psychology final

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biofeedback training

In ________, people receive reinforcement in the form of information.

Mary Whiton Calkins

Which of the following completed all of the academic requirements for a Ph.D. at Harvard but was never awarded it?

the far reaching effects of childhood events on personality

Which of the following is a focus of the psychodynamic theory?

gender-schema theory

When Jacob was a little boy he loved wearing his big sister's pink shoes. However, once he started kindergarten he stopped wearing them on the first day. This is best explained by which of the following?

feature detectors

While looking at a painting in an art gallery, many of Jinan's brain cells fire in response to lines presented at various angles, while others fire in response to specific colors. These brain cells are termed _____.

a girl longing for her father and resenting her mother

The Electra complex involves __________.

conversion disorder

_________ is a type of somatoform disorder.

illness anxiety disorder

__________ is a type of somatic symptom disorder that was earlier called hypochondria.


__________ is an environmental hassle.


__________ was once used as a cure for addiction to morphine.

social anxiety disorder

Excessive fear of public speaking is a common __________.


In generalized dissociative amnesia, people forget particular traumatic instances of their lives but not their entire lives.


In operant conditioning, voluntary responses cannot be conditioned.

social cognitive theory

Observational learning is one of the foundations of __________.


Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) is the leading cause of death in the United States.


Monozygotic twins share _______ of their genes.

direct inner awareness

The knowledge of one's own thoughts, feelings, and memories without the use of sensory organs is known as _____.


The left hemisphere of the brain is relatively more involved in tasks that require logic and problem solving than the right hemisphere.


The organ of Corti is a membrane that lies coiled within the cochlea.

Mary witnessed the death of her sister when she was young but cannot remember it now

Which of the following is an illustration of the defense mechanism of repression?

calculating correlations

Which of the following is not necessarily a part of the scientific method?

germinal stage, embryonic stage, fetal stage

Which of the following is the correct order of prenatal development?

In an experiment, an audio track was played at such a low volume that the participants were not aware of it.

Which of the following scenarios illustrates subliminal stimulation?

the process by which a neural impulse travels is electrochemical

Which of the following statements is true of a neural impulse?


Wilhelm Wundt used __________ to try to discover the basic elements of experience.


While Ebony was playing a video game and trying to keep her character alive, she started to become anxious, causing her pulse to increase. Which hormone was responsible for this reaction?


According to Freud, __________ is an anal-retentive trait.


Pain results when neurons called__________in the skin are stimulated.

medical model

Sanchez, an eight-year-old boy, suffers from unpredictable panic attacks and constantly talks to his imaginary friends. His mother confesses to the family doctor, "I probably drank too much alcohol during pregnancy and caused damage to Sanchez's brain." This statement supports the _____ on psychological disorders.


The __________ mind contains primitive instincts such as sex and aggression.


The beginning of menstruation, or menarche, usually occurs between 11 and 14.

central nervous system

The brain and the spinal cord make up the _______, which controls and commands bodily functions.

insist on evidence

Which of the following is a principle of critical thinking?

people need more sleep when they are under stress

Which of the following statements is true of sleep?

A predisposition toward anxiety, in the form of a highly reactive autonomic nervous system, can be inherited.

Which of the following statements is true of the biological views that explain the origins of anxiety disorders?

uninvolved parents

__________are parents who generally leave their children to themselves.

the vestibular sense

__________tells us whether we are falling and provides cues to whether our body is changing speed.


A person with normal color vision is labeled a _____.

selection factor

A source of bias that may occur in research findings when participants are allowed to choose for themselves a certain treatment in a scientific study is called a _______.

industrial psychologist

A(n) _____ primarily focuses on the relationships between people and work.

dreams express impulses we would censor during the day

According to Freud, which of the following statements is true of dreams?


According to Jung's hypothesis, which of the following refers to the primitive images contained in the collective unconscious?

demonological model

According to the __________, the ancient Greeks believed that the gods punished humans by causing madness.

resistance stage

According to the general adaptation syndrome, the levels of endocrine and sympathetic activity in the __________ are lower than the levels in the alarm reaction but still higher than normal.

multiple approach avoidant conflict

After returning from work, Greg contemplates whether he should stay at home or exercise at the gym. He wants to stay at home because he likes to relax, but feels guilty about not getting enough exercise. He knows that if he goes to the gym, he will be glad that he is exercising but unhappy because he does not enjoy the activity. According to Neal E. Miller, this is an example of a(n) __________.


Anxiety is an appropriate response to a real threat, but it can be abnormal when it is excessive.


At the postconventional level of adolescence, moral judgements are derived from authority figures.

classical conditioning

Benjamin entered a pizza-eating contest when he was in college. He finished five large pizzas by himself, but he felt nauseated and threw up a few hours later. For several years, the sight and smell of pizza made him feel sick. In this scenario, Benjamin's aversion toward pizza occurred through ________.

unconditional positive regard

Bobby spilled water accidentally on his father's computer, but contrary to Bobby's expectations, he did not get grounded. His father acknowledged that it was a mistake and assured Bobby that he still loved him, despite the unfortunate incident. Bobby's father's response is an example of _____.

reticular formation

Chloe has been having a lot of difficulty paying attention at work and sleeping at night. Which of the following structures might be the cause of these issues?

the oedipus complex

Denise's 4-year-old son is really becoming territorial and possessive of his mother. It has become so bad that neither his sibling nor his father can approach her. Freud would suggest that the little boy's behaviors reflect:


Direct artificial stimulation of the parietal lobe produces a sense of being touched somewhere on your body.


In the context of specific phobias, acrophobia is the fear of snakes.

a clear image of on object to be projected onto the retina

In the context of the eye, changes in thickness of the lens permit:


It's normal for adolescents to see themselves as the center of attention and assume that other people are also preoccupied with their appearance and behavior. This is termed an imaginary audience.

hoarding disorder

Jenny is obsessed with collecting chocolate wrappers. She picks up wrappers from the road and stacks them at her house. Over the years, these wrappers have piled up to such an extent that Jenny is left with only a narrow pathway that leads from the entrance of her house to her bedroom. Although Jenny has been advised by many to get rid of the clutter, she refuses to do so. Jenny is most likely suffering from __________.

western cultural prejudice

Karen Horney believed that the view that girls feel inferior to boys was based on _________.

being left handed was once seen as a difficiency

Kendall is left-handed. Which of the following statements is true of her handedness?

variable-ratio schedule

Michaela works as waitress and she knows that the more tables that she waits on the better the likelihood of more tips. This schedule is a__________.


Mindfulness meditation (MM) provides clients with techniques they can use to attain spiritual enlightenment.


You would not show any instinctive behaviors if you were born and raised separately from others in your family and/or species.

a placebo

Amelia is a general physician. One of her patients claimed to be suffering from constant stomach aches. After running some tests, Amelia concludes that the patient is not suffering from any medical disorder. However, the patient insisted that she has stomach cancer. The patient then volunteered for a medical trial where she was given a pill with a new medication while participants in the trial were given sugar pills. This best exemplifies _____.


Biofeedback training is a system that provides information about a bodily function so the organism can gain control of that function.

they produce less aldehyde dehydrogenase than other groups

One potential reason why women and certain ethnic groups are significantly affected by alcohol is because


Nasreen and her brother Abdellah have a genetic overlap of ______ percent.

multiple approach avoidance conflict

In the __________, each of several alternative courses of action has pluses and minuses.


Brad was surprised to learn that Ameer did not belong to the National Honor Society because he always seemed to hang out with other members of that organization. This is best explained by the principle of the law of__________.

sleep apnea

Causes of __________ include anatomical deformities that clog the air passageways, such as a thick palate, and problems in the breathing centers in the brain.

dissociative identity disorder

Harry is least interested in music. He tells his friends that playing a musical instrument is a waste of time. However, on several occasions, Harry's friends have noticed that he plays the guitar like a professional. When his friends question him on such occasions, Harry replies, "I am Joe and playing the guitar is my passion." In this scenario, Harry exhibits _______.


Influenza is caused by a virus. This virus is an example of a broad category of disease-causing organisms called __________.


Psychology seeks to describe, explain, predict, and control behavior and mental processes.


Self-awareness is one of the foundations of social cognitive theory.


The _______ perspective works on the assumption that thoughts, fantasies, and dreams—and the inborn or instinctive behavior patterns of various species—are made possible by the nervous system and especially by the brain.


The audience was very impressed by the singer's ability to hit the high and low notes. This most closely refers to __________.

brightness constancy

_____ is the tendency to perceive an object as being just as luminous even though lighting conditions change its intensity.


_______ are male sex hormones that masculinize the sex organs in the embryonic stage of prenatal development.


________ tests are tests whose items must be answered in a specified, limited manner and have concrete answers.

depressant drugs

__________ generally act by slowing the activity of the central nervous system.

The short-term consequences of behavior often provide more of an incentive than the long-term consequences.

Identify a true statement about the types of reinforcers.

projective test

In his clinical practice, Dr. Lee believes that the draw-a-person test (DAP) is an excellent way to discover some of his patients' mental health issues. The DAP requires you to draw a person, for instance, your mother or significant other. This type of test would be considered a(n) __________.

anal-retentive trait

In the context of Freud's theory of psychosexual development, a strong need for order is a(n) __________.


In the context of specific phobias, __________ is the fear of tight or enclosed places.


One of the concepts of evolutionary psychology is that not only physical traits but also many patterns of behavior, including social behavior, evolve and can be transmitted genetically from generation to generation.


Psychoanalysis is the name of the theory of personality developed by Sigmund Freud.


The behaviorists Watson and Skinner emphasized the notions of personal freedom, choice, and self-direction.


The most well-adjusted immigrants are those who abandon the language and customs of their country of origin and become like members of the dominant culture in their new host country.


With age, there are very large declines in memory function, and these changes can never be reversed.

pure research

Research that is undertaken primarily because the researcher is interested in a research topic is called:


Stewart is a chain smoker and a nicotine addict. Due to excessive cigarette smoking, he has developed lung cancer. In this scenario, which of the following chemical compounds is likely to have caused lung cancer?

her body is aroused and she experiences a fight-or-flight reaction

Susan is in the alarm reaction stage of Selye's general adaptation syndrome. In this scenario, which of the following is most likely to occur?


The tendency to view the world as if others view the world as one does oneself is:

genetic code

The term _______ is used to describe the nucleotides found along just one of the rungs of a DNA double helix.

schizotypal personality disorder

This disorder is characterized by peculiarities of thought, perception, or behavior, such as excessive fantasy and suspiciousness, feelings of being unreal, or the odd use of words.

basilar membrane

Vibrations in the fluids within the chambers of the inner ear press against the__________.

observational learning

Walda's father is a gardener. She has been watching her father work for many years. She now has her own garden. Though she has never been taught the art of gardening, she is very good at it. In this scenario, Walda acquired gardening skills by the process of ________.

to explain behavior and mental processes

Which of the following is a goal of psychology?


According to Piaget's stages of development, when children are in the concrete operational stage, they are more egocentric than when they are in the preoperational stage.

obsessive compulsive disorder

Chuck could not get over the fear of the windows in his house being unlocked, so every night after work he checked the locks 21 consecutive times to ensure they were properly locked. Chuck most likely suffers from ___________.


Cynthia had an intense fear of cats. Her psychologist repeatedly paired her love for classical music with the gradual exposure of Cynthia to a cat until her fear for cats was cured. In this scenario, Cynthia's fear was cured using ________.


People with body dysmorphic disorder have dual personalities.


People with lower Self-efficacy expectations have biological as well as psychological reasons for remaining calmer and are less prone to be disturbed by adverse events.

are prone to fantasy

The best individuals for hypnosis are people who ________.


The immune system combats disease by producing white blood cells that engage in search-and-destroy missions in which they "recognize" and eradicate foreign agents and unhealthy cells such as bacteria, fungi, viruses, and cancerous body cells.

People assumed that the behaviors associated with psychological disorders were caused by possession by the devil.

Which of the following statements is true of the demonological model that explains the origins of psychological disorders?


Women who smoke show increased bone density.


In the context of schizophrenia, people with the condition termed _________ show striking impairment in motor activity.


Lena is a mother of two. She has been working at a school and managing every aspect of her children's lives from the time her first child was born. She believes that she must contribute to her family as well as the society. According to Erik Erikson, Lena is demonstrating ________.

older adults are more likely than younger adults to have insomnia

Which of the following statements is true of insomnia?

the fetal stage

A pregnant woman visits her doctor for a scheduled ultrasound. She hears the strong heartbeat of the developing child. She is also able to see its fingers and toes. She tells the doctor that she frequently feels the baby kick. Which stage of prenatal development is depicted in the scenario?

an emphasis on unconscious ideas and impulses that originate in childhood conflicts

According to the psychoanalytic approach, a good majority of what influences our behavior is:


Positive reinforcers increase the probability that a behavior will occur when the reinforcers are removed, and negative reinforcers increase the probability that a behavior will occur when they are applied.

it involves continuous exposure to fear-invoking stimuli

In the context of behavior therapy methods, which of the following statements is true of flooding?

fixed-ratio schedule

Joe is a web content writer. He gets paid $100 for every five articles he publishes. In this scenario, Joe's payment is based on the __________ of reinforcement.

active touching

Lisa is a fabric specialist. Recently, she was invited to an exhibition of Persian silks. Being an expert on fabrics, Lisa continuously moved her hand along the surfaces of different pieces of fabric to get the feel of them. This action is referred to as _____.


The cessation of menstruation is called _________.

complementary colors

The colors across from one another on the color wheel are labeled__________.

umbilical cord

The embryo is connected to the placenta by the __________.

they provide a euphoric rush when consumed in high doses

Which of the following statements is true of amphetamines?

the amygdala

Which of the following structures of the limbic system is connected with vigilance?


Which of the following typically occurs during rapid eye movement sleep.

visual perception

_____ is the process by which we organize or make sense of the sensory impressions caused by the light that strikes our eyes.


__________ is the agent that creates physiological dependence on tobacco products.

spontaneous recovery

Peter was attacked by a black cat when he was young. Due to this, he developed a fear of cats. A few years later, his parents got him a black kitten, and his fear gradually extinguished. On his way to work one day, he saw a black cat running toward him and felt his old fear resurfacing. In this scenario, the recurrence of Peter's fear of cats is known as ________.


According to the ethical guidelines of the American Psychological Association, animals cannot be harmed under any circumstance while conducting research.

attachment formed at infancy tends to endure

In the context of the social and emotional development of children, which of the following statements is true?


Ned is feeling stressed because of his workload at the office. He is also experiencing insomnia with rapid weight loss. Ned's condition is an example of a __________ correlation.

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