Psychology Stress Ch 11,

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(1904-1990), was modern behaviorism's most influential and controversial figure


(Big eaters) identify, pursue and ingest harmful invaders and work-out cells

coronary heart disease

(CHD) clogging of the vessels that nourish the heart muscle; leading cause of death in many developed countries

General Adaptation Syndrome

(GAS) (Hans Selye) three phase process when you suffer a physical or emotional trauma

natural killer cells

(NK) Pursue diseased cells, like cancer cells or a virus

operant chamber

(popularly known as a Skinner box)

Stress Consequences

1. Autonomic nervous system effects (headaches, HBP, inflammation 2. Immune suppression 3. Heart Disease

Examples of Stressors

1. catastrophes 2. Significant life changes 3. Daily hassles and social stress

stress on immune system

1.surgical wounds heal slower 2. More vulnerable to colds 3. Vaccine effectiveness declines


A person's ability to reason speedily and abstractly is referred to as _____ intelligence.

Conditioned Reinforcer

A stimulus that gains power through association with primary reinforcer (secondary). For example: money, grades and praise are conditioned reinforcers

Health psychology

A sub field of psychology that provides psychology's contribution to behavioral medicine


Abraham Maslow suggested that individuals who are open, spontaneous, and not paralyzed by the opinions of others display:


According to Abraham Maslow, self-actualization is one of the ultimate psychological needs. It only arises after basic physiological and psychological needs are met and self-esteem is achieved. Self-actualization refers to motivation to fulfill :

collective unconscious

According to Carl Jung, humans have a reservoir of images that are derived from universal experiences, known as:


According to Freud, all children pass through a series of _____ stages during which the id's pleasure-seeking energies focus on distinct erogenous zones.

daily hassle

According to the text, the experience of racial prejudice exemplifies the type of stressor referred to as a(n):

emotion-focused coping

After breaking up with her boyfriend, Kathy alleviated her stress by avoiding contact with her ex-boyfriend and by planning recreational activities with her best girlfriend. Kathy's behavior BEST illustrates:

perceived control

After the residents of an assisted living complex were allowed to choose their dinner times and what they wanted to eat, they suffered far fewer health problems. The complex's director might attribute this to

Phase 1 GAS

Anders has just received devastating news about the coffee shop he owns: A nationally known competitor is moving in on the same block. Anders has many debts to pay and his wife is expecting their fourth child. When he hears this latest bad news, his heart rate quickens and he feels faint, like he is in shock. According to Hans Selye, Anders is in: (experiencing an alarm reaction)


Any event that strengthens the behavior it follows.

achieved self-actualization

Ashley feels that she has reached her full potential as a physician. According to Maslow, Ashley has:


Before publishing her test of musical aptitude, Professor Reed first administered the test to a representative sample of people. This was MOST clearly necessary for test:


Bonnie is afraid to express anger toward her overbearing and irritating supervisor. Instead, she is critical of her children. A psychoanalyst would suggest that Bonnie's reaction to her children illustrates:


Critics of the _____ test claim it is unreliable


Diminishing of a conditioned response; occurs in classical conditioning when an unconditioned stimulus (US) does not follow a conditioned stimulus (CS)

Type A

Donald takes 15-minute lunch breaks, goes to the bathroom only when he absolutely must, has to have his cell phone with him at all times, checks his e-mail the moment he wakes up, and puts in 14-hour days at the office. Donald is a _____ personality.


Doreen has a fairly low happiness set point. That means her level of satisfaction with her life circumstances is likely to be:

social support

Dorothy's husband died after a long struggle with cancer. Throughout his struggle and after his death, fellow church members supplied meals, cut their grass, visited in their home and at the hospital frequently. This is an example of a faith community providing:

performing free association

Dr. Chen has a client who has lost all feeling in his left hand. To determine the cause, Dr. Chen asks the client to relax and say whatever comes to mind, no matter what it is. Dr. Chen is:

positive well-being

Dr. Chu is using objective measures of economic indicators to study people's self-perceived happiness or satisfaction with life. Dr. Chu is studying:

health psychologist

Dr. Harper is studying the effects of HIV awareness campaigns on the reduction of new HIV cases within a particular population. In his attempts to determine what is effective in stemming the tide of the disease, he also looks at rates of medication compliance and wellness examinations. Dr. Harper is a:

law of effect

Edward L. Thorndike's _________, which states that rewarded behavior tends to recur.

perceived control

Employees who are permitted to personalize their workspace are likely to be more productive, committed, motivated workers, because the personalization process increases workers':

Oedipus complex

Five-year-old Liam clings to his mother and expresses jealous feelings toward his father, almost as if his father is a rival for his mother's love. Sigmund Freud would suggest that Liam is experiencing:


Focuses on ideal behavior; strives for perfections; acts as moral conscious by representing internalized ideals and standards for judgement and for future aspirations. (Nice people don't do that)

Type B

Friedman and Rosenman's term for easygoing, relaxed people


Gradually guiding behavior toward closer and closer approximations of the desired behavior


Howard Gardner proposed that intelligence is reflected in any of several specific _____.


In Laurie's psychology lab, she and her partner conditioned a rat to press a lever for food when a red light was on. They soon discovered that the rat would also press the lever when a white light was on. Laurie and her partner reported that the rat had exhibited _____.


In a manner of speaking, positive psychology has inherited the intellectual mantle of an earlier perspective known as _____ psychology.

Conditioned response

In classical conditioning, a learned response to a previously neutral (but now conditioned) stimulus (CS)

Neutral stimulus

In classical conditioning, a stimulus that elicits no response before conditioning

unconditioned stimulus

In classical conditioning, a stimulus that unconditionally, naturally, and automatically triggers a response is called a(n):

Unconditioned stimulus

In classical conditioning, a stimulus that unconditionally—naturally and automatically—triggers an unconditioned response

Conditioned stimulus

In classical conditioning, an originally irrelevant stimulus, that, after association with an unconditioned stimulus (US), comes to trigger a conditioned response (CR)

Unconditioned response

In classical conditioning, an unlearned, naturally occurring response (such as salivation) to an unconditioned stimulus (US) (such as food in the mouth)

respondent behaviors

In classical conditioning, we associate stimuli that we do not control, and we automatically respond

operant behaviors

In operant conditioning, we associate a response (our behavior) and its consequence


In teaching her son to play basketball, Mrs. Richards initially reinforces him with praise for simply dribbling while standing still, then only for walking while dribbling, and finally only for running while dribbling. She is using a procedure known as:

Positive reinforcement

Increases behaviors by presenting positive reinforcers. A positive reinforcer Is any stimulus that, when presented after a response, strengthens the response.

Negative reinforcement

Increases behaviors by stopping or reducing negative stimuli. A negative reinforce is any stimulus that, when removed after a response, strengthens the response. (Note: Negative reinforcement is not punishment.)


Individuals who believe they control their own fate display a(n) _____ locus of control.


Initial stage, when one links a neutral stimulus and an unconditioned stimulus so that the neutral stimulus begins triggering the conditioned response

Delayed Reinforcer

Involves time delay between desired response of and delivery of reward. An example may be seen with someone on a diet.

Primary reinforcer

Is unlearned; innately reinforcing stimuli, such as those that satisfy biological needs. Examples of primary reinforcers include food, sleep, and water

Type D

Jana's co-workers and supervisor are very critical and cruel. To keep her job and avoid appearing to be disruptive in the workplace, Jana withholds her negative feelings about these people. She also displays this pattern of behavior at home. Jana would be classified as: content_hint: This category was created more recently by stress and heart disease researchers.


Jean has always had trouble with her weight. She was weaned too early and is now overcompensating. According to psychoanalysts, Jean is fixated in the _____ psychosexual stage.


John has just finished a brutal tour of combat in Afghanistan. Several of his friends were killed, but he was able to cope and fight on despite the death around him. The two stress hormones at play in John's experience are epinephrine and:

habitual behavior

John just started his vacation from work and scheduled a tee time with friends to play golf on Monday morning. That morning he started driving to work instead of the golf course. This is an example of:

unconditioned stimulus

Jovan had leukemia as a child and had to undergo numerous bouts of chemotherapy. The chemotherapy always made him nauseous. After a year of treatment, the waiting room started to make him nauseous. The chemotherapy is the:


Key concepts in _______ conditioning are positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, positive punishment and negative punishment.


Learned ability to distinguish between a conditioned stimulus (which predicts the US) and other irrelevant stimuli

Associative learning

Learning that certain events occur together. The events may be two stimuli (as in classical conditioning) or a response and its consequences (as in operant conditioning).


Lee is 35 years old and smokes almost two packs of cigarettes daily. According to Freud, Lee is fixated at the _____ stage of development?

high self-esteem; social acceptance

Loren is studying emotion in his psychology class. He is surprised to learn that in individualist cultures, _____ is related to happiness; in communal cultures, _____ matters more.

heal more slowly

Maggie has just started her fourth year of medical school and is an avid cyclist. During the summer, she had a bike accident that produced a large bruise on her knee. If Maggie had the same accident during finals week what would one expect to happen?

tend and befriend

Mandisa is under an extreme amount of stress. She is battling with her ex-husband about money and their children. In this time of stress, Mandisa turns to her friends for support and spends as much time with her children as possible. Her response to stress is referred to as:


Marsha just received an income tax refund of $1500. Rather than using this money to pay for some necessary household repairs, she decides to get a hotel room with her friends, go out to eat, and spend the next day at an amusement park. This suggests she is dominated by the:

learned helplessness

Martin Seligman spearheaded the field of positive psychology. Earlier in his career, Seligman identified a state of passive resignation called:

exhaustion - phase 3

Maya owes the credit card company $20,000, her adjustable-rate mortgage has just gone up, and she has been out of work for three months. Her husband of 15 years came home last week to tell her he was having an affair and wants a divorce. Today, she collapsed and had to be taken to the emergency room. According to Hans Selye, she is in the _____ phase of the general adaptation syndrome.

mindfulness meditation

Melissa is involved in a procedure in which she maintains awareness moment by moment, disengaging herself from strong attachment to beliefs, thoughts, or emotions. This procedure will help her to develop a greater sense of emotional balance and well-being. Melissa is practicing;


Michael is concentrating on a work assignment at home when his son asks to watch a movie. Michael tells him to wait 10 minutes; however, his son whines and complains so much that Michael decides to put the movie in right then. This BEST illustrates the value of _____ reinforcement.


Modern research suggests that the unconscious involves _____ that activate instantly, before conscious analysis.

multiple intelligences

Most people with savant syndrome typically have low scores on most indexes of intelligence but have an exceptional specific skill. This suggests that there are _____.

negative punishment

Nanette's daughter refused to brush her teeth and threw her toys across the room as a protest. Nanette gave her daughter a 20-minute time-out. This is an example of a:


Nasser feels that he has reached his full potential as a college student. He has a 4.0 GPA, is involved in many campus activities, and has just been accepted into graduate school. According to Maslow, Nasser has achieved _____.

unconditional positive regard

Nevaeh and Ben have been married for 30 years. They have shared everything about themselves, both the good and the bad. This sharing has helped them grow even closer. Carl Rogers would say that they have:

Immediate reinforcer

Occurs immediately after a behavior. For example, a student is given a treat immediately for completing his homework


One reason that people become exhausted from chronic stress is that the ____ glands are overworked (overstimulated).

reaction formation

One research study found that men who reported strongly negative attitudes toward homosexuality experienced greater arousal when watching videos of homosexual men having sex than those who did not report such attitudes. These results demonstrate which of Freud's defense mechanisms?


Online adaptive quizzes that provide immediate feedback utilize the principles of _____ conditioning.

GAS phases

Phase 1 - alarm reaction (heart racing, etc) Phase 2 - resistance (temp, blood pressure and respiration remains high) fully engaged but with no relief, reserves dwindle Phase 3 - exhaustion- causes you to be vulnerable to sickness, collapse or death


Pop quizzes and random checks of quality help to produce slow, steady responding and are examples of the _____ schedule of reinforcement.

Positive punishment

Presenting a negative consequence after an undesired behavior is exhibited, making the behavior less likely to happen in the future. If your child says a curse word you would be ADD a chore, such as scrubbing toilets.


Process of acquiring through experience new and relatively enduring information or behaviors

tension headaches

Psychologists would MOST likely use biofeedback to help clients reduce:


Psychology (1) should be an objective science that (2) studies behavior without reference to mental processes.

Spontaneous recovery

Reappearance, after a pause, of an extinguished conditioned response


Reinforcing a response after an unpredictable number of responses. Playing the lottery, slot machines, gambling


Reinforcing a response at unpredictable time intervals. Attendance quizzes in college, random drug testing


Reinforcing a response only after a specified number of responses. Reward cards(buy 10 get 1 free), doing 20 sit ups to keep fit


Reinforcing a response only after a specified time has elapsed. Taking a quiz every Friday, getting clean clothes from the washing machine once the cycle is finished

Negative punishment

Removing a desired stimulus after particular undesired behavior is exhibited, resulting in reducing behavior in future. An example is grounding someone for getting a bad grade by SUBTRACTING or TAKING AWAY devices/phones.


Research studies that retest the same group of people throughout their lives are known as _____ studies.


Reservoir of unconscious psychic energy that strives to satisfy basic sexual and aggressive drives; operates on pleasure principle, demanding immediate gratification. (I want it now)

three; triarchic

Robert Sternberg suggests that there are _____ intelligences; his theory is known as the _____ theory.


Robert is in Las Vegas and decides to play roulette in his hotel's casino. He is convinced that there is a method to determine where the ball will land. However, roulette and similar games actually run on a _____ schedule.

improving it

Roy has been struggling in college. He has decided to change some habits, starting with setting small daily goals and one long-term goal. This is likely to affect his happiness by:

Electra complex

Samantha is 4 years old and seems jealous of her mother. Every time her parents go to hug each other she pushes her mother away from her father and says No. Samantha then hugs her father and sticks her tongue out at her mother. According to Freud, Samantha is demonstrating the:


Scott received a money-saving credit card offer in the mail complete with a frequent-flyer rewards program. With this program, he will get a $500 airline ticket after he acquires 25,000 miles or spends $25,000. This is a _____ schedule.


Shortly before she was to start high school, Aaliyah's family moved to another state. On the first day of school, her mother catches her sucking her thumb, something that Aaliyah hasn't done in years. Which defense mechanism is Aaliyah using to avoid stress?

daily hassles

Since the Great Recession, Americans' primary _____ have been rising costs and stagnant income.

rising costs and stagnant income

Since the Great Recession, Americans' primary daily hassles have been:

savant syndrome

Some people who score below average on intelligence tests have an island of brilliance, which refers to some incredible ability such as heightened musical memory. This condition is known as _____.


Stephen has regularly attended church all of his life. He exercises, rarely drinks, and does not smoke. Stephen has a healthy lifestyle in part because his religion promote:


Sternberg's _____ intelligence is assessed by intelligence tests, which present well-defined problems having a single right solution.


Studies in which researchers test and compare people of various ages at ONE point in time are known as _____ studies.


Studies indicate that pessimistic people can reduce their level of pessimism. Those who participated in a skill-building group, where they learned ways of seeing the bright side of difficult situations, reported lower levels of _____,


T lymphocytes are to the _____ as B lymphocytes are to the bone marrow


Tendency, once a response has been conditioned, for stimuli similar to the conditioned stimulus to elicit similar responses

Hans Selye

The Canadian scientist _____ identified the general adaptation syndrome, the body's response to stress


The WAIS subtest that measures one's ability for visual abstract processing is _____ design.


The WAIS subtest that measures one's ability to name pictured objects is the _____ test.

Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale

The _____ is one of the most widely used intelligence tests for adults. It contains 15 subtests, including vocabulary and block design.

Cognitive learning

The acquisition of mental information, whether by observing events, by watching others, or through language.

operant chamber

The box designed by Skinner, which includes a bar that an animal presses to release a reward of food or water, is a(n):

faith factor

The correlation known as the _____ has revealed that religiously active people tend to live longer than those who are not religiously active.


The four components that make up emotional intelligence include perceiving, managing, understanding, and _____ emotions.


The largely unconscious "executive" part of personality that operates on the reality principle; seeks to realistically gratify the id's impulses to bring long-term pleasure; contains our partly conscious perceptions, thoughts, judgments and memories. (Maybe I can find a compromise)


The law of effect is _____ principle

operant conditioning

The office vending machine gives extra candy bars when either the "a" or "b" choice is selected. Employees continue to frequent this machine regularly. This BEST illustrates:


The process by which we perceive and respond to certain events, called stressors, that we appraise as threatening

positive psychology

The scientific study of human flourishing, with the goals of discovering and promoting strengths and virtues that help individuals and communities to thrive is referred to as:

tend and befriend

The stress-moderating hormone oxytocin may underlie the _____ stress response.


The study of how psychological, neural, and endocrine processes together affect the immune system and resulting health

predictive validity

The success with which a test predicts the behavior it is designed to predict is known as:


The symmetrical, bell-shaped figure that describes the distribution of many physical and psychological attributes is known as the _____ curve.

spontaneous recovery

Tia lived in an inner-city neighborhood for several years walked to school every day, engaging in appropriate crosswalk behaviors. Then, her family moved to a rural area where she was not required to cross the road. Tia's family unexpectedly relocated back to a big city. On the first day of school, Tia was able to remember how to walk safely to school and obey all traffic rules. This is an example of:


Tim has been working at a travel agency for 10 years and without notice and different times receives bonuses for his performance. This schedule would BEST be described as:

Classical conditioning

Type of learning in which one learns to link two or more stimuli and anticipate events.

Tend and Befriend

Under stress, people (especially women) often provide support to others (tend) and bond with and seek support from others (befriend)

Seismic Stress

Unpredictable large-scale events, earthquakes etc

classical conditioning

When Juan was a child, he was attacked by a swarm of bees in his back yard. Now every time he hears the sound of bees, he immediately becomes frightened. This is an example of:


Yolanda has been having bouts of tension headaches. Her physician has not found any medicine that prevents future attacks. Which of the following is MOST likely to be effective in treating tension headaches?


_____ reinforcement involves the removal of an aversive stimulus after a response.

Mindfulness meditation

a reflective practice in which people attend to current experiences in a nonjudgmental and accepting manner.

Operant conditioning

a type of learning in which behavior is strengthened if followed by a reinforcer or diminished if followed by a punisher

positive reinforcement

add a desirable stimulus. A mother gives her son praise (reinforcing stimulus) for doing homework (behavior)


administers an undesirable consequence or withdraws something desirable in an attempt to decrease the frequency of a behavior (a child's disobedience).


alleviating stress using emotional, cognitive, or behavioral methods


an event or situation that evokes a response

Emotion-focused coping

attempting to alleviate stress by avoiding or ignoring a stressor and attending to emotional needs related to our stress reaction

Problem-focused coping

attempting to alleviate stress directly - by changing the stressor or the way we interact with that stressor

Operant behavior

behavior that operates on the environment to produce rewarding or punishing stimuli. (In contrast, classical conditioning involves respondent behavior—automatic responses to a stimulus.)

Type A

competitive, hard-driving, impatient, verbally aggressive, and anger-prone people (Friedman


disguising one's own threatening impulses by attributing them to others; I cheat, therefore, I assume all others cheat and accuse accordingly


emotional release


every so many


every so often


facilitates change by increasing conscious awareness of effort

Type D Personality

individuals that suppress their negative emotion to avoid social disapproval; distress, increased risk for mortality and nonfatal heart attack


is a stress-moderating hormone associated with pair bonding in animals.


more than twice likely than optimists to develop coronary heart disease


offering self-justifying explanations in place of the real, more threatening unconscious reasons for one's actions; an alcoholic says they only drink to be sociable

Observational learning

one form of cognitive learning

Psychosexual Phases

oral, anal, phallic, latency and genital; Freud


refusing to believe or even perceive painful realities; denying the evidence that your spouse is cheating, even though its obvious

negative reinforcement

remove an undesirable/aversive stimulus. Bob does the dishes (behavior) in order to stop his mother's nagging (aversive stimulus)


retreating to a more infantile psychosexual stage, where some psychic energy remains fixated. A little boy reverts to sucking thumb when stressed

acculturative stress

rising costs and stagnant income


shifting sexual or aggressive impulses toward a more acceptable or less threatening object or person; mad at boss, take it on on the kids at home


studied the digestive system; recipient of Russia's first Nobel Prize (1904). An incidental observation triggered his new direction


substantially increases the risk of death, especially death by unnatural causes and cardiovascular disease

Reaction Formation

switching unacceptable impulses into their opposites; repressing angry feeling, a person displays exaggerated friendliness (acting Southern ;-)


the ability to control impulses and delay short-term gratification for greater long-term rewards

Defense mechanisms

the ego's protective methods of reducing anxiety by indirectly and unconsciously distorting reality.

Learned Helplessness

the hopelessness and passive resignation an animal or person learns when unable to avoid repeated aversive events; 1. uncontrollable bad events leads to; 2. perceived lack of control leads to; 3. generalized helpless behavior

External Locus of Control

the perception that chance or outside forces beyond our personal control determine our fate

Internal Locus of Control

the perception that we control our own fate


underlies all other defense mechanisms, according to Freud. It is sometimes incomplete and may be manifested as symbols in dreams or slips of the tongue.

T lymphocytes

white blood cells produced by the thymus gland that directly attacks foreign substances and cancer

B lymphocytes

white blood cells that form in Bone marrow and release antibodies that fight Bacterial infections

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