Psych Final 2019 THIS ONE

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A person is sweating, experiencing shortness of breath, choking, feeling dizzy, and afraid of dying. Assuming this event is not a heart attack, but rather an indicator of anxiety disorder, it is MOST likely a: A) panic attack. B) phobia. C) obsessive-compulsive response. D) posttraumatic disorder.


. Dementia is now classified as: A) Alzheimer's disease. B) neurocognitive disorder. C) neuroleptic disorder. D) delirium disorder.


. Hormonal changes, life demands, and body dissatisfaction are all reasons to explain why: A) postpubertal girls have higher rates of depression than postpubertal boys. B) children of all ages have higher rates of depression than adults. C) younger children have higher rates of depression than do older children. D) depression rates are higher than anxiety rates in children.


. Internal validity reflects how well a study: A) rules out the effects of all variables except those being studied. B) can be generalized to others that are not studied directly. C) appears to be measuring what it is designed to measure. D) predicts some future behavior.


. What is the scientific name for hair-pulling disorder? A) Trichotillomania B) Musomania C) Traumatomania D) Gephyromania


A "fake" pill used as the control condition in a drug study is a: A) placebo. B) confound. C) random variable. D) dependent variable.


Fear differs from anxiety in that: A) fear is a response to a specific threat, whereas anxiety is more general. B) anxiety is more likely to lead to aggression than is fear. C) fear is a response to an inanimate threat, whereas anxiety is a response to an interpersonal threat. D) anxiety is an immediate response, whereas fear is more vague.


Helen falsely believes that others are conspiring against her, cheating her, or spying on her, and she behaves in angry, irritable, and depressed ways. Helen is exhibiting: A) a delusional disorder. B) a cognitive disorder. C) delirium. D) acute anxiety.


Intentionally feigning illness to achieve some external gain is described as: A) malingering. B) somatization. C) conversion disorder. D) illness anxiety disorder.


Lamar is having flashbacks. Which symptom of posttraumatic stress disorder does this represent? A) Reexperiencing the traumatic event B) Experiencing avoidance C) Experiencing reduced responsiveness D) Experiencing increased arousal, anxiety, and guilt


Psychologists are ethically bound to keep material about their patients confidential EXCEPT: A) when someone is in danger. B) when writing up a case study for a journal article. C) when discussing the case as part of a college class. D) when discussing the patient with a spouse.


Schizophrenia is found in all socioeconomic classes. However, it is MOST likely to be found in someone from a: A) lower socioeconomic level. B) middle socioeconomic level. C) professional socioeconomic level. D) privileged (wealthy) socioeconomic level.


Sonia has a Type A personality style, and Liz has a Type B personality style. They are both running for class president. How would you expect their campaigns to differ? A) Sonia will be more competitive, and Liz will be more relaxed. B) Liz will have more friends to vote for her, while Sonia will have more people on her campaign team. C) When problems arise, Sonia will stay calm while Liz will get angry and hostile. D) Liz will have every moment of her campaign planned, and Sonia will be disorganized.


The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) designed a new neuroscience-focused classification tool as an alternative to DSM-5. This tool is called the: A) Research Domain Criteria (RDoC). B) Current Procedural Terminology (CPT). C) International Classification of Diseases (ICD). D) Current Research and Classification Criteria System (CRCCS).


The goal of scientific research is BEST described as seeking to: A) prove cause and effect. B) advance the field of clinical medicine. C) explain relationships between variables. D) generate hypotheses that seek to answer global questions


The model of abnormality that focuses on learning and the thinking that underlies behavior is the _____ model. A) cognitive-behavioral B) sociocultural C) psychodynamic D) humanistic-existential


To be classified as a major depressive episode, depression must last for at least: A) two weeks. B) two months. C) one year. D) two years.


When dialectical behavior therapy is used with patients with borderline personality disorder, those patients, compared with patients receiving other forms of therapy, make: A) far fewer suicide attempts and are hospitalized less often. B) far fewer suicide attempts but are hospitalized about as often. C) about the same number of suicide attempts but are hospitalized less often. D) about the same number of suicide attempts and are hospitalized about as often.


Which is an anxiety disorder? A) Schizophrenia B) Bipolar disorder C) Major depression D) Obsessive-compulsive disorder


Which personality disorder was once called hysterical personality disorder and involves individuals who are typically described as emotionally charged and seeking to be the center of attention? A) histrionic B) schizotypal C) narcissistic D) antisocial


Which statement is the MOST accurate conclusion about the current state of abnormal psychology in the United States?A) There is no single definition of abnormality, no single theoretical understanding of the causes of mental illness, and no single best treatment.B) We do know what mental illness is, but we do not understand what causes it or the best way to treat it.C) We have not advanced much beyond the demonology era.D) Today, we understand what causes mental illness and how best to treat it; we can also define it


To definitely confirm a diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease, you must obtain: A) a MRI. B) a blood test. C) an autopsy. D) psychoneurological assessment batteries.


. An example of a factitious disorder is: A) mass hysteria. B) Munchausen syndrome. C) hypochondriasis. D) untreated migraine disorder.


. Binge drinking is defined as drinking at least _____ drinks on a single occasion. A) three B) four C) five D) six


. Dr. Marsha Linehan was the developer of which type of therapy? A) cognitive-behavioral therapy B) dialectical behavior therapy C) mentalization D) group therapy


. Munchausen syndrome by proxy is MOST likely to adversely affect the physical wellbeing of: A) the person experiencing it. B) the child of the person experiencing it. C) the spouse of the person experiencing it. D) the medical personnel caring for the person experiencing it.


. People with _____ personality disorder are extremely emotional and seek to be the center of attention. A) antisocial B) histrionic C) schizoid D) schizotypal


. The "odd" cluster of personality disorders consists of which personality disorders? A) antisocial, avoidant, and paranoid. B) paranoid, schizoid, and schizotypal. C) antisocial, borderline, histrionic, and narcissistic. D) avoidant, dependent, and obsessive-compulsive.


A diagnostic criterion for posttraumatic stress disorder is the presence of significant distress or impairment for: A) up to three weeks. B) more than one month. C) more than six months. D) more than one year.


Ainsley has a drink in the morning on rising and a cocktail with breakfast. She usually sneaks a snort during the morning ("just to get through the day") and then drinks during lunch. Later, at home, she generally has a small dinner and sits in front of the TV and drinking wine, often an entire bottle. Somehow she manages to get up and go to work the next morning. Ainsley is displaying: A) withdrawal. B) substance use disorder. C) binge drinking. D) delirium tremens.


An 80-year-old hospitalized individual is recovering from surgery but now has gotten an infection. Over the course of a few days, the person shows increasing confusion and consistently misinterprets what others are trying to communicate. The MOST probable diagnosis for this condition is: A) neurocognitive disorder. B) delirium. C) schizophrenia. D) substance abuse.


Case studies are useful for: A) forming general laws of behavior. B) studying unusual problems. C) conducting scientific experiments. D) eliminating observer bias.


Cruelty to animals and people, destruction of property, and truancy before the age of 15: A) may be best diagnosed as antisocial personality disorder. B) are characteristic of those later diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder. C) predict later antisocial disorder with virtual certainty. D) seem unrelated to antisocial personality disorder.


Genetic linkage studies have found an abnormal form of a gene for which type of neurotransmitter receptor? A) D1 B) D2 C) GABA D) Serotonin


Psychosis means: A) split personality. B) loss of contact with reality. C) brain seizures. D) drug abuse.


Schizophrenia researchers have been: A) about equally successful in identifying biological and psychological origins of schizophrenia. B) more successful in identifying biological origins than psychological origins of schizophrenia. C) more successful in identifying psychological origins than biological origins of schizophrenia. D) frustratingly unsuccessful in identifying either biological or psychological origins of schizophrenia.


The asylums of the 1500s were originally: A) churches and parishes. B) privately owned homes. C) hospitals and monasteries. D) prisons and government offices.


What are brain circuits? A) GABA receptors B) Networks of brain structures that work together C) Neurotransmitters at work D) Brain formations in the prefrontal cortex


The set of uniquely expressed characteristics that influence behaviors, emotions, thoughts, and interactions that is unique to each individual is termed: A) a trait. B) character. C) personality. D) individuality.


. A psychologist wanted to accept a client with whom he had previously had a sexual relationship. According to ethical guidelines, the psychologist: A) would have to wait to see the woman until two years after the last time they had sex. B) would need to be especially sensitive, but could proceed. C) couldn't see the patient. D) could see the patient only if he were supervised by a woman therapist.


. Comorbidity describes a situation in which: A) one disorder develops into another. B) one disorder automatically implies the other. C) two disorders occur together in an individual. D) the appearance of one disorder implies the disappearance of the one that preceded it.


. DSM-5 lists approximately _____ mental disorders. A) 200 B) 300 C) 400 D) 500


. The cluster of "dramatic" personality disorders includes: A) antisocial, avoidant, and paranoid. B) paranoid, schizoid, and schizotypal. C) antisocial, borderline, histrionic, and narcissistic. D) avoidant, dependent, and obsessive-compulsive.


A person who has anorexia nervosa has dry, rough, cracked skin and may develop lanugo. Why would you not expect to see these symptoms in someone with binge eating disorder? A) These symptoms develop primarily in women. B) These symptoms are the result of an overactive thyroid. C) These symptoms result from nutritional deficiencies caused by starvation. D) These symptoms result from excessive, unhealthy levels of exercise


A person who systematically gathers information so as to describe, predict, and explain abnormality is called a clinical:A) mentalist.B) legalist.C) scientist.D) practitioner


A personality disorder characterized by a pattern of clinging and obedience, fear of separation, and ongoing need to be taken care of is _____ personality disorder. A) histrionic B) narcissistic C) dependent D) avoidant


Cognitive-behavioral approaches used to treat social anxiety disorder aim to: A) increase positive self-talk and decrease risk taking. B) increase feelings of gratitude and decrease feelings of fear. C) alter illogical thinking patterns and reduce avoidance behaviors. D) use conscious thought as a means to decrease physiological signs of anxiety.


Franklin was driving to meet a friend when he received a text (read by his car) saying that his friend was going to be late. Franklin flew into a rage. "I know he just doesn't want to spend time with me. He's probably talking about me to his girlfriend right now," Franklin thought. Upset with his friend, Franklin turned his car around, cutting off other drivers. This type of behavior is consistent with _____ personality disorder. A) narcissistic B) avoidant C) borderline D) obsessive-compulsive


How do delirium tremens (DTs) differ from other withdrawal reactions? A) People who experience DTs are less likely to relapse. B) There are no known medical procedures to assist someone experiencing DTs. C) DTs are associated with serious health consequences that could result in death. D) DTs occur only after someone has completely quit alcohol, versus just reducing intake


If a therapist has a client who is threatening to kill another person, the therapist must inform that other person because of the ethical principle of: A) confidentiality. B) right to know. C) duty to protect. D) sunshine.


In DSM-5, Asperger's syndrome is classified under which new category? A) Autistic disorder B) Disruptive mood dysregulation C) Autism spectrum disorder D) Obsessive-compulsive disorder


Ruminative responses are defined as: A) losing the ability to make rational decisions. B) failing to act because a person perceives no control over the outcomes that follow his or her actions. C) repeatedly mentally dwelling on one's mood without acting to change it. D) behaviors that occur frequently for a period of several months.


When Matías did not get a job for which he applied, he was sure that everything was going wrong, that his life was completely off track. This thought is an example of: A) depression. B) delusional thinking. C) overgeneralization. D) flight of ideas.


Which statement about Alzheimer's disease is true? A) It can be treated with a combination of antianxiety and antipsychotic medications. B) Its onset typically occurs prior to age 65. C) It is currently incurable and difficult to treat. D) Most people diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease die from it within a year after being diagnosed.


. An enduring, rigid pattern of inner experience and outward behavior that impairs the sense of self, emotional experiences, goals, capacity for empathy, and/or capacity for intimacy is termed: A) personality. B) personality traits. C) personality characteristics. D) personality disorder.


. The reliability concerns for DSM-5 MOST likely arise because of its: A) inability to predict the outcome of disorders more accurately. B) exclusion of minority populations. C) greater reliance on labeling mental disorders. D) lack of adequate field trials of new criteria and categories.


. Unlike the opioid drugs morphine and heroin, methadone is: A) not a narcotic. B) a central nervous system depressor. C) non-habit forming. D) a synthetic drug.


A child does almost everything with her mother and seems extremely anxious at school, getting frequent stomachaches and wanting to go home. If the child has an anxiety disorder, it is MOST likely: A) agoraphobia B) bipolar disorder. C) dependent personality disorder. D) separation anxiety disorder.


A pattern of anxiety, insomnia, depression, and flashbacks that begins shortly after a traumatic event and persists for less than a month is called: A) hysteria. B) acute stress disorder. C) generalized anxiety disorder. D) posttraumatic stress disorder.


A person's levels of cortisol and norepinephrine are in the normal range. MOST likely, that person is experiencing: A) posttraumatic stress disorder. B) the flight-or-fight syndrome. C) severe stress response. D) no stress disorder.


A researcher designed an experiment to study the causes of aggression in children. Half the children ate a sugared cereal; the other half ate cornflakes. The researcher then recorded the number of aggressive acts displayed by the children in a one-hour play period after breakfast. In this experiment, _____ is the dependent variable and _____ is the independent variable. A) sugared cereal; cornflakes B) the play period; the number of aggressive responses C) breakfast; the length of the play period D) the number of aggressive responses; cornflakes


A serious, irreversible condition affecting the liver that is associated with long-term excessive drinking is: A) Korsakoff's syndrome. B) delirium tremens. C) fetal alcohol syndrome. D) cirrhosis.


According to a 2013 report (Prochaska & Norcross), the dominant approach used by clinical psychologists is: A) existential. B) multicultural. C) psychodynamic. D) cognitive-behavioral.


Drinking alcohol initially affects: A) the language center. B) judgment. C) memory. D) motor control.


Methadone is a(n): A) depressant. B) stimulant. C) sedative. D) opioid


The American Psychological Association's code of ethics states that sexual relationships between a psychologist and client are: A) permitted if both parties agree. B) permitted as soon as treatment ends. C) prohibited only for therapeutic purposes. D) prohibited under almost all circumstances.


The BEST example of malingering is a person who: A) fakes an illness because he or she enjoys being a patient. B) pretends to have an illness to get sympathy. C) falsely claims to have a terminal illness. D) feigns an illness to achieve some external gain, such as financial compensation


The ability to generalize results from a study of certain individuals to other individuals not studied is called: A) construct validity. B) context validity. C) internal validity. D) external validity.


The central feature of bulimia nervosa is: A) excessive dieting and weight loss. B) fanatic exercising preceded by binge eating. C) purging either by vomiting or by using laxatives. D) binge eating followed by a compensatory behavior.


The cluster of anxious personality disorders includes avoidant, dependent, and _____ personality disorders. A) paranoid B) antisocial C) histrionic D) obsessive-compulsive


The proper conclusion from research studies that show a relationship between devout religious people who see God as warm and caring and psychological health is that: A) religion causes people to deal better with the challenges of life. B) psychologically healthy people have more time and energy for religion. C) people who have a religious community to support them are healthier. D) people who are more devout are also psychologically healthier.


Which is NOT a type of major depressive disorder? A) Catatonic B) Seasonal C) Melancholic D) Posttraumatic


What does DSM 5 stand for?

Diagnisic and statistical manual of mental disorders

Name/list at least three criticisms of the DSM-5 that was discussed in class.

Pharmaceutical influence on mental health diagnoses Removing Asperger's Mental dosorders are too subjective Social pressure influencing the DSM 5

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