Quiz 4
Cosmic dust is often mistaken for:
a void, hole, or dark patch among the stars
HII regions are
clouds of (singly) ionized hydrogen gas
Most of the volume of interstellar medium is filled with neutral (nonionized) hydrogen gas.
The stars in the Pleiades Cluster are all about the same age
Ultra-hot interstellar gas can be heated to ____ of Kelvins by _____.
millions; collisions with supernovae shock waves
As shown in the films, the N-Body problem is tedious. Supercomputers are used to do the grunt work. The 12-body problem attempted by the students would take ____ to do by hand.
300 years
A stellar association is a group of extremely young stars, typically containing 5 to 50 hot, bright O and B stars
Alcohol is found in space but it's in very tiny quantities.
Infrared radiation is often associated with heat and is detected whenever objects are warm.
There are approximately 150 globular clusters in our galaxy
If we lived in a globular cluster like the Arches Cluster, the level of light on our world at night would be similar to:
an office during the day (similar to having many bright moons in the sky at once)
Barnard 68, a cloud containing tiny, solid dust grains is an example of a:
dark nebula
More complex molecules astronomers have found in space are mostly combinations of:
hydrogen, oxygen, carbon, nitrogen, and sulfur
Interstellar dust grains radiate mostly in the _____ part of the electromagnetic spectrum.
Light that has been absorbed and/or scattered by dust grains along its trip to us has undergone:
interstellar extinction
Globular clusters contain mostly ____ stars, while open clusters contain mostly ____ stars
old; new
The Helix Nebula is one of the closest
planetary nebulae
Just like the human eye, cameras used for astrophotography use three filters to capture light correctly. These are:
red, green, and blue
Some dense clouds of dust are close to luminous stars and scatter enough starlight to become visible. These objects are called _____ nebulae
The hydrogen atom emits or absorbs energy at 21 cm when:
the electron flips over to either align with the proton or be in the opposite direction to the proton