Psych 1005

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Which proverb BEST describes the research findings concerning attraction?

"Birds of a feather flock together."

Which number represents the WEAKEST correlation coefficient (r)?


The American Psychological Association (APA) was founded in:

1892 on the campus of Clark University.

There are currently about 150,000 members of the American Psychological Association. About how many of these members work in academia?


If 30,000 individuals had received a PhD in psychology in 1950, about how many of them would have been women?


Which figure BEST approximates the percentage of U.S. residents who marry by age 40?


Recall Test

A method of measuring memory by asking participants to retrieve information that they had stored earlier.

Recognition Test

A method of measuring memory by showing participants the information ans asking them to indicate whether it matches what they had stored earlier.

Which example illustrates a third-variable correlation?

A researcher discovers that warm weather is the connection between ice cream consumption and polio.

Cross-sectional study

A type of design in which people of different ages are tested at the same historical time

Longitudinal Study

A type of research design in which the same individuals (or people from the same cohort) are tested at several different statistical times.

William James:

All of these choices are correct.

The _____ is the organization that specifies the treatment of nonhuman participants in research.

American Psychological Association

Which organization specifies the treatment of nonhuman participants in research?

American Psychological Association (APA)

Which statement is NOT a condition of conducting animal research according to the American Psychological Association (APA)?

Animal researchers can do whatever they want.

Which statement about aerobic exercise is TRUE?

As little as 30 minutes of exercise per day can boost mood.

Which statement is an example of a theory that would have given rise to the hypothesis that deaf bats navigate more poorly than normal bats?

Bats navigate using sound.

As applied to research, the principles of beneficence, justice, and respect for persons first appeared in the:

Belmont Report.

_____ research attempts to maximize benefits and reduce risks.



Changes in a person's thinking and behavior that typically accompany increased chronological age

_____ stress _____ the aging process.

Chronic; accelerates

A(n) _____ refers to the extent to which two properties vary together.


_____ occurs when participants are not aware of the true nature or conditions of a research study.


Which statement regarding deception in psychological research is TRUE?

Deception can be used only when alternative procedures are not available and the study has applied or scientific value.

Cohort effect

Differences between ages groups that are the result of generational differences in life experiences, not developmental changes.

Theory is to _____ as observation is to empiricism.


Dr. Singer is studying the effects of a medication for depression. Neither she nor the participants know who is receiving the drug versus who is receiving a placebo. This technique is called a(n):

Double-blind study.

Although the body has a physical form, human memories, thoughts, and feelings do not. This creates the problem of:


Danielle describes an article she read about a tribe in Africa who believe that mind, or the soul, and body are separate entities. This tribe's beliefs address which idea?


_____ are derived from _____.

Empirical observations; theories

Researchers believe that cross-sectional studies are the best way to measure true developmental changes


Which statement accurately summarizes the literature on proximity and attraction?

Familiarity breeds liking.

Which theory of psychology would agree that "psychology should stress the study of how behavior and mental processes allow people and animals to adapt to their environments"?


Marcus's professor studies the mental processes in humans that have aided in survival. Marcus's professor uses which approach within psychology?


In an experiment, Tricia understands that a moving light is actually two single flashes of light, but she still sees one light moving instead of two separate lights. This perceptual experience is called:


While participating in a study replicating Max Wertheimer's classic experiment, Tamika sees as a single moving light what is actually two separate flashes of lights. The perceptual experience of Tamika's friend—seeing a whole instead of its parts—is called


Much of what people know about the members of human categories is:


Solomon Asch was a social psychologist whose research interests were shaped, in part, by the:


Which statement does NOT distinguish the humanistic psychology movement from psychoanalytic theory?

Humanistic psychologists view people as being controlled by a system of rewards and punishments coming from the environment, while psychoanalysts consider only unconscious forces.

Which statement about humor and health is TRUE?

Humor can reduce sensitivity to pain.

Research participants are asked to rotate a three-dimensional object in their minds. William James would be MOST interested in which research question?

In what ways does the ability to manipulate objects in the mind aid problem solving in the real world?

Which statement is consistent with the findings from Stanley Milgram's obedience research?

Individuals will often engage in extreme behaviors when following orders.

_____ tell researchers what kinds of conclusions they can draw from observed differences between experimental and control groups.

Inferential statistics

Wanda was a participant in a study in which she was asked to think and record her feelings about various objects presented to her. Wanda was asked to use:


When presented with information that is inconsistent with their attitudes or beliefs, people generally ask themselves which question?

Is this information flawed or limited in some way?

Which couple would be considered MOST attractive overall?

Isabel, who has a "baby face," and Anthony, who has a mature face

What would probably happen to the mode in a distribution of psychology test scores if a researcher included the score of the professor of the psychology class?

It would not likely change the mode.

Which statement about aggression and gender is MOST likely to be true according to general statistical evidence?

Jason is more likely to act in physically aggressive ways, while Molly is more likely to act in socially aggressive ways.

According to the text, which individual is likely to be LESS selective?

Kathy, who always makes the first move to meet someone

_____ conducted research on the developmental effects of prejudice, discrimination, and segregation on children in the 1950s. The research was cited by the U.S. Supreme Court in its decision in the landmark Brown v. Board of Education case.

Kenneth Clark

The psychologist _____ developed a "field theory" in which social behaviors were attributed to both internal and external forces.

Kurt Lewin

The psychologist _____ developed a "field theory" in which social behaviors were attributed to both internal and external forces. Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button. Norman Triplett

Kurt Lewin

Which statement about optimism is FALSE?

Levels of optimism tend to fluctuate across the lifetime.

_____ are MORE likely than others to be stressed and depressed.

Lonely people

The psychologist _____ reasoned that the human perception of objective reality is subjective because people often see the whole, rather than the sum of multiple parts.

Max Wertheimer

Intelligence tends to be normally distributed, and studies have shown that men and women have the same mean intelligence (IQ) score. However, intelligence scores in women tend to have a smaller range and standard deviation than those in men. Based on this information, which statement is true?

Men are more likely to have extremely low scores.

A scientist theorizes that several billion years ago, a large asteroid collided with the Earth, knocking tons of rock into space and creating the moon. Which statement constitutes a research hypothesis that follows from this theory?

Moon rock is made of the same elements as Earth rock.

Jim's daughter begins to hit other children while at the playground. His daughter has never been exposed to violence, nor has she ever seen someone hit another person. Sam believes that she inherited this tendency from his father, who was a violent person. This would be an example of Plato's argument, known as _____.


Pete's son Miles begins to comfort other people when he feels they are distressed. Pete and his wife have been divorced since before Miles was born. They both work very long hours, going to work before Miles wakes up and coming home after he goes to bed. If Miles gets hurt, his nanny tells him to "buck up." The fact that Miles comforts others, given the lack of comforting he has seen in his own life, is an example of:


Juan's professor lectures on the fact that certain features in animals have been passed down from one generation to another. What theory is Juan's professor probably describing?

Natural Selection

William James's functional approach to psychology was influenced by Charles Darwin's theory of:

Natural Selection

In the early 20th century, psychology focused on subjective information. The development of behaviorism shifted the focus of psychology to:

Objective Information

Which statement BEST describes the effects of optimism on health?

Optimism maintains psychological health in the face of a physical health problem.

Dr. Flint, a health psychologist, would offer which reason that explains how optimism allows a person to maintain psychological health during physical illness?

Optimists keep up social contact and recreational activities during treatment.

_____ love develops rapidly and tends to end within a few months, whereas _____ love develops more slowly and can continue throughout the rest of the life span.

Passionate; companionate

Based on the negative affect theory, which person is MOST likely to become aggressive?

Pat, who is upset

Which behaviors have been linked to watching violent television and movies, and playing violent video games?

People become more aggressive and less cooperative.

_____ is an organization that is calling for an end in using nonhuman animals in research.

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals

Jamal's psychology professor tells him that, by examining the bumps on his head, she can tell Jamal about his personality. What practice is Jamal's professor describing?


Every time Karishma completes a math problem correctly, her mom praises her. This makes her more likely to complete math problems correctly in the future. The _____ is a reinforcer.


Which statement is an example of a demand characteristic in everyday life?

Professor Emanuel is much more passionate and engaging with his class when he knows that his teaching is being evaluated.

Cathy is studying chimpanzee decision making behavior. In what scientific field is she working?


What technique is used to minimize preexisting differences between the treatment group and the control group?

Random assignment

_____ occurs when participants are assigned to the experimental or control group by coin flip.

Random assignment

Penny wanted to find out how long it would take her sister Cathy to press a button when she hears a tone. The amount of time from the onset of the tone to the button press is termed a _____ time.


A rat is being trained to learn its way through a complex maze. When the rat successfully makes its way through the maze, it receives water and food, and runs faster the next time. What psychological principle does this example illustrate?


By using _____, a researcher increases the chances that behavior will occur again.


Which example illustrates complexity when studying people?

Researchers have discovered that there are many factors that contribute to the development of attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder.

The murder of 6 million European Jews by the Germans in World War II was a historical event that brought to light the harmful effects of conformity and obedience. This event influenced the social psychologist _____ to study conditions that can persuade humans to think and act irrationally.

Solomon Asch

Which statement about the relationship between testosterone and aggression is NOT supported by psychological research?

Testosterone increases people's sensitivity to threatening facial expressions.

Which statement is FALSE regarding why correlational studies cannot claim a cause-and-effect relationship?

The direction of the variable cannot be computed accurately compared to the direction of the relationship and the coefficient.

Which statement is NOT falsifiable?

The head of a pin can hold 2,000 angels.

Cognitive psychologists tried to understand _____, an area that behaviorists ignored.

The mind

When researchers use random sampling of a population, what can be said about the sample?

The sample is representative of the population.

Anna's research yielded results that are consistent with a hypothesis derived from a behavioral theory of substance abuse. Which conclusion is CORRECT regarding the theory?

The theory is supported.

_____ is to dogmatism as observation is to empiricism.


Observations indicate that children who watch televised aggression act more aggressively than do children who do not watch televised aggression. Which is an accurate description of the relationship?

There is a positive correlation between televised aggression and aggressive behavior in children.

Which statement regarding psychological research is TRUE?

There is some research that can never be performed.

According to the text, which statement is NOT one of the things that psychologists are ethically bound to do?

They should not change data, unless they contradict the hypothesis.

Which statement is compatible with modern psychological science?

Thoughts, feelings, and behavior arise from electrical and chemical events in the brain.

In general, which individual should have the BEST social skills?

Tomas, who was rated a 9 out of 10 on an attractiveness scale by his peers

Alana just moved to a new apartment building. In general, she is MOST likely to have a romantic relationship with:

Tony, who is her next-door neighbor.

Comparing the memory performance of 20-year-olds and 70-year-olds on recent scientific discoveries would be unfair because of the cohort effect.


The gap between the memory performance of young adults and older adults is larger on recall test than on recognition tests.


According to Sigmund Freud, the _____ influences people's thoughts, feelings, and actions without their being aware of it.

Unconscious mind

How might an evolutionary psychologist explain the fact that people tend to enjoy high-fat food?

When food was scarce in our ancestral past, people who ate high-fat food tended to obtain the calories that they needed to survive and, ultimately, reproduce.

_____ played a key role in establishing psychology as a scientific discipline in the United States.

William James

Which thinker is often credited with the rule of parsimony?

William of Ockham

Based solely on the following information, which person is MOST likely to engage in murder?

a 20-year-old male with high baseline testosterone

Which item is NOT an example of a measure?

a billboard

A synchronous pattern of variation between two variables, each of which has been measured several times, is referred to as:

a correlation

William James viewed consciousness as being similar to:

a flowing stream.

What is a hub science?

a large field of science that links with and influences smaller subfields

Jenna fakes physical or psychological symptoms in order to achieve sympathy and other social gains. Jenna would be classified as:

a malingerer.

People who drink more alcohol tend to have lower personal incomes. This is an example of:

a negative correlation.

In which scenario would perceived control over events be the LOWEST?

a person on an extremely crowded 2-hour subway commute

Which person is MOST likely to react most strongly to stressful situations?

a person who cannot escape from the situation

According to the text, which individual would one MOST likely have a romantic relationship with if one were single?

a person who lives next-door

Self-selection is:

a problem that occurs when anything about a person determines whether they will be included in the experimental or control group.

A third-variable correlation is:

a relationship in which two variables are correlated only because of a third variable.

Doubting one's own conclusions is:

a vital component of critical thinking

Which man is MOST likely to be aggressive?

a younger man with unrealistically high self-esteem

As a technique to increase relaxation, biofeedback has proven to be _____ traditional relaxation therapy.

about as effective as

Dirk believes that anxiety manifests itself in the same way regardless of where one lives. Dirk's beliefs represent an approach to the study of psychology known as:


Ludwika began her research by examining the care of older people within the United States, thinking it was universal. When she traveled to Asia, she noticed that the care of elders was different than what she observed in the United States. She then shifted her research to examine differences in the care of the elderly across the world. Ludwika's view about the care of elders changed from _____ to _____.

absolutism; relativism

Empiricists use observation to:

acquire accurate knowledge.

Skinner's rat is to _____, as Pavlov's dog is to _____.

active; passive

Based on the notion of a comparison level, which factor might NOT motivate one to end a relationship?

all passionate love having faded from the relationship

On September 11, 2001, in the immediate aftermath of the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center, everyday people headed toward Ground Zero to provide assistance to victims whom they did not know. This is an example of:


Wendy is waiting in line at the grocery store and notices that the person behind her only has a few items. She allows that person to go in front of her. Her behavior is genuinely unselfish, and Wendy does not expect others to return the favor for her someday. This example describes _____.


Vicky is waiting in line at the grocery store and notices that the person behind her only has a few items. She allows that person to go in front of her. Her behavior is genuinely unselfish, and Vicky does not expect others to return the favor for her someday. This is a description of:


Cognitive dissonance refers to:

an unpleasant state that arises when a person recognizes the inconsistency of his or her actions, attitudes, or beliefs.

According to the American Psychological Association's code of ethics, psychologists must perform all surgical procedures under appropriate _____ and must minimize an animal's pain during and after surgery.


Today, psychologists believe that thoughts and feelings:

arise from electrical and chemical activities of the brain.

An enduring positive or negative evaluation of an object or an event is called a(n) _____.


Throughout most of human history, people have tended to trust _____ to answer important questions.


Michael uses animals to model what would happen behaviorally in the human brain if a part of the brain was damaged. His approach to studying the brain would be considered the _____ approach.

behavioral neuroscience

Amanda seeks to understand the brain functions underlying reward and punishment. Amanda is MOST likely a(n):

behavioral neuroscientist.

The _____ approach to psychology is the scientific study of objectively observable behaviors.


When research attempts to maximize benefits while minimizing risks to the participant, it is said to be _____.


As the risks associated with sex increase:

both sexes become more selective in their partner selection.

How is the psychological code of ethics as it pertains to respecting people enforced?

by institutional review boards

The act of helping a stranger in an emergency is known as:

bystander intervention.

The process by which a person identifies a stimulus as a member of a class of related stimuli is called:


An experiment allows a researcher to uncover _____ relationships between variables.


A doctor administers a placebo to Simon and shortly thereafter he feels better. This placebo effect occurs unconsciously and is due to a learning process termed:

classical conditioning.

Gary, a 16-year-old, is suffering from severe depression. Of these professionals, Gary should receive treatment from a _____ psychologist.


Karen received a PhD in psychology and now treats psychological disorders. Which type of psychologist is Karen?


Jasmine is a psychologist who treats patients with psychotherapy in an outpatient clinic. Jasmine's occupational label is that of a:


Freedom from _____ refers to the idea that it is not ethical for researchers to pressure people into participating in a study.


Leon Festinger is to _____ as _____ is to obedience.

cognitive dissonance; Stanley Milgram

Abe scans people who have had brain damage and then has these patients perform memory and attentional tasks. His approach to studying the brain would be considered a _____ approach.

cognitive neuroscience

Cognitive neuroscientists link brain activity and:

cognitive processes.

Maka is writing a software program to mimic a human's ability to decide if the sound they are hearing is a ba or a da. She is MOST likely what type of psychologist?

cognitive psychologist

Scientists such as Hermann Ebbinghaus, Jean Piaget, and Kurt Lewin paved the way for _____ by renewing interest in mental events such as perception, memory, and subjective experiences.

cognitive psychology

The scientific study of mental processes, including perception, thought, memory, and reasoning, is called:

cognitive psychology.

In _____ love, feelings develop more slowly and may continue throughout the rest of the life span.


Throughout the course of a relationship, _____ love tends to increase.


Drugs of abuse activate the reward pathway in the brain. This pathway consists of multiple brain structures, many neurotransmitters, and millions of interconnected neurons. Determining the brain changes that underlie the transition from casual drug use to addiction is a difficult process due to the _____ of the system.


The research principle that ensures that the personal information of participants is kept private is known as:


The Holocaust inspired research MOSTLY in the areas of:

conformity and obedience.

To better understand Nazi atrocities in Germany in the 1930s and 1940s, social psychologists began to study:

conformity and obedience.

The tendency to do what others are doing simply because they are doing it is:


Unlike Wilhelm Wundt, William James believed that:

consciousness was more of a flowing stream that could not be broken down into parts.

Social psychology examines issues such as conformity, racism, and stereotyping by:

considering the effects of other people on our cognitive processes.

Researchers wanted to see if listening to calm music would reduce heart rates. Half of the research participants sat quietly and listened to calm music, and the other half sat quietly and listened to no music at all. The group that did NOT listen to the music is called the:

control group.

Covariation is another term for _____.


Two variables are said to have a _____ when the variations in the value of one variable are synchronized with the variations in the value of the other.


Laboratory studies have shown that _____ can _____ telomerase activity.

cortisol; reduce

The values, traditions, and beliefs that are shared by a particular group of people is known as a group's _____.


People in a mob situation are more likely to stray from their own moral values, illustrating the phenomenon of:


A researcher may give a false explanation for the purpose of a study. Researchers do this to lessen the effects of: Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button.

demand characteristics.

Dr. McCabe is studying the effect of physiological stress on cognitive performance. To do this, he will ask his subjects to endure temperature changes to evaluate how it affects their scores on brain teasers. If he is to be in compliance with the principle of risk-benefit analysis, Dr. McCabe must:

demonstrate that the knowledge to be gained from the experiment outweighs the discomfort that the participants will endure.

Dr. Cousins believes language is closely connected to spatial ability. She enlists college students to do a verbal task while they navigate around a room; another group of students does a nonverbal tapping task while performing the same navigation task. Performance on the navigation task would be the _____ variable.


Dr. Okochoa is studying the effects of a new drug on cognitive performance. After random assignment of groups, one group takes the drug while the other takes a placebo. Afterward, both groups do a series of timed brain teasers and are scored on performance. In this scenario, performance on the brain teaser is the:

dependent variable.

Which factor is LEAST likely to define a culture?


Theory is to _____ as observation is to _____.

dogmatism; empiricism

In one study, medical student volunteers received small wounds to the roof of the mouth. Researchers found that these wounds healed more slowly:

during examination week.

Amelia was rated a 3 out of 10 on an attractiveness scale by her peers. According to the text, Amelia is MOST likely to:

earn less money than does someone who is rated 9 out of 10 on the same scale.

When Frank looks at a picture of his wife, he gets an overwhelming feeling of warmth. This mental process arises from what in the brain?

electrical and chemical activity

Eyes and ears is to _____ as knowledge from elders is to _____.

empiricism; dogmatism

After hearing that people are more likely to yawn after seeing others yawn, a(n) _____ will directly observe people to determine if this is true.


A belief is a(n):

enduring piece of knowledge about an object or event.

An attitude is a(n):

enduring positive or negative evaluation of an object or an event.

Melanie is studying the effects of urban crowding on the prevalence of anxiety disorders. It is MOST likely that Melanie is a(n) _____ psychologist.


The professional code of _____ that binds psychologists requires that psychologists show respect for people, animals, and the truth.


The psychological approach that emphasizes that the mind is a collection of specialized components that are designed to overcome problems that our ancestors faced over millions of years is:

evolutionary psychology.

In a classic experiment, psychology students were assigned to work either with "bright" rats or with "dull" rats, described as such by the experimenter. In one task involving maze-running speed, students working with "bright" rats were more likely to stop timing early, as soon as the rat approached the goal box. This unintentional measurement error illustrates how:

expectations can influence observations.

In an experiment, researchers exposed half of the participants to loud noise during a memory-encoding task. The room was quiet for the other half of the participants. Later, all participants were given a memory test and the number of correct items recalled was obtained for each participant. The participants who encoded information in the noisy room constitute the:

experimental group.

An experiment that defines variables in a typical or realistic fashion is said to have _____ validity.


Although all of the founding members of the American Psychological Association were White and male, today about half of all APA members are:


Dr. Hoville told his introductory psychology students that, if they did not participate in his research, they would receive a failing grade in his class. Dr. Hoville has violated the ethical principle of:

freedom from coercion.

Which early school of psychology was most concerned with the adaptive importance of mental processes?


William James is to _____ as Wilhelm Wundt is to _____.

functionalism; structuralism

Which scenario constitutes fabricating the results of a research study?

generating fake data to go along with a fictitious study never conducted

Erica's boyfriend demands that she should not go out with her girlfriends. He threatens that if she does, he will not talk to her for several days. According to the text, Erica is MOST likely to:

go out with her girlfriends because she does not like to be manipulated in this way.

Groups sometimes make more extreme decisions than any of the members would make alone. This is called:

group polarization.

Kelly is asked to give money to a group. She is MOST likely to give money to a:

group to which she feels she belongs.

Groupthink refers to the tendency for:

groups to reach consensus to maintain interpersonal harmony.

Paul tried to ask out a girl at school, but he was turned down and feels horrible. According to researchers who believe the frustration-aggression hypothesis is incomplete, Paul may become aggressive after this disappointment because:

he is experiencing negative affect.

Although the reproduction costs are low for Jared to have sex, he is LESS likely to engage in random sexual activity if:

he is looking for a wife.

The _____ motive states that people are motivated to seek pleasure and avoid pain


Seeking pleasure is to seeking acceptance as the _____ motive is to the _____ motive.

hedonic; approval

MOST political candidates spend their time using the _____ persuasion technique by appealing to a person's habits and emotions.


In a study cited in the text, when students were NOT motivated to analyze the evidence given in a speech, they were MORE likely to be _____ persuaded.


The subdiscipline of cultural psychology studies:

how cultures reflect and shape the psychological processes of their members.

"Little Albert" was a:

human infant.

According to the text, humans try to mate in long-term, committed relationships because:

human infants are born before they are fully developed in terms of brain and head size.

Caleb is a therapist who tells his clients that all of their behaviors are a product of their free will. His views agree with the _____ psychological theory.

humanistic psychology

Fatima is a therapist who tells her clients that all of their behaviors are a product of their environment and that they do not have free will. Her views are in DIRECT opposition to which psychological theory?

humanistic psychology

A testable prediction derived from a theory is termed a(n):


Jacqueline reports that she just has become blind in her left eye, although there is no medical cause. A clinician in the late 1800s would diagnose Jacqueline with:


The general goal of scientific research into why people behave the way they do compared with others is to:

identify the causal relationships that explain differences between groups.

A cognitive psychologist who is interested in studying errors in perception and memory, especially when these things do not match reality, is studying:


The _____ system is a complex response system that protects the body from bacteria, viruses, and other foreign substances.


People are more critical of new evidence that is:

inconsistent with their attitudes or beliefs.

Clara is a psychologist who works for a multinational corporation; her job is to assess productivity and find ways to improve it. Clara works in the subfield of _____ psychology.


Respect for persons is a research principle in which individuals have the right to make decisions for and about themselves without:

influence or coercion.

When advertisements brag about the supposed popularity of their product, the advertisement is trying to use _____ influence to get people to buy the product


The Smith family has very little money and no health insurance. A researcher approaches them and promises free health care for their three children for two years if he can subject the children to a series of experimental vaccines. However, the researcher does not disclose that the vaccine may have serious side effects. The Smiths elect to participate, being unaware of the dangers involved. According to the American Psychological Association (APA) code of ethics, the researcher is violating the principle of:

informed consent.

Population is to sample as _____ are to _____.

insects; ants

The rules of ethical psychological research are enforced by IRBs, or _____ review boards.


An experiment that establishes a causal relationship between two variables is said to possess:

internal validity.

Chris Rock's joke that "rich 50 is like poor 35":

is consistent with the results of recent research.

The physiological response profile outlined in the general adaptation syndrome:

is nonspecific to the type of stressor.

If a potential participant is unable to provide informed consent for themselves:

it must be obtained from a legal guardian.

Which example is NOT a conscious experience?

knowing that three out of four dentists recommend the leading toothpaste

Although the reproduction costs are low for Greg to have sex, he is _____ likely to engage in sex if it becomes expensive in other ways, such as if he is trying to choose a long-term mate.


Nichole grew up in a culture in which women were punished for having sexual relations with numerous men. Compared with other cultures without this punishment, Nichole is _____ likely to engage in sex.


A scatterplot of a perfect positive correlation would depict a(n):

linear increasing function.

In addition to describing a relationship between variables, a strong correlation also allows researchers to:

make predictions.

Which example illustrates a natural correlation?

male baldness and number of years married

In the context of an experiment, the independent variable is the variable that is:


Gabriela is interested in the relationship between attention deficit disorder and behavioral problems in school. She believes that children's socioeconomic status may affect her results so she ensured that both groups were identical in terms of the level of household income. What technique is this?

matched samples

According to the evolutionary psychology perspective, male faces are supposedly MOST attractive when they look _____, and female faces are supposedly MOST attractive when they appear _____.

mature; youthful

In the context of an experiment, the dependent variable is the variable that is:


The problem of dualism refers to how:

mental activity can be reconciled and coordinated with physical behavior.

People tend to like people they see again and again. This statement refers MOST directly to the influence of:

mere exposure

Anthony Philip's homeroom teacher seats her pupils in alphabetical order. By the end of the school year, Anthony's best friends had become Jake Parker and Aaron Porter. This is BEST explained by the phenomenon called:

mere-exposure effect.

Psychology is the scientific study of:

mind and behavior.

Dr. White is being paid a substantial amount of money to study the effectiveness of a new drug to treat PTSD (posttraumatic stress disorder). He believes that, if he produces the findings that the drug company wants, he will be rewarded substantially. In order to produce positive findings, he does not report all of the negative data. What aspect of reporting truthfully has Dr. White violated?

misleading through omission

Compared with mothers of unattractive children, mothers of attractive children are:

more affectionate and playful with their children.

Compared with dispositional attributions, situational attributions tend to be:

more complex.

Although there are significant costs of reproduction if Kim engages in sexual intercourse, she is _____ to engage in sex if she has access to birth control and her reputation is not at stake.

more likely

The size of the sample is signified by which symbol?


A psychologist poses as a grounds keeper at a local golf course and records any instances of cheating. She finds that golfers in twosomes are less likely to cheat then golfers in foursomes. What type of research is the psychologist conducting?

naturalistic observation

A technique for gathering scientific information by unobtrusively watching people in their normal environments is termed:

naturalistic observation.

Who is responsible for the ethical reporting of research results?

no one

Joe is interested in how a new teaching method will affect the math scores of his third-grade students. He allowed his students to choose whether they joined the new method group or remained in the standard teaching group. He administered a standardized math test to his entire class after 3 months. Do you expect his experiment to yield meaningful results?

no, because he allowed his students to self-select

Monica has worked with inner-city youth in Los Angeles, California, for 13 years. After budget cuts, she lost her job and plans to move back in with her parents who live in Georgia, where she will be working at a school in Savannah. Should she assume that the youths she will work with in Savannah will be the same as those she worked with in Los Angeles?

no, because there are differences in the ways of living between these two places; young people in each city deal with different problems

Deanna is attending a yoga class for the first time. After noticing that everyone is seated on a yoga mat with their socks and shoes removed, Deanna takes off her socks and shoes and sits down on a yoga mat. Deanna's behavior is guided by:

normative influence.

Frankie is at a football game, and every time the home team scores a touchdown, everyone stands up and sings a victory song. After the next touchdown, Frankie also stands up and sings the victory song. Frankie's behavior is guided by:

normative influence.

When people visit another country with completely different cultural beliefs and societal guidelines than their own, they often observe others and try to imitate the behavior of the people around them. In these circumstances, they are demonstrating:

normative influence.

Self-regulation often involves:

not succumbing to immediate gratification.

Compliance with a treatment does NOT deteriorate when the:

number of treatments decreases.

Empiricists attempt to understand natural phenomena through the use of:


By using brain scanning, cognitive neuroscientists can:

observe and identify brain activity associated with specific tasks.

Sara is scared of spiders but does not remember ever having a bad experience with spiders; she only knows that she gets a bad feeling from them. According to psychoanalytic theory, her current fear of spiders is influenced by:

of her unconscious mind.

Oliver failed his math test, which made him feel horrible. According to researchers who believe the frustration-aggression hypothesis is incomplete, Oliver may become aggressive after this disappointment because:

of negative affect.

According to the American Psychological Association (APA), when working with laboratory animals, when can painful stimuli be used?

only when alternatives are not available

Freedom from coercion means that:

participants should not be pressured to do something they might otherwise decline.

In _____ love, feelings tend to occur rapidly and often end within a few months.


The professional code of ethics that binds psychologists requires that psychologists show respect for:

people, animals, and the truth.

Some early philosophers believed that all knowledge was acquired through experience, an idea now known as:

philosophical empiricism.

A new-age mystic believes that the source of parental love is localized to a brain region immediately above the brain stem. Her view is MOST consistent with which practice?


Dr. Quack touches specific bumps on a patient's skull and then indicates specific character traits for the patient, for example, "This patient is cautious." Dr. Quack is engaging in:


Dutton and Aron's (1974) suspension bridge study demonstrated that men may misinterpret _____ for _____.

physiological arousal; physical attraction

When a measure has the ability to properly detect the quality being studied, it has:


According to John Watson, the goal of a scientific psychology was to:

predict and control behavior.

A person who evaluates someone differently because of his or her group membership is engaging in:


Research that is just and fair distributes risks and benefits equally to participants without:


According to the text, testosterone is related to aggression because it:

prepares people for acting aggressively by making them feel powerful and overconfident.

The decision to pay your taxes and hope that everyone else does likewise in order to achieve a common benefit is MOST closely related to the:

prisoner's dilemma.

If there are two different research methodologies that both would answer a particular research question, psychologists are obligated to use whichever methodology minimizes risk to participants. This illustrates which ethical principle?

protection from harm

Researchers must take every possible precaution to protect their research participants from physical or psychological injury. This is the ethical principle of:

protection from harm.

Ms. Campbell is a fifth-grade teacher who wishes to reduce the undesirable effects of negative stereotypes against African Americans. Which strategy would be MOST effective?

providing examples of Blacks who defy stereotypes to her students

Olivia's therapist frequently has her describe her dreams and any early childhood memories. Her therapist is MOST likely using what type of approach?


Victor's professor believes that talking about dreams and childhood will bring things from the unconscious to conscious awareness. Victor's professor MOST likely believes in:


Lauren's therapist frequently asks her questions about her dreams and early childhood memories. Her therapist is MOST likely a(n) _____ psychologist.


The emphasis on the importance of unconscious mental processes in shaping thoughts, feelings, and behaviors marks which psychological approach?


The theory that emphasizes the importance of unconscious mental processes in shaping feelings, thoughts, and behaviors is called:

psychoanalytic theory.

Tanisha ultimately wants to pursue a master's degree in public health but wants to obtain a strong scientific background as an undergraduate. Courses in which hub science would be MOST relevant to her career goals?


The cognitive strategy for managing stress that involves facing the stressor and working to overcome it is called:

rational coping

People are difficult to study because they often behave differently when they know that they are being observed, a phenomenon known as:


Participants in one study (Lord, Ross, & Lepper, 1979) were first asked about their beliefs regarding the death penalty, and then they were provided with evidence both for and against it. After studying these materials, beliefs about the death penalty were reassessed. This study found that participants:

reported that their original beliefs were strengthened after evaluating arguments on both sides of the debate.

Lee was recently fired from his job. To deal with this stress, Lee moved to another state, stopped communicating with friends from his previous job, and obtained employment in a completely different field. Lee's behavior illustrates _____ coping.


After informed consent is provided by participants, they have the:

right to withdraw.

A researcher has enlisted a family to be his participants in a study of a specific therapy for trauma. This therapy is likely to produce psychological distress during the process and is estimated to be effective on 5% of the population. Which ethical principle may be violated?

risk-benefit analysis

College students at 20 campuses around the country were polled to find out how many students own a portable music player. This group of students represents a:


Psychology is the _____ study of mind and behavior.


The _____ refers to a set of principles used to describe the relationships between ideas and evidence.

scientific method

Janelle is a psychologist interested in studying how people solve problems in groups. She is a(n) _____ psychologist


Jen is researching the causes and consequences of how people exchange goods and services using the Internet. Her research is in the field of _____ psychology.


Psychological research influences:

social and public policy, as well as education, technology, and various other fields.

The ability to control another person's behavior is called:

social influence.

Helena began her research by examining the care of older people within the United States. When she traveled to Asia, she noticed that the care of elders was different than what she observed in the United States. Helena then shifted her research to examine differences in the care of the elderly across the world. Helena's research began as _____ research and then became cultural research.

social psychological

Research suggests that having a conversation with someone of another race produces a threat reaction due to:

social unfamiliarity

The word psychology is derived from the Greek words psyche and logos. The word psyche means:


In Pavlov's research, the sight of the animal feeders was a _____ for the dogs to salivate.


When a person clearly disconfirms an observer's stereotype, the observer may create a new subcategory in order to retain the stereotype. This behavior is called:


From 1932 to 1972, the U.S. government conducted the Tuskegee experiment, an example of unethical research in which African-American males were denied treatment for _____ in order to study the time course of the disease.


Print ads for cars are more likely to present a lot of facts about the car, whereas print ads for clothing typically show an attractive model. The car manufacturers are relying on _____ persuasion.


The type of persuasion that appeals to a person's logic and reasoning is called _____ persuasion.


Random sampling is a:

technique that ensures every member of a population has an equal chance of being selected for a sample.

One of the biggest challenges for evolutionary psychologists is:

testing their hypotheses.

People who report higher levels of pain do NOT have enhanced activity in the:


What does an r = -0.8 reveal about the relationship between number of rainy days and number of car accidents in a month?

that car accidents decrease as the number of rainy days increases

What does an r = 0 reveal about the relationship between the number of miles run in a week and blood pressure measurements?

that there is no relationship between running and blood pressure

What can be concluded from natural correlations?

that two variables have a relationship

When students were not motivated to analyze arguments by a Princeton professor or a high-school student because they would be personally affected by them, their attitudes were more influenced by:

the Princeton professor.

Power refers to:

the ability of a measure to detect the conditions specified by the operational definition.

What does the term manipulation mean in the context of performing an experiment?

the ability to change a variable in order to determine its causal powers

The subdiscipline of social psychology studies:

the causes and consequences of interpersonal behaviors.

Internal validity is:

the characteristic of an experiment that establishes the causal relationship between variables.

Some psychological research will never be performed despite the possible value that the results would provide because:

the code of ethics forbids it.

In an experiment, researchers exposed half the children to 2 hours of violence on television every day for a month and made sure the other half saw no violence on television at all. At the end of the month, they measured the level of aggressiveness in the children. What were the children who were NOT exposed to any violence on television?

the control group

Which technique was used to in a study cited in the text to increase the number of people who would put an ugly sign on their front yard?

the foot-in-the-door technique

When people's goals are thwarted, they often harm others. This phenomenon is referred to as:

the frustration-aggression hypothesis.

Katrina is writing a software program to mimic a human's ability to decide if the sound they are hearing is a ba or a da. In writing this software, Katrina is trying to mimic:

the human mind.

The hedonic motive refers to:

the idea that people are motivated to experience pleasure and avoid pain.

A negative correlation describes a relationship in which:

the increase of one variable means a decrease in the other, and vice versa.

Researchers wanted to see if adults were actually afraid of the dark by exposing them to different levels of light in a room while measuring their heart rates. In this experiment, what are the different levels of light?

the independent variable

A college dean is interested in measuring the research productivity of the seven members of the Psychology department. The dean obtains the number of publications for each faculty member. They are as follows: 5, 10, 15, 15, 20, 25, and 180. If the dean wants to describe these data, which measure of central tendency would paint a misleading picture of the research productivity of the department?

the mean

Through research on visual illusions, Gestalt psychologists demonstrated that:

the mind imposes organization on what it perceives.

Research on cooperation has often involved using:

the prisoner's dilemma.

Dr. Rahm is going before his university's Research Ethics Board with a proposal in which he will place electrodes in monkeys to measure activity in the primary visual cortex. According to the American Psychological Association's ethical guidelines, Dr. Rahm likely have to convince the board that:

the procedure is justified by the scientific, educational, or applied value of the study.

Which descriptive statistic is a measure of variability?

the range

A researcher wants to assess the effects of varying amounts of alcohol on ratings of perception of friendliness. Three groups of people are given either one, two, or three beers to drink. Three more groups of people are given either one, two, or three nonalcoholic beers to drink. Then, all participants are shown a series of pictures of people's faces and are asked to rank the perceived friendliness of each face on a scale from 1 to 10. Each face was presented for 5 seconds. In this experiment, the dependent variable is:

the rating of perceived friendliness.

If an experiment possesses internal validity, it means:

the results are unlikely to have been caused by a third variable.

Psychology is defined as:

the scientific study of mind and behavior.

William James's functional approach to psychology is:

the study of the purpose that mental processes serve in enabling people to adapt to their environment.

Obedience refers to:

the tendency to do what powerful people say to do.

When two variables have a pattern of covariation, it means that:

the variations of one variable are synchronized with the variations in the other.

It is important to study how culture influences how people interact socially because:

these cultural influences affect people's social networks and their mental schemas for who should be included in their social groups.

People often conform to the behavior of others because:

they desire social acceptance.

Having a conversation with someone of another race has been shown to produce a(n) _____ reaction in students.


When one manipulates an independent variable, at least how many groups are created?


One of the ways a researcher may keep participants blind to the purpose of a study is by:

using a cover story.

Consistent with psychological research, politicians tend to surround themselves with advisors who:

validate the politicians' beliefs on most policy issues.

A psychologist observes that some people exposed to a traumatic childhood experience develop anxiety disorders later in life, while others do not. This example illustrates:


The American Psychological Society was formed in 1988 by people who believed that the membership of the American Psychological Association:

was made up predominantly of clinical and health-related psychologists.

In the late 1800s, Charcot and Janet noted that symptoms of hysteria were eliminated when patients:

were hypnotized.

In Milgram's classic study on obedience, the learners:

were paid actors.

According to the text, a person who wants to gain more resources should:

work with others.

Taylor is trying to remember a seven-digit phone number without the area code. In general, according to George Miller, will he be able to remember all of the numbers?

yes, because a person is able to hold about seven things in mind, plus or minus two

In a groundbreaking study, Dr. DuBois reported that monkeys could speak English and French. When asked for the data by a colleague, Dr. DuBois refused to share them. Should Dr. DuBois share the data?

yes, because the American Psychological Association code requires ethical psychologists to share data for reanalysis

In a widely reported research article, Dr. Williams claims that he has discovered the gene combination that is responsible for the onset of schizophrenia. When other researchers asked for his data he refused to share it. According to the American Psychological code of ethics is he required to share his data?

yes, because the American Psychological Association code requires ethical psychologists to share data for reanalysis

Straight men find _____ faces of women more attractive, and gay men find _____ faces of men more attractive.

younger and younger

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