Psych 24 test 3

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Middle adulthood

-40-65 years -Middle adulthood is a declined in physical skills and expanding responsibility. -For many increasingly healthy adults, middle age is lasting longer. -Compared to with earlier midlife, late midlife is more likely to be characterized by the death of a parent, the last child leaving the parental home, becoming a grandparent, preparing for retirement, and in most cases actual retirement.

Gay and lesbian adults

-50 states in 2015 also created this barrier for same-sex partners. -Gay and lesbian relationships are similar-in their satisfactions, loves, joys, and conflicts. -Lesbians are 5x more likely to raise children than gays. Adoption rates nearly doubled from 10% in 2000 to 19% in 2009.

Cohabitting adults

-An increasingly popular lifestyle, does not lead to greater marital happiness but sometimes is linked to possible negative consequences if cohabiting couple marries -The age individuals marry in the United States is increasing. Though marriage rates have declined a large percentage of Americans still marry. The benefits of marriage include better physical and mental health and a longer life. -US divorce rate

Sexual activity

-At 18, surveys indicate that slightly more than 60 percent of individuals have experienced sexual intercourse, but by the end of emerging adulthood (25), most individuals have had sexual intercourse. -Average age of marriage is 29 for males and 27 for females. -20 percent of first-year college women on one large university campus had engaged in in at least one hook-up over the course of the school year. Impulsivity, sensation seeking, and alcohol use were among the predictors of higher likelihood of hooking up. -40 percent of 22 year olds had causal sexual partner. More than 3,900 18- to 25-year-olds indicated that having casual sex was linked to to well-being and positively related to psychological distress.

Substance abuse

-By their mid-twenties, many have reduced their use of alcohol and drugs. -Male college students and young adults are more likely to take drugs than their female counterparts. -One study shows that only 20 percent of college students reported abstaining from drinking alcohol.


-Crystallized Intelligence: Accumulated information and verbal skills, which increase in middle age, according to Horn -Fluid intelligence: The ability to reason abstractly, which steadily declines from middle adulthood on, according to Horn


-Emerging adults have twice the mortality rate of adolescents. Have fewer chronic, colds and respiratory problems than they did when they were children. College students are not as healthy as they seem. -Most bad health habits were engaged during adolescence increased in emerging adulthood. Inactivity, diet, obesity, substance use, reproductive health care, and health-care access worsened in emerging adulthood. -in early adulthood, few individuals stop to think about how their personal lifestyles will affect them in later adulthood. -70 percent of college students do not get adequate sleep and that 50 percent report daytime sleepiness. Many adults in their late 20s and 30s don't get enough either.

Physical Development (Visible signs)

-First outwardly noticeable signs of aging usually are apparent by the forties or fifties. The skin begins to wrinkle and sag because of a loss of fat and collagen in underlying tissues. -Small, localized areas of pigmentation in the skin produce age spots, especially in areas that are exposed to sunlight, such as the hands and face. -For most people hair become thinner and grayer.

Meaning of life

-Frankl believed that finiteness of our existence and the certainty of death adds meaning to life. If life were not finite, said Frankl, we could spend our life doing just about whatever we pleased because our time would be unlimited. -Frankl said there were 3 most distinctly human qualities are spirituality, freedom, and respondsibility.

Erickson's stage of generativity versus stagnation

-Generativity: Adults' desire to leave legacies of themselves to the next generation; the positive side of Erikson's generativity versus stagnation middle adulthood stage. -Stagnation: Sometimes called "self-absorption," this state of mind develops when individuals sense that they have done little or nothing for the next generation; this is the negative side of Erickson's generativity versus stagnation middle adulthood stage.

Make marriage work

-Gottman's research indicates that couples in successful marriages establish love maps, nurture fondness and admiration, turn toward each other, accept the influence of the partner, and create shared meaning. -Families are becoming smaller, and many women are delaying childbirth until they become well established

Grandparent roles

-Grandmothers have more contact with grandchildren than grandfathers do. -Depending on the family's culture and situation, grandparents assume different roles. The profile of grandparents is changing. -source of biological reward and continuity source of emotional fulfillment remote role


-Heavy binge drinking often occurs in college, and it can take its toll on students. In 2014, 35 percent of U.S. students reported having had five or more drinks in a row at least once in the last two weeks. (Extreme binge drinking: Individuals who had 10 or more drinks in a row). In 2010 approximately 13 percent of college students reported drinking this heavily. -Drinking has declined in recent years. For example, binge drinking declined by 6 percent from 2007 to 2014. -Survey of 140 campuses, binge drinkers reported problems such as missing classes, sustaining physical injuries, experiencing troubles with police, and having unprotected sex. - Binge drinkers were 11 times more likely to fall behind in school, 10 times more likely to drive drunk, and twice as likely to have unprotected sex in compared to non binge drinkers. -Binge drinking peak at 21 to 22 and then declines through remainder of twenties.

Marital trends

-In 1980s divorce reached epidemic proportions in the US. Divorce rate declined in recent decades, peaking at 5.1 divorces per 1000 people in 1981 and declining 3.2 divorces per 1000 in 2014. -Highest divorce rate is Russia 4.7 per 1000 in 2011. -Reasons for divorce are Youthful marriage, low educational level, low income, not having a religious affiliation, having parents who are divorced, and having a baby before marriage are factors that are associated with increase of divorce. -Partner increase of likelihood of divorce: alcoholism, psychological problems, domestic violence, infidelity, and inadequate division of household labor. -Divorce likely to happen in 5-10 year.

Single adults

-In 2014, 45% of US adults 18 years of age and older had never been married. -18 to 29 bracket, the percentage of single adults has never been married from 48%-64% in 2014. -Advantages of being single include having time to make decisions about one's life course, time to develop personal resources to meet goals, freedom to make autonomous decisions.

Physical Development (Height and weight)

-Individuals lose height in middle age, and gain weight. On average, from 30 to 50, men lose about half an inch in height; they may lose another 3/4 inch from 50 to 70. -Height loss for women can be as much as 2 inches over a 50 year span from 25 to 75. Due to bone loss in the vertebrae. -On average body fat accounts for about 10% of body weight in adolescence; it makes up 20% or more in middle age. -Obesity increases from early to middle adulthood. In 2011-2012 39.5% of adults in 40 to 59 years of age were classified as obese compared with 30.3% of younger adults.

Morality rates

-Infectious disease was the main cause of death until the middle of the twentieth century. As infectious disease rates declined and more individuals lived through middle age, chronic disorders account for 86% of total health care spendings. -In middle age, many deaths are caused by a single, readily identifiable condition, where as in old age, death is more likely to result from combined effects of several chronic conditions. -For many years heart disease was the leading cause of death in middle adulthood, followed by cancer; however, since 2005 more individuals 45 to 64 year olds in the US died of cancer, followed by cardiovascular disease. -The gap between cancer and the second leading cause of death widens as indivduals age from 45 to 54 and from 55 to 64. -In 2013, about 46,000 45- to 54 died of cancer and about.

Career and work

-Many children want to become superheroes, sports star, or movie star. In highschool they start to think about careers on a somewhat less idealistic basis. In their late teens and early twenties, their career possibilities and zero in on the career they want to enter. In college, this often means choosing a major. -By early to mid 20s, many individuals have completed their education or training and started to enter a full time occupation. From mid 20s through the reminder of early adulthood, individuals often seek to establish their emerging career in particular field. -In an interviews with 12-22 year olds, found that only 20% had a clear vision of where they wanted to go in life, what they wanted to achieve, and why. 60% had engaged in some potentially purposeful activities. And 20 percent expressed no aspiration. -Most individuals spend 1/3 of their lives at work. 35% of Americans work 40 hours a week, but 18% worked 51 hours or more per week. Only 10% worked less than 30 hours a week. -

Dual-earner couples

-Many dual-earner couples engage in a range of adaptive strategies to coordinate their work and manage the family side of the work-family equation. -As the number of women outside the home has increased, new issues involving work and family have risen.

Physical Development (strength, joint, and bones)

-Maximum physical strength is often attained in 20s. The term sarcopenia refers to age-related loss of muscle mass and strength. Muscle loss with age occurs at a rate of approximately 1 to 2% per year past the age of 50. -Loss of strength especially occurs in the back and legs. -Sarcopenia are 24% to more likely being obese, increase risk for all-cause morality, with a higher risk of mortality for men than for women. -Peak functioning of the joints also occurs in the 20s. The cartilage that cushions the movement of bones and other connective tissues, such as tendons and ligaments, become less efficient in the middle-adult years, a time when many experience joint stiffness and greater difficulty in movement. -Maximum bone density occurs by mid to late 30s, from which point progressive bone loss occurs. Bone loss accelerates during 50s, Women loss bone mass twice as quick.

Midlife divorce reasons

-Maybe more positive experience in some ways, more negative in others, than divorce in early adulthood. On the one hand, for mature individuals, the perils of divorce can be fewer or less intense than for younger individuals. -Reason for divorce in Women: Verbal, physical, or emotional abuse (23%), Alcohol or drug abuse (18%), Cheating (17%) -Reason for divorce in Men: No obvious problems, just fell out of love (17%), Cheating (14%), Different values, lifestyles (14%)

Careers, Work, and Leisure

-Middle age adults may reach their peak in position and earnings. They may also be saddled with multiple financial burdens including rent or mortgage payment, medical bills, home repairs, college tuition, loans to family members, or bills from nursing homes for aging parents. -In 2015 in the US, 79% of 45 to 54 year olds were in the workforce and 64.1% of 55 to 64 were in the workforce.

Physical Development (Cardiovascular system)

-Midlife is the time when high blood pressure and high cholesterol take many individuals by surprise. Cardiovascular disease increases considerably in middle age. -Blood cholesterol accumulate on the artery walls, increasing the risk of cardiovascular


-More than 70% of US middle-aged adults said that they are religious and that they consider spirituality a major part of their lives. -77% of 30 to 49 year olds and 84% of 50 to 64 year old reported having a religious affiliation.

Big 5 factors of personality

-Openness: Imaginative or practical, interested in variety or routine, independent or conforming. -Conscientiousness: Organized or disorganized, Careful or careless, disciplined or impulsive. -Extraversion: Sociable or retiring, fun-loving or somber, Affectionate or reserved -Agreeableness: Softhearted or ruthless, trusting or suspicious, helpful or uncooperative. -Neuroticism(emotional stability): Calm or anxious, secure or insecure, self-satisfied or self-pitying.

Consummate love

-Passion: Involves physical and sexual attraction to another -Intimacy: relates to the emotional feelings and warmth, closeness, and sharing in a relationship. --Commitment: The cognitive appraisal of the relationship and the intent to maintain the relationship even in the face of problems. -If passion is the only ingredient in a relationship, we are merely infatuated. -A relationship by intimacy and commitment but low or lacking in passion is called affectionate love, a pattern often found among couples who have been married for many years. -If passion and commitment are present but intimacy is not, Sternberg calls the relationship fatuous love, as when one person worships another from distance. But if couples share all three dimensions - passion, intimacy, and commitment- they experience consummate love.


-Produces stress regardless of whether the job loss is temporary, cyclical, or permanent. -Unemployment was associated with physical problems (such as depressions and anxiety), marital difficulties, and homicide. -90 or more days of unemployment was associated with subsequent cardiovascular disease across an 8 year follow-up period. -A 15 year longitudinal study of more than 24,000 adults found that their life satisfaction dropped considerably during unemployment and increased after they were reemployed, but not the same level of satisfaction. -Longitudinal data revealed that low self-control in childhood was linked to the emergence and persistence of unemployment from 21 to 50 years old. -Stress of unemployment not only comes from loss of income and resulting in financial hardships but also from but also a decrease in self-esteem.

Piaget post-formal operational thinking

-Refelective, relativistic, and contextual. Some psychologist argue that reflective thinking continues to increase and becomes more internal and less contextual in middle age. -Provisional. Many young adults also become more skeptical about the truth and seem unwilling to accept an answer as final. Thus, they come to see the search for truth as an ongoing and perhaps never-ending process. -Realistic. Young adults understand that thinking can't always be abstract. In many instances, it must be realistic and pragmatic -Recognized as being influenced.


-Romantic love: Also called passionate love, or eros; romantic love has strong sexual and infatuation components and often predominates in the early period of a love relationship. -Affectionate love: Also called companionate love, an individual desires to have the other person near and has a deep, caring affection for the other person.

Attachment styles

-Secure: Adults who have positive views of relationships, find it easy to get close to others, and are not overly concerned or stressed out about their romantic relationships -Avoidant: Adults who are hesitant about getting involved in romantic relationships and once they are in a relationship tend to distance themselves from their partner -Anxious: Adults who demand closeness, are less trusting, and are more emotional, jealous, and possessive.

Love and marriage at midlife

-Security, loyalty, and mutual emotional interest are more important in middle adulthood -Most married individuals are satisfied with their marriages during midlife -Divorce in middle adulthood may be more positive in some ways, more negative in others

Sexual orientation and behavior

-Sexual behavior in the US among adults 25 to 44 years old found that 98 percent of women and 97 percent of men said that they had ever engaged in vaginal intercourse. -89 percent of women and 90 percent of men reported that they had ever had oral sex with an opposite-sex partner, and 36 percent of the women and 44 percent of the men stated that they had ever had anal sex. 1994 survey -American fall into 3 cats: 1/3 have sex twice a week or more, 1/3 a few times a month, and 1/3 a few times a year or not at all -Married couples have sex more often than non-cohabiting couples -Most people don't engage in kinky sex. The vast majority (96%) liked vaginal sex was "very" or "somewhat" appealing. Oral sex was in third place, after an activity that many have not labeled a sexual act-watching partner undress. -Nearly 75% of the people married men and 86 percent of the married women in the survey indicated that they had never been unfaithful -Men think about sex more often than women do-54% of men said that they had thought about it every day or several times a day, whereas 67% of the women thought about it only a few times a week or few times a month.

Physical Development (sleep)

-Sleep becomes problematic at middle age. Total hours of sleep usually remains the same as in early adulthood, but beginning in the forties, wakeful periods are more frequent and there is less of deepest type of sleep (stage 4). -Spending time lying awake in bed begins to increase in middle age, and this can produce a feeling of being less rested in the morning. -Sleep-disordered breathing and restless legs syndrome become more prevalent in middle age. -Study shows that adults that sleep less than 6 hours had an increased risk of stroke symptoms. -Another study shows that poor sleep quality in middle adulthood was linked to cognitive decline. Cause unemployment, unmarried, currently being a smoke, lack of exercise, having irregular meals, and frequently experiencing stressful events.

Health and Disease

-Stress is increasingly being identified as a factor in disease. The cumulative effect of chronic stress often takes a toll on the health of individuals by the time they reach middle age. -Middle aged adults found that when theyy had a high level of allostatic, their episodic memory and excutive function were harmed.

Physical Development (Vision and hearing)

-The ability to focus and maintain an image on retina declines sharply between 40 to 59 years of age. -Hearing also start to decline by the age of 40. Sensitivity to high pitches usually goes first. Ability to hear low pitch doesn't decline. -Men usually lose their sensitivity to high-pitch sooner than women. Maybe due to men being expossed to noise in occupations such as mining, automobile work, and so on.

Physical Development (lungs)

-Theres little damage to the lungs capacity through most of middle age. However at the age of about 55, the proteins in lung tissue become less elastic. This changes combined with a gradual stiffening of connective tissues in the chest wall. decreases the lungs' capacity to shuttle oxygen from the air people breathe to the blood in their veins. -Smokers drop precipitously in middle age, but if the individual quit smoking their lung capacity improves, although not to the level to individuals who have never smoked. -Exercise is linked to better lung functioning and a lower risk of developing cancer. -More than 17,000 men were given cardiovascular fitness assessment at 50 years of age. Medicare claims and deaths found that risk of being diagnosed with lung cancer was reduced by 68% for men who were the most fit compared with those who were the least fit.

Married Adults

-Until 1930, stable marriage was widely accepted as the endpoint of adult development. In the last 70 to 80 years, however, personal fulfillment both inside and outside marriage has emerged as a goal that competes with marital stability. -A study of 502 newlyweds found that nearly all couples had optimistic forecasts of how their marriage would change. -Some characteristics of marital partners predict whether the marriage will last longer. Two such characteristics are education and ethnicity. -22,000 women found that both women and men with a bachelor's degree were more likely to delay marriage but were also more likely to eventually get married and stay for more than 20 years. -Asian American women were most likely of all ethnic groups to be a first marriage that lasted at least 20 years-70% were in a first marriage that lasted this long, compared with 54% for non-latino white women, 53% for Latino women, and 37% for African American women.

Source of sexual orientation

-Until the end of the nineteenth century, most people believed that people were either heterosexual or homosexual. -People think that bisexuality is simply a stepping stone to homosexuality, others view it as sexual orientation itself as an indicator for sexual fluidity. -Women are more likely to change sexual patterns and desires, sex experiences with the same and opposite-sex partner. Also, women are more likely than men to identify themselves as bisexual. -Sex in America survey, 2.7% of the men and 1.3% of the women reported having had same-sex relations in the past year. -Possible biological basis of same-sex relations, the results of hormone studies have been inconsistent. If gay males are given male sex hormones, their sexual orientation doesn't change, the sexual desire just increases. -Genetics influence on sexual orientation by studying twins. Study shows almost 4000 twins found that only 35% of the variation in homosexual behavior in men and 19% in women were explained by genetic differences. This result suggests that although genes likely play a role in sexual orientation, but not the only factor. -An individual's sexual orientation- same-sex, heterosexual, or bisexual is most likely determined by a combination of genetics, hormonal, cognitive, and environmental factors.


-When they were 12 to 18 years of age, only 5 percent reported no weekly exercise during a week, but when they become 19 to 26 years of age, 46 percent said they did not exercise during a week. -Studies show that rates of being overweight or obese increased from 25.6 percent for college freshmen to 32 percent for college seniors. -In early adulthood, few individuals stop to think about how their personal lifestyles will affect them in later adulthood. -Aerobic exercise is sustained exercise (such as jogging, swimming, or cycling?) stimulates heart and lung activity.

Stress and gender

-Women and men differ in the way they experience and respond to stressor. Women are more vulnerable to social stressors such as those involving romance, family, and work. -Women are more likely than men to become depressed when they encounter stressful life events such as a divorce or the death of a friend. -More than 2,800 adults 50 years and older in Taiwan, women were more susceptible to depressive symptoms when they felt constant stress from finances, increasing stress from jobs, and family relationships. -Fight-or-Flight: The view that when men experience stress, they are more likely to become aggressive, withdraw from social contact, or drink alcohol.

contemporary life-events approach

An approach emphasizing that how a life event influences the individual's development depends not only on the life event but also on mediating factors, the individual's adaptation to the life event, the life-stage context, and the sociohistorical context.

Intergenerational relationships

Family members usually maintain contact across generations. Mothers and daughters have the closest relationships. The middle-aged generation, which has been called the "sandwich" or "squeezed" generation, plays an important role in linking generations

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