Quiz 2

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A __________________ was a land grant of 4 leagues along one side of a waterway or 2 leagues on each side of a waterway.


A sermon preached against sin and emphasized the need for people to come into a right relationship with God is a

to create an orderly government according to God

According to the Fundamental Orders of 1839 (Fundamental Orders of Connecticut) what was the purpose of the creation of a single colony out of the settlements?


According to the lesson, which American colony provides the best example of how Americans participated in the "World of Goods"?

by cultivating manners, social skills

According to your lesson, how did the fashionable world set itself apart?

a luxury became a staple and then people wanted something different

According to your lesson, once a luxury good became common, what happened?

east, west

After 1676, New Jersey was divided into ______ Jersey and ______ Jersey.


Another name for the Age of Reason is the __________________?

the late 17th century

At what point did residents of the Carolinas begin to refer to North and South as distinct regions?


By 1700, what percentage of the population of New Netherland was African slaves?

religious toleration, a representative assembly

Carteret and Berkeley's governing document guaranteed [choose all that apply]

the duke of york sold it to william penn

Delaware was united with the colony of New York until

economic gain

For the most part, most colonies were founded for

it could provide naval stores, could provide a line of defense against spanish

How could the colony of Georgia be a military benefit? [choose all that apply]

by purchasing the land from native americans and establishing treaties

How did Penn increase his land holdings as the colonial population grew?

the virginia company lost its charter

How did the Stuart monarchs gain authority to grant land from Virginia Company holdings?

by land ownership and what those lands produced

How was wealth defined prior to the 17th century?

they were considered as valuable and welcomed

How were Protestants to be treated in Maryland?

if revivals were of God theyd bear fruit, if not theyd end

In "The Distinguishing Marks of the Work of the Spirit of God," Jonathan Edwards argued that

act of toleration

In 1649, the ________ _____ _______________ gave all Christians in Maryland the right of religious worship.


In Maryland, each colonist paid a ________________ to Lord Baltimore.


In Virginia in the mid-eighteenth century, churches and ministers needed what from the government?


In his sermons, Theodore Frelinghuysen encouraged his listeners to an _____________ faith.

conversion narrative

In order to become a member of a church in New England, an individual needed to provide

indentured servitude

In the early days of the colonies, what was the primary source of labor

in british north america

In the eighteenth century, where was conspicuous consumption most conspicuous?

native americans

Initially, South Carolinians thought to enslave whom as a labor force?


It could be said that the American colonies grew up in a culture of ______________.

fundamental constitutions

Lord Shaftsbury and John Locke wrote the _________________ ____________________ to address issues in governing the Carolina colony.

lords of the manor

Maryland colonists who purchased at least 1,000 acres from Lord Baltimore were known as


Members of Carolina's representative assembly were required to own land worth at least ________ pounds.

the middle passage

Most African slaves reached the New World by way of

outside england

Most of the early migration to Georgia came from

john witherspoon

Of the early leaders of Princeton, who was one of the most important contributors to American society and politics in the late 18th century?

his theatrical training

One of George Whitefield's most important assets was

become more unified

Over the course of the late 17th and 18th centuries, the American colonies

contributed to the high mortatlity rate of the colony

Placing Maryland's settlements along waterways


Rational Christian thinkers argued that man could use what to see the truth of Jesus Christ?

long island

Rebellion against Stuyvesant's government of New Netherland occurred on


Slaves in colonial South Carolina primarily worked on the ___________ System.

dull preaching without exhortation

Solomon Stoddard criticized New England pastors for

the west indian company

The Dutch States General granted a monopoly for trade in the New World to

sir george carteret, john, lord berkely

The English proprietors of New Jersey were [choose 2]

did not allow to serve consecutive terms, did not include test for religious citizenship, formed a representative government, gave the general court wide powers

The Fundamental Orders of Connecticut [choose all that apply]

a compromise that allowed their children to be baptized

The Half-Way Covenant was

an inner light

The Quakers believed that truth was revealed to every man by


The Rhode Island charter signed by Charles II guaranteed freedom of religious practice to all except


The Treaty of Breda transferred the colony of New Netherland to the control of what country?

society of friends

The ___________ ____ _____________, also known as the "Quakers," was founded by George Fox.

log college

The ____________ ______________ in Pennsylvania was a place where William Tennent trained ministers.


The _____________ language is one of the longest lasting reflections of African cultural influences in South Carolina.

new sweden

The colony of Delaware was originally called _____ _______________.

commerical venture

The colony of New Hampshire began as a


The first settlement in New Sweden was Fort

moral wisdom

The focus of most Anglican sermons was

the stono rebellion

The largest slave rebellion of the colonial era was

george whitefield

The most notable international figure that helped spread the revivals throughout the colonies was

voter rights

The primary difference of opinion between Thomas Hooker and Governor Winthrop was over

centralized government

The problem in New Hampshire came from the lack of a[n]


The revivals of the Great Awakening met resistance in the southern colonies since it brought up issues regarding

manhattan island

The settlement of New Amsterdam was located on

an american nobility based on land ownership

The system of government created by the Fundamental Constitutions of Carolina was intended to create

that a sinful person must work toward being humble before grace can be granted

Thomas Hooker taught

baptists and quakers

Unaware of the proprietorship of others, New York's governor Nicholls granted the territory of New Jersey to

john printz

Under Governor ___________ ________________, the colony of New Sweden was able to protect itself from the Dutch.

the old deluder satan act

What act emphasized the value of education for religious and economic value?

the navigation acts

What actions by Parliament were meant to limit the ability of other nations to trade with the American colonies and thus maximize profits?


What crop was vital to Maryland's economy?

the glorious revolution

What event in England put William and Mary of Orange on the throne and established the basis for a constitutional monarchy with a written bill of rights?

improved communication over commercial networks

What helped spread the ideas of the Age or Reason?

urban poverty, the issue of debt and debtors prison

What issues did the founders of Georgia attempt to address? [choose all that apply]

it originally prohibited slavery, it was the last colony founded, only colony founded for humanitarian purposes

What makes the founding of Georgia distinctive? [choose all that apply]

scottish common sense

What philosophy did John Witherspoon introduce at Princeton that taught there are certain natural rights granted by God?


What social and governmental system did Lord Baltimore's charter for Maryland resemble?

indigo, rice

What two [2] crops helped create the fortunes of many of the first settlers of the Carolinas?

the enlightenment, great awakening

What two important events shaped British Colonial America? [choose 2]

many slaves were isolated from white culture

What was a primary factor contributing to the survival of aspects of African culture in South Carolina?

the fundamental orders of 1639

What was the document that provided the governmental structure of Connecticut?


What was the first city founded in the colony of Georgia?

st marys city

What was the first settlement and first colonial capital of Maryland?

to be a commercial center

What was the goal for establishing New Netherland?

they won converts but did not stay to shepherd the flock

What was the issue that many had with itinerant ministers?

rights as englishemen

What was the one guarantee of the Maryland charter?


What was the primary issue with the location of Charleston?

as a haven for persecuted catholics

What was the purpose for founding Maryland?

to train clergy

What was the purpose of America's first universities?

6 acres of land

When indentured servants in the Carolinas completed their contracts, they were guaranteed

they were all favorites of charles, great political minds, the land grants were repayment

When looking at the eight proprietors of the Carolinas, it can be said that [choose all that apply]

massachusettes received a charter

When the Dominion of New England was broken apart, what was one result?

in the developing areas of the colonial west and south

Where did most small farmers settle as larger tracts of land were granted in the colony?

dutch west india company

Which group also laid claim to the territory occupied by the Swedish settlers?

denial of the sacraments, refusal to take oaths, pacifism, no need for priests, no tithing, permit women to participate in worship

Which of the following are tenets of the Society of Friends? [choose all that apply]

open rebellion, break tools, run away, fake illness

Which of the following are ways in which slaves resisted their condition? [choose all that apply]

the people of the lowlands were generally Anglican, the geographic regions contrasted in wealth, political and religious factions caused turmoil and conflict in the government, by 1729, the proprietors were eager to turn over their charter to the Crown, the people of the North pimarily interacted with the people of Virginia

Which of the following can be said to be true about the Carolinas in the colonial period? [ choose all that apply]

the people began to see the ministry as a vocation of money making

Which of the following is NOT an influence of the Great Awakening on the colonies?

he was one of charles ii's court ministers

Which of the following is NOT true about William Penn, Jr.?

church congretionalists become more independent

Which of the following is NOT true of religion in British Colonial America?

it was solely a uniting event

Which of the following is NOT true of the Great Awakening?

all but preaching plain

Which of the following is true about George Whitefield? [choose all that apply

educated at yale, preached that God was jealous and absolute, he was the grandson of solomon stoddard

Which of the following is true about Jonathan Edwards? [choose all that apply]

first met in 1635, lord baltimore rejected most laws, didnt understand the people wanted better government

Which of the following is true about Maryland's early government? [choose all that apply]

they were focused on doctrine

Which of the following is true of New England Congregationalist sermons?

jonathan edwards

Which of the following preached the sermon "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God"?

john locke

Which of the following was NOT of the eight original proprietors of the Carolinas?

george whitefield

Which of the following was NOT part of the early years of the Great Awakening?

the king held the sole right to name governors and council members

Which of the following was NOT true of the government of colonial Pennsylvania?

rum, slavery, farms larger than 500 acres

Which of the following was not originally allowed in colonial Georgia? [choose all that apply]

stricter slave laws were passed

Which of the following was one result of the Stono Rebellion?

sir william berkeley

Which of the proprietors of Carolina was also a Royal Governor of Virginia?

the college of new jersey

Which of these colleges was founded after the beginning of the Great Awakening?

henry hudson

Who explored and claimed the area of New Netherland for the Dutch?

the english

Who originally settled New Jersey?

peter minuet

Who purchased the land that would become New Amsterdam from the local native tribes?

sir robert heath

Who was granted the original charter to settle the Carolinas by Charles II?

samuel davies

Who was the Presbyterian minister who evangelized in Virginia in the 1750s?

sir george calvret

Who was the driving force behind Maryland's founding?

william drummand

Who was the first governor of the Carolinas?

peter stuyvesant

Who was the last director general of New Netherland?

thomas hooker

Who was the leader who settled Connecticut with 100 settlers?

james oglethorp

Who was the leading force behind the founding of Georgia?


Who were the first settlers who moved to the Albemarle Sound region before the Carolina colony was organized?

john mason, fernando gorges

Who were the founders of New Hampshire? [choose two]

cotton mather

Whose work, the Magnalia Christi Americana, claimed that the people of New England were blessed when they continued to live as the Puritan fathers had, but were punished when they did not?

they had natural immunites, experience with rice production

Why did South Carolinians see using West African slaves as making sense? [choose all that apply]

as a haven for quakers

Why was Pennsylvania founded?

becuase of his opinions regarding the separation of church and state

Why was Roger Williams banished from Massachusetts Bay?

the population was scattered

Why was it difficult to provide organized education in the southern colonies?

its not easy to access and natives were unfriendly

Why was the land between Virginia and Florida not initially settled?

no cross, no crown

William Penn wrote


______________ is an economic policy that claimed colonies only existed for the benefit of the mother country.

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