Psych: Test 1 chapter 3 Outlook

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A prolapsed umbilical cord a.occurs when the cord precedes the baby through the birth canal and is squeezed shut. b.makes it impossible for the baby to pass through the birth canal. referred to as breech position. d.can cause the baby to receive an excessive amount of oxygen.


Amanda is pregnant and has high blood pressure, protein in her urine, and swollen ankles. Amanda appears to have a.preeclampsia.c.cephalopelvic disproportion. b.a prolapsed umbilical cord.d.a baby lying in an irregular position.


An Apgar score of __________ indicates a life-threatening situation that requires emergency care. a.3 or lessc.7 to 10 b.4 to 6d.11 to 14


Anne drank heavily during her pregnancy. She has an increased risk of having a child a.who has a developmental disability.c.with deformed limbs. b.with Down syndrome.d.who is blind.


Any agent that causes abnormal prenatal development is referred to as a(n) a.teratogen.c.anoxia. b.stress.d.cytomegalovirus.


Exposure to lead, mercury, or X-rays during pregnancy is associated with an increased risk of a.developmental disability.c.facial deformities. b.premature birth.d.poor motor control.


Gitte has AIDS and is pregnant. What are the potential consequences for her offspring? a.frequent infections, neurological disorders, and death b.mental retardation, damage to eyes, ears, and heart c.deafness, blindness, and an abnormally small head d.encephalitis, enlarged spleen, and improper blood clotting


Hypoxia refers to a.not receiving adequate oxygen.c.receiving excessive amounts of oxygen. b.not receiving adequate nutrition.d.excessive bleeding.


Inadequate prenatal nourishment is associated with a.damage to the nervous system.c.deafness. b.blindness.d.encephalitis.


Kim contracted rubella while she was pregnant; therefore, she is at risk of having a baby with a.developmental disabilities and damaged eyes, ears, and heart. b.damage to the central nervous system, teeth, and bones. abnormally small head. d.frequent infections and neurological disorders.


Margaret's newborn daughter shows few reflexive behaviors and those she does have are weak. Margaret should be a.concerned and take her daughter for a thorough physical and behavioral assessment. b.congratulated for having a developmentally advanced infant daughter. c.happy that she has a perfectly normal daughter. d.a little more observant. All infants have many reflexive behaviors.


Maternal stress during pregnancy may affect prenatal development because when a pregnant woman experiences stress a.her immune system is weakened. b.oxygen flow to the fetus is increased. c.she is less likely to smoke and drink. d.she is more likely to consume high levels of folic acid.


Most of the body structures and internal organs develop during the period of the a.embryo.c.zygote. b.fetus.d.ectoderm.


Natasha is having strong, regular contractions and her cervix is dilated to eight centimeters. She is in the __________ stage of labor. a.firstc.third b.secondd.fourth


Postpartum depression is more likely in women who a.were depressed before pregnancy. b.wanted to become pregnant. c.have the support of other adults after the baby is born. d.have particularly low levels of hormones in the later phases of pregnancy.


Prenatal exposure to X-rays is associated with a.leukemia.c.deformed limbs. b.cerebral palsy.d.blindness.


Prepared childbirth classes emphasize a.the use of visual imagery to increase relaxation. b.the use of drugs for pain control. c.that women should go through labor alone. d.that home births are best.


Sara Jaffee believes that teenage motherhood leads to harmful consequences through two distinct mechanisms. One of these mechanism refers to events set in motion when a teenage girl gives birth — events that make it harder for her to provide a positive environment for her child's development. This is known as a. social selection. b.peer engineering.


Small-for-date infants a.often have mothers who smoke or drank during pregnancy. b.typically have few motor developmental complications. c.typically have few cognitive developmental complications d.tend to be developmentally delayed even when they have optimal environments after birth.


Teenage mothers are a.more likely to have children who do less well in school and who have more behavioral problems. b.more likely to have babies with Down syndrome. c.less likely to have problems with pregnancy, labor, and delivery. d.are more likely to seek out prenatal care.


The Apgar Scale measures a newborn's b.hearing.d.intelligence.


The Moro reflex a.may help a baby cling to its a precursor to voluntary grasping. b.helps a baby find the mother's nipple.d.permits feeding.


The __________ will form the digestive system and the lungs. a.endodermc.ectoderm b.amniond.mesoderm


The best policy for pregnant women to follow concerning alcohol is to a.not drink at all.c.drink moderately. b.drink lightly.d.drink heavily.


The hair, the outer layer of skin, and the nervous system develop from the a.ectoderm.c.mesoderm. b.endoderm.d.germ disc.


The period of the __________ lasts from nine to 38 weeks after conception. a.fetusc.germ disc b.zygoted.embryo


The umbilical cord a.has blood vessels that connect the embryo to the placenta. b.has blood vessels that are directly connected to the mother's blood vessels. c.develops during the period of the fetus. filled with amniotic fluid.


The zygote implants into the a.uterine wall.c.vaginal wall. b.fallopian tube.d.ovarian wall.


Vanessa, who is seven months pregnant, just found out that her son has spina bifida. Vanessa opts to undergo fetal surgery to have her son's spinal cord repaired. This advanced form of surgery is part of a whole new field called fetal medicine.c. chorionic villus sampling. genetic engineering.d. social selection.


What is the current recommendation for pregnant women regarding cell phone use during pregnancy? a.Keep your cell phone at a distance when it's not being used and never use it while driving. b.There are no risks associated with cell phone use during pregnancy. Use your phone anytime you want! c. Do not use a cell phone at all during pregnancy.Cell phone use during pregnancy is hazardous to the health of the pregnant women and her unborn child. d.Cell phone use during pregnancy is only dangerous if used while driving — don't talk and drive!


When Grant puts a small rattle in his newborn daughter's hand, she grasps it tightly. Grant's daughter is displaying the a.palmar reflex.c.Babinski reflex. b.Moro reflex.d.rooting reflex.


When the top of the baby's head appears during childbirth it is called a.crowning.c.a breech presentation. b.placenta previa.d.the transition phase.


Which is the longest stage of labor? a.the first stagec.the third stage b.the second staged.all three stages last about the same length of time


While giving birth, Jutta is informed that her baby is in a breech presentation. What does that mean? a.Jutta's baby is presenting in a feet-first or buttocks-first position. b.Jutta's baby is lying in a sideways position across the cervix. c.Jutta's baby is presenting in a head-first position. d.Jutta's baby is presenting in an arms-first position.


Will was born 33 weeks after conception. Will was a a.premature infant.c.full-term infant. b.small-for-date infant.d.postmature infant.


Your friend Melinda just found out she is pregnant. Melinda is a heavy drinker. She wants to know if her baby will be okay if she reduces her drinking, but doesn't stop completely. You tell Melinda that this isn't a good idea because her baby may develop alcohol-related neurodevelopmental disorder (ARND). Which of the following is NOT a symptom of ARND? a.facial abnormalitiesc.deficits in attention b. deficits in memoryd.deficits in intelligence


__________ can be transmitted from a pregnant woman to her baby as it passes through the birth canal. a.Genital herpesc.Syphilis b.Rubellad.Cytomegalovirus


A newborn's pain cry a.begins softly, then gradually becomes more intense. b.begins with a sudden, long burst of crying, followed by a long pause and gasping. a more intense version of a basic cry. indistinguishable from a hunger cry.


Amy doesn't know it yet, but she is pregnant. She conceived one week ago and has not yet missed a menstrual period. Amy's developing child is in the period of the a.fetus.c.embryo. b.zygote.d.endoderm.


Babies are more likely to die from Sudden Infant Death Syndrome a.if their parents do not smoke. b.if they were premature or low birth weight babies. the summer months. d.while sleeping on their backs.


Cheri is 28 weeks pregnant, has gone into labor, and is worried about what will happen if her baby is born now. Cheri's baby unlikely to survive. b.has a chance to survive, but may have difficulty breathing and regulating his body temperature. c.has a chance to survive, but will not yet be able to hear. sufficiently developed that he has an excellent chance of survival with little risk of developmental problems.


Children with fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) a.are usually born prematurely.c.usually have normal levels of intelligence. b.may have serious attentional problems.d.have deformed limbs.


Cytomegalovirus (CMV) a genetic disorder. b.can result in an abnormally small head. associated with deformed arms, legs, hands, or fingers. likely to result in encephalitis.


During childbirth, the baby emerges from the mother's body at the end of the __________ stage of labor. a.firstc.third b.secondd.fourth


During labor, the: a.third stage lasts the longest amount of time.c.third stage is when the baby is born. b.first stage is when the cervix opens 10 cmd.first stage is when the placenta is expelled.


During the period of __________, the developing individual becomes much larger and its bodily systems begin to work. a.the zygotec.the embryo b.the fetusd.differentiation


Heather's cervix is fully dilated. She is just beginning the __________ stage of labor. a.firstc.third b.secondd.fourth


If a doctor is trying to determine the presence of multiple fetuses, which procedure would MOST likely be used? a.amniocentesisc.chorionic villus sampling b.ultrasoundd.fetal surgery


Implantation of the fertilized egg into the uterus begins a.immediately after conception.c.during the period of the embryo. b.about one week after conception.d.during the period of the fetus.


In the __________, the blood vessels from the umbilical cord run close to the mother's blood vessels, but aren't actually connected to them. a.amnionc.zygote b.placentad.germ disc


Infant mortality rates the United States are among the highest in the world. b.are related to the availability of prenatal health care. c.are unrelated to low birth weight. d.are high in the United States due to the generally poor quality of medical facilities in this country.


Jason was born prematurely. Which of the following statements about Jason's development is most likely to be true? a.Jason's developmental prognosis is worse than that of small-for-date babies. b.Jason's development is likely to be slower than normal for his first year of life, but normal by the time he is 2 to 3 years of age. c.Jason's development is likely to be slower than normal throughout childhood. d.Jason's development is likely to be no different from that of full-term babies from birth on through childhood.


Low birth weight not related to infant mortality. more likely to occur in the United States than other developed nations. c.cannot be prevented by good prenatal care. d.has no long-term consequences for development.


New mothers who experience postpartum depression a.seem to have normal levels of hormones during pregnancy. b.are more likely to have had an unplanned pregnancy. c.have other adults around them who are supportive. d.respond as warmly and enthusiastically to their babies as non-depressed mothers.


Newborns whose mothers had read The Cat in the Hat aloud twice a day during the last several weeks of pregnancy a.did not show any recognition of the story. b.recognized The Cat in the Hat when their mother read it to them. c.could not hear the story because their ears were not well-developed. d.listened to The Cat in the Hat and other stories equally.


Nina is in labor and feels a strong urge to push her baby out. Which stage of labor is she in? a.first c.third b.secondd.fourth


Once implantation is complete, the developing organism is called a(n) a.fetus.c.germ disc. b.zygote.d.embryo.


Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) is more likely to occur when infant is 12 months or older.c.babies are not kept sufficiently warm at night. b.the parents smoke.d.infants sleep on their backs.


The __________ is where nutrients and wastes are exchanged between the mother and the developing organism. a.germ discc.ectoderm b.placentad.amnion


The __________ will form muscles, bones, and the circulatory system. a.ectodermc.placenta b.mesodermd.endoderm


The period of the embryo goes from __________ weeks after conception. to twoc.six to 12 b.three to eightd.nine to 38


The process of a zygote burrowing into the uterine wall is referred to as a.fertilization.c.differentiation. b.implantation.d.crowning.


When a newborn's foot is stroked from heel to toe, the infant will fan its toes. This is known as the a.Moro reflex.c.palmar reflex. b.Babinski reflex.d.rooting reflex.


Which of the following is NOT a general risk factor for prenatal development? a.nutritionc.mother's age b.ethnic background stress


Which of the following is TRUE of the relationship between maternal stress during pregnancy and outcomes for the baby? a.Maternal stress increases the flow of blood to the fetus. b.Women who report greater anxiety during pregnancy more often give birth early or have babies who weigh less than average. c.Stress does not seem to affect a pregnant woman's immune system. d.The effects of occasional, mild anxiety are the same as those associated with prolonged, extreme stress.


Women who smoke marijuana while pregnant have an increased risk of having a(n) a.irritable baby. with lower birth weight and poor motor control. with facial deformities and retarded growth. with an intellectual disability.


Rapid-eye movement (REM) sleep a.becomes more frequent as infants grow older. b.may stimulate the brain and foster growth of the nervous system. c.makes up 90 percent of newborns' sleep. d.involves steady heart rate, breathing, and brain activity.


A zygote is a.a structure through which nutrients and wastes are exchanged between the mother and the developing organism. b.a sac filled with amniotic fluid. c.a fertilized egg. d.what a developing organism is called after it is completely embedded in the uterine wall.


Amniocentesis is most likely to be used to a.check for gross physical deformities.c.detect genetic disorders. b.detect multiple pregnancies.d.perform corrective surgery.


Amy is of average height and weight. How much weight should she gain during pregnancy? a.five to 10 poundsc.25 to 35 pounds b.10 to 20 poundsd.40 to 50 pounds


Carlie is sitting calmly in her bouncy chair. Her eyes are wide open. She appears to be looking around at everything in the room as if she's trying to figure out what everything is. She appears to be in the state of a.crying.c.alert inactivity. b.waking activity.d.sleeping.


Cesarean sections a.should not be performed when a fetus is in distress. b.are less risky than vaginal deliveries for mothers. c.pose little risk for babies. d.can interfere with later mother-baby interactions.


Differentiation of cells begins a.during the period of the embryo.c.during the period of the zygote. b.during the period of the birth.


During __________, exposure to teratogens is most often associated with minor defects in bodily structure or improperly functioning body systems. a.conceptionc.the period of the fetus b.the period of the embryod.the period of the zygote


During the period of the fetus a.cells begin to differentiate. b.most of the bodily structures and organs are formed. insulating layer of fat develops. d.very little growth of the fetus occurs.


Erin is eight weeks pregnant with her first child. She wonders what her developing child looks like. You tell her that her developing child resembles a a.hollow ball. b.salamander more than a human being. c.human being complete with eyes, jaw, arms, and legs, but no sex organs. d.human being complete with functional lungs and sex organs.


For the birth of a first child, the first stage of labor usually lasts a.1 to 2 hours.c.12 to 24 hours. b.3 to 8 hours.d.48 hours.


How much time do most newborns spend crying each day? a.30 minutesc.2 to 3 hours b.1 hourd.4 to 5 hours


Hypoxia is likely to lead to a.respiratory problems such as asthma.c.developmental disabilities b.blindness.d.hyperactivity.


If Carlie is a typical newborn, she will sleep __________ hours a day. a.8 to 10c.16 to 18 b.12 to 14d.20 to 22


Katrina is pregnant and wonders how much food she should eat. She should a.reduce her calorie consumption by 10 to 20%. b.consume the same number of calories as she did before she became pregnant. c.increase her calorie consumption by 10 to 20%. d.increase her calorie consumption by 100%.


Marla is getting ready to give birth to her second child and wonders how this labor will compare to the labor she went through when having her first child. If Marla is typical, her labor will be a.more painful.c.shorter. b.more irregular.d.longer.


Newborn Jared started crying softly, then gradually cried a little harder. Jared is showing a(n) a.pain cry.c.basic cry. b.mad cry.d.abnormal cry.


Newborn Kevin is in a state of waking activity. You would expect him to crying.c.have open, unfocused eyes. sleeping.d.have open, attentive eyes.


Newborn reflexes a.are uncommon.c.are involuntary motor responses to stimuli. b.are not have any major significance.


Prepared childbirth emphasizes all of the following EXCEPT education.c.the use of medication. relaxation.d.the presence of a supportive coach.


Reflexes a.are not important to the newborn's survival. not protect the infant from danger in the environment. c.indicate whether or not the newborn's nervous system is working properly. d.are not related to later motor behavior.


Regina is pregnant and has heard that maternal stress during pregnancy can be harmful to the unborn baby. She is generally calm and happy, but becomes a little upset when her favorite basketball team loses and wonders if she should stop watching basketball until her baby is born. What should she do? a.Regina should either quit watching basketball or start rooting for a better team. Maternal stress at any level has been found to have harmful consequences on prenatal development. b.Regina should keep following her favorite team. Maternal stress has been found to have a positive, stimulating effect on an unborn child. c.As long as Regina doesn't get too upset and stressed when her team loses, she should keep watching basketball. Although excessive stress may harm prenatal development, mild anxiety is not thought to have any harmful consequences on prenatal development. d.Regina should do whatever she wants to do. Even high levels of stress do not appear to be related to prenatal development.


Research in which mothers read aloud during the last months of their pregnancy suggests that a.fetuses are unable to hear. b.fetuses are able to hear in utero, but will not remember what they heard in utero after they are born. c.newborns are able to recognize some sounds they heard before they were born. d.both fetuses and newborns prefer non-rhythmic to rhythmic sounds.


Stress during pregnancy harmful even when it is relatively mild. b.increases the mother's resistance to illness during pregnancy. associated with premature birth and babies with low birth weight. d.does not appear to have any harmful effects on the developing child.


The __________ houses blood vessels that join the embryo to the placenta. a.amnionc.umbilical cord b.amniotic fluidd.endoderm


The __________ is the inner layer, the __________ is the middle layer, and the __________ is the outer layer of the embryo. a.mesoderm; ectoderm; endodermc.endoderm; mesoderm; ectoderm b.ectoderm; mesoderm; endodermd.endoderm; ectoderm; mesoderm


The __________ stage of labor is the shortest, usually lasting 10 to 15 minutes. a.firstc.third b.secondd.fourth


The age of viability occurs around a.17-21 weeks of prenatal developmentc.22-28 weeks of prenatal development b.28-34 weeks of prenatal developmentd.35-40 weeks of prenatal development


The longest phase of prenatal development is the period of a.the embryo.c.the fetus. b.viability.d.the zygote.


The period from conception to birth normally lasts on average __________ weeks. a.30 c.38 b.34d.42


Tina weighed much less at birth than expected for the length of time since her conception. Tina was a(n) __________ baby. a.prematurec.small-for-date b.full-termd.anoxia


Which of the following events does NOT occur during the period of the zygote? a.rapid division of the cells b.differentiation of cells c.development of body structures and internal organs d.implantation


Which of the following is NOT a recommendation for having a healthy baby? Stop drinking alcohol and caffeinated beverages. Eat healthy foods including food from each of the five major food groups. Limit exercise. Exercise during pregnancy can rob the baby of essential nutrients. Get enough rest, especially during the last two months of pregnancy.


Which of the following statements is TRUE of the influence of teratogens on prenatal development? a.If a teratogen is harmful to one species of mammals it will be harmful to all species of mammals. b.Teratogens have widespread, not specific, effects on prenatal development. c.The timing of exposure to a teratogen is important. d.Damage from teratogens is always evident at birth.


Who has the best chance of having a healthy baby? a.Silvia, who is 16 years old and under a great deal of stress because her pregnancy is unwanted and she's afraid to tell anyone about it. b.Judi, who is 26 years old and constantly dieting. c.Rebecca, who is 34 years old and gets regular checkups. d.Lynn, who is 42 years old and eats right.


Women who took thalidomide during pregnancy gave birth to offspring with a high incidence of a.mental retardation.c.deformed arms, legs, hands, or fingers. b.deafness and blindness.d.poor verbal and memory skills.


Your sister is pregnant and wonders how her baby takes in nutrients and gets rid of waste products. You tell her that it happens through a structure called a(n) a.germ disc.c.placenta. b.amnion.d.ectoderm.


A fertilized egg is called a(n) a.amnion.c.mesoderm. b.umbilical cord.d.zygote.


At the end of the first stage of labor, the cervix is dilated to eight centimeters. b.five centimeters.d.10 centimeters.


Being born feet first is known as a.anoxia.c.dilation. b.crowning.d.breech presentation.


During the third stage of labor, the emerges from the mother's body.c.mother experiences the most painful part of labor. b.muscles of the uterus start to contract.d.placenta is expelled from the uterus.


Exposure to teratogens during the period of the zygote usually results in a.major defects in bodily structure.c.improperly functioning body systems. b.minor defects in bodily structure.d.spontaneous abortion (miscarriage).


Home births a.usually involve the presence of a doctor. b.are more expensive than hospital births. c.make women feel as if they have less control over labor and delivery. d.should only be attempted by healthy women who have had problem-free pregnancies.


Immediately after conception, a fertilized egg is referred to as a(n) a.fetus.c.germ disc. b.embryo.d.zygote.


Maternal exposure to polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) during pregnancy is associated with a.hyperactivity.c.retarded growth. b.deafness.d.impaired verbal and memory abilities.


Melody is eight weeks pregnant and wants to find out as soon as possible whether her unborn baby has any genetic disorders. Which prenatal diagnostic technique would be most appropriate to use? a.amniocentesisc.fetal surgery b.ultrasoundd.chorionic villus sampling


Near the center of a zygote is a small cluster of cells called the __________, which will eventually develop into the baby. a.placentac.fetus b.amniond.germ disc


Newborns spend the most time in which state? a.alert inactivityc.crying b.waking activityd.sleeping


Nicole gave birth recently and now frequently feels irritable and apathetic, has feelings of low self-worth, and doesn't sleep or eat very well. Nicole is showing signs of a.hypoxia.c.preeclampsia. b.a prolapsed umbilical cord.d.postpartum depression.


Olivia was told that her newborn daughter had an Apgar score of 8. She should be a.mourning, because her daughter died. b.extremely concerned, because her daughter is in a life-threatening state and requires emergency medical care. c.worried, because her daughter needs special attention and care. d.happy, because her daughter is in good physical condition.


Sarah has noticed that whenever she touches her baby son's cheek, he turns his head and opens his mouth. Sarah has triggered the a.sucking reflex.c.Babinski reflex. b.Moro reflex.d.rooting reflex.


Studies of at-risk infants suggest that infants will have unstable family environments. unstable environment does not affect the development of at-risk infants. c.regardless of the environment, at-risk infants are likely to lag behind infants not at risk. d.with a stable, supportive environment at-risk infants often develop normally during childhood.


The __________ is a fluid-filled sac that cushions the embryo and maintains a constant temperature. a.placentac.germ disc b.umbilical cordd.amniotic sac


The age of viability refers to the a.time since conception. b.age at which a baby is expected to be born. c.age at which a fetus can hear sounds. d.age at which a fetus has a chance to survive if born.


The developing organism is called an embryo a.from the moment of conception.c.when bodily systems begin to work. b.when cell division begins.d.once implantation is complete.


The general principle that the impact of a teratogen depends upon the genotype of the organism is best illustrated by a.rubella being more likely to cause birth defects during some times of pregnancy than during others. b.thalidomide during pregnancy causing deformed limbs, but not low birth weight, while the use of marijuana during pregnancy is associated with low birth weight but not deformed limbs. c.the effects of eating PCB-contaminated fish while pregnant not being obvious when a child is born, but appearing later in the child's life. d.two women who both took thalidomide during pregnancy with one of them giving birth to a child with deformed limbs and the other giving birth to a child with normal limbs.


The incidence of giving birth to a child with Down syndrome is highest for women in their a.teens.c.thirties. b.twenties.d.forties.


Three layers called the ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm form in the developing organism during the period of the a.amnion.c.zygote. b.fetus.d.embryo.


When pregnant women do not consume enough folic acid, they are likely to have babies born with a.rubella.c.cytomegalovirus. b.low birth weight.d.spina bifida.


When the zygote consists of about 100 cells and looks like a hollow ball, it is called a(n) a.fertilized egg.c.fetus. b.embryo.d.blastocyst.


Which of the following is NOT a useful technique used to help soothe crying babies? swaddlingc.singing lullabies gently rocking the babyd.triggering the Moro reflex.


Which of the following is TRUE about how teratogens usually work? a.The impact of a teratogen is the same for all organisms. b.The impact of a teratogen stays the same over the course of prenatal development. c.Damage from teratogens is always evident at birth. d.Each teratogen affects a specific aspect of prenatal development.


Which of the following pregnant women has an increased risk of having a child with spina bifida? a.Elizabeth, who is under a great deal of stressc.Eleanor, who has rubella b.Elaine, who is a heavy drinkerd.Ellen, whose diet is low in folic acid


Your friend Angela, who is four months pregnant, shows you a picture of her unborn child. You say to her, "I see you must have had amniocentesis."c.a fetal surgery." b.a chorionic villus sampling." ultrasound."


Your friend, Cassie, is eight months pregnant and has heard that she should read to her unborn child. What would you tell her based on research of reading aloud during pregnancy? a.Don't bother. Your baby's hearing isn't sufficiently developed to hear you anyway. b.Your baby can hear, but the uterine environment is so noisy that your baby is not going to hear what you read very well. c.If you read to your baby before she's born, she will be able to hear you, but she won't have any memory of it after she's born. d.If you read to your baby before she's born, not only will she hear you, but after she is born she might recognize the rhythm of a story you read to her in utero.


__________ can be transmitted from a pregnant woman to her baby both through the placenta and during passage through the birth canal. a.Genital herpesc.Syphilis b.Cytomegalovirusd.AIDS


__________ during pregnancy is associated with an increased risk of having a baby with deformed arms, legs, hands, or fingers. a.Having AIDSc.Using cocaine b.Using marijuanad.Taking thalidomide


__________ provides a quick, approximate assessment of a newborn's status by looking at five vital signs. a.The Neonatal Behavioral Assessment Scalec.Chorionic villus sampling b.The Babinskid.The Apgar Scale


Exposure to teratogens during __________ is most likely to produce major defects in bodily structure. a.conceptionc.the period of the zygote b.the period of the fetusd.the period of the embryo


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