quiz for bio

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Based on Lesson 9, what should we add to the NetLogo Computer Model to help us answer the 6 questions? Select all that apply

antibiotics, Different Varieties of Bacteria

What would the graph look like at the END of the simulation if the bacteria are randomly spaced? The graph at the start of the simulation is below


Bacteria that survive a dose of antibiotics do not reproduce.


What is the reasoning behind the results of Investigation 1?

least amount of pores

Did the bacteria move into or out of the system? What's your evidence?

netlog , addie ,petri

In Investigation 2, did distribution of trait variations in the starting population change the results?


In Scenario 1, would the bacteria all be killed in 24 hours?


What variation would be the most resistant to antibiotics?

no pores

What was the most important variation in the bacteria in lesson 10?

number of pores

In Investigation 1, which bacteria had the best chance of surviving the longest?


In Investigation 2, what bacteria survived the best?


What would the graph look like at the END of the simulation if the bacteria are evenly spaced? The graph at the start of the simulation is below


Which Petri Dish has more bacterial growth?

toliet handle

You should nish all of your antibiotics to make sure all the bacteria causing your infection are killed


In Scenario 2, would the bacteria all be killed in 24 hours?


How are the bacteria reproducing? What evidence do we have of resources (such as food or space) affecting the populations of bacteria? What's your evidence?

addie, netlog , petri

Why don't antibiotics work the way they used to?

antibiotics don't work the way they used to because people can stop using antibiotics before they are told to stop

In Investigation 1, roughly what percentage did the green bacteria make up at the end of the simulation?


In Home Learning A, in what generation did the 3 pored bacteria become the most common variation?


In Home Learning A, what variation had the highest number of bacteria die after the rest dose of antibiotics?


How many doses of an antibiotic would it take to eliminate 1,000,000 bacteria if it was 90% effective?


If 35 bacterial cells survived a dose of antibiotics, how many bacteria would there be in the next generation?


Which Petri Dish has more bacterial growth?


In Investigation 1, What percentage did the green bacteria make up at the start of the simulation?


Which claim could you make related to the image above

A toilet handle has more varieties/types of bacteria on it than a drinking fountain A water fountain has less bacteria on it than a toilet handle

Which claim could you make related to the image above

Sanitizer reduces the amount of bacteria on a locker's surface

In Investigation 1,why did we get the results we ended up with?

The bacteria started out evenly spaced, so they all had the same amount of space to grow

Why did Addie keep getting sick after feeling better after using antibiotics?

The bacteria that were resistant to the antibiotic would multiply after surviving the treatment

Choose an appropriate claim for the question "Where can we nd bacteria?"

We can nd bacteria anywhere we go, it is all around us.

Were antibiotics added to the environment? Are the antibiotics and the bacteria interacting?


Were some of the bacteria dying? What's your evidence?


Which system provided the most evidence to answer the 6 questions from Lesson 9


Are there different kinds of bacteria? What's your evidence?

addie , petri dish

Are there varieties of bacteria within the same kind? What's your evidence?

addie and netlog

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