PSYC 3303 - All Quizzes 14, 9, 15

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Liqueurs usually contain about ___ % of alcohol

20 to 25

Typical distilled beverages sold commercially with an alcohol content ranging between 40-50% is ____ proof

80 to 100

Today's standard product from many large commercial distilleries is

95% pure ethyl alcohol

Match the kinds of beer with their characteristics

ALE = s lightly warm temperatures are used in the manufacture L A G E R =cool temperatures are used in the manufacture

Studies conducted by Roland Griffiths and Walter Pahnke on psilocybin and mystical experiences found that the psilocybin

Acutely increased mystical experiences

The disease model of alcohol dependence suggests that

Alcohol dependence is a progressive disease characterized by a loss of control over drinking

In the context of alcohol's mechanism of action, identify an effect of alcohol on GABA

Alcohol enhances the inhibitory effects of GABA at the GABA-A receptor

Identify an a ccurate statement a bout ale, which is a form of beer

Flavor of the malt is retained due to the shorter fermentation time

A feature of anandamide is that it

Has marijuanalike effects when administered to animals

An accurate statement about LSD is that it (1)

Has never been definitely linked to even one human overdose death

What happens when heavy alcohol use stops and the alcohol has disappeared from the body of a person who has been drinking alcohol heavily over a prolonged period?

High activity level of the metabolic enzymes continues for 4 to 8 weeks

Arrange the stages of the abstinence syndrome that develops after ceasing alcohol use in the correct order

I. Tremors II. Hallucinations III. Delusions IV. Seizure activity

Most patients with Wernicke's disease, an alcohol-related organic brain disease, also exhibit Korsakoff's psychosis that is characterized by an

Inability to remember recent events or to learn new information

One of the most consistent acute physiological effects of both smoked marijuana and oral THC is a(n)

Increase in HR

Identify a cause for fatigue that accompanies a hangover due to alcohol consumption

Increased activity while drinking

Alcohol dilates the peripheral blood vessels in the CNS, and this

Increases heat loss from a drinker's body

Large doses of psilocybin affect the body by

Inducing headaches that last for no more than a day

Which of the following is t rue of the subjective effects of marijuana?

Infrequent smokers are likely to experience more intense subjective effects

According to studies on twins about alcohol dependence, it was observed that

Inheritance plays a role in alcohol dependence

A characteristic of LSD is that it

Is a sympathomimetic agent

Identify a feature of the San Pedro cactus

Its mescaline content is less than that of peyote

Heavy marijuana smoking over a long period of time could lead to

Less readily reversible impairment of pulmonary function

The safety margin of the surgical anesthesia level and the minimum lethal level of alcohol is _____% blood alcohol

Less than 0.1

Lia is a lean woman weighing 180 pounds. Her friend Melissa also weighs 180 pounds, but she is a fat person. One one occasion, they drank the same amount of alcohol. In the context of the distribution of alcohol in the body, identify a t rue statement about the blood alcohol concentration (BAC) found in Lia and Melissa

Lia will have a lower BAC than Melissa

A t rue statement a bout the abuse potential of marijuana is that

Marijuana selfadministration is THC concentrationdependent

Identify a t rue statement about the history of magic mushrooms

Mexicans had a long history of using magic mushrooms for religious and ceremonial purposes

In the context of peyote use by Native Americans, the

Native American Church of the US incorporated peyote use into its ceremonies

Studies on monkeys have indicated that_____ is a good analgesic, but does not produce good muscle relaxation to sleep


Ryan, a 20-year-old university student, attended a college party. He and his friends drank a lot of alcohol at the party. One of Ryan's friends, John, was about to pass out after drinking alcohol. In this scenario, Ryan should

Place John on his side so that any vomit is less likely to be aspirated

1- (1- Phenylcyclohexyl) piperidine hydrochloride (PCP) affects the human body by

Producing a loss of sensation within two or three minutes of beginning intravenous infusion

An accurate statement about MDMA is that

The drug increases sociability and euphoria

A true statement about the history of magic mushrooms is that the New Yorker ethnobotanist Gordon Wasson was

The first outsider to participate in a Native American ceremony and eat the magic mushroom

Identify a t rue statement a bout the effects produced by ayahuasca

The monoamine-oxidase-inhibiting properties of harmaline in ayahuasca prevent the degradation of oral DMT

Identify a t rue statement about the behavioral effects of BAC

The rate at which BAC rises is a factor in determining behavioral effects of a person

The 2 major classes of phantastica, the indole and catechol hallucinogens, are grouped according to

Their chemical structures

Identify a t rue statement a bout the distillation process to obtain alcohol

There is a higher percentage of alcohol in the distillate than there was in the original solution

Identify a t rue statement about grain neutral spirits, which contains relatively pure alcohol

They are essentially tasteless

Identify a t rue statement about liqueurs, or cordials

They are similar in some ways to the fortified wines

Data from at least 1 controlled study suggests that DMT is unique among classical hallucinogens in that

Tolerance does not develop to its psychological effects

Identify a t rue statement a bout the pharmacological nature of mescaline

Tolerance to mescaline develops more slowly than to LSD

An accurate statement about LSD is that it (2)

Tolerance to the drug develops rapidly

In the distillation process of whiskey, the distillate contains more congeners because

Whiskey is usually distilled as a lower proof

In the primary metabolic system, the enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase converts alcohol to


It has been suggested that the accumulation of_______, which is quite toxic even in small quantities, contributes to the nausea and headache during a hangover due to alcohol consumption


If a person suffers from alcohol-related fatty liver, the liver uses stored fatty acids for energy when

alcohol input ceases

The street name for PCP sprinkled on plant material such as oregano, parsley, or alfalfa is

angel dust

During the Middle Ages and before, ______ was primarily used as a poison and to dilate the pupils of the eyes


is the primary active ingredient in the deadly nightshade, Atropa belladonna


is made by adding barley malt to other cereal grains, such as ground corn or rice


It was discovered many years ago in Spain that if enough_____ is added to a newly fermented wine, the fermentation will stop


During the process of fermentation, yeast recombines the carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen of sugar into ethyl alcohol and

carbon dioxide

nucleus forms the basic structure of the catecholamine neurotransmitters norepinephrine and dopamine


Seeds of A rgyreia nervosa

contain HIGHER levels of d-lysergic acid and have adverse effects due to the presence of toxic cyanogenic glycosides

Seeds of R ivea corymbosa-

contain LOWER levels of d-lysergic acid and had great religious significance in Mexico

The largest-selling imported beer in the US is_______ from Mexico


The group of hallucinogens that have a tendency to produce mental confusion and a loss of touch with reality, and are grouped separately from the phantastica hallucinogens are referred to as


An alcohol withdrawal syndrome that includes hallucinations and tremors is known as

delirium tremens

In the context of the disease model of alcohol dependence, a consequence of defining alcohol dependence as a primary disease is that

drinking itself should be recognized as a problem

Benjamin Rush, a prominent Philadelphia physician who authored the first writings indicating negative views on alcohol, found a link between heavy drinking and


is a chemical that is closely related to PCP, which has more depressant effects than PCP and fewer prolonged reactions


Death resulting from acute alcohol intoxication usually is the result of respiratory failure when the

medulla is depressed

Identify an example of a catechol hallucinogen


The primary active ingredient found in the Amanita muscaria m ushroom is


A common adverse effect that can occur while under the influence of LSD is the

panic reaction

is a small, spineless, carrot-shaped psychoactive cactus, Lophophora williamsil Lemaire, that was originally consumed orally by indigenous Mexican people


Phantastica drugs are capable of producing hallucinations and some altered sense of reality, a state that could be psychotic, so they have been referred to as

psychomimetic drugs

Which of the following hallucinogen is classified as an indole hallucinogen?


In terms of beneficial aspects of alcohol on the heart, there has been speculation that_____ might have better effects than other forms of alcohol due to t he presence of antioxidants

red wine

richocereuspachanoii samescaline-containingcactuswhosecommonnameis____,anditisnative to the Andes Mountains of Peru and Ecuador, and has been used for thousands of years as a religious sacrament

san pedro cactus

is a high grade form of marijuana that does not contain seeds and has a THC content of about 11%


The phenomenon of blending of different senses, such as "seeing" sounds by LSD, is known as


In the context of the abuse potential of cannabis, research studies have found that

the selfadministration of cannabis is influenced by social factors

Match the type of receptors that THC and other cannabinoids bind to with their descriptions

CB1 RECEPTORS t hey are found throughout the body, but primarily in the brain CB2 RECEPTORS t hey are found mainly outside the brain in immune cells

Anticholinergic hallucinations affect the body by

Causing a considerable dilation of the pupils of the eyes

An attribute of CB1 receptors is that the

Cerebellum and hippocampus contain a large number of CB1 receptors

Malt helps in the production of alcoholic beverages by

Converting the starch in cereal grains into sugar

T h e m o s t p o t e n t o f t h e h a l l u c i n o g e n s i s

D-lysergic and diethylamide (LSD)

Identify the features of DMT

(1) It produces alterations of visual, authority, and tactile perception, and (2) It is the active ingredient in Cohoba snuff

Identify the attributes of anticholinergic hallucinogens

(1) They block the muscarinic cholinergic neurons, and (2) They are potent peripheral and central cholinergic blocking agents

Identify the alkaloids present in Datura

(1) tropine, (2) hoyscamine, and (3) scopolamine

Identify the consequences of a significant tax increase on alcoholic beverages by Congress in 1991

I. Beer tax doubled to $18 per barrel II. Tax on bottled wine increased sixfold to about 22 cents per bottle

Identify the personality factors that describe an alcoholic personality

I. Depressed II. Impulsive III. Passive

Arrange the steps involved in the production of light beers in the correct order

I. Mash of barley malt and other cereal grains is fermented at a cooler temperature for a longer time II. Alcohol content is adjusted by adding water III. A beverage with considerably less sugar and only a bit less alcohol is produced

Identify the diseases associated with immune deficits seen in chronic alcohol abusers

I. Pneumonia II. Cholera III. Tuberculosis

identify the cognitive effects displayed by infrequent marijuana users following acute administration of smoked marijuana

I. Slowed cognitive processing II. Loss of sustained concentration III. Disrupted inhibitory control

Acute administration of oral doses ranging from 0.045-0.315 mg/kg psilocybin dose dependently induces

Intense changes in mood, perception, and thought

An attribute of the S alvia divinorum plant is that it

Is known to induce mystical-type effects similar in magnitude to those seen with psilocybin

Identify a feature of ketamine

It can induce hallucinations and delirium in users

Identify a t rue statement a bout the pharmacology of LSD

It is metabolized in the liver and excreted as 2-oxy-lysergic acid diethylamide

Identify a t rue statement a bout LSD experience

2 hours after consuming LSD, changes in perception of oneself occurs

Generalized loss of brain tissue that results from direct alcohol toxicity is associated with____, a global decline of intellect


With large enough doses of_____, a behavioral pattern develops that resembles toxic psychosis; there is delirium, mental confusion, loss of attention, drowsiness, and loss of memory for recent events a. Indole hallucinogens

Anticholinergic hallucinogens

An action of alcohol on the brain is to decrease the output of the____ responsible for retaining fluid in the body

Antidiuretic hormone

Match the types of champagnes with their features

BRUT = t he driest champagnes EXTRA DRY= s weet champagnes

Match the species of cannabis plants with their features

C ANNABIS SATIVA I t is primarily used for ITS FIBERS, from which hemp rope is made; it grows as a weed in the US and Canada CANNABIS INDICA I t is grown for its PSYCHOACTIVE RESINS; it is cultivated in most parts of the world CANNABIS RUDERALIS It grows primarily IN RUSSIA and not at all in America

was called STP (street talk was that it stood for serenity, tranquility, and peace) in the 1960's and 1970's


In the context of the early research conducted on LSD, a lot of the research focused on

Developing model of psychoses and accessing the subconscious mind

An attribute of psilocybin is that

Dried mushrooms contain 0.2-0.5 percent

Identify a factor that contributed to the decline in the use of LSD after the late 1960's

Prolonged psychotic reactions and worries about possible chromosome damage due to LSD

Alcohol taken with or after a meal is absorbed more slowly because the

Protein in the food retains the alcohol with it in the stomach

The primary active agent found in the most well-known psychoactive mushroom, Psilocybe mexicana, is


Match the types of marijuana consumption with their characteristics

SMOKING -- peak mood-altering and CV effects occur together, usually within 5-10 minutes ORAL CONSUMPTION -- peak effects usually occur at about 90 minutes

Lurid accounts of medieval witches using belladonna are similar to accounts linking use of marijuana, LSD, or cocaine to

Sexual abandon and criminal violence

An effect of alcohol on hormonal systems is that it

Suppresses the production of the male sex hormone testosterone

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