Psychology Week 6

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Being aware of both internal and external stimuli.


A period of sleep that are outside periods of REM sleep are called __________________ sleep.


Dependence on a drug Is indicated by the user experiencing changes in normal bodily function as a result of discontinuing use of the drug.

Sleep Apnea

Episodes during which a sleeper's breathing stops is called _____________ _____________.

Internal Stimuli.

Feeling pain, hunger, thirst, sleepiness, and being aware of our thoughts and emotions are examples of ___________.

Euphoric High

Feelings of intense elation and pleasure are called a ________________.

Sleep Debt

INSUFFICENT sleep on a CHRONIS basis ...


In a ______________ dream, people become aware that they are dreaming and can control the dream's content.


Is one of a group of sleep disorders in which unwanted, disruptive motor activity and/or experiences during sleep play a role.


Kicking and punching while asleep is a symptom of what sleep disorder?


Melatonin release is stimulated by darkness and inhibited by ________________.

Jet Lag

Mismatch between our internal circadian cycles and our environment, travel.


Regular feelings of hunger are an example of a ____________ rhythm.


Seeing the light from the sun, feeling the warmth of a room, and hearing the voice of a friend are all examples of _____________________ stimuli.


Sleep apnea; a disorder in which an individual's airway becomes blocked during sleep.


Sleeping walking, night terrors, and restless leg syndrome are all examples of ______________.

Sleep Walking

Somnambulism is also known as _________________


State that is marked by relatively low levels of physical activity and REDUCED sensory awareness that is distinct from periods of REST while awake.


Term that describes the tendency to maintain balance, or optimal level, within a biological system?


The hidden meaning of a dream is called the ______________ content.


The sleep cycle is an example of _____________ rhythm.


This research believed that dreams simply reflect life events that are important to the dreamer.


This wave is characterized of stage 1 sleep.

Rest Less Leg Syndrome

Uncomfortable leg sensations in the leg during periods of inactivity are a symptom of _______________.


What hormone does the pineal gland release?


Which theorist described dreams as having manifest or latent content?


Who describes the collective unconscious?

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