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The __________ is a passive, yet independent critical thinker. passive follower alienated follower pragmatic survivor conformist effective follower

Alienated Follower

Empowering employees means giving employees: Information Knowledge Power Rewards All of these

All of these

All these characteristics of team structure and context influence cohesiveness except: A)team interaction. B)shared goals. C)controlled activities. D)personal attraction to the team.


The delegation of power and authority to subordinates is referred to as: a. need for power. b. need for achievement. c. empowerment. d. passing the buck. e. need of affiliation.


All of the following are essential parts of any definition of leadership except: people. goals. coercive power. influence.

Coercive Power

Which style of conflict management happens when a manager insists on taking the time to work out a solution that incorporates insights from all people involved to achieve consensus? Dominating Accommodating Collaborating Avoiding


Which type of team is composed of a manager and his or her subordinates as shown in the organizational chart of the company? Command Dysfunctional Global Virtual


The process by which two managers share information so that it is understood by both of them is called: communication. upward communication. downward communication. influence.


In Vroom's expectancy theory, what term is used to describe the value of outcomes, or attraction to outcomes, for the individual? Performance Maintenance Effort Valence


Uncertainty about what behaviors are expected of a person in a particular position is called role ambiguity. True Fals


Which online applications are not considered examples of social media? Blogs. Web sites Virtual social worlds Wikis

Web Sites

A wallpaper manufacturing company wants to have happier employees. Which outcome indicates that the new CEO has successfully implemented the "making progress" principle? A)Employees have more motivation and positive emotions. B)Employees get promoted, because they have completed projects. C)Employees become comfortable about their current achievements. D)Employees expect more salary increases on a regular basis.


According to the text, all of the following are ways managers can improve their writing skills, except: a. writing lengthy explanations. b. respecting the reader. c. getting a second opinion. d. knowing your point and get to it. e. writing clearly rather than impressively.


At Rightway Industries, new hires spend a significant portion of their first week of training just walking around the factory, observing other workers and watching them get rewarded for doing their jobs well. This is an example of: a. vicarious learning. b. self-efficacy. c. self-reinforcement. d. delegation. e. experiential learning.


In Maslow's hierarchy of needs, which need refers to a manager's desire to be accepted by other managers at her organization? A)Belongingness B)Safety C)Esteem D)Self-actualization


Jason has been unemployed for three months. When his wife asked him why he was not looking for a job, Jason responded, "If I am lucky, I will get my old job back." Jason would be considered as having a(n): a. external locus of control. b. high conscientiousness. c. sensation and intuition type personality. d. internal locus of control. e. high Mach attitude.


Louise, a top-level manager at INF Inc., has the difficult task of informing 12 employees that they are about to be laid off. Which communication channel should Louise use to break the news? a. Face-to-face b. E-mail c. Instant messaging d. Telephone e. Handwritten letter


Manager Natasha is very sensitive about her accent, especially when employees ask her to repeat her words. What action should she take when conveying an important message to ensure good communication? A)Use multiple channels to convey the same message B)Build goals on mutually-rewarding common grounds C)Establish credibility based on knowledge and expertise D)Connect emotionally with her audience of subordinates


The family-owned company used to keep all its decisions within the family. A new generation has moved up to lead the organization. The first change they made was to make decisions transparent. Which outcome indicates that the company has successfully implemented a policy of extensive horizontal communication? A)Customers and other stakeholders are kept well informed. B)Employees get facts about external opinions about their work. C)The family continues to keep decisions out of sight and hearing. D)Managers know what is going on in the company internally.


When informing your staff of the date for the company picnic, a _____ would be most practical and successful. a. memo b. telephone c. video conference d. face-to-face contact e. newspaper notice


When speaking to an audience, which standing body-pose should a manager take to project confidence and assertiveness? A)Widening distance between the feet B)Leaning on the top of the podium C)Clasping hands behind the back D)Folding arms across the chest


Which common characteristic of ineffective teams shows a lack of trust? A)Not feeling safe to reveal mistakes B)Not being punctual for the meeting's start C)Finger-pointing when things go wrong D)Prioritizing personal ambition over team results


Which of these is sometimes called negative reinforcement? a. Avoidance learning b. Punishment c. Positive reinforcement d. Extinction e. Neutral learning


Jael is a trusting and forgiving individual who gets along with others because she is good-natured and cooperative. Which of the Big Five personality factors does she possess? Extroversion Openness to experience Agreeableness Conscientiousness Emotional stability


__________ leadership refers to individuals who know and understand themselves, who espouse and act consistent with higher order ethical values, and who empower and inspire others with their openness. Servant Level 5 Contingent Authentic


After a tumultuous fiscal year in which the top executives were replaced suddenly, a financial services company designed a plan to better engage employees. Which outcome indicates that the organization's efforts were successful? A)More lateral job promotions B)Reduced employee turnover C)More affinity groups created D)Changing employee work hours


As a new manager, Skyler knows that she will be evaluated at the end of her first six months. Which action is the best way to illustrate effective communication with her subordinates? A)Increase the number of emails she sends B)Ask for feedback from her subordinates C)Convene a meeting to discuss new ideas D)Start writing a blog detailing the team's success


Claudette works for a new eco-friendly fashion line in Vienna, Austria. After studying environmental science and economics in Canada, she decided that she wanted to live in Europe and pursue a career related to sustainable development. When the opportunity to work in eco-friendly fashion came up in Vienna, Claudette knew that this was the change and experience she needed to live a purposeful life. Claudette loves her job and is motivated to do well. Which of the following concepts illustrates Claudette's feelings about her work? A)Loyalty B)Job satisfaction C)Organizational commitment D)Trust in management


Daisy tried to apply the job characteristics model to her workforce, but it only worked for some of her employees. Which of the following may be a reason why it did not work for everyone? a. Some of her employees are lazy. b. Some of her employees are low in growth-need strength. c. Some of her employees have a low need for power. d. All of her employees have high growth-needs. e. Some of her employees have low affiliation needs.


One of your fellow students is continually late to class. The professor has tried numerous verbal warnings and recently took points away from the student's grade. Based on the above, the professor's actions are consistent with which of the following reinforcement techniques? a. Negative reinforcement b. Punishment c. Positive reinforcement d. Avoidance learning e. Rewards enhancement


The skills of _____ require receiving messages to accurately grasp facts and feelings to interpret the meaning of the message. a. communication b. listening c. managing d. reception e. telling


Traits of _____seem to be particularly important in today's collaborative organizations. a. likability b. agreeableness c. friendliness d. openness e. sociability


When a group of workers have routine tasks to perform, a _____ communication structure allows more time for the task to be completed. a. linear b. centralized c. decentralized d. gossip e. team


Which of the following comprises the lowest channel richness? a. Electronic mail b. Bulletins c. Face-to-face talk d. Telephone e. Memos Which of the following comprises the lowest channel richness? a. Electronic mail b. Bulletins c. Face-to-face talk d. Telephone e. Memos


The set of techniques by which reinforcement theory is used to change behavior is called: Needs gratification model Behavior modification Two-factor theory Contingency theory

Behavior Modification

10. Selina is meeting with her subordinate Mike for his annual performance review. At the end of the review, Mike tells Selina that he is confused about some things she said. By asking Selina to explain certain things in more detail, Mike is engaging in which component of the communication process? a. Selecting a channel b. Sifting through noise c. Providing feedback d. Encoding the message e. Decoding the message


A person who has a sense of __________ is conscious of the internal aspects of his/her nature, such as personality traits, beliefs, emotions, and perceptions, and appreciates how his/her patterns affect other people. A)Self-efficacy B)Self-assurance C)Self-awareness D)Self-confidence


According to Herzberg, _____ is an example of a hygiene factor. a. achievement b. recognition c. pay d. responsibility e. opportunity for growth


Blaming the teacher for a poor grade on an exam, and taking credit for good grades could be an example of which perceptual bias? a. Perceptual distortion b. Closure activity c. Self-serving bias d. Stereotyping e. Perceptual grouping


Leroy has always been a goal-oriented worker who meets all deadlines without challenge. He is usually the team member who envisions the bigger picture and helps others accomplish their tasks. However, he often makes silly mistakes that his colleagues and managers have to fix. What can Leroy do to address this blind spot? A)Work with a team that appreciates his quality of work B)Dismiss any feedback and criticism because no one is perfect C)Complete regular self-assessments so he can improve in certain areas D)Continue to manage deadlines because this is one of his strengths


Maliah bases her judgments on impersonal analysis. To resolve problems at work, she uses reason and logic rather than personal values or emotional aspects of the situation. In gathering information, Maliah prefers routine and order. Based on this information, Maliah ranks highly in which Myers-Briggs category? a. Judging-Perceiving b. Intuitive-Thinking c. Sensation-Thinking d. Sensation-Feeling e. Intuitive-Feeling


Manager Kazuhiko wants to know the inside story of his company's activities. Which outcome indicates that he has successfully tapped into the company's grapevine? A)Job satisfaction feelings are shared, especially during periods of change. B)Top executives have an opportunity to have their voices heard. C)Early warning signals point to internal situations needing attention. D)The company's formal channels offer efficient and rapid communication.


Since her manager put Hilarie on the new standards development team, Hilarie has felt energized and motivated to higher performance because of her association with the other team members. Which factor did her manager recognize as likely to produce a positive work life change for Hilarie? A)Innovation B)Synergy C)Social facilitation D)Cross-functionality


Somaya has been working at Think Pink, a clothing company for girls, for about five years. Her supervisor trusts her to make decisions and to come up with brilliant marketing ideas at the beginning of every season. Somaya's ideas are quite ingenious, and she always manages to develop a socially relevant theme to go along with the brand. Somaya is most likely a(n): A)a dependent follower. B)a passive follower. C)independent critical thinker. D)an active uncritical thinker.


The Human Resources staff interviewing employees of the Emergency Department has found room for improvement in satisfying their safety needs. Which workplace topic that is outside of their mandate will better meet Maslow's level of safety needs? A)Job security B)Freedom from violence C)Adequate air flow D)Fringe benefits


The Leadership Grid uses two leader behaviors, known as: A)consideration and initiating structure. B)employee-oriented and relationship oriented. C)concern for people and concern for production. D)employee-centered and job centered. E)relationship-oriented and task-oriented.


Type A behavior pattern is characterized by all of these except: A)impatience. B)extreme competitiveness. C)relaxed lifestyle. D)devotion to work. E)aggressiveness.


Which of the following theories emphasize the needs that motivate people? a. Process b. Reinforcement c. Content d. Contingency e. Situational


Which of the following theories places an emphasis on behavior and its consequences? a. Two-factor theory b. Need hierarchy theory c. Reinforcement theory d. ERG theory e. Equity theory


__________ generates awareness and acceptance of a group's purpose and mission and gets employees to see beyond their own needs and self-interest for the good of the group. Charismatic leadership Leadership empowerment Transformational leadership Virtual leadership Transactional leadership

Charasmatic Leadership

The basic principles for self-management include: self-efficacy. emotional contagion. extraversion. locus of control. clarity of mind.

Clarity of Mind

. What percentage of a manager's time is spent in direct communication? a. 20 percent b. 100 percent c. 50 percent d. 80 percent e. 40 percent


Jay, a divisional vice president of a consumer goods manufacturer, gives a presentation to all divisional employees to outline the company's goals for the coming year. This is an example of what type of organizational communication? a. Virtual communication b. Grapevine communication c. Lateral communication d. Downward communication e. Upward communication


Jenna composes an email from home to her boss to inform him that she will be late getting to work that day. The act of composing an email involves which stage of the communication process? a. Selecting a channel b. Sifting through noise c. Providing feedback d. Encoding the message e. Decoding the message


Miles is a marathoner who travels internationally to compete. In a conversation with a friend, Miles expresses that he thrives off the stress of competing and pushes himself harder in situations where he knows he will be running with the world's best marathoners. Identify the kind of stress Miles has described. A)Work stress B)Threat stress C)The dual face of stress D)Challenge stress


The job characteristic of feedback provides the worker with: a. employee growth-need strength. b. experienced meaningfulness of work. c. experienced responsibility. d. knowledge of actual results. e. demotivation.


The tendency to direct much of one's behavior toward the acquisition of power and the manipulation of others for personal gain is called: A)locus of control. B)authoritarianism. C)conscientiousness. D)Machiavellianism.


What principle is the term for when a manager gives an employee feedback that they are getting closer, even by a small amount, toward the eventual goal? A)Leadership principle B)Enablement principle C)Innovation principle D)Making progress principle


Which of the following describes the last step in the perception process? a. Observing information b. Screening the information c. Selecting what to process d. Organizing the selected data into patterns e. Transmitting the observed information


It has been determined that the appropriateness of a trait or set of traits for leaders depends on: A)how great the leader is. B)the acceptance of the followers. C)how much of that trait the leader possesses. D)the mix of the traits. E)the leadership situation.


W.L. Gore is the company that created Gore-Tex among other innovative products. Gore employees, referred to as associates, don't have titles or bosses in the traditional sense. Instead, associates commit to projects that they believe are worth their time. At Gore, few leaders are appointed; leaders simply emerge as needed. Gore more than likely adheres to the __________ theory of leadership. A)strategic B)normative C)situational D)trait E)visionary


A(n)__________ is a mental state that arises spontaneously within a person based on interaction with the environment rather than through conscious effort and is often accompanied by physiological changes or sensations. Attitude Emotion Personality Cognition


In the communication process, the manager who wants to share an important decision with her subordinates would be a(n): receiver. decoder. noise. encoder


Which of the following characteristics is not generally classified as a feminine trait associated with interactive leadership? Generosity Empathy Exclusiveness Vulnerability


When a manager decides to give a sales rep a bonus at the end of the fiscal year for a job well done, what type of reward is this for the sales rep? Intrinsic reward Content reward Extrinsic reward Coercive reward

Extrinsic Reward

What are communication channels that follow the chain of command within the organization called? Diagonal channels Informal channels Lateral channels Formal channels

Formal Channels

A job design that incorporates achievement, recognition, and other high-level motivators into the work is referred to as: Job rotation Job enrichment Job enlargement Job simplification

Job Enrichment

Which primary skill should a manager follow when communicating in a crisis? Organizing Controlling Leading Planning


A __________ is a situational variable that counteracts a leadership style and prevents the leader from displaying certain behaviors. trait neutralizer contingent factor task substitute


__________ refers to loyalty to and engagement with one's work organization. Job ownership Job satisfaction Organizational commitment Organizational citizenship

Organizational Commitement

Which of the following enables individuals to screen and select the various objects and stimuli that vie for their attention? Scanning Perceptual grouping Projection Person-job fit Perception


When a manager develops relationships with colleagues across the organization at the same level of management and at both upper and lower levels of management, this is called a: written communication. personal network. nonverbal communication. grapevine.

Personal Network

. A high need for _____ is associated with successful attainment of top levels in the organizational hierarchy, according to McClelland. a. power b. achievement c. affiliation d. success e. expertise


What type of conflict occurs when members of a team feel an interpersonal incompatibility and tension with other members of the group? Task conflict Groupthink Relationship conflict Forming conflict

Relationship Conflict

All of the following are elements of employee engagement except: Sense of achievement Sense of personal growth Sense of connection Sense of meaningfulness

Sense of Achievment

Expert power is one of the five sources of power. True False


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