psych quiz 2

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whicich of the following is most likey to process argumants on the central route

Dave, a sport fisherman, who is listening ti a politician argue that a local lake should be drained to make new housing

The terms schema, assimilation, and accommodation are most closely associated with which of the following psychologists?

Jean Piaget

What is the commonly accepted view of current psychologists regarding the nature-nurture controversy?

The interaction of these two factors determines what we become.

Personality is

a collection of characteristics that define how a person behaves in different situations.

which of the following would typically not be a particular interest of a social psychologist

a developmental stage a person experiences from birth to adulthood

making an attribution of another person and not knowing that persons perspective would most likely lead to

a fundamental attribution error

mainteance rehersal involves ______ processing and the elaborative rehersal involves ______ processing

a shallow level; a deep level

best venue for an attractive actor to persuade people

a tv ad

Postconventional moral reasoning is based on

abstract principles of morality

If a child holds a schema that hospitals are for having babies, this schema might have to be changed if the child learns that his father has to be admitted to the hospital. This change in schema is called


Four-year-old Bai goes to the store to buy her mother a birthday present and picks out a Barbie doll. According to Piaget, Bai is demonstrating


recall is to _____, as recgonition is to _____

essay question; multiple choice question

why do students generally find essay exams to be more difficult than multiple choice

essays require recall

norms are

expectations that guide the behavior of groupe members

the greatest dfference between computers and the human mind is the minds ability to....

experience consciecousness

Which of the following represents the correct sequence of prenatal development?

germinal, embryonic, fetal

The Electra complex refers to a young

girl's desire to bond with her father

if a new memory has made it to the short term stage it has deffinatly been...

given a great amount of attention

The physical activities involved in playing soccer would mostly include ____ motor skills.


the challanger space shuttle disaster occured when someone didnt say anything and created

group think

If your psychology teacher subscribes more to trait theory than to other personality theories, she is likely to believe that personality

has a strong biological basis.

When an adult has an unhealthy personality,

her ego has become overwhelmed by the id or superego.

Tomas is going through puberty. Which of the following changes will he not experience?

hip broadening

Which of the following represents the correct sequence of development for the three components of personality according to Freud?

id, ego, superego

If in the middle of class you suddenly had the urge to yell out that you were bored, Freud would say that the impulse comes from your


frika is washing the dishes and automatically puts the forks in the side drawer despite the fact that she moved them to somewhere else. Frika's error is most likely due to ____ memory


when you tie your shoes you are most likely making use of your

implicit memory

Manuel is taking computers at school. He really seems to take a great deal of pride in his skills. He works hard at it and believes that he is good at it. Manuel is most likely in Erikson's stage of ____.

industry vs. inferiority

A four-year-old child who ambitiously seeks to discover his environment and its expectations of him, would be in Erikson's stage of

initiative vs. guilt.

At pre-school, Morgan (age 3) often volunteers to help clean-up the play area. Morgan seems to be successfully mastering Erikson's crisis of

initiative vs. guilt.

storting an echo of somthing your professor said and not processing it into short term memory can result in

it being lost forever

research on stereotypes suggestcs that

it can have definate effects on members of that sterytotypes groupe

which of the follwoing people would feel the greatest dissonance

jonathon a doctor who owns stock in fast food

episodic memory is

memory from ones life events

According to Erik Erikson, an infant whose needs are not met by its caregivers is likely to develop


When your teacher announces that you are going to be discussing the theories and research of Lawrence Kohlberg, you can expect that you will be talking about ____ development.


Dr. Cortez believes that heredity influences development more so than one's environment. Dr. Cortez is emphasizing ____ over ____.


facing the front while in an elevator wit other people is an example of a


usuing maintenance rehersal to prepare for a test will most likely resuly in you

not doing well

If your 4-month-old infant appears to quickly lose interest in a pacifier that you have just hidden under a blanket, Piaget would say that the infant lacks an understanding of

object permanence.

retrograde amnesia is to _______ as anterograde amnesia is to ____

past; future

how to memorzy the phone number to your local pizza place into your short term memory

pay attention to it

going to schoool in florida and hearing a california politican speak about somehting. The processing routes here is the ___ route


A child who does not yet understand object permanence is most likely in Piaget's ____ stage.


the duration of short term memory is about

30 seconds

randa just failed her history exam bc she didnt study. she blames her bf and is engaging in the

self serving bias

The superego is

your moral conscience

on exam day, as you attempt to answer the questions, you are primarily engaging in the ______ of memory traces


when you momentairly forget a friends name what function of memory has faild


making an attribution ab your oen behavior and understanding your own context will most likely lead to

actor-observer bias

a stereotyoe can

all of the ablove

when a person is faced eith a state of cognative dissonace, ehich of the following outcomes will lead to a state of consance

all of the ablove

Yan has never seen a zebra. While watching a television show on animals, a zebra is shown and Yan says, "Look at the horse." According to Piaget, Yan is engaging in


Bill believes that children need physical punishment, and are usually not competent enough to make their own decisions or be involved in family decisions. Diana Baumrind would characterize his parenting style as


Trey wants to play basketball in a local league. He and his mom sit down and discuss what grades he will have to maintain in order to play on the basketball team. They also agree on what the consequences will be if Trey does not maintain his grades. Trey's mom is most likely a(n) ____ parent.


Melissa is overprotective of her two-year-old son, Lance. She is so fearful that he will harm himself that she does everything for him and does not allow him to try and master simple tasks such as putting his toys away. It is likely that Lance may have difficulty resolving Erikson's crisis of ____.

autonomy vs. shame and doubt

if we dont pay attention to sensory memories then they will most likely

be forgotten

cognative dissonace theory states that a person who willingly preformes an act that carries a large cost, will mostlikey

begin to value that trait more

Which of the following best represents moral reasoning at the conventional level?

being in favor of capital punishment because that is the law in your state

whcih of the following would most likley creat a state of cognative dissonance

believeing that honesty is the best policy and then cheating on a test

According to Gordon Allport, if a person is very assertive in most situations, assertiveness would be considered a ____ of that person.

central trait.

the use of critical analysis and logic in reponse to a persuasive appeal is most closley associated witth

cerntal route persuasion

the nine digits of a persons social security number will exceed the capasity of short term memory, but for most people the ss # actualy becomes 3 bits of info through a process called....


semantic memory is

conceptual memory

A child who consistently uses logical thinking to solve conservation problems is likely in Piaget's ____ stage.

concrete operations

In Freud's iceberg analogy, the tip of the iceberg represents a person's


operant conditoning can influence attitudesthrough the power of ____ classical conditing can influence atitudes through______

consequences; association

rick sees himself as athletic, he works out eats right etc,,,, according to diffonace theory rick is in a state of


Kamal believes that abortion is wrong as many of his friends and his parents also believe. Kamal is most likely at which of Kohlberg's moral reasoning?


cognative consistency theories refer to the

degree of similarites between attitude and behavior

Jean Piaget would have been most interested in the

differences between the thought processes of children and adolescents.

The Oedipus complex and the Electra complex occur in the ____ stage of psychosexual development.


classical conditioning most often explains th ee ____ aspect of attitude


The principle that drives the instincts of the id is the ____ principle.


Before reading this question you probably weren't thinking of the events surrounding your last birthday. If you can now remember your last birthday, Freud would most likely say that its memories existed in your


An automobile driver who justifies speeding as long you don't have to pay a fine, is most likely reasoning at the ____ level of moral development.


research on the learning of prejudice suggects that

prejudice is learned from a combination of souces, including parents, peers, and others

jenny was recently married and took her husbands last name but her friends still call her by her maiden name. jennys friends are suffering from...

proactive interference

If you are doing a research paper on the theories of Erik Erikson, your topic will most likely focus on ____ development.


The ego is to ____, as the id is to ____.

reality; pleasure

if you were explainging the 3 stages model of memory you would say that the first stage of memory is

sensory memory

short term memory usues a dual coding system for storing memories. this means that

short term memories are usually stored either acoustically or visually

When examining nature's contribution to personality, twin studies have

shown more similarities between the personalities of identical twins than between the personalities of fraternal twins.

short term memory is best described as

small in capisity but short in duration

info in your longterm memory about all the groupls of people who attend your school is organized in the form of


Which of the following is not a perspective of personality described in the textbook?


short term memory is to ______ ans long term memory is to ________

tempory; perminent

explicit memory is

th conscious use of memory

Freud believed that personality is a product of

the interaction between conscious and unconscious forces.

which of the following memories is most likey to remain accessable over a long period of time

the memory of how to drive stick shift

implicit memory is

the unconscious use of memory

you see a woman yelling at her kid and assume she is a bad mom. in this instance you are making a ____ attribution


According to Freud, which part of a person's personality is the largest?


Freud believed that a person's ____ has the greatest influence on personality.


A sexually promiscuous teenage girl may not realize that her motivations stem from conflicting emotions surrounding growing up without a father. Freud would most likely say that her motivations are arising from her


Assimilation is to ____, as accommodation is to ____.

use of existing schema; creation of new schema

iconic memory is to ______, as echoic memory is to ______

visual sensory memory; auditory sensory memory

according to the 3 stages model of memory...

we keep all perminent memories in our long term memory

under which of the following situations would you expact prejudice against a minority to be at its worst

when unemployment is high

which of the following audience characteristics is associated with greater vulnerability to persuasuion

young age

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