Psych Final Review

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Three features addressed

- Prevalence- amount of people with this disorder currently or during their lifetime; existing cases/population ex: 60 out of every 1000 third graders have an ADHD diagnosis - Incidence- amount of people who develop new cases of the disorder in the same period (usually a year); newly diagnosed/population at risk ex: 10 new cases of ADHD out of every 1000 third graders were reported this year. - Risk Factors- variables related to the likelihood of getting the disorder ex: third graders

According to the Mereck Manual, what criteria is required to be met in order to be considered a sexual disorder?

1. Is it persistent? 2. Does it cause personal distress? 3. Does it negatively impact one's relationship with his/her sexual partner

Bob was diagnosed with obsessive compulsive disorder. Identify whether his reoccuring experiences are obsessions or compulsions 1. excessive hand washing 2. repeatedly checking that appliances are off 3. fear of dirt 4. needing to tap his foot 4 times before entering and leaving a room 5. constant thoughts of a certain number

1. compulsions 2. compulsions 3. obsessions 4. compulsion 5. obsessions

Jessica is a 28 year old married female. She has a very demanding high stress job as a second year medical resident in a large hospital. Jessica has always been a high achiever. She graduated with top honors in both college and medical school. She has very high standards for herself.... 1. Jessica likely has... 2. on those days she stays in bed all day, watching tv or sleeping. Jessica has no energy and feels overwhelmed by small tasks.. this is a symptom of 3. in a study on depression, participants are assigned to one of two treatment groups. one group received the medicine while the other talk therapy. Type of treatment is the ________ variable while depression level after the treatment is ________ variable

1. major depressive disorder 2. psychomotor retardation 3. independent, dependent

two paths to alcohol abuse with youth are:

A. First group began drinking in early adolescence, increased drinking throughout high school B. Second group drank lesser amounts in early adolescence, increased drinking in middle school and again in high school - Boys more likely to be in the first group; girls in the second group.

identify the following people and how their work contributed to the field of psychology: Hippocrates Galton Dix Freud Watson Skinner Jung Szasz

A. Hippocrates-understood the need for calm, supportive environment (e.g., healthy food, sleep, abstaining from alcohol); separating medicine from magic B. Galton -Eugentics movement- encouraging the sterilization of people with mental illness and mental retardation; coined tern nature v nurture; studied identical twins C. Dix- Boston school teacher; volunteered to teach Sunday school in a prison and recognized many suffering from mental illness; crusaded for mental health treatment for prisoners and improving treatment of mentally ill in hospitals. D.Freud-psychodynamic approach; unconscious forces impact our psychological life E. Watson- behaviorist; Little Albert F. Skinner - behaviorist; operant conditioning G. Jung- discussed archetypes; Neo-Freudian and Humanistic psychologist; credited with inspiring one of his patients to create Alcoholics Anonymous H. Szasz- Psychiatrist; believed there is no mental illness, only people struggling with life problems

Why does correlation not imply causation? (cause and effect)

A. Third variable problem - a type of confounding in which a third variable leads to a mistaken causal relationship between two other variables. B. Directionality problem - correlation does not tell you how variable A and Variable B interact. It only tells you that there is a relationship

the critical domains in ______ lead to cycle of difficulty with poor social skills, aggressive behavior, and overestimating ones social abilities


What is the difference between anxiety and fear?

Anxiety -Apprehension about a future threat Fear -Response to an immediate threat

What are the 4 A's of schizophrenia?

Association, Ambivalence, Affect, Autism

The DSM 5 Alternative Model for diagnosing personality disorders addresses personality traits related to the ______ Personality Trait Theory, the traditional model relies on specific criteria. For diagnosis individuals need to meet a threshold based on type and number of symptoms.


what is the relationship between CD (conduct disorder?) and antisocial personality disorder?

CD is predictive of antisocial personality disorder

Correlational Studies address the relationship between two variables. A correlation coefficient is used to describe the direction (positive or negative) and the strength (0.00 to +/- 1.00) between two variables.

Correlational Studies address the relationship between two variables. A correlation coefficient is used to describe the direction (positive or negative) and the strength (0.00 to +/- 1.00) between two variables.

There are three forms of bipolar disorders: Bipolar 1, Bipolar 2, _____ with ______ defining feature of each and ___________ considered most severe out of the three.

Cyclothymia, mania, Bipolar 1

the __________ is the standard classification of mental disorders used by mental health professionals in the US used for diagnosis. While it is used to help with reimbursement from insurance companies and treatment planning, the highest priority of the manual is that is useful to clinicians


___________ (DTs) refers to the symptoms that may accompany withdrawal from alcohol. They may occur when blood alcohol drops suddenly.

Delirium tremens

the letters in the abbreviation DSM refer to

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual

There is a positive correlation between the level of dominance shown by mothers and the level of shyness shown by children.

Directionality: Does dominance of mothers increase shyness in children or does shyness in children increase dominance in mothers? Possible third variables: Father is dominant; father is passive; siblings are passive

what are examples of the 4 D's mental illness?

Distress- helplessness, hopelessness, person bothered & upset by symptoms, depression & OCD Dysfunction-unable to perform ADL's, borderline personality disorder, struggles with relationships Deviance- makes one feel uncomfortable thats changing over time, "odd dressing" (schizotypal), hallucinations (schizophrenia), attraction to children (pedophilia) Dangerous: harming onself, antisocial personality disorder, pedophiles

_______________(Persistant Depressive Disorder) is a chronic depressive disorder. There is discussion that this might be a personality trait rather than a disorder, but suffering still evident and it should be treated either way.


Explain why homosexuality is not pedophilia regardless of the gender of a pedophiles victims?

Homosexuals are attracted to same sex adults not children, pedophiles are attracted to children and gender is not specific to one sex

Please identify the independent and dependent variable in the following experiment: Students at a University were split into two groups and each received a different text for a philosophy course. Once group received a traditional text book, while the other received an interactive textbook on a tablet computer. After the course, the final exam marks between the two groups of students was compared.

Independent Variable(s): traditional text; interactive text Dependent Variable: final exam grades

Extreme response to a severe stressor that includes increased anxiety, avoidance of stimuli associate with an event, and symptoms of increase arousal are symptoms of which disorder?


Give an example of how the diathesis stress model would explain rachel developed depression, but her roommate did not.

Rachel may have had more of a pre-disposition for developing depression, and with contributions from her environment and (possible lack) of psychological supports, she developed depression. Her roommate may have had a greater risk, but because of more positive environment, learned coping skills, and supports, she does not develop depression.

Which Personality Disorder fits the information below? Paranoid - Schizoid - Schizotypal A. Coined by Bleuler in 1908, the individual has a natural tendency to direct attention toward one's inner life and away from the external world. The person is detached and aloof. He or she has no desire for social or sexual relationships, is indifferent to others and to social norms and conventions, and lacks emotional response; in extreme cases, he or she may appear cold and callous.


_____ ________ suggests that there are no mental disorders, only people struggling with life problems.

Thomas Szasz

T/F ADD/ADHD, Anxiety, Depression and Intermittent Explosive Disorder are diagnosable in children and adults.


T/F Just because you are obese does not mean you have binge eating disorder


How is social anxiety disorder different than being shy?

When you are shy, you relax once you are comfortable with new people and new situations. You are able to engage with others. With social anxiety, you show consistent disproportionate fear with new people and situations. You never quite relax; you fear you are being socially judged and negatively evaluated.

Which of the following best describes hypomania?

a less severe form of mania

The goal of scheduled smoking is a) gradual reduction in nicotine intake. b) controlled smoking, in which smoking continues but much more moderately. c) to help smokers quit abruptly by scheduling a 'stop smoking' day in advance. d) identification of triggers associated with smoking.

a) gradual reduction in nicotine intake.

Commonly reported compulsions include all of the following EXCEPT a) pursuing cleanliness and orderliness by requesting help from others. b) performing repetitive, magical protective acts. c) repetitive checking to ensure that certain acts are carried out. d) engaging in elaborate rituals.

a) pursuing cleanliness and orderliness by requesting help from others.

From studies, which appears to be the most effective method for stopping smoking? a) scheduled smoking b) nicotine patch c) nicotine gum d) nicotine gum or patch with psychological treatment

a) scheduled smoking

Schizophrenia usually appears in

adolescence or early adulthood

When diagnosing a child, it is most important to consider the child's


what are the most abused substances?

alcohol, nicotine, caffeine

Of all the eating disorders which is deadliest?

anorexia nervosa

Alcoholics Anonymous programs are run by

b) the participants themselves.

Which of the following is an obsession? a) Repeatedly checking that the water is turned off. b) Humming a tune over and over. c) Having a recurring fear that one is giving others illnesses when they actually are not. d) Worrying over finances.

c) Having a recurring fear that one is giving others illnesses when they actually are not.

Heroin addiction and crime are thought to be highly correlated because

c) addicts commit crimes in order to raise money to buy drugs.

as a child, bob set fires and harmed animals. as an adult, he has been violent toward others and has been found guilty of murdering several people. the prison psychologist diagnosed bob with antisocial personality disorder. bob is claiming insanity defense because of his diagnosis. according to the American law institute guidelines, bob will likely a. be placed in a foresnsic hospital until he has been found to be mentally well b. be placed in a forensic hospital and then go to tjail once he is deemed mentally well c. can not claim the insanity defense. he may go to a forensic hospital and later to a jail, or he may go straight to jail

c. can not claim the insanity defense. he may go to a forensic hospital and later to a jail, or he may go straight to jail

Experimental design is the research method used to attempt to identify cause and effect. It includes independent and dependent variables. An independent variable is under the experimenters control and can be manipulated. A dependent variable is what the experimenter is trying to measure.

cause & effect, independent, dependent

gender identity disorders (transgender) almost always begin in


Dialectical behavior therapy for patients with borderline personality disorder combines

cognitive behavioral problem solving, social skills training and client centered empathy

behaviors that violate the basic rights of others and that violate societal norms are labeled as a(n) ________ in the DSM-5

conduct disorder

precursor to antisocial personality disorder is

conduct disorder

Looking at the 5 personality traits, the most dangerous individual with APD would include scoring high on ________


Diane has repetitive thoughts that her house will catch on fire. She repeatedly checks the stove to make sure it is turned off. Diane's compulsive behavior serves to a) provide immediate relief from the anxiety associated with her repetitive thoughts. b) reinforce her checking behaviors. c) lower her psychophysiological arousal. d) all of the above.

d) all of the above

schizophrenia is a disorder characterized by disturbances in a. thought b. emotion c. behavior d. all of the above

d. all of the above

Karl relies on his wife to make every decision, from what kind of suits he should buy to which people at work he should get to know better. He feels that he must rely heavily on his wife because he feels he is not competent to carry out these tasks. Which of the following personality disorders would fit Karl?


Which of the following psychological disorders are associated with an increased risk of sexual dysfunction?

depression and anxiety

the field of _________ focuses on the disorders of childhood within the context of life span development

developmental psychopathology

epidemiology- the study of the distribution of ______ in a _______ and possible correlates

disorders, population

Most people with anorexia nervosa ...

do not lose their appetite or interest in food

The M'Naughten rule states that insanity defense is appropriate if a person...

does not know right from wrong at the time of the criminal act

which of the following characterizes borderline personality disorder?

emotional dysregulation and fear of abandonment

the feature common to both anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa is....

fear of gaining weight

Being susceptible to high blood pressure is one's ____________, while being diagnosed with high blood pressure is one's __________.

genotype, phenotype

hannah reports taht she has a low sex drive and sometimes has trouble reaching orgasm. however when asked by her doctor, she does not report distress or impairment from these symptoms. the most likely diagnosis for hannah would be

hannah would not recieve a clincal diagnosis

Jackson appears to have social phobia. This diagnosis was made by looking at his scores on a particular measure of social fear. Scores like his in the past have been shown to be related to social phobia, as well as correlated with a variety of measures of social and occupational disability associated with social phobia. The measure Jackson took would be said to have

high construct validity

Molly was taking a test to measure levels of Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD). All of the items covered typical symptoms of GAD (e.g., agitation, increased heart rate, difficulty sleeping, tension). This inventory would be said to have

high content validity

Jim was given an intelligence test in March and re-administered the same test one year later. His score both times was the same. This indicates that the intelligence test has

high test retest reliability

the construct validity of intelligence tests is limited by

how psychologists define intelligence

Personality disorders (PD) are defined as longstanding, pervasive, _________, _____, and ________ patterns of behavior and inner experience. PD is characterized by unstable positive _____ and difficulty or unable to sustain _______ relationships.

inflexible, extreme, persistant sense of self, close

Caleb went to see two different psychologists about his depressive symptoms. One told him that he suffered from major depressive disorder and the other told him that he had bipolar disorder. This is an example of a problem with __________

interrater reliability

what happened in the IM study?

kids with ADHD were more hostile and had off topic conversations

Acute stress disorder differs from PTSD in that the symptoms

last only a short period of time

Using the DSM-5 Alternative Model for diagnosing personality disorders, someone with antisocial personality disorder (APD) would likely score ______ in agreeableness and neuroticism _____ in extraversion

low, high

Mary M. reported feeling a lack of energy, difficulty sleeping, loss of appetite, difficulty concentrating, and a loss of interest in activities she previously enjoyed. Based on this information, which of the following is the most likely diagnosis for Mary M.?

major depressive disorder

If an individual is judged to be guilty but mentally ill, he or she....

may be committed to a prison hospital or other type of suitable psychiatric facility

which form of therapy or treatment is used by the biological model?


Treatment for heroin addiction often involves ___________, a synthetic narcotic. It helps address the cravings and does not give the person a feeling of being high.


Veronica imagines that she will one day have great success in business, although she now is working as a waitress. She has difficulty getting along at work because she envies her boss' position of authority (feeling she is more intelligent than him) and expects special favors such as not having to clean the stove like the other waitresses. Which of the following personality disorders best fits Veronica?


Ryan and his identical twin, Rob, have schizophrenia. Ryan lacks willingness to engage in others and is disinterested in being productive. He is described as not being motivated. Ryan is experiencing ________ symptom of schizophrenia called __________. Rob hears voices. With hearing voices Rob is ____________ which is a _________ symptom of schizophrenia. The brothers have an aunt with schizophrenia. She is experiencing a_______ symptom of schizophrenia called ________ which is exhibited by her lack of interest in doing activities she once enjoyed. She demonstrates reduced ability to experience pleasure.

negative, avolition hallucinating, positive negative, anhedonia

Poverty of speech and avolition (lack of initiative or motivation) are _________ symptoms of schizophrenia, while hallucinations are ________ symptoms.

negative, positive

The Diathesis-Stress model is integrative model that incorporates multiple casual factors: genetic, ______, psychological, and __________

neurobiological, environmental

the DSM 5 splits childhood disorders into what categories?

neurodevelopmental disorders, disruptive, impulsive control, conduct disorders

Which Personality Disorder fits the information below? Paranoid - Schizoid - Schizotypal B Characterized by a pervasive distrust of others, including even friends and partner. The person is guarded and suspicious, and constantly on the lookout for clues or suggestions to confirm his or her fears.


Persistent and troubling attractions to unusual sexual activities or objects is called...


Why is it difficult to study the success rate of residential treatment for drug use?

patients are there voluntarily and only represent a minority of the population addicted to drugs.

Cindy is an accomplished lawyer who sought psychological help in dealing with the stresses of balancing work and family responsibilities. Which definition of mental disorder applies to Cindy?

personal distress

Personality disorders are characterized by extremes of _______

personality trait dimensions

The success of rate of nicotine gum or patch increases moderately if combined with ______________ ____________- (e.g., antidepressants).

psychological treatment

_______ is the field concerned with nature, development, and treatment of mental disorders


Identify each r as negative or positive and strong or weak.

r= .83 is a positive and strong correlation r=.-91 is a negative and strong correlation r=.09 is a positive and weak correlation.

Symptoms of PTSD are grouped into which of the following major categories?

re-experiencing of traumatic event, avoidance of stimuli associated with event and symptoms of increased arousal

Martin is a 21 year old business major at a large university. Over the past few weeks his family and friends have noticed.... Martin and his aunt likely have....


Which Personality Disorder fits the information below? Paranoid - Schizoid - Schizotypal C. Characterized by oddities of appearance, behavior, and speech, and anomalies of thinking similar to those seen in schizophrenia. However, individual must not meet the criteria for schizophrenia. Anomalies of thinking may include odd beliefs, magical thinking (for example, thinking that words affect the world—'speak of the devil and he'll appear'), suspiciousness, obsessional ruminations, and unusual perceptual experiences.


Studies of neurochemistry and suicide have found low levels of ____________ major metabolite in suicide victims.


which of the following is not a subcategory of the DSM-5's proposed paraphilias?

sexual arousal disorder

persistent disruptions in the ability to experience sexual arousal, desire, or orgasms, or pain associated with intercourse is called

sexual dysfunction

long term marijuana use may result in _____ term ________ _________ even long after one stops using

short, memory impairments

Dana's baby, Sophie, participated in a study that indicated that Sophie had high levels of behavioral inhibition. Compared with babies who demonstrated low levels of behavioral inhibition, Sophie is likely to develop

social anxiety disorder

jesse is fearful of interactions with others and prefers to shop online rather than go to the mall. jesse most likely has

social anxiety disorder

How did the understanding of the causes of syphilis contribute to understanding mental illness?

syphilis was caused by microorganism. syphilis causes apathy and demintia and there is a link between

what is the link between marijuana and schizophrenia?

the THC in marijuana has been found to trigger schizophrenia; this study has been replicated multiple times with the same results

Given the inconsistent evidence about levels of neurotransmitters in people with mood disorders, researchers have begun to focus research efforts on

the sensitivity of postsynaptic receptors

_________ (peeping Tom's) are typically fearful of actual sexual contact with a women, while _______ involves the sexually oriented touching of an unsuspecting person

voyeurs frotteurism

If Elena wants to know if the scale at the grocery store she uses to weigh her tomatoes has alternate-form reliability she could

weigh the tomatoes on two other scales in the produce department and see if they weighed the same

Carlos suddenly stopped taking amphetamines after prolonged abuse of the drug. He became very ill and died. His death is an example of severe

withdrawal symptoms

what is controlled drinking?

· Belief that problem drinkers can consume alcohol in moderation · Avoid total abstinence and inebriation- allows for drinking in moderation even in social settings.

What is psychological dependence?

• Presence of either tolerance or withdrawal • Craving the drug and the need to have it interferes with all areas of your life.

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