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What do men tend to value most in their same-sex friendships?

shared activities and interests

Cooper sees Nick and says, "Hey Nick, I haven't seen you in awhile. I've been working overtime at my job, I'm behind in my schoolwork, and my mother wants me to go to my grandparents' 50th wedding anniversary in Florida next week." Which would be a suitable empathic response for Cooper?

"Wow! How are all those demands on your time making you feel?"

The average person can detect deception approximately what percent of the time?


What percentage of people will get married at least once in their lives?

95 %

You recently made a new friend who is very outgoing and expressive. However, your other friends caution you to be careful because she is known for "stretching the truth." Although you find this hard to believe, you know you should listen to your friends because you trust them and also because you know that expressive people, in general, tend to be better at deceiving others for which of the following reasons?

All choices are correct

Olive is a senior in college and she has a plan. She has spent the last four years working as a research assistant in a lab in addition to maintaining a high grade-point average. It is her last semester of school, and she is waiting to hear back from her preferred graduate program. She feels like her life will be complete if she is accepted to the program—and if her boyfriend for the last three years finally proposes. Olive and Jozef have talked about getting married after Olive graduates, but recently they have been fighting a lot. Jozef feels Olive has a short temper and takes her stress out on him. Olive decides to seek counseling to deal with her emotions so that Jozef will propose. During the weeks that follow, Olive loses her job at the lab because she talks back to the lab manager. Soon after, Jozef breaks up with Olive. In counseling, Olive confesses she is confused about her feelings and does not know why she keeps blowing up at people. Olive's counselor suggests she start writing down in a journal any physical changes she experiences before "blowing up" at others, as well as recording her corresponding thoughts and emotions. By asking Olive to write down her experiences in a journal, Olive's counselor is asking her to take stock of the situation. For Olive, this might include which of the following? Another way for Olive to deal with the negative emotions she is experiencing is called

All choices are correct emotional reappraisal.

All of the following examples illustrate attraction by proximity except which of the following?

Although Michael and Sam now go to colleges in different states, they have been good friends since they were kids, and when they are together, people often comment that they look like brothers.

Which of the following demonstrates the hostile emotion of contempt?

As Kim related her story, Baird rolled his eyes and laughed sarcastically.

Although Bill grew up in poverty, he believes he can be whatever he wants and that if he works hard enough, he can be wealthy. Which of the following statements most likely describes Bill?

Bill grew up in a low-power-distance culture.

Which of the following is an example of a one-up message?

Bob tells his employee, "You need to attach a cover sheet to your TPS reports."

Charlie is stunned by an e-mail he got from his boss. Apparently, his boss is unhappy with Charlie for the way he dealt with a difficult customer. Charlie is considering how best to respond to his boss' e-mail. Which of the following is likely the best approach?

Charlie should send an e-mail clarifying any misunderstandings his boss might have about the situation.

Which of the following statements does not accurately represent conflict?

Communication is the solution to any conflict.

Which of the following statements does not accurately represent interpersonal conflict?

Communication is the solution to any conflict.

Marco and Caitlin started dating two years ago and three months ago they moved in together. Both Marco and Caitlin did their best to respect the other's space, things, and time. But as their relationship progressed, so too did conflict between them. Marco was sloppy and rarely cleaned up after himself. Caitlin was a "neat freak" and always tidied up after herself. Marco did not mean to aggravate Caitlin with his sloppiness, and Caitlin did not mean to annoy Marco with her constant cleaning. After three months, both Marco and Caitlin were frustrated with each other. Finally, Caitlin had had enough and she blew up at Marco. Marco tried to reason with Caitlin, but Caitlin just yelled more loudly. No matter what Marco said to try to come to some type of understanding, Caitlin would get even angrier. Marco, upset at Caitlin's anger, tried to explain that yelling was not productive. Marco is unsure if his relationship with Caitlin will ever recover from this conflict episode. Marco's belief that his relationship with Caitlin will not recover illustrates which of the following aspects of conflict? When Marco explained to Caitlin that yelling was not productive, which of the following best describes that type of communication?

Conflict has relational dimensions METACONFLICT

Which of the following is not an effect of conflict?

Conflict may lead to an increased risk of hepatitis.

Beverly works out at the gym three to four days each week and has developed a slender body shape that most of her male friends think is nearly perfect. When she took a trip to Africa, she was surprised that many of the men thought she was too thin. Some men even suggested that Beverly should put on some weight. After working out so hard at the gym, she could hardly believe her ears. Which of the following best explains Beverly's experience?

Culture can influence perceptions of attractiveness.

Which of the following is true about emotions and communicating online?

Emotions can spread by communicating online, just as in face-to-face communication.

Charlotte recently enrolled in college classes for the first time. She has a three-month-old baby boy. In class, she often looks overwhelmed and unhappy. Today before class, all the other students were laughing and talking with each other in the hallway while Charlotte stood there alone. After some time, her friend Alicia noticed Charlotte standing alone, so she went up to her and asked her how she was doing. Charlotte said being a mom and keeping up with schoolwork was much harder than she originally thought it would be. Alicia listened attentively, without judging or interrupting, as Charlotte talked about her difficult day. Alicia lightly touched Charlotte's arm and said, "I'm sorry you're having so much trouble. I can tell how hard this is for you." Before they entered class, Charlotte turned to Alicia and thanked her for listening to her troubles. Which of the following listening techniques allowed Alicia to listen attentively to Charlotte without judging or interrupting her? Alicia did not pretend she knew what it was like to take care of a baby. Instead, she validated Charlotte's feelings and experiences as important even though the two women's experiences were different. If Alicia had said to Charlotte, "How much time can a baby really take? Don't they sleep all day? Let's review your day to determine how you might be spending your time unwisely," she would have been engaging in which of the following?"

Empathetic Listening Critical Listening

In the 1990s hit sitcom Seinfeld, George Costanza and his family celebrate an unusual winter holiday called Festivus. Festivus traditions include celebrating around an aluminum pole, a feast, feats of strength, and the airing of grievances. Because Festivus is not a commonly celebrated holiday, George and his father, Frank, must explain the holiday to their friends, coworkers, and acquaintances. Celebrating Festivus is an example of which of the following?

Family rituals

Elizabeth has invited Professor Valdez and her boss, Mr. Sapienza, to coffee on a couple of occasions, but both have turned her invitation down. Elizabeth would really like to have these two people as friends but has been unable to do so. Which characteristic of friendships does Elizabeth apparently not understand?

Friends are usually peers.

Charlie and Lily have been friends since they were five years old. As neighbors, they grew up doing everything together. They shared the same social network all through high school and now they attend college together. Everyone, including their families, wonder why Charlie and Lily have not started dating. But they remain "just friends" because they are not physically attracted to each other, and they want to protect their existing friendship, since they cannot imagine being without it. However, there are things that Charlie does that upset Lily and vice versa. For example, Charlie tends to get jealous if Lily spends too much time with someone new. Lily gets upset when Charlie jokes with their friends and shares personal things to embarrass her. Still, they understand that it is impossible not to upset each other sometimes, and they try to be good friends to each other. When Charlie gets upset with Lily for spending time with another friend, and Lily gets upset with Charlie for revealing personal things about her, which of the following aspects of friendship is being violated? Lily and Charlie are the same age and are both in college together. This illustrates which aspect of friendship?

Friendships are governed by rules Friends are usually peers

Greg and Linda are married and have four children together. Greg was previously married and has one child, Aaron, with his ex-wife. Greg must pay child support to his ex-wife for Aaron. Every other Thanksgiving, Aaron spends the holiday with Greg, Linda, and his four stepsiblings. Usually, Linda's parents come over to Greg and Linda's house for Sunday-evening supper. Greg and Linda have four children together. Which characteristic of family is exhibited by this example? Which statement about Greg's family is related to a family's characteristic of legal obligations?

Genetic Ties Greg must pay child support to his ex-wife.

Tyler sits in class and hears the professor lecturing, but he is not actually listening. He is thinking about the date he made with Gabrielle for the evening. In fact, he is mentally comparing several different places he might take her. Later that evening, Tyler is in his car on his way to pick up Gabrielle. Suddenly, three police cars go whizzing past him with their sirens blaring and lights flashing. Tyler turns to watch where the police are going and does not notice that his cell phone is vibrating. Which one of the following barriers to effective listening does Tyler experience in class? Which barrier to effective listening did Tyler experience when he missed his phone call?

Glazing over Noise

Which of the following statements about relationship satisfaction is most accurate?

Happy couples are more likely than unhappy couples to express positive emotion with each other.

Predicted outcome value theory suggests which of the following?

If we like what we learn about someone in initial conversations, we will be more likely to want to get to know that person better.

Bryce dared Roger to come with him to shoot squirrels with BB guns in a vacant lot not too far from Roger's house. Bryce was a popular middle school student. Roger felt like he never fit in with the popular kids, so he considered Roger's dare a chance to increase his popularity in school. Both boys laughed as they hit and missed their intended targets. Bryce instructed Roger to keep quiet in front of adults about their activity. He said, "If my mother found out we were doing this, she wouldn't buy me the electric guitar I want." Later that evening, Roger's mother heard a knock at the front door and opened it to see a police officer standing there. The officer was following up on a call from a neighbor who said two boys were shooting BB guns and her window was nicked by BBs. Roger's mom asked Roger if he knew anything about someone shooting BB guns. Roger cleared his throat before he stuttered uncharacteristically, "N-n-n-no." Roger's mom eyed him suspiciously. "Mom, you know me. I would never do that," Roger said calmly and clearly. "After school today I took the bus downtown to the comic book store," he continued, smiling at her. Roger's mom turned to the police officer, and said, "My son is a good boy. You heard what he said. He would never shoot a BB gun. I'm sorry, but it must have been some other boy." Roger's mother's inability to detect her son's deception is best explained by which of the following? Which of the following examples from the situation is an example of the motivational impairment effect?

Interpersonal Deception Theory Stuttering

Juan and Crissy met on an online dating Web site. They began e-mailing back and forth at least three times per week. After a few weeks of exchanging e-mails, they began calling each other on the phone, and eventually they agreed to meet face-to-face. After meeting, they dated a few more months, and then Juan proposed. The couple will be getting married later this year. Which statement best describes Juan and Crissy's relationship formation? Which stage of relationship development was enacted when Juan and Crissy got engaged?

It likely followed the same steps as forming a relationship face-to-face. Bonding

Jesse and Jen, a same-sex couple, have been in a relationship for about two years. When comparing themselves to their heterosexual friends who are in relationships, they notice they tend to act in which of the following ways in conflict situations?

Jesse and Jen are less likely than their heterosexual friends to take conflict personally.

Cliff and Lew are a same-sex couple who share a home together. Based on research relating to heterosexual and same-sex couples and instrumental tasks, which of the following is most likely true about Cliff and Lew?

Lew and Cliff share both the masculine and feminine instrumental tasks.

Keisha left a message on John's phone telling him she was going away for the weekend, which was not true. She just did not want to see him that weekend. The context of this communication event is considered which of the following?

a noninteractive context

Researchers have found that college students spend more than 50 percent of their time__________.


Brian had been recommended by his boss to attend a series of training sessions on computer application design. Brian jumped at the chance to attend the sessions, in part because he hoped the information he would pick up would help him further his career. He went with his colleague, Michaela, who seemed to be interested in not only learning all she could about the topic but also connecting with other attendees. During the first session, the speaker used jargon that Brian had not heard before. He mentioned this to Michaela, but she said she was not having any problems understanding the terminology. She seemed to be following the speaker's message better than he was.At the question-and-answer session after the presentation, Brian raised his hand and asked why the speaker seemed pessimistic about the future of computer application design. Michaela told Brian later that she had not interpreted the speaker's message that way at all, and she did not understand why Brian understood the speaker's message that way. Michaela commented that, in her opinion, prospects for the future in computer application design were promising. As the sessions continued, Brian began to wish he had not agreed to attend. In the first paragraph, which listening myth did Brian experience? In the second paragraph, which listening misconception did Brian fall prey to?

Listening is natural and effortless. All listeners hear the same message.

Which of the following describes the attitude toward listening of a person from a culture that values social harmony over efficiency?

Mai paid close attention to her professor's nonverbal cues to better understand his meaning.

Which of the following statements about men and emotional expression is true?

Men's lack of emotional expressiveness can be advantageous in some circumstances.

Which listening style is the most effective?

None of the styles are better than the others.

Regarding the rate of deception conveyed to a partner in an e-mail message, which of the following is true?

People are 25 percent more likely to lie in an e-mail message than face-to-face.

Which of the following is true of the relationship between environment and emotional expression?

People living in warmer climates are more emotionally expressive than those living in colder climates.

Which of the following is the most accurate statement?

Romantic relationships occur between opposite and same-sex couples.

Which of the following careers might be preferred by a people-oriented listener?


A few months ago, Magalie left her relatively small town to attend her first year of college in a major city. She considered herself to be an easy-going, happy person. However, when Magalie arrived at school, she experienced a series of awkward moments that left her feeling very self-conscious. She went to her first class to find that it had been moved to a different building. By the time she got to the new location, she was late and was forced to walk to the front of the class to take a seat. Although she normally considered herself to be quite savvy, she kept making mistakes, such as getting on the wrong bus and leaving her cell phone in the library. Each time something like this happened, she felt sick to her stomach and flushed. Magalie began to look forward to the weekends, when she could go home to see her family and hang out with her friends from high school. As the weeks passed, Magalie adapted to life at the university and did not have any more mishaps. However, Magalie started to feel reluctant to meet new people. This continued for several weeks and she became increasingly withdrawn. What emotion(s) was Magalie most likely feeling that led her to make so many mistakes and to feel sick to her stomach? Which of the following is an example of Magalie being in a mood?

She felt anxious When she felt reluctant to meet new people

Jeremy and Allison work together at Logic Software Tech. They began working together as part of a peer team and became fast friends. After spending a lot of time together both at work and socially, they began to date. At first, this was great, as they were able to share ideas and lunches. Eventually, Allison was promoted to project manager, which meant she had oversight of Jeremy's team and others. This did not bother Jeremy, though. He was happy for Allison, as he knew she had worked hard for the promotion. However, after Allison got promoted, she began to distance herself from Jeremy at work. Initially, this hurt Jeremy's feelings, but Allison explained that she had to be careful so no one would think she was showing favoritism toward Jeremy. Although they continued dating, they agreed just to be cordial at work. At the beginning of their relationship, Jeremy and Allison were part of a peer team and became good friends. As friends and co-workers, they had to balance which of the following? Once Allison was promoted, her relationship with Jeremy became harder to maintain most likely due to which of the following?

Social and Task Dimension a power imbalance

Which of the following statements about conflict is true?

Some conflict can never be resolved.

In her book Committed, Elizabeth Gilbert shares a story about her visit to Vietnam, where she asked a Hmong woman when the woman had first realized she wanted to marry her husband. The Hmong woman seemed uncomfortable and even confused by this question. What is the most likely reason why?

The Hmong woman's marriage was arranged and was not necessarily her choice.

Becca enjoys going to a local jazz club where the same pianist plays every weekend. Last Saturday night, the pianist was not there. Becca asked the bartender where he was, and the bartender said he was "sick." When the pianist still had not returned by the following Saturday, Becca asked around and found out he was actually at a drug treatment center. Becca was disappointed that the bartender had not just said this, but she was not sure he had actually been lying. Which of the following is the most likely reason why the bartender might not have been lying?

The bartender might have believed the pianist was sick.

An elderly relative has a tendency to pay attention only to information that supports his political beliefs, ignoring information that does not. What is this tendency called?

The confirmation bias

Alejandro feels sad, but he doesn't know why he feels this way, nor can he remember any event that caused him to feel sad. His feeling is an example of

a mood

Kim and Dan have worked together for nearly one year in the same area of the office. They have gone to lunch at approximately the same time each workday and have eaten lunch at the same diner near the office building. Recently, they have begun to see each other socially after work. Which of the following is the best explanation for their emerging dating relationship?

They are attracted by proximity.

Which of the following is an example of an intimate relationship whose primary dialectical tension is probably openness versus closedness?

Tyra longs to tell her parents that school has not been going well this semester, but she also thinks she shouldn't have to tell them everything.

Toni met Trey while she was on an extended summer vacation. They spent a lot of time together before Toni had to leave to go back home. Both Toni and Trey decided to see if a long-distance relationship would work. They communicated through Skype, texting, and Facebook and, during the workday, they chatted online. Toni and Trey disclosed information to each other that helped their relationship flourish. One day, while Toni and Trey were chatting online at work, Toni mentioned that her male coworker was teasing her and flirting with her. Trey was furious. He jumped to all kinds of conclusions and typed a message to her in all capital letters. She was hurt and confused, but decided to wait and let him calm down before explaining that she and her coworker were only friends. She told Trey that, although his jealousy was sweet, it was unfounded, and the way he had expressed it was hurtful. The disinhibition effect is illustrated in this situation during which of the following times? If Toni had engaged in an online conflict with Trey, it may have escalated and resulted in an exchange of hostile and insulting messages. This is known as which of the following?

When trey blew up at tony online Flaming

Which of the following illustrates task attraction?

You became good friends with Ted when you realized how reliable and successful he is in his profession.

You have just discussed your health history with your new doctor, including that you are a nonsmoker and you have never smoked. However, even after you tell him this, he looks at you carefully and asks you if you are sure you have never smoked. The way he is looking at you makes you uncomfortable—as though he already suspects that you are not telling the truth. Which of the following responses would demonstrate the Othello error?

You squirm in your chair, pause before responding, and when you finally respond, "I'm sure," your voice comes out squeaky.

Your boss e-mails you to make sure you are working over the weekend on the big project that is due next week. Your daughter is having a birthday party that weekend and you are furious with your boss for checking in with you this way and for his unreasonable expectations. If you express your emotions in this situation with the de-intensification display rule, how would you most likely respond?

You would tell him it is a little frustrating to have to work on an already busy weekend.

Which of the following examples illustrates the uncertainty reduction theory?

Your new lab partner revealed that, like you, he is from California. You are intrigued and eager to get to know your lab partner better.

George lives with his biological father, biological sister, step-mother, and step-brother. How would you describe George's family?

a blended family

Kaya is currently engaged in conflict with one of her employees, Craig. Kaya and Craig have which of the following types of relationships?

a complimentary relationship

Whenever Martha has a conflict with her sister, she approaches it as a fun competition in which she tests her conflict skills against her sister's. Martha views conflict as which of the following?

a game

One of Matt's clients deliberately did not report taxable income on his IRS form. The client was committing which of the following?

a high-stakes lie

Dion enjoys the feeling of fear he gets when he watches horror movies. His enjoyment is an example of

a meta-emotion

Dina is taking 18 credit hours in school this semester. With so much to learn and remember, she named the guitar strings for guitar class, "Even Affectionate Dogs Get Bitten Eventually." Dina's phrase is an example of which of the following?

a mnemonic device

While listening critically to Professor Thompson one day, you hear him state, "If you continue to smoke cigarettes for many years, you will reduce your longevity." Professor Thompson's statement is an example of which of the following?

a probable statement

Which of the following examples is a form of deception that involves inflating or overstating facts?

a used-car salesperson who overstates a vehicle's safety rating

Sumi and Claire are coworkers who became good friends after working on a project together. They go out for drinks, dinner, and movies together often, and often along with their spouses. This year, they and their families all decided to go on a joint family vacation together. At first, things were great. But Sumi and her family were often insistent on going to specific sites and restaurants that Claire and her family were not interested in going to. To keep the peace, they always went anyway. Finally, after a few days, Claire and her family decided to leave the hotel early and not answer their phones so that they could do some of the things they wanted to do instead of what Sumi and her family wanted to do. By the end of their vacation, Sumi and Claire realized their friendship had been tested by the vacation. When Claire and her family did the things Sumi and her family wanted to do, which conflict management strategy did they use? When Claire and her family leave the hotel and do not answer their phones, they are engaging in which of the following conflict management strategies?

accomodating avoiding

In order to achieve high-quality electronic communication in the workplace, you should

adjust the tone of your electronic communication to the audience to whom you are writing.

Gerald has a lot of trouble expressing his emotions and is often referred to as "cold" by his friends and family. He feels emotions, but is baffled by them. This makes it difficult for Gerald to meet women and maintain a relationship. Which personality trait most likely inhibits Gerald's level of emotional intelligence?


Tad and Ali are dating. Ali believes she has numerous possibilities for a relationship if this one does not work out. Tad believes he will never find a relationship better than his current one with Ali, and he spends a significant amount of time making sure that Ali is satisfied with their relationship. According to the principle of least interest, which of the following is true?

ali has more power in the relationship

Abby scored much higher than her boyfriend, Julian, on a test of emotional intelligence. Which of the following would support these findings?

all choices are correct

How does alcohol use influence relational conflict?

all choices are correct

Which of the following conditions must be in place in order for deception to occur?

all choices are correct

Rosie and Jackie are good friends. Jackie has always been there for Rosie, and Rosie really leaned on Jackie when she was going through a hard breakup. Jackie is also really funny, and she makes Rosie laugh. Since becoming friends, Rosie realized she rarely gets colds, and when she does, they tend not to last long. Rosie recently helped Jackie move to her new apartment. Unfortunately, Jackie just moved across town, so now it takes Rosie forty-five minutes to get to Jackie's house. Rosie does not mind the drive, though, since she and Jackie are such good friends. When Jackie helped Rosie after her breakup, what kind of reward did she offer? Which of the following would be considered a cost rather than a benefit?

an emotional reward Rosie has to drive forty-five minutes to get to Jackie's house.

Scott wants to sit in the den alone and watch a baseball game on television, but Kathy wants Scott to go with her to see a movie at the theater. Which dialectical tension are Scott and Kathy experiencing?

autonomy versus connection

Which of the following is not a strategy for becoming a better listener?

becoming a better pseudolistener

Which of the following is not part of being an effective online listener?

being a lurker

Nancy is the manager of a local, large chain restaurant that sells food and alcohol. Recently, the sales representative for one of the beer distribution companies asked Nancy if she and a friend would like to attend a major league baseball game and sit in the party suite owned by the distribution company. Nancy jumped at the chance, attended the game, and enjoyed the experience immensely. Surprisingly, a week or so later, the sales representative stopped by and wanted to "introduce" Nancy to a new beverage the company was selling. The representative pressured Nancy to add the new, unknown item to her menu, and he reminded her of his company's generosity in inviting Nancy to the baseball game. This issue illustrates a potential problem in social relationships with which of the following?


Tiffany's uncle Robert has very firm opinions on whom he would like to see become mayor of their city. In fact, whenever any candidate other than the one he wants to win is profiled on television, he quickly changes the channel. Robert's behavior is an example of which of the following?

close mindedness

Joe and Karina depend on both of their salaries to afford their mortgage. Karina recently lost her job and they are worried that they may have to sell their house. Joe wants to talk about their situation with their family and friends, but Karina is still sensitive about losing her job and possibly her house, and wants to keep it between them. After much discussion, they jointly decide to just tell their immediate family. What communication concept does this demonstrate?

communication privacy management (CPM) theory

Whenever Aakash has a conflict with his roommate, he is not interested in coming up with a solution they will both like. His goal is for him to win and for his roommate to lose. Which of the following best describes Aakash's conflict style?


"Conflict is like playing football. There are no tie games—one team's win is the other team's loss." This metaphor describes which of the following conflict styles?


Marcus just met Isiah at the gym, and he is hoping they will become friends. Isiah is more outgoing and is more dedicated to daily workouts than Marcus is—in a way that Marcus would like to be. This is an example of attraction by which of the following factors?


Cho and his partner recently moved in together and are currently arguing about their furniture and how they will divide the monthly expenses. Cho's brother told him, he needed to "learn to move with his partner during conflict." Which of the following metaphors does this provide?

conflict is a dance

During a conflict with her husband Mason, Marcy rolled her eyes every time Mason expressed his feelings. Marcy's behavior is an example of which of the following?


Marcus refuses to converse with the checkout person at the grocery store because he feels he is better than checkout personnel. This is an example of


Every time Adele logged on to Facebook she felt totally overwhelmed by all of the status updates from "friends" that she hardly knew. One day in frustration, she un-friended more that half of her Facebook friends. Adele was experiencing

conversational overload

Teresa has arrived home from a seminar on graduate school admission with an armload of CDs and DVDs from various colleges. She plans on listening to the DVDs and CDs while comparing the positive and negative attributes of each school. The type of listening Teresa will be engaging in is which of the following?


Tonya's goal is to open her own designer clothing boutique someday. So she has been taking clothing-design classes at the nearby community college. At a recent charity fashion show hosted by Tonya's college, Tonya had the opportunity to model a prom dress she had designed. Tonya was very excited about the exposure the event would give her. She invited her family and her boyfriend Carlos to watch her model the dress. Carlos watched Tonya proudly walk down the runway in an electric blue and red gown. Affixed to the hem was something that looked like peacock feathers with a large green bow. Carlos thought the dress was hideous. But after the show, when Tonya excitedly asked Carlos what he thought of the dress, Carlos told her it was the most beautiful dress he had ever seen. Then he gave her a big hug. In communicating with Tonya, Carlos showed all the basic elements of deception, which includes all of the following except Which of the following is the best explanation for Carlos's motive for deception?

decievuing himself he was protecting tonya's feelings on the big day

Kai's partner recently had an affair and moved out of their apartment. Kai is telling everyone he is fine, and he is acting as if nothing happened. Which of the following stages of grief is Kai most likely in now?


Brent constantly puts down his wife, Trina. He tells her she is rude and selfish for taking up pottery as a hobby because the pottery class causes her to be gone two evenings a week. Brent also sometimes makes fun of Trina in front of her friends to make her look stupid. When Trina tries to defend herself and tells Brent that he spends too much time at work, he says that he cannot help that he works that much because his boss makes him. As a result, Trina and Brent have been talking less and spending less time together. Trina has begun to consider the possibility that her life might be better without Brent in it. Brent used to think that Trina's hobby of pottery was endearing, as it showed her crafty side. Now he thinks it is stupid and takes up too much of her time. Which one of the following stages of relationship dissolution illustrates this shift in Brent's perception of Trina's hobby? Trina and Brent have begun talking less in order to avoid potential conflict. Which one of the following stages of relationship dissolution is illustrated by this?

differentiating circumscribing

The Aranda family was having a particularly heated discussion about whether to sell the property that abuts their home to a local developer. Some members of the family wanted to sell the land and pay off their parent's mortgage. Others thought that losing the privacy that the property afforded them wasn't worth the price the developer was offering. Uncomfortable with the conflict, Alexa launched into a funny story about how she spilled ice cream all over herself on a blind date last week. Which of the following describes Alexa's family role?


Patrice has the ability to understand and express emotions accurately and to manage her emotions. This represents her

emotional intelligence

Corinne received an unfavorable review from her boss. Although she was upset and angry, she analyzed the evaluation to determine how she might improve her work performance. She also reminded herself that one unfavorable evaluation would not cause her to get fired. This is an example of which of the following emotional communication skills?

emotional reappraisal

When the new hire asked Hannah what she thought of their boss, Hannah said, "He's been the manager of the department for twelve years." Which of the following does Hannah's response demonstrate?


The two primary types of acts of dissimulation are

equivocation and ommission

Professors have specialized knowledge and education in their topic areas. Therefore, they possess which type of power?


According to research, which type of person is best at deception?


In which stage of relationship development do people form a deep commitment and share a strong sense that the relationship has its own identity?

the integrating stage

Arthur's attorney is trying to determine whether Arthur is lying about his arrest. Which of the following will not help him determine whether Arthur is deceiving him?

eye contact

Simon ran into an old girlfriend and told her he is currently a marine biologist even though he works at an office-supply store and never liked science classes. This is an example of which of the following acts of simulation?


Ever since the Bradley children were small, their family has taken an annual trip to Disneyland. Even as the kids have gotten older, the family still meets at the theme park every summer. The family even made the annual trip after Ben had just returned from military duty. They tell everyone about these trips, including about difficulties they encounter in getting all the family members to the park—yet also about how proud they are that no member of the Bradley family has ever missed one of the trips. The family is engaging in which of the following aspects of family communication?

family rituals and family stories

Which of the following is not a hostile emotion?


Which of the following is not one of Guerrero's categories of emotion?

fearful and scared

Debbi and Rachel are both in an upcoming school play. When Debbi stops to talk with Rachel about the play after their psychology class, Rachel is preoccupied, thinking about when she is going to see her boyfriend again. Rachel is engaging in which of the following?

glazing over

Sandra is in the process of dealing with emotions associated with the loss of her grandmother. Which of the following is she most likely experiencing?


The closer we are with our coworkers, the more likely we are to experience which of the following?

hapiness at work

Social relationships provide at least two emotional rewards. Which of the following is one of those emotional rewards?


Kyle has been good friends with Ben since high school. Most of the time, they get along great, but when there is a conflict, Ben typically relies on the avoiding style for managing it. Recently, Kyle got upset with Ben when Ben said something inappropriate about Kyle's new girlfriend. Which of the following describes how Ben will most likely manage this conflict?

he will ignore kyle

Koko asks her new boyfriend if he would like to come with her to her sister's wedding. The boyfriend likes Koko a lot, but he does not think he is ready to meet her family, so he tells her he has an important previous commitment. This is an example of a lie that

helps avoid conflict between her and her BF

In the workplace, with whom is it easiest to form and maintain relationships?

immediate co-workers

Which of the following is not one of the three most common topics of marital conflict?


One Monday morning, Officer Tate received a call from the local supermarket after the owner discovered his safe had been broken into during the night. A surveillance camera in the back room provided both the time of the robbery and a blurry image of the robber. However, the supermarket owner was certain the robber was a long-time employee's son who had recently lost his job. Officer Tate went to the suspect's home and told him he needed to ask him a few questions. The suspect greeted the officer with a smile on his face. When Officer Tate asked the suspect where he was last night, the suspect said he was exhausted and went to bed early. As the questioning continued, the suspect started fidgeting and biting his nails. Officer Tate finally said to the suspect, "Is there someone who can verify that you were in bed sleeping last night when the robbery occurred?" After a long pause, the suspect looked the officer straight in the eye and said, "Actually, I was bowling with some buddies until after midnight. They would be happy to vouch for my whereabouts." Despite his contradictory stories, the suspect stuck to his latter story of being out bowling with friends. Which of the following deceptive behaviors did the suspect exhibit during questioning? Which of the following behaviors from the suspect indicated deception?

inconsistent information pausing before answering

Which one of the following nonverbal behaviors is an indication that you are probably being deceived?

increased blinking

All of the following are stages in the HURIER model except which one?


Elroi's girlfriend invited her friends to their home without asking him. Elroi was upset and responded by ignoring his girlfriend and her friends and building a table in his workshop alone. This is an example of which of the following types of conflict?


Carla wants to tell Don about her day at work. However, she sees he is on the computer. When she walks into the room, he exclaims, "Look at all these e-mails we have. After working at the computer all day today, I don't have the patience to wade through them all." Carla is aware that Don is suffering from which of the following?

information overload

Teresa wants to attend graduate school, so she decides to attend a seminar on how to get accepted to the graduate school of one's choice. She attends the seminar and pays close attention to what is being said. Teresa is using which type of listening at the conference?


Although Drew was saddened by his grandfather's death, he acted indifferent during the funeral. Which of the following display rules is governing Drew's behavior?


It is the middle of exams week, and you still have three exams left to take. You also have to work a long shift tonight and you feel a cold coming on. You're stressed to the max, but when your mom calls and asks how you are doing, you just say, "I'm hanging in there." This is an example of


When forming relationships online, what type of strategies will reduce uncertainty the most?

interactive strategies

In an intimate relationship, one partner's actions affect the other partner. This is known as


Ted and his brother, Wesley, continually argue over whether or not Wesley's band can practice in the family garage, where Ted is restoring a classic car. Recently, Ted changed all of the locks on the garage doors without telling any other members of the family. Changing the locks demonstrates which of the following possible components of conflict?


Mark is quite skilled at deceiving others. He has learned to adapt his behavior to appear more honest. This is best explained by which of the following?

interpersonal deception theory

When Lexi's professor is suspicious that she cheated on the final exam, Lexi immediately offers to re-take the exam under strictly controlled conditions. Lexi's offer is best explained by which of the following?

interpersonal deception theory

Genuine friendship with a boss usually adds to which of the following?

jab satisfaction

Sara feels that her relationship with her husband is threatened because he constantly has to work late with his very attractive female boss.


Carl smiled at Katarina before he sat down next to her at a party. He then proceeded to converse with her and touched her arm occasionally during the interaction. Which of the following best describes what Carl is feeling?


Rew really enjoyed spending time with Chris and hoped that someday their relationship would grow deeper. What joyful/affectionate emotion does this illustrate?


Which of the following describes informational listening?

listening to the salesman explain the features of the car you like

Amanda made sure she cried in front of all of her friends and did not go to work for a few days after her boyfriend dumped her, even though she actually felt relieved she was no longer in the relationship. Which of the following display rules does this demonstrate?


Candice realized when she went to the snack area at the student union that she had left her wallet in her book bag, which was in the trunk of her car for safekeeping. Candice's friend Kayla paid for Candice's lunch and told Candice she could pay her back later. Candice has benefited from which reward of social relationships?


Garth and Becca disagree on the rules for their conflict. As a result, they often engage in conflict about conflict, which is also called which of the following?


Scott and Mary are in a committed relationship with each other and do not have any romantic or sexual involvement outside of their relationship. Which of the following best describes their relationship?


Ali and Saachi met in math class. After going out for coffee a few times after class, they have begun to share more personal information about themselves and now consider themselves friends. In what stage of friendship are Ali and Saachi?

nascent friendship

Which of the following family forms is traditionally thought of as the most common family type?

nuclear family

Charlie told his wife, Carole, that he did not love her anymore and he wanted a divorce. What he did not tell her was that he was in love with someone else. This is an example of which of the following?


Researchers have found that most people conceal the truth

on a regular basis

Tansy asks her sister Tama, "What should we get Dad for Father's Day?" Tama replies, "There's lots to choose from." Tama's reply is an example of which of the following types of messages?


Lijiang feels joy, surprise, excitement, and attraction when she sees or thinks about Chen. Which of the following describes Lijiang's emotion?


For some reason, your roommate often becomes friends with muscular people with tattoos. This is an example of which of the following types of attraction?

physical atttraction

The hormonal and cardiovascular effects of emotions are examples of which of the following components of emotions?


Kai works for a large, international consulting firm in Japan. His company is sending him to New York to work with a team of consultants on a joint venture. This will be Kai's first time working in the United States, and he's admittedly nervous about it. On the flight over, he feels queasy the whole time and cannot eat anything. But rather than focusing on his anxiety for the entire flight, he decides to spend the time preparing for the meeting with the consultants and brushing up on American culture. When he arrives at the office for the first time, his palms feel sweaty and he can feel his heart thumping. His nerves quickly dissipate, though, when he realizes how friendly everyone is. His new colleagues welcome him with warm smiles, firm handshakes, and pats on the back. He feels genuinely happy when he gets to his first meeting. At the beginning of the meeting, Kai's colleagues start talking about a big contract they recently lost. Kai is shocked they are even talking about it. In Japan, such a failure would never even be discussed. Instead of being ashamed, the team seems to accept the loss and resolves to do better next time. Once the meeting starts, Kai is surprised to hear his American colleagues speak their minds and show their disapproval of others' ideas with nonverbal cues like rolling their eyes and shaking their heads. Kai's upset stomach and sweaty palms are examples of which kind of component of emotions? Why did Kai think it was strange that the team did not feel shame about the loss of the contract?

physiological In Asian cultures, it is common to feel shame when people do not meet expectations.

In the TV show Big Love, the main character, Bill Henrickson, has three wives. This practice is best known as which of the following?


What theory suggests that we form relationships when we think the effort will be worth it?

predicted outcome value theory

Joy, sadness, anger, fear, surprise, and disgust are all examples of which of the following types of emotion?


Thom and Angie usually go out to dinner on Friday nights to relax after the work week. This past Friday night, Thom came home from work and told Angie to pack a suitcase. Angie was not particularly excited about changing their usual Friday night routine, but once they were packed, Thom drove them to the airport. There he had tickets waiting for a surprise flight to Reno, and a rental car reserved so they could drive up the mountain to Lake Tahoe for the weekend. What dialectical tension is apparent in this scenario?

probability versus novelty

When Deon and Jayla disagree, Jayla wants to discuss the disagreement immediately, while Deon wants to wait until they can have a logical discussion free of emotion. They differ on the __________ dimension of conflict.


Anthony enjoys watching the World Series immensely, so when it is on, he is completely focused on the TV. When his partner, Jenna, tries speaking to him about some household bills during the World Series, Anthony keeps saying, "Uh-huh," but Jenna can tell he is not really listening. This is an example of which of the following barriers to effective listening?


Carrie's mother asked her to sweep the kitchen floor, put the dishes away, and clean the oven before guests arrive later that evening. Even though Carrie nodded her head in agreement, her mother's instructions went in one ear and out the other. Carrie was engaging in which of the following?


When people feel overloaded with electronically mediated communication, they tend to

reduce the number of incoming messages.

Feng heard her favorite singer say he stays thin by eating a whole grapefruit every morning, so she has started doing the same thing. This is an example of which of the following types of power?


Angelina Jolie has power based on liking and admiration. This is an example of

referent power

You are at the grocery store standing in line to pay for your items when you suddenly realize your roommate asked you to purchase oranges. Which stage of the listening process is this?


Which of the following is not a good strategy for handling online conflict?

responding immediately

When faced with conversational overload from electronically mediated communication, people are more likely to attend and respond to which of the following?

simple messages rather than complex ones

When Brittany asked Rachel if she liked her new tattoo, Rachel said, "It's totally cool," even though she thought it was ugly. This is an example of what type of deception?


Max and Alex are romantic partners who interact on a daily basis. Their interactions have allowed their love and passion for each other to grow. Love and passion are examples of which of the following components of emotion?


Rashaad recently met an exchange student from Southeast Asia. When he learned that the exchange student routinely drank chicken blood, he felt so disgusted he thought he might vomit. Rashaad's reaction is the result of which of the following components of emotions?

social and cultural

Antonio starts work for a new company today, but he is especially concerned that he will not make a good impression on his boss and his coworkers. This is an example of

social anxiety

Being attracted to someone's personality is which type of attraction?

social attraction

Which of the following is one of the tenets of Baumeister's need-to-belong theory?

social bonding is someone we are born with

Patrick and Anna have been in a romantic relationship for some time, and they have begun to spend more time with each other's families and friends. While they do not always enjoy spending time with their partner's family, they do this because of which type of commitment?

social commitment

Sara has recently become unhappy in her relationship with George. It seems to her that she is putting all the effort and resources into the relationship. She works two jobs. George goes to school, but does not even have a part-time job. He goes out with his friends on the weekends, while she stays home cooking and cleaning. Sara is wondering if the benefits of being with George outweigh the costs. Which theory is Sara using to determine if she wants to stay in or leave her relationship with George?

social exchange theory

What theory provides an explanation as to why people maintain relationships that might appear to be costly?

social exchange theory

Which of the following is a primary relationship maintenance behavior?

social networks

Deceivers exhibit fewer of the following behaviors except which one?

speech errors

Drew and Anna have grown so far apart that they only talk about mundane topics like the weather or what is on television--if they even talk at all. In what stage of relationship dissolution is Drew and Anna's relationship?

stagnating stage

Martha and Jeff are meeting with their accountant to talk about the business they own jointly. Their accountant is explaining the tax implications of several options they are considering for the coming year. When the accountant asks Martha and Jeff if they have any questions, Martha does not respond and shows no facial expression. This is an example of what type of listening response, according to the HURIER model?


People are better at detecting deception from which of the following?


People are most accurate at detecting deception from


Which of the following is an example of an act of simulation?

stretching the truth about the value of your bank account

Being attracted to someone because he or she possesses certain abilities and is dependable is known as which type of attraction?

task attraction

Which of the following is not a good way to improve empathic listening?

tell the speaker how you are feeling

The definition of listening includes which of the following?

the active process of making meaning out of another person's spoken message

Leo and Kara have dated all through college. They have decided to get married after they graduate and have announced to their friends and family that they are now engaged. Which stage of relationship development have they reached?

the bonding stage

When ending a relationship, at which stage do partners begin to decrease the quality and the quantity of their communication with one another?

the circumscribing stage

Tse and Sitsi often engage in conflict over household chores. Whenever Sitsi suggests they talk about it, Tse says he does not want to discuss it, which encourages Sitsi to pursue the conversation even more. This is an example of which of the following?

the demand-withdraw pattern

If you are someone whose primary dialectical tension is autonomy versus connection, you likely experience tension between which of the following in your intimate relationships?

the desire to be close to others while maintaining a sense of independence

Betsy is shocked by the e-mail message she just got from her good friend. Betsy knew her friend was upset with her about forgetting their plans last weekend, but Betsy had never heard her friend use such inflammatory statements. Betsy's experience is an example of which of the following?

the disinhibition effect

Imani was upset with her best friend, Malik, and sent him a text message that was really harsh. Malik was surprised by the message because Imani had never used harsh language in their face-to-face conflicts. Imani's behavior is most likely the result of which of the following?

the disinhibition effect

Cultural differences in lying appear to matter only when

the listener has limited access to the speaker's message.

With regard to ending a relationship, at which stage do partners feel that they are "just going through the motions" and no longer growing together?

the stagnating stage

Ricky did not want to believe it when he was told that a good friend had stolen money from the cash register at his workplace. Ricky had a hard time believing this due to which of the following?

the truth bias

Chayson and Lily have been married for thirty-five years. Which of the following statements most likely describes their relationship?

their passion decreased over the course of their relationship

Deion is attracted to Kendra, whom he perceives as very physically attractive. Which of the following is the most likely reason we are attracted to those who are physically attractive?

they often have superior genes

When a cashier is listening to a customer order from a menu, what is the cashier's listening goal?

to understand the customer's message

Brandon, a native English speaker, enrolls in an introductory Mandarin class. On the first day of class, the professor speaks exclusively in Mandarin. Brandon might have problems with which stage of the HURIER model?


Which of the following is not an element of interpersonal conflict?

unrealistic expectations

Which of the following is not an element of the definition of conflict?

unrealistic expectations

What is the primary strategy used by college students to reduce uncertainty in the beginning of a relationship?

using facebook to learn more about the other person

In romantic relationships, couples who discuss their conflict in a competitive way, and in which each partner tries to persuade the other partner to adopt his or her point of view, are known as which of the following?

volatile couples

Because of the desire to produce healthy children, men across cultures tend to be attracted to which of the following?

women who appear young

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