Psychology Exam 2 (Quizzes)

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Which of these definitions of abnormal sexual behavior is most generally reasonable in society?

behavior that has negative consequences for the person or others

The belief that sexual orientation is a function of hormones and other physiological processes is associated with which theory?


David Wechsler differed from intelligence researchers before him because he believed that intelligence should be measured

by both verbal and nonverbal measures.

The treatable sexually transmitted infection that infects the largest number of Americans is


When asked to memorize the 15 letters, C I A C B S A B C F B I I R S Mary reorganized them into CIA, CBS, ABC, FBI, and IRS. Mary used the tactic of


You would expect an individual at a higher level of moral development to show an increase in

concern over the ethics of a person's actions.

A child decides to steal a small item from a neighborhood store in order to be accepted into a club. The child reasons that the stealing behavior is acceptable because it is what his friends expect of him. According to Kohlberg, this child is operating at the _______ level.


If Elena does not cheat on tests because she feels it is important to obey rules set down by her teachers, then she is probably functioning at the _______ stage of moral development.


In Erikson's stage theory of development, the stages are known as


Reasoning from the general to the specific is called:

deductive reasoning.

You are engrossed in your favorite TV show in the living room. Your roommate yells for you to quickly bring a flyswatter to the kitchen. Vaguely aware that a request is being made of you, you ask your roommate to repeat herself. Before she can reply, however, the words "bring a flyswatter to the kitchen" play through your mind. This is an example of

echoic memory.

Chunking involves

elaborative encoding of information.

Which of the following is the correct sequence of sexual response phases?

excitement, plateau, orgasm, resolution

The functions of emotions include:

helping us interact more effectively with others.

Psychologists define _____ as the capacity to understand the world, think rationally, and use resources effectively when faced with challenges.


After hearing a friend's telephone number for the first time, you are able to recite back to her all seven digits in perfect order. This feat is made possible by your

memory span.

George Miller's classic paper on the "magical" seven plus or minus two phenomenon refers to a person's

memory span.

Binet is to Wechsler as

mental age is to norms.

Short-term memory has a _____ capacity than sensory memory and a _____ duration.

more limited; longer

There is agreement by researchers that female circumcision

permanently eliminates the woman's sexual pleasure in intercourse.

In contrast to when the test was first created, modern IQ tests provide a score that represents a

person's performance relative to the scores of other people his or her own age.

The smallest unit of sound that can be distinctly recognized in a language is known as a


The phase of the sexual response cycle in which sexual arousal builds steadily to its maximum level is called


In the James-Lange theory of emotion, physiological responses _____ emotional experiences.


In Kohlberg's theory, conventional level is to self-sacrifice as

preconventional is to individual survival.

The Eisenbergs want to raise their children to be highly moral. Which positive parenting strategies might they use to accomplish this?

providing their children with information on expected behaviors

A need is to a physiological state as a drive is to a(n)

psychological state.

At the preconventional level of moral development, individuals decide right and wrong based on

punishments or rewards.

Gender stereotypes tend to

reflect people's perceptions rather than reality.

If multiple tests of intelligence mathematically "hang together" or cluster together, then performance on these tests

reflects the same underlying skill.

Consider the statement, "Last night, I shot an elephant in my pajamas." Because this sentence has at least two different interpretations (the pajamas could be worn by the person OR they could be worn by the elephant), this means that this sentence has different


According to the Atkinson-Shiffrin theory of memory, memory storage involves which of the following three systems?

sensory memory, short-term memory, and long-term memory

You tell your friends about the great time you had at a famous vacation amusement park. Most of the information that you have forgotten about this experience was most likely processed in your

sensory memory.

The sensory memory for which of the following has been studied LEAST?


In every language, the rules of __________ determine how ___________ can be combined to create morphemes.

syntax; phonemes

A prototype is:

the most typical or highly representative example of a concept.

Drive-reduction approaches to motivation are:

theories suggesting that a lack of some basic biological need produces a drive to push an organism to satisfy that need.

Incentive approaches to motivation are:

theories suggesting that motivation stems from the desire to attain external rewards.

According to the text, people at a farmer's market often mistakenly read a sign for a "Bead Store" as a sign for a "Bread Store." They thought this store was selling food items, like the other stores in the market. This example best demonstrates the effects of

top-down processing, based on context and expectations.

Each woman faces a _____ risk of becoming a rape victim at least once during her lifetime.


According to the _____ theory of emotion, both physiological arousal and emotional experience are produced simultaneously by the same nerve stimulus.


Which of the following student statements is an example of Kohlberg's preconventional level?

Charlie: "I like getting good grades because my parents pay me when I do."

Clint is mentally rehearsing his golf swing in his mind's eye. Based on mental imagery, which of the following statements is most accurate?

Clint's mental rehearsal should improve his golf swing. Performing the task involves the same network of brain cells as the network used in mentally rehearsing it.

_____ psychology is the branch of psychology that focuses on the study of higher mental processes, including thinking, language, memory, problem solving, knowing, reasoning, and judging.


The term ____________ refers to the rules that govern the organization of the surface structure of a language, whereas __________ are rules that determine how symbols are connected to what they represent.

"syntax"; semantics

Which of the following individuals has had the largest impact on modern-day tests of IQ?

David Wechsler

According to Kohlberg, which of the following phrases describes the basis of moral reasoning in early childhood?

Don't get caught.

What is NOT one of the major differences between Erikson's theory and Freud's theory?

Erikson's theory is a stage theory, while Freud's theory is not a stage theory.

Which statement below accurately reflects how parents interact with children, and thus contribute to the children's gender schemas?

Fathers play more roughly with their sons.

Which of the following formulas was originally used to determine a person's intelligence quotient (IQ)

IQ = (mental age/chronological age) × 100

Paige is an expert at golf and is bored by the thought of the upcoming tournament. Mary is pretty good and is somewhat excited, but not overly anxious. Sara has only recently learned to play, but she has very high expectations and is really nervous about the tournament. According to optimum arousal theory, who will perform the best?

Mary will perform best.

Gary wants to lose weight by reducing his caloric intake. He eats a candy bar for breakfast instead of a bowl of cereal because the candy bar has fewer calories. Based on information presented in your textbook is Gary doing the right thing?

No, the candy bar will cause Gary to get hungry sooner than if he'd eaten the cereal.

Which of the following is evidence that signals other than those coming from the stomach are important in hunger?

People whose stomachs have been surgically removed still report hunger.

A school psychologist gives an IQ test to a 6-year-old child. The child's score on the test indicates that she has the mental abilities of a typical 8-year-old. If the psychologist is using Alfred Binet's conception of IQ, which of the following statements can be made?

The child has an IQ score of 125 (IQ = 8/6 × 100).

Imagine that you were a participant in Sperling's classic study on iconic memory. Why aren't you able to identify all the letters presented on the screen?

They are presented too briefly for you to identify them.

Which of the following is TRUE about mental images?

They are representations in the mind of an object or event.

Today, the most popular individually administered intelligence test is the

Wechsler's scales.

Which of these statements on gender has been supported by research?

Women evaluate themselves more harshly than do men.

The g-factor is:

a general intelligence factor that was thought to underlie performance in every aspect of intelligence.

The _____, in the brain's temporal lobe, plays an important role in our experience of emotion.


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