Psych Midterm 3

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At crowded parties, Anna loses her sense of self and often behaves in ways that she later regrets. It appears that crowded parties: a. cause a sense of groupthink in Amy b. cause Amy to display a self-serving bias c. create a sense of deindividuation in Amy d. produce a self-serving bias in Amy


Ebony thinks the idea her boss has proposed for increasing sales is really stupid. She listens as six of her co workers praise the idea, and when her boss asks Ebony for her opinion, she says:"The idea is great!". The proccess that would best explain why Ebony said the plan was great even though she though it was stupid is: a. obedience b. conformity c. cognitive dissonance d. social facilitation


Axcel hadn't thought about the restruant on the other side of town for several months. However, as soon as Madison mentioned ot, he instantly thought about the wonderful meal he had the last time he was there. According to Freud, before Madison brought up the name of the restraurant, Axcel's memory of visiting the restaurant was contained in his: a. preconscious mind b. conscious mind c. subconscious mind d. unconscious mind


In the past, Kurt was repeatedly ridiculed when he tried to tell a joke or join in social activities. Consequently, Kurt has earned to be withdrawn and to avoid social situations. According to the behavioral approach, the process that would best account for Kurt's introverted personality is: a. operant conditioning b. classical condioning c. observational learning d. latent learning


Jane thinks of herself as a shy person who is often anxious in social settings. However, her friends would describe her as outgoing and relaxed. According to Carl Rogers, Jane is likely to: a. experience incongruence in her self concept b. be high in self efficacy c. experience congruence in her self-concept d. develop an external locus of control


Mahatma Gandhi had a deep moral belief in nonviolence, and his strong beliefs guided almost all his personal and political actions through his life. Gandi's passionate moral belief would likely be described by Gordon Allport as a : a. cardinal trait b. central trait c. secondary trait d. super ordinate trait


Maria is always chewing pencils. There isn't a pencil in his drawer that is not covered with tooth marks. According to Maria's pencil chewing may be evidence of fixation at a. oral stage of development b. phallic stage of development c. anal stage of development d. latency period of developement


Nor has always done well in her math courses, and even though she has never taken a linear algebra course before, she is confident she will do well in the linear algebra course she has signed up for the next semester. In this instance, Nori shows evidence of: a. having high self efficacy in math b. having low self efficacy in math c. having an external locus of control d. having an internal locus of control


Rosa is outgoing and friendly, trustworthy, somewhat sentimental,and honest.These traits are enduring aspects of Rosa's personality, and ppl who have known her since childhood all describe her in this same basic way. According to Gordon Allport's theory of personality, these five traits would be: a. central traits b. cardinal traits c. secondary traits d. source traits


The Dribbers new basketball coach really dosent expect much and is convinced they will never make the playoffs. During the regualr season, the coach seldom offers praise for a really outstanding play, and after a particularly bad loss, the coach is prone to make statements like,"What can you except, the other team was really good." In response to the coach's lack of confidence, the team ends up at the bottom of their division. This situation illustrates the concept of; a. a self-fullfilling prophecy b. the fundamental error c. a self-serving bias d. sterotype


When Jude is practicing on his own, he can run 400 meters in 60 seconds. However, when he is running against a competitor he is able to run 400 meters in just over 56 seconds. The improvements in Jude's performance when he runs against a competitor is consistent with the concept of: a. social facilitation b. social interference c. normative social influence d. a self-serving bias


When ppl first meet individuals who are physically attractive, they usually assume that compared to someone with average looks , the attractive individual is: a. more intelligent, better adjusted, more socially aware b. less intelligent but higher in self-monitoring


Devan is given a test that contains a number of statements such as,"I enjoy listening to loud music" and "I am generally a cautious person". Devian is suppose to mark "true" or "false" next to each statement. This type of test would be considered to be: a. a projective personality test b. a self- report personality inventory c. a Rorschach test d. the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale


Drake was physically abused by his mother until the age of 6. He is now 30 years old and he is a loving and devoted son who showers his mother with affection and attention. According to Freud, Drake may be unconsciously dealing w/ the potential anxiety related to his early abuse by using the ego-defense mechanism of: a. repression b. reaction formation c. projection d. denial


Ed believes that all computer majors are "nerds" who only think about computers. He believes they lack social skills and that they have a weird sense of humor. In this case, Ed's beliefs about the traits and behaviors of computer majors are one example of: a. a self-fulfilling prophecy b. a stereotype c. the fundamental attribution error d. social interference


Morely was one of the highest paid new anchors in prime time television. He had been with the same national network for 20 years. His co workers couldn't believe it when Morely cleared out his office one day and announced he was going to become a volunteer with an international relief agency. He explained his decision by stating,"I feel I need to make a fundamental change in my life if I am going to continue to grow as a person." Morely's actions are consistent with: a. Bandura's concept of reciprocal determinism b. Maslow's concept of self-actualization individuals c. Roger's concept of incongurence d. Freud's concept of fixation


Noe believes that she can control the occurrence of rewards and punishers. Noe appears to have: a. an external locus of control b. an internal locus of control c. high self-efficacy d. low self efficacy


Noele believes that she can control the occurrence of rewards and punishers. Noelle appears to have: a. an external locus of control b. an internal locus of control c. high self-efficacy d. low self - efficacy


When Jake was 5. he was burned quite badly while he was playing in the kitchen. Jake is now 30 years old, and he has no memory of the accident or the hospital stay. When his parents talk to him about it, he is convinced that they are confused and rhat the accident must of happend to one of his brothers. According to Freud, the memory of the accident is in Jacob's: a. preconscious b. unconsious c. sunconscious d. conscious


Why did we spend so much time talking about Freud? a. B/c he was a such a kookie guy. b. B/C although he was incorrect about many things, he was highly influential on Western thought. c. B/C most theorist now agree with his ideas on psychosexual development.


Burt saw a tv ad in which a new long distance carrier showed a series of pleasant family scenes while some relaxing music played in the background. Later, when Burt us asked about this particular long distance carrier, he has a positive attitude toward their service, even though he uses a different carrier. Burt's attitude appears to have developed through the process of: a. operant conditioning b. observational learning c. classical conditioning d. cognitive dissonance


Cam sees little connection b/w his own actions and the occurrence of rewards in his life. He believes that most things that happen in his life are a matter of luck. Cam appears to have: a. an internal locus of control b. high self efficacy c. an external locus of control d. low self efficacy


Cam sees little connection between his own actions and the occurence of rewards in his life. He believes that most things that happen in his life are a matter of luck. Cam appears to have: a. an internal locus control b. high self-efficacy c. an external locus of control d. low self-efficacy


Jung proposed that the colective unconscious contains: a. all the forbidden desires and traumas accumulated over the person's life . b. the ego and its defense mechanisms c. archetypes, symbols of enduring concepts passed from one generation to the next. d. a driving force to overcome inferiority and to achieve superiority


Maria is the human resource manager for a large company. She actually has a favorable attitude toward the handicapped in general. However, she hasn't hired anyone who has a visible disability for any position that has come open in the company b/c her boss told her not to consider applicants who are handicapped. In this case, Maria shows evidence of: a. prejudice, but not discrimination b. both prejudice and discrimmination c. discrimmination, but not prejudice d. neither prejudice nor discrimmination


Maria just heard that her neighbor, Rosa, was involved in a car accident at a nearby intersection. If Maria includes that Rosa's children distracted him, an this caused the accident she has made: a. an internal attribution b. a self serving attribution c. an external attribution d. an attributional error


Martin applied for 11 jobs in the past 2 months. He was called for interviews, but he was not hired for any of the positons. He convinced himself that he woudnt have been happy in any of those jobs because they were only entry-level positions that he wouldnt have found challenging. In this example, Martin appears to be dealing with the anxiety aroused by being passed over all these jobs through the use of: a. displacement b. fixation c. rationalization d. sublimation


When Cat used mathmetical analysis to identify basic personality traits, he identified a total of: a. 3 key personality factors b. 100 different personality characteristics c. 16 source traits d. 5 key dimensions to personality


When Lin was 7,, she witnessed a terrible traffic accident on her way to school. Today, at the age of 32, she has no memory of the traffic accident. Even when she saw pictures of the accident in a recent news flashback, she didnt remember witnessing the accident 25 years ago. According to Freud, Lin may be unconsciously dealing w/ the potential anxiety related to witnessing the accident by using the ego- defense mechanism of: a. projection b. reaction formation c. repression d. sublimation


hank made an unfavorable attitude toward his lanlord because the landlord has raised the rent three times in the past year and the landlord won't allow Hank to rent an extra parking space for his motorcycle . This knowledge base forms part of" a. the affective component of Hank's attitude toward his landlord. b. the behavioral component of Hank's attitude toward his landlord. c. the cognitive component of Hank's attitude toward his landlord. d. the physiological component of Hank's attitude toward his landlord


14 year old Susy knows she has made some bad choices at times, and these choices at times, and these choices have gotten her into trouble on a number of occasions. However, she is confident that her parents love her, in spite of her mistakes. Based on the theory developed Carl Rogers, Suzy perceives her parent's affection as: a. conditional, and she is likely to develop congruence in her self concept b. conditional,and she is likely to develop incongruence in her self concept c. unconditional, ans she is likely to develop incongruence in her self concept. d. unconditional, and she is likely to develop congruence in her self concept


A common criticism of socio-cognitive theories of personality is: a. they place too much emphasis on genetic/ biological explanations b. They place too much emphasis on Maslow's hierarchy of needs. c. They have a particularly dark view of human nature d. They place too little emphasis on genetic/ biological explanations


Carly has extreme string moral standards. In addition, whenever Carly fails to live up to the high standards he sets for himself, he becomes overwhelmed by feelings of guilt. Freud would most likely suggest that Carly's personality is dominated by: a. his ego b. his id c. feelings of incongruence d. his superego


Jay is a clinical psychologist who wishes to diagnose personality disorders at his local juvenile detention center. He is most likely to use which of the following psychological personality tests? a. Thematic Apperception Test (TAT) b. Rorshach test c. NEO-PI-R d. Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI)


Jazmine tell her friends that it really dosent matter whether she studeues for her philosphy exam. She believes that she grades in that course are just a matter of luck and depend on the mood of the proffessor. In this case, it appears that Jazmine has: a. an internal locus of control b. high self-efficacy c. sublimated her drive for success d. an external locus of control


John watches Belle slip on the stairs outside their apartment building. If John concludes that Belle is an uncoordinated "klutz" who wasn't paying attention, he has made: a. an external attribution b. a self-serving attribution c. an attributional error d. an internal attribution


Rosa and her friends all watch as the building across the street burned to the ground. They kept waiting for the fire trucks to show up, even though none of them had called 911. In this case, the fact that none of Rosa or her friends phoned to report the fire illustrates the phenomenon of: a. social loafing b. social interference c. normative social influence d. the bystander effect


Stan believes that all stockbrokers are greedy, dishonest ppl who would misuse their clinents' money. In this case, Stan's beliefs about the traits and behaviors of stockbrokers represent: a. a self fullfilling prophecy b. the fundamental attribution error c. social interference d. none of the above


Webb 's teacher has told him that there is really no way for him to earn a passing grade in his statistics class, even he earns 100% on all of the work that remains.However, Webb has convinced himself that he will still pass the course if he just works very hard for the rest of the semester. In this instance, Webb may be dealing with the anxiety aroused by the teacher's comments through the use of: a. reaction formation b. projection c. sublimation d. denial


When Jack was painting houses on his own, he was able to paint an average of three large rooms per day. Recently, he joined up with 2 friends, and they paint as a team. Now Jack finds he usually only gets 2 rooms painted per day. The process that would best explain why Jack accomplishes less working as part of a group than on his own b/c: a. social interference b. the bystander effect c. nonconformity d. social loafing


When the jury entered the jury room, most of the jurors believed the defendant in the case was probably guilty of the crime. The strengthening of the juror's opinion following a group discussion is consistent w/ the process known as the: a. group think b. group facilitation c. group identification d. group polarization


Dallas has always taken great care in the way that he dresses. He doesn't leave the house w/o having every hair in place and having his tie exactly right. He becomes extremely distressed of tehre is any lint or dirt in his clothing. According to Freud, Dalla's's preoccupation w/ neatness and cleanliness may be evidence of fixation at the: a. oral stage b. phallic stage of development c. anal stage of development d. latency period of development


Melony ir running a series of experiements that requires her to measure personality of her particiapnts. If she wishes to measure them on the "BIG 5" personality traits which test should she use?? a. Thematic Appreciation Test (TAT) b. Rorschach test c. Neotricisim, Extroversion, Openness Personality Inventory, Revised (NEO-PI-R) d. Minnesota Multiphasic personality Inventory (MMPI)


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