RBT Study Guide Just Answers

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The RBT provides in home services to a client. One day the client exhibits a new behavior that concerns the RBT, but the parents tell the RBT not to worry about it. At what point should the RBT contact the supervisor to tell them about their concern?

As soon as they are able

RBT is teaching Matt to say "cheese. First the RBT teaches Matt to make the sound "ch" and provides a piece of cheese. Then, Matt learns to say "chee" and the RBT provides a cheese. Finally, Matt says "cheese" independently and the RBT provides cheese. What process does it exemplify?


An RBT is teaching hand washing to a child. The RBT provides prompts for each stepexcept the last one. What type of teaching procedure is the RBT using?

Backward chaining

An RBT must record data on the duration of time spent screaming during sessions. Screaming is defined as a loud, continuous unintelligible vocalization lasting more than 4 secs with no pauses that are longer than 2 secs. What is the BEST definition of the behavior in order for the RBT to record the data of screaming accurately?

Begin recording immediately upon start of screaming and stop recording the after 2 secs of silence. Add 4 secs and record the total time.

Session notes must include objective and clear description of which of the following?

Behaviors and progress on program goals

Which of the following is an example of implementing naturalistic teaching strategies?

Taking the student outdoors to work on functional play imitation

Taylor has been asked to assist his supervising BCBA with a curriculum based assessment for a new client. Taylor has gathered and set up all required materials for the assessment. The new client has arrived but the supervising the BCBA has not. What is the best course of action for Taylor?

Taylor should interact with the client until the BCBA arrives to conduct the assessment

The client's parent's tells the RBT that their family is taking a weekend vacation and will be traveling by plane for the first time. Which response is MOST appropriate?

Tell him to have a great time and inform the supervising BCBA

A school uses tickets social skills. The tickets are then traded for backup reinforcers. The teachers at the school run out of tickets and begin using marbles to reinforce social skills. How should this change be recorded?

Tell the teachers to give students two marbles each time they observe desirable social skills to help established the marbles as reinforcers

Amanda pounds the desk and complains loudly when presented with a task that she does not understand. Her teacher rushes over to assist her. Which of the following would be a functionally equivalent alternative behavior to target for acquisition?

asking for help

Target: Adrian has difficulty attending to relevant auditory stimuliGoal: Adrian will use listener discrimination skills to identify 10 different animals correctly when presented with the sound made by each animal materials: 10 animal picture cards, recorded animal sounds, data collection sheet, writing utensilProcedures: initially two animal picture cards will be placed on the table in front of Adrian. The animal sound for one of the pictures will then be played. Adrian will be prompted to point to the corresponding animal. Increase is the old by one card after Adrian reaches mastered for the field of two cards. continue adding new cards as Adrian Masters each criterionMastery criteria: Adrian must point to the correct picture of the animal in a field of 10, and 80%correct for three consecutive sessions which sequence of data points indicates that Adrian has met the mastery criteria?

40%, 60%, 80%, 80%, 100%

Which is not an example for permanent product?

A child early reading a script

A skill acquisition plan requires the RBT to take frequency data on physical aggression and duration data for remaining on task. Which of the following materials will the RBT need to best prepare for the plan?

A clock and a pencil and paper

What is the most critical item that an RBT would need to implement a forward chaining procedure outline in laundry programming

A complete task analysis of laundry steps

An RBT is teaching a new driver to recognize traffic signals. The RBT provides verbal prompts with a red stop light and the green stop light to aid in discrimination. What is the best approach to transfer control from the prompts to the lights?

A prompt fading procedure

Jessica is being taught to open her lunch box. Initially, Jerry, her RBT fully manipulatesJessica's hand open the lunchbox. On the next trial, Jerry puts Jessica's hands on the clamps ofthe lunch box and Jessica opens it on her own. For the next opportunity, Jerry begins to moveJessica's hands towards the clasps, and Jessica completes opening the lunch boxindependently.What type of prompt fading is described above?

A. Stimulus fading

Eleanor is an RBT working with a very busy young child. she is struggling with collectingaccurate data of on this child independent and prompted use of mands during sessions. Shedecides to use her tablet to video the session so she can record the data laterwhat are the most appropriate steps she should take in order to securely collect data in thismanner?

A. Use a password on her tablet coma code the video with a client initials only undelete thevideo wants the data are recorded

Lily is an RBT conducting a preference assessment. she presented 5 potential reinforcersto the client and instructs the client to choose an item. After the item has been chosen Lilymomentarily removes all the items and allows the client to interact with the chosen one. after 30seconds she removes the item from the client and sets it to the side she then represents theremaining four items for the client to choose from.what type of preference assessment is being performed?

A. multiple stimulus without replacement

An RBT's car is being repaired. The RBT answered several phone calls about repair estimates during session time. The supervising BCBA shares that the client's parents have made a complaint about the RBT's cell phone use during session. How should the RBT respond?

Accept the feedback and develop an alternative plan to ensure that the child's time is not disrupted by these calls. In the future, the RBT agrees to ensure that a plan is developed before the session

Immediately after a session, the supervising BCBA asks the RBT to come to their office. The BCBA explains that they observed the session unmixed several suggestions on how the RBT should have responded to a new program behavior. How should the RBT respond?

Acknowledge the suggestions and discuss the best way to implement them

An RBT is working with a child to reinforce independent turn taking behavior with peers. When will the RBT deliver reinforcement?

After each turn that the child takes without prompts from the RBT

Andrew a supervising BCBA is briefing Leigh, an RBT, on implementing a program to address high priority skills deficit for a new client. The client is distracted by body art and it interferes with his ability to attend to instruction. Leigh has a visible tattoo of a butterfly on her neck. While there is not a company policy about the visible tattoos, Andrew asks Leigh to cover her tattoo. How should Leigh respond?

Agreed to wear clothing that covers her tattoo when working with this client

Which of the following best demonstrates naturalistic teaching AKA Incidental teaching?

An RBT and a client are coloring with crayons. The RBT presents a green crayon and asks the client "what color is this?". After Greg responds the RBT gives the client the green crayon to color the rainbow

A BCBA asks the RBT to take ABC data what will the RBT be taking data on?

Antecedent, Behavior, Consequence

David's caregiver reports that he hits others on his choice property at his group home. The behavior analyst asked the RBT to record the sequence of events after the next week. Which is the best anecdotal record?

Antecedent: staff asked David to pick up his shoes Behavior: David hit his roommate and broke a lamp Consequence: staff picked up his shoes

BCBA gives the RBT corrective feedback on a procedure that he has done before but has not practiced in several months. What would be the BEST course of action for the RBT?

Apply the corrective feedback and follow up with the BCBA to make sure he is performing the procedure accurately

During a session, the BCBA reminded the RBT to use a neutral tone of voice when prompting his client. If the RBT is unclear as to what is a BEST course of action?

Ask the BCBA to demonstrate a neutral tone and practice with the BCBA before continuing.

For the first time, Nathan in our RBT completes a session with his client and experiences zero problem behaviors. Nathan is very excited and wants to relay this information to the parents during the debriefing. Upon leaving the therapy room, Nathan notices that there are several people present that he has not seen before.what is Nathan's best course of action?

Ask the parent to step aside and then begin to debrief them out of earshot of the other guests

During an in home therapy session the client's parents expressed concern about his poor handwriting and requested the RBT access the son's fine motor skills. How should the RBT respond to the request?

Assured the parents he will present the concern to the BCBA

An RBT is running a vocational training program with 10 clients. The clients are required to fold pizza boxes for 1 hour. What point in time is BEST for recording permanent product data for this task?

At the end of the hour

Which function of behavior is not socially mediated?


Jorge wants to increase the distance he can run in order to prepare for a marathon. After running for two miles he feels a burst of adrenaline that provides him with additional energy to run another mile. What process accounts for the increase in Jorge's running behavior in this instance?

Automatic reinforcement

A shaping procedure results in which of the following?

Brand new behavior

Dee is preparing to run a new skill acquisition program targeting identification of 4 breakfast foods using a variety of pictures. After looking through the materials he notices that pictures of the acquisition target, cereal, are missing. What is the BEST course of action?

Briefly attempt to locate the pictures and notify the supervisor if they can't be found

The client skill acquisition plan specifies that a matching target should be presented using discrete trial training. which is the best example of how the RBT should present the target?

By having the client match target stimuli in a structured way

Laura works with a client whose most preferred reinforce is potato chips. Laura's supervising BCBA has instructed the team to maintain an establishing operation for potato chips while deferentially reinforcing the client's appropriate peer interactions. How should Laura proceed?

By only providing potato chips following an appropriate peer interaction

RBT wants to teach her student how to raise his hand at school. What is the bestoperational definition of hand raising?

C. Student fully extends one arm upwards hand open and facing out

And RBT tells a client to find a zebra in an array of pictures. The client locates the zebraand the RBT immediately delivers reinforcement. Which best describes the procedure the RBTis implementing?

C. discrete trial instruction

An RBT works with a client who engages in hand flapping when listening to stories. The supervising BCBA has instructed the RBT to collect data during all times when hand flapping is likely. When should the RBT collect data?

Classroom story time and during free time

Which materials are needed for the RBT to effectively run this program? Objective: Julio will expressively identify 10 community symbols when instructed by a program facilitator materials used: pencil, Datasheet, community symbols card, reinforcers prompting procedures: Julio will be prompted with most to least prompting. the prompt fading sequence will be verbal prompt, partial verbal prompt, no prompt master: Julio will correctly identify each target on 90% or above for three consecutive days across 2 program facilitators

Community symbols cards, pencil, data sheet, reinforcers

Review the following policy and answer the question below: All injuries regardless of severity must be documented on an incident report within 48 his incident reports must include time, date, client name, staff present, behavior, consequence medical attention was required, document extent of injury and course of treatment. During a difficult morning session, an RBT and a client were injured during a behavior crisis. What should the RBT do following the incident?

Complete and submit an incident report within the specific period of time

An RBT participated in a very successful intervention. The team would like to submit the graph data for presentation at a regional behavior analysis conference. in order to use the data on her poster submission what must they first considered?

Complying with standard for applicable legal and workplace requirements for sharing confidential information

Tokens are an example of which type of reinforcer?


RBT posted pictures of a client on her social media page. What ethical boundary does this cross?


A behavioral team has been working with Elis via her school district in order to fulfill her education plan stayed at 30 hours per week well the family goes through due process. Her family has requested an additional 10 hours per week in their home from the team. The team may or may not agree to contract additionally with the family after considering which guiding concept?

Conflict of interest

Craig, an RBT, is unsure of what to do when Matty throws his toys. Before the behavior occurs, what should Craig do to ensure that he responds appropriately when Matty throws toys.

Consult the behavior reduction plan to review the procedures

When graphing the client's data at the end of the day Susie notices of the client has not mastered any of the listener responding targets for three weeks. What should Susie do FIRST?

Contact the supervising BCBA and ask for guidance

An RBT is conducting an in-home session with an elderly client who lives with his son. While teaching the client to put on his socks the RBT notices two large bruises on the client's feet. Which is the best next step for the RBT?

Contact the supervising BCBA as soon as possible

Jessica lives in a residential facility for individuals with traumatic brain injury. When staff is distributing medication each afternoon she engages in disrupted vocalization which is maintained by attention. What is the best way for staff to implement extinction when disruptive vocalization occurs?

Continue distributing medications without responding to Jessica and provide attention when she makes appropriate vocalizations

When implementing a forward chaining procedure for brushing teeth an RBT notices at the learner despite multiple days of practice has not yet made progress towards mastery of the first skill in the chain. What is the best course of action for the RBT?

Continue running the chaining procedure on contact the supervising BCaBA after the session

Which reinforcement schedule should be implemented when establishing a new behavior?

Continuous reinforcement

Using the following whole interval measurement data sheet what would be the correctpercentage of intervals in which crying occurred?4 out of 5 is what percentage?

D. 80%

Which of the follow situation require an emergency procedure?

David becomes uncharacteristically agitated and runs out of the clinic into the street

Which of the following best describes the role of an RBT in the school setting?

Develop instructional procedures using ABA behavior

Ally screams loudly to get his mother's attention. Which procedure is most likely to be affected for replacing this behavior with a functionally equivalent behavior?

Differential reinforcement of alternative behavior

Which is a defining role of the RBT in the service delivery system?

Direct implementation of behavior analytic services

An RBT holds up a ball and says "ball" and waits for the client to say "ball". When the client says "ball" the RBT praises the client and hands them the ball. This sequence of events is repeated several times during the session. What type of instructional method is the RBT implementing?

Discrete trial training

RBT presents a shape sorter and circle to a child and instructs him to insert the circle into the corresponding slot. When the child responds correctly, reinforcement is delivered. Next, the RBT presents the squares and instructs him to insert the square into the corresponding slot. What procedure does this exemplify?

Discrete trial training

An RBT is teaching color identification using two color cardsTrial 1: A = shows a colored card and says "what color?"B = student accurately labels colorC = RBT delivers reinforcementTrial 2: A = RBT shows a colored card and says "what color?"B = student incorrectly labels colorC = RBT withholds reinforcement. which teaching procedure does this best exemplify?

Discrimination training

An RBT is teaching receptive identification using animal pictures. The RBT presents an elephant card and a giraffe card and instructs the child to touch the elephant. Following a correct response, reinforcement is delivered immediately. What does this exemplify?

Discrimination training

Valeria is implementing a skill acquisition program with her client. the client is presented with a red and a blue card. Valeria provides reinforcement when the client alleges the red card but does not provide reinforcement when the client selects the blue card what type of procedure is Valeria conducting?

Discrimination training

During an assessment a structured data sheet is used to collect data on skill probes. After the RBT completes the final trial for each prescribed target. What is the BEST way to summarize the data for each skill?

Divide the # of accurate trials by the # of total trials and multiply by 100 to get the % of trials correct

During an outing to the playground a client pushed pulls his pants down an begins tourinate what should the RBT do?

Do not draw attention to the behavior to protect his dignity

An RBT's nephew has been diagnosed with autism, and her brother has asked her to treathis son. What ethical boundary does this cross?

Dual relationship

Client having difficulty during discrete trial training. RBT decides to shape the behavior so that the client would stay seated for longer periods of time. What is the dimension of the behavior being shaped?


Jerry begins to engage in a tantrum, and the RBT begins a timer and stops the timer when the behavior ends. What measurement procedure is described?


Ellen is a 17-year-old with a behavior protocol for throwing objects which instruct all staff to remove themselves from the room until additional support staff can respond. This scenario identifies which essential component of a written behavior reduction plan?

Emergency/crisis management protocols

Which of the following is the BEST example of an objective session summary?

Erick screamed 10 times when he was asked to do something.

An RBT is teaching Isha to write her name. Isha then just herself when the task is presented. The RBT ignores the pinching and continues to present the task until it is completed. What procedure is the RBT implementing?

Escape extension

Gregory, an RBT has been assigned to a family who has just been approved for ABA services. At the end of the first in -home session, the father introduces Gregory to the mother as their son's behavior analyst. How should Gregory respond to this situation?

Explain his role as an RBT to the parents.

During the initial phase of an extinction program, an increase in the target behavior is observed. What is this known as?

Extinction burst

A topography-based operational definition focuses on what aspects of the target behavior?


An RBT is teaching a client to peel and eat a banana using a task analysis with three steps first the RBT picks up and feel said banana and the client is expected to eat the banana next the RBT picks up the banana and the client is expected to peel and eat the banana last the client is expected to perform all three steps which chaining procedures being used?

Forward chaining

Client has access to an array of stimuli. For 10 minutes, the RBT records data on how long the client engages with each item. Which type of preference assessment is described?

Free operant

Client is working on manding with eye contact. The RBT is instructed to mark each time the client mands with two seconds of eye contact. what type of data collection is this?


RBT works with a client who repeatedly says, " it is time to go". The RBT collected data on the number of statements made during a one -hour session. Which measurement procedure is used?


Following training, an RBT is asked to conduct an initial placement assessment. What is the first thing that the RBT should do?

Gather the materials for the assessment

Sander simulated conditions in his classroom. Bill learn to cross the street using a pedestrian-activated walk/don't walk sign. What does this exemplify?


A behavior reduction plan includes the following mastery criteria: work with a client 1-on-1 in a clinic room until he has zero instances of physical aggression against others for five consecutive days work 1-on-1 with a client in a room with several other clients and RBTs until the same criterion is metWork in the same room in the clinic but fade the RBT to client ratio each time the client meets the criterionTransition to a home-based program with a 1-on-1 RBT until the criterion is metParents are gradually faded in and the RBT is faded out what does this best exemplify?

Generalization procedures

Enrolled in a life skills program is baking cookies. The adult remembers that it is his friend's birthday and wants to double the recipe. RBT identified this as an opportunity to ___ multiplication. What procedure is being implemented?

Generalization training

Roberto, an RBT, is working with George, a student in a school setting, George does not use the bathroom independently and has toileting accidents at school. The classroom teacher has instructed Roberto to take George to the bathroom, which all of the students use and assist him with changing his clothes outside of the stall. What is the professional concern?

George's dignity is not maintained

An RBT is running a skill acquisition program that includes the use of most- to- least prompting. The criteria for moving to the next prompt type is two consecutive session with correct responding at 80% or higher. Based on the data illustrated in this graph, what should the RBT do during session 9?

Gradually change the location of the prompt during the session

Rainer, an RBT, is working with his client, Stevie, who currently has behavior plans for attention-maintained spitting and escape-maintained crying. During the session, Stevie begins screaming every time Rainer looks down to take data. Rainer records that this behavior occurred 12 times in 2 hr session. What is the BEST course of action for Rainer to take at the end of the session?

Graph the data for screaming noting for the supervising BCBA that on average it occurred every 10 mins and add an NCR procedure for attention every 9 mins2hr: 60 + 60 = 120120/12= 10 mins

Which the following are target behaviors that would be found in a skill acquisition plan?

Hand raining, sitting in desk, asking for help

The operational definition of aggression is any instance of hitting another person's body part with a closed fist. what is an example of aggression?

Hitting an adult in the stomach with a closed fist

What is the primary purpose of completing ABC data related to problem behavior?

Identify possible reinforcement contingencies

When is the optimal time to deliver reinforcement for a new target behavior?

Immediately after the completion of the behavior

An RBT is teaching a new skill using discrete trial training procedures. The RBT obtains a child's attention and delivers an SD. The child responds incorrectly. Which of the following best describes how the RBT should proceed?

Implement an error correction procedure and move on to the next trial

Eric engages in severe physical aggression when denied access to highly preferred items. An RBT has been instructed to give intermittent reinforcement with an iPad. When denied access to the iPad on his second break, Eric shoved the RBT to the ground and began to engage in property destruction on visible aggression. What is the best course of action for the RBT?

Implement crisis management procedures

A BCBA who is new to accompany observes an RBT with five years of experience working with a client and provides the RBT with feedback on how to accurately implement an error correction procedure. How should the RBT respond?

Implement the feedback and ask the BCBA to observe to ensure his accurately performing the procedure

An RBT is transporting clients and their confidential records from the day program to there residences. There are several stops scheduled along the way. What is the BEST way for the RBT to transport this information?

In a locked box

The child is playing with blocks on a break One of the child's current goals is to increase manding for tangibles. The child reaches for a block that the RBT has. The RBT prompts "block" and the child repeats" block". The child is given the block.What procedure is being used in this example?

Incidental teaching

What is the purpose of a prompt?

Increasing the chance of a correct response

When reading a behavior support plan, the RBT sees the following: What color? Prompt: Most to least prompting student Response: Student correctly identifies the color correct Response: provide reinforcement as prescribed and move to the next trial. (After 8/10 correct for 3 consecutive sessions, move to the least restrictive prompt.)Incorrect response: Withdraw materials, wait 4 seconds, re-present with the most intrusive prompt, acknowledge response, do not provide reinforcement, and move to the next trial. The student makes 3 consecutive errors for 2 consecutive sessions, returns to the previous prompt level, and notify the supervisor). Which part of the behavior support plan is this?

Instructional procedure

A child is given reinforcer after some correct response but NOT after every correct response. Which type of reinforcement schedule is this?

Intermittent reinforcement

John's mother informs his teacher that he can identify colors. However, when the teacher tests John using materials in the classroom, he does not respond correctly. Assuming that John continues to independently identify colors at home, what is the most likely problem?

Lack of generalization

Prior to the start of the session for the day the client's caregiver asked the RBT to immediately start implementing sensory processing targets with the client. What is the MOST appropriate course of action for the RBT?

Let the caregiver know they will bring it up to the supervisor as soon as possible and the BCBA will decide

Damian, an RBT, is trained in discrete trial teaching. The clinical director is impressed with Damian's skills and as him to run a new social skills program. Damian's supervising BCBA won't be able to train him until after the new program is scheduled to start. How can Damian BEST be in compliance with his roles as an RBT?

Let the clinical director know that he needs additional training before he can run the new program.

An RBT is asked to provide coverage for another RBT who is out sick. What is the FIRST thing the RBT should do to prepare for the session?

Look at skills acquisition and behavior reduction plans.

Client has a bowel movement on the floor of the work area. The RBT calls over other RBTs who also often work with a client to discuss it while the client is present. What important concept is the RBT violating?

Maintaining client dignity

During toilet training RBT notices is an open sore on the client's pelvic area. The RBT brings the client out of the stall and asks nearby staff to look at the sore. What area of the professional and ethical compliance code for behavior analysts is violated?

Maintaining client dignity

Prior to assisting with the washing her program, the RBT stays out of the bathroom while the client is getting undressed. After a minute the RBT knocks and asks if the client is in the shower. Once a client is behind the shower curtain, the RBT enters the bathroom and assists the client when asked. What does this scenario BEST represent?

Maintaining client dignity

Following successful Generalization checks, which of the following procedures should be implemented?

Maintenance programming

When reviewing a skill acquisition plan, the RBT identifies that each program uses continuous recording. With a central component of a skill acquisition plan has the RBT identified?

Measurement procedures

An RBT is teaching Greg to zip his backpack. First the RBT zips the backpack then he unzips the backpack and tells Greg to zip the backpack. Which type of prompt did the RBT use first?

Model prompt

Dave asks his mom for a cookie. She does not give him the cookie so Dave begins to cry. His mom then gives him the cookie and Dave stops crying. Assuming this pattern is repeated what is maintaining Dave crying?

Negative reinforcement

While looking at data for answering personal identification questions, Anne, an RBT, notices that her client responds at 80% or higher in her sessions but below 50% with the other RBT, Joe. What should Anne do?

Notify the supervisor of the observed discrepancy

Which of the following is a discontinuous measurement procedure?

Partial-interval recording

Which of the following is an appropriate assessment responsibility for an RBT?

Participating in functional analysis

Upon arrival at an in-home session, the parent informs the RBT that the client didn't feel well over the weekend but is fine for the session. The client initially presents in a typical manner. Soon into the session, the client begins to engage in atypical behavior that significantly interferes with treatment. What should the RBT do?

Pause session and contact the BCBA immediately

Neal, an RBT, is taking data on completion of his client's math worksheets during study hall. At the end of the study hall period, Neal records his data. What type of measurement procedure is Neal using?

Permanent product

Workers on a factory assembly line paint each component of a new car. At the end of each shift, the supervisor counts the components that were painted, which yields a productivity score per the 8 hr shift. This is an example of which type of data collection?

Permanent product

Eli is working on a vocational task that requires him to assemble toothbrush holders. The RBT collects data at the end of the session by recording the total number of toothbrush holders that Eli has assembled. What type of measurement procedure is this?

Permanent product recording

An RBT works in home with the family during the holiday season. After leaving the sessionhe realizes that the care given had secretly placed a gift card into his bag. How should the RBT proceed?

Politely explain he cannot accept the gift and return the gift card

A child asks for more chicken nuggets at dinner. The parent responds by providing more chicken nuggets to the child. The parent reports an increase in mands for chicken nuggets throughout the week.What does this exemplify?

Positive reinforcement

Terri disrupts class by talking to peers about topics unrelated to the content presented by the teacher. Terri's peers interact with Terri by talking back. The teacher notices that Terri's talking ___ has increased over the past month.For Terri, what is the function of peers talking back?


When conducting a preference assessment for an individual what is a good guideline forpreparing assessment stimuli?

Present the stimuli based on category, e.g. Just toys, just books or just electronics

The RBT assist a client to respond correctly by guiding his hand to the target stimulus. After a few successful trials, the RBT assists by touching the client's elbow. What procedure does this exemplify?

Prompt fading

Which of the following is an example of a stimulus control transfer procedure?

Prompt fading

During free play John gestures for an out of reach car by pointing. Using incidental teaching what should the RBT do next?

Provide an echoic prompt

Mario scratch is his face. The behavior analyst has decided to implement the procedure to strengthen an incompatible behavior. Which of the following is an essential component of this procedure?

Providing reinforcement for activities that require Mario to use his hands

An RBT is teaching a client to fold his socks. The program steps are: Find 2 matching socks. put socks together. Fold one sock into the other. Put socks in the dresser drawer after proving, it is determined that the client cannot perform any of the steps independently. What step should the RBT start teaching if she's using backward chaining?

Put socks in dresser drawer

A resident at a group home faces up and down his hallway. An RBT was instructed to start her stop watch at the onset of pacing and end the timer when he stops spacing for 10 seconds.what type of data is the RBT collecting?


On a multiple stimulus without replacement preference assessment using tangibles, that should the RBT do immediately after the individual makes a choice?

Record the selection made, remove the stimulus, and rearrange the order of there maining stimuli before the next trial

Jeff and Laura are RBTs who work together on a case. During a parent debriefing Laura begins to explain new programming idea that she would like to implement during the next session. Jeff knows that this ideas are not part of the behavior plan. What should Jeff do first?

Redirect the conversation to a current plan then privately remind Laura that program changes are up to the BCBA

A 20 year- old client engages in screaming when a staff member asks her to take her medication. Which is the following BEST describe the implementation of DRA for this behavior?

Reinforce the mand "May I wait 5 minutes to take my medicine", and do not reinforce screaming.

How could shaping be used to teach language?

Reinforcing improved vocal approximations

Winston, an RBT, works in a school setting and is trained to implement the school's crisis procedure, which is to restrain a student who engages in aggression. Winston observes the student engaging in behaviors that often precede aggression. To avoid escalation, Winston thinks it would be more effective to restrain the student before he can engage in aggression. How should Winston proceed?

Restrain the student to prevent his behaviors from escalating to aggression

Which of the following would most likely be included in a written behavior reduction plan?

Results of the preference assessment

Which of the following is a responsibility of an RBT who is preparing to conduct data collection?

Reviewing the behavior definitions

Tonia is an RBT working with Shaun, who engages in disruptive verbal outbursts whenever someone stops talking to him. During the start of each session, Tonia set a timer for five minutes every after he raises a green card on the table on tax with Shaun about anything he wants. After the five-minute interval, Tonia removes the green card and stops talking to Sean for two minutes. What is the intended function of the green card?


Clients parent has discussed lack of generalization in the community setting they would like the RBT to implement it's still acquisition program in other environments. What should the RBT do FIRST?

Schedule an observation in the community setting

Which target behavior is observable and measurable?


An RBT is implementing a shaping procedure to teach a client how to use a copying statement during distressing situations. Which of the following client behaviors would be the most likely starting behavior for the RBT to reinforce?

Stating the first word of the statement

While working on a new toilet program with a 10 yr old at school, an RBT takes the client to the classroom bathroom, holds the door open and tells the client to hurry up. The student comes out of the bathroom without pulling up his pants. What would have been the BEST course of action?

Stay in the bathroom with the client to prompt each step as needed. Assist the client with pulling up his pants before exiting the bathroom

Which activity is within the scope of an RBT when assisting with functional assessment procedures?

Summarize and graph the data

Nina, an RBT working with a child who was recently diagnosed with ASD has been told by the child's parents that they will be consulting a holistic doctor to give the child supplements to help cure his disorder. Nina tells the parents that there are no data to support supplement and that if the child becomes sick from the supplements, she might not be able to work with the child anymore. The family decides to choose a new RBT. As a result of this interaction, what should Nina have done instead?

Thank the parents for the information and immediately passed it along to the BCBA or BCaBA

An academic skill assessment is being conducted for student who is not progressing in school. Why is this assessment important?

The assessment results will reveal behavior problems that impede learning

Which of the following is the BEST example of describing behavior in observable terms?

The client hit her head with her hand and dropped to the floor

Review these notes from an RBTS afternoon session with Kyle. Kyle was in a bad mood today. When I arrived at the home, mom seemed annoyed when I asked how his day was. She said that he had been misbehaving all day. When I walk over to Kyle to say hello he freaked out and kicked me in the shin. After about 20 minutes I was able to get him to sit down and do some matching at the kitchen table. I think he did not feel well. What is the problem with how the notes were written?

The notes include subjective information

Charles was hard to do his job with the aid of a token economy. Throughout training adense reinforcement schedule was employed what is the most reasonable course of action to promote future maintenance of job performance?

Thin the reinforcement schedule

Which of the following is most acceptable to including session notes?

Thomas displayed behavior targeted for reduction during this session (tantrum) and was redirected back to task using his behavior implementation plan

Following presentation of the SD, an RBT pauses for 5 secs before prompting. The RBT notices that the learner is becoming prompt dependent, so he increases the pause to 7 seconds. Which type of prompt fading procedure does this exemplify?

Time delay

An RBT gathers a Datasheet, writing utensil and clipboard. What additional tool does theRBT need to record latency data?


Tim, and RBT, is assisting their behavior analyst with conducting a preference assessment for a new client. Before Tim can conduct the preference assessment, he needs to gather materials. Which is the best list of items for Tim to gather to conduct the preference assessment appropriately?

Timing devices, variety of novel stimuli, a clipboard and writing utensils

In order to motivate his athletes, a coach provided medals to those who finish in first place during practice. After 3 medals are collected, the athletes are allowed to exchange them for food and drinks. What does this exemplify?

Toke system

RBT working with a client uses tickets to reward client after tasks are completed correctly. After the client earns 5 tickets he gains access to desired activity. What system of reinforcement is being used?

Token economy

Juanita can successfully complete each step to make a sandwich for her lunch, but she has a difficult time completing that task when asked to put all components of the skills together. What should be an effective way to teach sandwich making to mastery?

Total task chaining

When at work, Jared repeatedly asks his RBT, Paige, questions that should be directed to his boss. Paige decides to stand next to the boss and answer Jared's questions. Next, Paige stands next to the boss while the boss answers the questions. Then, Paige gradually moves further away from the boss while the boss continues to answer all of Jared's questions. What is Paige attempting to do?

Transfer stimulus control

Eleanor is an RBT working with a hyperactive client. She is struggling to collect accurate data on the child's independent and prompted use of mands during sessions. Given that she has consent for data purposes, she uses her tablet to video the sessions so she can record the data later. What are the MOST appropriate steps she should take in order to securely collect data on this manner?

Use a passcode on her tablet, code the video with the client's initials only and delete the video once the data are recorded

An RBT reviews a learner's skill acquisition plan and finds that it requires recording duration of independent academic work in seconds. What is the BEST way to accurately capture duration?

Use a stopwatch

BCBA asks the RBT to describe the topography of a behavior. What is he asking?

What the behavior looks like

What does transfer of stimulus control mean?

When behavior initially evoked by 1 SD comes under the control of another SD

Which of the following is a measurable example of verbal behavior?

Whistling for a dog

Austin is a 14-year-old who speaks out without permission in class. Every 10 minutes the RBT scores "yes" on the Datasheet if speaking out occurred during each 10 minute time period and "no" if Austin did not speak out. What type of data collection system is the RBT implementing?

Whole interval recording

Megan is learning to tie her shoes. What is the best approach for the RBT to increase the effectiveness of juice, a preferred reinforcer?

With hold juice from Megan until the program starts

When teaching a client to discriminate between the colors blue and red, which stimulus set would be the Best to use?

blue and red square

An antecedent is defined as a stimulus that ________ a behavior.


A BCBA and her team are conducting a functional assessment of a client's behavior. The data collection system documents the events that come before and after each instance of the behavior. Why does the BCBA need this information?

to develop a function -based intervention for the behavior

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