psych read and practice exam 3

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In the United States, about _____ percent of all babies are walking by age 11 months, _____ percent are walking within a week after their first birthday, and about _____ percent are walking by age 15 months.


It takes about _____ minutes to form a feeling about a conversational partner and to register whether the partner likes them or not.


or the first time in her life, Margaret has little sexual desire. She is not alarmed as this is common in others around her age. What age range is Margaret likely in?


_____ is a pioneering learning researcher who highlighted the antisocial effects of aggressive models on children's behavior.


Basic trust as a tenet of social development was proposed by:

Erik Erikson

Which statement concerning attraction is NOT true? Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button. Answer choices

People with opposite personalities tend to be attracted to each other.

Seventeen-year-old Ricky has had his driver's license for less than a year. Ricky absolutely loves driving any car. His love of driving gave him the idea of getting a job delivering pizza 25 hours a week. After Ricky has the job for 6 months, one can predict that:

Ricky's love of driving will decrease

Michelle always drives down Hampton Avenue to go to work. One morning, Michelle discovers that Hampton Avenue is closed at Wood Street because of construction. Michelle immediately takes a different route to work. She is able to make a quick route change because:

She has formed a cognitive map of the area

In psychologist Robert Rescorla's classical conditioning experiment, one group of rats experienced a tone just before each of 20 shocks. A second group of rats experienced the same number of tone-shock pairings plus an additional 20 shocks with no tone. Rescorla found that the rats in the first group showed a much stronger conditioned fear response than the rats in the second group. How did Rescorla explain this finding?

The tone was a more reliable predictor of the shock for the first group of rats.

Bill is 65 years old and is worried about the upcoming winter months. He is very worried that he will catch a cold that would escalate to something worse due to his age. What would one advise Bill?

Try not to worry too much. Children and younger adults are more susceptible to short-term ailments due to older adults having more antibodies in their system.

_____ gave Stanford preschool children a choice between a marshmallow now and two later. He found that the children who were able to wait had higher completion rates and incomes and were less likely to experience addiction as an adult. He also found that this tendency to wait or not persisted even 40 years later.

Walter Mischel

Road construction prevents a student from getting to campus using the route that he usually travels. He thinks about the situation for a moment and then comes up with a different route to take. To figure out this alternative route, he is using _____ to devise a different route.

a cognitive map

Social scripts refer to:

a culturally modeled guide for how to act in various situations.

Lucas needs a new car but does not want to purchase a fuel-efficient car because he thinks it is more expensive than the car he would like to buy. He also reasons that the fuel he would burn in his new car would not alter the greenhouse gases. His reasoning is an example of:

a social trap

____ is the unselfish regard for the welfare of others


During a Girl Scout picnic, Lavinia was randomly selected to be on one baseball team and Carla on the opposing team. Before the game started, Lavinia and Carla were each convinced that her team was the better one. The girls' beliefs BEST illustrate:

an in-group bias

Which of Baumrind's parenting styles is associated with the BEST developmental outcomes for children? Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button. Answer choices


Deficient social interaction and an impaired understanding of another person's state of mind are MOST characteristic of:

autism spectrum disorder

A former major-league football player is convicted of a violent crime against another person. An expert testifies in his defense that the player's crime stemmed from a degenerative brain disease called chronic traumatic encephalopathy, or CTE. CTE is brought on by the repeated head injury experienced by many football players. With respect to the _____ model, CTE reflects a biological influence on aggression.


Older adults are more susceptible to _____ than when they were younger.


_____ route persuasion uses evidence and argument to motivate careful thinking.


Before Rhonda left for college, she told her friend Michelle that she thought sororities were filled with snobs and that she would never consider joining one. However, during Rhonda's first week on campus, she was approached by a sorority member who invited her to a social function and encouraged her to pledge. After Rhonda attended the party, she told Michelle, "Sororities do a lot of good things for the community. They're really service organizations." Rhonda's change in attitude to match her behavior reflects:

cognitive dissonance

Hugh bought a new calculator for $125. One week later, he saw an ad from another store showing the same calculator on sale for $65. Hugh said, "I'm still glad I got my calculator; the cheaper ones are probably defective. I don't mind having paid more for mine." Hugh's statement reflects:

cognitive dissonance

Becky babysits two sisters, Jasmin and Erum. Last week when the two girls were eating cookies, Jasmin complained about how unfair it was that Erum had more cookies than her. To solve the problem Becky took one of Jasmin's cookies and divided it in half. Jasmin then thought that the cookies were equal between her and her sister and was happy. Several months later Becky is babysitting them again. She bakes the girls brownies and Jasmin again complains that her sister has more brownies than her. Becky divides one of Jasmin's brownies in half and asks her if it is now fair. Jasmin replies, "No, all you did was cut it in half." Jasmin is now in Piaget's _____ stage of cognitive development.

concrete operational

Five-year-old Otto complained to his mom that the pizza was not big enough. Otto's mom cut the pizza into smaller slices, thus making Otto happy, because he believed the pizza had become larger. Otto lacks the concept of: Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button. Answer choices


Nineteen-year-old Tom has spent five hours a day playing violent video games since he was eight years old. According to research on the effects of violent video game usage, one can predict that Tom will MOST likely

display desensitization to violent images, as shown by blunted brain responses on an fMRI.

Compared to a century ago, menarche now occurs _____ in life and adult independence begins _____ in life.

earlier; later

Mike is 25 years old and just graduated from college. What stage of development is he in?


The second and third trimesters of pregnancy occur entirely within the _____ period of prenatal development.


When the temperatures go up in the summer, the rates of violent crimes increase. This is BEST explained in terms of the:

frustration-aggression principle

ccording to Erikson, adults experience a sense of _____ when their activities contribute positively to society.


Each time Mrs. Fari puts her finger on her baby's palms, the baby clutches the finger tightly, a response called the _____ reflex.


The tragic decision to launch the space shuttle Challenger resulted in part from the minimal expression of dissenting views among NASA personnel and advisers. This example illustrates the dangers of:


A decrease in responding to repeated stimulation is called


Janie is amazed how Jim can recognize and identify people who are of Asian ethnic groups, while she really struggles with this type of identification. One can assume from this example that Jim:

has more experience interacting with Asian people

In research described in the textbook, students who were explicitly told that a young woman had been instructed to act in a very unfriendly way for the purposes of the experiment concluded that her behavior reflected _____, indicating that they were _____ to the fundamental attribution error.

her personality; susceptible

A developmental psychologist is interested in the visual abilities of newborn children. Baby Katherine is participating in a study of newborns' visual abilities. While her mother holds Katherine, a psychologist shows the baby a variety of images. Katherine will look the longest at an image of a:

human face

Researchers using the Implicit Associations Test have found that people who were more quick to associate good things with White names or faces also were the quickest to perceive anger and apparent threat in Black faces. Their findings demonstrate:

implicit prejudice

Social loafing is MOST pronounced in _____ cultures such as _____.

individualist; Australia

Mike is 68 years old and is sitting in his recliner reflecting on the mistakes he made in his life as well as the dreams that went unfulfilled. According to Erik Erikson, Mike is in the stage of development called _____versus _____.

integrity; dispair

Jenny has a job, a cat named Joker, and 31 candles on her birthday cake. She is worried about finding the right partner. She frequently spends nights alone and knows she is not getting any younger. According to Erik Erikson, Jenny is in the stage of development called _____ versus _____.

intimacy; isolation

Judith just turned 68 years old. Judith is in the developmental stage called _____ adulthood.


_____ learning is not demonstrated until one is motivated to perform the behavior.


Like infants all over the world, Jonah could sit before he could stand, and stand before he could walk. This orderly sequence of motor milestones reflects:


Adrianne is elated. She has not gotten her period in over a year. She does not have to worry about an unintended pregnancy either. She feels liberated. Adrianne is MOST likely experiencing _____.


If a child is watching a favorite sibling getting scolded for misbehavior, a _____ neuron is likely to be activated in an empathetic response to this observation.


Mrs. Crane frequently thinks she has to shout at her husband to get his attention, but he thinks she yells because she is angry. Mr. Crane typically feels he has to shout back at his wife to defend himself, but she thinks his screaming proves that he is hostile. This couple's experience BEST illustrates:

mirror image perception

After watching violent pornographic movies on late-night cable television, Myron will probably be: Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button. Answer choices

more likely to treat women in a punitive matter

Dr. Wiley studies the interaction between our inheritance and our experience, which he also calls the _____issue when he lectures to his students.

nature and nurture

The notion of vicarious reinforcement is MOST relevant to:

observational learning

Those perceived as different or apart from one's group are their:


Jacob and Makayla have been dating for about three months. They are MOST likely experiencing:

passionate love

Stella and Anthony are newlyweds. They are MOST likely experiencing:

passionate love

Susie does not eat cookies before dinner because her parents will send her to her room for the rest of the night. In Kohlberg's terms, Susie is at the _____ level of moral reasoning.


Mark was pretty aggressive when he was in his early twenties. At the drop of a hat he became angry and was quick to act violently. Now Mark is 60 years old and is much calmer than he was back then. Mark's levels of the hormone _____ have _____.

testosterone; decreased

While visiting the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp shortly after World War II, one German civilian is said to have remarked, "What terrible criminals these prisoners must have been to receive such treatment." This reaction is BEST explained in terms of:

the just-world phenomenon

Karen is a research assistant at the psychology lab and is surprised to find that the mice cortices she is studying are thinner and lighter than normal. What might have happened?

they were raised in deprived environments

Melissa and Amanda are taking several classes together, just by chance. Prior to the semester they did not know each other. What is MOST likely to happen by the end of the term?

they will become close friends

A contestant on a popular dating show takes a blind date to an escape room. According to the _____ theory, the somewhat frightening setting for the date may well lead to a love connection.


Which comment is MOST likely to be made by the leader of a group characterized by groupthink?

"We have been united on matters in the past, and I hope that will continue."

Bill was a very aggressive and violent youth. He often got into fistfights with the other boys and was even charged with assault when he was in his mid-twenties. Bill is now 65 years old and it takes a lot to make him angry. Why is this the case?

Bill's levels of hormone testosterone have decreased.

Ray drank too much tequila last night. He spent much of this morning vomiting and nauseated. According to the principles of classical conditioning, how will Ray likely react today when he tastes or smells the tequila bottle that he drank out of last night?

He will find the scent and taste of tequila aversive.

John is not a great golfer; he has only been playing golf for two years. One day, John was playing alone and a foursome in front of him told him he could play through. All four of the others watched him tee off. According to social facilitation research, what type of performance would you expect from John?

He will not perform well due to increased arousal.

Candice tosses a newly purchased felt mouse across the floor; her cat chases it excitedly, clutches it in its paws, and rolls around with it. Several tosses later, her cat yawns pointedly and settles itself for a nap. The change in the cat's behavior BEST illustrates:


The Townsville blood bank is desperately in need of blood donors. Which student would MOST likely contribute to the blood bank if asked?

Adam, who had just feel head over heals in love

_____ is one of the major issues addressed by developmental psychologists.

Continuity and stages

Which statement BEST reflects a conclusion of the Carolyn Rovee-Collier infant research discussed in the textbook?

Infants retained specific motor learning, but not generalized motor learning

Thirteen-year-old Ariana is getting more involved in risky behaviors, which has her mother very worried. Ariana is also more impulsive and emotionally volatile than she used to be. What is the MOST likely explanation for Ariana's behavior? Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button. Answer choices

a pubertal hormonal surge

Max does not recycle glass, metal, or plastic garbage because he thinks it is inconvenient and has minimal impact on the city's already overflowing landfills. Max's reaction BEST illustrates the dynamics of:

a social trap

A child's realization that others may have beliefs the child knows to be false BEST illustrates the development of:

a theory of mind

Five-year-old twins Keith and Kevin each have 4 ounces of juice in their glasses. Keith's glass is tall and narrow, whereas Kevin's is shorter and wider. Kevin complains that Keith has more juice, revealing his lack of:


Two sealed, pyramid-shaped containers contain what are clearly identical amounts of a liquid. However, a child suddenly judges them as holding different amounts of liquid after one container is inverted. The child apparently lacks a concept of _____.


Which concept refers to the loss of self-awareness and evaluation apprehension that occurs in group situations that foster responsiveness to group norms?


Dr. Cole's major research interest is the long-term effects of child-raising practices on the psychological adjustment of offspring. It is MOST likely that Dr. Cole is a _____ psychologist


The textbook states that "after high school, those who enter the job market or go to college may be managing their own time and priorities. Yet they may be doing so from their parents' home, unable to afford their own place." These individuals are in a phase of life many developmental psychologists call _____adulthood.


Malcolm was contemplating dropping out of high school when he was asked to enroll in a volunteer program. Every week he worked in a local day-care center, helping children with their projects. The children appreciated his help. After a few months, it is MOST likely that Malcolm will:

feel better about himself and not drop out

During adolescence, most individuals achieve Jean Piaget's _____ stage of cognitive development.

formal operational

Leslie is in the tenth grade and is currently taking calculus. She is doing very well and has even earned an A in the class. Leslie is MOST likely in which of Piaget's stages of cognitive development?

formal operational

Five-year-old Ling is beginning to show signs of being able to plan ahead in a somewhat rational manner. At her age, this development is likely due to:

neural networks sprouting in her frontal lobes

Celebrity endorsements represent one way to influence an audience via _____ route persuasion.


Seven-year-old Mark likes to watch Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles every day after school. When the program is finished, he meets his friends in his backyard and they playfully dropkick each other over and over. This eventually leads to real fighting between the children. This is an example of the _____ effect.


Curtis usually does very well on tests, but he failed his most recent vocabulary exam. His teacher was very upset by Curtis' performance and decided that Curtis must be sick or have some type of problem that affected his ability to study for the test. In this example, the teacher made a(n) _____ about Curtis' test performance.

situational attribution

Dr. Perez is studying prejudice and discrimination. She is MOST likely a _____ psychologist.


The local basketball team seems to perform better in front of the home audience on their home court. According to the textbook, the phenomenon of home field advantage is BEST understood with reference to:

social facilitation

In 2007, construction worker Wesley Autrey was waiting for a New York City subway train with his two young daughters when a man collapsed in a seizure, got up, then stumbled to the platform's edge and fell onto the tracks. Wesley jumped from the platform, pushed the man off the tracks and into a foot-deep space between them, and lay on top of him. Both men survived. The actions of Wesley demonstrates:

social responsibility

Dr. Babineaux asks a sample of 8-year-old children to complete measures of several personality traits. When the same children are 16 years old, she asks them to complete measures of the same traits. Dr. Babineaux then computes correlations between the two sets of measures. Her results are MOST relevant to the _____issues.

stability and change

Beginning at around 8 months of age, infants may become fearful around unfamiliar people. This is called _____ anxiety.


Harry Harlow and Margaret Harlow completed a number of studies in which baby macaque monkeys were raised with two artificial surrogate mothers. One of the mothers was made of wire, and the other was made of soft cloth. Either mother could provide food. Harlow was interested in which of the mothers the infant monkeys would seek out when they were startled or frightened. In these studies, the dependent variable was the:

surrogate that the infant monkey preferred when it was startled

Gabriel recently signed up for a website that reunites one with former classmates from grade school. He is curious to see if many of his former friends still look and act the same. Research on stability and change would predict:

that some things will be the same and some will be a lot different

After Mrs. Chanski and her children had helped themselves to free samples of the cookies promoted in the grocery store, she felt obligated to buy some even though they seemed unreasonably expensive. Her reaction best illustrates the significance of:

the reciprocity norm

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