Psychology of Adulthood Ch 5-8

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The reminiscence bump in long-term memory is most likely to involve ages:


Studies on the attraction effect in problem-solving show that older adults:

are less likely to change their preferences in response to a lure

People higher in conscientiousness may experience health benefits due to lower levels of which stress-related hormone?


Which factor in the Five Factor Model reflects the extent to which a person is cooperative and helpful? (OCEAN)


Questions developed by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration in a self-test for older drivers include:

Are loved ones concerned?

Which sex and racial/ethnicity group has the highest rates of new cancer cases and deaths per year?

Black males

Research on the relationship between age and performance on the Everyday Problems Test shows significant variations by:


Which is the enzyme which serves to destroy lung tissue in emphysema?


Performance on the Everyday Problems Test by older adults shows that their scores are related to:

individual reaction time.

An older adult experiencing changes in executive functioning would be affected in which type of everyday task?

Planning the steps needed to prepare a meal

The main feature of atherosclerosis is what physiological change?

accumulation of plaque in the arteries

A 22-year-old college graduate enters a Master's program in social work after having considered several possible majors, ranging from biology to classics. This graduate would be considered to fit into which identity status?


The CRUNCH model of aging and neuroplasticity helps to explain which feature of aging and language ability?

activating more neural circuits

Which of the five pathways identified in the RALS comes closest to the identity achieved status?

authentic road

The sense of generativity, according to Erikson, can be developed in midlife through:

mentoring other people

Research based on the personality trait model shows that, of the following, which trait is low and remains low over adulthood?

social vitality

Recent findings from studies comparing men and women in age-related performance on intelligence tests have begun to draw attention to which possible influence on previous studies?


The five broad areas in the Cattell-Horn-Carroll model of intelligence include motor, perception, controlled attention, knowledge, and:


Prior to administering a memory test, a research assistant informs the older adult participants that the task is particularly difficult for people 65 years of age and older. Although perhaps unintentional, the research assistant has prompted the older participants to experience:

stereotype threat

People who use emotion-focused coping are most likely to try to change ___________ when they have to deal with a life stress.

their mood

The average time from diagnosis to death of individuals with Alzheimer's disease is approximately (for men and women combined):

5 years

People with a Type __ personality have high levels of anxiety, loneliness, and depression but try to suppress those feelings.


Which of the following behaviors is known to be a risk factor for osteoarthritis?


The quality of ____________ describes individuals who are characteristically able to cope with challenging life situations.


Recommendations to help older adults improve their driving include which of the following steps?

Drive during daylight and in good weather

Countries in which region of the world showed the greatest increase in diabetes between 1980 and 2014?

Eastern Europe

The plaques that develop in Alzheimer's disease are made up of which substance?


The form of amnesia in which people are unable to learn anything new is known as:


Research on the efficacy of dietary supplements for improving memory in older adults provides at least some support for:

antioxidant vitamins

The use of method of loci as a memory strategy to help older adults involves which set of steps?

associating items with rooms in the home

In focusing on incoming information needed for a memory test, older adults seem to have difficulty turning off the brain's ______________, which processes internal stimuli.

default network

The part of the brain responsible for "thinking" about internally-generated stimuli, such as when you're daydreaming, is known as the:

default network

In the disorder known as pseudodementia, an individual's cognitive changes may be the result of:


You notice that some of your older relatives seem to enjoy debating just for the sake of debating, not because they actually disagree. This type of thinking applies most closely to which concept based, in part, on Piaget's theory?


In Vaillant's approach to defense mechanisms, which of the following is considered intermediate between immature and mature?


The Communication Predicament Model is most closely associated with which specific feature of language directed toward older adults?


Supporting the idea that the survivors are more intellectually able than those who drop out of a longitudinal study, Canadian researchers found lower scores on measures of _____________ intelligence were related to higher mortality.


Erikson proposed that the key psychosocial of midlife involves the ability to achieve a sense of:


In contrast to the WAIS-IV, the Primary Mental Abilities Test (PMAT) is given in which format?

group testing

A greater reliance on __________ may lead older problem solvers to make errors when approaching familiar problems.


Elderspeak is an obvious way to determine whether an older adult is being subjected to which process?


Because they have difficulty in working memory, older adults find it more challenging to:

keep information actively in min

Which of the following symptoms is more likely to characterize normal aging rather than Alzheimer's disease?

missing a bill payment

Which of the following is a recommended type of behavioral method that caregivers can use to their patient with Alzheimer's disease function more effectively?


The earliest declines in the SLS on intelligence test scores were found to occur in which area?


The term "reserve capacity" in adult development and aging refers to the idea that:

older adults have untapped or untested abilities.

The primary advantage of using a Brinley plot to understand aging and reaction time is that it shows:

relative difficulty of speeded tasks for older compared to younger adults

A 76-year-old woman living in an urban apartment decides to join a neighborhood co-op to create a green space in the city. This opportunity will allow her primarily to develop which of Gardner's multiple intelligences?


What is the percent of the adult education population in the U.S. that is ages 70 and older?


The World Health Organization's estimate of the prevalence among older adults of all forms of neurocognitive disorder, including Alzheimer's disease, is _____%:


As pointed out in AgeFeed, which of the following is an example of using mnemonics?

Rhyming a person's name with something about the person

A frequently-used neuropsychological test to evaluate executive functioning, the ____________ involves having the individual connect letters and numbers in sequence.

Trail-Making Test

In the defense mechanism of ____________, you take great pleasure in being able to help people without expecting favors in return.


What is the term for the cardiovascular disease in which the heart does not pump enough blood to meet the needs of the body's organs, causing buildup of fluid in the tissues?

congestive heart failure

AgeFeed provides which of the following pieces of advice to help people preserve their cognitive functioning?

Drink plenty of water

In ______-_______ problem solving, you start with the sub-problems, then work on the main components, and finally solve the overall problem.

bottom up

Researchers believe that because older adults form global memories about knowledge presented to them, they are more likely to recall:

false memories

People with the health condition known as ______________ appear to be more likely to experience memory loss as they get older.

metabolic syndrome

In Socioemotional Selectivity Theory, the idea that older adults, or people thinking about a limited future, show a ___________ in memory.

positivity effect

The concept of attachment style is closes to which of Erikson's psychosocial stages?

trust vs. mistrust

According to the inhibitory deficit hypothesis, older adults have more attentional problems because they are unable to:

tune out irrelevant information

A neuropsychologist is called in to consult on a patient referred to testing by family members, who note that the patient seems to repeat the same words in a sentence over and over again. Which would be an appropriate test for the neuropsychologist to consider administering?

verbal fluency

In written language, age-related changes in cognition make it more difficult for older adults to:

correct spelling errors

The four components of scaffolding theory are engagement, exercise, cognitive training and:


The symptom of aphasia seen in neurocognitive disorders such as Alzheimer's disease involves which loss of function?


What term did Levinson use to describe the pattern of an individual's total situation at one point in time?

life structure

A 58-year-old man with a waist size of 41 inches is concerned because he's just seen an online news story about metabolic syndrome, a condition he fears he has because it's defined as including

low fasting glucose levels

The most common form of cancer around the world is cancer of the:


Researchers on midlife believe the idea of a crisis is so popular because it:

makes a good story

An experimental study of problem-solving in older compared to younger monkeys showed that the older monkeys were hampered by which factor?

memory problems

Increases in which condition among older adults are thought to be related to greater prevalence of diabetes?

metabolic syndrome

In ______-_______ problem solving, you turn the overall problem into main components and then decide on what sub-problems to tackle first.

top down

The moral dilemma known as the ____________ illustrates the relativism in post-formal and dialectical thinking?

trolley problem

The idea of achieving "redemption," according to personality psychologists, is most closely associated with which of Erikson's stages?


Research on global patterns of happiness show that which types of countries are most likely to show the "U-shaped" effect?

high income

As pointed out in socioemotional selectivity theory, people who value the _________ function of their relationships want to seek advice and practical tips from the people with whom they spend time.


According to AgeFeed, which of the following is characteristic of a good problem-solver?

View problems like learning opportunities.

A 66-year-old man is a huge fan of his local university's football team. He attends every game, spending several hours tailgating before the game actually begins. When his team wins, he's elated, but when they lose, he cannot control his anger, sometimes going so far as to go outside and throwing rocks into the yar His reaction to defeat, in Vaillant's terms, would be consistent with which defense mechanism?

acting out

The trolley problem, in which you must decide whether to take action to save the five or do nothing to save the one, illustrates which feature of adult cognition?

dialectical thinking

Research on the efficacy of health behaviors and dietary supplements for improving memory in older adults provides no support for:

gingko biloba

Which of the following is a poorly defined problem that might create difficulties for older adults who lack computer expertise?

installing new software that has no printed instructions.

People on the Mediterranean diet use which cooking product in preparing their meals?

olive oil

The disease in which individuals experience thinning or wearing away of the cartilage at the end of the bones is known as:


An older family member is trying to decide how to seat all the relatives at a holiday family gathering. Some relatives disagree with each other politically, and it's best not to put them near each other, but this might leave other people feeling left out. This type of problem is known as one that is:

poorly defined

In the Cattell-Horn-Carroll model of intelligence, which tests fit into the category of domain-specific knowledge?

reading and writing

Researchers who study the effect of videogames on attentional abilities and speed on long-term young adult players note the need to caution for:

self-selection bias

Although she hasn't made her "famous" recipe for macaroni and cheese in years, your favorite aunt is able to put it together for a pot-luck family gathering without even having to consult her cookbook. This is an example of what type of memory, often preserved in older adults?


In Cattell and Horn's theory of intelligence, which ability refers to innate abilities not tied to specific educational experiences?


Multi-infarct neurocognitive disorder is the result of which set of pathological changes in the brain?

minor strokes

Students don't always like it when their professors ask them not to text or go on social media during class, saying it doesn't affect their comprehension of class material. However, based on the research, it's fair to say that:

everyone performs more poorly after multitasking, though older adults are more affected than young adults.

In a word fluency task, an older adult showing signs of perseveration would give which response to the instruction to "think of as many words as you can that end in "G"?

Giving, getting, giving, giving

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