PSY4407- W6

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leadership vs management

- leadership is broader than management - leadership involves creating a vision/goal and then leading others to achieve that goal. - a good leader is likely to have a combination of innate qualities, ability to adopt appropriate behaviours, and reflect the situation that they are in. -

The Local-Ladder Effect: Social Status and Subjective Well-B- 1 - anderson

- social status plays little role in subjective well-being (SWB) -individuals who more strongly value wealth and material possessions, which are components of socioeconomic status ten to experience lower subjective wellbeing. -SES: material dimension of status- income H1: is, we propose a local-ladder effect, whereby higher sociometric status leads to higher SWB RESULTS: - sociometric status predicted SWB, whereas SES (family income rank, locally defined relative to other group members) did not. the relationship held even after controlling for gender, ethnicity and extraversion -sociometric status predicted SWB more strongly than did SES -Individuals higher in sociometric status had higher SWB because they felt a greater sense of power and greater acceptance in their groups. -students' sociometric status rose or fell after they graduated, their SWB rose or fell accordingly.

what makes a successful leader understands ?

- the value of vision - their personal communication style - that motivates others - the strengths of the team - the organisational culture

Seeking help for psychological distress: Barriers for mental health professionals- 3- edwards

-40.8% of the participants had experienced a mental illness at some point in their life. Of those participants, approximately one third (32.5%, n = 13/40) were presently engaged in treatment and more than half of participants (59.4%, n = 57/96) reported having sought help for mental health issues in the past -sample reported that their level of distress would need to be moderate to severe before seeking help -58.2% (n = 57/98) of participants indicated that there had been a time in their life when they would have benefited from help but decided not to. -reason not seeking help: Wanting to solve the problem on their own, financial concerns, fear of colleagues/workplace finding out, no suitable clinicians available, a belief that they could treat themselves -64.3% (n = 63) of individuals indicated that the mandatory reporting requirement would prevent them from disclosing to their workplace if they were unwell; 57.1% (n = 56) indicated that the mandatory reporting requirement would also act as a barrier to seeking help if they were distressed.

meta-analysis by Langlois et al. (2000)

-physically attractive adults and children are judged and treated more positively than physically unattractive adults and children, even by those who know them. - consistency about who is considered attractive, and that this consistency also holds true across cultures -physically attractive children and adults behave more positively and have a range of more favourable traits and outcomes than those who are unattractive.

Heartfulness is our living connection with:

-psychology's (Abraham Maslow's) self-actualisation- we are happy when we are living our life to our full potential' -Buddhism's essential teaching that we are all enlightened, when we wake up to our real selves - Christianity's essential teaching that the Kingdom of Heaven is within - Vedantic philosophy's essential teaching that we are 'not two' - yoga's connection between mind, body and spirit -Lao Tzu's going with the flow - Socrates' 'I know nothing', and even, much more recently, Paul Newman as Cool Hand Luke's 'sometimes nothing is a real cool hand!', and - mindfulness's non-judgemental awareness and acceptance of our bodily sensations - with he artfulness we can also be non-judgementally aware and accepting of our emotions and their reasons, which can result in sensation storms that can blow us away, if we don't know what they are.

Barriers to seeking help for mental illness

1. stigma - helath literacy can be a cause of stigma 2. a lack of confidentiality are another significant barrier for mental health professionals seeking treatment for mental illness 2. In Australia, health professionals are mandated to report impaired practitioners/colleagues to the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (


3 dimensions of burnout - 1. exhaustion : lack of physical and emotional energy 2. Job disaffection/Depersonalisation: interpersonal component component of burnout, that affects the relationship between the employee and their clients. 3. Reduced Professional Accomplishment: reduction of the expertise and experiences, the ability to communicate daily, interact and manage time efficiently at work. --> Maslach Burnout Inventory

Leadership and organisational culture

BI-directional relationship btw leadership and culture they can both influence each other- Bidirectional in that organizational culture can be influenced and guided by a leader just as much as the approaches and responses of a leader can be shaped by the organizational culture. It is dynamic in that it is constantly evolving, depending on various influences -a fledgling organization is more likely to have its culture shaped by the founding leaders. A long established organization with an ingrained culture is more likely to influence the leadership style of the leaders within it. The direction of the influence can be dependent on: - organisational life cycle - style of leadership- so transdactional leadership is more likely to work within the constructs of an existing culture, whereas a transformational leader is more likely to try and develop a vision to change or create a culture.

variables that will affect a person's leadership style

National culture: - people from japan have a different understanding and expectation of leadership Gender -Women will also show different leadership traits than men in the same circumstances Interpersonal style preferences -Some people are naturally more task orientated where others are more people orientated.

Does a person's leadership style directly influence performance?

Ogbonna and Harris study: - no it doesnt influence performance - performance is mediated by organizational culture such as competitive or innovative culture. - leadership styles is a strong predictor of competitive and innovative cultures. -leadership--> culture-->performance --> the leadership style had an influence on the culture which in turn directly influenced performance.

Cognitive Biases and Irrationality

The Trouble with Confidence: - we want over confidence in our leaders - a lot of conflict is fed by over-confidence (war), and that optimism has both costs and benefits. He describes two biases that tend to work in opposite directions: loss aversion and optimism. Loss aversion: - is a bias - people put a lot of weight on negative events/losses than positive events/gains - less than 1/3 of small buisnesses survive for 5 years--> overconfidence is rife Optimism - is a bias - for society its a good thing that we have a alot of entrepenuirs that are optimistic and think they will succeed, and most of then dont know the odds. - useful in some conditions it is not always useful in making decisions coping with adveristy - The strategies that we use to cope with these negative life events when they inevitably arise can help us to overcome those difficulties and grow from expeirence - 15 minutes a day for four days writing about a traumatic experience, and how it has shaped who you are Self-compassion 3 components of self-compassion - self-kindness vs self-judgment - common humanity vs isolation: why me? im the only person this is happening to. - mindfulness vs over-identification

Problems with the modern iteration of mindfulness include its:

The word 'mindfulness' means the opposite of what mindfulness really is. Being mindful means having a clear, undistracted and open mind, not a full one. 'Mindlessness' is better - mindfulness has been packaged as a stand-alone technique. However, it is really a living component of the great human help systems that it came from. -Mindfulness the self-help technique doesn't get to the essence or heart of what is really wrong with us, and what can and will he really right with us. Mindfulness the self-help technique does not fully connect us with other people or with ourselves. -Emphasis on 'mind' rather than on 1ull': Mindfulness has come to mean being mindful of our minds, and occasionally our bodies, and we have forgotten our hearts. This means that we have forgotten the deep connections that make mindfulness and life real. Mindfulness in its modern Western manifestation matches our obsession with our minds.

styles of leadership

Transactional leadership: - focus on physical and security needs of subordinates - based on bargaining or reward - punished when you dont get your goal, and rewarded when you do. Transformational Leadership: - focus on individual strengths and develops relationships - empowers ad motivates - visionary, charismatic, inspirational

Status and Competitiveness

While some people might have a healthy sense of ambition, research has found that an excessive concern with status, social comparison, and hypercompetitiveness is associated with negative psychological consequences. -

sociometric status

a form of social status- represents the respect and admiration individuals have in their face to face groups. -sociometric status shapes two important determinants of psychological well being: an 1. increased sense of power ... 2. a sense of social acceptance.


connection - active ingredient benefits: - self-actualised, living and experiencing fully, fully connected to ourselves and otherts how do we beocme heartful - by allowing ourselves, and firguring out whats stopping us (thoughts). allowing ourself to getting back to natural states, allow to go deeper and connected ( body scan) - fully aware of our feelings experiencing what is really important. primary - do things that makes us happy and be who we reallt are.

Workplace Stress vs Well-being

eemployment that produce the least amount of stress, as it is to find happiness -Stress is actually a perception, so there is tremendous individual variation in what one perceives to be stressful. Working conditions, for example, poor lighting, physical effort needed Shift work, for example, constant night shifts, travel, being away from home Work hours and load, for example, overtime, long hours alone, or too little to do, under-utilisation Risk and danger, for example, continuous alertness and arousal threaten health long-term New technology, for example, adapting to new ways, complex technology causing stress Job ambiguity, for example, when job tasks and responsibilities are not clearly defined Job uncertainty, for example, inadequate performance feedback or job insecurity

positive psychology

inventory of the positive aspects of human character. The Values-in-Action (VIA) strengths survey measures 24 strengths, which are considered traits that a person can have to a greater or lesser degree in comparison to others, but which can also be cultivated through application and practice 24 strengths grouped into six categories of traits of people: 1. Wisdom 2. COUrage 3. Humanity 4. Justice 5. Temperance- forgiveness, humility 6. Transcendence- hope, spirituality, gratitude

can we increase psychological well-being? - 2 - weiss

met-analysis results: -psychological well-being can indeed be promoted through behavioural interventions -The promotion of psychological well-being seem to be best suited for individuals who suffer from psychological or somatic complaints

- 4 - jung

mindfulness/heartfulness--> Buddhism its called sati. now translated as awareness described as the spiritual, psychological or essential human capacity we need in order to be enlightened. -According to Buddhism, it is not enough just to have sati, which has recently reincarnated into modern techniques such as acceptance therapy. Instead, we need 'correct' sati or 'samma-sati'. This broadens mindfulness from its modern and increasingly limited manifestation, and links it with morality (sila) and wisdom (panya). -Heartfulness is our missing link between our great and greatly misunderstood life knowledge systems, such as psychology, philosophy and religion. It is also our missing link between self-help and self-discovery.

What Effort Can You Make to be Happy at Work?

mumford: 1. By selecting a job that provides a fit between what an employer needs and what the employee is seeking 2. By selecting a job that provides a fit between what the employee is seeking and what they are actually receiving Other things to look for in a job, Skill variety - do the tasks involved in the job require different skills? A Task identity - can you complete a whole piece of work or just a part of it? Being part of an entire project, from its conception, design, implementation, and review is also a significant determinant of job satisfaction. Task significance - is the work perceived as influencing others' lives? Autonomy - do you have the freedom to decide how the work will be done? This is an important factor that will be touched upon again later in the unit. In sum, autonomy enables self-directed action and self-determination. Feedback - is correct and precise information about the effectiveness of the work that you do provided? --> research shows that happiness at work is strongly related to happiness in life.


people vary in the degree to which they have a fixed mindset or a growth mindset. A fixed mindset is believing that your characteristics such as intelligence and talent are unchangeable growth mindset believe that they can develop their skills, talents, and abilities

What to do to Avoid Burnout

recognise signs of burnout in yourself, -burnout is thriving in today's workforce mainly because there is a general mismatch between individual workers and their jobs. --the promotion of human values in the workplace, rather than promotion of economic values.


research tends to find some degree of stability in individual differences in happiness - 50% of variance of happiness is due to genes - 10% lies in our circumstances - 40% intentional activity - under our control to change whats the secret of people that are happy? 1. really good relationship 2. more grateful 3. more helpful and philanthropic. 4. more optimistic about the future. 5. more likely to live in the present. 6. tend to savour pleasures in their life. 7. make physical activity a habit. 8. often spiritual or religious. 9. Happier people are deeply committed to goals. 10. have significant meaningful life goals

self control and willpower

self control or intelligence? - intelligence you cant really increase but you can improve your self control. you need both though. both traits contribute to success. how does the brain handle temptation? - self control is handled in the front parts/newer parts of the brain - desire/temptation comes from the older part of the brain willpower: helps you resist temptation , to see beyond your momentary desires and wishes, to incorporate the long term perspective into the short term. when willpower is depleted, if its really important to that person then they will find the energy to continue. planning: conserve mental energy, and calms down anxiety (emotionally comforting). when you have a plan set then. you are adjusting the plans as you go rather than initially planning at each stage.

subjective vs psychological wellbieng

subjective wellbeing: -measured as satisfaction with life in combination with a balance between positive and negative emotions psychological wellbeing: -theory-based indicators of positive human functioning that were consistent with a eudaimonic perspective of happiness -a process of self-realization, consisting of six dimensions: autonomy, environmental mastery, personal growth, positive relations with others, purpose in life and self-acceptance -psychological well-being can be seen as an important component of recovery. Higher levels of psychological well-being are associated with better physical health and buffer against future disorders, suggesting that people with higher levels are potentially more resilient. -psychological well-being can be significantly improved to a moderate extent -. A central aim of interventions such as well-being therapy, acceptance and commitment therapy, life-review therapy, and positive psychological interventions is to enhance positive psychological functioning.

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