Quiz Bowl Physics

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Schottky Barrier. N-Type or P-Type. Doping. Bohr Radii. Fermi Level.

Magnetic Field

Solenoid. Faraday's Law. Divergence = 0 (Gauss). Zeeman Effect. Biot-Savart.

Kinetic Energy

This/Volume = Dynamic Pressure. Gamma Minus One. 3/2*Boltz*Temp. Capital T.


Zahn Cup. Ostwald-de-Waele. Stoke's Law. Kolmogorov. Thixotropic. Sutherland Formula. Prandtl Number.


applied field in hysteresis. Curie Temperature. Onsager. Ising Model. Stoner Criterion. Barkhausen Effect. Bethe-Slater Curve.


2 of these are a product of Electron-Positron annihilation. Compton Effect. Klein-Nishina Formula. QED Theory.


3/2 * Boltzmann's Constant * this = KE. 2/3 * Boltzmann's Constant * KE = This. Carnot. Blackbody Radiation. 0th Law of Thermodynamics. Conjugate Variable of Entropy.


Beta Plasma (Ratio of 2 pressures). Dusty Plasma contains grains. Motion is drift and circular around the guiding center. Vlasov Equation. Hannes Alfven.


Black holes are characterized by charge, angular momentum, and this. Generated by Higgs Mechanic. Directly proportional to Luminosity. Yang-Mills. Schwarzschild Radius is 2G times this. Neutrino Flavor Oscillations occur because of a non-zero value of this.


Brownian Motion. Namesake Field Equations. Stress-Energy Tensor. Photoelectric Effect. Cosmological Constant. Improved on Debye. Smoluchowski. Szilard. Stimulated Emission.


Constant Product of 2 Eigenvalues is used to explain the seesaw. Double Beta Decay Implies Own Antiparticle. Flavor oscillations because of Mass. Cherenkov Detectors in Super-Kamiokande. Posed by Pauli. MSW Effect. Homestake.


Constant with Temp in Carnot. Boltzmann Constant * Ln(#ofMicroStates). Second Law of Thermodynamics.


Derivative of Angular Momentum. Rotational Analogue of Force. Precession of Gyroscope. Newton-Meters.


Drude Model. JJ Thompson Plum Pudding. Millikin's Oil Drop (Charge). Cooper Pairs. Auger Effect. Sommerfeld.


Einstein-Smoluchowski. Fick's First Law. Mobility*Temperature*Boltzmann's Constant.


Fermions Have Half Integer, Bosons have Integer. Stern-Gerlach(Silver Atoms). G-Factor slightly off from 2.


First Bose-Einstein Condensate. Q-Switching. Doppler Effect to cool. Mode-Locking.

Linear Momentum

M*V. Conservation can be derived from Noether's Theorem. Impulse is a change in this. Phase Space (all possible positions and this). This is the Fourier transform of position. (conjugate variable is position). TRANSLATIONAL INVARIANCE. CANONICAL FORM. De Broglie (PLANCK/THIS = WAVELENGTH). KE = P^2/2M. Minkowski-Abraham controversy.


Four-Vector. Reynolds Number. Lorentz Gamma Factor.


Fresnel Equations. Lambert's Cosine Law. Brewster's Law.

Doppler Effect

Gravitational Form. Ives-Stillwell Experiment (Canal Rays). Walter Kundig. Dicke Effect. Broaden Spectral Lines. Blood through Artery.

Photoelectric Effect

Hertz. Einstein. Planck's Constant and Work function.


Josephson Junction. Cooper Pairs. YBCO. London Equations. London Penetration. Meissner Effect. Ginzburg-Landau Theory.


Kirchhoff's Second Law. Power = Current * this.


LIGHT BENDS AROUND. Huygens Principle. Bragg's Law. Babinet's Principle. Rayleigh Criterion.

Higgs Boson

Large Hadron Collider. 0 spin. Symmetry Breaking.

Speed of Light

Lorentz Factor. Larmor Formula.

Index of Refraction

Lorentz-Lorenz. Gladstone-Dale. Kerr Effect. Snell's Law. Brewster's Angle.

Black Hole

Mass, Charge, and Angular Momentum. Kerr Metric. Schwarzschild Radius.

Pontential Energy

Particle In a Box. Capital V subtracted. Virial Theorem.

Harmonic Oscillators

Pendulum and Spring. Hooke's Law. Taylor Series.


Planck Epoch Plasma With Gluons. Emission of W Boson color change. Color confinement. Mesons made of 2. CKM Matrix. Gell-Man. Eightfold Way.


Plotted against Reynolds number in a Moody chart. Darcy-Weisbach. Asperities are responsible. Amontons' Second Law states dry friction. MU*Normal Force. Stribeck curve. Tomlinson Model. Painleve Paradox. TRIBOLOGY.

Angular Momentum

Poinsot's Construction. Rotational Analogue of Linear Momentum. Clebsh-Gordon. Rotational Invariance. Noether's Theorem. Black holes are characterized by charge, this, and mass.


Pound-Rebka (Redshift caused by this). Spin 2 Particle. Loop Theory. Spin Foam. Eotvos.

Moment of Inertia

Tennis Racket Theorem. Stretch Rule. Rotational Analogue of Mass. Parallel Axis Theorem.

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