PSYC 421 Ch 5
A biological neuron has
A single axon and many dendrites
Which of the following is true of feedforward networks?
Activation spreads through the network in a series of discrete time steps corresponding to the number of layers.
All activation functions in artificial neural networks are linear
All learning algorithms for multilayers networks require supervision and feedback.
Any Boolean function can be represented by a single-layer network?
Perceptron convergence learning does not require feedback about error
The Boolean function XOR (exclusive OR) assigns which truth value to the input pair (TRUE, TRUE)?
The perceptron convergence learning rule can be used for both single-layer and multi-layer networks. It is also present in FB face recognition software.
"Neurons that wire together, fire together" is a description of which type of learning?
Hebbian learning
How does an artificial neural network store information?
In the pattern of weights holding across individual units
Which of the following mathematical operations is not a function?
Taking square roots
The aim of neural network modeling is --
To approximate the behavior of populations of neurons
Artificial neural network units with the same inputs but different activation functions can have different outputs
The Boolean function OR (inclusive OR) assigns which truth value to the input pair (TRUE, TRUE)?
The Boolean function XOR cannot be represented by a single-layer network because it is not linearly separable.
There is no clear distinction between information storage and information processing in artificial neural network models
Boolean functions are defined over --
Truth values
Which type of learning rule can work for networks with hidden units?
backpropagation of error
A sending neuron's axon comes close to a receiving neuron's dendrite at
Which of the following types of learning is supervised?
the backpropagation algorithm