Psych 3313 Final

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Which of the following statements are consistent with theories for why critical periods of neuroplasticity end?

all of the choice options are theories for why critical periods of neuroplasticity end

Which of the following statements is consistent with the idea that experience during critical time windows is necessary for proper neurodevelopment?

Social neglect during childhood can result in decreased activity in the temporal lobe

Select ALL of the choice options that would NOT bind directly to metabotropic taste receptors:

Spices (ex. Paprika, cumin) Capsaicin

What neurotransmitter is released from the axon terminals of alpha motor neurons?


Which of following events would NOT occur following axonal damage?

all choice options can occur following axonal damage


Form myelin sheath in CNS

What two factors determine the membrane potential?

1) Ion concentration gradient 2) Selective Permeability

*This scenario is the same as the question above. A scientist has dissected out a small section of the retina and is able to directly record the action potential firing rate in a single ganglion cell. Assume there is a on-center off-surround bipolar cell connected to an on-center off-surround ganglion cell. When applying 'Stimulus 1' the scientist records a moderate action potential rate. When applying 'Stimulus 2' the rate of action potentials increases substantially. In the context of this experiment no illumination is an option as a 'Stimulus'. 'Stimulus 2' would result in what response in the bipolar cell (the one connected to the ganglion cell the scientist is measuring)?

A large depolarization of the bipolar cell membrane

Select All statements that are TRUE regarding the effects of administering a molecule that is a precursor for the synthesis of a neurotransmitter

A precursor can be used to temporarily compensate for neuron cell death by resulting in increased release of the neurotransmitter (ex. L-dopa used as treatment for Parkinson's disease) A precursor can increase the rate of synthesis of that neurotransmitter

Which of the following correctly pairs the brain area with its function

ALL choice options are incorrectly paired


Act as phagocytes, eating damaged cells and bacteria, act as the brains immune system

Which of the following is TRUE of NMDA receptors?

Activation (opening) of the NMDA receptor allows sodium and calcium ions to flow inside the neuron

Which of the following movements would NOT be controlled by the rhythmic firing of brainstem neurons?

All answer options would be controlled by rhythmic firing of brain stem neurons

Which of the following is TRUE of the manner in which visual information is transferred from the eyes to the cortex?

All information from the right visual field is transmitted to the contralateral hemisphere

Which of the following does NOT receive input from vestibular nuclei in the brain stem?

All of the choice options receive inputs from the vestibular nuclei

Which of the following does NOT correctly pair anatomy and function?

All options are correctly paired

Which of the following correctly pairs the sensory fiber with sensory information it carries?

Alpha-Delta; sensation of temperature

Which of the following is TRUE of PAMs

Alters the properties of the receptor amplifying the effect of the neurotransmitter

The made-up drug leakyhose degrades myelin resulting in myelin becoming more porous and therefore a poor insulator. 2.) Which of the following would NOT be an effect of leakyhose?

B. The action potential would not propagate but would rather reverse directions

In an experiment you artificially cut ~25% of the voltage gated sodium channels that are located on the membrane of the axon hillock. 4.) Which of the following is the most likely result of this experimental manipulation?

B. The value to reach threshold would be higher (more positive) making it less likely for an action potential to occur

What role do astrocytes play in the tripartite synapse, the blood brain barrier, and glial scars?

Bbb: Form it Glial: Form it Tri: reuptake of glutamate and GABA, modulating signal between 1 and 2, role in removal

In an experiment you place a neuron and its synaptic contacts into a medium containing no calcium ions. You stimulate the neuron causing an action potential to propagate down the axon into the axon terminal of the neuron.

C. Prevent release of neurotransmitter into the synapse

A brain area that is posterior and dorsal to another brain structure could also be described as ___ and __ to that structure

Caudal, superior

What part of the brain is involved in motor coordination/balance and motor learning


A brain section that intersects (cuts through) only the frontal lobe and is perpendicular to the ground must be a ____________ section . A section taken that would sever the corpus callosum and would divide the brain into the two separate hemispheres must be a ____________ section.

Coronal; midsagital

saggital section

Cut that divides body into left and right halves

What does the axon hillock do?

Decides whether or not to conduct an action potential.

Select ALL of the following statements that are consistent with a tonotopic organization of cells in the auditory system? *Hint: Statements that are true but are unrelated to a tonotopic organization will NOT be correct answer choices.

Different frequencies of sound will cause vibration (or bending) of particular sections of the basilar membrane Primary auditory cortex neurons are spatially organized by frequency

Which of the following statements is TRUE of the action potential?

During the rising phase (prior to the peak) of the action potential more voltage gated sodium channels are open than voltage gated potassium channels

Which of the following is TRUE regarding the absolute and relative refractory periods of the action potential (AP)?

E. All of the above statements are FALSE

Which of the following is NOT an example of communication that happens from one neuron to another neuron?

Electrical communication via propagation of action potential from one node of ranvier to the next node of ranvier

A PAM binds to an ionotropic receptor on the postsynaptic membrane. At this time nothing is bound to the orthosteric site of the neurotransmitter receptor. True or False: Under the above conditions the ion channel of the ionotropic receptor would open.


Assume a GABA neuron releases concentrations of GABA into the synapse that would result in binding of GABA to autoreceptors present on the axon terminal of the GABA neuron. T or F: In this scenario GABA would act as an agonist of the autoreceptor and thus would result in either decreases in GABA synthesis or reduction in future GABA release.


Assume that the membrane of a neuron has reached threshold at the axon hillock. T or F: IPSPs coming into the axon hillock during the rising phase of the action potential will interrupt the action potential preventing it from propagating


Dopamine beta-hydroxylase (DBH) is the enzyme responsible for the synthesis of norepinephrine. T or F: DBH binds to tyrosine in the cytosol of the axon terminal and turns tyrosine into norepinephrine. Norepinephrine is then loaded into synaptic vesicles.


Scientists record from a single simple cortical cell in the visual cortex of a subject. The subject is presented with a stationary light stimulus. In response to the stimulus the simple cortical cell reduces its firing rate. T or F: This reduction in firing rate indicates that the subject would not be able to perceive the light stimulus within their visual field.


T or F: After the process of cell migration neurons located on the outside layer of the cortex are the oldest, while the deeper layers contain newer cells.


T or F: Axonal transport along microtubules only occurs from the cell body to the axon terminal


T or F: Damage specifically to axons in optic nerve that go to the suprachiasmatic nucleus would result in blindness.


T or F: During the process off differentiation cell bodies for sensory and motor neurons are separated along the rostral- caudal axis of the neural tube.


T or F: For ion channels to open in addition to a ligand binding or a change in membrane voltage ion channels require energy (in the form of ATP) in order to open.


T or F: Myelination of the frontal cortex occurs early in neurodevelopment while myelination of the sensory systems occurs later in life not finishing until about age 20.


T or F: Neuroplasticity happens only during critical time windows or when regeneration occurs in response to damage


T or F: Pain modulation occurs via an ascending pathway, in which neurons from the brainstem project to the somatosensory cortex releasing endogenous opioids to block the perception of pain


T or F: The membrane potential is only dependent upon the concentration of ions on either side of the membrane


T or F: The sympathetic nervous system is known as the 'rest and digest' system. Activation of this system will decrease heart rate and stimulate digestion.


Which of the following statements regarding dendritic spines is FALSE?

Filopodia are longer thinner spines this allows them to make stronger longer-lasting synaptic connections compared to mushroom or branched spines

Which of following statements is FALSE regarding the direction that the two forces of the electrochemical gradient are pointing for each ion. Assume the membrane of the neuron is at rest.

For calcium ions the electrostatic and diffusion forces are pointing in opposite directions

Which of the following statements regarding neuropeptides is FALSE?

In response to high action potential frequency neuropeptide is synthesized in the axon terminal

When at rest, what forces act on ions?

K: Diffusion pushes K out from inside, electrical force attracts K in Cl: Diffusion pushes Cl in, electrical force attracts Cl out Na: Diffusion pushes Na in, electrical force attracts Na in

Select ALL option choices that are TRUE regarding the function of microglia.

Microglia undergo phagocytosis of damaged tissue in the brain Microglia release cytokines as part of their role as the resident immune cell of the brain

Relative concentration of ions when at rest

Na: outside Cl: outside K: inside Ca: outside, some inside

Do long, thin spines have stronger connections that mushroom spines?

No, mushroom has more surface area

The drug Buckeyium binds to the NMDA receptor at the orthosteric binding site (were glutamate would normally bind). Assume that glycine is already bound, and that magnesium is not blocking the NMDAR ion channel. If the ion channel of the NMDA receptor is prevented from opening as a result of Buckeyium binding than Buckeyium would be considered a ____________.

None of the choice options are correct

When light strikes a photoreceptor, the membrane potential of the photoreceptor undergoes a(n) _________, which in turn ______________.

None of the choice options are correct regarding what happens when light strikes a photoreceptor

Which sensory system has the largest number of different sensory receptor subtypes?

Olfactory System

As you are walking you trip and begin to fall. This activates the vestibulocollic reflex. Initiation of this reflex requires activation of hair cells located in which of the following areas? Select ALL choice options that apply.

Otolithic Organs Semicircular Canals

Which of the following correctly pairs the mechanoreceptor with the type of information it detects?

Pacinian corpuscle; vibration

Select ALL statements that are TRUE regarding a drug that would inactivate the enzyme acetylcholinesterase

Prolong the effects of acetylcholine in the synapse Reduce the reuptake of choline back into the axon terminal

For this question assume the following abbreviations: M1- Primary Motor Cortex SMA- Supplementary Motor Area PMC - Premotor Cortex An expert piano player mentally rehearses (no movement) the sequence of finger movements for playing the piano. Select the choice option that most accurately lists the brain area(s) that would be more active during this mental rehearsal?

SMA alone

A scientist has dissected out a small section of the retina and is able to directly record the action potential firing rate in a single ganglion cell. Assume there is a on-center off-surround bipolar cell connected to an on-center off-surround ganglion cell. When applying 'Stimulus 1' the scientist records a moderate action potential rate. When applying 'Stimulus 2' the rate of action potentials increases substantially. In the context of this experiment no illumination is an option as a 'Stimulus'. Select ALL option choices that could be TRUE of 'Stimulus 1'.

Stimulus 1 consists of no illumination of the center and surround photoreceptor cells Stimulus 1 consists of diffuse light that illuminates the center and surround photoreceptor cells

Schwann cells

Supporting cells of the peripheral nervous system responsible for the formation of myelin.

Which of the following would NOT be an example of how synaptic potentials differ from action potentials?

Synaptic potentials can be either a depolarization or hyperpolarization of the membrane while the action potential is only a depolarization.

T or F: A genetic defect that caused degradation of myelin in sensory fibers would be unlikely to impact the perception of the longer lasting lower magnitude pain stimulus (second pain)


T or F: During neurodevelopment for a synaptic connection to be maintained the axon terminal must release neurotransmitter that binds to receptors on the postsynaptic neuron and that postsynaptic neuron must release nerve growth factors that travels back to axon terminal (retrograde signal).


T or F: Excitatory neurotransmitter receptors can be found on inhibitory neurons, for example NMDA receptors can be found on GABA neurons.


T or F: Information in the nervous system is represented (or encoded) by the rate at which action potentials occur rather than the magnitude of each action potential


T or F: Neurogenesis can occur in adulthood at the dentate gyrus (DG) of the hippocampus and at the subventricular zone (SVZ)


T or F: The action potential propagates (moves) along the axon when it reaches the branch point of the axon collaterals it proceeds along all branches causing neurotransmitter release from all axon terminals


T or F: The cerebospinal fluid provides mechanical protection for the brain, participates in clearing waste, and maintains appropriate intracranial pressure.


T or F: The striatum is part of a group of brain areas that are involved in motor plan selection, for example these brain areas might allow through a chosen voluntary action while inhibiting any competing involuntary motor actions.


The spinal cord and the brain-stem receive sensory information from the peripheral nervous system. This sensory information must travel to which area of the brain before being filtered to various areas of the cortex?


Which is TRUE of the fovea?

The fovea contains a high number of cone photoreceptors

After a brain injury a mouse is able to perceive the smell of fox (predator) urine but can no longer recall this smell and no longer associates the smell with any sort of danger or feeling of fear. Considering the scenario above select ALL the brain areas that were LEAST likely to have been damaged?

The olfactory bulb The frontal cortex

When summation of multiple graded synaptic potentials occurs which of the following events would "neutralize/cancel out" an EPSP bringing the membrane back to the resting membrane potential?

The opening of ligand gated chloride channels


Toward the belly

An example of an efferent is a neuron whose cell body is located in ventral portion of the spinal cord and whose projections connect to skeletal muscles


Which of the following statements regarding synaptic potentials is FALSE?

Two EPSPs initiated at opposite ends of the neuronal cell body (far apart) will add together prior to degrading (spatial summation).

parasympathetic nervous system

a set of nerves that helps the body return to a normal resting state

sympathetic nervous system

a set of nerves that prepares the body for action in challenging or threatening situations


blood brain barrier

The classic test for ataxia is to extend the arms out and touch the fingers to the nose. Wavering jerky movements (trajectory is not straight) would indicate damage to what brain region?


What does the cell body/soma do?

contains nucleus

coronal section (frontal)

divides the body into anterior and posterior portions


front of brain

In the visual system action potentials can first be observed in__________ cells.


Which of the following correctly pairs anatomy and function?

hypothalamus; homeostasis

There are axons that originate from cells in the magnocellular layer of the lateral geniculate nucleus and project to dorsal areas of the visual cortex. Temporary inactivation of these specific axons would be expected to have which of the following effects?

impair perception of movement

Pick the pair of drug administration routes that is the fastest to affect the brain.

intravenous injection and inhalation

Consider the synapse shown schematically below. Neuron A releases a neurotransmitter that acts as a direct agonist at an ionotropic receptor on the dendrite of neuron B. As a result neuron B's membrane becomes hyperpolarized. (Presynaptic Neuron A) O------< O------< (Postsynaptic Neuron B) Which of the following statements is true regarding the identify of neuron A?

neuron A is a GABA neuron

efferent neurons

neurons that take information from the brain to the rest of the body

afferent neurons

neurons that take information from the senses to the brain


on the opposite side of the body


on the same side of the body

horizontal section

parallel to the ground

What do dendrites do?

receive messages from other cells

Which of the following statements is FALSE regarding the flexor reflex?

the flexor reflex is responsible for maintaining constant muscle length

A key function of apoptosis is:

to remove neurons that are not receiving proper growth signals


toward the back


toward the tail

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