Psychology Final Exam

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NREM sleep is a period of sleep

outside periods of REM sleep

psychoanalytic theory

Dr. B noticed that one of her students addresses her with the word mother instead of the word professor or doctor. Dr. B applies the principles of BLANK, and hypothesizes the student misspeaks because he is unconsciously associating her with his mother.


Guillermo spends some time each day applying the principles of structuralism to examine his own conscious experience as carefully as possible just as Wilhelm Wundt carried out in his experiments. Guillermo is engaged in ________?

your first day of school

Remembering BLANK is a good example of episodic memory. A. how a hamburger tastes even though you never tasted it yourself B. how to use the microwave C. when the word January means D. your first day of school

emotional intelligence

Ryan is an elementary school child on a playground during recess. He has learned to take turns talking and listening to his friends on the playground; thus, having an equal exchange of turn-talking in their conversations. Which concept below best characterizes Ryan's learning? A. reinforcement B. emotional intelligence C. facilitated communication D. observation learning


Sensory and motor neurons of he BLANK nervous system are associated with activities traditionally thought of as conscious or voluntary


learning that occurs but is not observable in behavior until there is a reason to demonstrate it (such as rats not showing their way through a maze until they are give food) is called BLANK A. conditioned B. latent C. partial D. primary


learning that occurs but is not observable in behavior until there is a reason to demonstrate it is called BLANK learning

a persons unconscious

psychoanalytic theory focuses on BLANK and early childhood experiences A. a person's conscious B. a person's unconscious C. fetal development D. sexual identity

scientific study of the mind

psychology refers to the BLANK A. empirical study of humanity B. experimental study of individuals C. scientific study of the mind D. systematic study of human interaction

how to use ride a bike

remembering BLANK is a good example of procedural memory A. how a cookie tastes even though you have never tasted it yourself B. how to use ride a bike C. what the word inconceivable means D. your least favorite vacation trip

what the word chocolate means

remembering BLANK is a good example of semantic memory A. how a fruit tastes even though you have never tasted it yourself B. how to play the piano C. what the word chocolate means D. your most recent visit to the dentist


sleepwalking, night terrors, and restless leg syndrome are all examples of BLANK


A BLANK is a tentative and testable statement (prediction) about the relationship between two or more variables


A group of preschool-age children are enrolled in a study that plans to follow them over time in order to assess behaviors and other characteristics that may predict later development of schizophrenia. This is an example of a(n) BLANK design

detailed information

A major advantage of case studies is ________.

one variable decreases as the other increases

A negative correlation means ________.

hindsight bias

A public opinion poll was administered to 50 people before the election of President Barack Obama. Polls taken before election night showed 50% of the people believed Barack Obama would be elected president. After the election results, the same people were asked if they believed Barack Obama would be elected president, and this time 75% of the people said yes. This may be an example of BLANK bias A. egocentric thinking B. hindsight bias C. stereotypical beliefs D. transient thinking


A(n) BLANK is the best example, or representation, of a concept. For example an oak tree may be the best representation of a tree for people from the united states A. amalgamation B. archetype C. prototype D. unification

study the function of behavior

According to William James, the purpose of psychology was to _______.


Ali is aware of his feelings, emotions, and thoughts. He is also aware of his surroundings, the warmth of the sun, and the sound of nearby traffic. Ali is in a state of BLANK


BLANK describes the gradual process of influencing behavior by rewarding intermediate steps that lead to a behavior? (Hint: it's how I taught my dog to go to her kennel when she hears the words "park it") A. shaping B. learning C. intuition D. presentism

Wernicke's area

BLANK explains that certain areas of the brain are responsible for certain functions, such as language

Random Sample

BLANK means that everyone in the population has the same likelihood of being asked to participate in the study


BLANK research uses part records or data sets to investigate research questions or to look for patterns or relationships

cognitive dissonance

Mr. Von Osten experienced BLANK when he tried to maintain a belief in Clever Han's intelligence after Mr. Pfungst's experiments demonstrated that the horse's mathematical abilities vanished when blinders limited his vision A. clear thinking B. cognitive strain C. naïve realism D. cognitive dissonance

Industrial Organizational

D wants to conduct research on personnel management, workplace environment, and what type of environment results in high levels of employee productivity and efficiency. D should conduct research in the area of BLANK psychology


D watches her older sister do headstands. D falls over when she attempts to do a headstand herself. She watches her older sister move carefully, and she notices that her sister leans backward slightly to complete her headstand. D is then able to do headstands herself. Which type of learning is that A. classical B. conditioning C. observational D. operant


BLANK development involves emotions, personality, and social relationships A. mental B. physical C. psychological D. psychosocial


BLANK development involves growth and changes in the body and brain, the senses, motor skills, and health and wellness A. cognitive B. learning C. physical D. psychosocial

perception; sensation

BLANK refers to the way that sensory information is interpreted and consciously experienced; BLANK refers to what happens when sensory information is detected by a sensory receptor A. perception; reception B. perception; sensation C. perception; postception D. sensation; perception

learned behavior

Behaviorists study BLANK A. a person's unconscious mind B. chemical and hormonal changes C. dreams D. learned behavior

Wernicke's Area

Damage to the BLANK disrupts one's ability to comprehend language, but it leaves one's ability to produce words intact.

conditioned response

Grace whistles while tickling Khaleel with a feather. Eventually, Khaleel starts to squirm and giggle every time Grace whistles, even when he is not being tickled. In this example, squirming and giggling is a(n) BLANK A. conditioned response B. conditioned stimulus C. unconditioned response D. unconditioned stimulus

Dependent variable

Harrison et al. are conducting a study assessing the ability of depressed versus non-depressed participants to remember negative emotions in a short story about a family whose car breaks down. They plan to ask participants to read the story and then make a list of the emotions expressed in the story. Before beginning the study, they make a list of negative emotions (e.g., sadness and anger) that they will record from the participants' response. In this example, negative emotions are the BLANK

operant conditioning

I provide Ralph with the positive reinforcement of a candy bar when he does something I like. I punish him by scolding him when he does something I don't like. I am applying the principles of BLANK in an attempt to modify Ralph's behavior A. classical conditioning B. functionalism C. humanism D. operant conditioning


M attempts to condition her puppy to greet her when she enters the house. She repeatedly pairs her entry to the house with a treat for the puppy. The puppy eventually acquires this ability, and M realizes how irritating it is for he puppy to run up to her every time she enters the house. She attempts to make the puppy stop, and eventually the puppy no longer feels motivated to greet her when she enters the house. The puppy no longer greeting her when she enters the house is an example of BLANK A. acquisition B. conditioning C. extinction D. learning

spontaneous recovery

Mia is taught to go to sleep when the light is turned off. However, for many months Mia no longer falls asleep when the light is turned off. Later, Mia begins to fall asleep when the light is turned off again. This is an example of BLANK A. classical conditioning B. higher order conditioning C. neutral stimulus D. spontaneous recovery


a(n) BLANK is a well-developed set of ideas that proposes an explanation for observed phenomena

Texas Sharpshooter Fallacy

Mr. Von Osten could not accept the believe that his horse, Clever Hans, was not doing math problems, and created excuses as to why his horse was getting problems wrong. These excuses included after-the-fact explanations, such as: Clever Hans was tired, he was stubborn, or just not in the mood to answer a question. These after-the-fact explanations are example of what phenomenon? A. cognitive heuristic B. intuition C. cognitive dissonance D. Texas Sharpshooter Fallacy


Our ability to make our legs move as we walk across the room is controlled by the BLANK

Naturalistic observation

Patwardhan et al. report data from a study where they hired experimental confederates (people acting as the researcher instructs to appear as if they are part of the experiment) to attend speed dating events, posing as daters, and carefully take notes on the behaviors of the daters. What type of research design did they use?

the mind and behavior

Psychology is a social science discipline. Psychologists scientifically study BLANK. A. only behavior B. only the mind C. the mind and behavior D. the soul, the mind, and behavior

the mind and behavior

Psychology is a social science discipline. Psychologists scientifically study _________.

Wernicke's area

R had a stroke about a year ago and now she cannot understand what people are saying to her. This is embarrassing for her, so she responds using vague language and tries to make appear as though she understand. Which are a of R's brain was likely damaged by the stroke

cognitive map

T has a mental picture of the layout of her house, also called a BLANK, so when she comes home late at night she can navigate through the rooms without turning on a light. (Hint: this term also refers to what the rats had who were able to get through a maze even if they didn't have food as a reinforcer) A. cognitive map B. fixed interval map C. fixed ratio map D. latent map


The BLANK is a relay station where all sensory information, except for smell, goes before being sent to other areas of the brain for further processing


The BLANK nervous system is responsible for response such as pupil dilation, increased heart rate, and increased respiration; for example when your body reacts to a perceived threat, this system is activated


The ability to process vision is located in which lobe of the brain

Knowing that even if you change the appearance of something, it is still equal in size as long as nothing has been removed or added

The concept conservation refers to BLANK A. knowing that even if you change the appearance of something, it is still equal in size as long as nothing has been removed or added B. knowing that symbols represent words, images, and ideas C. thinking logically about real (concrete) events D. understanding that objects can be changed and then returned to their original form

cumulative process

The continuous development approach views development as a Blank A. biological imperative B. cumulative process C. series of accidents D. unique process

connects the left and right hemispheres of the brain

The corpus callus:

temperature, touch, and pain

The somatosensory cortex is responsible for processing BLANK


Theorists who view development as ________ believe that development takes place in unique stages. A. continuous B. discontinuous C. progressive D. regressive

physical development, cognitive development, psychosocial development

What do the three domains of lifelong development deal with A. physical development, moral development, psychosocial development B. cognitive development, development of self-efficacy, psychosocial C. cognitive development, development of self-efficacy, physical development D. physical development, cognitive development, psychosocial development

genes and biology

What does nature refer to in the nature vs. nurture debate? A. cognitive capacity B. environment and culture C. genes and biology D. language acquisition

research that focuses on expanding a scientific theory

What is deductive research


What was Sigmund Freud's perspective within the field of psychology

retrograde; anterograde

When experiencing BLANK amnesia, you experience loss of memory for events that occurred prior to the trauma. When experiencing BLANK amnesia, you cannot remember new information.


Which of the following correlational coefficients indicate the strongest relationship between the 2 variables

John Watson

Which psychologists was a behaviorist

Lawrence Kohlberg

Who believed that moral development, like cognitive development, follows a series of stages A. Erik Erikson B. Jean Piaget C. Lawrence Kohlberg D. Sigmund Freud

Erik Erikson

Who developed the psychosocial theory of development A. Abraham Maslow B. Erik Erikson C. Jean Piaget D. Lawrence Kohlberg

Gestalt Psychology

a set of lines arranged in the shape of a triangle will be perceived as a triangle, not a series of lines. A psychologist studying this phenomenon is applying the principals of BLANK

short-term memories

a temporary storage system that processes incoming sensory memory is called what A. explicit memories B. implicit memories C. sensory memories D. short-term memories


a(n) BLANK is a mental construct consisting of a cluster or collection of related concepts; for example, how we behave when we first enter a restaurant or college classroom/what we do in these places


a(n) BLANK is a well developed set of ideas that proposes an explanation for observed phenomena A. conclusion B. hypothesis C. operational definition D. theory


all of the following are steps of the modeling process except A. attention B. motivation C. reproduction D. repetition

problem solving

among other functions the frontal love is involved in:

learned behavior

behaviorists study

trust vs. mistrust

between birth and one year, infants are dependent on their caregivers; therefore, caregivers who are responsive and sensitive to their infant's need help their baby to develop a sense of the world as a safe, predictable place. What is the primary developmental task of this stage? A. autonomy vs. shame/doubt B. identity vs. confusion C. industry vs. inferiority D. trust vs. mistrust

Sigmund Freud

who called the stages of development psychosexual stages A. erik erikson B. Jean Piaget C. Lawrence Kohlberg D. Sigmund Freud


during jean piaget's BLANK stage, the world is experienced through senses and actions A. concrete operational B. formal operational C. preoperational D. sensorimotor


during which period of Freud's psychosexual theory of development are sexual feelings dormant as children focus on other pursuits, such as school, friendships, hobbies, and sports A. anal B. genital C. latency D. phallic

being able to apply knowledge to see complex relationships and solve problems

fluid intelligence is characterized by: A. being able to recall information B. being able to create new products C. being able to understand and communicate with different cultures D. being able to apply knowledge to see complex relationships and solve problems


your temporal lobe is responsible for all the following functions except

Parasympathetic Nervous System

if your BLANK is activated, you will feel relatively at ease. This is also the state your body returns to after your "fight or flight" relax has been activated

facilitated communication

in chapter 2 of The Horse that Wont Go Away, Aislinn, and other children with autism, appeared to be communicating through a device that, with help, could express their thoughts. This type of communication is labeled what? A. voice communication technology B. hands-on communication C. facilitated communication D. false communication


in operant conditioning what describes adding something to decrease the likelihood of behavior A. acquisition B. extinction C. punishment D. recovery

negative reinforcement

in operant conditioning, BLANK is when something is removed to increase the likelihood of a behavior A. negative reinforcement B. positive reinforcement C. punishment D. punishment reinforcement


in the BLANK stage of Freud's psychosexual theory, there is a reemergence of sexual interests and establishment of mature sexual relationships A. anal B. genital C. oral D. phallic


in the BLANK stage, children use words and images to represent things, but they lack logical reasoning A. concrete operational B. formal operational C. preoperational D. sensorimotor

hindsight bias

most of us think that we would never have believed Clever Hans if we had been in Berlin, Germany during the summer of 1904. Also referred to as the "I-knew-it-all-along" phenomenon, this term is labeled what? A. mind bugs B. hindsight bias C. the Texas Sharpshooter Fallacy D. naïve realism


navigating your way home through an unfamiliar route due to road construction would draw upon your BLANK intelligence A. analytic B. common sense C. crystallized D. fluid

human; obtaining informed consent

research on BLANK subjects must always involve BLANK


which state is marked by relatively low levels of physical activity and reduced sensory awareness that is distinct from periods of rest while awake


the act of getting information out of memory storage and back into conscious awareness is know as BLANK A. encoding B. hyperthymesia C. retrieval

illusory correlation

the belief that strange behavior is linked to the occurrence of a full moon is an example of a(n) BLANK

central; peripheral nervous system

the two major divisions of the nervous system are the BLANK and BLANK

clear thinking

thinking that requires mental effort to independently evaluate information is called BLANK A. healthy skepticism B. extrasensory C. clear thinking D. false positives


which term describes a way of knowing about something without knowing how we know (this term is also referred to as our "gut" feeling) A. facilitated communication B. cognitive dissonance C. ideomotor effect D. intuition

emotions, such as fear, can be a conditioned response

what did John B. Watson and Rosalie Rayner demonstrate with their studies of Little Albert A. boys display fear differently from girls B. boys display more fear than girls C. emotion, such as fear, can be a conditioned response D. fear cannot be a conditioned response

they are all examples of fields within the discipline of psychology

what do industrial and organizational psychology, health psychology, sport and exercise psychology, forensic psychology, and clinical psychology all have in common


what do psychologists call a relatively permanent change in behavior or knowledge that results from experience A. conditioning B. instincts C. learning D. reflexes

the basic units of the nervous system

what is a neuron

focusing on information that confirms your existing beliefs

what is confirmation bias A. believing the event you just experienced was predictable B. focusing on information that confirms your existing beliefs C. focusing only on one piece of information when making a decision D. stereotyping someone or something unintentionally

Emphasizes the innate good that exists in all humans

what is humanism

emotions, such as fear, can be a conditioned response

what is the primary conclusion John B. Watson's made after working with Little Albert A. Behavior is motivated by the consequences we receive for the behavior: reinforcements and punishments B. emotions, such as fear, can be a conditioned response C. learning can occur when a conditioned stimulus is paired with an unconditioned stimuli D. one can learn new behaviors by observing others

A theory of personality organization and the dynamics of personality development that guides psychoanalysis

what is the psychanalytic theory


what is the set of processes used to encode, store, and retrieve information over different periods of time A. automatic processing B. effortful processing C. memory D. sensory encoding

type of implicit memory that stores information about how to do things

what procedural memory A. information about events we have personally experienced B. knowledge about words, concepts, and language-based knowledge and facts C. storage of facts and events we personally experienced D. type of implicit memory that stores information about how to do things

the word "evil" should be changed to the word "good"

what should be changed to make the following sentence true? Humanism focuses on the potential of all people for evil.

the name "B. F. Skinner" should be changed to "Albert Bandura"

what should be changed to make the following sentence true? in Social Learning Theory, B. F. Skinner identified reasons people observe and copy behaviors A. the name "B. F. Skinner" should be changed to "Albert Bandura" B. the word "models" should be changed to the word "reinforcement" C. the words "live, verbal, and symbolic" should be changed to the words "primary, secondary, and tertiary" D. The word "social learning theory" should be changed to the words "classical conditioning"

functional fixedness

which concept is a type of mental set where you cannot perceive an object being used for something other than what it was designed for

teaching yourself yoga by watching a yoga group in he park

which is the following is an example of observational learning A. learning to speak Spanish by attending Spanish class B. teaching yourself yoga by watching a yoga group in the park C. your brother refusing to play with you D. your father teaching you how to write by holding your hand as you form the letters

Broca's Area

which of the following areas is located in the frontal lobe of the brain

injury to the brain causes in behavior and specific brain areas are linked to particular behaviors

which of the following conclusions can be drawn from he case study of Phineas gage's accident which led to brain injury

John Doe is in a car accident. Every day he wakes up with no memory of what he did the day before, feeling as though no time has passed because he is unable to form new memories

which of the following is a good example of anterograde amnesia A. John Doe can provide detailed autobiographical information for every day of his life over the past 30 years, including what he wore and ate every day B. John Doe emerges from a collapsed building with no idea who he is C. John Doe is in a car accident. Every day he wakes up with no memory of what he did the day before, feeling as though no time has passed because he is unable to form new memories D. John Doe remembers his third birthday more clearly than any other birthday because his dog died the day of his birthday party

classical conditioning

which of the following is a process by which we learn to associate stimuli and consequently to anticipate evens such as anticipating being squirted with water and subsequently flinching in response to the stimulus of hearing the word "can" A. classical conditioning B. controlled conditioning C. physiological conditioning D. psychic conditioning

being conditioned to laugh when you see a top hat, then also laughing when you see other kinds of hats

which of the following is an example of stimulus generalization A. being conditioned not to laugh at hats B. being conditioned to laugh at all kinds of hats C. being conditioned to laugh when you see a top hat and cry when you see other kinds of hats D. being conditioned to laugh when you see a top hat, then also laughing when you see other kinds of hats

substantia nigra

which of the following is not a structure of the forebrain

the study of the biological mechanisms that underlie behavior

which of the following is the best definition biopsychology


which of the following is the decrease in the decrease in the conditioned response when the unconditioned stimulus is no longer presented with the conditioned stimulus A. acquisition B. extinction C. recovery D. reflex


which of the following research designs will allow cause and effect conclusions

An historical movement in the field of psychology that focused on the mind and its processes such as how we think

which sentence best describes the cognitive revolution of the 1950s in Psychology A. an historical movement in the field of psychology that focused on people's reactions to external stimuli B. an historical movement in the field of psychology that brought further attention to the needs for punishments and rewards in learning C. an historical movement in the field of psychology that explored attributes people make of their successes and failures D. an historical movement in the field of psychology that focused on the mind and its processes such as how we think

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