PSY3213L final exam review

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The Tuskegee study went on for ____________________________.

40 years

Generativity, mentioned in chapter 4, can be an example of ____________________________.

A construct

Where do you find supporting evidence when you formulate your hypothesis?

Articles from peer-reviewed academic journals.

Which of the following is a good suggestion for writing using APA style?

Express ideas with fewer words, and use words that have specific meaning.

Relying on reasoning is scientific as long as reasoning is rational.


The strength of observational method is that it provides high internal validity.


the Milgram experiment has not been replicated.


When I calculated all three averages for my variable (mean, mode and median), all three were very similar. This tells me what about my distribution ?

It is normally distributed

Suppose your data is normally distributed and measured on an interval scale, what would be an appropriate measure of central tendency to use to describe it?


A researcher studies different types of personalities. Specifically, the researcher categorizes people into introverts and extroverts. Personality is most likely measured on what type of measuring scale?


The first known human technology is _______________

Oldowan stone tools

A researcher studies how personality (extraversion) affects quality of romantic relationships. To measure couples' personalities, he observes them at a restaurant and rate their behavior on some scale, ranging from 0 (lowest level of extraversion) to 7 (highest level of extraversion). The measurement scale of the variable 'extraversion' is_____________________________.


Ie In the beginning of the corona virus pandemic , the WHO organization and the majority of scientists believed that wearing masks would give people a false sense of security and they would stop following behavioral prevention rules such as washing hands , keeping a social distance , and staying away from big crowds . Later on, after reviewing the statistics of infections where public was and wasn't wearing facial masks , the scientists agreed that wearing a mask prevents the corona virus from spreading . Their advice changed from not to wear to wear a mask . This is an example of

Science is never being settled

The difference between a scientific hypothesis and a research question is __________________.

The former is a statement that makes a specific prediction, while the latter is a question about a phenomenon of interest.

If my variable is measured on an interval scale and normally distributed, I should compute ______________________to find the average

The mean

The only way we can be confident in the correctness of a theory is _______________________

When more converging evidence emerges over time.

Is Egyptology a scientific discipline? Choose the best answer.

Yes, it uses scientific methods. For example, when there is no physical evidence to observe, Egyptologists will physically recreate a phenomenon of interest (e.g., an Egyptian pyramid) to observe and make inferences.

to reduce chances of committing a type 1 error, one can

accept a lower alpha level

What do Greek philosophy and science have always in common ?

both apply critical thinking

How do researchers account for individual differences in an experiment, methodologically

by using random assignment to make individual differences about the same in each group

Finish the sentence: Random assignment __________________________________.

comes after random sampling

Unlike non-humans, we accumulate knowledge successfully through _________________________

cultural transmission

Research process is ______________


the rational school of thought was led by ____


Finish the sentence: Observational method is best used to ______________________________________.


Scientific claims require _________________________

empirical evidence

Choose the best answer: Given the definition of critical thinking, what aspect of it is the most important to science ?

evaluation of claim based on evidence

choose the best answer: given the definition of critical thinking, what aspect of it is the most important to science

evaluation of claim based on evidence

Content analysis is what you will do for your research project. This means that your study will have a higher __________ and lower___________ than a typical experimental study.

external validity; internal validity

what does some historical and empirical evidence suggest about the association between human population and innovation

greater number of people is associated with more innovation

identify the characteristics of a good research question. choose all that apply

grounded in previous research clearly articulated carries important implication

You will select the statistical test based on______________________

he measurement scale of the variables number of the dependent and independent variables number of the levels of the independent variables nature of the research question

The strength of a disconfirmation strategy

is that it sets more rigorous standards for finding support for a theory.

choose all that apply: transition to agriculture was significant because _____

it led to technological innovations it led to increase in knowledge it led to the human population growth

descartes' way of knowledge gathering is not scientific because____

it was based only on reasoning

the strength of pseudoscience is ______

its often comforting information

In a within-subjects experiment, subjects are required to perform a complex motor task for the dependent variable. You find that subjects perform be!er in the second treatment than in the first. You conclude that your independent variable had a significant effect on motor behavior. However, an alternative explanation is that ________ produced a carryover effect.

learning or practice effect

A researcher randomly assigns participants to test their liking of a high calorie drink. The ________ is the control group and the ________ is the experimental group in this example.

low calorie group; high calorie group

i measured the degree of violence present in the video games by rating them on a scale of 1 to 10. i should use _______ as my average


What research design would you use to address the following research question:" How frequently do parents and children engage in conversations about emotions at home?"

naturalistic observation

'Receiving or giving a sexual gaze' is most likely a (an) _______________________to 'sexual behavior' in a content analysis.

operational definition

The only way we can be confident in the correctness of a scientific finding is ________________________

over time when multiple studies find converging evidence

In the Milgram obedience experiments, the teacher was always the ________ and the learner was always the ________.

participant; actor

what was an ethical concern for the tuskegee syphilis study that eventually led to public outrage and the termination of the study? choose all that apply

participants were deceived into thinking that, as participants, they would receive treatment for "bad blood" as participants in the study, they were to remain untreated for syphilis for the rest of the study (for some, it was for the rest of their lives) the researchers denied participants treatment for syphilis when a treatment was made available in the 1940s

Suppose I would like to know if moral reasoning and empathy are associated. What statistics should I use to address my question, given that both variables were measured on an interval scale?

pearson correlation (coefficient)

A researcher hypothesizes that people like to seek notoriety, and therefore they are more likely to watch reality shows. The criterion in this hypothesis is ___________ and the predictor is ____________.

people who seek notoriety; preference for reality shows

_______ was the precursor of psychology


To control for confounding factors in an experiment, such as inherent individual characteristics (e.g., personality, gender), researchers _______________________________

randomly assign participants to experimental and control groups

Researcher observes and counts the number of time the baby smiles. This is a ________________

ratio scale

It is the ____, not the ____, that is the focus of a report using APA writing style.

research; researcher

Choose ALL that apply: Plato categorized world into ___________________ and ______________________.

sensible and intelligible

What is the best research method to study cohort effects?


i used the general social survey data to correlate the following variables; the highest year of school completed by the respondents (ranging from 0 to 20) and the number of children they have. the following results i obtained r=.273 and p<.000 what can i conclude?

since there is a significant negative correlation i can infer that people with more education tend to have fewer children.

The distribution of the annual income of people residing in Gainesville is most likely ____________________________. *Clue: the median income is $38,658 (and about 17% make 75,000 and 200,000 or more).

skewed to the right

A p-value of 0.04 means

that you can reject the null hypothesis and accept your alternative hypothesis

The birth of modern science dates back to _____________________.

the Renaissance

Choose ALL THAT APPLY. The purpose of science is _______________________

to explain to describe to predict

" I always get an A when I study by trying to understand, rather than memorizing things. Thus, I will get an A on this class if I use the same method." This is an example of _____________________________approach.

top-down approach

observational studies can complement experimental methods


In cases where you want to assess changes in performance as a func"on of increasing exposure to treatment condi"ons, the most appropriate design is a ________ design.


Can the replication crisis be fixed? And if so, how ?

yes, by making data more transperant

What is data?

All observations that have been measured and converted into numbers.

A construct is ________________________________.

An abstract idea

Finish the sentence: a relative small sample _________________________________

Can be a reliable source of data if it is random

Articles that are published in peer-review journals _________________________

Can still be unreliable especially if they are published in predatory journals

The type of descriptive statistic that gives you the most representative value in a set of data is_____________________.

Central tendency

A student is conducting an experiment for a class research project. She must obtain an IRB approval prior to conducting her research.


Describing a phenomenon is too limited in its scope to be considered a good research goal


Irwin and Gross (1995) observed children after they played video games with aggressive or nonaggressive themes. One of their findings was that children who played aggressive video games also behaved aggressively more often during free play. was most likely quantified in terms of its


You are working on a content analysis. Your hypothesis is that romantic comedy will depict women in more stereotypical ways than action- adventure movies. Stereotypical depiction of women is rated on a scale from 1 to 7, where 1 means least stereotypical and 7 very stereotypical. After you have coded 5 films (half of them were romantic comedy and the other half were action films), you entered the codes into a spreadsheet. What's the predictor ? The data looks like this: Genres Films '1' or Stereotypical '0' 111 216 315 402 501 603


What is one crucial difference between the scientific methods and Plato's method of inquiry?

Plato did not believe in reliability (true reality) of knowledge obtained through observations.

Dr. Franke is conducting an experiment on group decision making. The experiment will run for an entire academic semester. Dr. Franke runs his experimental group at the beginning of the semester and his control group at the end of the semester. What is one potential extraneous variable that can affect the dependent variable and reduce the internal validity of the study?

time (i.e., that different groups were run at different times during the semester).

The key ethical concern for the Milgram obedience experiments was:

to alleviate the significant stress placed on the participants for obeying the orders of the authority figure to shock the learner

A researcher studies obedience. She is very familiar with the Milgram experiment, where in a controlled laboratory seeing most participants obeyed their authority and administered lethal dose of an electric shock to another person ('learner'). She believes that due to the controlled nature of this experiment the results are over exaggerated and cannot be applied to real life circumstances. So the researcher wants to conduct an observational study to observe people's behavior naturally. Her intention is

to increase external validity

Why would a researcher convert qualitative into quantitative data ?

to use statistics for hypothesis testing.

A researcher believes that connectedness in conversation between caregiver and child predicts child's more advanced social understanding more so than the content of their every day conversations." Each conversation is broken down into turns and coded as: Connected, Initiation, Failed, Conflict, or Unclear. These turns are _______________________.

unit of coding

Trying to find a needle in a haystack is the analogy that fits what type of knowledge gathering?

unsystematic observations

my friend likes to give me parenting advice. she believes that because her daughters are very smart and well-behaved she knows how to parent. my friend relies on what type of knowledge gathering?

unsystematic observations

why would someone use qualitative data in research?

when the nature of the phenomena under investigation is qualitative

Rachel lang is an astrologer who writes this prediction about may; "we could also face new awareness about the social and economic influence of covid-19 as venus goes retrograde and invites us to look carefully at our finances. pluto is already retrograde which makes us look at issues like debt". as a critical consumer of science,___________

you believe that her claims masquerade as scientifically supported

Suppose you hypothesize that reality tv shows are less cognitively stimulating than non-reality shows. You will commit a type II error if ______________________________.

you failed to reject the null hypothesis, when in fact, reality tv shows are less cognitively stimulating than non-reality tv shows.

You read that the average height for men in US is about 5 foot and 10 inches tall. For this number to be meaningful, it must be ______________________.

any average can be used in this case

data collected by the US census bureau is an example of _____

archival data

choose all that apply: symbolism is closely associated with

art abstract thinking language

positive correlation

as one variable increases, the other also increases

negative correlation

as one variable increases, the other decreases

A design in which different subjects are randomly assigned to the various groups in the experiment is a ________ design.


Finish the sentence: Scientific approach to knowledge gathering ____________________________________.

came together, gradually, and as a result of such human traits as tendency for social transmission of knowledge and symbolism.

A researcher collects a sample of TV commercials to code for their emotional tone. Let's assume that the researcher is studying 'emotionality'. And he wants to know whether TV commercials differ in terms of emotionality based on the type of product they advertise. The unit of analysis is __________________ and emotionality is _______________

commercials; construct

Which of the following is NOT a type of quasi-experimental research design?

content analysis

what one important feature of an experiment allows researchers to infer causation?

control over confounding variables

A researcher hypothesizes that gender stereotypes observed on TV are caused by the social roles that men and women usually assigned to. The dependent variable in this hypothesis is __________ and the independent variable is ________________.

gender stereotypes; social roles

You are conducting a study to determine if a relationship exists between personality and being a successful Reality TV character. To test your hypothesis you select 25 most popular TV shows and rate the main characters' behavior during group's altercations and group's celebrations. In this study, the unit of context is ___________.

group's altercations and group's celebrations

choose all that apply: what can undermine the scientific status of a theory?

inability to measure the constructs of the theory being too vague

what is/are causes of the so-called replication crisis?

incentives to inflate data honest mistakes fraud

Choose statistical tests that are parametric

independent samples t test one-way ANOVA multiple regression

A key advantage of random assignment is that it makes ________ about the same in each group.

individual differences of participants

Random assignment is a procedure used to ensure that each participant has the same likelihood of being selected to a given group to control for__________________________.

individual differences of participants

the survey conducted by the literary digest of more than 10 million americans attempted to predict the 1936 U.S. presidential election. The survey predicted that Alf Landon was going to win. However, as we know now, FDR won the election. Why did the literary digest get it wrong?

it didn't randomly sample the likely voters

My variable is nominal. I should use ___________________as my average

The mode

The quote by Albert Einstein, "If I had an hour to solve a problem and my life depended on the solution, I would spend the first 55 minutes determining the proper question to ask, for once I know the proper question, I could solve the problem in less than five minutes.", is intended to make what point? Choose ALL that apply

that establishing/refining a research question is the first and very important step in the research process that a research question sets the tone and gives the purpose for the entire study.

the contribution of early greek philosophers to science was _____

that for the first time people began questioning the natural order of things for the sake of knowledge rather than for some practical reasons

Even Aristotle was wrong about many things. What does this fact prove?

that relying on authority does not guarantee that you will get the right answer

One crucial difference between Hume's and Descartes' method of knowledge gathering is___

that unlike Descartes, who only relied on reasoning, Hume used observations

You are reading an article about advantages of eating clean. As a wise consumer of science and someone who would like to try to implement this in practice, you want to ask the author of the articles "specify exactly what clean food is?". You essentially want to know_______________________

the conceptual/operational definition of clean food

Choose ALL THAT APPLY. Finish the sentence: The more specific a theory is ______________________

the more chances for it to be confirmed. the more chances for it to be disconfirmed the more opportunities for testing it

choose one research area that meets the falsifiability standard

the question of whether " opposites attract" (people pf different personalities tend to be attracted to each other)

How would you describe the relationship between a hypothesis and a research question?

the research question leads to a set of specific predictions that are called hypotheses.

Finish the sentence: A study, such as the Milgram experiment, wouldn't pass the IRB approval today because____________________________.

the teacher would most certainly suffer significant psychological stress after participating in such an experiment.

what are galileo, copernicus, tycho brahe and kepler together known for?

their work towards the discovery of the heliocentric (sun-centered) system

Conceptual defini"on is expressed in ____________________ terms and opera"onal defini"on is the one that provides ___________________.

theoretical; concrete ways to measure the construct

Conceptual definition is expressed in ____________________ terms and operational definition is the one that provides ___________________.

theoretical; concrete ways to measure the construct

Suppose you conduct a study to look at the link between the stereotypical images in TV commercials and the types of products that these commercials advertise. You make a prediction that household products commercials will include more stereotypical images of men and women than non-household products commercials. Your null hypothesis is _______________ and your alternative hypothesis is___________________________.

there is no difference between the stereotypical images in TV commercials and the types of products that the TV commercials advertise; commercials that advertise household products will have more stereotypes of men and women than non-household products commercials.

According to Wikipedia, sexual objectification of women is "when a woman is being viewed primarily as an object of male sexual desire, rather than as a whole person." This definition can be considered as

a conceptual definition

You study the effect of video games on players' behavior. However, you also know that more men than women play video games; and you also know that, on average, men tend to be more aggressive than women. Gender in this case is____________________.

a confounding variable

suppose you are considering to move to a new neighborhood. you hear it is quit diverse and you love it. The prices of the homes also range dramatically. You want to know the average of the price home in this neighborhood. To get the most meaningful average, you should use

a median

a business records the number of times employees visit a gym for 12 months before and 12 months after the company negotiates a new health insurance policy that fully pays for gym memberships. what type of quasi-experimental research design is described in this example?

a program evaluation

you want to know if one ratio scale variable predicts another ratio scale variable. to do that, you should compute______

a simple regression

external validity refers to___

ability to generalize results to the population of interest

In the 1940's penicillin became widely available as an effective treatment for syphilis. What did the researchers in the Tuskegee syphilis study do in response to this new treatment?

they denied the men access to penicillin and continued the study

A researcher compares differences in perceptions of forgiveness in a sample of teenagers and older adults. In this example, the quasi-independent variable is ________:


Freud theorized that a person who experienced some traumatic event would repress its memory to cope with psychological stress. Choose a confirmation strategy to prove this.

An individual had a trauma (A). However, when asked about it, he/she has no memory of it (B). If A, then B.

Below is an excerpt from an APA style manuscript. What section of an APA style manuscript is the excerpt below likely to be included in? "Participants read an signed an informed consent form. Upon signing the consent form, participants were handed a series of questionnaires with directions for how to complete them. After completing the questionnaires, participants were handed a debriefing form, thanked for their time, and dismissed."

method section

Which of the following is a formatting requirement for the references section in an APA-style manuscript? Choose All that apply

references must be listed in alphabetical order a references section always begins on a separate page each reference is listed using a hanging indent format

Choose the best answer: The purpose of the three-stage puzzlebox experiment with children, chimpanzees, and capuchin monkeys by Deen, Kendal, Schapiro, Thierry, and Laland (2012) was to __________________________

test the difference in collaboration skills between humans, chimpanzees, and capuchin monkeys while solving a problem .

________ is a published document that recommends three principles for the ethical conduct of research with human participants: respect for persons, beneficence, and justice.

the Belmont Report

Suppose you conduct a study to look at the link between the degree of violence in video games' content and their level of competitiveness. You make a prediction that video games that are more violent tend to also be more competitive. Your null hypothesis is _______________ and your alternative hypothesis is___________________________.

there is no link between the degree of violence in the video games' content and their competitiveness; more violent video games are more competitive.

A researcher hypothesizes that competitiveness of the video games predicts the degree of their violent content. The criterion in this hypothesis is___________________ and the predictor is _________________.

violence; competitiveness

In an experiment on the effects of alcohol on memory, participants are first tested after drinking a nonalcoholic beverage and then tested again after drinking an alcoholic beverage. This is an example of a ________ design.


Observational studies can inform theories


Was the in-text citation correctly done in the excerpt below? "The coding scheme was borrowed from the study by Veronica Hefner and Barbara J. Wilson."


____________was an intellectual movement during the Renaissance, that focused on__________________.

humanism; the natural world

According to Henrich and Gil-White (2001), individuals with skills are ___________ and the rest are ______________________

models, copiers

Choose ALL that apply: Why do some scholars believe that the humanist movement gave rise to science?

people were turning to the methods that would allow them to find objective ways of learning And It started the tradition of exploring the natural world.

Suppose a researcher sets out to conduct an observational study to follow up on the question raised in Derefinko et al. (2011), which is whether "different facets of impulsivity predict different types of aggression?". Impulsivity, in this study, is a (an)___________________and aggression is a (an)__________________________.

predictor; criterion

In a factorial design, the "main effects" are

the separate effects of each independent variable on your dependent variable.

A drawback of testing effectiveness of a program treatment in a within-subjects design is that

the subjects can get better on their own over time

The example of the observational research on inter-subjectivity is used in the text to ___________________________.

to illustrate how descriptive studies can lead to new discoveries

When a unit of analysis is too complex, a researcher will have to break it down into smaller__________________.

units of coding

Choose the most accurate statement about how a hypothesis is"proved" in social sciences

A hypothesis is proved by calculating the probability of obtaining the same results by chance alone.

Science can be defined as

a process of obtaining knowledge through systematic observations and critical thinking.

Which of the following is an example of a one-group pretest-posttest quasi-experimental research design?

a researcher records amount consumed in a meal before and after an instructional video on the benefits of eating healthy

Empirical evidence means______________________

evidence that comes from a properly conducted research

the appeal of science is

its ability to provide most reliable answers

It seems logical to assume that if you give too much attention to your child, you might spoil him--make him too needy. This is an example of _____________________________________.

knowing by way of reasoning

A researcher would like to examine the depiction of stereotypes across different movies and characters. She hypothesizes that movies will depict fewer stereotypes; however, female characters will still be portrayed in more stereotypical ways than male characters. The unit of analysis is/are ____________________________.

movies and characters

Converging evidence comes from____________________________________

multiple studies granted that they all find support to the same conceptual hypothesis.

A unit of context_______________

specifies the context in which a construct will be observed and measured

A parametric analysis is based on ____________________

the assumption that the data is normally distributed

Finish the sentence using the best answer: Science is __________________.

"a way of asking questions and evaluating various possible answers"

Choose All examples of experimental manipulation.

In a study, one group of parents participates in a parenting training program while another group of parents gets financial support One group of subjects viewed a serious of photos of helpless and vulnerable children while another group of participants viewed photos of kittens and puppies.

One variable in your research project is the gender of TV audience. What would be an appropriate measure of its central tendency?


What independent variable in Costello et al. (2003) was not manipulated by the research team?


Due to the shortage of covid 19 tests, experts say that it won't be possible to test the entire US population to know the actual prevalence of the infection. The best alternative to assess the prevalence of covid 19 infection is

Random sampling

My variable was measured using an interval scale. However, after reviewing its distribution I noticed that some of the values were completely off (they were outliers). I should probably use ____________________as my average.

The median

A factorial design always has more than one

independent variable

Using the ________ design, a researcher compares the difference between scores before and following a treatment.

one-group pretest-posttest

Another name for empiricism is _________________________

systematic observations

When does a researcher have to have a coding scheme?

A researcher will use a coding scheme to transform constructs into measurable variables.

Which of the listed below research goals is most likely to be addressed using observational method.

How often toddlers engage in altruistic behavior in day-care settings?

You are conducting a study to test a hypothesis that book reading conversations between securely attached children and their caregivers will be more engaging than the book reading conversations between insecurely a!ached children and their caregivers. You transcribed 25 mother-child book reading conversations. Book reading engagement is operationally defined as the duration (in minutes) of the book reading conversations. Thus, the scale of measurement of the criterion variable is ____________


In what way program evaluation is different from a scientific study? Choose one that is always true.

Unlike a scientific study, program evaluation places judgement on the merits of a given program

Learning from others' personal experiences is an example of what form of inquiry?

Unsystematic observations

A researcher would like to study sexual objectification in movies. "Sexual objectification" is ___________________________.

a construct

Population of interest is _______________ and sample is ___________________________-

about whom or what you will generalize; participants or entities collected for the study

population of interest is ______ and sample is ____

about whom or what you will generalize; participants or entities collected for the study

Find the best answer explaining why longitudinal design is not a true experiment.

age is not manipulated

risking life in the name of science by conducting controversial research can be an example of what by-product of cultural transmission?

an attempt to gain prestige

Suppose you observed people interacting in two types of groups, small and large. You hypothesize that people will smile more in large groups than in small groups. Your criterion variable is frequencies of smiling. What test should you perform?

an independent samples t test

Dr. Harris conducted a two-factor experiment. She plots her results on a graph and notices that the lines on the graph are not parallel (which is confirmed when she runs a statistical analysis). This pa!ern suggests the presence of

an interaction between two independent variables.

Dr. Harris conducted a two-factor experiment. She plots her results on a graph and notices that the lines on the graph are not parallel (which is confirmed when she runs a statistical analysis). This pattern suggests the presence of

an interaction between two independent variables.

commitment stories in a study of adult generativity is an example of ___

an operational definition

choose the best answer: why do social scientists use theory of probability to test their hypotheses?

because inferences about the results are based on a sample of a population

" I studied for the quiz not by memorizing but by trying to understand, and I got an A. If I continue studying this way, I will get an A in this class." This is an example of _____________________________approach.

bottom-up approach

you have two nominal variables, gender and compliance. If you want to test whether the two variables are related, you should compute a

chi-squared test

In an observational study by Hubbard et al. (2001), researchers studied a correlation between boys' social cognition and their aggressive behavior. Suppose that they hypothesized that boys' aggression is driven by their social cognition. Aggression, in such case, is _________________ and social cognition is ________________.

criterion; predictor

Choose ALL THAT APPLY. Conducting literature review is important for _____________________

developing a research plan understanding the gaps in the literature knowing what to hypothesize being able to make sense of the results

A researcher collects a sample of TV commercials and uses the first minute of every commercial to measure its emotionality. He wants to know whether TV commercials differ in their emotional content based on the type of product they advertise. The unit of analysis is __________________ and the unit of coding is ______________.

emotionality of a commercial; the first minute of every commercial to be coded

what is one of the rudimentary differences between the way humans and chimpanzees accumulate knowledge?

humans will go through great lengths to pass on new knowledge to the next generation

A researcher tests the hypothesis that weight gain among college freshman is greatest for students who are very impulsive. To test this hypothesis, he records impulsivity and weight in a sample of high school seniors, and again records these measures in the same sample after these students finished their freshman year of college. What type of developmental research design is described in this example?


According to Henrich and Gil-White (2001)'s theory of prestige, celebrities are ________________ and their fans are ________________________.

models; copiers

What was the dependent variable in Costello et al. (2003)?

mental illness

you decided to measure stereotypes in the media by coding it as present or absent from each piece of media. The scale of measurement you chose is _____


A quasi-experimental research design in which a dependent variable is measured for one group of participants following a treatment is called a:

one-group posttest only design

What are the three principles identified in the Belmont Report for the ethical conduct of research using human participants?

respect for persons, beneficence and justice

What research design should be used to study the following research question:"Do mothers and toddlers tend to talk more about emotions when they see sad or happy pictures?" The researcher knows that to be able to compare mother-child conversations , all dyads (i.e., mother-child pairs) would have to see the same sad and happy pictures

structured observations

Falsifiability stands for _____

testing a theory through disconfirmation

a prehistoric event that had a significant effect on the human population growth is ___

transition to agriculture

Choose the best answer. Internal validity refers to ________________________

understanding what causes a phenomenon

You are coding a TV show. Your research procedure requires that you pause every 10 minutes to record the presence or the absence of an aggressive act. The pausing is your ___________________

unit of coding

choose all examples of qualitative data

video games tv commercials conversations between two friends

Suppose you conduct a study to compare violent and non-violent video games. You make a prediction that more violent video games tend to be more cognitively stimulating than non-violent video games. Your null hypothesis is _______________ and your alternative hypothesis is___________________________.

violent and non-violent video games are equally not cognitively stimulating; violent video games are more cognitively stimulating.

Finish the thought from a quote: "When a conceptual hypothesis survives many potential falsifications based on different sets of assumptions, __________________________"

we have a robust effect

you are reviewing a content analysis paper and come across the following statement in the discussion of the results.' due to the findings that female characteristics express more romantic ideals than men, the conclusion is that women believe in love at first sight and men don't" is there a problem with this statement. if so, what is it?

yes, content analysis cannot support such a claim

Find an error in this excerpt from an introduction section of a student's paper (written in APA style) "The content analysis I will be conducting aims to fill the gap in the current literature regarding the depictions of female and male characters. Specifically, the study will examine if there is a reduction in the stereotypes of women and women in the films over time. "

Any references to the study's methods should have been written in past tense

What is wrong with this sentence? "Reinforcing stereotypes is not healthy for the society."

The sentence is too vague. The author should replace the word 'healthy' with a more precise word.

Suppose you bought a house in a neighborhood, where home prices range from $120,000 to $500,000; but mostly stay within the $200,000 price range. You want to impress your friends by embellishing the average home price in your neighborhood. So you use _________________ as the average home price.


In what study was an experimental setting staged to make participants think that they were causing harm to another participant by administering electric shocks?

Milgram's obedience experiments

A researcher conducted a survey studying a potential association between playing video games and aggression. The researcher sent out surveys to 1000 people and received responses from 100 of them. The results of the study showed a positive correlation between playing video games and aggression. What conclusions can be made from this study?

No conclusions can be made. The results are potentially biased due to a low response to the survey.

Suppose a researcher set out to conduct an observational study to follow up on the question raised in Derefinko et al. (2011), which is whether "different facets of impulsivity predict different types of aggression?". It is most likely that aggression will be measured on a(an) __________________.


Choose ALL that apply: In most (if not all) psychology classes (including this one) the students are asked to think critically about what they read or hear. Why?

Not all sources may be based on science Reliance on authority can be unreliable reasoning can be flawed.

A researcher studies aggression. He decided to measure aggression two different ways. First, subjects will play a computer game where subjects' choices to punish their opponent will be recorded and used as an index of aggression. The second way will be through a validated survey where subjects are asked various questions that probe their aggressive tendencies. The researcher will use both measures for prediction of negative affect of violent video games. He hypothesized that aggression will predict whether the subjects will be negatively affected (their aggressive behavior will be increased) after they play one violent video game. He hopes that both measures will predict the behavior. Suppose you are reviewing this study, what should be your evaluation of this approach ?

Operationally defining and measuring aggression two different ways provides more opportunity for the researcher to find converging evidence. The results will be valuable.

Suppose you were asked to review a manuscript that was submitted to a professional psychological journal to determine if the study has merits (e.g., that the study conducted a worthwhile scientific examination using a proper research design, and properly analyzed the data.) and can be published. Based on the paragraph below what should be your conclusion? "The main research goal was to test a hypothesis that moral reasoning increases over time with brain maturation during early adulthood. A sample of 500 college students tested using a moral competence test that has good validity. Each subject was tested twice, at the beginning of their college and at the end, before graduation. The comparison of the test scores from time 1 and time 2 revealed a significant increase. This supports the hypothesis that adult moral reasoning increases with brain maturation over time."

The results cannot rule out an alternative explanation which is that education and not brain maturation caused the increase in moral reasoning.

Suppose you were asked to review a manuscript that was submitted to a professional psychological journal to determine if the study has merits (e.g., that the study conducted a worthwhile scientific examination using a proper research design , and properly analyzed the data .) and can be published . Based on the paragraph below what should be your conclusion? "The main research goal was to examine whether moral development is related to criminal behavior . A sample of 500 college students completed a survey self-reporting on whether they engage in criminal activities and testing their moral reasoning. The results showed virtually no subjects reported being involved in a criminal act; and no significant relationship between crime and moral development was found. The study concluded that moral development does not influence people's behavior, or their decision to break a law."

The sample does not properly represent the target population which explains the results. The paper should be rejected

You read an article that claims exercising can make people happy. The way the study supported this hypothesis was by conducting a study. The researchers selected a random sample of people and asked them to choose to either go to a gym for one month (weekly) or do not go to a gym or engage in any physical activities other than their normal daily routine for the same period of time. At the end of the month all subjects were measured on the level of positive affect and life satisfaction. The statistical analysis revealed that the level of happiness of people attending a gym was significantly higher than the level of happiness of their counterparts. What should be your assessment of the study?

The study did not employ random assignment to conditions. This undermines the internal validity of the entire study.

Communicating what was found in a research study is just as important as the finding itself.


A study of Polish women found that out of 2800 randomly selected surveyed women, 89% of them had their first child at 30 years of age and older. As a critical thinker what else would you want to know to make sense of this finding?

What is a normal age at which women have babies currently?

Multiple Linear Regression_____

makes a prediction from multiple variables by finding the regression line that best describes the relationship between those two (or more) variables

Below is an excerpt from an APA style manuscript. What section of a manuscript does it belong to? "Participants read and signed an informed consent form. Upon signing the consent form, participants were handed a series of questionnaires with directions for how to complete them. After completing the questionnaires, participants were handed a debriefing form, thanked for their time, and dismissed."

method section

A researcher is interested in examining the link between audience preferences and different types of TV shows. Types of TV shows is measured on what type of measuring scale?


Unlike Plato, Aristotle believed that ________________________

one can know through observations.

A researcher records how well children score on a health test designed to help the children do well. The percent of correct responses is recorded. What type of quasi-experimental research design is described in this example?

one-group posttest only design

What human trait sets us apart from the apes and motivates us to pass on knowledge from generation to generation?


in a study by hubbard et al. (2001), researchers studied the link between boys' social cognition and aggressive behavior. two specific types of aggression were examined: proactive and reactive. Aggression was considered proactive if it was "goal-oriented", for example when one boy teased another boy. reactive aggression was an angry retaliation , for example when one boy responded with frustration or anger (angry face). what is a construct and its operational definition in this example?

reactive aggression is a construct and an angry retaliation with frustration or anger is its operational definition.

Suppose you conduct a study to compare reality and non-reality TV shows. You make a prediction that reality shows are less cognitively stimulatingthan non-reality tv shows. Your null hypothesis is _______________ and your alternative hypothesis is___________________________

reality and non-reality TV shows are equally not cognitively stimulating; reality shows are less cognitively stimulating.

deduction is _______

reasoning from general to specific

Induction is _________________

reasoning from specific to general

suppose a researcher wants to test a theory that a genuine smile reflects a permanent positive disposition. Choose a study that applies a disconfirmation strategy to test this theory

researchers will test an association between facebook profile photos of people displaying genuine smiles and the number of their facebook friends. They predict that people who display genuine smiles in their profile pictures have LESS friends

epidemiologists use models to predict the number of death, for example from coronavirus. These models are based on most current data (e.g. people's behavior, etc.). Initially, the prediction of the leading scientists was about 100,000 to 200,000 deaths. However most recent models have been adjusted , based on the most recent data, and project less death. The projections maybe adjusted again. This is a good example of _____

self-correction of science

You are working on a content analysis. Your hypothesis is that romantic comedy will depict women in more stereotypical ways than action-adventure movies. Stereotypical depiction of women is rated on a scale from 1 to 7, where 1 means least stereotypical and 7 very stereotypical. After you have coded 5 films (half of them were romantic comedy and the other half were action films), you entered the codes into a spreadsheet. What's the unit of analysis? The data looks like this: Films Genres '1' or '0' Stereotypical 1 1 1 2 1 6 3 1 5 4 0 2 5 0 1 6 0 3


There is some debate about whether intersubjectivity (shared understanding between two or more people) is either present or absent or varies to some degree so that some people will still share it but not as much as others. If you believe in the first scenario (that it is either shared or not), you would have to use what measuring scale?


What does the study by Bastardi, Uhlmann, and Ross (2011), where the subjects' ability to make an unbiased evaluation of a fictitious study was tested, reveal about people's quality of reasoning ?

People judged the study based on their wishful thinking rather than on the merits.

A developmental psychologist studies age and cognition. Specifically, the age of each participant is recorded and then, correlated with his/her cognitive skills. Age is measured on what type of measuring scale?


In what way program evaluation is similar to a scientific study? Choose one that is always true.

Similar to a research study, program evaluation process begins with setting goals (or questions) and a plan of how these goals will be accomplished (or questions to be addressed).

"Connectedness in conversation between caregiver and child predicts child's more advanced social understanding more so than the content of their every day conversations." This is an example of _________________________________

a hypothesis

Choose the best answer. A variable is ____________________.

a measured phenomenon with a numerical value.

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