psych 3120

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Why is the distinction between CRF and FRF important?

-It helps us choose appropriate interventions and preventative measures to decrease the likelihood of child maltreatment -It helps us to determine whether we should be looking for associated negative modifiable factors that actually can be treated through preventative measures -It helps us to know what risk factors should be treated through treatment interventions versus those that should be treated using preventative measures

In a review of several self-report studies from high income countries, Gilbert, Widom, and Browne estimate that actual child maltreatment rates are _______ times higher than reported in official statistics.


What percentage of Americans agrees that it is acceptable to use corporal punishment (spanking) as a way to discipline their children?


(PPT) Imagine: Researchers determined that many parents who maltreat their children lack proper parenting skills. Let's call this "low parenting quality". The researchers then enrolled these parents in educational programs that improved their parenting from low quality to high quality. Their improved parenting abilities greatly reduced the parents tendencies to maltreat their children. In this example, the "low parenting quality" variable would be classified as:

A causal risk factor.

(PPT) We know that "being poor" increases CM's risk of taking place. In terms of the types of ris factors discussed in a Chapter 1 PowerPoint, which kind of risk factor is being poor?

A causal risk factor.

What is a CRF?

A risk factor that itself can be modified through research-backed interventions.

(PPT) Characterizing minor violence against children as trivial or inconsequential:

All of these answers

Most research methodologies used to study child maltreatment involve which of the following?

All of these answers

One reason why children, as an age group, are over represented in victimization data is that:

All of these answers

(PPT) (Wolfe's model): Which protective or compensatory factor(s) might prevent parents from feeling a reduced tolerance for stress and being aggressive toward children?

All of these answers.

PPT) According to Wolfe's process model of child physical abuse, parents who can't handle stress are vulnerable to acting aggressively. Wolfe's model predicts that these parents are thereby likelier to:

All of these answers.

Which of the following samples have been used in child abuse research?

All of these answers.

Imagine you're conducting an observational study in a laboratory setting. You're comparing how physically abusive vs. nonphysically abusive mothers interact with their children. You tell mothers that their children are allowed to play with the toys in the room, but not with any other items. Based on previous research covered in Ch 3, which of the following would be reasonable dependent variable(s)in your study?

All of these are reasonable dependent variables.

Imagine you're a 4th grade teacher, who often reads the class stories about the conflicts children sometimes experience during recess. You then ask the class many questions about these stories. Based on evidence presented in Ch 3, which kinds of answers could be red flags that a child is being physically abused?

All of these could be red flags.

Imagine that your future Master's thesis research will investigate a social learning explanation of why people become abusive adults. Which mistakes of earlier researchers do you need to avoid?

Answers A and B only.

(PPT) Today's rates of child maltreatment (CM) ______. This fact actually contradicts a common myth about CM.

Are lower today, overall, when compared to decades ago.

(PPT) Parents who adopt a(n) __________________ parenting style are likely to __________________:

Authoritarian; have children lacking an internalized moral conscience.

Perpetrators of CPA are known to experience problems in ALL of the following realms EXCEPT ______ ?

Being overly suspicious.

According to Canvas's "access reports" very few students have set their Notification Preferences. Why is it important to set these?

Both of these answers.

One large study found parental CPA to be five times more likely in parents who were slapped, hit, or kicked by their own parents than it was in parents who didn't have these experiences. Citing this as evidence for CPA's intergenerational transmission is:

Both of these answers.

Whenever her Mom physically abuses her, April invariably blames herself for being a bad child. However, when June's Mom hurts her physically, June usually thinks "My Mom needs to get her temper under control". This example illustrates that children's attributions for why they are suffering CPA can _____________.

Both of these answers.

In the study of child maltreatment, what do CRF and FRF stand for?

Causal Risk Factor; Fixed Risk Factor

Which of the following costs are discussed as part of deterrence theory?

Certainty of punishment; Severity of punishment.

Compared to children who live only with a single parent, the risk of CPA is even greater in all of these instances, EXCEPT:

Children who live with a single parent who earns a good income and isn't highly stressed.

In regard to race and child physical abuse (CPA):

Data bases sometimes show race-related differences but sometimes do not.

(PPT) During the period of time that child maltreatment was first fully recognized as a problem, U.S. child welfare policy tended to focus on ___________?

Deterring offenders via increased penalties plus mandatory reporting and community notification laws.

The full recognition of child abuse as a social problem occurred when?

Doctors described the battered child syndrome.

A 6-year-old child keeps acting out, with the mom finally losing her temper and lightly swatting her child once on the derriere. According to typical social norms, this represents:

Expressive and legitimate violence

It's fair to assert that research studies regarding child maltreatment generally provide valid and readily generalizable results because the studies rely upon experimental and longitudinal designs.


The majority of abused children grow up to become abusive adults.


CPA victims tend to manifest ALL of the following socioemotional difficulties, EXCEPT ___.

Hypersexual attitudes.

________ are at MUCH greater risk for experiencing child physical abuse.

In general, boys no more than girls

(PPT) By definition, risk factors for child maltreatment (CM) _________________ ?

Increase CM's likelihood of occurrence, but can't completely explain why it happens.

PPT) By definition, risk factors for child maltreatment (CM) _________________ ?

Increase CM's likelihood of occurrence, but can't completely explain why it happens.

(PPT) Key components of the social ecological model of child abuse and neglect are:

Individual, family, community, and societal factors.

(PPT) Most children who have been maltreated receive the _______________ classification.

Insecure-disorganized/disoriented attachment.

A 4-year-old boy keeps climbing up a grocery store's shelves, knocking down boxes and tin cans all over the floor. The dad forcefully grabs the boy's arm to pull him off the shelves and down to the ground. According to typical social norms, this represents:

Instrumental and legitimate violence.

Which of the following is NOT a benefit of the social constructionist agenda?

It illustrates the importance of advocacy in ongoing debates about child maltreatment.

All of the following professionals are required to report child abuse and maltreatment EXCEPT:


___________ violence is an act that is culturally condoned, for example, slapping the hand of a 3-year-old, whereas, ____________ violence is condemned, for example, punching the face of a 3-year-old.

Legitimate; illegitimate

(PPT) The U.S. Congress recently reauthorized the "Violence Against Women Act" (VAWA)---- one of many laws against family and relational violence. In terms of Bronfenbrenner's ecological model about child maltreatment's causes, laws such as VAWA belong within the:

Macrosystem level

(PPT) Which of the following used to apply mainly to medical personnel, has since been expanded to apply to other professionals, and has thus resulted in more frequent reports of child maltreatment to agencies?

Mandatory reporting laws.

Imagine you know two college students who were maltreated as children. How worried should you be that they will maltreat their own children?

None of these answers

Chapter 3 stipulates that CPA is associated with ALL of the following psychiatric disorders, EXCEPT ________.

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder.

Which of these is NOT an example of an FRF for perpetrating child physical abuse (CPA)?

One or more of the parents being really stressed out

(PPT) Early research findings regarding abusive parents led to which conclusion(s)?

Only a small percentage of child maltreatment offenders suffer from psychopathological disorders.

Certain infants are born fussy; they cry often, are difficult to soothe, and they eat and sleep irregularly. In response, certain of their parents yell at them, fail to comfort or hold them, irregularly feed them (etc.). The infants, in turn, fuss, cry, and so forth. These observations are most consistent with ______?

Parent-child interaction theory.

The idea that the behavior of both parent and child, rather than the behavior of either alone, promotes violence stems from which theory?

Parent-child interaction theory.

Who is responsible for the overwhelming majority of child maltreatment incidents?


(PPT) Which is a common myth about child maltreatment (CM) according to a PPT (and the textbook)?

People outside the family are likeliest to perpetrate child maltreatment.

(PPT) Evaluations of intervention programs focusing on treating physically abusive parents:

Seemed successful in early studies, but were later questioned as to their efficacy in adequately designed experimental studies.

Which of these risk factors is present in only a minority of child maltreatment perpetrators?

Severe forms of psychopathology.

When Etta Wheeler discovered that 8-year-old Mary Ellen Wilson was being beaten and starved she sought help from which of the following organizations?

Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.

Which of the following estimates the amount of neglect and abuse reported to CPS?

The National Child Abuse and Neglect Data System.

Which of the following estimates the number of neglect and abuse cases reported to mandated authorities, including those cases that weren't necessarily reported to CPS?

The National Incidence Studies.

_______________ is one of the only two U.N. member states that has NOT ratified The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC).

The United States

A probable contributor to child abuse in the past was?

The belief that children were small replicas of adults.

What is the definition of nonspuriousness?

The factor has been shown to increase the negative outcome's later chances of occurring without other variables accouning for this relationship

What social/community factor would be considered a CRF for child physical abuse?

The family being of low socioeconomic status (SES)

(PPT) Emotional or psychological maltreatment often is difficult to prove, because:

There may be no immediate evidence of harm or mental injury to the child.

Which of the following is a potential criticism of parent-child interaction theories?

They could imply that children are responsible for their victimization.

According to the Child Maltreatment Funnel, self-report and/or victim surveys are the only ways to estimate Level I rates of child maltreatment.


Although reports of child maltreatment (CM) have increased in recent years, today's children are probably exposed to far less CM than children in the past.


In reality, the state often does not intervene in substantiated child maltreatment cases.


Some have claimed that child molesters turn to children to have their social and relational needs met, thereby avoiding the demands of adult relationships.


TRUE or FALSE?: Of the adult survivors of child physical abuse, only 25-35% of them are likely to go on to abuse their own children.


We usually don't intervene to modify a causal risk factor in a particular system (e.g., in a family) until after some type of child maltreatment has been identified as happening in that system. This, however, doesn't mean we can't intervene preventatively with a CRF; it's simply that we usually don't intervene in that way because it's hard to identify people or families who have a CRF without doing some kind of formal assessment(s).


How do we usually intervene with a known FRF for child maltreatment?

Usually with preventative interventions that can be implemented early, even before any child maltreatment has gotten started in the families of interest

According to Social Constructionism, when does a social condition become a social problem?

When interest groups engage in raising awareness of the condition.

"Parents having been abused when they were children" is a risk factor for them becoming child abusers. Although we'd normally view this as a fixed risk factor, a childhood history of abuse can sometimes be seen as a causal risk factor. Under which condition is the latter feasible?

When the caregiver selectively takes out history-related negative thoughts, feelings, and behavior on one child, but controls all of that regarding other children.

Etta Wheeler was ____________

a church social worker.

The clinical fallacy refers to the inappropriate generalization of results from:

a clinical sample to the entire population

Which of these is an example of an FRF for perpetrating child physical abuse (CPA)?

all -Being a stepfather rather than a stepmother -The family being larger rather than smaller in size -Being a younger rather than an older parent

Level II of the Child Maltreatment Funnel includes:

all CM that comes to the attention of mandated reporters.

Early theorists in the study of child sexual abuse viewed perpetrators as:

all of these answers.

The commonly held belief in child maltreatment's intergenerational transmission ________

assumes that one must have been abused as a child in order to become an abusive adult.

Research in child victimization shows that children are most likely to be assaulted:

at home

People who believe that deterrence theory explains child maltreatment point out that:

child abusers often are not punished severely

"Normative" violence refers to:

culturally acceptable violence.

The _______ a caregiver's "stake in conformity" to prosocial social bonds, the ________ s/he is to be abusive.

greater; less likely

Factors like poverty, financial worry, and ill health indirectly contribute to child maltreatment through:

increased stress

What do some scholars regard as the most common crime in Europe up until the 1800's?


Children are likeliest to suffer more severe physical harm when abused by _______________?

non-parents or non-parent figures.

Defining family violence:

occurs through social construction.

A good starting definition for the ___________ might be: "The activities of individuals or groups who assert grievances or claims with respect to some condition."

process of claims-making.

An important advantage of self-reports of child abuse and/or neglect is that they:

provide information about crimes not reported to official agencies


shape society's conception of what a social problem is.

Social constructionist sociologists like Spector and Kitsuse (1977) have pointed out that:

social reactions are central to defining social conditions as social problems.

The main reason given in chapter 2 for a no-spanking policy is that:

spanking models aggressive behavior

(PPT) The fact that child maltreatment rates are higher in communities suffering from lower incomes and greater unemployment is most consistent with:

strain theories deriving from the sociological tradition

Imagine families being cooped up inside together for long periods during the freezing winter months. This _________ factor can exacerbate family violence due to ________.

structural; time risk increasing the opportunities for violence to occur.

Evidence cited concerning the social learning model of child physical abuse:

suggests the intergenerational transmission of child physical abuse is not a universal law.

The most serious flaw in official reports of child maltreatment is:

that they may underestimate child maltreatment's frequency.

Imagine: You administer the Parent-Conflict Tactics Scale to a sample of 10,000 adults drawn at random from the larger population. Among other conclusions you draw from the results, you assert that people who endorse sexual abuse plus psychological and physical aggression are the likeliest to become child sex offenders. In which error have you engaged?

the "representative sample fallacy".

The first legal recognition of child abuse can be traced to ___________ of the late 1800s.

the Mary Ellen Wilson case

Social ecology theory finds the cause of child maltreatment in:

the breakdown of community controls

Which of these is NOT an example of a CRF for perpetrating child physical abuse (CPA)?

the caregiver being a younger as opposed to older parent

(PPT) Of the various studies evaluating the effectiveness of certain intervention programs for physically abused children:

their results are ambiguous, because most studies failed to differentiate the children as to which type(s) of maltreatment they had suffered.

Viewed over the long arm of history, sexual interactions involving children have been believed to be healthy.


We are interested in fixed risk factors because they are easy to identify in the general population and because we can then ask whether they are correlated with any factors that CAN be modified via an intervention.


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