

If observations of a relationship between "expressed emotion" in families and recovery from schizophrenia demonstrate cause-and-effect, then relapse should be LEAST common in people with schizophrenia whose families:

infrequently express criticism and allow a good deal of privacy.

Which occupation is MOST similar to what Masters and Johnson identified as the spectator role in sexual behavior?


Dominic has never been able to achieve or maintain an erection for sexual intercourse, which means he would MOST likely be diagnosed with _____ erectile dysfunction.


Flora has never experienced normal sexual functioning or arousal with her husband. However, she has found she could be aroused when with other men. This type of dysfunction would be called:

lifelong and situational.

Which socioeconomic class has the highest annual prevalence of schizophrenia?


Schizophrenia is found in all socioeconomic classes. However, it is MOST likely to be found in someone from a:

lower socioeconomic level.

The link between dopamine and schizophrenia is supported by the finding that:

lowering dopamine activity helps remove schizophrenic symptoms.

Women with female sexual interest/arousal disorder have difficulty with:

maintaining proper lubrication.

Married women are more likely to be orgasmic when they have:

marital happiness and a current attraction to their partner's body.

Autoerotic asphyxia is a fatal side effect associated with:

masochistic practice.

The MOST appropriate approach for treating an individual with fetishism is:

masturbatory satiation.

People who display both a severe mental disorder and a substance use disorder are referred to as:

mentally ill chemical abusers.

According to the family stress model, parents of those diagnosed with schizophrenia display all these EXCEPT:

more empathy.

If a patient developed extrapyramidal side effects after taking antipsychotic medication for several months, you would expect to see the patient showing primarily _____ dysfunction.


A woman has just been diagnosed with postpartum depression. MOST likely, she will:

neither progress to postpartum psychosis nor physically harm her child.

Jude has been taking antipsychotic medication for over six months. She has recently developed facial tics during which she involuntarily chews and smacks her lips. What condition is developing?

neuroleptic malignant syndrome

All of these are categories of schizophrenia symptoms EXCEPT:

neuromotor symptoms.

A sheltered workshop for people with schizophrenia is an example of:

occupational training.

Tactile hallucinations are:

perceptions of tingling, burning, or electric-shock sensations.

Hallucinations are to _____, as delusions are to _____.

perceptions; beliefs

Dyspareunia in women usually has a _____ cause.


In the first half of the twentieth century, what did institutions use as the most common treatment for troublesome or violent people with schizophrenia?

physical restraints

Having a good relationship with one's mother is associated with _____ in women.

positive orgasm outcomes

A person with schizophrenia who is experiencing alogia is displaying:

poverty of speech.

Those MOST at risk of becoming a victim of a pedophile are:

prepubescent girls.

The stage of the development of schizophrenia that is marked by deterioration of functioning and the display of some mild symptoms is called the:

prodromal phase.

The cognitive-behavioral view of schizophrenia:

provides a partial explanation for the origins and symptoms of schizophrenia.

A loss of contact with reality is called:


Dorian has schizophrenia. For the last six weeks, he has experienced hallucinations and disorganized speech. Although his psychosis has subsided, he has become very quiet. He does not want to interact with anyone. When he does have brief interactions with others, his voice is monotone, he avoids eye contact, and he does not show any facial expressions. What phase of schizophrenia is this?


Which disorder is characterized by marked symptoms of both schizophrenia and a mood disorder?

schizoaffective disorder

Researchers found that phenothiazines reduced psychotic symptoms but also caused Parkinsonian symptoms, like tremors. This discovery suggests that:

schizophrenia is tied to excessive dopamine.

Shawn cannot enjoy sexual intercourse unless he is tied up by his partner and beaten. His behavior is typical of:

sexual masochism.

Ayesha decided to go to therapy to address her low sexual desire and limited sex life with her husband. She talks about lots of issues from her past. The event from her past that her therapist believes is most responsible for her low sexual desire is:

sexual molestation.

EMTs need to be sure to ask someone who is taking nitroglycerin if that person also has taken:


Engle is not able to reach orgasm with a partner, either through sexual intercourse or through the partner's manual stimulation. However, Engle easily orgasms when masturbating. Engle MOST likely would be diagnosed with a(n) _____ orgasmic disorder.


To be diagnosed with schizophrenia, symptoms must be present for _____, during which a person must have been _____ for at least one month.

six months; in the active phase

The fact that insurance companies in the United States generally covered Viagra but not birth control pills until required to do so by state law supports the idea that:

society sets different standards for sexually active men than for women.

Kelly was diagnosed with schizophrenia. Now her family and friends treat her differently, attributing every different or weird behavior from Kelly to her disorder. This observation is MOST consistent with the _____ understanding of schizophrenia.


If people with schizophrenia make at least modest gains when they receive behavioral therapy, this would indicate that:

some symptoms of schizophrenia may be learned.

What activates the HPA pathway?

stressful events

Studies indicate that under some circumstances for people with schizophrenia, the _____ tends to be overactive, and the _____ tends to be underactive.

substantia nigra; prefrontal cortex

Which theoretical orientation is MOST helpful in understanding the origin of gender identity disorder?

the biological orientation

A man experiencing the process of erection and partial elevation of the testes is in which stage of sexual response?

the desire phase

In females, the labia swells during which phase of the sexual response cycle?

the desire phase

David Rosenhan (1973) sent eight people to various psychiatric hospitals. All eight falsely reported hearing voices that said "empty," "hollow," and "thud." After being admitted to one of the hospitals, each person acted normally, yet all were diagnosed as having schizophrenia. One of the conclusions from this study is that:

the expectations produced by labeling can alter perception.

The term sensate focus refers to the technique in which:

the sexual relationship is rebuilt, concentrating on pleasure.

Research evaluating the effectiveness of various approaches to treating postpartum psychosis is lacking. All of these are potential reasons for this EXCEPT:

there are significant ethical concerns related to the various research models proposed to study treatment effectiveness.

When is psychosurgery used in modern times?

to treat severe cases of obsessive-compulsive disorder and depression

A person who is biologically male but identifies as a woman and would like to live as a woman is:


All of the following are current trends in sex therapy EXCEPT:

treating only those without other serious psychological problems.

A person diagnosed with schizophrenia is not hospitalized, yet eventually shows complete remission of symptoms. This pattern is:

typical of what happens in developing countries.

SSRIs successfully treat paraphilias, MOST likely because of the similarity of the paraphilias to:


A woman who is inserting dilators into her vagina in a nondemand manner is probably being treated for:


What is the MOST common biological cause of erectile failure in men?

vascular problems

Operant conditioning has the MOST difficulty explaining:

why schizophrenia is linked to genetic abnormalities.

A client receives directed masturbation training and self-exploration instruction as part of the client's sex therapy. MOST likely, the client is a:

woman being treated for orgasmic disorder.

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