Psych 345 Cognitive Psychology Test 2

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To demonstrate the complexity of human perception, a challenge took place in California where entrants had to design a motorized vehicle that could drive through a 55-mile course without human assistance. The winning vehicle was only able to stay on the course and avoid various obstacles while traveling at a rate of ____ miles per hour.


The effective duration of short-term memory, when rehearsal is prevented, is

15-20 seconds or less

Which of the following sets of results shows evidence of proactive interference with a three-trial recall task? (Note: Read the selections as percent correct for Trial 1: Trial 2: Trial 3)

80, 40, 30 correct

Using the partial report procedure in his "letter array" experiment, Sperling was able to infer that participants initially saw about ____ percent of the 12 letters in the display.


According to your text, when students are asked the top functions for which they use their memories, all but which of the following are commonly identified?

labeling familiar objects

A property of control processes in the modal model of memory is that they

may differ from one task to another

In Schneider and Shiffrin's experiment, in which participants were asked to indicate whether a target stimulus was present in a series of rapidly presented "frames," divided attention was easier

once processing had become automatic

Speech segmentation is defined as

organizing the sounds of speech into individual words.

The experimental technique that involves removing part of the brain is known as

Brain ablation

According to the filter model of attention, which of the following messages would likely by identified by the filter?

All messages in a foreign accent

During a visit to the local museum, you appreciate the incredible beauty of the paintings displayed on the wall. Your ability to see the paintings as complete pictures rather than individual, disconnected dots of color, texture, and location is because of a process called _______.


Difficulty in recognizing an alteration - even a very obvious one - in a scene is called ________ blindness

Change Blindless

Imagine you are driving to a friend's new house. In your mind, you say the address repeatedly until you arrive. Once you arrive, you stop thinking about the address and start to think about buying a housewarming gift for your friend. To remember the address, you used a(n) _______ process in STM.


Which of the following everyday scenarios is most likely to support what the early selection approach would say about how attention will affect the performance of the two tasks involved?

Conversing on the phone while doing a crossword puzzle

Results of precueing experiments show that participants respond more rapidly to a stimulus that appeared at the ____ location.


Which of the following is most closely associated with Treisman's attenuation theory of selective attention?

Dictionary Unit

A "just in time" strategy means an eye movement occurs just after I realize the task I need to complete


A managing component of working memory is the "primary component."


Attentional capture occurs when we use our attention to overpower wild animals


Central vision refers to the center of the object a person is observing


Change blindness occurs when we don't notice a change in our ability to see


In the "Dear Aunt June" experiment, neither ear actually received the term "Aunt.


Information in short term memory always transfers to long term memory.


Most of what is in short term memory becomes stored in long term memory


Only the "delayed partial report" procedure includes using a tone.


Rehearsal is a long term memory control process.


Shadowing is when someone makes silhouette figures on the wall using a light to produce a shadow


Short term memory is a window on the past


The filter model is an example of a late selection model of attention.


The second stage of Anne Treisman's attenuation model of attention is the "pictionary unit."


The semantic buffer was added to the original model of working memory to account for extra storage.


Some perceptions result from assumptions we make about the environment that we are not even aware of. This theory of unconscious inference was developed by


When we search a scene, initial fixations are most likely to occur on ____ areas.


Lan has no idea what she just read in her text because she was thinking about how hungry she is and what she is going to have for dinner. This is a real-world example of

Inattentional Blindness

Viewpoint ________ is the ability to recognize the same object even if it is seen from different perspectives


The task of determining the object responsible for a particular image on one's retina is called the

Inverse Projection Problem

Articulatory suppression does all but which of the following?

It interferes with semantic coding

You are at a parade where there are a number of marching bands. You perceive the bands that are all in the same uniforms as being grouped together. The red uniforms are one band, the green uniforms another, and so forth. You have this perceptual experience because of the law of

Law of Similarity

In the text's use of the Olympic Rings example, which Gestalt law contributes to the correct perception of five interlocking circles?

Law of Simplicity

"Every stimulus pattern is seen in such a way that the resulting structure is as simple as possible" refers to which Gestalt law?

Law of good figure

The main difference between early and late selection models of attention is that in late selection models, selection of stimuli for final processing doesn't occur until the information is analyzed for


STM's capacity is best estimated as seven (plus or minus two)

Meaningful Units

The study of the behavior of humans with brain damage is called


People perceive vertical and horizontal orientations more easily than other orientations according to the

Oblique Effect

The use of a machine that tracks the movement of one's eyes can help reveal the shifting of one's _____ attention.


The landmark discrimination problem is more difficult to do if you have damage to your _____lobe.


Experience resulting from stimulation of the senses and information from the senses that can help guide our actions is called


The process by which small objects become perceptually grouped to form larger objects is the principle of

Perceptual Organization

If a person has a digit span of two, this indicates that he has _____ memory

Poor short-term

Models designed to explain mental functioning are constantly refined and modified to explain new results. Which of the following exemplifies this concept based on the results presented in your text?

Replacing the STM component of the modal model with working memory

When Sam listens to his girlfriend Susan in the restaurant and ignores other people's conversations, he is engaged in the process of ____ attention


In the filter model of attention, the stages of information processing occur in which order?

Sensory store, filter, detector, short-term memory

Which stage in Treisman's "attenuation model" has a threshold component?

The Dictionary Unit

The episodic buffer directly connects to which two components in Baddeley's model of memory?

The central executive and long-term memory

The results of Gauthier's "Greeble" experiment illustrate

The particular objects to which the neurons respond best are established by experience with the objects. Exp dependent plasticity

Which experimental result caused problems for Broadbent's filter model of selective attention?

The result of the "Dear Aunt Jane" experiment

If a word is identified more easily when it is in a sentence than when it is presented alone, this would be an example of _____ processing.


"Perceiving machines" are used by the U.S. Postal service to "read" the addresses on letters and sort them quickly to their correct destinations. Sometimes, these machines cannot read an address, because the writing on the envelope is not sufficiently clear for the machine to match the writing to an example it has stored in memory. Human postal workers are much more successful at reading unclear addresses, most likely because of

Top-down Processing

"Rehearsal" and "selective attention" are types of control processes


A "fixation point" is where a saccade ends up


A "saccade" is a movement of the eyeballs


A high load task means the response time for the task will probably be high, too.


A low threshold item in the dictionary unit would be the person's own name.


Anne Treisman's feature integration model addresses the "binding" problem


Dividing attention refers to an effort to pay attention to more than one thing at a time.


If the tone's pitch was low, the subject reported the bottom line of the letter array.


In a dichotic listening task, both ears receive the same information but one ear is ignored


Inattentional blindness occurs when we don't notice something right in front f us, in our field of vision.


Information stays in sensory memory for about 1 second.


It's possible to use the phonological loop and the visuospatial sketchpad at the same time.


Our eyeballs must be perfectly still in order to "see."


Processing capacity refers to the total amount of information a person can handle at one time


Selective attention is when we focus on one thing and ignore others.


Sensory memory for vision includes "persistence of vision."


Sensory memory holds all incoming information for up to 1 second.


Sensory memory stores "lots" of information for a very brief period of time. Short term memory stores "small amounts" of information for a short period of time


The "whole report" method was modified to the "partial report" method


The duration of items in short term memory is about 20 seconds.


The output of the feature integration model is the perception of the stimulus we are attending to


Three important aspects of memory are: retention, retrieval and use.


Whatever you're thinking right now, is what's in short term memory.


When we rehearse something, we re-hear it


Working memory is a reconceptualization of short term memory


According to the model of working memory, which of the following mental tasks should LEAST adversely affect people's driving performance while operating a car along an unfamiliar, winding road?

Trying to remember the definition of a word they just learned

Which of the following statements concerning the "100-car naturalistic driving study" is true?

Video recorders created records of both what the drivers were doing and the views out the front and rear windows

Evidence for the role of top-down processing in perception is shown by which of the following examples?

When someone accurately identifies a word in a song on a radio broadcast despite static interfering with reception

In support of late selection models, Donald MacKay showed that the presentation of a biasing word on the unattended ear influenced participants' processing of ____ when they were ____ of that word

ambiguous sentences; unaware

A task with the instructions "Read the following words while repeating 'the, the, the' out loud, look away, and then write down the words you remember" would most likely be studying

articulatory suppression

Illusory conjunctions are

combinations of features from different stimuli

Funahashi and coworkers recorded neurons in the PF cortex of monkeys during a delayed response task. These neurons showed the most intense firing during


Dichotic listening occurs when

different messages are presented to the left and right ears

The distribution of attention among two or more tasks is known as

divided attention

The Stroop effect demonstrates

how automatic processing can interfere with intended processing.

The primary effect of chunking is to

increase the efficiency of short-term memory

Sperling's delayed partial report procedure provided evidence that

information in sensory memory fades within 1 or 2 seconds

Which task should be easier: keeping a sentence like "John went to the store to buy some oranges" in your mind AND

pointing to the word "yes" for each word that is a noun and "no" for each word that is not a noun

Physiological studies indicate that damage to the area of the brain known as the _____ can disrupt behaviors that depend on working memory

prefrontal cortex

Jill's friends tell her they think she has a really good memory. She finds this interesting so she decides to purposefully test her memory. Jill receives a list of to-do tasks each day at work. Usually, she checks off each item as the day progresses, but this week, she is determined to memorize the to-do lists. On Monday, Jill is proud to find that she remembers 95 percent of the tasks without referring to the list. On Tuesday, her memory drops to 80 percent, and by Thursday, she is dismayed to see her performance has declined to 20 percent. Jill's memory is declining over the course of the week because other information she encounters is "competing" with that which she memorized on Monday. This process is called

proactive interference

Suppose you (a student) are asked by a teacher to learn a poem you will recite in front of your class. Soon after, both you and a classmate, J.P., are asked by another teacher to learn the lyrics to an unfamiliar song. When you and J.P. are later asked to remember the song lyrics, you have a much more difficult time recalling them than J.P. does. This impairment of your performance is most likely attributable to

proactive interference

The notion that faster responding occurs when enhancement spreads within an object is called

same-object advantage

When a person is shadowing a message, he or she is

saying the message out loud

The demonstration in your text that asks you to visualize scenes such as an office, a department store clothing section, a lion, and a microscope often results in more details in the scene of the office or department store than the scene with the lion or microscope. The latter two tend to have fewer details because most individuals from modern society have less knowledge of _____ in those scenes.

semantic regularities

Given the different theoretical components of working memory, the code for these memories is most likely based on the _____ of the stimulus.


Strayer and Johnston's (2001) experiment involving simulated driving and the use of "hands-free" vs. "handheld" cell phones found that

talking on either kind of phone impairs driving performance significantly and to the same extent.

The cocktail party effect is

the ability to pay attention to one stimulus while filtering out other stimuli

With the Stroop effect, you would expect to find longest response times when

the color and the name differed

When a sparkler is twirled rapidly, people perceive a circle of light. This occurs because

the length of iconic memory (the persistence of vision) is about a fraction of a second

The word-length effect reveals that

the phonological loop of the working memory model has a limited capacity

Imagine yourself walking from your car, bus stop, or dorm to your first class. Your ability to form such a picture in your mind depends on which of the following components of working memory?

the visuospatial sketch pad

The likelihood principle states that

we perceive the object that is most likely to have caused the pattern of stimuli we have received

The pathway leading from the striate cortex to the temporal lobe is known as the


Working memory differs from short-term memory in that

working memory is concerned with both holding and processing information

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