psych 2035 final (test banks)

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using multiple strategies to cope with stress has been related to

reduced distress

ruth has been dealing with the losss of her home in a fire, according to lazarus' research, ruth is most likely to experience

both positive and negative emotions

defence mechanisms can operate at

both the conscious and unconscious levels

exposure to stress can increase stress tolerance as long as stress is severe enough (T or F?)


good resume is at least several pages long (T or F?)


idea that people are biologically prepared by their evolutionary history to acquire some fears more easily than others help explain why people are more often afraid of having a car accident than they are afraid of heights (t or F?)


in order to get full benefit from relaxation response, it only needs to be practiced when you are under stress ( T or F?)


people who live in areas prone to earthquakes of hurricanes experience less stress because they are used to natural disasters (T or F?)


schizophrenia means split personality (T or F?)


to say someone is coping means they are making all healthy choices in face of adversity (T or F?)


gratifying frustrated desires by thinking about imaginary achievements and satisfactions refers to defence mechanisms called


positive psychology requires a shift in perspective toward

helping people harness their strengths, virtues and other good qualities to enhance their lives

most significant narcotics problem is modern western society is the use of


studies of immune system in humans have found that stress

is related to decreased levels of immune activity

transvestic fetishism is considered to be a psychological disorder primarily because it

is social deviant

Arnold is in charge of a large branch of government and meg is in charge of a mom and pop small business, regarding satisfaction with their employees' academic skill levels, as typical current employers

both will be unhappy

AIDS is the final stage of the HIV infection process, which typically manifests for how long after the original infection?

3-6 years

Betty needed short term treatment for her broken arm, if she doesn't comply with her doctor;s advice she will be like

30% of patients

before 1998 psychologists were ignoring the questions of positive psychology (T or F>)


current research indicates that change is inherently and inevitable stressful (T or F?)


ellis' rational emotive behavior therapy involves emphasizing magnitude of one's problems (T or F?)


employment agencies are a good source of leads to high level professional jobs (T or F?)


mental exercises in which conscious attempt is made to focus attention in a non analytic way are referred to as


what model proposes that it is useful to think of abnormal behavior as a disease


good moods, happiness, and love are examples of

positive subjective expriences

hallucinations and delusions are classified as "____" of schizophrenia

positive symptoms

pat is reliable and works to achieve particular ends, pat is said to possess

positive traits

thoughts that are faster than are associated with "_____" moods,and thoughts that are too fast are associated with "_____" moods

positive; manic

Seligman's learned helplessness model

posits that pessimistic explanatory style is related to depression

Denise lost her home and belongings in a flood, she recognized that her family and other she knows are the most important things in her life, she feels ready to stat a new life with her family this is an example of

post traumatic growth

internal conflict occurs when

two incompatible behavioural impulses compete for expression

hank continually loses his temper when aiting in lines, he has little patience for other people is driven to be highly successful, hank's personality is called

type a

purpose of a resume is to

help you obtain an interview

health risks after quitting smoking decline until they reach a normal level after about

15 years

suicide is the "___" leading cause of death in the US


int he US people tend to overestimate the risk associated with heir own self destructive behaviours (T or F?)


which individual proposed an influential developmental model of career choice

Donald super

business environment psychology is study of behavior in workplace (T or F?)


individuals who score low on social readjustment rating scale are more likely to develop illnesses than those who score high (T or F?_


recent research has related disturbances in the neurotransmitter "____" to anxiety disorders


according to ellis what is an example of irrational thinking

I must be admired and like by everyone who meets me

a person who has low well being and low mental health is said to be


drug forumlated in 1912 but not widely used until 1990s is


who developed the learned helplessness model

Martin seligman



people don't like to brag, but sharing self-stories can be inspirational (T or F?)


positive reinterpretation uses

a common sense strategy, a positive comparison strategy, imagining yourself in a similar situation with a worse outcome

evidence indicates that meditation can lead to

a beneficial physiological state

to find flow naturally and develop your creative potential you must find

a challenging activity that matches your skill level

when coping with stress, it is most adaptive to use

a variety of coping strategies

when people reflect upon past expreiences of satisfaction or contentment, they are

able to recall a subjective state

HIV infection transmission is "_____" in male to female compared with female to male relations

about eight times more likely

what isn't good advice regarding job interviews

always ask about salary or pay range

crowding and noise have been identified as sources of

ambient stress that have been found to be correlated with elevated stress hormones

one challenge faced by members of ethnic minorities in dealing with everyday discrimination is tha manifestations of such discrimination are often


according to Herbert Benson, relaxation response is not aided by

an active attitude

Jenny can't quit wondering if she unplugged her iron this morning, Jenny is experiencing

an obsession

according to a model of the flow state, "_____" exists when challenge is too high


what is known tone the principle cause of coronary heart disease


what is the gradual narrowing of the coronary arteries


in order to stop trying to control life when it is full o inevitable changes, buddishm advocates

awareness and detachment

in making projections a bout the future, normal people are more likely than depressed people to

be unrealistically optimistic

what is a strategy for generating as many alternative courses of action as possible while withholding criticism and evaluation


first step in systematic problem solving is

clarifying th eproblem

what isn't a potential benefit of playing the sick role

delayed professional care

richard is a clerk who works at a music store, he believes that CIA can pick up his throughs using the frequency on the store radio, Richard is exhibiting


research findings indicate that subjective cognitive appraisals may influences what sort of response to stressors

emotional responses

the evidence linking psychological factors to the onset of cancer is

extremely weak

what provides roughage that facilitates digestion


what percentage of people never experience flow

fifteen percent

what is considered a common warning sign of alcoholism

frequently drinking to deal with stress or worry

research supports a previous theory that internal conflicts generate considerable psychological stress, theorist who proposed this was


it's a good idea to increase consumption of healthy carbohydrates, natural sugars and ample finer you can do this by eating more food from what food group?

fruits, vegetables and whole grains

the four major types of stress described in textbook are

frustration, internal conflict, pressure and change

mark is able to see consequences of deciding to put off studying fo this psychology exam, with regard to time management mark is

future oriented

Lila believes that worrying will help her avoid negative events, she will usually find a reason to worry about something - her schoolwork, her boss, her parents and whether the bus will come on time, Lila may be suffering from

generalized anxiety disorder

psychosomatic diseases are

genuine physical ailments caused party by psychological factors

school satisfaction is a "____" predictor of student engagement and academic progress as early as kindergarten


what is a positive trait typified by recognizing and concentrating on the good things in one' life and being thankful fo rthem


besides good feelings, faster thoughts are also linked with

greater risk taking

Martin sometimes fantasies that he would like to be a policeman or a detective, though he has no idea what would be required of him to hold such a job, according to super's model of career choice, what is martin's probable stage of life?


what does psych 2035 make me want to do

kill myself

what refers to unpaid activities people choose to engage in because activities are personally meaningful


a mood is

less distinct than an emotion

best way to end a self-modification program is

let it fade away, but notice if old patterns return, set an ending goal, phase it out

anorexia nervosa can eventually lead to which of the following medical problems

loss of bone density, gastrointestinal problems, a loss of menstrual cycles in women

what isn't a line of inquire in positive psychology

mental disorders

what is not a common job stressor

monotony associated with regular hours

estimates of lifetime prevalence suggests that psychological disorders are

more common Han most people realize

correlation between test related anxiety and exam performance is through to be


to decrease a response you may use

negative reinforcement, punishment, control of antecedents

what is a significant cause of stress for immigrants

overt interracial conflict

the notion that stress lies in the eye of the beholder suggests that

people's appraisals of stressful events are highly subjective

the master gland of the endocrine system is the


relationship between years of education and income is


defence mechanisms are

probably not healthy to use with a few exceptions

Brenda saves money during summer because she works fewer hours during fall and her income drops then, Brenda is practicing which type of coping strategy

problem focused

job search manuals like parachute can help you find a company you want to work for by

providing exercises in self exploration

in order to foster sound nutrition, one shouldn't increase consumption in

saturated fats

what is the critical factor in super's model of career choice


what instrument is designed to predict the career in which you might expect to find the most job satisfaction

strong interest inventory

what leisure activity is negatively related to perceived well being

television viewing

capitalization in positive psychology refers to

telling other people about whatever good things are happening in your life

what isn't an important work-related trend

temporary employment is decreasing

people who exhibit an optimistic explanatory style tend to attribute setbacks to

temporary situational factors

alternative to fight or flight response that may be present for females is the

tend and befriend response

Marin wants to study positive psychology, she has determined that her best approach would be to examine research

that relates to positive psychology questions, regardless of date of the research

the immune response is

the body's defensive reaction to invasion

comorbidity is

the coexistence of two or more disorders

sometimes anxiety helps us by motivating us to study for a test, but if we become too anxious we pass our optimal level of arousla and spend too much time worrying instead of studying, this type of correlation is described as

the inverted u-hypothesis

according to psychologists, frustration occurs when

the pursuit of some goal is thwarted

researchers have found a correlation between reduced immune activity and scores on

the social readjustment rating scale

a test of psychology's success will be identifying which activities enable people to lead a good life (T or F?)


according to funding hypothesis if art meets with Henry after a tough exam, discussing their shared anxiety will undo the effects of the stressor more quickly (T or F>)


predisposition to worry may be a stronger predictor of heart disease in women than hostility (T or F?)


the best description of social support is

various types of aid from one's social networks

research findings indicate that the "_____" larger in schizophrenic patients than in normal control subjects

ventricles are

one potentially negative outcome of diversity training is that

white males may feel blamed for all the discrimination that befalls minority workers

higher paying jobs go to college graduates

with college level reding, writing and math skills

an inability to set or stick to priorities is likely to cause someone to waste time (T or F?)


coping process range from helpful to counterproductive (T or F?)


everyday hassles have been found to be a predictive of mental or physical health (T or F?)


type b personalities tend to be patient and easy going (T or F?)


the fight of fight response was first described by

Walter cannon

which of the following researches designs da scale to measure pressure as a form of life stress

Wayne weiten

anhedonia is

a diminished ability to experience pleasure

Kobasa found strong stress tolerance to be related to

a feeling of being in control, a desire for challenges, a sense of commitment

evidence available today suggests that there is "______" between stress and the onset of mood disorders

a moderately strong link

a heart attack is called

a myocardial infarction

Joan is relaxing on the beach and feeling contented she is experiencign

a positive emotions

research suggests that heredity can create

a predisposition to mood disorders

Susan's psychologist tells her the probable course of her depression, in the medical model this is called

a prognosis

emerging consensus among contemporary researchers is that stress is

a special stimulus response transaction in which one feel threatened or experiences loss or harm

positive individual traits

account for why some people are happier and psychologically healthier than other people

what is a disorder in which the immune system is weakened and eventually disabled by the human immunodeficiency virus

acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS)

dealing with a rude store clerk and waiting for results of an examination are two examples of

acute stressors

what is good advice regarding interview process

after interview, follow up with a thank you note and resume

according to Snyder goal directed expectations have two components of

agency and pathways

Vinnie dislikes leaving his home and has gradually become more fearful whenever he has to go somewhere, lately he has decided to have his groceries delivered and do all his work online, Vinnie may be suffering from


being followed when walking home late at night or narrowly escaping a care accident are experiences that would activate the

alarm reaction

you hate mathematics and feel a knot forming in your stomach when you read in the college catalog that calculus is required for your chosen major what stage of the general adaptation syndrome are you

alarm stage

correct order of stages in general adaption syndrome is

alarm, resistance, exhuastion

mary has noticed that when she watches an exciting basketball game, she eats more snack food, she has identified

an antecedent

bart coped with flunking his midterm by telling everyone he was positive his professor's poor teaching was the reason bart got such a bad grade this is an example of

an unhealthy coping response

whiten's research on stressful effects of pressure indicates that there is a strong relationship between pressure

and a variety of psychological problems

recent studies suggest that "___" may be more important for coronary risk than other elements of the Type A personality

anger and hostility

what involves intense fear of gaining weight, disturbed body image, refusal to maintain normal weight, and dangerous measures to lose weight

anorexia nervosa

what category of psychological disorders include phobic disorders in the DSM-5

anxiety disorder

class of disorders marked by feelings of excessive apprehension and anxiety is called

anxiety disorders

one accepted definition of stress is

any circumstance that threatens well being and taxes coping abilities

finding humour in the situation is considered an

appraisal focused strategy of constructing coping

generally which kind of conflict tends to be the least stressful


you are a talented artist and good at mathematics, you enjoy both and don't know which to major in at collect, what type of conflict applies to your situation


you want to ask someone for a date, but are afraid of being rejected, with type of conflict applies to your situation


Paula's parents taught her the importance of always being to work on time and showing deference to a supervisor's wishes, most likely, Paula's parents

are a lower-status family

as a result of cultural values in western society, many young owmen

are dissatisfied with their weight and feel that they need to diet

acute stressors

are threatening events that have a relatively short duration and clear endpoint

learned helplessness results when humans are subjected to aversive events that

are unavoidable

research with social readjustment rating scale has shown that people with higher scores

are vulnerable to physical and psychological problems

Martin seligman developed positive spychology

as a counterweight to the discipline's negatively oriented history

actively seeking help is seen

as disrupting group harmony by asian American culture but not by European American culture

medical models of abnormal behavior

became dominant way of thinking during the 19th and 20th centuries

flow is the state of being in which a person

becomes fully involved and engaged in the present time by some interesting, challenging and intrinsically rewarding activity

when flow is achieved it

becomes intrinsically rewarding regardless of the initial reason for the activity

which of the following is the most accurate reflection of research findings regarding catharsis

behaving in an aggressive manner tends to fuel more anger and aggression

if you enter a 10k race without training adequately, what might most be the adaptive coping strategy

behavioural disengagement

psychologists study responses to stress at which of the following levels

behaviours, emotional and physiological

what isn't a factor that contributes to procastination

being future oriented

constructive coping involves all of the following except

being less realistic in your appraisal of your coping resources

doctors and nurses often

believe their explanations are clear

problem solving has been linked to

better psychological adjustment, lower levels of depression and fewer health complaints

researchs have found that in terms of weight, adult adoptees tend to resemble they r"____" more than their "_____"_

biological parents, adoptive parents

Ernest is deeply sad, he doesn't each much, doesn't seem to want to take care of himself and believes his life's work is useless, you think this is strange because several weeks ago, Ernest was very excited about his life, he talked and talked about his new book and even seemed to stay up an entire week writing, Ernest probably has

bipolar disorder

what isn't a criterion for abnormal behavior

bizzarre behavior

according to one model of flow, when an activity is monotonous and repetitive the person is most likely to feel


lazarus criticized positive psychology as

both an oversimplification nd creating theoretical practical problems in psychological research

school satisfaction is composed of

both cognition and affect

when studying positive psychology we shoul dlook

both older and newer research

herbert benson's relaxation response requires

breathing in through your nose and out with a word through your mouth

what involves habitually engaging in out of control overeating followed by unhealthy compensatory efforts such as self induced vomiting and excessive exercise

bulimia nervosa

marty used to enjoy her job, but she has been performing poorly, feeling exhausted and cynical, mart may have


physical and emotional exhaustion and a lowered sense of self-efficacy due to work related stress is called


what is a psychological state characterized by exhaustion, cynicism and poor job performance


Phyllis believes her work with the guild is meeting the needs of th workers in her community and serves a social purpose she most likely sees her job as a


beneficial relaxation often seen in meditation

can also be seen with other relaxation training procedures

what refers to malignant cell growth, which may occur in many organ systems in the body


research shows that smoking increases likelihood of develping

cancers of pancreas, larynx and bladder, cardiovascular diseases, pulmonary diseases

albert ellis believes that problematic emotional reactions to stress are caused by

catastrophic thinking

ellis believes that problematic emotional reactions to stress are caused by

catastrophic thinking

what hormones help mobilize the body for action


what term did freud coin to refer to release of emotional tension


use of sedatives may result in accidental injury because they

cause motor coordination to deteoriate

social readjustment rating scale was designed to measure

change-related stress

constructive coping is aimed at

changing one's interpretation of stressful events, has stressful situation itself, managing emotional disterss

recent research on the effect of pressure on task performance in normal subjects suggests that

choking under pressure is fairly common

the term ambient stress refers to

chronic environmental conditions that place adaptive demands on people

threatening events that have a relatively long duration and no apparent time limit are referred to as

chronic stressors

marge was not being asked for a follow up interview to her job applications, she asked her friend homer to help her solve the problem, homer asked her if she was sure what the problem was, homer was helping margec

clarify the problem

phobic responses tend to be acquired through "_____" and maintained through "______"

classical condition; operant conditioning

what drug isn't considered a narcotic


what isn't a type of constructive coping as describe in textbook

cognition focused

a young woman who says to herself I must be thing to be accepted is demonstrating which of the following factors in the etiology of eating disorders


whether someone develops learned helplessness under conditions of unavoidable aversive events most likely depends on

cognitive interpretation

recent studies suggest that physical fitness is associated with a decreased risk for

colon cancer in men, reproductive cancer in women and breast cancer in women

optimal level of arousals is related to

complexity of the task

a person who checks his alarm clock 20 times before going to sleep is being


research indicates that the most effective response to sexual harassment is


constructive coping involves

confronting problems directly, realistically appraising stress, learning to manage some emotional reactions to stress

what refers broadly to the use of relatively healthful strategies for managing stressful events

constructive coping

Denise has decided to decrease her target behavior of unhealthy eating by avoiding the fast food and cookie aisles of the grocery store, she using the method of

control of antecedents

efforts to master reduce or tolerate demands caused by stress in one's life are collectively known as


what involves active efforts to master, reduce, or tolerate the demands of stress


type a behavior pattern of anger and hostility is most closely linked to

coronary heart disease

wha that been a major source of stress in many urban areas like Northern India


research findings on minor hassles suggest that the effects of stress are

cumulative or additive

what is not a characteristic of a burnout


super's decline stage involves

deceleration, decreasing vocational activity, planning for retirement

harry wants to lose 50 pounds, most experts would recommend that he should

decrease his food intake and increase his exercise, both in moderate ways

which of the following was not cited in your text as a disruptive effect of severe stress on cognitive functioning?

decrease in cortisol production

signs of burnout in the workplace include

decreased production, increased health problems, and increased absenteeism

from 1998 to 2005 the percentage of moms with infants who were in the workforced

decreased slighthly

Joe has been arrest more than once for driving drunk, when you ask him about how he is managing his drinking problem he says I don't have a drinking problem I have a getting caught problem, what type of defence mechanism is he using


defence mechanism that involves suppressing unpleasant emotions or circumstances and reusing to acknowledge that they exist is referred to as


high caffeine consumption is likely to elevate one's risk for

depression, prostate cancer and hyptertension

research reveals that stress often contributes to onset of which of the following

depression, schizophrenia and eating disorders

in "____" disorders people show persistent feelings of sadness and despair and a loss of interest in previous sources of pleasure


when things are going poorly in one are of life, one may compensate by pursuing substitute forms of satisfaction, this coping strategy is referred to as

developing alternative rewards

Kenny believes that his dog often tells him how to prepare his food, the dog's orders are not a problem for Kenny to carry out and Kenny doens't seem to mind the extra trouble, under which criteria could Kenny's behaviours Be considered a disorder


process of distinguishing one illness from another is called


individuals who are unemployed because their jobs have disappears are called what type of workers

displaced workers

diversion of anger toward a substitute target was noted by Sigmund freud, who called it


if you yell at your little sister after having a fight with your girlfriend, you may be diverting your anger through the use of


kim is a successful lawyer who suddenly forgot who she is and most of the important details of her life after she survived a terrible car accident that killed three of her colleagues, Kim may be suffering from

dissociated amnesia

people who lose contact with portions of their consciousness or memory and experience disruptions in their sense of identity would most likely be considered as having what type of disorder

dissociative disorders

defence mechanisms work primarily through

distorting reality so it doesn't seem so unpleasant and threatening

epidemiology is the study of

distribution of mental or physical disorders in a population

patients are more likely to follow prescribed treatments when their physicians

do follow ups

experimental research indicates that aggressive behaviour

does not reliably lead to catharsis

what is the best advice for preparing an effective resume

don't give extraneous personal information

depression "_____" one's chance of developing heart disease


narcotics are

drugs derived from opium that are cable of relieving pain

time management experts agree that key to better time management is increased


problem with MDMA is

effects immune system, contains toxic by products, has long term negative cognitive effects

according to Pronin and Jacobs people feel "_____" when thoughts are quick and varied and "_____" when thoughts are plodding and repetitive

elated; dejected

what are largely uncontrollable and accompanied by physiological changes


what are powerful largely uncontrollable feelings, accompanied by physiological changes


quality of mindful mediation called "____" is being both feeling and understanding the situation of another person in the present time


Ahmed maintains a diet high in serum cholesterol, eating an abundance of eggs, cheese, butter and shellfish, Ahmed may well be increasing his risk of


in stressful circumstances optimists are more likely than pessimists to

engage in action-oriented, problem focused coping

according to Holland's model people who like to use their social skills to persuade others, and who perceive themselves as self-confident, sociable and popular, would most likely be considered as having the

enterprising personal orientation

experiences of depression or bipolar disorder come and go, because these disorders are often


don's day seems to be a continuous juggling act between requirements for long hours at work and the needs of his children who are now in two different schools with different schedules, as a single parent he is

especially like to experience work family conflicts

according to super's developmental model of career choice, which of the following stages involves making a commitment to a specific job and demonstrating the ability to function effectively in this job


dr Richards explained to his client that obsessive compulsive disorder appears to be heavily influence by biological causes. Dr. Richards is explaining the "_____" of the obsessive compulsive disorder


what is the apparent causation and developmental history of an illness


one of heroin's main effects is that it creates "____" in the user


secondary appraisal involves

evaluating your coping resources and options for dealing with stress

if you wanted to develop a new occupational interest inventory, what would be the best way to begin

examine interests of people who enjoy their work in various occupations

after barely squeezing through anatomy 101 with a passing grade, you sleep 16 hours a day for the first ten days of summer break and refuse to see any of your friends, what stage of general adaptation syndrome are you in


according to super's developmental model of career choice, the second stage in vocational development is


because of pressure from his parents and friends, Larry is thinking more about his future career and he has several possibilities in mind that he thinks are realistic, according to super's development model of career choice, which of the following stages is Larry probably in?


Margaret works for a company that has clear rules and administers rewards and punishments consistently regardless of the employee or status, the virtue being supported in her workplace is


DSM-5 no longer lists subtypes of schizophrenia (T or F)


a positive institution seeks to benefit the community at the expense of its workers (T or F?)


abstinence syndrome occurs after a person withdraws from psychologically dependent drugs (T or F?)


according to holland's model a happy scientist is probably a conventional type (T or F?)


atherosclerosis is sometimes called a heart attack (T or F?)


obesity is determined by weighing 15 pounds over what is normal for the person's height (T or F?)


one strategy for using time more effectively is to tackle larger more difficult tasks as one component ( T or F?)


order adults are troubled more by personal stressors than younger people (T or F?)


phobic disorder is a persistent fear when there is realistic danger (T or F?)


psychosomatic diseases are unique to heart and lung problems (T or F?)


research has shown that stress causes illness (T or F?)


research suggests that internet addiction is primarily limited to shy, male computer whizzes (T or F?)


research on gender and fight or flight response indicates taht

fighting and fleeing may be less adaptive for females because both responses may endanger offspring

some behavior modification programs have common flaws, Rory found that she had too long of a delay between behavior and reinforcement, she should

fine-tune her program

what type of risk isn't associated with narcotics use


positive subjective experiences tend to bw

focused in the present

what is not true regarding the definition of abnormal behavior

for most part, people with psychological disorders behave in bizarre ways that are very different from behavior of normal people

which of the following is an anxiety disorder marked by a chronic, high level of anxiety that is not tied to any specific threat

generalized anxiety disorder

systematic problem solving involves

generative courses of action

autism spectrum disorder causes seem to be related to

genetic factors

sarah hears voices that hell her to shoot Laura, she is experiencing


who is credited with formulating theory of stress reactions called the general adaption syndrome

hans selye

the most common positive subjective state is


behavior pattern marked by commitment, challenge and control that appears to be related to stress resistance is called


the dsm-5

has a categorical approach

what happened to psychosomatic disease because of research on stress

has fallen into disuse

eating disorder behaviors

have always existed but are now more common in affluent western societies

mark has been diagnosed as schizophrenic, it is most likely that

he has a family that is critical and hostile, in high stress and has genetic vulnerability

phil has found that he can do work better than others in the committee as a result phil may also find

he needs to delegate responsibility or he may find himself wasting time

Eric has been feeling depressed and has a lot of tension and anxiety while he looks fo ra new job, he thinks regular exercise will be of benefit, given the research what would you tell him

he's right, research supports his assumptions

students writing three essays about difficulties adjusting to college were "____" than students who wrote about other topics with less emotional connection


leading cause of death in North America is

heart disease

edcessive drinking is correlated with

heart disease, cirrhosis of the liver and stomach cancer

main function of vitamins and minerals is to

help release energy from other foods

Marietta works as a cook, she is likely to have a "_____" amount of stress, since her job is low in decision control and high in psychological demand


people who are eager to seek medical care are most likely to be

high in neuroticism

according to Robert Karasek, occupational stress is most likely to occur under which of the following conditions

high psychological demands and low decision control

women and minorities are frequently passed over for promotion in favour of white men, this practice seems to be particularly problematic in what kind of job?

higher levels of management

treatment to what has recently been found to hold promise for substantially longer survival for AIDS victims

highly active antiretroviral therapy

correlational studies between mood siroders and structural abnormalities in brain have found that

hippocampus tends to be 8-10% smaller in depressed people than in normal people

jasmine recently took a test measuring the most researched and most supported vocational psychology model. jasmine was measured on the

holland model

what is a postive individual trait that refers to people's expectations that their goals can be achieved int he future


maria is uncomfortable in her job as a policewoman because her coworkers tell crude sexual jokes and hang centrefold pinups in the break room at the station, she is experiencing

hostile environmental harassment

there is substantial evidence that "_____" is related to increased risk for heat attacks and other ailments


whether or not an event is stressful is most likely to depend on

how one appraises and adapts to the event

hans syle's works as important because it showed

how prolonged physiological arousal that I meant to be adaptive could lead to diseases

which of the following theoretical orientations is the most similar to positive psychology


according to research which of the following can effectively moderate negative impact of stress?


which of the following hasn't been proposed as an explanation for how humour helps reduce the effects of stress and promotes wellness

humour facilitates the release of stress relieving neurotransmitters

george has decided to seek medical treatment for a severe rash that has remained for three days, his decision invovled

identifying symptoms as an indication of illness, deciding it warrants medical attention and arranging the care appointment and time

research suggests that efforts to actively suppress emotions result in

increased autonomic arousal

according to research Janet has found studying for finals and her graduate exams so stressful that the only behavior not likely to occur is

increased concentration

beverly is being sexually harassed, what is not likely to be one of her reactions

increased dedication to work

living alone following a cardiac event "____" a person's risk for a subsequent heart attack


what does not have a beneficial effect that may result from stress

increases optimism

results of an occupational interest inventory are designed to

indicate how similar your interests are to typical interest of people in various jobs

what are psychologists who study human behavior in the workplace called

industrial/organizational psychologist

children with autism spectrum disorder often repeat exactly what someone else has said, this is called

infantile autism

research suggests that a "_____" temperament in infants is a risk factor for the development of anxiety disorders later in life


which of the following appears to be a key factor in prediction who is most likely to develop PTSD following a traumatic event

intensity of person's reaction at the time of the traumatic event

Beth often came home from school eager to escape online, in fact she found it difficult to do anything else in evenings other than spend time on the internet, Beth may be experiencing

internet addiction, form of self indulgence, a disruption in time that can ultimately increase her stress levels

according to hollands model of career choice, a clinical psychologist would be considered an

investigative type

the fight or flight response is a reaction that begins in response to a three this is a

involuntary reactions

Those Szasz has criticized the medical model because he believes that abnormal behaviour

involves deviation from social norms rather than illness

a prognosis

is a forecast about the probable course of an illness

the right coping strategy

is adaptive if it related to enhanced well being

a best part of gratitude is that it

is easy to express, is a virtue and can be performed anytime anywhere

Betty has been depressed, she has been describing how she feels to her friends who she recommended she seek out a therapist, what can be concluded about betty's behavior

it can be considered abnormal, because she obviously feels great personal distress

style's general adaptation model has been criticized because

it ignores individual differences in the appraisal of stress

positive psychologists are interest in spirituality because

it offers insights concerning human pursuit of happiness and pleasure

what isn't true in regards to giving up as a response to stress

it urges people to be more competitive

Fredrickson and Branigan's study found that people who watch d film clip eliciting a feeling of "_____" wrote more items on an activity list afterward than those who views a neutral eliciting film


research findings indicate that on a cognitive tasks tress may increase one's tendency to

jump to conclusions too quickly

according to research by Wrzesniewski people view their chosen occupations in the following ways

just a job, a career, a calling

according to ells what is not a way to reduce catastrophic thinking

keeping your concerns to yourself

leaving the labor even for increasingly brief periods of time is called

labor force disontinuity

what are noticeable alteration in one's life circumstances

life changes

the aspect of postraumatic growth that involves greater willingness to take life easier is called

life priority change

what is an example of positive reinterpretation

looking for good in the bad

which of the following is a common kind of frustration leading to stress


billy is a mail worker where there is constant pressure to increase his speed and productivity, psychologists would say billy's job contains

low decision control

people who worry mainly about treating their achieved status rather than improving it are probability in which of super's developmental stages?


an exercise activity that you find enjoyable

makes it easier to follow through and exercise rgeulary

pressure to perform may disrupt attention to task performance by

making one feel self-conscious

bill has been stopping off at a bar every day on his way home from work, lately he has made up excuses to his wife as to why he is Late, his behavior best satisfies which of the following criteria of abnormality

maladaptive behavior

most likely explanation for people's tendency to act in self destructive ways is that

many health impairing habits involve activities that are quite pleasant at the time

what isn't considered a common barrier to effective provider patient communication

many patients challenge the doctors authority

what is not a characteristic of typical female victim of sexual harassment in the workplace


noncompliance with instructions received from physicians

may be due to patients' failure to understand the instructions

unrealistic optimism

may lead to risky behaviors

george realized that while his car was totalled, everyone involved in the accident was alive, this helped him deal with stress of his accident through

meaning focused coping

according to ironic and jobs, thought speed is one property of a more general concept called

mental motion

unemployment causes most psychological distress for

middle aged adults

what refers to a cultivated perspective in which people are sensitive to context and focus don the present


josh goes to his activities everyday on autopilot, he does everything without thinking and accomplishes a lot, his state of mind is termed


family dynamics contribute to development of eating disorders by

modelling their own unhealthy dieting behaviors

to affect mortality rates, people need to exercise

moderate activity for half an hour, five days a week

strength of relationship between stress and health is


to gather baseline data for self-,modification, you should all but

monitor events immediately after target response

first step in attempting to use your time more effectively is to

monitor your use of time

Isen and colleagues found that people who saw a funny film before solving a problem creatively were "_____" than those seeing a neutral film

more likely to solve the problem correctly

what isn't a workplace trend

more permanent jobs

in humans, the fight or flight response is less adaptive than it was in ancestral humans because

most modern human stresses can't be managed with these strategies

in our society alcohol is associated with

murder, child abuse and intimate partner abuse

the name of the condition when the heart is temporarily deprived of adequate blood flow is

myocardial ischemia

carol heard a sound in the dark bushes behind her psychology building as she went to her car one eying, she began to feel fear, she was experiencing a

negative emotion

lab studies have demonstrated that attaching an affirmative action label to an employee results in

negative feelings directed toward the employee

what are chemicals that carry signals from one neutron to another


during an interview when asked about a past job

never blame or criticize previous employers

coping efforts are

not necessarily adaptive or maladaptive

people in a state of mindfulness are most likely to be engaged in

noticing novel features of a situation

between 1975 and 1999

number of working women with children under the age of three increased over 20%

what is a collection of processes through which an organism utilizes the material required for survival and growth


an unwanted thought that repeatedly intrudes upon an individual's consciousness is called an


the famous industrialist Howard Hughes devised extraordinary rituals to minimize the possibility of being contaminated by germs, for example he would sometimes spend hours methodically learning a telephone, Hughe's behaviour exemplifies which of the following disorders

obsessive compulsives diroder

good sources of info about job characteristics include

occupational outlook handbook, current members of an occupation, literature from professional organizations

general tendency to expect good outcomes is called


according to Albert ellis our emotional reactions to life events result mainly from

our appraisals of the events

there is evidence that stress is related to

overeating, consumption of alcohol, increased smoking

according to super's developmental model of career choice, decisions a bout work and career reflect

people's attempts to express their self-concept and changing views of themselves

mayer salovey Caruso emotional intelligence test authors are striving to make this test a

performance based measure of ability to deal effectively with emotions

what is the best predictor of the likelihood of making a good job choice

personal compatibility

Jerry is terrified of snakes and refuses to read nature books to his son if there are pictures of snakes, he is probably suffering from

phobic disorder

anxiety disorder Brought on by specific stimuli is

phobic disorder

when a person must continue to take a drug in order to avoid withdrawal illness, the person has developed

physical dependence

what consists of pleasant responses to events that promote connections with others including subjective states such as euphoria

positive emotiosn

framework of positive psychology is useful for recognizing how we think about

positive events, thoguths and feelings

people's attitudes towards hope, resilience and spirituality are examples of

positive individual traits

what are organizations that culture civic virtues, encouraging people to behave like good citizens while promoting the collective good

positive instiutions

liana argued that much of psychology focuses on negative aspects, she is looking for an approach that accepts the reality of negative states, but includes experiences such as awe. Lianne should investigate "____"

positive psychology

school of modern psychology that was developed to offset the perceived emphasis in psychology on pathology and suffering is called

positive psychology

what is a social and intellectual movement within the discipling of psychology that focuses on human strengths and how people can flourish and be successfull

positive psychology

best way to increase response strength in self modification is through

positive reinforcement, finding a reward effective for that person, choosing a readily available reinforcer

when taylor returned from a difficult deployment in army, he reevaluated his priorities and decided to go back to school, he is most likely experiencing

post-traumatic growth

people are more likely to develop phobic responses to snakes and spiders than to hot irons or electrical outlets, this finding is most consistent with


the feat of snakes and spiders is very common in people. Seligman would probably explain this with the idea of


whenever others expect you to conform to their expectations or perform in certain ways, you tend to experience


in epidemiology "____" refers to percentage of a population that exhibits a disorder during a specifided Time period


there appears to be a glass ceiling that

prevents most women and ethnic minorities from advancing beyond middle management

Ramon recent lost his job, he's been searching online for job openings and has an appointment with a placement agency, which constructing coping tactic is Ramon using

problem focused

efforts to remedy or conquer the stress producing problem itself are called

problem focused coping

what is the tendency to delay tacking tasks until the last minute


jobs of the next decade are likely to be in what areas?

professional and service

what is a forecast about probably course of an illness


tolerance involves

progressive decrease in responsiveness to a drug with continued use

according to Robert karaoke, two factors that play a key role in determining occupational stress are

psychological demands and decision control

what is a risk associated with use of cannabis

psychological dependence

when a person must continue to take a drug in order to satisfy an intense emotional and mental craving the person has developed

psychological dependence

post traumatic stress disorder involves

psychological disturbance due to experience of a major traumatic event

according to Peterson the virtuous qualities hat can be found in positive institutions include

purpose, humanity and dignity

grace was told that if she wanted a promotion, she had to let the boss fondle her breasts, what type of harassment is being perpetrated

quid pro quo

according to ellis, the goal of therapy is to replace catastrophic thinking with more low key

rational analysis

what type of therapy did ellis develop, a system of psychotherapy based on altering clients' appraisals of events in order to reduce maladaptive emotions and behaviors

rational emotional behavior

Leah likes physical tasks that require lots of coordination but not lots of social skills, according to Holland's model of career choice, Leah would be considered a

realistic type

current classification system for psychological disorders (DSM-5)

recognizes importance of info other than a traditional diagnostic label

enhancing your own well being and happiness is

relatively simple

primary appraisal is an initial evaluation of whether an event is

relevant and stressful

what is positive trait that is a person's ability to recover and often prosper following some consequential life event


you realize that no matter how much you hate writing, you won't be able to drop out of English this semester if you want to go to grad school, you hunker down for a miserable semester, what stage are ou in?

resistance stage

David is in super's maintenance stage of vocational development, his primary concern is likely to be

retaining the job status he has achieved

what is true regarding the nature of stress

routine hassles may have significant negative effects on mental and physical health

depressed people who "____" tend to remain depressed longer than those who don't

ruminate about their depression

bobby tends to suppress or hold back his feelings he is more likely to "____" about events

ruminate, be depressed, have heightened feelings

joseph cep thtinkinga bout the argument he had the day before, he found himself feeling more and more worries that he had spoken too harshly, replaying the convo over and over in his mind thinking bout what else he might have said he is engaged in something called


Alex works for an instiutitont hat protect members from dangers and exploitation, according to person his company practices the virtue of


in postive psychology the term "_____" refers o power to focus on, value and even boost the enjoyment of almost any experience


which of the following groups of psychological disorders is characterized by irrational thinking, poor reality contact, disturbed emotions, and hallucinations

schizophrenic disorders

drugs that induce sleep and decrease central nervous system activation are usually classified as


what ins't an essential component of emotional intelligence

separating emotion from though

the US like other industrialized nations is shifting towards a

service-based economy

general adaption syndrome is a

set of bodily responses to stress

weight tends to remain stable as long as there are no long-term factors that influence it this theory is called

settling point

some clinicians maintains that most cases of dissociated identity disorder are rooted in

severe emotional trauma that occurred during childhood

abraham Lincoln, ted turner and kurt Cobain all suffered from

severe mood disorder

what occurs when a worker is subjected to unwanted sexually oriented behavior

sexual harrassment

who originally developed the concept of defence mechanisms

sigmund freud

Beth's doctor says she is at high risk for coronary disease, this is most likely related to her

smoking, diabetes and high blood pressure

according to holland's trait measurement and matching model of career development, which of the following personal orientations would be most compatible with a job as a nurse


what is an increasingly important specific aptitude

social skills

a hospital would be an example of an environment that is preferred by

social types

research suggests that positive emotional reactions to stress may have the adaptive quality of enhancing

social, intellectual and physical resources

which of the following is not a amor source of stress described in your textbook


what type of individual would most like be considered to have an artistic personal orientation according to Holland'd model

someone who write's children books

people who havve the positive individual trait of "____" possess a believe that life has transcendent or nonphysical qualities that are worth seeking and exploring


mounting evidence from research indicates that stress may be wha apart of the functioning of the immune system

suppress the functioning of the immune system

the fight or flight response occurs in the

sympathetic division of the automatic nervous system

phil has been talking to bill about contemplating suicide, bill can help phil most by

taking Phil's talk seriously

an important quality of positive traits like agreeableness and reliability is assumption that they can be


what isn't true about defence mechanisms

their use is considered an indication of psychological maladjustment

people are most likely to follow instructions they receive from healthcare professionals when

there is positive attitude towards physician forming a working alliance

critics of occupational interest inventories have claimed that

they have helped channel women into gender typed careers

Beth is feeling contented with her life, she is more likely to "____" than her friend Deanna who is just going to work and home without much emotional reaction

think of future possible activities

compulsion is to action as obsession is to


positive emotions boraden people's cognitive responses by promoting new and beneficial "_____" in which established ways of positive thinking are associated with particular acts or bheaviors

thought action tendencies

positive emotions can broaden people's cognitive responses by promoting beneficial

thought action tendencies

according to your text positive psychology pursues

three lines of inquiry

answer to wether positive psychology is more of a fad than a genuinely new area of empirical inquiry

time to see if it has staying power and ongoing influence in the wider discipline of psychology

for which of the following reasons is someone most likely to play the sick role

to escape demands of others

robert has decided to reinforce his increased study time target by adding a star to a chart every time he studies one hour, he has decided that every 20 stars, he can do an activity with his friends for four hours his idea is a form of

token economy

when there is only one woman or minority person in an office that person becomes a symbol of all the members of that groups, this scenario illustrates what type of concept


when people need to consume larger and larger doses of a drug to obtain the desired effect, they have developed


what kind of approach is John holland's model of career of choice considered to be

trait approach

what is a psychological disorder in which a man achieves sexual arousal by dressing in women's clothing

transvestic fetishism

college graduates with college level readingg writing and quantitative skills get higher paying jobs than other college grads (T or F?)_


comparing your own problems with others can help put your problem sin perspective (T or F?)


constructive coping involves confronting problems directly (T or F?)


depression is associated with heart disease (T or F?)


epidemiology is study of distribution of disorders in a population (T or F?)


founders of positive psychology describe it as a change in focus of psychology from preoccupation with only repairing the worst things in life to also building positive qualities (T or F?)


marijuana use during adolescence may precipitate schizophrenia in people who have a genetic predisposition (T or F?0


occupational interest inventories helped channel women into gender typed careers through gender bias (T or F)


one criticism of the medical model is that it converts moral and social questions into medical ones ( T or F?)


prior to 18th century most conceptions of abnormal behaviour were based on superstition (T or F?)


repetitive hand washing is an example of a common compulsive behavior (T or F?)


research has shown that forgiveness is positively related to measures of well being and negatively related to measures of anxiety and depression (T or F?)


research supports a link between anxiety disorders and stress (T or F?)


self control underlies many stressors in everyday life (T or F?)


sharing good things that happens o you with another person can generate beneficial positive emotions (T or F?)


study of baseball players smiles indicated that positive emotions are related to increased longevity (T or F?)


subjective experiences tend to be future focused (T or F?)


super's developmental model of career choice asserts that self concept is critical factor in process (T or F?)


the types of traumas that can cause PTSD are more common than most people realize (T or F?)


when confronted by stress people often become highly critical (T or F?)


work is an activity that produces something of value for others (T or F?)


Western Europeans have more vacation time than Americans (T or F?)


what isn't a main component of ellis's model of catastrophic thinking

unconditioned response

what isn't a category of negative self talk described by beck

unfairly blaming on'e parents for personal trouble

bob is working on behavior self-modification because he would like to be less irritable at work, because he focused on a personality trait, his attempts are

unlikely to succeed

defence mechanisms are unconscious reactions that protect a person from

unpleasant emotions

jane believes that she is unlikely to get lung cancer because he decided to only smoke until she finishes college and she has heard that only smoking for a few years eliminates risk of lung cancer, her attitude is an example of

unrealistic optimism

Margaret has a strong faith in a higher force and attends a place of worship regularly, she is likely to

use her beliefs in adaptive coping

what is not a practical suggestion for coping with job loss

use time to take a break and reflect

approach avoidance conflicts often produce


when psychologists label a coping response as constructive or healthy, they are basing this on

value judgements

Terry has been practising free throw shots in the backyard, Terry has the chance to shoot a half court basket for. a 10,000 prize at a professional basketball game research indicates that Terry is

very likely to choke under pressure

betty jumped when she heard a loud crashing sound behind her, this is because her sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system

was mobilizing her bodily resources for emergencies

current research indicates that

we have little reason to believe that change is inevitably stressful

according to Holland's theory of vocational choice

we seek a work environment that fits our personality

the genetic predisposition to anxiety disorders can be characterized as

weak to moderate

holmes and race concluded that change is stressful

whether it is undesirable or desirable

Helena often used humour to point out faults in others and shortcomings, it is most likely that her use of humor

will increase her depression

abstinence syndrom is another term for

withdrawal illness

physical distress caused by the termination of drug use is called

withdrawal illness

women's vocational development is different from men's primarily because

women often subordinate their career goals to those of their husbands

the feeling of being pulledd in multiple directions by competing demands from job and family is called

work family conflict

what is the term for devotion of nearly all of one's time and energy to a job


good way to increase your chances of being invited to a job interview is to

write a cover letter that shows you have researched the organization

peterson's duielines for keeping a list of good things include

write down reasons that your choices for the list are good things for you and your life

what is a key predictor of occupational status?

years of education

what isn't an indicator that time pressure is a major stress

you feel time is under your control

what sin't good advice for devising and exercising program

you should try to exercise through any minor injuries

positive psychology has been said to be a change in the "______" for the discipline of psychology


in what year was the most recent version of the diagnostic and statistical manual o mental disorders (DSM-5) published


in order to lose one pound you need to burn up "____"_ more calories than yo uconsume


when long-term treatments are needed for chronic illness, noncompliance with medical advice occurs

50% of the time

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