PSYC 217 - Chapter 12 Practice

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15. An ordinal scale of measurement lacks which one of the following properties of a scale? A. Equal intervals B. Equal orders C. Unequal orders D. Unequal intervals


10. Which one of the following is NOT one of the three basic ways of describing results discussed inyour text? A. Compare group means. B. Compare group assignments. C. Compare group percentages. D. Correlate scores of individuals on two variables.


40. A[n] _____ allows a researcher to statistically control for the influence of a third variable. A. effect size B. partial correlation C. multiple correlation D. criterion assessment


48. After obtaining the correlation between two variables, a researcher calculates a regression equation.This equation can be used to A. determine effect size. B. control third variables. C. predict a person's score on one variable when only the score on a second variable is known. D. predict scores on a third variable of interest.


29. The standard deviation would be an appropriate measure of variability only if the variable ismeasured on a[n] _____ scale. A. interval B. nominal C. ratio D. ordinal


25. Which one of the following scales of measurement lacks numeric properties? A. Ordinal B. Nominal C. Ratio D. Interval


39. The measure of central tendency that reflects the most frequent score is the A. mean. B. mode. C. median. D. range.


41. The Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient r is unable to detect A. positive linear relationships. B. curvilinear relationships. C. instances of no relationship. D. negative linear relationships.


50. All correlation coefficients A. are positive. B. range from -1.00 to +1.00. C. use interval data. D. are negative.


30. The correlation coefficient A. is a measure of variability. B. is a measure of central tendency. C. is a statistic that describes how strongly variables are related to one another. D. indicates the amount of spread in the distribution of scores.


60. In a perfect relationship between two variables, r2 A. would be less than the value of r. B. would equal 0. C. would equal -1.00. D. would equal +1.00.


49. Multiple correlation utilizes many _____ variables and one _____ variable. A. interval; ratio B. criterion; predictor C. predictor; criterion D. ratio; interval


53. Which one of the following statistics indicates how much scores differ from each other? A. Median B. Mean C. Standard deviation D. Central tendency


58. A negative value of r means that A. there was a mistake in calculating the value of r. B. there is no relationship between the two variables. C. those who score high on one variable tend to score low on the other. D. those who score high on one variable tend to score high on the other.


17. Restricting the range of a variable ___________ the effect on the correlation coefficient. A. decreases B. changes the direction of C. has no effect on D. increases


23. What is the difference between an interval and a ratio scale? A ratio scale _____ while an intervalscales does not. A. has an absolute zero B. indicates order C. gives numerical information D. uses equal intervals


3. Henry finds that for automobile owners, as the price of gasoline increases, the amount of miles theydrive in a week decreases. This finding would suggest _____ relationship. A. a negative B. a curvilinear C. a positive D. no


32. Why would a researcher employ structural modelling? A. It allows a researcher to test how well data fit a theoretical model that describes the relationshipamong variables. B. It is a more impressive statistical technique than correlation or regression. C. It is the only appropriate statistical techniques to use when a third variable is present. D. It allows the researcher to partial out the influence of a third variable.


35. A teacher writes the results of a test on the board: 10 students received As, 14 students received Bs,18 students received Cs, 2 students received Ds, and 1 student received an F. The grade of C wouldrepresent which measure of central tendency? A. Mode B. Median C. Mean D. Standard deviation


44. A researcher measures the time it takes for subjects to press a button following a signal. This is a[n]________ measure. A. ratio scale B. nominal scale C. interval scale D. ordinal scale


46. A professional baseball scout uses the batting average, on base percentage, throwing ability, andrunning speed of amateur baseball players to predict their success as professional baseball players.This strategy would be an example of using a[n] _____ as a predictor of likelihood of success. A. multiple correlation B. practicality assessment C. effect size D. criterion variable assessment.


47. A regression equation is used to A. predict a score on Y from a known score on X. B. predict the difference between scores on X from the scores on Y. C. determine the strength of the relationship between X and Y. D. determine the causal relationship between X and Y.


51. A correlation coefficient indicates the ________ and ________ of the relationship between twovariables. A. direction; strength B. scatter; strength C. direction; distribution D. nature; shape


54. The _____ is a general term that refers to the strength of association between variables. A. effect size B. statistical index C. linear degree D. standard deviation


55. Which statement is least correct regarding the correlation coefficient? A. The sign of the correlation coefficient indicates the strength of the relationship. B. The values of r can range from -1.0 to +1.0. C. The correlation coefficient indicates whether there is a positive linear or negative linearrelationship. D. The absolute size of r indicates the strength of the relationship.


6. Which of the following is NOT true of the standard deviation? It A. is the square of the variance. B. becomes larger the further the scores are from the mean. C. is appropriate only for interval and ratio scale variables. D. indicates the average deviation of scores from the mean.


8. Which of the following is least correct regarding the effect size? The effect size A. can only range from -1.0 to + 1.0. B. can indicate small, medium, and large effects. C. provides a scale of values that is consistent across all types of studies. D. refers to the strength of association between the variables.


1. Dr. Greentree finds the r2 value between days of sunlight [X] and plant growth [Y] to be +.48. Dr.Greentree can conclude A. 48% of plants will grow on sunny days. B. 48% of the variability in plant growth can be accounted for by the number of days of sunlight. C. plants will grow 48% taller on sunny days. D. plants will grow 48% less on cloudy days.


13. In studying the effect of temperature on ice cream cone sales, a researcher could record the numberof ice cream cones sold on cold versus hot days. The researcher would be most interested in A. correlating scores. B. comparing group means. C. comparing group performance. D. comparing the type of ice cream sold.


14. Which one of the following would be an appropriate measure of central tendency to summarizeordinal data? A. Mean B. Median C. Mode D. Correlation


18. Brewster measures the height and age of four and five year-olds. To his surprise, he finds nocorrelation between height and age. What is most likely responsible for his results? A. Age and height are not related. B. He has restricted the range of the variables. C. A curvilinear relationship exists between the variables. D. There is too much variability in the sample to accurately calculate a correlation coefficient.


2. The finding that "the more classes a person takes, the more money they spend on textbooks"illustrates _____ relationship. A. a curvilinear B. a positive C. no D. a negative


22. After establishing that there is a reasonably high correlation between two variables, a researcher canutilize a regression equation to make predictions about the _____ variable from the _____ variable. A. dependent; independent B. criterion; predictor C. independent; dependent D. predictor; criterion


27. A host of a home repair program rates the difficulty of various home improvement projects. Heassigns the level of difficulty by using hammers: 3 for very difficult, 2 for moderate, and 1 for easy.This measure is an example of a[n] _____ scale. A. interval B. ordinal C. nominal D. ratio


31. A common trick when bar graphs are used to mislead readers A. is to use bright colours for the variable they want exaggerated. B. is to exaggerate the distance between points on the y axis. C. is to exaggerate the distance between points on the x axis D. is to minimize the distance between points on the y axis.


37. A researcher finds that out of 400 pet owners surveyed, 250 own only a dog, 125 own only a cat,and 25 own only a bird. Which measure of central tendency is the most appropriate for this data? A. Mean B. Mode C. Median D. Standard deviation


42. Jim examines the effect of type of music [jazz, rock, rap] on task performance. Type of musicrepresents which type of measurement scale? A. Ordinal B. Nominal C. Interval D. Ratio


45. A researcher obtains a -.87 correlation between job applicants' ages and their likelihood to be hired,but she thinks job skills may be an important influence. She should calculate a[n] A. correlation coefficient between age and hiring likelihood. B. partial correlation coefficient. C. inter-rater reliability coefficient. D. regression equation.


5. In a _____, a separate and distinct _____ is drawn to represent the number of people who receivedeach possible score. A. polygon; bar B. bar graph; bar C. bar graph; line D. polygon; pie slice


52. An interval scale is preferable to an ordinal scale because A. it rank orders individuals on some characteristic. B. sophisticated statistics can be used. C. it allows the measurement of individual differences. D. simpler statistics can be used.


56. Mel finds the relationship between alcohol consumption and reaction time is -.63. However, therelationship between coffee consumption and reaction time is +.52. Mel can conclude A. the direction of the relationship between alcohol consumption and reaction time isapproximately the same as the relationship between coffee consumption and reaction time. B. the relationship between alcohol consumption and reaction time is stronger than therelationship between coffee consumption and reaction time. C. the relationship between alcohol consumption and reaction time is weaker than the relationshipbetween coffee consumption and reaction time. D. that alcohol consumption is directly related to coffee consumption.


59. Which one of the following is not a measure of variability? A. Standard deviation B. Standard variance C. Variance D. Range


9. Ratio scales A. cannot be used in behavioural research. B. have an absolute zero point. C. are used to measure personality traits. D. have arbitrary zero points.


12. John finds the Pearson r correlation coefficient between variable A and variable B to be 0.00. Beforeconcluding there is no relationship between the variables, John should A. restrict the range from which he samples. B. calculate the effect size for the relationship. C. construct a scatterplot of the data. D. use a different set of participants.


24. Mean, mode, variance, and standard deviation are all examples of what type of statistics? A. Measures of dispersion B. Inferential statistics C. Descriptive statistics D. Measures of central tendency


26. Researchers studying the effectiveness of a diet on heart disease separated the study's participantsinto two groups, those with Type A personalities and those with Type B personalities. What scalecharacterizes the personality variable? A. Ratio B. Ordinal C. Nominal D. Interval


33. Multiple correlation is a technique for A. multiplying correlation coefficients. B. determining causal relationships between variables. C. increasing accuracy of prediction. D. making measures more reliable.


34. An automobile repair shop reports that half of the automobiles they repair have a resale value below$8000. In this example, the $8000 represents which measure of central tendency? A. Standard deviation B. Mean C. Median D. Mode


38. Which one of the following would be an appropriate measure of central tendency to summarizeinterval data? A. Mean B. Median C. Mean, median, or mode would be appropriate. D. Mode


11. In a survey examining the number of 3rd versus 6th grade students who buy their lunch at school, themost appropriate description of the results would be to A. compare lunches. B. compare group means. C. correlate scores. D. compare group percentages.


16. A teacher writes the results of a test on the board: 7 students received As, 10 students received Bs,18 students received Cs, 4 students received Ds, and 1 student received an F. In statistical terms, thisis a A. correlation table. B. measure of variability. C. measure of central tendency. D. frequency distribution.


19. When a line graph is employed to represent the number of subjects who received each possible scoreon a variable, this graph is called a frequency _____. A. bar graph B. model C. histogram D. polygon


20. In graphically depicting frequency distributions, _____ are used to display categorical variableswhile _____ are used to display quantitative variables. A. histograms; pie charts B. pie charts; bar graphs C. polygons; bar graphs D. bar graphs; histograms


21. Any set of scores may be described by measures of ________ and ________. A. independent variables; dependent variables B. probability; significance C. chance variance; error variance D. central tendency; variability


28. At the beginning of the season, a sports writer gives her prediction of teams that will finish in thetop three places in the eastern, central, and western divisions. Her prediction would be an exampleof using which type of measurement scale? A. Interval B. Ratio C. Nominal D. Ordinal


36. Which one of the following is NOT a measure of central tendency? A. Median B. Mode C. Mean D. Meridian


4. In a perfect positive relationship between two variables A. all of the scores on one variable will be the same as the scores on the other variable. B. the correlation coefficient would range between -1.0 and +1.0. C. the graphic representation would be a flat line. D. knowing an individual's score on one variable will allow us to predict exactly what his or herscore will be on the other variable.


43. Three celebrity judges rank order the finalists in a talent contest from the most to the least talented.This process would be an example of using which type of measurement scale? A. Nominal B. Interval C. Ratio D. Ordinal


57. Measures of _____ indicate how scores are spread out in a distribution, while measures of _____indicate how a sample scores as a whole. A. the mode; the median B. probability; significance C. error; true score D. variability; central tendency


7. Structural equation models A. are developed after the data are analyzed and interpreted. B. can only be used to explain results of laboratory experiments. C. can only be used to explain results of field experiments. D. are expected patterns of relationships among a set of variables.


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