PSYC 260- Exam 1

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Social Cognition

How people think about themselves and the social world, more specifically, how people select, interpret, remember and use social information to make judgments and decisions

Social Cognition

How people think about themselves and the social world; more specifically, how people select, interpret, remember and use social information to make judgements and decisions


People's evaluations of their own self worth- that is, the extent to which they view themselves as good, competent and decent

A researcher conducts a study with participants who are college students. The researcher then repeats the study using the same procedures but with members of the general population (i.e., adults) as participants. The results are similar for both samples. The research has established ____ through ____. a. external validity, replication b. internal validity, replication c. external validity, psychological realism d. internal validity, psychological realism


According to research in social psychology, why do many people believe that their horoscopes are accurate descriptions of who they are and what is likely to happen to them? a. horoscopes are written in a vague way so that most people view them as representative of their personalities and past behaviors b. horoscopes trigger automatic decision making c. people find it difficult to bring to mind examples that are similar to the horoscope d. horoscopes automatically prime people's life goals


Although he claims to hate reality television, Simon never misses an episode of Hoarders. Simon's behavior (i.e., watching Hoarders) is a. high in distinctiveness b. low in distinctiveness c. low in consensus d. low in consistency


Belief perseverance can help explain which of the following? a. why people who watch new programs that refer to climate change as a hoax remain convinced of that conclusion even in the face of scientific evidence to the contrary b. why during jury deliberations it is easier to convince fellow jurors to change their votes from guilty to not guilty than it is to change their minds in the opposite direction c. why weather forecasters are better at predicting rainfall totals than snowfall totals d. all of the above


Enrolling in which of the following graduate programs would be most likely to improve you statistical reasoning ability about problems in everyday life? a. psychology b. medicine c. law d. chemistry


Imagine that are in Hong Kong reading the morning news and you notice a headline a double murder that place overnight. A suspect is in custody. Which of the following headlines is most likely to accompany the story? a. Dispute over Gambling Debt Ends in Murder b. Crazed Murderer Slays Two c. Homicidal Maniac Stalks Innocents d. Bloodthirsty Mobster Takes Revenge


In Masuda and colleagues' (2008) study of cross-cultural perceptions of emotion, a. eye-tracking technology is used to demonstrate that American participants spend less time looking at the peripheral individuals surrounding the central figure than do Japanese participants b. American participants' perceptions of the central figure's emotional state are significantly influenced by the emotions of the peripheral influences c. contact has little influence on the social perception processes of the participants d. American participants begin by looking at the peripheral individuals before shifting their attention to the central individuals


In social psychology, why is construal so important? a. people's behavior is affected by their interpretation of events, not only the events themselves b. people's behavior is primarily determined by the objective circumstances they are in c. people are aware of their biases in perceiving events d. people realize that other reasonable people see things the way they do


Ming is from China; Jason is from the US. Both participate in an experiment in which they take a test, are given feedback, and are told that they did very well. They are then asked to make attributions for their performance. Based on cross-cultural research on the self-serving bias, you would expect that a. Jason but not Ming will say that he succeeded due to his high ability b. neither Ming nor Jason will say that they succeeded due to their high ability c. both Ming and Jason will say that they succeeded due to their high ability d. Ming but not Jason will say that he succeeded due to his high ability


Research on controlled thinking and free will shows that: a. there is a disconnect between our conscious sense of how much we are causing our actions and how much we are really causing our actions b. it doesn't really matter whether or not people believe that they have free will c. some primates have just as much free will as human beings d. people definitely do not have free will


Research on eye gaze and perception of facial expression indicates that which of the following tends to be most quickly decoded? a. an angry face looking right at us b. an angry face looking away from us c. a fearful face looking right at us d. a fearful face with eyes closed


Researchers who study social cognition assume that people a. try to view the world as accurately as possible b. can't think clearly with other people around them c. distort reality in order to view themselves favorably d. are driven by the need to control others


Social psychologists often do experiments in the laboratory, instead of the field, to: a. increase internal validity b. increase external validity c. conduct a meta-analysis d. decrease psychological realism


Social psychology had its origins in a. Gestalt psychology b. Freudian psychology c. behavioral psychology d. biological psychology


Social psychology is the study of a. the real or imagined influence of other people b. social institutions, such as the church or school c. social events, such as football games and dances d. psychological processes, such as dreaming


Suppose you have invited a new acquaintance over to your apartment and want to make a good impression; in other words, you want this person to like you. Which of the following should you do? a. serve the person warm drink and hope that he or she holds it in their hands while you are talking to him or her b. serve the person a cold drink and hope that he or she holds it in their hands while you are talking to him or her c. bake some bread before the person comes over so that the apartment smells nice d. serve the person a snack on a very heavy plate


Suppose you're driving home from watching a scary movie about a hitchhiker who was a murderer when you see someone talking loudly with a friend. Because you saw the movie, you assume that you are witnessing an argument that will probably end in a fight. This is an example of a. priming b. base rate information c. belief perseverance d. controlled thinking


The fundamental attribution error is best defined as the tendency to a. explain our own and other people's behavior entirely in terms of personality traits, thereby underestimating the power of social influence b. explain our own and other people's behavior in terms of the social situation, thereby underestimating the power of personality factors c. believe that people's group memberships influence their behavior more than their personalities d. believe that people's personalities influence their behavior more than their group memberships


The two-step process of attribution suggests that a. people first make an internal attribution and the correct for situational influences b. people first make an external attribution and then correct for dispositional influences c. American are less likely than Chinese to commit the fundamental attribution error d. if the attribution process is disrupted at either step, no attribution will be made


Tracy and Matsumoso's (2008) research on Olympic athletes indicated that the nonverbal expression of shame was a. associated with losing for many athletes but not those from highly individualistic culture such as the US b. different for blind athletes than it was for sighted athletes c. difficult to distinguish from the nonverbal associated with pride among athletes from more collectivistic cultures such as Japan d. more often displayed rather than hidden by athletes from highly individualistic cultures such as the US


What do social psychology and personality psychology have in common? a. they both focus on the individual b. they both focus on personality traits c. they both focus on formative childhood experiences d. they both focus on genetic contributions to personality


What is the "level of analysis" for social psychologists? a. the individual in the context of a social situation b. the social situation itself c. the person's level of achievement d. a person's level of reasoning


Which of the following is not a way in which schemas can become accessible in people's minds? a. the more negative in content a schema is, the more likely it is to be accessible b. schemas can be accessible because the people's past experiences c. schemas can become temporarily accessible because of priming d. schemas can be accessible if they are related to our current goals


Which of the following is one of the ethical principles of the American Psychological Association? a. psychologists respect the dignity and with of all people, and the rights of individuals to privacy, confidentiality, and self-determination b. psychologists may not use minors (those under age 18) as participants in research c. if a study is conducted over the Internet, psychologists need not obtain informed consent from participants d. psychologists are not responsible for protecting the confidentiality of information they obtain from participants


Which of the following is the best summary of research on automatic thinking? a. automatic thinking is vital to human survival, but it is not perfect and can produce mistaken judgments that have important consequences b. automatic thinking is amazingly accurate and rarely produces errors of any consequence c. automatic thinking is a problem because it usually produces mistaken judgments d. automatic thinking works best when it occurs consciously


Which of the following is true about cultural differences in social thinking? a. although everyone uses schemas to understand the world, the context of those schemas is influences by the culture in which they live b. schemas influence what people notice in the world but have no influence on what they remember c. schemas influence what people remember but have no influence on what they notice in the world d. culture has no influence on automatic thinking


Which of the following is true about social psychological findings? a. they sometimes seem obvious after we learn about them, because of the hindsight bias b. most people could easily predict them in advance of knowing how the studies turned out c. wise people such as our grandparents could easily predict them in advance of knowing how the studies turned out d. most people who live in the culture in which the studies were conducted could predict the findings in advance of knowing how the studies turn out


Which of the following is true? a. all human beings have the same cognitive "tools" that they can use b. when people move from one culture to another they generally do not learn to think like people in the new culture c. East Asians tend to think more holistically and Westerners tend to think more analytically because of eugenic differences between East Asians and Westerners d. American college students were more likely to notice changes in the background of a picture whereas Japanese college students were more likely to notice changes in the main objects int he foreground of the picture


Who of the following individuals is most likely to make a self-serving attribution? a. Rory, a golfer in the very early stages of his career b. Mariano, a baseball player who had won multiple championships in the past c. LeBron, a basketball player who has been playing since he was very young d. Roger, a professional tennis player with over a decade of experience


Evolutionary Theory

a concept developed by Charles Darwin to explain the ways in which animas adapt to their environments

Cover Story

a description of the purpose of a study, given to participants, that is different form its true purpose and is used to maintain psychological realism

attribution theory

a description of the way in which people explain the causes of their own and other people's behavior

belief in a just world

a form of defensive attribution wherein people assume that bad things happen to bad people and that good things happen to good people

Archival Analysis

a form of the observational method in which the researcher examines the accumulated documents or archives, of a culture (e.g., diaries, novels, magazines, and newspaper)

Institutional Review Board (IRB)

a group made up of at least one scientist, one nonscientist, and one member not affiliated with the institution that reviews all psychological research at that institution and decides whether it meets ethical guidelines; all research must be approved by the IRB before it is conducted

Availability Heuristics

a mental rule of thumb whereby people base a judgment on the ease with which they can bring something to mind

Representativeness Heuristic

a mental shortcut whereby people classify something according to how similar it is to a typical case

Probability Level (p-value)

a number calculated with statistical techniques that tells researchers how likely it is that the results of their experiment occurred by chance and not because of the independent variable or variables; the convention in science, including social psychology, is to consider results significant (trustworthy) if the probably is less than 5 in 100 that the results might be due to chance factor and not the independent variables studied

Random Assignment to Condition

a process ensuring that all participants have an equal change of taking part in any condition of an experiment; through random assignment, researchers can be relatively certain that difference in the participants' personalities or backgrounds are distributed evenly across conditions


a school of psychology maintaining that to understand human behavior, one need only consider the reinforcing properties of the environment

Gestalt Psychology

a school of psychology stressing the importance of studying the subjective way in which an object appears in people's minds rather than the objective, physical attributes of the object

Correlation Coefficient

a statistical technique that assesses how well you can predict one variable from another- for example, how well you can predict people's weight from their height


a statistical technique that averages the results of two or more studies to see if the effect of an independent variable is reliable

covariation model

a theory that states that to form an attribution about what caused a person's behavior, we systematically note the pattern between the presence or absence of possible causal factors and whether the behavior occurs

Holistic Thinking Style

a type of thinking in which people docs on the overall context, particularly the ways in which objects relate to each other, this type of thinking is common in East Asian cultures (e.g. China, Japan and Korea)

Analytic Thinking Style

a type of thinking in which people focus on the properties of objects without considering their surrounding context; this type of thinking is common in Western cultures

Random Selection

a way of ensuring that a sample of people is representative of a population by giving everyone in the population an equal chance of being selected for the sample

How many of the following comments illustrate the fundamental attribution error? a. A man says "My wife has sure become a grouchy person" but explain his own grouchiness as a result of having a hard day at the office b. A woman reads about high unemployment in poor communities and says "Well if those people weren't so lazy, they would find work." c. "The people who committed suicide at Jonestown were socially isolated and thus cut off from other points of view about their leader." d. "The people who committed suicide at Jonestown were mentally ill."

a, b and d

Which of the following reflect(s) the motive to maintain high self-esteem? a. After Sarah leaves Bob for someone else, Bob decides that he never likes her much anyway b. students who want to take Professor Lopez's seminar have to a apply by writing a 10 page essay. Everyone who is selected ends up loving the class c. Janetta did poorly on the first test in her psychology class. She admits that she didn't study enough and vows to study harder for the next test d.. Zach has been involved in several minor traffic accidents since getting his driver's license. "There sure are a lot of terrible drivers out there" he says "People should learn to be good drivers like me"

a, b and d

Informed Consent

agreement to participate in an experiment, granted in full awareness of the experiment, which has been explained in advance

two-step attribution process

analyzing another person's behavior first by making an automatic internal attribution and only then thinking about possible situational reasons for the behavior, after which one may adjust the original internal attribution

A researcher wants to see whether people are more likely to donate money to a charity when they receive a small gift from the charity. She sends an appeal for money from the charity to 1,000 people. For half of the people (randomly chosen) the letter includes free address labels and for half it does not. The researcher then sees whether those who got the address labels donate more money. Which of the following is true about this study? a. it uses the correlational method b. the independent variable is whether people got address labels and the dependent variable is how much money they donate c. the independent variable is how much money people donate and the dependent variable is whether they got address labels d. the study is low in internal validity because the people who got the address labels may differ in other ways from the people who did not


A team of researchers wants to test the hypothesis that drinking wine make people like jazz more. They randomly assign college students who are 21 and over to one room in which they will drink wine and listen to jazz or to another room in which they will drink water and listen to jazz. It happens that the "wine room" has a big window with nice scenery outside, whereas the "water room" is windowless, dark and dingy. The most serious flaw in this experiment is that is a. is low in external validity b. is low in internal validity c. did not randomly select the participants from all college students in the country d. is low in psychological realism


Ambady and colleagues were able to conclude that the thin-sliced impressions formed by their participants were based on meaningful information because a. their ratings based on 30-second clips were little different than their ratings based on 6-second clips b. their ratings of the silent video clips correspond strongly with the ratings that the instructors received from their actual students at the end of semester c. ratings were similar for silent video clips and for the same video clips when shown with audio d. while the thin-sliced video clips were brief, it took participants a relatively long amount of time to come up with ratings of the instructors they viewed


Based on everything you've read in this chapter, what is the best conclusion about social cognition? a. people would be better off if we could turn off automatic thinking and rely solely on controlled thinking b. whereas people are very sophisticated social thinkers who have amazing cognitive abilities, there is also plenty of room for improvement c. social cognition is pretty much the same throughout the world in all cultures that have been studied d. one purpose of controlled thinking is to set goals for ourselves; that cannot be done with automatic thinking


Darwin's evolutionary perspective on nonverbal communication of emotion led him to predict that facial expressions were a. specific to particular cultures b. related to physiological reactions that proved to be a useful way to respond to a particular type of stimulus c. a way to increase but not decrease input though senses such as vision and smell d. universal across all animal species


How does social psychology differ from personality psychology? a. social psychology focuses on individual differences, whereas personality psychology focuses on how people behave in different situations b. social psychology focuses on the shared processes that make people susceptible to social influence, whereas personality psychology focuses on individual differences c. social psychology provides general laws and theories about societies, whereas personality psychology studies the characteristics that make people uniques d. social psychology focuses on individual differences whereas personality psychology provides general laws and theories about societies


In social psychology, the level of analysis is a. society at large b. the individual in a social context c. groups and organizations d. cognitive and perceptual brain processes


It is 10am and Jamie, an American college student, is dragging himself to his next class to turn in a paper for which he pulled an all-nighter. Through a haze of exhaustion, on the way to class he sees a student slip and fall down. How would Jamie be most likely to interpret the cause of the student's behavior? a. Jamie's attribution will most heavily be influenced by his own personality b. given what we know about Jamie's current cognitive capacity and cultural background, he will likely assume that the student fell because he or she was clumsy c. Jamie would probably attribute the cause to the situation, such as the fact that it was raining and the sidewalks were slippery d. Jamie would be so tired that he would not make any causal attributions


Megan reads a research study which shows that children who see a lot of violence on television are more likely to be aggressive on the playground. Megan thinks, "This is obvious, I could have predicted that!" Megan's reaction to the study is probably an example of: a. internal validity b. the hindsight bias c. external validity d. psychological realism


Mr. Rowe and Ms. Dabney meet on a blind date. They get along well until they get into his Black convertible to go to a movie. Ms. Dabney is quiet and reserved for the rest of the evening. It turns out that her brother had recently been in a serious accident in the same type of car and seeing it brought up those unwanted emotions. Mr. Rowe assumes that Ms. Dabney has a cold and reserved personality, thereby demonstrating a. a belief in a just world b. the fundamental attribution error c. perceptual salience d. insufficient justification


Paul Ekman and Walter Friesen traveled to New Guinea to study the meaning of various facial expressions in the primitive South Fore tribe. What major conclusion did they reach? a. facial expressions are not universal because they have different meanings in different cultures b. the six major emotional expressions appear to be universal c. there are nine major emotional expressions d. the members of the South Fore used different facial expressions than westerners to express the same emotion


Rob is definitely not the most attractive guy in the forms, bu he is extremely confident about who he is and how he looks. He is convinced that most women fund him to be very attractive, and he in fact usually gets fates with women who are much more attractive than he is. What is the best explanation of Rob's success? a. self-affirmation theory b. self-fulfilling prophecy c. the representativeness heuristic d. holistic thinking


Sam is playing a carnival game challenging him to guess which of the 20 cups is hiding the red ball. Unfortunately, he picked the cup directly to the left of the winning cup and thus did not win the stuffed donkey he wanted. According to social psychological research, he is most likely to a. experience cognitive dissonance b. engage in counterfactual thinking c. blame his mistake on the noise of the crowd d. subsequently avoid similar games


Suppose that Mischa has found that when she sits in the first row of discussion classes, she gets a better participation grade, regardless of how much she actually participated. Her positioning in front of the teacher could have an effect on how large of a role the teacher thinks Mischa has in discussion due to a. the teacher's use of schemas b. perceptual salience c. the "what is beautiful is good" schema d. the two-step process of attribution


The basic dilemma of the social psychologist is that a. it is hard to teach social psychology to students because most people believe strongly in personality b. there is a trade-off between internal and external validity in most experiments c. it is nearly impossible to use a random selection of the population in laboratory experiments d. almost all social behavior is influences by the culture in which people grew up


The correlation method is best at answering which of these questions? a. how polite are people in public places? b. are people from the southern US more polite in public places than people from the northern US? c. what makes people act politely or rudely in public places? d. does music played in department stores influence how polite people are in those stores?


The topic that would most interest a social psychologist is a. how the level of extroversion of different presidents affected their political decisions b. whether people's decision about whether to cheat on a test is influenced by how they imagine their friends would react if they found out c. the extent to which people's social class predicts their income d. what passers-by on the street think of global warming


Tiffany has a hard time trusting her friends because she believes they are irresponsible. Accordingly7, when she makes dinner plans with one friend, she also make backup plans with someone else, and she goes to one or the other. Her friends soon in turn begin to "blow off" their arrangements with Tiffany, because they are never sure whether she will show up. Tiffany thinks to herself, "See, I was right, my friends are irresponsible." Which of the following best explains why Tiffany made this conclusion? a. accurate social perception due to controlled processes b. a self-fulfilling prophecy c. holistic thinking d. accurate social perception due to automatic processes


Which if the definition of analytic thinking? a. a type of thinking in which people focus on the overall context, particularly the ways int hick objects relate to each other b. a type of thinking in which people focus not he properties of objects without considering their surrounding context c. thinking that is conscious, intentional, voluntary, and effortful d. thinking that is non conscious, unintentional, involuntary, and effortless


Which of the following is the best summary of research on automatic goal pursuit? a. people can only select which goals to work toward using controlled thinking b. people often pursue goals that have been recently primed, without realizing that that is why they are pursuing the goal c. people often pursue goals that have been recently primed, but only if they are consciously aware that the goal has been primed d. people never choose their goals consciously; they only pursue automatically primed goals


Which of the following is true about cross-cultural research? a. most social psychological findings have been found to be universal; that is, true in virtually all cultures that have been studied b. the purpose of cross-cultural research is to see which social psychological findings are universal and which and culture-bound c. to conduct a cross-cultural study a research travels to another country, translates the materials into the local language, and replicates the study there d. it is relatively easy to conduct a study is interpreted and perceived similarly in different cultures


Which of the following is true about research on free will? a. people rarely overestimate the amount of control they have over their behavior b. sometimes people underestimate the amount of control they have over their behaviors c. studies have shown that people have free will over almost everything they do d. the more people believe in free will, the more likely they are to engage in immoral actions such as cheating


Which of the following is true about the ethical conduct of psychological research? a. it is good scientific procedure to tell participants about the research hypotheses before they participate b. if research participants are misled about a study they must be full debriefed at the end of the study c. Darley and Latané could have easily tested their hypotheses about helping behavior by telling participants in advance that they would hear someone pretending to have a seizure d. it is never permissible to use deception


Which of the following is true of the holistic thinking style? a. it involves a focus on the properties of objects without considering their surrounding context b. people living in the West can think holistically is they are primed with pictures taken in Japan c. the holistic style of thinking has a genetic basis d. it may have its roots in the Greek philosophic traditions of Aristotle and Plato


What two central motives influence the way we construe the world? a. the need to feel our opinions are right b. the need to maintain reasonably high self-esteem c. the need to feel superior to others d. the need to be accurate in our perceptions and decisions e. the need for self-expression

b and d

The experimental method is best at answering which of these questions? a. how aggressively do people drive during rush hours in major US cities? b. are people who play violent video games more likely to drive aggressively? c. are people who play violent video games more likely to be rude to someone who cuts in line in front of them? d. does playing violent video games cause people to be more rude to someone who cut in line in front of them?


The observational method is best at answering which of these questions? a. how polite are people in public places? b. are people from the southern US more polite in public places than people from the northern US? c. what makes people act politely or rudely in public places? d. does music played in department stores influence how polite people are in those stores?


A social psychologist would ten to look for explanations of a young man's violent behavior primarily in terms of: a. his aggressive personality traits b. possible genetic contributions c. how his peer group behaves d. what his father taught him


A stranger approaches Emily on campus and says he is a professional photographer. He asks if she will spend 15 minutes posing for pictures next to the student union. According to social psychologists, Emily's decision will depend on which of the following a. how well dressed the man is b. whether the man offers to pay her c. how Emily construes the situation d. whether the man has a criminal record


For social psychologists, the likely explanation of the mass suicide at Jonestown was a. members of the cult were mentally unstable or clinically depressed b. the cult leader used hypnotism or drugs to coerce his followers into obedience c. processes that could ensnare almost any healthy person d. the open, welcoming nature of the cult that made members feel it was safe to obey their leader


Mary wants to find out whether eating sugary snacks before an exam leads to better performance on the exam. Which of the following strategies would answer her question most conclusively? a. identify a large number of students who perform exceptionally low and exceptionally high in exams, ask them whether they eat sugary snacks before exams, and see whether high performers eat more sugars snacks before exams than do low performers b. wait for exam time in a big class, ask everyone whether they ate sugary snacks before the exam, and see whether those who ate sugary snacks before the exam do better compared to who didn't c. wait for exam time in a big class, give a random half of the students M&Ms before the exam and see whether the students who ate M&Ms perform better d. pick a big class, give all students sugary snacks before one exam and salty snacks before the next exam; then see whether students score lower on average in the second exam


Research using fMRI brain scanning technology indicated which of the following? a. East Asian participants use a greater percentage of their frontal and parietal regions when making judgments than do American participants b. neither East Asian nor American participants are able to overcome their typical, learned ways of attending to (or overlooking) context c. participants from both cultures demonstrate greater activation in higher-order cortical regions when asked to perceive objects in a way that is unusual for them d. social neuroscience data provide no support for the hypothesis that holistic versus analytic thinking styles tend to vary by cultural background


Researchers took photographs in randomly chosen locations in cities in Japan and the United States. They found that on average, city scenes in Japan contained more: a. businesses and advertisements b. people and residences c objects that competed for people's attention d. buildings and concrete


Suppose a certain student, Jake, falls asleep during every chemistry class. Further suppose that Jake is the only one who falls asleep in this class and he falls asleep in all of his other classes. According to Kelley's covariation theory of attribution, how will people explain his behavior? a. it is due to something unusual about this particular class because his behavior is low in consensus, high in distinctiveness, and high in consistency b. chemistry is really a boring class because Jake's behavior is high in consensus, high in distinctiveness and high in consistency c. it is due to something unusual about Jake because his behavior is low in consensus, low in distinctiveness, and high in consistency d. it is due to something peculiar about the circumstances on a particular day because his behavior is high in consensus


Suppose a researcher found a strong negative correlation between college students' grade point average and the amount of alcohol they drink. Which of the following is the best conclusion from this study? a. students with high GPA study more and this have less time to drink b. drinking a lot interferes with studying c. if you know how much alcohol a student drinks, you can predict his or her GPA fairly well d. people who are intelligent get higher grades and drink less


Suppose a researcher found a strong positive correlation between the number of tweets people send each day and their reported happiness. Which of the following is the best conclusions he or she can draw from this finding? a. sending tweets makes people happy b. feeling happy makes people want to tweet more c. happy people are more likely to send a lot of tweets than sad people d. there is a third variable that makes people happy and send a lot of tweets


Suppose you are buying a new home and have looked at several different houses. According to research on automatic decision making, what would be the best way for you to make up your mind about which one to buy? a. distract yourself by working on puzzles and then choose a house b. think consciously about the alternatives and the make up your mind c. spend a few minutes thinking consciously about the alternatives and then several minutes distracting yourself by working on puzzles d. get a good night's sleep and then choose a house when you first wake up in the morning


What was the main contribution of Gestalt psychology to social psychology? a. it added an understanding of how the brain works b. it emphasized how people perceive the physical world c. it shows that the whole is larger than the sum of its parts d. it added historical perspectives to the study of behavior


Whereas individuals in Western cultures tend to think more like _____, individuals in Eastern culture tend to think more like ______. a. children; adults b. psychologists; sociologists c. personality psychologists; social psychologists d. introverts; extraverts


Which of the following best illustrated the idea of believe perseverance? a. the first time Lindsay meets Tobias, she is impressed with his intellect and ambition, but quite quickly she comes to sour on him and see him as lazy and ineffectual b. Gob is quite smitten with Marta when he first gets together with her, but once they begin an exclusive dating relationship, he feels that he has made a big mistake c. Michael's first impression of Anne is a negative one, and even though he comes to observe her in a variety of scenarios displaying a variety of skills, he remains convinced that she will never amount to very much d. buster was shy and awkward as a young boy and remains much the same now as an adult


Which of the following is a basic assumption that social psychologists make? a. social problems have complex causes and we will never know why they occur b. it is hard to study what effect looking at pornography has on people, because everyone is different c. many social problems can be studied scientifically d. many people fail to help others in emergencies because they don't care about other people


Which of the following is not one of the six major emotional expressions examined by Ekman and his colleagues in their influential cross-cultural research on perception of emotions? a. disgust b. anger c. embarrassment d. sadness


Which of the following is the best description of facilitated communication? a. it is a promising new way of letting communication-impaired people, such as those with autism, express their thoughts b. the facilitators, who hold the funders and arm of communication-impaired people on a keyboard, are deliberately faking the answers c. the facilitators believe that communication-impaired people are choosing what to type, but they are probably wrong and unknowingly determining the answers themselves d. facilitated communication helps people with mild versions of autism to communicate but does not help hose with severe cases


Which of the following is the best summary of the function of schemas? a. schemas usually result in erroneous judgements because of the self-fulfilling prophecy b. schemas are always beneficial because they help people organize the world and full in the haps in their knowledge c. schemas are very useful in helping people organize information about the world, but they are problematic when they result in self-fulfilling prophecies d. schemas are useful for helping us organize information about other people but not about events such as what we should do when eating in a restaurant


Which of the following is the best way to increases the external validity of a study? a. make sure it low psychological realism b. conduct the study in the laboratory instead of the field c. replicate the study with a different population of people in a different setting d. make sure you have at least two dependent variables


Which of the following is the most accurate conclusion based on the Jones and Harris (1967) Castro essay study???? a. when a target's behavior is forced, perceivers do not attribute it to any sort of internal cause b. we are less generous with ourselves when making attributions for negative events than we are when others are the actors c. we are more likely to make an internal attribution for a chosen action versus a forced action d. we are more likely to make an internal attribution when the actor in question is perceptually salient


Which of the following is true about Institutional Review Board (IRBs)? a. Universities can decide whether to have an IRB to approve psychological research b. the purpose of IRBs is to review research after it is conducted and review any complaints c. IRBs review psychological studies before they are conducted to make sure they meet ethical guidelines d. IRBs must be made up entirely of nonscientists


Which of the following is true about new frontiers in social psychological research? a. social psychologists are interested in the role of culture but not in evolutionary processes b. social psychologists are interested in evolutionary processes but not the role of culture c. social psychologists use functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to correlate different kinds of brain activity with social information processing. d. the purpose of cross-cultural research is to show that all social psychological findings are universal with no cultural variations


Which of the following is true about social neuroscience? a. the field is concerned exclusively with how different kinds of brain activity correlate with social information processing b. this field is concerned primarily with how hormones influence social behavior c. social psychologists are increasingly interested in the connection between biological processes and social behavior d. when it comes right down to it, the brain is not related to behavior, and there is not much to be learned by measuring its electrical activity or blow flow


Which of the following is true about the use of schemas? a. schemas are an example of controlled thinking b. when people have an incorrect schema, rarely do they act in a way to make it come true c. although schemas can lead to errors, they are a very useful way of organizing information about the world and filling in gaps in our knowledge d. the schemas we use is influenced only by what information is chronically accessible and not by our goals or by what has been primed recently


Which of the following psychological phenomena shows the least cultural variation? a. self-serving attributions b. preferences regarding eye contact and personal space c. anger facial expressions d. fundamental attribution error


Which of the following statement regarding the Camey et al (2010) power-posing research is true? a. standing in a closed posture with one's arms wrapped around one's own torso tends to be a high-power pose b. while participants who previously had posed in a high-power posture exhibited evidence of increased testosterone, their self-report responses indicated that they did not feel more powerful after the manipulation c. participants who tased in a high-power posture adopted riskier strategies on a subsequent gambling task d. participants were less willing to adopt low-power poses compared to high-power poses


Which of the following statements best described cultural differences in the fundamental attribution error? a. members of collectivist cultures rarely make dispositional attributions b. members of Western cultures rarely make dispositional attributions c. members of collectivist cultures are more likely to go beyond dispositional explanations, considering information about the situation as well d. members of Western cultures are more likely to go beyond dispositional explanations, considering information about the situation as well


Which one of the following involves the least amount of automatic thinking? a. acting according to goals that have been primed b. using metaphors about the body to make judgments c. counterfactual reasoning d. self-fulfilling prophecies


Who among the following individuals would you predict would be most likely to make an external attribution for any given behavior observed? a. a US born American adult b. an 8 year old born and raised in India c. a Hong Kong Chinese college student who has just been shown images related to Chinese culture d. a Hong Kong Chinese college student who had just been shown imaged related to American culture


display rules

culturally determined rules about which nonverbal behaviors are appropriate to display

"Naive realism" refers to the fact that a. most people are naive (uneducated) about psychology b. few people are realistic c. most people would rather be naive than accurate d. most people believe they perceive things accurately


A researcher is interested in whether moods vary by the day of the work. She codes the postings on thousands of Facebook pages to see whether people express more positive comments on some days than others. Which research method has she used? a. Ethnography b. Survey c. Experimental method d. Archival analysis


All of the following are examples of an internal attribution except for which one? a. after winning close to $100 playing poker, Fred explains that he's always been a very skilled gambler b. Velma blames her poor grade on her biology exam on the idea that she's never been good at taking multiple choice exams c. Daphne thinks that the reason her brother is never able to hold a stead job is that he's lazy and quick to get angry with others d. Shaggy says that the only reason for his recent van accident is that the road he was traveling on that day was wet from recent rainfall


All of the following except one are part of the guideline for ethical research. Which is not? a. all research is reviewed by an IRB (institutional review board) that consists of at least one scientist, one nonscientist, and one person unaffiliated with the institution b. a researcher receives informed consent from a participant unless deception is deemed necessary and the experiment meets ethical guidelines c. when deception is used in a study, participants must be fully debriefed d. there must be a cover story for every study, because all studies involve some type of deception


Asch's (1946) research on person perception provided evidence for which of the following conclusions? a. there is a primacy effect in social perception b. first impressions serve as a filter through which subsequently learned information is interpreted c. even when the content of information conveyed about two individuals remains the same, the order in which we learn it can have a powerful effect on our impression d. all of the above


How do social psychologists formulate hypotheses and theories? a. they are inspired by previous theories and research b. they disagree with a previous researchers' interpretations of his or her study c. they construct hypothesis and theories bas on personal observations in everyday life d. all of the above


In Miller's (1984) cross-cultural investigation of attribution style in the US and India, a. among young children, Americans were more likely to make external attributions, and Indians were more likely to make internal attributions, but few cultural differences emerged with adult participants b. among young children, Americans were more likely to make internal attributions, and Indians were more likely to make external attributions, but few cultural differences emerged with adult participants c. few cultural differences emerged with children, but among adults, Americans were more likely to make external attributions, and Indians were more likely to make internal attributions d. few cultural differences emerged with young children, but among adults, Americans were more likely to make internal attributions, and Insane were more likely to make external attributions


Jennifer and Nate are walking along the street when they see a man walk out of a convenience store clutching a bag. The owner of the store runs out and shouts for the man to stop and come back. Jennifer immediately assumes that there has been a robbery, whereas Nate immediately assumes that the man forgot to get his change and that the store owner wants to give it to him. What is the best explanation for why Jennifer and Nate interpreted this event differently? a. Jennifer and Nate are engaged in controlled thinking that resulted in different assumptions about what was going on b. Jennifer and Nate have different personalities c. Jennifer and Nate fell prey to the self-fulfilling prophecy d. different schemas were accessible in Jennifer and Nate's minds, perhaps because they had different recent experiences that primed different schemas


Over Thanksgiving break, your parents ask you if you can think of 12 reasons why your college is better than its archival. You find it hard to come up with many reasons and end up thinking, "Hmm, maybe the schools aren't all that different." Which of the following mental strategies did you probably use to reach this conclusion? a. the representativeness heuristic b. base rate information c. the anchoring and adjustment heuristic d. the availability heuristic


Professor X wants to make sure his study of gifted youngsters will get published, but he worries that his findings could have been caused by something other than the independent variable, which was a new teaching method he introduced. He is concerned with the _____ of his experiment. a. probability level b. external validity c. replication d. internal validity


Research indicates that which of the following candidates would be most likely to win a political election? a. Denise, whose face other people often perceive as indicating a warm personality b. Theo, who many people believe is gay based only on his facial appearance c. Vanessa, who has large eyes, a high forehead and a small, child-like nose d. Rudy, whose face is usually seen by others as indicating a cold, calculating and powerful personality


Suppose a psychologist decides to join a local commune to understand and observe its members' social relationships. This is a. cross-cultural research b. applied research c. an experiment d. ethnography


Suppose you are trying to raise money for your favorite charity and you set up a table in the love of a campus building. Which of the following is likely to increase the likelihood that passersby will donate money? a. give them a very light clipboard with information about your charity b. ask people to hold a cold bottle of water while they listen o what you have to say c. show them pictures of Japanese cities so that they think holistically d. spray some citrus-scented cleaning solution on the table


Suppose you wanted your friend Stephan to feel like a more assertive person. According to research on _____, you should ask him to think of ______ times in the past when he acted in an unassertive manner. a. representativeness heuristic; 12 b. availability heuristic; 3 c. representativeness heuristic; 3 d. availability heuristic; 12


The "self full-filling prophecy" is the reason that many people a. love Doomsday predictions b. make a prophecy that they will fail their exams c. create a prophecy that they will succeed on their exams d. act in ways that make predictions of their own behavior or others' come true


What do social psychology and sociology have in common? a. they both examine demographic trends in society b. they both study national institutions c. they both are concerned with personality differences d. they both are concerned with group processes


What does the Wall Tree Game reveal about personality and situation? a. competitive people will compete fiercely no matter what a game is called b. cooperative people will try hard to get competitive opponents to work with them c. the name of the game makes no difference in how people play the game d. the name of the game strongly influenced how people play the game


What is a major assumption of a Kelley's covariation model of attribution? a. we make quick attributions after observing one instance of someone's behavior b. people make causal attributions using cultural schemas c. people infer the cause of others' behaviors through introspection d. people gather information to make causal attributions rationally and logically


Where do differences in holistic versus analytic thinking come from? a. genetic differences between Asians and non-Asian Westerners b. different educational systems in the East versus the West c. different weather patterns in the East versus the West d. different philosophical traditions of the East versus the West


Which of the following is the best example of a self-fulfilling prophecy? a. a teacher believes that boys are better at math than girls, but boys in the class do worse than girls in math b. Bob thinks that members of the Alpha Beta Psi sorority are unfriendly and snobby. Whenever he meets members of this sorority, they are friendly toward him c. Sarah is worried that her son is not gifted in music, but he does better in his piano lessons than she expects d. Jill thinks her daughter is not a very good reader and doesn't spend much time reading to her. As a result her daughter falls behind in reading at school


Which of the following is true about evolutionary psychology? a. natural selection works differently in humans than other animals b. it is easy to test evolutionary hypotheses by doing experiments c. most social behaviors are genetically determined with little influence by the social environment d. evolutionary approaches can generate novel hypotheses about social behavior that can then be tested with experiments


Which of the following research topics about violence is one that a social psychology might investigate? a. how rates of violence change over time within a culture b. why murder rates vary across cultures c. brain abnormalities that produce aggression when a person is provoked d. why some situations are more likely to provoke aggression than others


According tot his chapter, which is the best analogy to describe people's thinking abilities? a. people are cognitive misers b. propel are motivated tacticians c. people are skilled detectives d. people are flawed scientists



drawing meaningful conclusions about another person's personality or skills based on an extremely brief sample of behavior

To get people to change self-destructive behavior, social psychologists would be likely to a. persuade them by offering useful information b. scare the living daylights out of them c. threaten them with punishment d. all of the above e. none of the above


Field Experiments

experiments conducted in natural settings rather than in the laboratory


explaining to participants, at the end of an experiment, and true purpose of the study and exactly what transpired

self-serving attributions

explanations for one's successes that credit internal, dispositional factors and explanations for one's failures that blame external, situational factors

affect blends

facial expressions in which one part of the face registers one emotion while another part of the face registers a different emotion

distinctiveness information

information about the extent to which one particular actor behaves in the same way to different stimuli

consensus information

information about the extent to which other people behave the same way toward the same stimulus as the actor does

consistency information

information about the extent to which the behavior between one actor and one stimulus is the same across time and circumstances

Base Rate Information???

information about the frequency of members of different categories in the population

Interval Validity

making sure that nothing besides the independent variable can affect the dependent variable; this is accomplished by controlling all extraneous variables and by randomly assigning people to different experimental conditions

Judgemental Heuristics

mental shortcuts people use to make judgements quickly and efficiently


mental structures people use to organize their knowledge about the social world around themes or subjects and that influence the information people notice, think about, and remember

counterfactual thinking

mentally changing some aspect of the past as a way of imagining what might have been


misleading participants about the true purpose of a study or the events that will actually transpire


nonverbal gestures that have well-understood definitions within a given culture; they usually have direct verbal translations, such as the OK sign


repeating a study, often with different subject populations or in different settings

Cross-Cultural Research

research conducted with members of different cultures, to see whether the psychological processes of interest are present in both cultures or whether they are specific to the culture in which people were raised


research in which a representative sample of people are asked (often anonymously) questions about their attitudes or behavior

Applied Research

studies designed to solve a particular social problem

Basic Research

studies that are designed to find the best answer to the question of why people behave as they do and that are conducted purely for reasons of intellectual curiosity

Evolutional Psychology

the attempt to explain social behavior in terms of genetic factors that have evolved over time according to the principles of natural selection

Self-fulfilling Prophecy

the case wherein people have an expectation about what another person is like which influences how they act toward that person, which causes that person to behave consistently with people's original expectations, making the expectations come true

Social Influence

the effect that the words, actions or mere presence of other people have on our thoughts, feelings, attitudes or behavior


the extent to which schemas and concepts are at the forefront of people's minds and are therefore likely to be used when making judgements about the social world

Psychological Realism

the extent to which the psychological processes triggered in an experiment are similar to psychological processes that occur in everyday life

External Validity

the extent to which the results of a study can be generalized to other situations and to other people

overconfidence barrier

the fact that people usually have too much confidence in the accuracy of their judgements

external attribution

the inference that a person is behaving a certain way because of something about the situation he or she is in; the assumption is that most people would respond the same way in that situation

internal attribution

the inference that a person is behaving in a certain way because of something about the person, such as attitude, character, or personality

Interjudge Reliability

the level of agreement between two more more people who independently observe and codes a set of data; by showing that two or more judges independently come up with the same observations, researchers ensure that the observations are not the subjective, distorted impressions of one individual


the method by which researchers attempt to understand a group or culture by observing it from the inside, without imposing any preconceived notions they might have

Experimental Method

the method in which the researcher randomly assigned participants to different confessions and ensures that these conditions are identical except for the independent variable (the one thought to have a causal effect on people's responses)

Natural Selection

the process by which heritable traits that promote survival in a particular environment are passed along to future generations; organisms with those traits are more likely to produce offspring


the process by which recent experiences increase the accessibility of a schema, trait, or concept

Social Psychology

the scientific study of the way in which people's thoughts, feelings and behaviors are influenced by the real or imagines presence of other people

perceptual salience

the seeming importance of information that is the focus of people's attention

Social Perception

the study of hoe we form impressions of and make inferences about other people

Observational Method

the technique whereby a researcher observes people and systematically records measurements or impressions of their behavior

Correlational Method

the technique whereby two or more variables are systematically measured and the relationship between them (i.e., how much one can be predicted from the other) is assessed

Hindsight Bias

the tendency for p-eople to exaggerate, after knowing that something occurred, how much they could have predicted it before it occurred

fundamental attribution error

the tendency to overestimate the extent to which other people's behavior is due to internal, dispositional factors and to underestimate the role of situational factors

Fundamental Attribution Error

the tendency to overestimate the extent to which people's behavior is due to internal, dispositional factors and to underestimate the role of situational factors

believe perseverance

the tendency to stick with an initial judgement even win the fact of new information that should prompt us to reconsider

bias blind spot

the tendency to think that other people are more susceptible to attributional biases in their thinking than we are

Basic Dilemma of the Social Psychologist

the trade-off between internal and external validity in conducting research; it is very difficult to do one experiment that is both high in internal validity and generalizable to the other situations and people

Independent Variable

the variable a researcher changes or varies to see if it has an effect on some other variable

Dependent Variable

the variable a researcher measures to see if it is influenced by the independent variable the researcher hypothesizes that the dependent variable will depend on the level of the independent variable

nonverbal communication

the way in which people communicate, intentionally or unintentionally, without words; nonverbal cues include facial expressions, tone of voice, gestures, body position and movement, the use of touch, and gaze


the way in which people perceive, comprehend, and interpret the social world

controlled thinking

thinking that is conscious, intentional, voluntary and effortful

Automatic Thinking

thinking that is non-conscious, unintentional, involuntary, and effortless


to express or emit nonverbal behavior, such as smiling or patting someone on the back


to interpret the meaning of the nonverbal behavior other people express, such as deciding that a pat on the back was an expression of condescension and not kindness

primacy effect

when it comes to forming impressions, the first traits we perceived in other influence how we view information that we learn about them later

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