Psych Midterm Review

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A child may sometimes play by quickly turning around in a circle. When the child stops, he or she often feels like his or her head is still spinning. What is responsible for this sensation? A)fluid still rotating in the semicircular canals B)proprioceptors C)compression of the otolith organs D)disruption of the otoloth crystals


A negative correlation means that _______. A)high values of one variable are associated with low values of the other B)high values of one variable are associated with high values of the other C)low values of one variable are associated with low values of the other D)there is no relationship between the two variables


A researcher asks an assistant to conduct a study on her behalf. She specifically tells her assistant only to share the results anonymously and not include the names of the students along with their scores. Such an experiment would be considered a A)double-blind experiment B)single-blind experiment C)correlational study D)laboratory observation


At birth, newborns seem most responsive to A)high pitches and low pitches B)hip hop music C)moderate voice pitches D)rock and roll music


At what age can the typical infant roll over? A)2 months B)5 weeks C)8 months D)12 months


Caitlin works in the psychology department's rat lab. In her studies, she found that many of her lab rats would develop a conditioned taste aversion to certain foods after as little as one trial. Caitlin's psychology professor refers to this as a classic example of A)biological preparedness B)psychological preparedness C)instinctive drift D)stimulus substituiton


Dr. Kahn measures how long baby Lydia looks a particular stimulus. The technique is known as A)preferential looking B)dishabituation C)habituation D)stimulus discrimination


In the Strange Situation, _________ babies would cry when tier mother left the room but were happy upon her return. A)secure B)avoidant C)ambivalent D)disorganize-disoriented


Jeremy is 17 years old. According to Erikson, his chief task will be acquiring a sense of A)identity B)intimacy C)generativity D)autonomy


Samantha enters a classroom where two students are talking. When they stop their discussion, Samantha is certain they must have been talking about her. Such a belief is an example of A)the imaginary audience B)the personal fable C)abstract egocentrism D)formal operations


Sheila almost got hit by a car at a street corner because she was too busy texting on her phone. From that day on, Sheila looks before she reaches the street corner. Her change in behavior is a result of A)learning B)memory C)motivation D)both sensation and perception


The period of life from about age 13 to the early twenties, during which a young person is no longer physically a child but is not yet an independent, self-supporting adult, is called A)adolescence B)tweens C)young adulthood D)puberty


The thinking and attitudes of many who survived the Depression of the 1930s changed them for the rest of their lives. This would be an example of a A)cohort effect B)cultural group C)longitudinal group D)cross-sequential group


What cognitive changes occurring during middle adulthood are the most noticeable? A)Changes in memory begin to occur B)Problem-solving skills diminish C)Hearing begins to decline D) Hair begins to turn gray


What is the most commonly used and abused depressant? A)alcohol B)Prozac C)tranquilizers D)caffeine


When Tawny is asked to write down her dreams as a class assignment, she is bothered by the fact that her dreams often seem to jump randomly from scene to scene with little meaning. What theory best explains her dreams? A)activation-synthesis B)dreams-for-survival C)sociocultural theory D)Freudian


Where do secondary reinforcers get their power from? A)classical conditioning B)law of effect C)observational theory D)insight theory


Which of the following is an example of the use of extinction with operant conditioning? A)A mother ignores her child's temper tantrum so that the behavior ultimately goes away B)A mother gives in to her child's demands for candy by buying the child some chocolate so as to quiet him or her C)A mother spanks a child when he or she starts throwing a tantrum D)A mother gives a child chocolate prior to him or her asking for it so as to keep a tantrum from occurring in the first place


Which part of the brain is involved in the creation of memories and is often linked to Alzheimer's disease? A)hippocampus B)thalamus C)hypothalamus D)amygdala


Which part of the eye is a muscle that regulates the size of the pupil? A)iris B)lens C)retina D)sclera


You detect the strong smell of cedar when you enter a furniture store. However, after a short while in the store, you no longer can detect the smell. This process is known as A)sensory adaption B)habituation C)perceptual constancy D)accommodation


You find yourself driving very late at night. As you are driving, you realize that you actually were falling off to sleep for a couple of seconds. Such a phenomenon is known as A)microsleep B)daydreaming C)circadian rhythms D)hypnic jerk


Your psychology professor refers to this as the great relay station of the brain. What part is he or she referring to? A)thalamus B)hypothalamus C)hippocampus D)amygdala


A child has been classically conditioned to fear a white rat. If the child does not show fear when shown a black rat, this is called A)stimulus generalization B)stimulus discrimination C)spontaneous recovery D)extinction


A(n) ______ is a section of DNA containing a sequence of amines A)compound B)gene C)chromosome D)amine


According to Erikson, an emotional and psychological closeness that is based on the ability to trust, share, and care, while still maintaining one's sense of self, is called ___ A)bonding B)intimacy C)attachment D)attraction


According to Thomas and Chess, a child that is very irregular in sleeping and eating, resists change, and tends to be loud is labeled a(n) _____ child. A)easy B)difficult C)slow-to-warm-up D)negative


Activation of the receptors by stimuli is called _______. A)perception B)sensation C)adaptation D)habituation


Anthony's therapist is using hypnosis to help him recall the night he was supposedly abducted by aliens. Danny's therapist is using hypnosis to help him prepare for the pain of dental surgery because Danny is allergic to the dentist's painkillers. Patrick's therapist is using hypnosis to help him quit drinking and smoking. Which client has the highest chance for success? A)Anthony B)Danny C)Patrick D)All three


At home, you rattle the chain on your dog's leash every time you prepare to take him for a walk. After several episodes like this, you find that your dog comes running to the front door even when you pick up the leash to put it back in the closet. In this example, what is the conditioned stimulus? A)going for a walk B)the sound of the leash C)the front door D)the dog runs to the door


Belinda has a terrible headache. If she takes some aspirin so as to make her headache go away, this would be an example of A)positive reinforcement B)negative reinforcement C)punishment D)generalization


Blake finds that if he washes his car prior to going out on the town, more of his friends want to ride along with him. What theory would best explain his willingness to always wash and clean his car before going out? A)Thorndike's law of eefect B)Skinner's theory of operant conditioning C)Pavlov's theory of classical conditioning


Bobby agreed to be hypnotized during a comedy routine. While hypnotized, he stood on his chair and crowed like a rooster. Later, when his friends asked why he did this, Bobby replied that he didn't know, it must have been because he was hypnotized. What theory best explains his behavior? A)the hidden observer theory of hypnosis B)the social-cognitive explanation of hypnosis C)the biological theory of hypnosis D)the behavioral theory of hypnosis


Darla has noticed how some of her friends have lost weight and gotten trim by exercising 1 to 2 hours each day. However, she has no plans to imitate their behavior. What component of Bandura's model of observational learning will explain why Darla has not started a similar weight-loss program? A)Darla's unconscious does not believe she can achieve the goal B)Darla is not motivated, nor does she have the desire to begin the program C)Darla's self-esteem must first be addressed D)Darla's unwillingness may be a sign of mental disorder


If a person has one gene influencing blue eyes but actually has brown eyes, blue eyes must be a ____ trait. A)dominant B)recessive C)sex-linked D)polygenic


In a ____ design, one group of participants is followed and assessed as the group ages A)cohort B)longitudinal C)behavior genetics D)cross-sectional


In which stage of sleep do sleep spindles occur? A)N1 B)N2 C)N3 D)R


Independence and self-reliance in the teenage years are most likely due to ____ parenting A)authoritarian B)authoritative C)permissive neglectful D)permissive indulgent


Jody failed repeatedly in college algebra. Finally, she gave up and was seriously considering dropping out of college. One day, her best friend offered to personally help her if she signed up for college algebra again, but she refused. What concept might explain her reluctance? A)latent learning B)learned helplessness C)insight learning D)observational learning


Piaget's term for the knowledge that an object exists even when it is out of sight is A)conservation B)object permanence C)centration D)egocentrism


Positive reinforcement results in _______ in the target behavior and negative reinforcement results in _______ in the target behavior. A)an increase; a decrease B)an increase; an increase C)a decrease; a decrease D)a decrease; an increase


Rhonda had tartar sauce with her fish one night. The next morning she was nauseated and sick for much of the day. The next time she was offered the chance to go out for fish, she felt queasy and declined. Her queasiness at the thought of fish with tartar sauce was probably due to A)higher-order conditioning B)a conditioned taste aversion C)stimulus substituion D)stimulus generalization


Studies by Keller and Marian Breland found that many animals exhibit instinctive drift. What does this mean? A)The animals studied could not learn any skills even with the use of reinforcement B)The animals studied would learn skills through reinforcement but eventually revert to their genetically controlled patterns of behavior C)The animals studied would learn skills through reinforcement and they remained that way no matter how much reinforcement they were given D)The animals studied could only learn skills similar to those found in the wild


Studies of the infant brain show signs of what scientists call synaptic pruning. What occurs during this process? A)The brain creates additional neural connections by removing parts of the surrounding bone B)Unused synaptic connections and nerve cells are cleared out to make way for new cells C)New cells work to "rewrite" old cells and ultimately change their functioning D)New cells will not develop until the body makes sufficient physical space withing the brain.


Very young infants who suffer from sleep apnea may be more at risk for SIDS, or sudden infant death syndrome. Why might these infants have difficulty breathing? A)Many of these infants are obese and therefore their airways are obstructed B)The brain stem is not yet fully mature C)The tissue lining in the nasal passageway may be obstructing their airflow D)No medical explanation has been determined


What does AMID stand for? A)Attention, Memory, Intention, Detention B)Attention, Memory, Imitation, Desire C)Ask, Memory, Imitate, Develop D)Association, Memory, Imitation, Desires


What part of an infant's body is said to stay in an immature state until needed to produce more cells? A)uterus B)stem cells C)umbilical cord D)placenta


Which infant temperament is associated with babies who are very regular in their schedules of sleeping and eating? A)slow-to-warm up B)easy C)difficult D)anxious


Which of the following describes the embryonic period? A)the period during which the zygote moves down to the uterus and begins to implant in the lining B)the period during which the major organs and structures of the organism first develop C)the period during which the umbilical cord develops D)the period during which tremendous growth occurs and the organs continue to develop and become functional


Your doctor has told you that your youngest son suffers from somnambulism. What is another name for this? A)insomnia B)sleep walking C)sleep apnea D)narcolepsy


involuntary muscles are controlled by the ______ nervous system A)somatic B)autonomic C)sympathetic D)parasympathetic


A famous golfer advertises a new golf bracelet that helps minimize fatigue while playing. If Bethany decides to order the bracelet because she believes that such a well-known personality should know if it works or not, she has made an error in which of the following? A)Few "truths" do not need to be tested B)All evidence is not equal in equality C)Authority or expertise does not make the claims of the authority or expert true D)Critical thinking requires an open mind


Based on today's science and medicine, when does the age of viability begin? A)between 8 and 12 weeks B)between 12 and 18 weeks C)between 22 and 26 weeks D)between 28 and 36 weeks


Ben gets paid every 2 weeks. In one 2-week period, he works a total of 20 hours. During another 2-week period, he worked a total of 50 hours. Regardless of the total number of hours he works each week, he is paid every 2 weeks. What schedule of reinforcement is being used? A)fixed ratio B)variable ratio C)fixed interval D)variable interval


Bill suddenly and without warning slips into REM sleep during the day. He often falls to the ground and is difficult to awaken. Bill may have a condition called A)sleep apnea B)insomnia C)narcolepsy D)epilepsy


Denise is grounded for coming home after curfew. Additionally, her parents have taken away her cell phone for a month. Losing her cell phone privileges is an example of A)negative reinforcement B)punishment by application C)punishment by removal D)learned helplessness


In __________ syndrome, the 23rd pair of chromosomes consists of an XXY pairing, resulting in reduced masculine characteristics and excessive height. A)PKU B)Down C)Kinefelter's D)Turner's


In which of Piaget's stages does the child become capable of abstract reasoning? A)Sensorimotor B)Preoperational C)Formal Operations D)Concrete Operations


Jackie has found that when she tries to quit drinking, she gets headaches, has night sweats, and shakes uncontrollably. Such a reaction is an example of A)psychological dependence B)overdose C)withdrawal D)learned behavior


Jose was lying in bed when he suddenly realized how he might deal with a fast-approaching deadline at work. When his coworkers asked how he came up with his idea, he said, "It just came to me out of nowhere." Psychologists would refer to this as A)latent learning B)learned helplessness C)insight learning D)observational learning


The class is playing a game of Jeopardy! and it is your turn. "I'll take Specialties in Psychology for $300." The revealed answer is, "These psychological professionals work with situations in which environmental conditions may have an impact on mental health." What will you say? A)"What is a neuropsychologist?" B)"What is a forensic psychologist?" C)"What is a psychiatric social worker?" D)"What is a developmental psychologist?"


The famous study of Phineas Gage, who survived when a metal rod pierced his skull, is an example of a A)laboratory experiment B)correlation C)case study D)survey


The key to hypnotic induction seems to be related to _____. A)the gender of the person doing the hypnotizing B)education C)state of suggestibility D)time of day


What is the relationship between negative reinforcement and punishment? A)Both tend to strengthen a response B)Both tend to weaken a response C)Negative reinforcement strengthens a response, while punishment weakens a response D)Negative reinforcement weakens a response, while punishment strengthens a response


Which drug, depending on the dosage, can be a hallucinogen, stimulant, depressant, or painkiller? A)marijuana B)opium C)PCP D)caffeine


Which of the following represents the fertilization process for monozygotic twins? A)One egg is fertilized by two different sperm B)One egg splits and is then fertilized by two different sperm C)One egg is fertilized by one sperm and then splits D)Two eggs are fertilized by the same sperm


Which of the folowing insulates and protects a neuron's axon, as well as helps speed along electrical impulses? A)synaptic knobs B)receptor sites C)myelin sheath D)neuromodulators


Which part of the eye hardens as we age, thus causing many to suffer from presbyopia? A)rods B)cones C)lens D)vitreous humor


Which theory of aging states that unstable oxygen molecules tend to steal electrons as they bounce around, thus causing damage to surrounding cells? A)cellular-clock theory B)wear-and-tear theory C)free-radical theory D)activity theory


Who is considered to be the father of African American psychology? A)Charles Henry Thompson B)Robert V. Guthrie C)Francis Cecil Summer D)Howard Hale Long


XX XX XX XXXXXX XX XX XX XXXXXX XX XX XX XXXXXX In viewing the items above, seeing three columns of Xs on the left versus three rows of Xs on the right can be explained by the Gestalt principle of ______ A)closure B)similarity C)proximity D)contiguity


______ develop when two eggs each get fertilized by two different sperm resulting in two zygotes in the uterus at the same time A)Monozygotic twins B)Fraternal twins C)Dizygotic twins D)Womb mates


A study purportedly conducted by James Vicary teaches us what about the power of subliminal perception and its effect on advertising? A)Subliminal advertising can profoundly affect a consumer's decision-making process. B)Subliminal advertising affects a consumer's decision-making process but only when it involves comfort foods such as pop- corn and soda. C)Subliminal advertising is effective on those who believe in the power of the unconscious. D)Subliminal advertising was never supported, since Vicary ultimately admitted that he never truly conducted such a study


As the sun begins to set, Winston finds himself becoming more and more sleepy. What structure is sensitive to light and influences when to go to sleep and when to awaken? A)Corpus callosum B)occipital lobe C)thalamus D)suprachiasmatic nucleus


Calvin had a dream about his dog Snoopy in which he constantly looked for him but couldn't find him. In reality, Calvin's dog had died after being hit by a car. According to Sigmund Freud, his dream in which he was searching for his dog is an example of ________________, while the inner meaning that he misses his dog terribly is an example of _________ A)wish fulfillment; manifest content B)latent content; wish fulfillment C)latent content; manifest content D)manifest content; latent content


During the cold winter, you have stopped taking your dog for walks. What's more, your dog has gotten used to the fact that when you accidentally rattle his leash, he isn't going for a walk, and subsequently he doesn't come running to the front door. What has occurred? A)stimulus generalization B)stimulus discrimination C)spontaneous recovery D)extinction


Gerald has difficulty falling off to sleep. Harley can fall off to sleep easily but often wakes up early. Dale typically sleeps for 10 hours. All three are tired and not rested upon rising. Who seems to be experiencing insomnia? A)Gerald B)Harley C)Dale D)All three


In classical conditioning, behavior typically is ________, whereas with operant conditioning, behavior is ____. A)rewarded; punsihed B)biological; internal C)voluntary; involuntary D)involuntary; voluntary


In which of Piaget's stages does the child become capable of understanding conservation A)Sensorimotor B)Preoperational C)Formal Operations D)Concrete Operations


Kip is worried that he is losing his mind because he finds himself angry at a friend who died in an automobile accident. Based on Kübler-Ross's research, what might you tell him? A)anger of this type is self-destructive and unhealthy B)anger is usually a mask to your true feeling of sadness C)anger toward a deceased individual is simply not normal and may require psychological counseling D)anger is a normal reaction to death and not a sign of mental illness


The crisis of late adulthood, according to Erikson, is A)identity versus role confusion B)generativity versus stagnation C)intimacy versus isolation D)integrity versus despair


What is a most likely explanation as to why teenagers and young adults may engage in risky and dangerous behavior? A)such behavior is due to the tremendous pressure applied by peers B)such behavior is actually hereditary C)such behavior may be due to unbalanced levels of hormones in the body D)Such behavior may be due to the incomplete development of the prefrontal cortex


A sleep disorder that may require the use of a machine to force air gently into the nasal passages is called __________. A)sleep apnea B)insomnia C)narcolepsy D)cataplexy


Brianne wants to find an explanation for the behavior of her lab rats in her study. Which step in the scientific approach is she currently focusing on? A)testing a hypothesis B)perceiving the question C)drawing conclusions D)reporting results


From experience, you know that commercial jets typically fly around 500 miles per hour at a height of 30,000 feet. However, as you watch one fly high overhead, it seems to slowly pass by. What monocular depth cue best explains this? A)motion parallax B)linear perspective C)overlap D)texture gradient


Jane is aware that she is sitting in her psychology class and it is almost lunchtime. She is also aware of how tired she is after staying up late to watch a movie. Thus, if Jane is aware of what is going on around her and what is going on within her, then it is safe to say that she is in a(n) A)state of waking consciouness B)altered state of consciouness C)unconscious state D)preconscious state


John has played his music loudly for years. Now, in his 20s, he finds he has a continuous ringing in both of his ears. What would John probably be diagnosed with? A)Tinnitus, which is a nerve-based disorder that has no permanent cure B)Conduction-based hearing impairment; however, hearing aids may be able to help C)Damage to the pinna, which can be corrected with surgery D)Regardless of the disorder, John will ultimately require a cochlear implant


Little Karla is with her mother at the docks waiting for her daddy to return from his naval deployment. While the boat is still a way out, her mother says, "There is daddy's boat." Karla is confused. She cannot understand how her dad can be on a boat that is so small that she can hold up her thumb and cover the entire boat. It's safe to assume that Karla does not yet understand A)size constancy B)shape constancy C)brightness constancy D)color constancy


Micah has recently been diagnosed with a psychological disorder that is best addressed initially with medication. He would likely benefit the most by first seeing a _______. A)psychiatrist B)psychoanalyst C)psychiatric social worker D)psychologist


Morphine and heroin duplicate the actions of ________. A)endorphins B)alcohol C)cigarettes D)LSD


Our awareness of various mental processes, such as making decisions, daydreaming, reflecting, and concentrating, is called _____. A)consciousness B)creativity C)intelligence D)self-awareness


Russell needs more of the drug he has been using to get the normal high he got when he first started. Russel is experiencing ____________. A)drug tolerance B)drug detoxification C)withdrawal D)overdrawal


Studies show that taste preference can typically begin A)Before a baby is born B)in the first 3 to 6 months after birth C)by age 1 D)during preschool


What are the hammer, anvil, and stirrup? A)tiny bones located in the middle ear B)types of cones on the retina C)types of sound that most people can detect D)words often used bu audiologists in testing for hearing difficulties


When a neuron is in the resting potential state, the neuron is negatively charged on the _____ and positively charged on the ____ A)inside; outside B)outside; inside C)top; bottom D)bottom; top


When an ophthalmologist surgically connects a patient's vision through LASIK or PRK, the doctor is making adjustments to the patient's A)cornea B)lens C)retina D)iris


Which neurotransmitter stimulates muscle cells to contract by slows contractions in the heart? A)acetylcholine B)GABA C)serotonin D)endorphin


Your uncle Karl, who recently retired, has mentioned how he doesn't sleep as well as he did when he was younger. For many years, he regularly slept about 7 to 8 hours, but now that he is in his 60s he tends to get only 5 to 6 hours of sleep per night. What would you tell him? A)Getting less sleep seems to be a common consequence of aging B)Getting less sleep as we age is not normal, since studies show we need more sleep as we age. C)Getting less sleep is dangerous as we age. People should seek medical intervention to help them sleep D)Getting less sleep is associated with mental health problems in our later years. Uncle Karl should consider seeing a psychologist


Each of the following is a sleep disorder EXCEPT ______. A)narcolepsy B)REM rebound C)insomnia D)night terrors


Freud said phobias were______ whereas Watson said phobias were______. A) learned; inherited B) repressed conflicts; learned C) sexual; unconscious D) conditioned; unconditioned


In the definition of psychology, the term behavior means. A)internal, covert processes B)outward behavior C)overt actions and reactions D)only animal behavior


Danielle is a subject in a study on memory and problem solving. The researcher is applying magnetic pulses to her brain through copper wire coils positioned directly above her scalp. Danielle study would best be described as a(n) A)invasive stimulation technique B)noninvasive stimulation technique C)EEG technique D)PET technique


A deer's inability to quickly respond to the headlights of an approaching car is due to what sensory phenomenon? A)dark adaptation B)light adaptation C)afterimage D)opponent-process theory


A detailed description of a particular being studied or treated is called a _________. A)representative sample B)case study C)single-blind study D)naturalistic observation


A psychologist is interested in finding out why married couples seemingly begin to look like each other after several years of marriage. This psychologist is most interested in the goal of A)descrption B)explanation C)prediction D)control


A researcher finds that as her subjects increased the number of hours they spent exercising, the overall weight of her subjects decreased. This would be an example of a ______ correlation A)positive B)negative C)zero D)causal


A researcher wants to study the effects of texting on driving. Students in Group A drive a car in a computer game and see how many virtual accidents they have. Students in Group B are asked to drive the same virtual car but they must respond to and send at least three texts. The number of virtual accidents is measured for each group. What is the independent variable? A)the virtual car B)texting C)the number of virtual accidents D)the group assignment


Allison opened her new jigsaw puzzle but soon realized that she had the same puzzle when she was a child. With her past experience to rely upon, Allison will probably use __________ to help her reassemble the puzzle A)bottom-up processing B)top-down processing C)perceptual expectancy D)perceptual set


Although the brain works largely as a whole, which of the following is not a correct pairing of hemisphere and function? A)left: control of right handed motor functions B)right: control of right handed motor functions C)right: recognition of faces D)left: reading


As you take notes, your heart beats at a normal rate. Your breathing is normal and your stomach slowly digests your earlier meal. What division of the peripheral nervous system is currently in action? A)sympathetic B)parasympathetic C)autonomic D)somatic


Dr. Colton identifies himeslf with the largest subfield of psychology. What kind of psychologist is he? A)counseling B)clinical C)school D)experimental


If a child suffers from m congenital analgesia, why must he or she be careful when playing outside? A)The child cannot hear loud sounds unless he or she is within 3 feet of the source B)The child cannot feel pain and can suffer injuries without eve knowing it C)The child lacks the ability to react to a dangerous situation D)The child's sense of smell does not work properly


In making a large pot of chili for a family reunion, you find that you have to add 1 onion to your pot of chili that already has 5 onions mixed in it to notice a difference. According to Weber's Law, how many onions would you have to add to notice a difference if you are making twice as much chili with 10 onions? A)1 B)2 C)3 D)4


In the stereotypes-and-athletes study, who was the control group? A)Those students who completed the survey prior to the intelligence test B)Those students who completed the survey after the intelligence test C)those students who were not asked to complete the intelligence test D) those students who did not take part in the study at all


In the structure of the neuron, the _____ receives messages from other cells A)axon B)dendrite C)soma D)myelin


Jaime's grandfather recently suffered a stroke and has had difficulty with language production ever since. Most likely, he has experienced damage to the __________ area of his brain A)right rear B)left frontal C)left rear D)right frontal


Jude is suffering from a severe cold. His nose has been stopped up for several days. What effect, if any, might his cold have on his sense of taste? A)His sense of taste will be increased since he isn't receiving additional sensory input from his smell B)His sense of taste will be dulled since taste and smell often work together C)His sense of taste will get better but not until 48 hours after he loses his sense of smell D)His sense of taste will be no better or worse since the senses of taste and smell are completely seperate


Similarity is the tendency to perceive ____________. A)objects, or figures, on some background B)things that look similar as being part of the same group C)objects that are close to each other as part of the same grouping D)things with a continuous pattern rather than with a complex, broken-up pattern


The hammer, the anvil, and the stirrup are part of the A)outer ear B)middle ear C)inner ear D)coclea


The kinesthetic senses are concerned with __________. A)touch, pressure, temperature, and pain B)the location of body parts in relation to the ground and to each other C)movement and body position D)your location as compared to the position of the sun


The shortest wavelengths that we can see are experienced as ______ colors. A)red B)blue C)green D)yellow


What part of the brain is influential in determining when to sleep? A)Hippocampus B)Hypothalamus C)thalamus D)frontal lobe


When you watch dogs play in the park or watch how your professors conduct their classes, you are engaging in a form of _____. A)case study research B)naturalistic observation C)survey research D)psychometric study


Where are the taste receptors located? A)on the papillae B)on the taste buds C)on the microvilli D)in the gustatory bulb


Which gland(s) is/are known to influence all other glands within the endocrine system? A)pineal gland B)pituitary gland C)thyroid gland D)adrenal glands


Which of the following terms refers to the amplitude of a light wave such as how high or low the wave is? A)color B)brightness C)pitch D)hue


Which perspective focuses on free will and self-actualization? A) psychoanalysis B) humanism C)cognitive perspective D) behaviorism


Which psychologist dared to ignore the whole consciousness issue and return to a study of scientific inquiry by focusing on observable behavior? A)Ivan Pavlov B)John Watson C)Sigmund Freud D)William James


Which step in the scientific approach is derived from the goal of description? A)reporting your results B)perceiving a question C)drawing conclusions D)forming a hypothesis


Who was an early proponent of functionalism? A) Ivan Pavlov B) William James C) Wilhelm Wundt D) Max Wertheimer


All of the following result from sleep deprivation EXCEPT ________. A)droopy eyeslids B)irritability C)hyperalertness D)cognitive impairment


An illusion _________. A)is the same thing as a vision B)is due to the action of the rods versus the cones in the retina C)is a perception that does not correspond to reality D)corresponds directly to something that your dreamed


Carlos is pulling an all-nighter in preparation for his big psychology test tomorrow. According to the research, what is the result on Carlos's memory when he deprives himself of sleep the night prior to his exam? A)Carlos will retain info from staying up all night, but only if his test is early in the morning B)The ability to retain info can be influenced by the presence of sunlight. Thus, if the sun is shining, Carlos will remember more that if it is a cloudy day C)Carlos will actually remember less if he deprives himself of sleep the night before D)Carlos's memory will not be affected in any way assuming he only stays awake for one all-night study session


Double-blind studies control for A)the placebo effect B)the experimenter effect C) both D)extrinsic motivation


Experimenters can justify the use of deception because ________. A)there is informed consent B)research is more important than people C)it may be necessary for the experiment to work D)it is not that harmful


Heroin mimics the actions of endorphins, inhibiting pain signals and creating a "high" felling. Heroin is an example of a(n): A)protagonist B)antagonist C)agonist D)glial cell


If Tabitha closes her eyes when she rides in her parents' car, she can still tell that the car is moving. This is due to the movement of tiny crystals in the A)outer ear B)cochlea C)otolith organs D)middle ear


Kip enjoys playing with sparklers on the 4th of July. He always loves watching a friend run with a sparkler and the momentary trail of light that seems to be left behind. Which aspect of our visual system best explains this trail of light? A)lateral inhibition B)microsaccades of the eyes C)persistence of vision D)achromatopsia


Maria often sleeps soundly and rarely awakens to any outside noise. However, the cries of Maria's baby can awaken her immediately. What part of the brain is responsible for this reaction? A)medulla B)pons C)reticular formation D)cerebellum


Oligodendrocytes and Schwann cells generate a fatty substance known as A)glial B)soma C)myelin D)neurilemma


Sleep spindles appear during ______ sleep. A)stage 1 (N1) B)REM C)stage 2 (N2) D)stage 4 (N4)


Studies have found that certain chemicals that help repair damaged cells only function while we sleep. What theory best explains this? A)circadian rhythm of sleep B)adaptive theory of sleep C)restorative theory of sleep D)sleep deprivation theory


________ is an experiment in which participants do not know if they are in the experimental or control group, but the experimenters do know which participants are part of which group. A)The double-blind study B)field research C)The single-blind study D)Correlational research


Dr. Calvin needs just one more participant to complete her experiment. Lisa, a student of Dr. Calvin, has almost completed the experiment when she announces she wants to quit because the experiment is boring. What options does Dr. Calvin have? A)Dr. Calvin can require that Lisa finish because students don't have the same rights to quit an experiment as the general public does. B)Dr. Calvin can require that Lisa finish because boredom is not an acceptable excuse for quitting C)Dr. Calvin can make Lisa stay since she is a student of hers and she requires students to take part in her experiments D)Dr. Calvin must let Lisa go and find another participant


Felicia is recovering from a brain injury. She is able to speak fluently but often uses incorrect words in a sentence. In one instance at a friend's birthday party, she said, "I would like something to drink. Can I have some battery?" Felicia's problem is known as A)spatial neglect B)visual agnosia C)Broca's aphasia D)Wernicke's aphasia.


If Dr.Byers uses an eclectic approach in her clinical treatment of children, what is it that she is doing? A)She is relying primarily on one psychological perspective to treat all her patients B)She is using medications with all her patients, especially those suffering from depression C)She relies heavily on the Freudian psychodynamic perspective to help children who show abnormal behavior D)She is using a combination of perspective to treat different clients


Josef has had a very demanding day. Though his work is not physically challenging, it tends to mentally drain him. Which type of sleep will Josef probably require more of? A)N1 B)N2 C)N3 D)R


Judith is startled when her 6-year-old daughter, Laura, sleepwalks into the family room. It is most likely that Luara is experiencing the _______ stage of the sleep cycle. A)REM B)first C)second D)fourth


Madison suffered a severe blow to the back of her head when she was thrown to the mat during a judo match. Subsequently, her occipital lobe has been injured. Which of her senses has the highest chance of being affected? A)hearing B)touch C)taste and smell D)vision


Nicole and Camille are synchronized swimmers for their college swim team. They often work long hours to ensure the movements in their routine are perfectly timed. What part of their brains must Camille and Nicole rely most upon? A)medulla B)pons C)reticular formation D)cerebellum


People's tendency to perceive a thing a certain way because their previous experience or expectations influence them is called ___________. A)top-down processing B)telepathy C)bottom-up processing D)perceptual expectancy


Robert has had difficulty sleeping for the past 6 months, and his body seemingly no longer differentiates between night and day. His doctor believes the problem lies with Robert's endocrine system. What gland will Robert's physician focus on? A)pituitary B)adrenal C)thryoid D)pineal


Sigmund Freud's psychoanalysis focused on A)observable behavior B)Gestalt perceptions C)introspection D)early childhood experiences


The Müller-Lyer illusion is influenced greatly by one's A)age B)gender C)level of intellect D)culture


The goals of psychology are to_________. a) explore the conscious and unconscious functions of the human mind b) understand, compare, and analyze human behavior c) improve psychological well-being in all individuals from birth until death d) describe, explain, predict, and control behavior


Which of the following is a characteristic of both light waves and sound waves? A)hue B)decibels C)amplitude D)wavelength


Which of the following pairs belong together? A)LSD; tetrahydrocannabinol B)marijuana; psilocybin C)MDMA; acetylcholine D)marijuana; tetrahydrocannabinol


Which perspective best explains the bystander effect whereby individuals will be less likely to help someone in need because of the presence of others close by? A)psychoanalysis B)behaviorism C)cognitive psychology D)sociocultural


Which perspective is often referred to as the "third force" in psychology and focuses on a person's freedom of choice in determining behavior? A)biopsychological perspective B)behaviorism C)cognitive psychology D)humanism


Which technique of studying the brain involves injecting the patient with radioactive glucose? A)EEG B)CT C)MRI D)PET


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