psych chapter twelve questions

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Lately, 5-year-old Adam has been acting strangely. He clings to his mother and expresses jealous feelings toward his father, almost as if his father is a rival for his mother's love. Freud would suggest that Adam is experiencing the _____ complex.


Which of the following is NOT part of the contemporary view of the unconscious?

Repressed memories of anxiety-provoking events

The _____ inkblot test assumes that what you see in the blot reflects your inner feelings and conflicts.


In a psychology class debate on the social-cognitive perspective, the students are asked to take the opposing view and rebut its positive aspects. Which criticism of the social-cognitive perspective can they cite?

This perspective focuses too much on the situation and fails to appreciate a person's inner traits.

The psychodynamic perspective emphasizes

a dynamic interaction between conscious and unconscious mental processes.

What do psychologists call a cluster of behavior tendencies that often occur together?

a factor

Humanistic psychology has been most closely associated with an emphasis on the importance of

a positive self-concept

"We were arguing and the gun just went off!" This statement illustrates our tendency to accept less responsibility for our bad deeds. This is called:

a self-serving bias

Card players who attribute their wins to their own skill and their losses to bad luck BEST illustrate:

a self-serving bias

Jack attributes his failing grade in chemistry to an unfair final exam. His attitude illustrates:

a self-serving bias

People are more likely to perceive themselves favorably. This is known as:

a self-serving bias

According to Maslow, the motivation to fulfill our potential is known as self-:


Which of the following is NOT a theory of personality?


Inferiority complex is to _____ as collective unconscious is to _____.

adler; jung

One of the Big Five personality factors is


Samantha is typically described as soft-hearted, trusting, and helpful by her peers. She is likely to score high on the Big Five trait of:


Studies of child rearing across different cultures show that children thrive in:

all cultures

In promoting personality growth, the person-centered perspective does NOT emphasize:


Freud suggested that adults who overeat or smoke demonstrate signs of

an oral fixation

Sigmund Freud's psychoanalytic theory includes ideas about:

an unconscious region of the mind, psychosexual stages, and defense mechanisms.

Freud believed that defense mechanisms are unconscious attempts to distort or disguise reality, all in an effort to reduce our _________.


Which of the following is NOT one of the Big Five personality factors?


People who are more likely to avoid romantic commitments

are narcissistic

Along with Abraham Maslow, _____ represented the humanistic perspective on personality.

carl rogers

This psychologist believed that people are basically good.

carl rogers

Who emphasized the importance of unconditional positive regard in healthy personality development?

carl rogers

_____ emphasized the importance of unconditional positive regard in healthy personality development.

carl rogers

Dr. Myers often asks clients to describe themselves as they are, and to describe the people they would like to be. Dr. Myers' technique BEST reflects _____ notion of _____.

carl rogers'; self-concept

Carl Jung's concept of a shared, inherited group of memories from our species' history is known as:

collective unconscious

A person from a culture that emphasizes _____ gives priority to the goals of the group and defines the self accordingly.


After the world chess championships, the winner thanked his family and friends for their support and stated how happy he was to make his family proud and thanked them once again. From this interview, it is likely that he is from a(n) _____ culture.


In an effort to preserve team spirit, people in _____ cultures are likely to avoid direct confrontation, blunt honesty, and uncomfortable topics.


When asked, "Who are you," your answer demonstrates your self-:


Consuela is organized, careful, and disciplined. She would likely score very high on a personality test that measures _____.


Frieda is organized, careful, and disciplined. She would likely score very high on a personality test that measures:


Geneva has an extremely clean dorm room. She keeps no clutter on her desk, she awakens very early to keep up with her schoolwork, and her car is spotless. Based on this information, Geneva would MOST likely score high on a scale measuring the Big Five factor of:


Joanna is very serious about her work as a teacher. She rarely misses work, attends every meeting prepared to make a contribution, and is never behind in grading her students' work. Which Big Five trait is Joanna illustrating?


The "Big Five" personality factors include:

conscientiousness, agreeableness, neuroticism, openness, extraversion

________ are the ego's protective methods of reducing anxiety by unconsciously distorting reality.

defense mechanisms

What are the two types of self-esteem?

defensive and secure

Alejandro was reprimanded for an accounting error by his boss in front of his co-workers. Alejandro gets home from his job and yells at his wife for not having dinner ready. His wife then yells at the children for leaving their toys all over the house. This BEST illustrates the use of a defense mechanism known as _____.


Bonnie is afraid to express anger at her overbearing and irritating supervisor at work, so she is critical of her children instead. A psychoanalyst would suggest that Bonnie's reaction to her children illustrates


Bonnie is afraid to express anger toward her overbearing and irritating supervisor. Instead, she is critical of her children. A psychoanalyst would suggest that Bonnie's reaction to her children illustrates:


Our sense of competence and effectiveness is known as self-:


According to Freud, the _____ is largely conscious and acts as a mediator.


The MMPI was originally developed to identify

emotional disorders

Hans and Sybil Eysenck reduced human personality to two basic factors, extraversion-introversion and:

emotional stability- instability

The humanistic perspective of personality:

emphasizes the growth potential of "healthy" individuals

Eli has always been an extravert. There is some evidence that people like Eli seek stimulation because their normal brain arousal is relatively low. For example, extraverts:

exhibit less activity in a frontal lobe area involved in behavior inhibition.

In a study, researchers temporarily deflated the self-image of participants by telling them they did poorly on a test. The participants were MORE likely to:

express heightened racial prejudice

The Big Five personality factor _____ involves the following endpoints: sociable versus retiring and affectionate versus reserved.


Which type of person is MOST likely to use "I" and "me" frequently when commenting on Facebook posts?


Which theorist worked in the area of trait theory?


The _____ effect is the tendency to overestimate the extent to which others share our beliefs and behaviors.

false consensus

Terri was very surprised by the recent election. She was confused as to why others would vote differently than she did. What phenomenon describes Terri's beliefs?

false consensus-effect


first and arguably the most important. unconscious mechanism employed by the ego to keep disturbing or threatening thoughts from becoming conscious. Thoughts that are often repressed are those that would result in feelings of guilt from the superego. For example, in the Oedipus complex, aggressive thoughts about the same sex parents are repressed. This is not a very successful defense in the long term since it involves forcing disturbing wishes, ideas or memories into the unconscious, where, although hidden, they will create anxiety.

According to the psychoanalytic view of development, we all pass through a series of psychosexual stages, including the oral, anal, and phallic stages. Conflicts unresolved at any of these stages may lead to

fixation at that stage

Defensive self-esteem is to _____ as secure self-esteem is to _____.

fragility; sturdiness

Kanesha meets with a therapist because she wants to do something about the path her life is taking. The doctor tells her to lie down on the couch, relax, and say whatever comes to mind. This psychoanalytic method is known as:

free association

_____ is a psychoanalytic method for exploring the unconscious. With this method, patients are told to relax and say whatever comes to mind.

free association

The work of this theorist was the FIRST to focus clinical attention on our unconscious mind.


Which area of the brain tends to be larger in individuals with higher levels of conscientiousness?

frontal lobe

One challenge to Freud's theory that gender identity forms as the child resolves the Oedipus complex is that:

gender identity develops, even without the presence of the same-sex parent.

Which factor is NOT a psychological influence in the biopsychosocial model of personality?

genetic temperament

Stephanie is 14 years old and is very interested in boys and dating. She also likes shopping for clothes and wearing makeup. Freud would say that Stephanie is in the _____ stage of psychosexual development.


Dr. Costa sees his own therapist in order for him to be at his emotional best for seeing patients. He is open with his feelings and self-disclosing in his own therapy. Rogers refers to this attitude as _____.


Research on different brain regions and Big Five traits indicate that those who score high on conscientiousness

have a larger frontal lobe area

A person with very high self-esteem is likely to _____ than a person with low self-esteem.

have fewer sleepless nights

Maslow's hierarchy of needs proposes that we must satisfy basic physiological and safety needs before we seek ultimate psychological needs, such as self-actualization. Maslow based his ideas on

his study of healthy, creative people

The life story approach to personality assessment is MOST likely to be practiced by a _____ psychologist.


In Eysenck and Eysenck's model, Jeffrey is unstable and extraverted. Jeffrey is MOST likely:


Researchers have found that personality develops and changes over the life span. Conscientiousness, agreeableness, and extraversion continue to _____ over the life span, and neuroticism _____.

increases; decreases

Individualist cultures tend to value ________; collectivist cultures tend to value_______

independence; interdependence

The humanistic perspective has been criticized for promoting an excessive degree of:


This neo-Freudian said that childhood anxiety triggers our desire for love and security.

karen horney

The Rorschach inkblot test has ________ reliability and ________ validity.

low; low

Garrick is a calm, self-satisfied man who appears to be secure. Garrick is MOST likely low on the Big Five factor of:


Kayden has to take a Rorschach inkblot test for his new job. He is worried because he has heard that the Rorschach is not a very good test. Critics would agree and suggest that the Rorschach is:

not very reliable

Personality inventories are to _____ as projective tests are to _____.

objective scoring; subjective scoring

Gene has always had trouble with her weight. She was not breast-fed when she was an infant and seems to overcompensate now. According to Sigmund Freud, which psychosexual stage is Gene fixated in?


Jerry is a 12-month-old baby. Based on what you know regarding Freud's theory of development, which psychosexual stage is Jerry currently in?


Our scores on personality tests best predict

our average behavior across many situations

People's behavior can be described in terms of the spotlight effect. This means that they:

overestimate the extent to which other people are noticing them.

People with high self-esteem have feelings of high self-worth and tend to:

persist when faced with a difficult task

Students in an individualistic culture like the United States tend to attribute their academic success to:

personal traits, such as talent or creativity

Nick is very conscientious at work and is an agreeable, friendly person. These characteristics describe Nick's


Genuineness, acceptance, and empathy are to _____ as water, sun, and nutrients are to _____.

positive growth in humans; the growth of healthy trees

Hermann Rorschach introduced what has become the most widely used ________ test.


The role of repressed childhood conflicts in personality disorders is most clearly emphasized by the ________ perspective.


Using such techniques as dream analysis and free association, Dr. Brown tries to reveal and understand a client's unconscious conflicts. Dr. Brown is best described as a(n) _____ therapist.


Concerning personality assessments, free association is to _____ theory as personality inventories are to _____ theory.

psychoanalytic; trait

Dr. Berger believes that behavior generally reflects conscious and unconscious attempts to manage conflicts and tensions of which an individual is often unaware. Dr. Berger appears to have a _____ theory of personality.


The ________ perspective emphasizes that personality involves a dynamic interaction between conscious and unconscious mental processes.


Bruce has been smoking since he was 15 years old. His doctor tells him that he needs to quit for his health. Bruce tells the doctor, "Look, smoking is the only bad thing I do, and besides, you have to die from something." This BEST illustrates the use of a defense mechanism known as:


When their self-esteem has been threatened, people with inflated self-esteem may:

react violently

Albert Bandura's social-cognitive perspective highlights the importance of:

reciprocal determinism

Anxious people tend to be on the lookout for potentially threatening events; they perceive the world as threatening. Their personalities shape how they interpret and react to events. This is known as:

reciprocal determinism

George's optimism leads him to both try new tasks but also results from his successful accomplishments. This BEST illustrates:

reciprocal determinism

Children who have witnessed a parent's murder report memories that MOST clearly challenge Freud's concept of:


Children who have witnessed a traumatic event report memories that MOST clearly challenge Sigmund Freud's concept of:


Freud believed that we may block painful or unacceptable thoughts, wishes, feelings, or memories from consciousness through an unconscious process called __________.


defense mechanisms include

repression, projection, displacement, regression, denial, reaction formation, rationalization

Dr. Burns sees his own therapist in order for him to be at his emotional best for seeing patients. He is open with his feelings and self-disclosing in his own therapy. Rogers refers to this attitude as:


Humanistic psychologists suggest that people are consciously motivated to reach their maximum potential; that is, people have a fundamental drive toward:


Elena has been in therapy for two months. When she began therapy, her therapist asked her to describe herself as she would ideally like to be and as she actually is. He explained that when these two descriptions are nearly alike, the person is thought to have a positive:


A psychology instructor asks his class to write down all of their thoughts and feelings about themselves. This exercise is a way to describe their:


Bethany has a strong sense of competence and effectiveness in her profession. She does not back down from any professional challenge because she believes she can meet any challenge. According to the social-cognitive perspective, Bethany's belief in herself illustrates


Expectations of whether we will succeed when facing a challenge is called:


Card players who attribute their wins to their own skill and their losses to bad luck best illustrate

self-serving bias

Most college students perceive themselves as above average compared with their classmates. This best illustrates

self-serving bias

Abraham Maslow used the term _____ to refer to the need to find meaning, purpose, and identity beyond the self.


According to Maslow, the desire for identity, meaning, and purpose beyond the self refers to the motive for


Humanistic theories have been criticized for encouraging attitudes of self-indulgence, _____, and lack of moral restraint.


We can better predict drivers' behavior at traffic lights from knowing the color of the lights than from knowing the drivers' personalities. This best illustrates the importance of

situational influences

The ________ on personality focuses on the many ways our individual traits and thoughts interact with our social world as we move from one situation to another.

social-cognitive perspective

The tendency to overestimate others' attention to and evaluation of our appearance, performance, and mistakes is called the_________ ______.

spotlight effect

Freud proposed that the development of the "voice of our moral compass" is related to the _________, which internalizes ideals and provides standards for judgments.


Which personality concept is matched with the CORRECT theory?

superego-- psychoanalytic

Based on the person-centered perspective, being _____ is NOT one of the ways people nurture the growth of others.


Around the world, people describe others' personality traits in terms that are consistent with a set of factors called

the big five

Carl Jung emphasized the importance of ________ in personality functioning.

the collective unconscious

This part of the mind's structure, based on Freud's theory, serves as a mediator between the pleasure principle and the conscience.

the ego

Critics complain that the humanistic perspective fails to appreciate:

the human capacity for evil

Freud suggested that there are three interacting systems that can explain the dynamics of the human mind:

the id, the ego, and the superego

Cora wishes for her students to have high self-esteem, so she praises them no matter how they perform. What is the MOST likely effect of her strategy?

the less successful students score even lower on the next test

Some psychologists believe self-actualization and self-transcendence is the ultimate psychological need. It only arises after basic psychological and physiological needs are met and self-esteem is achieved. Self-actualization refers to:

the motivation to fulfill one's potential

According to psychoanalytic theory, boys' fear of castration is most closely associated with

the oedipus complex

Freud thought that the ego attempts to satisfy the demands of the id in a way that will bring long-term benefits rather than pain. According to Freud the ego operates on

the reality principle

When Vanessa noticed that she was wearing mismatched socks, she overestimated the extent to which others would also notice. Her reaction best illustrates

the spotlight effect

According to Sigmund Freud, this part of the personality represents internalized ideals and provides standards for judgment and for future aspirations.

the superego

The stability of personality during adulthood is BEST evaluated by:

the trait perspective

What tends to happen to personality traits as we age?

they become more stable

Dr. Wayne states that the task of the personality psychologist is to describe the "consistent and persistent" patterns of behavior that distinguish one person from another. Dr. Wayne is MOST likely a _____ theorist of personality.


_________theories of personality focus on describing characteristic behavior patterns, such as agreeableness or extraversion.


The stability of personality during adulthood best illustrates the value of

trait theories

Which theory is more interested in identifying traits than in describing them?

trait theory

Concerning personality assessments, personality inventories are to _____ theory as projective tests are to _____ theory.

trait; psychodynamic

According to Gordon Allport, personality should be described in terms of:


According to Maslow, the striving for identity, meaning, and purpose beyond the self is known as self-:


Although Alex is frequently caught stealing money and other valuables from friends as well as strangers, he does not feel guilty or remorseful about his actions. Alex MOST clearly demonstrates a(n):

weak superego

What can be predicted from scores on the Big Five trait theory?

words used in blog posts

Almost _____ percent of Westerners want to be more extraverted.


According to the text, several studies have shown that _____ percent of business managers and more than _____ percent of college professors rated their performance as superior to that of their average peer.

90; 90

Dean's attorney sends him for a psychological evaluation before his court hearing. Dean is concerned because one of the tests that the psychologist administers is the Rorschach test. Which statement is MOST accurate?

Dean should be concerned because the Rorschach test has limited reliability and validity.

Which statement is MOST in line with the theory of reaction formation?

Individuals who have an unacknowledged homosexual orientation tend to be more homophobic.

Carl Rogers said, "The only question which matters is, 'Am I living in a way that is deeply satisfying to me?'" Which statement is NOT how critics of Rogers would MOST likely object to Rogers' statement?

It encourages people to be "undeterred" by others' needs as they seek self-actualization.

This psychologist attributed differences in children's shyness and inhibition to their autonomic nervous system reactivity.

Jerome Kagan

One famous personality inventory is the


Alfred Adler, Karen Horney, and Carl Jung were



Disguising one's own threatening impulses by attributing them to others. This involves individuals attributing their own thoughts, feeling and motives to another person. Thoughts most commonly projected onto another are the ones that would cause guilt such as aggressive and sexual fantasies or thoughts. For instance, you might hate someone, but your superego tells you that such hatred is unacceptable. You can 'solve' the problem by believing that they hate you. An El Salvadorian saying captures the idea: "The thief thinks everyone else is a thief."


Displacement is the redirection of an impulse (usually aggression but can be sexual as well) onto a powerless substitute target. The target can be a person or an object that can serve as a symbolic substitute. Someone who feels uncomfortable with their sexual desire for a real person may substitute a fetish. Someone who is frustrated by his or her superiors may go home and kick the dog or beat up a family member.


Offering self-justifying explanations in place of the real, more threatening unconscious reasons for one's actions. Rationalization is the cognitive distortion of "the facts" to make an event or an impulse less threatening. We do it often enough on a fairly conscious level when we provide ourselves with excuses. But for many people, with sensitive egos, making excuses comes so easy that they never are truly aware of it. In other words, many of us are quite prepared to believe our lies. A habitual drinker says she drinks with her friends "just to be sociable."

In a psychology class debate on the trait perspective, students are asked to take the opposing view and rebut its positive aspects. Which criticism of the trait perspective can they cite?

People do not act with predictable consistency; behavior varies from one situation to the next.


Retreating to a more infantile psychosexual stage, where some psychic energy remains fixated. This is a movement back in psychological time when one is faced with stress. When we are troubled or frightened, our behaviors often become more childish or primitive. A child may begin to suck their thumb again or wet the bed when they need to spend some time in the hospital. Teenagers may giggle uncontrollably when introduced into a social situation involving the opposite sex.

Researchers have found that low self-esteem tends to be linked with life problems. How should this link be interpreted?

The answer isn't clear because the link is correlational and does not indicate cause and effect.

In a psychology class debate on the humanistic perspective, Riley needs to take the opposing view and rebut its positive aspects. Which criticism of the humanistic perspective would Riley cite?

The descriptions of self-actualizing people reflect Maslow's personal values.

A principal is looking for advice on how to improve his relationships with the teachers in his school. Which approach might Carl Rogers suggest?

The principal should be genuine with them and show them unconditional positive regard.

Although Alex has frequently been caught stealing money and other valuables from friends as well as strangers, he does not feel guilty or remorseful about robbing these people. According to Freud, Alex most clearly demonstrates

a weak superego

Some psychologists believe that human _____ is influenced by people's biology, social experiences, cognition, and personality.


If a self-serving bias is evident in the way an athlete explains her success or failure, she might:

blame her failure on bad officiating

Defining one's identity in terms of one's extended family or work group is most closely associated with


Displays of humility are most characteristic of those who value


Displays of self-effacing humility are MOST characteristic of those who value:


Helena is afraid to express anger toward her overbearing and irritating supervisor. Instead, she is critical of her children. A psychoanalyst would suggest that Helena's reaction to her children illustrates _____.


When people display their own feelings and drop their facades, they are displaying:


People with high self-esteem are LESS likely than those with low self-esteem to

give in to conformity pressures

Michael often acts in aggressive, impulsive ways without consideration for the long-term effects of his behavior. Freud would suggest that Michael is primarily driven by his:


Jacob picks up a hammer and begins pounding on the board just as his father is hammering nails into the wall. Jacob's actions are BEST explained by:


__________ tests ask test-takers to respond to an ambiguous image, for example, by describing it or telling a story about it.


Bryce often acts so daring and overconfident that few people realize he is actually riddled with unconscious insecurity and self-doubt. Bryce best illustrates the use of a defense mechanism known as

reaction formation

Lately, Harold and Grant cannot get along. Harold often expects the worst of people, and yesterday he thought Grant was angry at him. As a result, Harold ignored Grant's phone calls and other attempts at conversation, angering Grant. But in truth, Harold created the situation to which he was reacting. This is an example of:

reciprocal determinism

Lately, Harold and Grant cannot get along. Harold often expects the worst of people, and yesterday he thought Grant was angry with him. As a result, Harold ignored Grant's phone calls and other attempts at conversation, angering Grant. However, in truth, Harold created the situation to which he was reacting. This is an example of:

reciprocal determinism

Jenna is a runner. She is entirely confident that with sufficient dedication she can meet her athletic goals. In social-cognitive terms, Jenna has high:


In general, neo-Freudians such as Adler and Horney accepted many of Freud's views but placed more emphasis than he did on

social interactions

Critics say that ______-______ personality theory is very sensitive to an individual's interactions with particular situations, but that it gives too little attention to the person's enduring traits.


The social-cognitive perspective proposes our personality is shaped by a process called reciprocal determinism, as personal factors, environmental factors, and behaviors interact. An example of an environmental factor is

the presence of books in a home

Even though Joe suffered from a car accident that left him with amnesia, he was still able to remember how to do many basic tasks such as driving a car, washing his clothes, and cooking. This supports Freud's view of the role of:

the unconscious

Dr. Haun developed a test that measures the amount of extrasensory perception (ESP) individuals exhibit. The test is found to be reliable, which means that:

this test measures something consistently, but it may not be ESP.

Gordon Allport was one of the MOST influential _____ theorists of personality.


Hiro's friends know him as someone who values people, regardless of their failings. When people spend time with Hiro, they know he will have an attitude of total acceptance toward them. Carl Rogers refers to this attitude as _____ positive regard.


Darius' friends know him as someone who values people, regardless of their failings. When people spend time with Darius, they know he will have an attitude of total acceptance toward them. Carl Rogers refers to this attitude as:

unconditional positive regard

What type of music do extraverts tend to prefer?


Jaydon does not realize that his alcohol abuse and family neglect is leading to the destruction of both his family and his career. A psychoanalyst would suggest that Jaydon is showing signs of a:

weak ego

There is evidence that behavior is the result of the interplay between external and internal influences; that behavior is the product of biology, social experience, and unconscious thought processes. This evidence suggests that personality should be studied from a _____ approach.


Sherry has to give her first speech in her communications class, and she is very anxious. Her advisor informs her of the spotlight effect and encourages her to _____ in order to decrease her anxiety.

imagine herself in the role of a spectator

Cho tends to take pride in his accomplishments and enjoy his privacy. His sister, Jen, stayed closer to their parents and her college friends. Unlike her brother, she felt a sense of belonging as a result. Cho is more likely to align himself with _____ values, while Jen prefers a(n) _____ emphasis.

individualist; collectivist

Jerry was frequently ill as a child, which led him to miss out on many of the activities that his peers experienced. Adler would predict that Jerry would develop a(n) _____ complex.


Sarah's optimism is both a contributor to and a product of her successful career accomplishments. This best illustrates

reciprocal determinism

The social-cognitive perspective highlights the interaction of personal traits with our environment, a process that Albert Bandura called

reciprocal determinism

The total acceptance Rogers advocated as part of a growth-promoting environment is called_________ ____________.________

unconditional positive regard

_____ is an attitude of total acceptance toward another person. Humanistic theorists believe this attitude nurtures growth in others.

unconditional positive regard

reaction formation

Switching unacceptable impulses into their opposites. This is where a person goes beyond denial and behaves in the opposite way to which he or she thinks or feels. By using the reaction formation the id is satisfied while keeping the ego in ignorance of the true motives. Conscious feelings are the opposite of the unconscious. Love - hate. Shame - disgust and moralizing are reaction formation against sexuality. Usually a reaction formation is marked by showiness and compulsiveness. For example, Freud claimed that men who are prejudice against homosexuals are making a defense against their own homosexual feelings by adopting a harsh anti-homosexual attitude which helps convince them of their heterosexuality. Repressing angry feelings, a person displays exaggerated friendliness. Other examples include:* The dutiful daughter who loves her mother is reacting to her Oedipus hatred of her mother.* Anal fixation usually leads to meanness, but occasionally a person will react against this (unconsciously) leading to over-generosity.

Dr. Dillard developed a test to identify individuals who are at risk for suicide, but the test is found to be relatively low in reliability. Which statement is NOT a valid conclusion?

Tests can be valid, even if they have low reliability.

According to Abraham Maslow, people are motivated by:

a hierarchy of needs

Humanistic psychology emphasizes the importance of:

a positive self-concept

Carl learns that he failed an exam. His self-esteem is temporarily lowered, and he may be more likely NOT to:

avoids comments showing his own brilliance

According to Freud's view of personality structure, the "executive" system, the ______, seeks to gratify the impulses of the ___________in more acceptable ways.

ego; id

Garrick is a calm, self-satisfied man who appears to be secure. Which "Big Five" personality factor would BEST describe his personality?

emotional stability

Veda is sociable, fun-loving, and affectionate. She would likely score very high on a personality test that measures:


Xander is a newspaper reporter who uses a high frequency of personal pronouns such as we, our, and us in his articles. Based on this, you might predict that Xander would score high on the Big Five trait:


According to Hans Eysenck and Sybil Eysenck, the individual variation that is apparent across people can be reduced to several dimensions, including:


Who among the following is psychology's most famous figure?


Efforts to boost someone's self-esteem with random expressions of praise in the absence of good performance is most likely to promote


Critics have most frequently objected to the emphasis on individualism offered by the

humanistic perspective

Krystal is friendly but often feels drained by social situations and needs time to recharge. She would MOST likely be high in which trait?


Brain activity scans suggest that people who are _____ seek less stimulation because their normal brain arousal is relatively high and the frontal lobe is more active.


Our characteristic pattern of thinking, feeling, and acting is known as:


Sergio has a quiet demeanor and avoids a lot of social contact. These characteristics describe Sergio's


Alexis imagines that the self she wants to be is a great athlete, well loved, and well educated. She also imagines the self she fears becoming: homeless, lonely, and unemployed. These visions BEST reflect the concept of:

possible selves

Jackson can see himself becoming just like his father—overweight, unhealthy, and depressed. To prevent that from happening, Jackson carefully monitors his food intake and engages in a regular program of exercise with a group of supportive friends. Jackson's healthy lifestyle best illustrates the motivational impact of

possible selves

This defense mechanism occurs when people disguise their own threatening impulses by attributing them to others. This is known as:


Henry is given a test by a psychologist and asked to tell a story about an ambiguous picture. Henry is MOST likely taking a(n) _____ test.


In 1921, Hermann Rorschach introduced what has become the most widely used:

projective test

Psychodynamic theories are derived from Freud's concept of _____, which was his theory of personality and the associated treatment techniques.


According to the biopsychosocial approach to the study of personality, learned responses are a(n) _____influence.


According to Sigmund Freud, fixation results in difficulty in the process of:

psychosexual development

Katrina is a worrier. She worries about her family, her friends, and herself. She is particularly aware of potential hazards in the environment, and she sees the world as a dangerous place. Her personality is shaped by how she interprets and reacts to events. Albert Bandura called this process:

reciprocal determinism

Ken tends to worry a lot. He is particularly aware of potential threats. As a result, his willingness to try new things is limited, and he has few opportunities to see that his worries are unfounded. Bandura called this process:

reciprocal determinism

Sarah's optimism is both a contributor to and a product of her successful career accomplishments. This BEST illustrates:

reciprocal determinism

Freud indicated that defense mechanisms

reduce anxiety by unconsciously distorting reality

Stacey is almost 3 years old and is recently potty trained. Her parents just welcomed a new baby into their home, and Stacey not only begins to go to bathroom in diapers again, but also starts sucking her thumb. Which defense mechanism is Stacey displaying?


Sally and her husband, Sam, begin arguing at the dinner table over differing views on how they should spend Sam's bonus check. After arguing for a few minutes, Sally storms from the table and slams the front door as she goes out for a walk. Sam snaps at the children and tells them to hurry up and finish their dinner. Sally is displaying _____; Sam is displaying _____.

regression; displacement

Genevieve was the victim of a violent home invasion in which her entire family was viciously murdered and she was critically injured. Genevieve has nightmares and flashbacks of the trauma, which is inconsistent with Freud's view of the defense mechanism known as _____.


In psychology, the _____ is thought to be the organizer of a person's thoughts, feelings, and actions, as well as the pivotal center of personality.


Abraham Maslow suggested that individuals who are open, spontaneous, and not paralyzed by others' opinions illustrate


Abraham Maslow suggested that individuals who are open, spontaneous, and not paralyzed by the opinions of others display:


All of Ernest's basic physiological and safety needs have been met, and he feels a solid sense of belonging and of being loved. According to Maslow, this suggests that Ernest will next seek to satisfy his need for:


The _____ perspective emphasizes that personality is the result of interactions between people and their situations. The way one thinks about a situation affects one's behavior.


Modern-day psychodynamic theorists and therapists agree with Freud about

the existence of unconscious mental processes

Most of Dakota's friends look at him with respect. He is self-aware, self-accepting, and open. He is spontaneous and caring, and does not worry about other people's opinions. According to Abraham Maslow, it is likely that Dakota is motivated by:

the need for self-actualization

Defensive self-esteem relies on _____, while secure self-esteem relies on _____.

the perception of others; internal evaluations

Kate comes home with three A's and two B's, to which her mother replies, "Is that the best you could do?" and walks away. Rogers refers to this attitude as the opposite of:

unconditional positive regard

Mark and Jessica have a caring, accepting, nonjudgmental attitude toward each other and approach every discussion with this attitude. Mark and Jessica are demonstrating

unconditional positive regard

Jaydon doesn't realize that his alcohol abuse and neglect of his family are leading to the destruction of both his family and career. A psychoanalyst would suggest that Jaydon shows signs of a

weak ego

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