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Which of the following was not one of the examples of moments economic, social and religious change highlighted in Gary B. Nash's "The Transformation of European Society"?

A growing fear of immigrants from Slavic and Eastern Europe, which would drive "economic ruin" into a growing and promising economy

To issue an Emancipation Proclamation , President Lincoln felt that he needed which of the following?

A military victory

Which of the following parts of the Compromise of 1850 was the most appealing to the North?

Admitting California as a free state

Benjamin Robbins Curtis was a Supreme Court justice from 1851 to 1857. He espoused in the Dred Scott case of 1857:

All of the Above

Which of the following conditions in England motivated Puritans to migrate to New England in the 1630s? I. Political repression of dissident Protestants II. An economic recession III. Restrictions on Puritan religious practices

All of the above

In which of the following British North American colonies was slavery legally established by the early 1700's?

All the colonies

The Missouri Compromise did which of the following?

Allowed Maine to enter the Union as a free state.

The People's Party (Populist) advocated which of the following?

An increase in the money supply

Mathew would probably apply his warning, "not use our liberty for a cloak of maliciousness" to

Bacon's Rebellion

The dissatisfaction of Virginia farmers with the colonial governor who failed to protect them against American Indian raids led to

Bacon's Rebellion

During the 1930s Black voters overwhelmingly switched from the Republican Party to the Democratic Party because

Black Americans benefited from some New Deal economic policies

During the Gilded Age, which of the following groups generally voted Republican?

Black northerners

''In all things that are purely social we can be as separate as the fingers, yet one as the hand in all things essential to mutual progress." The statement above expressed the ideas of

Booker T. Washington

The Union was most disturbed because they believed that Britain was supporting the Confederate s by doing which of the following?

Building warships

Which of the following best summarizes the attitude toward religious beliefs expressed in this document? (The Maryland Act of Toleration)

Christian s should be able to practice their faith without fear of persecution

Which of the following characterizes the relationship between church and state for the Puritans who settled the Massachusetts Bay Colony in the seventeenth century?

Church membership was required for voting and holding public office.

Which of the following was primarily responsible for the declining death rate in American cities at the end of the nineteenth century?

Cities built sewers and supplied purified water.

On June 24th 1787, James Madison presented a proposal to pay congressmen for a full year after the expiration of their term. What was he trying to prevent with this proposal?

Congressmen receiving federal offices due to friendships within congress.

Which of the following BEST expresses the view of Abigail Adams about power, liberty, or prejudices?

Corruption is an ever present vice for men entrusted with power.

Which of the following was a direct British response to the colonial views expressed by the Stamp Act Congress?

Declaratory Act stating the right to tax

The first massive migration of Black Americans from the South occurred during which of the following periods?

During and immediately after the First World War

During the late nineteenth century, members of which of the following groups were most likely to advocate settlement houses as a means of social reform?

Educated middle-class women

The US Sanitary Commission was headed by

Elizabeth Blackwell

Which of the following groups is LEAST likely to respond with enthusiasm to the religious fervor of the Great Awakening in the 1730s and 1740s?

Established merchants in cities like Boston and Philadelphia

The Northwest Ordinances did which of the following?

Established the terms for settlement and admission of new states.

Immigrants to the United States in the last quarter of the nineteenth century came primarily from

European farms and villages

The Monroe Doctrine maintained that

European powers should not pursue any future colonization in the Americas

Which of the following statements about African American soldiers during the Civil War is correct?

For most of the war, they were paid less than White soldiers of equal rank.

President Washington's Neutrality Proclamation of 1793 was issued in response to

French diplomatic overtures to invoke the Franco-American Alliance

Which of the following contributed most to the American victory in the Revolution?

French military and financial assistance

Thoreau believed that a just man should be prepared to do which of the following?

Go to jail for his beliefs

Defenders of corporate actions, such as the ones described in the passage above, would find support in

Herbert Spencer and the ideas of social Darwinism.

What check on power was Mason arguing for?


Which of the following groups made up most of the servants referred to in the passage?

Indentured servants from Europe

Which of the following supplied the largest number of immigrants to the United States during the first half of the nineteenth century?


Which of the following statements about the Tennessee Valley Authority is correct?

It built dams that made rural electrification possible.

The Second Great Awakening did which of the following?

It encouraged conversion to evangelical Christianity.

Which of the following best characterizes the National Origins Act of 1924 ?

It established immigration quotas based on a percentage of each nationality residing in the United States in 1890.

Which of the following is true of the 1935 Social Security Act?

It legislated a tax that transfers money from workers to pensioners.

How was the Declaratory Act a cause of the Boston Tea Party?

It provoked the Sons of Liberty to contest Parliament's ability to tax the colonies.

Which of the following was true of the first Great Awakening?

It resulted in divisions within both the Congregational and the Presbyterian churches.

Which of the following was true of the United States Constitution as adopted at the Constitutional Convention?

It was built on a series of compromises.

Which of the following statements about the "American System" is correct?

It was designed to meet the nation's need for economic progress and self-sufficiency.

In the mid-18th century, all of the following were generally true about slavery in the British colonies EXCEPT

It was strongly opposed in New England.

The issue of religious toleration figured prominently in the founding of colonies by all of the following EXCEPT

James Oglethorpe

The Haymarket Affair represented a major setback for the

Knights of Labor

Based on Transcendentalist ideas , penitentiaries were "designed so that every prisoner would live in solitary confinement, and would therefore have time to think and reform." (Jacksonland). This idea was opposed by

Lafayette, who believed solitary confinement was torture.

Which of the following groups of individuals would have been most likely to agree with King George?


[cross of gold speech] William Jennings Bryan, 1896 Which of the following groups would most likely agree with the quote above?

Midwestern farmers

Support for slavery in the Southern states was based on all of the following reasons EXCEPT:

Most White families owned slaves.

(passage about women doing stuff) Which of the following groups would have most likely supported the scenario described in this passage?

National Woman Suffrage Association

Which of the following principles was established by the Dred Scott decision?

National legislation could not limit the spread of slavery in the territories.

Which of the following was the intended result of the Dawes Severalty Act of 1887?

Native Americans would be coaxed off reservations by land grants and would thus assimilate into Western culture.

The Hartford Convention was a manifestation of

New England Federalist opposition to the War of 1812

Which of the following parts of the Compromise of 1850 was the most appealing to the South?

Passing a new Fugitive Slave Law

"We believe that the time has come when the railroad corporations will either own the people or the people must own the railroads ... We demand a national currency, safe, sound, and flexible ... We demand a graduated income tax ... We demand a free ballot." Which of the following groups included the passage above in its platform?

People's Party (Populists)

Winthrop suggests that Polk 's slogan of "Fifty-four Forty or Fight!" was based mainly on which of the following attitudes?

Polk hoped to get political benefit

An increase in which of the following was the key part of the Kansas-Nebraska Act to attract Southern support?

Popular sovereignty

Which of the following ideas is Douglas appealing to when he says, "whether the people of the territories shall be allowed to do as they please upon the question of slavery"?

Popular sovereignty

Which of the following would most directly support the argument that Progressives were "exclusionary"?

Progressives did little to end the segregation of African Americans

Roger Williams and Anne Hutchinson challenged the authority of which of the following?

Puritan magistrates and ministers

Which of the following was true of a married woman in the colonial era?

She generally lost control of her property when she married.

Chief Justice Taney's basic ruling in the Dred Scott case was based on which of the following principles?

Since slaves were property, they could not sue

"Another marked characteristic of the Anglo- Saxon is what may be called an instinct or genius for colonizing. His unequaled energy, his indomitable perseverance, and his personal independence, made him a pioneer. He excels all others in pushing his way into new countries."

Social Darwinism

The decisions of the Supreme Court in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries generally did which of the following?

Strengthened the position of big business.

In his Atlanta Compromise speech, Booker T. Washington called for which of the following?

Support for African American self-help

Which of the following happened as a result of Bacon's Rebellion in 1676?

Tensions between backcountry farmers and the tidewater gentry were exposed.

According to the excerpt, which of the following does King George hold primarily responsible for the American revolt?

The "traitorous views" of some colonial leaders

Select the answer that BEST embodies the following quote. Dr. Benjamin Rush of Pennsylvania on July 4th 1787

The Constitutional Convention is part of the continuing evolution of the American experiment.

Susan B. Anthony and others in the women's rights movement had a major influence on the ratification of which of the following?

The Nineteenth Amendment.

Which of the following conflicts resulted in the successful expulsion of Europeans from the upper Rio Grande region of North America for nearly a decade?

The Pueblo Revolt

What was the main reason for the major decrease in the number of Europeans immigrating to the United States in the 1920s?

The United States passed the National Origins Act.

Which of the following served as a major cause of the war with Mexico?

The annexation of Texas

Which of the following was the most direct catalyst for the secession of South Carolina?

The election of 1860

Which of the following contributed most significantly to a surge in western settlement during the 1860s and 1870s?

The expansion of railroads made the Great Plains more accessible.

Late-nineteenth-century federal policies were detrimental to unskilled workers in all of the following ways EXCEPT:

The federal income tax took a considerable portion of workers' income.

Which of the following most profoundly transformed the lives of slaves in the South in the mid-1700s?

The growth of a native-born African American population

Which of the following was most directly a cause of the success of the Populist party?

The growth of corporate power and banking interests inspired rural activists to lobby for political reform.

Thomas Paine's pamphlet Common Sense attacked which of the following?

The king of England and the principle of monarchy

Which of the following provisions of the Compromise of 1850 provoked the most controversy in the 1850's?

The strengthened Fugitive Slave Law

All of the following statements about higher educa- tion in the United States from 1865 to 1917 are correct EXCEPT:

The teaching of religion became increasingly important at major northeastern institutions.

All of the following statements about higher education in the United States from 1865 to 1917 are correct EXCEPT:

The teaching of religion became increasingly important at major northeastern institutions.

What does Mr. Wilson mean with this comment?

There will be a partnership between state and national governments.

City bosses and urban political machines in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries did which of the following?

They provided some welfare for poor immigrants in exchange for political support.

Which of the following statements about Supreme Court decisions during the latter part of the nineteenth century is most accurate?

They reduced federal power over the states by narrowly defining the applicability of the Constitution to state law.

Based on the information in this excerpt, what is Samuel Kercheval's point of view toward Bacon and his followers?

They were frustrated men who were taking action because the government did not

Which of the following best describes the position on slavery of most northerners during the sectional crises of the 1850s?

They were willing to accept slavery where it existed but opposed further expansion to the territories.

-Henry David Thoreau, lecturer and author, "Resistance to Civil Government," (Civil Disobedience), 1849 Which of the following groups held views most similar to the ideas expressed in this excerpt?


On July 21st the Convention for a third time refused to approve today a fusion of veto power of the national Judiciary and Executive as a means to checkmate power of the Legislature. However in a unanimous vote, the Convention approved the power of an Executive Veto. How can a veto be overturned?

Two-thirds vote in the House and Senate

The Congress of Industrial Organizations was most interested in unionizing which of the following?

Unskilled and semiskilled factory workers

The 1896 Supreme Court decision Plessy v. Ferguson did which of the following?

Upheld segregated railroad facilities.

Which of the following had integration rather than Black separatism as a goal?

W. E. B. Du Bois and the Niagara movement

Which of the following emerged during the Progressive Era as the most influential advocate of full political, economic, and social equality for Black Americans?


The issue of freedom of the seas in World War I most closely resembles the cause of which of the following conflicts?

War of 1812

The development of commercial farming in the Old Northwest by the time of this excerpt was written gave support to

Western settlements

The assembly-line production of Henry Ford's Model T automobile resulted in which of the following by the end of the 1920s?

Widespread purchase of automobiles by average American families

"Let Southern oppressors tremble . . . . I shall strenuously contend for immediate enfranchisement . . . . I will be as harsh as truth and as uncompromising as justice."

William L. Garrison

In 1840 the American Antislavery Society split into factions because

William Lloyd Garrison's advocacy of women's rights and pacifism alienated some members

Jamestown, the first permanent English settlement in the New World, was founded by

a joint stock company anxious to return a profit to investors

During the 1930's, the Great Depression led to

a mass internal migration of Americans looking for work

The efforts described in the reading above occurred in the context of

a nadir (lowest point) in race relations in the United States as scientific" ideas about race, inaction by the federal government, and rigid segregation in the South relegated African Americans to a second -class status in the United States.

The greatest achievement of the government under the Articles of Confederation was its establishment of

a system for orderly settlement of the West

When war broke out in Europe in 1914, President Woodrow Wilson established a policy that called for

acknowledgment of American neutral rights on the high seas

Jefferson's purchase of Louisiana had its origins in his desire to

acquire a port to provide an outlet for western crops

William Lloyd Garrison and the American Anti-Slavery Society were known for

advocating immediate and uncompensated emancipation

The 1854 Kansas-Nebraska Act instituted popular sovereignty to

allow people living in a territory to determine whether slavery should be permitted there

Pinckney's Treaty with Spain is considered a diplomatic highlight of Washington's administration because it

allowed the United States to use the port of New Orleans

The Quakers were unique among the religious groups that settled in North America during the seventeenth century because they

allowed women to speak publicly in their religious meetings and to be missionaries

"One by one the southern states have legally disfranchised the Afro-American, and since the repeal of the Civil Rights Bill nearly every southern state has passed separate [railroad] car laws with a penalty against their infringement. The race, regardless of advancement, is penned into filthy, stifling partitions cut off from smoking cars." The author of the statement above was

an African American journalist in the 1890s

The immediate effect of Andrew Jackson's attack on the Second Bank of the United States in 1834 was

an expansion of credit and speculation

In the last quarter of the nineteenth century, American agriculture was characterized by

an increase in acres under cultivation

The passage of the Pendleton Act was a direct result of the

assassination of James A. Garfield

The primary purpose of the Proclamation of 1763 was to

avoid conflict with the trans-Appalachian Indians

All of the following have been cited as reasons for the dropping of atomic bombs on Japan in 1945 EXCEPT the need to

block a planned Japanese invasion of the United States

Although Congress accepted most of Alexander Hamilton's economic proposals, it rejected his

call for direct subsidies to manufacturers

President Lincoln delayed issuing an Emancipation Proclamation because of his concern that it would

cause the border states to secede

During the American Revolution, many women contributed to the cause of independence by

collecting money, medicine, and food to supply the Continental Army

Progressive reformers rejected Social Darwinism because they believed that

conflict and competition did not necessarily improve society

The term "vertical integration" refers to

control of all aspects of an industry, from production of raw materials to delivery of finished goods

"To make all laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into execution the foregoing powers, and all other power vested by this Constitution." Alexander Hamilton used the clause above to

convince the federal government to create the First Bank of the United States

The crop that best fits Downing's description as one of the "great staples" in mid-19th century America was


In 1890 the most important source of revenue for the federal government was

customs duties

D. W. Griffith's epic film The Birth of a Nation (1915) became controversial because of its

depiction of Ku Klux Klan activities as heroic and commendable

The Constitutional Convention of 1787 did all of the following EXCEPT

determine provisions to be included in the Bill of Rights

A key purpose of Henry Clay's American System was to

develop a national economy by improving transportation

President George Washington's Farewell Address set a course for the nation by

discouraging permanent alliances with foreign nations

The major goal of the Social Gospel movement in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries was to

draw the attention of Protestant churches to the plight of the urban poor

Alexander Hamilton's financial program was most favorable to

eastern merchants

The American home front in the Second World War is best described as

economically invigorated by military spending

To encourage African Americans to fight, Hamilton suggested in the excerpt that they should be promised

emancipation from slavery

Marcus Garvey's prominence during the 1920s arose from his

emphasis on the importance of Black pride and Black nationalism

President Herbert Hoover approached the task of caring for unemployed workers during the Great Depression by

emphasizing the importance of private charities

In the period 1650-1750, all of the following contributed to British North American colonists' sense of identity as British subjects EXCEPT the

expansion of the colonies into western frontier region

The LEAST prosperous group in the 1920s consisted of

farmers in the Midwest and the South

The "free silver" campaign of 1896 received its greatest popular support from

farmers, who hoped that a more generous money supply would ease their debt burdens

The purpose of the immigration restriction acts passed in the 1920s was to

favor northern and western European immigration

The Palmer raids of 1919 to 1920 were most closely related to the

fear of communism and radicalism

During the Second World War, Japanese Americans were relocated because of

fear of possible subversive activity against the war effort

President Jackson resisted the admission of Texas into the Union in 1836 primarily because he

feared that debate over the admission of Texas would ignite controversy about slavery

All of the following contributed to the growth of the free African American population in the United States in the early nineteenth century EXCEPT

federal constitutional provisions for emancipation

Andrew Carnegie's Gospel of Wealth was based on the belief that wealthy industrialists should use their wealth to

finance philanthropic endeavors

The main goal of the Marshall Plan was to

finance the economic reconstruction of Western Europe

In an influential 1947 article, diplomat George F. Kennan advocated that the United States should

focus its foreign policy on containing the spread of Soviet communism

The Battle of Antietam, September 17, 1862, is considered pivotal to the outcome of the Civil War because it

forestalled the possibility of European intervention

During the Civil War, the Republican Party passed legislation promoting economic development concerning all of the following EXCEPT the

granting of government subsidies to encourage the export of manufactured goods

By passing the Navigation Acts in the 1600s and 1700s, the British government intended to

guarantee that the British government would have a financial share of all colonial exports

Andrew Johnson was impeached because

he violated the Tenure of Office Act by firing Secretary of War Stanton

In the 1930's, the movement led by Dr. Francis Townsend contributed to congressional approval of a law

implementing a federal program of old-age benefits

Hamilton's constitutional argument was based on which of the following types of power?


Constitutional amendments enacted during the Progressive Era concerned all of the following EXCEPT

imposition of a poll tax

A major consequence of the French and Indian war of 1754-1763 was the

imposition of new taxes on the British North American colonies

Free coinage of silver was intended to

increase the money supply

A distinguishing feature of American society in the early nineteenth century was the

increasing readership of newspapers

An overview of the Gilded Age and Progressive Era inevitably narrows to three major movements:

industrialization, immigration, and urbanization.

President Theodore Roosevelt addressed all of the following issues during his presidency EXCEPT

insider trading on the stock market

Stevens disagrees with those who oppose free public education because

it will result in increased taxes

The major opposition to the Mexican War was based on the belief that

it would expand slavery

In Marbury v. Madison, the United States Supreme Court affirmed

its right to determine the constitutionality of state laws

According to Mayhew, the people should be willing to challenge abuses by the


Under the Articles of Confederation the United States central government had no power to

levy taxes

In the late nineteenth century, political machines such as Tammany Hall were successful primarily because

machine politicians provided needed jobs and services to naturalized citizens in return for their votes

All of the following led Congress to impose Radical Reconstruction measures EXCEPT the

massive exodus of former slaves from the South

Colonial cities functioned primarily as?

mercantile centers for collecting agricultural goods and distributing imported manufactured goods

The leaders of the Progressive movement were primarily

middle-class reformers concerned with urban and consumer issues

The purpose of the Committee on Public Information, headed by George Creel, was to

mobilize popular support for the First World War

Policy initiatives during Franklin D. Roosevelt's first two presidential terms included all of the following EXCEPT

nationalizing basic industries

The financial programs of Alexander Hamilton included all of the following EXCEPT

nullification of all private debts to the states

The Open Door policy of the early twentieth century called for

open access to China for American investment and commercial interests

An underlying cause of the Great Depression, which began in 1929, was

overproduction in the manufacturing and farm sectors

The most controversial and divisive component of the Compromise of 1850 was the

passage of a tougher national fugitive slave act

All of the following contributed to Northern fear of a slave power conspiracy in the 1840s and 1850s EXCEPT the

passage of the Wilmot Proviso

The objective of the Bonus Expeditionary Force that marched on Washington, D.C., in 1932 was to obtain

payment of money to veterans of the First World War

The era from the end of the Civil War to the out- break of the First World War was characterized by

periodic economic panic and depression

The United States went to war in 1812 for all of the following reasons EXCEPT to

prevent France from recapturing the Louisiana Territory

The purpose of the Truman Doctrine of 1947was to

prevent communism from spreading further through military aggression

The Louisiana Purchase proved politically troubling for Thomas Jefferson because of his

previous support for a strict interpretation of the Constitution

Under Chief Justice John Marshall, Supreme Court decisions tended to

promote business enterprise

The government of the Articles of Confederation was successful in resolving the problem of how to

provide for statehood for western territories

The purpose of the Lend-Lease Act was to

provide military supplies to the Allies

During the 1920s, both the Saco and Vanzetti case and the rise of the new Ku Klux Klan reflected

public fear and resentment of southern and eastern European immigrants

The purpose of the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1933 was to

raise farm prices by limiting agricultural production

The most important factor in Andrew Jackson's successful bid for the presidency in 1828 was his

reputation as a hero of the War of 1812

The goal of the American Colonization Society was to

return freed slaves to Africa

One reason early twentieth century muckrakers were able to have a significant impact on society was because

sales and circulation of newspapers and magazines increased

The principle of popular sovereignty stated that

settlers in the Western territories, not Congress, would decide whether to allow slavery in their territories

"We do not know whether free laborers ever sleep.... The free laborer must work or starve. He is more of a slave than the negro, because he works longer and harder for less allowance than the slave, and has no holiday, because the cares of life with him begin when its labors end. He has no liberty, and not a single right." --George Fitzhugh, Cannibals All! or, Slaves Without Masters, 1857 The excerpt above reflects the common argument in the antebellum South that

slaves lived better than northern factory workers

At the local level in the North, Democrats and Republicans were deeply divided over

social issues.

The "new immigrants" who arrived in the United States after the Civil War were different from the"old immigrants" in that they

spoke different languages and had different customs than most Americans and thus were not easily assimilated

The Kentucky and Virginia resolutions, the Hartford Convention, and the South Carolina Exposition and Protest were similar in that all involved a defense of

states' rights

President Calvin Coolidge and his secretary of the Treasury, Andrew Mellon, pursued an economic policy that featured

tax cuts for the wealthy and corporations

The Republican Presidents of the 1920's favored

tax cuts for wealthy Americans

British colonists in North America objected to the Stamp Act primarily because it

taxed them without their consent

The Fifteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution established

that suffrage cannot be denied based on race, color, or previous servitude

During the Great Depression, the federal government responded with force when

the Bonus Expeditionary Force encamped in Washington

Which of the following documents would be most useful in examining the origins of constitutional government in colonial America?

the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut

"The God that holds you over the pit of hell, as one holds a spider, or some loathsome insect over the fire, abhors you, and is dreadfully provoked; his wrath toward you burns like fire; he looks upon you as worth of nothing else, but to be cast into the fire;...and yet it is nothing by his hand that holds you from falling into the fire every moment." The quotation above contains ideas typical of:

the Great Awakening

In 1860 Abraham Lincoln was elected president on a Republican platform that advocated all of the following EXCEPT

the abolition of slavery throughout the United States

The farmers' protest movement lost momentum at the end of the 1890s for all of the following reasons except

the absorption of the populists by the AFL (American Federation of Labor)

Sojourner Truth saw connection between the women's rights movement and

the antislavery movement

Although Progressive Era reformers held different opinions about many issues of the day, they shared a belief in

the capacity of trained professionals to find rational, scientific solutions to society's problems

The belief by some Americans that the Civil War was "a rich man's war but a poor man's fight" was reflected in

the draft riots in New York City

The issue of religion figured most prominently in the consideration of which of the following?

the establishment of Puritan colonies in Massachusetts

Henry Hudson is known as

the explorer who deserted his own country

All of the following contributed to the passage of the Eighteenth Amendment legislating Prohibition in 1919 EXCEPT

the high death toll from alcohol-related automobile accidents

The Supreme Court ruling in Korematsu v. United States upheld the constitutionality of

the internment of Japanese Americans as a wartime necessity

The Wilmot Proviso specifically provided for

the prohibition of slavery in lands acquired from Mexico in the Mexican War

One distinguishing feature of the new middle class that emerged in the 1830s and 1840s was

the separation of economic production from the home and family life

Slave labor was brought to the Western Hemisphere by colonists because

there was a lack of manpower to do the labor-intensive work of harvesting sugarcane.

Five of the thirteen states voted for ratification the Constitution only after

they were assured that a Bill of Rights would be added shortly after ratification

The Woman's Christian Temperance Union argued that women needed the vote

to fulfill their domestic responsibilities in the public sphere.

At the end of the nineteenth century, the desire of American business to control supplies of raw materials led to

vertical integration

President Monroe articulated the Monroe Doctrine in his 1823 address to Congress primarily in order to

warn European nations against further colonial ventures in the Western Hemisphere

The dispute over electoral votes in the election of 1876

was resolved by a special bipartisan commission and resulted in the end of military reconstruction

The scalawags were

white Southerners who supported Republican policies during Reconstruction

A major part of the Confederate strategy for winning independence was based on

winning recognition and support from Great Britain

After the Revolution, the concept of the "republican mother" suggested that

women would be responsible for raising their children, especially their sons, to be virtuous citizens of the young republic

In the early 1830's, the majority of workers in the textile mills of Massachusetts were

young unmarried women from rural New England

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