Quiz and homework questions and answers

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This shot is used to hit the ball over a bunker or hazard

pitch shot

The _______ is used for short approaches from the rough and fairways of less than 125 yards.

pitching or sand wedge

In order to follow proper golf etiquette there should be no more than _______ players in your party.


To win a game in tennis you must score _______ points


Your body needs _______ cups of water for every hour you exercise.


a headlight on a bike must be visible from at least _______________ feet


If both players have 40 points it is called a _______.


A _______________ is a slice of turf cut out with a club


The different hand sigals


When the server has served two serves out of bounds on the same point, it is called a _______.

double fault

Tennis can be played individually or as _______.


This race features the longest course and the highest speeds in alpine skiing.


Which of the following activities is described here? "Point your skis straight down the fall line with your skis parallel and about a foot apart. Lean forward and bend at the knees, ankles, and hips."

downhill schussing

The _______ is the longest-hitting club and is usually used at the tee.


the score of two under par on hole


the mowed area between the tee and the green


The player _______ the hole shoots or putts first.

farthest away

What should be your most important consideration when choosing a new racquet?


A ball is considered lost if not found within _______________ minutes.


Oops! You've fallen! Explain the procedure for getting up.

place the skis across the hill on the downhill side of the slope. Next, tuck you legs up under your hips on the uphill side and push your body up with your hands or poles, keeping your skis pointed across the mountain side.

1. wrist loop 2. shaft 3. basket 4. tail 5. heel binding 6. brakes 7. toe binding 8. tip/nose

list the parts

Which of the following shots sends the ball high above an opponent and lands near the baseline?


These clubs are more accurate and are good for fairway and rough shots.

long irons

A score of zero in tennis is called __________?


point system in order

love 15 30 40 deuce advantage in

What is one of the most important aspects of developing a proper golf swing?

maintaining an even temp

The main technical challenge faced by skiers is _________.

maintaining control of direction and speed

In this version of golf the winner is the golfer who wins the greater number of holes.

match play

Most recreational players have a racket that is strung with _______.

mid-range tension

These are used for balance and pushing.


The heavier the racket the _______.

more stable it will be

Tennis is the _______.

most popular individual based sport in the world

This combined competition consists of ski-jumping and cross-country skiing.


This stance is used for the shorter iron shots

open stance

When doing a sand shot use a _______.

open stance

Annual professional tournaments operated by professional tours that are held throughout the world between the months of January and November are called _______.


a standard score for golf


New, dry snow is called _________.


club used on green


The exchange of shots between opponents after the serve is called a _______.


These bikes have narrow tires, an aerodynamic riding position, and generally higher gearing. They are mainly for riding on pavement


bikers should follow the rules of the


This consists of a long rope loop running over a series of wheels, powered by an engine at the upper end.

rope tow

Originally tennis was only played by _______.


The seat on a bike is called a


The _________ introduced skiing to the United States..


Skiing dangerously out of control is known as _________.

schuss boom

If there is a disagreement about the score which cannot be settled, the score _______.

should revert back to the last score agreed upon

When a hill becomes too steep to walk up, the _________ is recommended.

side step

An indentation in the snow caused by a fallen skier is called a _________.


This type of ski racing tests the skier's sense of balance, speed, and agility while zigzagging through dozens of quick turns.


a ball in flight that curves from left to right


Footprints in a sand trap should be _______.

smoothed out after the shot

This stance is used for almost all long shots on both woods and irons because it allows free movement of either side of the body.

square stance

what are the three stances in golf?

square, open, close

______ is done more by leaning than by turning the handlebars.


What is stroke play?

stroke play is when the winner is the person who takes the fewest number of strokes over an entire 18 holes of play.

If a player hits a ball out of bounds they must _______.

take a 1 stroke penalty

In stroke play the winner is the person who _______.

takes the fewest number of strokes

An object on which the ball is placed and from where play is started is called a _______.


What is considered one of the most important innovations of the bicycle?

the development of the chain-driven rear-wheel

The most popular grip in tennis is _______.

the eastern grip

The most important fundamental skill learned by golfers is _______.

the grip

Which of the following activities is described here? "Face directly up the hill with your skis in the V position. The ski tips are wide apart, and the tails are close together."

the herringbone

This turn is used most often when changing directions.

the kick turn

This shot is one of the most important phases of the game and where most of the strokes are lost

the putt

The proper grip size on a racket depends on _______.

the users hand size

The net should be _______ feet high at the center of the court.


When serving as you extend your racket back _______.

toss your ball in the air

A T-Bar is similar to a _________.

tow rope

a hazard, technically known as a bunker


A _______ is a stroke made before the served ball hits the ground.


When a golfer practices their swing it is called the _______.


Skiers _________ their skis to enhance their performance on the snow.


This grip is seldom used.

western grip

This part of the bike consists of hubs, spokes, rims, and tires. (Check all that apply) -crank -brakes -saddle -wheels


When riding your bike on the road be sure to follow the following rules: (Check all that apply) when riding with multiple bikers stay in a single file line ride against traffic in a straight line ride with traffic in a straight line ride on the right side of the road

when riding with multiple bikers stay in a single file line ride with traffic in a straight line ride on the right side of the road

A player wins a set when they _______.

win 6 games

What is considered the greatest achievement among tennis athletes?

winning an Olympic medal

To win a grand slam the player must win 4 major tennis tournaments in a _______.


When riding your bike on a trail always

yield to hikers and horses

List four maintenance/quick safety checks that you should perform before riding.

-Check the tire pressure for proper pressure -Check the brakes, handlebars, seat, and cables -lubricate the chains if needed -If anything is bent or broken, like spokes, rims, brakes or gears, take it repair. -wash and wax your bike

What are three guidelines that you should follow when selecting a helmet?

-The helmet should be approved by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) or the Snell Memorial Foundation. -The helmet must have a rounded, smooth exterior with no snag points. -The helmet must fit you well.

Briefly list ten rules of the road for cycling

-Wear an approved helmet and brightly colored clothing for visibility in traffic -Always use hand signals to indicate turning or stopping -stay alert, look out for cars, traffic, and anticipate traffic -When riding as part of a group, the rider at the front should call and signal road hazards -Turn right the same way a car does, turn from the farthest right to the closest lane -Never turn left from the right side of the lane, like a driver turn from the closest left lane to the closest lane going left -Avoid riding too fast for conditions -Avoid parking bicycles in walkways, entryways, or near doors. Never leave bicycle blocking a sidewalk -Obey traffic regulations, stop sign, stop signals, one-way streets, and traffic control signs -Be familiar with traffic signs and markings, know the laws in your state - and etc.

List three tips a skier can use to avoid injury when falling.

-When loosing balance don't be too concerned an try to stay up as long as possible. When you fall relax and let it and fall on the uphill side -never jam your poles in the snow to stop (may cause injury) -When falling sideways, try to keep knees from hitting snow, instead land on your seat.

If a shot requires less than a full swing you will have to _______. (Check all that apply) take a longer back swing adjust your grip change the club readjust your stance

-adjust your grip -readjust your stance

When biking always wear _______. (Check all that apply) an approved helmet sandals long sleeved shirts brightly colored clothing

-an approved helmet -brightly colored clothing

List at leave five examples that would be considered proper "tennis etiquette."

-call "out" immediately, before you send the ball back across the court -When you are unable to make sure a call you can't replay, call in favor of your opponent -When a player realizes that he/she has committed a violation, it should be called out immediately -the server should announce the score before serving each point, with the server's score first -The server should never hit a serve until the receiver is ready

Briefly list ten safety and etiquette rules in golf.

-local course rules should be followed -on the putting green, the player whose ball lies nearest the hole should hold the pin while other players putt -players looking for a lost ball should allow other players coming up to pass them. They should signal the players to pass and should not continue their play until these players have passed ahead and are out of range -slow players should allow a faster group to play through -A player should avoid walking ahead of partners or opponents -when all players have completed the hole, the party should leave the putting green immediately for oncoming players -When one member of a twosome, threesome, or foursome has lost a ball, all members of the group should help look for it -the tee shot must be played from behind the markers -be polite at all times. know the rules and make quick decisions without delay. -no practice shots should be attempted on any part of the course when other golfers are following.

List three rules that you should follow when riding on trails.

-ride only where it is legal to do so -always yield to hikers and horses -don't leave a trail to take a short cut -If there are too many puddles due to rain, don't ride. if you have to ride through the edge of a puddle

list ten basic techniques used in tennis to hit the ball

-stay relaxed -think rhythm and timing -be ready to respond -pivot your whole body -Go forward on impact -Hit the ball early. Make contact in front rather than along side or behind your body -Hit through the ball, follow through -Bend your knees -Think about winding and unwinding -Hit the ball with your entire body not just your arm

Select all of the essential conditioning skills for a skier. (Check all that apply) -strength -balance -flexibility -walking

-strength -balance -flexibility

The United States Golf Association has more than _______ rules for the game of Golf.


Briefly list ten rules of golf given in your reading assignment.

-the ball must be fairly struck with the head of the club -the player whose ball is farthest from the hole plays first -if the player hits a ball out-of-bounds, the player must take a one-stroke penalty and play the ball from the spot that the ball was struck -a player may not bend, move, or break anything fixed or growing before striking a ball in play -a player must tee up his ball between the tee markers. Violation of this rule causes a two-stroke penalty -a ball is considered lost if not found within 5 minutes. A new ball must be played -a golfer may have no more than 14 clubs. More will cause disqualification. -The ball must be played as it lies except as outlined by the rules -In match play, if a player's ball knocks the opponent's ball into the hole, the opponent shall be considered to have finished on the last shot. - When a ball lies in a hazard, nothing shall be done that can in any way improve its lie

Select each type of grip used in golf. the interlocking grip the ten finger grip the pencil locking grip the overlapping grip

-the interlocking rip -the ten finger grip -the overlapping grip

You must give a hand signal _______. (Check all that apply) to warn others of danger ahead when you are turning or stopping you do not need to use hand signal at least 3 seconds before stopping or turning.

-when you are turning or stopping -at least 3 seconds before stopping or turning

Two important things to remember about your stroke are (Check all that apply) : -you must always use the same stroke -you must take your time in deciding the stroke to use. -you must keep your eyes on the ball -you must work for accuracy rather than speed.

-you must keep your eyes on the ball -you must work for accuracy rather than speed.

List eight safety and etiquette rules that skiers should follow.

1. Check your equipment before skiing 2. do not ski alone, especially in unmarked areas 3. Do not ski on unmarked trails or where avalanche warning have been posted 4. obey all rules of the skiing area 5. people in front have the right of way, it's your responsibility to avoid them 6. don't block a ski trail. Yield to others, or merge with another trail 7. Warm up before taking your first run 8. Offer your assistance to anyone who need to help

List four guidelines for selecting ski boots that fit properly.

1. Find a good ski equipment retailer to make sure that you have the proper size and type of boot 2. Have the salesperson measure your feet. Not any unusual features 3. Try on several models 4. wear the boots for up to half an hour 5. there should be 1/4 inch of space in front of your toes 6. wear the sock you will wear when skiing 7. avoid cheap or sale price boots if they don't fit

1. __________________ a skier's most important piece of equipment 2. __________________ features the longest course and the highest speeds in alpine skiing 3. __________________ used for balance and pushing 4. __________________ braking technique used by beginners 5. __________________ imaginary line of gravity straight down a slope 6. __________________ the turn used most often for changing directions 7. __________________ type of racing where the skier zigzags through a series of gates in one minute 8. __________________ steady activity in which the heart can supply all the oxygen the muscles need 9. __________________ helps a skier hang on to the poles 10. __________________ identifies the easiest slope Continue

1. boots 2. downhill races 3. ski poles 4. the wedge 5. fall line 6. kick turn 7. salom 8. aerobic activity 9. grips 10.green circle

A golfer can have no more than _______ clubs when playing.


number of holes in a typical golf course


Adam is teeing off on hole number two. The hole is 390 yards away. It is a par four hole. What club should he use to tee off? Explain your choice.

Adam should use is a driver is it the longest hitter from 130-300 yards. It will get him as close as possible to the hole and it is a club usually used on tee.

How does bicycling build fitness?

Bicycling long distance provides the rider with aerobic exercise and helps tone muscles. Bicycling helps improve aerobic capacity.

_________ disengage boots from the skis in a hard fall.


The U.S. bicycle hall of fame is located in

Bridgewater, NJ

On Adam's first shot, the ball lands 170 yards from the green. He wants to be on the green on his next shot. Which club should he use? Explain your choice.

He should use a no.5 wood because this club hits 130 to 200 yards and is used on the fairway. Or he can use medium irons, because he is approaching the 150 yard marker (5,6,7 irons) , and irons are used from fairways.

You are playing tennis against Harry. Harry is basically a baseline player. What strategy would you use when playing against Harry?

I would hit a drop shot to force him towards the net where they are not used to playing. Also when at net hit past him. Another technique is to put the ball away quickly and as soon as possible to the corner so that he can't rally .

Why has golf become so popular in the last ten years?

In recent years, television coverage of major golf events has done a lot to stimulate the interest in the game.

Why is riding a bike better for the environment than driving a car?

It doesn't pollute the air or use up natural resources

This course is known as the "home of golf"

Saint Andrews Old Course

The game of golf originated in _______.


What is traversing? Explain how traversing is done.

Skiing across the slope, rather than directly down the fall line. It is done in the same flexed body position as downhill skiing. Knees and ankles are bent, but relaxed. Waist slightly bent. Back fairly straight. Skis comfortably apart. Poles should be held parallel and pointed back uphill in line with your shoulders.

When should bike riding be avoided?

When there are too many puddles due to rain, and at night.

What considerations should you keep in mind when selecting a tennis racket?

Some things to consider is the racket weight, the material and quality of the racket, the strings, the balance of the racket, the head size, and the grip. You should also remember the most important thing is that the racket feels right

Select all of the guidelines for a bike helmet -The helmet does not need have to be snug around the chin. -The helmet should be approved by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) or the Snell Memorial Foundation. -The helmet must have a rounded, smooth exterior with no snag points. -The helmet must fit you well.

The helmet should be approved by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) or the Snell Memorial Foundation. The helmet must have a rounded, smooth exterior with no snag points. The helmet must fit you well.

List and describe the three grips used by golfers.

The overlapping grip, the little finger of the right hand overlaps the index finger of the left. This grip is used by most professional players and is the most popular grip. Interlocking grip, little finger on the trailing hand and intertwine it with the index finger on the lead hand. This grip is used by golfers with small hand and short finger and is preferred by some players who like a solid feel. The ten-finger grip, little finger of the trailing hand close against the index finger of the lead hand. can be used by players with mall, weak hands, or extremely short fingers, or beginning junior golfers.

How should you condition yourself for skiing? Provide at least two examples.

To develop speed you can do sprint running and quickness drills. To develop balance, agility and coordination skills you can water-ski, roller-blade, and ice skate.

You are going to take a one-hour bike ride. Explain how you will prepare for the ride, what you will take with you, where you will ride, and what you might see on the ride.

To prepare for the ride I will check my tires, brakes, handlebars, seat, and cables. I will see if anything is bent or broken. I will lubricate my chains if needed and I will wash and wax you bike. I will also wear an helmet and clothing according to the weather. I will take a protein bar, a water bottle, and protein drink with me. I will ride on my mountain bike through a mountain bike trail. I might see hikers, uphill and downhill parts of the trail, and I will see the nature around me on the ride!

The largest event in the cycling world

Tour de France

area that you have never been to before. Find a ski resort that would cater to your needs, and write at least two paragraphs describing the location, features, accommodations, and other activities available. Be sure to indicate how these features would accommodate your group's needs and wants.

We would love to go to Alta Badia, Italy because it is defiantly not somewhere that me and my friends have been. Also me and my friends are beginners with not a lot of experience, but I have some friends that have some experience. So, this place would accommodate for both types of people as there is trails for both beginners and intermediate skiers. Me and my friends also love the views and beautiful mountains, which is something that this place has. Also as a personal preference, as someone who hasn't skied in a long time I would be slightly scared, however this place has a stress free learning environment with a unique backdrop. We would also like to stay for a long time, and this ski resort has many terrains to explore for the significant period of time. Of course me and my friends would see past skiing, and what we would do other than skiing. In the village just next to the ski resort delicious food is prepared with some of the most popular restaurants, to fulfill our hunger from a lot of skiing. Also not only skiing, there is man open-air events like firework shows and more to watch. Also there is ice skating and sledging opportunities, if we want to do an activity other than skiing. We would like to collect memories of these great place as well and lots of souvenirs can also be collected through the numerous clothing, handcraft, and more shopping opportunities. Another thing that we love is taking pictures, taking pictures against the unique scenery will be wonderful. Finally as young high schoolers, we would all probably need an adult with us, so bringing an adult or multiple adults, along with maybe more family would be convenient because it is a family friendly ski resort.

My name is Jackie. I am five feet, three inches tall. I am interested in riding a bike to work. The distance is eight miles, with four being on a busy road and four being on a bike path. I'm also interested in possibly doing some easy mountain biking at some point. I have no idea what size or type of bike to look for, but I have been looking at some on the Internet. However, I don't like the idea of purchasing a bike online, so I also need to know where I should go to purchase a bike? What advice can you give me?

You can purchase a bike at a bike shop, or a sports store that has quality bikes. You should use a hybrid bicycle as it can be used as both a road bike and as an mountain bike for easy mountain biking trails. The size you should buy about a 15"-16" frame size. You can tell by making sure there is a 1-2 inch space between your crotch and top bar. You should also check the bike is the right size by placing the pedal at lowest position. When you sit on the bike and put your heel on the lowest position of the pedal your leg should be straight. Also the nose of the saddle (front end of the saddle) should be about 1.5-2 inches away from the crank hanger. Finally when you place your elbow on the nose of the saddle, your outstretched fingertips should just touch the center of the handlebars. I would suggest making sure that nothing is broken and everything is intact and tight before you buy the bike.

You are returning a serve, your partner is at the service line, and the ball you are returning is hit into the forehand or backhand corner, forcing you wide. What should you do next? Why?

Your opponent put you on the defense, so it would be better to hit the ball in away that allow you to recover. For example hit a lob, this causes the opponent to have to take more time/move back to hit the ball. This gives you time to recover.

The real tennis during Medieval Times consisted of _______.

a ball that you would hit with your bare hand

Every stroke should be _______.

a continuous smooth action

Sinking a ball in the hole on the first stroke is called _______.

a hole in one

Advantage is used when _______.

a player is up by a point

Choosing to commute by bike can reduce the pollution that causes ___________. asthma colds bronchitis cancer

asthma and bronchitis

With this stroke, your hand will be turned about a quarter circle counter-clockwise on the handle of your racquet.

backhand stroke

The server wins a point when the _______.

ball bounces twice before being struck

The score of one under par on a hole is called a _______.


The most difficult trail on a ski slope is marked by a _________ sign.

black diamond

the score of one over par on a hole


The purpose of gearing is to maintain a steady pedaling


shot hit fairly high in the air, meant to roll up on landing


The device which moves the chain from one gear to another is called the ___________.


The basic stroke used in tennis is called the _______.

forehand stroke

The best assurance from a first day injury when skiing is to _________.

get a lesson from a ski instructor

when turning or stopping a bike always use

hand signals

strokes given to player to enable the player score par


A means of equalizing the differences among golfers is called _______


These are placed on the course to penalize a poor shot.


On Adam's third shot, the ball lands on the fringe of the green. Which club should he use? Explain your choice.

he should use the putter, since the ball is on the green, and a putter is used on the green or just off the green. It is used for shorter distance to get into the ball into the hole.

A(n) __________________ is a shot that curves to the left if hit by a right-handed golfer. . __________________ are used from the fairway or from the tee on short holes. When __________________ the ball, the player takes a position to start a stroke. __________________ is a warning signal that a ball is approaching another player. A(n) __________________ is another term for a hole in one.

hook irons addressing fore ace

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