Push and Pull Factors/Migration

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A person who is ENTERING a country from another to make a new home.

The 4 categories for Push/Pull Factors are:

Environmental, Political, Economic, and Social


Is a person who is LEAVING their homeland to live in another country.

Pull Factor

The idea that people are "pulled" to move from one place to another. AKA a FORCE that DRAWS people to immigrate to a place.

Push Factor

The idea that people are "pushed" out of one place to go to another place. AKA a FORCE that DRIVES people away from a place.

Human Migration

The movement of people from one place of the world to another. The movement reflects the conditions of a changing world and the impact on the cultural landscape. Think of how all of these different cultures brought their type of food, style of clothes, and holidays to the new world.


leaving one country to move to another. This means you are EXITING your current homeland and you go to another country! Think an EXPORT being sent to another country because they do not have that good.


moving back to where you came from.


moving into a new country. This means that you are coming INTO another country to LIVE PERMANENTLY. Think an IMPORT coming into America because we don't have that good, so we need to bring it in.

External Migration

moving to a different state, country, or continent

Internal Migration

moving within a state, country, or continent

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