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The establishment of the first psychology laboratory by the experimenter _____ launched the beginning of psychology as an independent field of study.


Which of the following best describes how William James and Wilhelm Wundt differed in their beliefs about consciousness?

Wundt believed that consciousness could be broken down into different elements, and James believed that consciousness was more of a flowing stream.

difference b/t wundt and titchener

Wundt emphasized how the elements of consciousness were related, while Titchener focused on identifying the basic elements themselves.

Which of the following is the correct order of presentation if reaction time to a stimulus is being measured?

Yang is shown several letters and is asked to press Y for consonants and N for vowels.

Ana is a psychoanalyst who is interested in hysteria. She believes that hysteria is the same in all cultures, representing the philosophical position of:


to the _____ model, dreams are produced when the mind attempts to make sense of random neural activity that occurs in the brain during sleep.


Central to evolutionary psychology is the ____ function that minds and brains serve.


By studying people with brain damage in certain regions of the brain, we gain a better understanding that:

all cognitive processes rely on the brain.

Dreams are often populated with anxiety-producing images such as heights, monsters, and major exams. Because of this, it is not surprising to find that the _____ is quite active during REM sleep.


Which type of psychologist deals with workplace issues such as assessing potential employees, improving productivity, or helping staff and management with planning?

an industrial-organizational psychologist

Mary Calkins

became the first woman president of the APA.

An approach that advocates that psychologists restrict themselves to the scientific study of objectively observable behavior


Psychological states and experiences that occur most commonly across the world are usually _____ based, whereas those that are the least universal are rooted in _____ .

biologically; culture

Complete this sequence to accurately reflect the order in which light stimulates cells early in the visual processing of an image: rods and cones, _____, ganglion cells.

bipolar cells

Yu Fang is missing the S-cones. Yu Fang is likely to have trouble perceiving the color _____.


In the late 18th through the 19th centuries, studies of brain-damaged patients with observable behavioral problems demonstrated that the mind is not separate from the body, but is the result of the workings of the:


Paul Broca's work with a brain-damaged patient who had significant impairment in mental function demonstrated that the brain and the _____ are closely linked.


According to the text, people will likely label something as conscious if it:

can feel pain and pleasure and has self-control.

According to the text, electrical and _____ activities of the brain are the bases of perception, thoughts, memories, and feelings, or the human subjective sense of self.


Psychoactive drugs that influence consciousness or behavior work by altering the brain's _____ message system.


The point at which the optic nerves meet and then split is termed the optic _____.


Today most people who call themselves psychologists are in the _____ subfield of psychology.


The use of scanning techniques to observe the brain in action and to see which parts are involved in which operations helped the development of

cognitive neuroscience.

According to the _____ approach, the human brain is more like a computer specialized to do a few tasks very well and less like an all-purpose computer that can learn to do anything.

cognitive psychology

The study of mental processes such as perception and memory is called

cognitive psychology.

Psychology was initially focused on _____ and analyzing the subjective feelings and thoughts of a person's experiences.


Research on pain control provides evidence that hypnosis is a different state of _____.


JoNell is a psychologist interested in studying how traditions and believes exist in groups. What type of psychologist is she?


Cultural psychology emphasizes that

culture shapes some, but not all psychological phenomena.

Kenneth Clark

did research that influenced the Supreme Court decision to ban segregation in public schools.

According to psychoanalytic theory, repression acts to keep inappropriate thoughts in the:

dynamic unconscious.

When Keisha looks at a picture of her husband, she gets an overwhelming feeling of warmth. This mental process arises from _____ and chemical activity in the brain


When Frank looks at a picture of his wife, he gets an overwhelming feeling of warmth. This mental process arises from what in the brain?

electrical and chemical activity

By the 1920s, _____ was the major approach to psychology in North America. involved breaking down consciousness into elemental sensations and feelings


Emotions are complex in nature. Some philosophers have argued that emotions have evolved to help species adapt to their environment. This view of emotions is best illustrated by which psychological approach?


When coming home from work Amanda reminds herself to stop at the store to get milk. Twenty minutes later, Amanda arrives at home with no milk. This is an example of:

how humans behave automatically.

Social psychology differs most from other psychological approaches in its emphasis on

human interaction

Which area of psychology was associated with identifying the full scope of positive human potential?


Lawrence believes that all people have high aspirations and can reach their full potential. Lawrence's beliefs are most closely aligned with ________ psychology.


The psychological theory that emphasizes the positive potential of human beings is known as

humanistic psychology.

Jean-Martin Charcot and Pierre Janet were interested in a condition which results in the temporary loss of motor control or cognitive functions. What were they studying?


By asking people to pay attention to and record their feelings and perceptions of an event, Wilhelm Wundt used the method of _____ to analyze the basic elements of the mind.


The structural approach to psychology gradually faded because of problems with the method of _____.


Someone who disagreed with René Descartes's view of the mind and body would likely say that the two entities are not _____.


During World War II, cognitive psychologists discovered that many of the errors pilots make are the result of

limited human cognitive capacity to handle incoming information.

Sherry is nearsighted; that is, she suffers from _____.


Jim's daughter begins to hit other children while at the playground. His daughter has never been exposed to violence nor has she ever seen someone hit another person. Sam believes that she inherited this tendency from his father, who was a violent person. This would be an example of Plato's argument, known as _____.


Elizabeth believes that without innate ability no matter how hard someone practices, he or she will never be a professional athlete or expert musician. Elizabeth believes in:


Behaviorism involves the study of

observable actions and responses.


observable actions of human beings and nonhuman animals

Area V1 in the _____ lobe contains the primary visual cortex.


The visual areas of the brain are mainly located in the _____ lobes.

occipital and temporal

_____ and Marie Jean Pierre Flourens were the first to demonstrate that the mind is grounded in a material substance, namely, the brain. Their work jump-started the scientific investigation of mental processes.

paul boca

Aristotle belief of learned through experience known as

philosophical empiricism

The idea that all knowledge is attained through experience was referred to as _____ by the Greek philosopher Aristotle.

philosophical empiricism

Michael's friend Tony tells him that the only way he can know something is through experience. Tony is probably a:

philosophical empiricist

Your friend Tony tells you that the only way you can know something is through experience. Tony is probably a:

philosophical empiricist.

Franz Gall believed that bumps and indentations on the skull are indicative of the size of the brain regions beneath them. Gall called this theory _____.


Which discipline influenced Wundt's method of studying consciousness?


Wilhelm Wundt's method of studying consciousness was influenced by the discipline of _____.


Building on the work of Charcot and Janet, Sigmund Freud developed

psychoanalytic theory.

What was the subject of the famous experiment conducted by Hermann von Helmholtz?

reaction time

"Depression is expressed differently across cultures; this is an important factor to consider during diagnosis and treatment." Which school of thought would MOST likely agree with this statement?


The age at which people begin to have romantic relationships varies across cultures, but the number of items people can hold in their short-term memory is relatively similar across cultures. The course of romantic relationships could be labeled as _____ , while memory span could be _____ .

relativistic; absolute

Which action is NOT done by the mind?



sensory input from the environment

The experiments of Ivan Pavlov and John Watson centered on

stimulus and response

Each time you order a pizza, your doorbell rings, and there is a pizza delivery person there, bringing you a tasty pizza. One day, you notice you begin to salivate at the sound of the doorbell, before you even smell or taste the pizza. In this case, the doorbell is a(n) _____ that produces a(n) _____ of salivation.

stimulus; response

Wundt and his students sought to analyze the basic elements that constitute the mind, an approach called


One of the biggest challenges for evolutionary psychologists is:

testing their hypotheses.

The lateral geniculate nucleus is located in the:


reaction time

the amount of time taken to respond to a specific stimulus


the consequences of a behavior determine whether it will be more or less likely to occur again

The stimulus-response method of behaviorism demonstrated the important influence of _____ on human and animal behavior.

the environment

Wilhelm Wundt is credited with

the founding of psychology as a scientific discipline.

Researchers who study people's private inner emotions are studying

the mind

In the 1800s, French biologist Marie Jean Pierre Flourens and surgeon Paul Broca conducted research that demonstrated a connection between

the mind and the brain.


the part of the mind that operates outside of conscious awareness but influences conscious thoughts, feelings, and actions


the philosophical view that certain kinds of knowledge are innate or inborn


the private inner experience of perceptions, thoughts, memories, and feelings


the study of biological processes, especially in the human body.

English philosopher _____ believed that the mind is what the brain does

thomas hobbes

The American Psychological Society was formed because the membership of the American Psychological Association:

was made up predominantly of clinical and health-related psychologists.

To understand human behavior, French physicians Jean-Martin Charcot and Pierre Janet studied people

with psychological disorders.

Rahdi turns toward the light when he senses it coming in the window. This is called _____ consciousness; it can occur even if Rahdi is unaware of his adjustment.


_____ believed that the body was made up of material substances and the mind was made up of immaterial or spiritual substances.

René Descartes

William James wrote which classic psychological text in 1890?

The Principles of Psychology


The analysis of the basic elements that constitute the mind

cognitive psychology

The scientific study of mental processes, including, perception, thought, memory, and reasoning


The scientific study of mind and behavior


The study of the purpose mental processes serve in enabling people to adapt to their environment


The subjective observation of one's own experience

philosophical empiricism

The view that all knowledge is acquired through experience

The classic "Little Albert" experiment by _____ demonstrated that the environment can control the behavior of human beings at very young ages.

Watson and Rayner

The professor _____ taught the first course on the new experimental psychology in an American university.

William James

The psychologist Wilhelm Wundt believed that consciousness had different parts while Harvard professor _____ believed that consciousness was more of a flowing stream that could not be broken down into parts.

William James

Who taught the first course on the new experimental psychology in an American university?

William James

The functional approach to psychology was inspired by

Darwin's On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection.

With respect to visual processing, the "how" pathway is to the "what" pathway as the _____ stream is to the ventral stream. of the temporal lobes and includes brain areas that represent an object's shape and identity.



Errors of perception, memory, or judgement in which subjective experience differs from objective reality

_____ is the dimension of mind perception that refers to the ability to feel pain, pleasure, hunger, consciousness, anger, or fear.



A now defunct theory that specific mental abilities and characteristics, ranging from memory to the capacity for happiness, are localized in specific regions of the brain


A person's subjective experience of the world and the mind

Gestalt psychology

A psychological approach that emphasizes that we often perceive the whole rather than the sum of the parts


A temporary loss of cognitive or motor functions, usually as a result of emotionally upsetting experiences


A therapeutic approach that focuses on bringing unconscious material into conscious awareness to better understand psychological disorders

_____ is the dimension of mind perception that refers to the ability for self-control, planning, memory, or thought.



An action or physiological change elicited by a stimulus

psychoanalytic theory

An approach that emphasizes the importance of unconscious mental processes in shaping feelings, thoughts, and behavior

humanistic psychology

An approach to understanding human nature that emphasizes the positive potential of human beings.

Who developed the concept of reinforcement?

B.F. Skinner

_____ stresses the importance of studying observable behaviors and generally ignores the mental processes involved in different tasks.



Behaviorism supported the idea that psychologists should restrict themselves to the scientific study of objectively observable behavior; it became the dominant movement in psychology in the 1930s.

According to Aristotle, a child's mind is a(n) _____, completely shaped by experience.

Blank slate

natural selection

Charles Darwin's theory that the features of an organism that help it survive and reproduce are more likely than other features to be passed on to subsequent generations.

How does cognitive neuroscience differ from cognitive psychology?

Cognitive neuroscience attempts to link thinking to brain activity while cognitive psychology focuses more on thinking.

_____ is the scientific study of mental processes, including perception, thought, memory, and reasoning.

Cognitive psychology

William James and ____ helped establish functionalism as a major school of psychological thought in North America.

G. Stanley Hall

_____ was the psychologist who established the first laboratory in North America at Johns Hopkins University in 1881.

G. Stanley Hall

Studies suggest that consciousness is primarily dominated by the _____ environment.


What is true about the proportion of Ph.D.s in psychology earned by women?

It increased from 15 percent of all awarded doctorates in 1950 to 70 percent of those awarded in 2010.

What did Donald Broadbent's studies on pilots reveal about attention?

It is limited.

_____ disagreed with Franz Gall's theory of phrenology and conducted a series of experiments in which he removed parts of the brain of animals and discovered that the behaviors did not match Gall's theory.

Jean Pierre Flourens

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