quiz 3 exam 2
A negative characterization is one in which
A person describes the harmful and undesirable aspects of something
Part of Anselm's proof of God's existence is his statement that
A real thing is better than an imaginary thing
Ockham's razor is the principle that
A simpler explanation is better than a complex explanation
According to the theory of evolution, humans appeared
As a result of mutations
Anselm began his proof of the existence of god by
Defining god as the greatest conceivable being
When Einstein said "God does not play at dice," He meant
God does not let events happen without causes
To say God is omnipotent is to say
He can do anything
Ockham rejected all so-called "Proofs" of God's existence because
He wanted to protect faith from reason
Anselm said
I believe in order to understand
"The retreat of the gods" says that the decline of religion is due to the increase in
The scientist says it is necessary that squares have four sides because
People created rules of language that make it necessary
Galileo is significant for philosophy because he
Promoted a picture of the universe as a vast, clocklike mechanism
In the early 1500s Martin Luther created a new form of Christianity called
Dialectic is
Setting up opposing sides of an issue
Aquinas said Aristotle could prove that a First Cause exists but could not prove that
The First Cause is a loving Father
Einstein said that the rate at which time passes for a person depends on
The Person's motion
According to the essay, Darwin's discoveries implied that God
Was not psychologically similar to humans
"In the Beginning" says the causal chain cannot go back in time infinitely because
We cannot imagine an infinite chain
A married bachelor is impossible because
it would violate logical laws
Machiavelli said religion was important in politics
rulers can use it to manipulate and control the public